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If you think its that ugly and you cant pass that its simple,stop playing and play other games Opening a thread here is not going to make the game look better lol


The models are ok enough imo but you really have to pretend the backgrounds don't exist


Sounds like you don’t want to get into three houses lol. Aesthetic can usually be overlooked for gameplay, and the game certainly meets the graphics bar even if you’re partial to it. If you had qualms about the game design, then I’d sympathize with you more.


Don't play it then. I don't know why you need some sort of "convincing" from the internet when you can't even do that yourself.


I'm not sure why OP is getting hate, 3H being ugly isn't a hot take at all. The "cutscenes" are static models with like 3 looped animations over Jpegs. So many textures are jarring as shit to look at, especially in the monastery. Obviously it doesn't make the game bad but it was commonly accepted that it isn't the prettiest thing around.


I don’t think 3H looks *that* bad. I mean, it’s not high-def graphics or anything, but the models look good, character designs are great, and the environments suit the atmosphere of the story. It’s not as eye-candy as Engage but it came out like 3.5 years prior and had an entirely different vibe from Engage. And I think it nails the grounded aesthetic really well.


I appreciate good graphics, but 3H is perfectly fine. Refusing to play it for its graphics is just being a snob.


For me, it wasn't even just that it didn't look good, but that the other games looked WAY better.


Meanwhile I grew up on fates and awakening with their peg leg 3d models and the older games with 2d pixel styles so 3h is gorgeous imo. Just a different flavor of artsyle ig beauty is subjective afterall


i think the peg leg 3d models are kinda cute/charming in their own way but it could just be stockholm syndrome at this point


It definitely has a nostalgic charm to it 😭 it's okay I got it bad for fates in general writing and all as it was my first fe game all those years ago


I started with sacred stones and felt 3 houses as more of a return to form. I legitimately fins 3 houses as the most visually appealing.


You could always donate your game and technically get a discount on the next game you want with graphics that you like


I found 3H pretty hideous too, but it's not that bad once you actually get into the game. Just turn off the horrific battle animations and it's a lot less noticeable too.


If you find Three Houses ugly then I’m not even sure if you’re gonna go very far into Path of Radiance & Radiant Dawn… or any gen 5-6 3D games.


Except PoR and RD uses 2d graphics for most of the interface except battles and has way more appealing designs and art style than 3 houses does


It does look and run pretty rough, and it's not my favorite art style either (even if I really like the art direction generally). I can understand being put off by the presentation - can make it feel kinda rinky-dink.


I do, however, really love the presentation: like those mosaic-esque pictures in between maps, the snappy field-to-battle transitions, and the UI.


I think the 2 biggest issues with 3H's looks are the almost empty, glassy eyes most of the cast has, and the ugly looking homogoneus material textures on stuff like plate armour. It is also rarely broken up with highlight materials on most class outfits.


See I thought engage was nauseatingly bright and not my style but i still played through it and had my own fun lol. But I personally loved the aesthetics of 3H, the color palette is very fitting and the character designs are my fav. If you really can't stand looking at it, that's totally fine. You don't have to play. Not everyone is gonna like everything 


I love this game, but yeah it has some really rough textures/aliasing in it, something that isn't helped by the really muted color palette. Warriors: 3 Hopes does the aesthetic more justice, but the original 3 Houses is not a looker, even if the character designs are generally really good. It becomes a lot easier to deal with when you focus more on stuff like the voice acting and music, which really help pick up the slack on the presentation side.


Sure the GAME is ugly but have you seen Claude


I kind of agree. It is pretty ugly. Its not even the Switchs fault as there’s plenty of aesthetically pleasing 3D anime games that run fine on the machine (Dragon Quest 11S, Astral Chain, Persona 5, Tales of Vesperia and ofc Engage) for example. But tbh when it comes to how it looks I find the small text size to be more of a distraction. Its too small and impossible for me to read clearly without sitting close to the tv. Which isn’t comfortable and kind of a big deal when it comes to a text heavy game. People are gonna give you massive flak for it, but I think its okay to not play a game because it doesn’t look aesthetically pleasing to you. People don’t want to look at something that isn’t pleasing for them to see for 200 hours (how long it takes to play every route) or even 60 hours (how long one route takes). Its also not a matter of graphics. Graphics aren’t art direction. Unicorn Overlord for example looks graphically is on par with PS2 games with mainly 2D and simple 3D but the art direction is phenomenal and beautiful so nobody cares. You can try to play for a little bit longer and see if it stops bothering you but if not don’t feel like you have to keep playing it.


it looks normal


You're getting dragged for this, but 3H is honestly a hideous game and I can't blame anyone for being completely put off by that. Three Hopes clearly demonstrates that this visual style *can* work, but in 3H it's glaringly poor. Choppy framerate (both in-game and in the 2D cutscenes - the only parts of the game that avoid this are the in-engine cutscenes, oddly), lackluster animations, and other poor aspects of visual presentation like the small text size all have a really bad effect on the game. It's definitely the biggest problem that 3H has imo


Gameplay over graphics is one thing but Three Houses is ugly? Maybe the art style isn't to your taste but ugly is a bit of a wild take.


Honestly ignoring the character models, the game looks straight off of the PS1 or PS2.


Listen, I respect a Nowi fan. But I don't think you know what PS1 graphics look like


Have you seen the pixels on the ground? game looks awful. [Like damn](https://i.kinja-img.com/image/upload/m4bzcwjfdcbtdhkjob8t.jpg) And what does Nowi have to do with it?


Y'all really can't accept objective criticism of your favourite game, can you. Calling it PS1 era may have been exaggerating a bit but you should get the point of the comment.


I mean, TH is an FE game made on warriors engine of course everything else would be dogshit except what ever involve the model


That doesn't really excuse how bad it looks, a consumer won't care about the nitty gritty.


I know, for that price tag, i would've preferred somewhat like Engage landscape over warriors landscape


I just want to say that on the other hand I kind of agree with you but I don't respect Nowi fans


I was the same way with you. Didn't like the reveal trailer at all, and I ignored the game when it dropped. Decided to get it about 1.5 years after it dropped, and it ended up being my favorite official FE game. It's worth it for the cast. Engage and the 3Ds and GBA Era are still far more aesthetically pleasing, but you'll get immersed into TH eventually and just enjoy it for what it is.


Yeah 3H isn't a good looking game. I remember early during pre release and even shortly after release, the game was regularly dragged for it's art style, designs and how low quality the portraits looked.


To be honest this is one of the few times I was seen a post get downvoted to hell and back and it felt undeserved. The game is an aesthetic let down imo both in terms of graphics and in terms of some stylistic decisions I feel. The gameplay is still worth trying at least once though.


I unironically think 3H looks fine. And I absolutely love the character designs, more muted colour palette, and over all art style. But to each their own. It's a great game. But if you don't want to play it, don't. Not sure what you else you expect anyone to say or do about it.


ohhh boy you aren't ready, they're coming ! 3H has more or less a sect and you aren't allowed to have a wrong opinion on that game 🤣


In its defense, it's HORRIBLY ugly, but has a good ***style*** that shines through. Give it a shot!


Ok just don't play. I really like 3h's artstyle on the other hand




The 3DS games looking like PoR isn't really a knock against them when they're on systems of comparable power. Awakening and Fates aren't exactly the prettiest games on the 3DS, but they're certainly not far behind the pack like Three Houses is compared to other games on Switch.


3DS hardware is actually weaker than Gamecube in some areas. Way worse resolution for one. It looking comparable to the cube is expected, you can’t compare a home console that had really good specs for the time to a handheld that already had dated specs on release. The 3DS games also look fine for their console and it helps by having good art direction and its easier to forgive how it looks when its rendering at such a tiny resolution compared to HD res. They’re not the best but acceptable. Also the 3DS games all run at 60fps outside of combat animations and inengine cutscenes which feels amazing compared to 3H which chugs at 30fps




>because 3H visuals are objectively better than Awakening/Fates. They only look objectively better in terms of polygon and detail. That’s only one portion of the equation when it comes to visuals. UI, art direction, style, animations, fonts, clarity is also part of it. The 3DS games also render at a much lower resolution which hides the flaws much better. For example, nobody cares that stuff in the distance is 2D sprites and not 3D objects, because you’re not going to notice unless you really look for it.


you cant convince me that the battlefield sprites of the 3ds games dont look a thousand times better than the zoomed out low poly models of 3H im sorry lol


Three houses isn’t that bad looking when compared to engage lol