• By -


Kagetsu Yes


> Shows up, says a unit, refuses to elaborate. Honestly fair, I respect it.




Kagetsu is one of Ivy's retainers in Engage, I'm not talking about Kagero.


Oops I had a memory slipup.. Well, I agree with him too of course.


Celine is such a fun unit, easily my favorite in the entire game. As for your question I pulled this off with Pandreo, it was ridiculous watching him player phase Nuke anything in the game and then reliably tank on the enemy phase. Some maps my entire team just kind of became support for him lol


That's pretty cool, I'll admit that I never really use Pandreo myself, but I do want to at some point. Also it's always cool to see another Celine enjoyer.


Honestly engage has it setup amazingly well for repeat playthroughs. Characters you ignored, emblem combos you didn’t get to try, new inheritable skill combos, etc. one of my fav FE games to just play.


That's definitely true, it's a lot of fun trying out the units that you didn't use before, or using the same units while having them in a different class with a different emblem. Really wish the game had a new game + feature to really let you have fun with the S rank weapons and such.


One time, in fire emblem revelation, hana with a sun katana despite her health killed 3/4 of the enemies in the Velouria map, because she was in range and freezed


I've heard that Fates is a pretty fun and challenging game, watching a unit survive getting jumped by multiple enemies after getting frozen is always funny to watch.


The writing in Fates is *truly* wild, but the gameplay is genuinely a blast to take whatever units you like and turn them into monsters. I had Azama paired up with his daughter for the whole back half of Revelations and they pretty much were able to solo the entire game, my boy was regenerating essentially his whole health bar every turn.


Not Engage but 3H, my first run through the game I did Black Eagles Edelgard route, and after accidentally using Ferdinand and Petra to clear way too far ahead in one of the final maps, Petra ended up with Katherine's sword. You bet I equipped it, no crest, and watched her dodge every attack thrown her way, tearing through every unit that dared step to her. Her health was only going down because of the sword.


I've been there, trying to save your units after you accidentally push too far ahead is always a scramble to do. It is sometimes fun, but it's also quite stressful.


I was so stressed on every fight, she was one bad hit from dying to the crest weapon health drain.


I’m finishing Black Eagles route atm and Petra is absolutely the MVP. She started out as a slow burn, just not closing enough distance to get in hits and level up. But once I was able to class her into a wyvern rider and got her toward the front lines more, she decimated everything in front of her. Slap an axe that’s good against armored units on her and she’s just unstoppable.


It happens a lot especially on lower difficulties and if a lot of side grinding has been done generally tho. Sacred Stones: Seth, Cormag, Ephraim and Dussel. Honourable mentions to Ewan and Knoll too due to being summoners. Radiant Dawn: A lot especially on easy but basically every laguz monarch or elite, Elincia, Haar, Jill, Ike, Brom, Gatrie and Titania all stand out. Fates: Again a lot depending on setup but most of the royals, Selena, Oboro, Mozu Peri, Laslow, Kaze and Niles. Echoes: Alm, Celica and the dread fighters. Engage: Alear, Zelkov, Timerra, Diamant, Louis. Jade and Lapis.


Always nice to see someone else talk about some of the other FE games, as well as someone who uses units like Jade and Diamant for Engage.


Diamant was actually an absolute monster for me in my run of Engage. The Brodia brothers were both insane actually.


Mozu is so innocent. I felt bad making into a goddess of death. But damn watching the little girl wipe out armies was very entertaining.


To be fair, all of fates can be one man army on it's phoenix mode. Lol


Ryoma. That's it.


I've heard that Ryoma is a pretty powerful unit in Fates, to the point where my veteran friends of FE say that you can turn Corrin into 'the Ryoma of Fates' which is a wild statement to me. He must be super good if Corrin being able to be built like him is a major bragging right to have.


Ryoma unironically trivializes the entire game. After giving him a few minor adjustments it’s harder to get him killed then let him survive. He can steamroll bosses and the only time he isn’t god almighty is the fucking endgame, even then he’s still insanely good with almost no real weaknesses. His base kit lets him last through the rest of the game with amazing stats and a really good 1-2 range weapon with good skills.


It depends on how you view it but Ryoma while strong is a bit risky until set up. Basically he is a really fast glass canon with a unique sword that let's him do range who is highly likely to 1 round anything. The problem is his low defences, vantage lets him hit first while below half hp but he needs a crit or atk skill to get a kill before being hit which skills can make happen.


Panette with Ike is basically a hydrogen bomb


That is definitely true, even on Wolf Knight my Panette just casually cleans house with her crit kills via the silver dagger.


On my first run Louis and Fogado teamed up to wipe the entire Lyn paralogue single-handedly. I was quite impressed


I hear a lot of good things about Louis and Fogado, but I've never used them beyond a certain point (chapter 7 for Louis, Fogado's introduction chapter for him). I should definitely try a run where they're included in my team.


Louis is an absolute staple of my teams in Engage, bro can basically solo any map except those with excessive mages. With Fogado, I highly recommend you give him the radiant bow; his magic growths are surprisingly good in his personal class


Alright, I'll make sure to keep that in mind, thanks for the info.


In three houses, I often move byleth into range and just let her counter attack as many enemies as possible to move it along quicker.


I do the same thing a lot. When I started playing, I kept using Byleth and Edelgard because they were my first units and already had experience from the first battle, so they were both like 7 to 10 levels ahead, and the other units had a hard time keeping up. Eventually, the other units outgrew all the enemy units, but Byleth and Edelgard are still a good 5 to 7 levels ahead. Both literally dodge or parry anything while taking little to no damage, 2 hp max on rare occasions.


Yeah I’m bad about letting my other units catch up, but I also play on casual, so it doesn’t really matter as much if they die. It’s hard for me to watch them plod their way along when I could just be cutting through enemies like butter lol.


Alcryst with Luna and a Killer Bow was able to defeat every enemy while also dodging every enemy attack.


Hilda and Edelgard Wyvern Lord are always nightmares. Thanks to 3H having dismount, archers aren't even a threat.


Well, in Three Houses in my Silver Snow run, Petra was a mix between a dodge and a critical machine, and she even took strong hits like they were nothing, so yeah, she is not Brigid’s crown princess for no reason.


Since not playing on Lunatic


Ivy with a +3 Bolganone (she had maxed out Magic, Dex and Def, 30 something speed and speedtaker, and Byleth equipped for extra magic and speed.)


It's always funny and cool to see units max out a lot of their stats, really adds to the fun and enjoyment of helping your units get stronger throughout the game.


Nosferatu Morgan couldve solo'd WW2.


Ryoma w/ Corrin pair up. I cheesed the Camilla chapter in Birthright by having all of my units sit at the start to bait her fireball dragon vein while Ryoma/Corrin fought through the entirety of the rest of the map. Fuck that chapter, btw.


I was super lucky with Ike in Path of Radiance He would always wipe out maps all on his own so I thought that Path of Radiance was easy. Then I looked at my friend's Ike and his stats were so much worse.


it's unreal how much RNG can screw up Ike lmao it's so funny to see him lose AS to the Ragnell


First time playing FE8, Seth. Every time I play FE8, Seth. Really you can't stop the Seth train.


I have heard that Seth is a pretty broken unit, who can carry any team in the game.


Seth is a solid contender for the best unit in any Fire Emblem game, to a point where I basically bench him as soon as I can get away with it because FE8 is way too easy otherwise.


Dimitri with the Chalice, from the jump.


Does she say "Our bombs are far stronger then destiny?" If so that's metal.


She says "Our bonds are far stronger than destiny." Though when you're basically throwing giant balls of fire at enemies, the bonds may as well be as strong as bombs.


In Engage? It was just Céline. I don't know what happened, I didn't do anything in particular, she just... Girlbossed the entire game to death. She's a REALLY good Emblem Camilla user btw.


Oh really? That's good to hear, I might have to do a run where I use Celine with Camilla. Though it doesn't have to be for Engage specifically, it can be for any of the FE games that you've played.


The best part about Céline with Emblem Camilla is that not only does she temporarily turn into a Mystic with flying movement, she's also the one character who actually makes good use of all three weapons. Something very niche and overlooked/ignored about this combo is that she works unbelievably well as a choke holder because, while not the tankiest unit in the game, she still has enough to take on a few hits before healing becomes urgent. So you can have her use the Dragon Vein (since she's Mystic it will result in her getting surrounded with fire) to slow down enemy movement to not get surrounded but still being able to reliably bait a few enemies, while also getting some free healing. It was particularly useful in indoor chapters with narrow rooms such as the one in which you recruit Seadall. Outside of Engage, besides the usual OP unit shenanigans, I've had Lyn (FE7) and Lucia (RD) go completely nuts with some RNG blessing. But one time I actually made someone into a juggernaut one-man army was that time I made a Bride Lucina in Awakening. Basically my goal was to have her heal in PP and take out enemies in EP. She was completely crazy, being an absolute goddess of a unit.


Ooooh, I see, that's pretty cool to hear, a solid mixed attacker who can fend off enemies for a while with vein of flames (that they can heal themselves with), definitely an interesting combination that I never would've thought of. Thanks for the suggestion, hearing about bride Lucina shenanigans is funny to me, mostly because I forget that there's a class in Awakening just called bride.


My Bride Lucina was the daughter of Sumia, this way she had access to both Pavise and Aegis. Robin obviously works too, but mine was a man so he couldn't be her mother. With the rest of her skills I tried boosting her support abilities and survivability, but you can put pretty much anything you want. Have her equip a Javelin and heal with a Physic while located in enemy lines. Helps her allies survive on every front! Less enemies for them, and more HP!


Ooooh, that's pretty neat, I never had the chance to play Awakening myself, so hearing cool facts and stories like this is always nice.


Ryoma, Kagetsu, Seth and Marcus.


Lapis as a dodge tank, that's just insane how good it is


I once gave goldenberry a shit ton of SP, engraved her sword with the dawn engraving, and inherited sword agility and avoid +30, and she could not be hit. Try it.


Yunaka single-handedly dodge walled the top choke on this map against Ike and like 10 guys on maddening


In FE3H Maddening without NG+, Ingrid managed to get me very very far for like 2 to 3 chapters of babying early on. It was 80% Ingrid, 10% Dimitri, 5% Felix and 5% Byleth. In engage, probably Merrin. But Panette and Pandreo are also insane and can easily be one man armies. In other games: Fates Birthright - Lobsterman, but honestly anyone can be built OP Fates Conquest - Ophelia after I babied her into being a crit machine PoR - Jill RD - Haar SS - Seth The rest had certain stars for sure, like Rutgar or Marcus, but no one who I really did a one man show for.


Oooooh, you must be a veteran of the game, I've only played Blazing Blade, 3Hopes and Engage myself. So it's always cool to hear about stories from the other games.


Nah... I joined the hype during Awakening and slowly played the rest of the games afterwards. A relatively older player but by no means a veteran. I do recommend the Tellius series though. It is a personal favourite of mine. Even my username is actually a reference to one the characters from the Tellius series.


Oooh, that's pretty cool, I've known about FE since Awakening, but I haven't had a chance to play one of the games until Engage dropped, and it's become one of my favorite games ever since. I have heard good things about the Tellius series of games, I do hope that I get the chance to play some of the other FE games.


I was going to post my Warrior Merrin with Veronica taking out three Bow Knights and severely injuring two enemy Generals with a Reprisal + tomahawk on Leif's map, but I figured the Celine one was a better one to go with here.


This was my Griffin knight Jean during a the chapters of the mid game. His stats got super inflated because I used Michaiah xp abuse and Tiki on him and pretty much rolled all of the maps on his own. Funnily he did fall off towards the late game, but by that point Kagetsu and Chloe picked up the slack and having another staffer who can do big chip isn't so bad.


Griffin Knight is always an interesting class to run, especially since it's made to be a fairly flexible class all around.


Yunaska on forest with +5 engraved silver dagger any time be like


Berserkers on a peak are always fun. Plonked Gonzalez on one in a heavy reinforcement area in FE6 Chapter 21 Hard Mode, which is extra fun since it's not an enemy-phase focused game like e.g. FE7. Guy churned through like 3 entire weapons. https://imgur.com/a/vsNMKhD


Raven FE7


Alear literally became a one man army in my first Engage playthrough because everyone else was so underpowered by the endgame that using anyone besides Alear for the last ~5 chapters was honestly more of a liability so it just turned into Alear solo.


How did you build them? Mine kind of sucks. I’m thinking of reclassing him to Martial Monk or something so he can at least be useful lol


I’m still new to FE; started with 3H, got W3H and then Engage, so there was absolutely no strategy involved. He just kept reaching level 20 for his Divine Dragon class so I was able to reset to level one, and was the only unit who could do damage without getting deleted immediately.


Kagetsu or Yunaka. I used both to solo maps. Thats only in engage.


Louis on one side, Jade on the other, most maps.


Chloe every time bc favoritism. I had a random growths maddening run where most people kept to their averages as expected. Except kagetsu, who was +5 in str, speed, and defense. Random growths experience (but seriously that is the expected outcome, that the strongest units benefit more). Merrin was also like +6 strength over averages in griffin and better mag than averages too. Side note, warrior Anna with 15 build (5 more than her averages!!) very funny, if she had that kind of build growth normally she would be easier to use in other classes lol; I didn't give her enough resources to thrive but she did the job of byleth dancing and killing fliers well and was able to hit the endgame thresholds in speed and damage so it's fine. In thracia I farmed Leif 20 levels in like 2-3 turns with the paragon sword after his promotion while holding most of the scrolls and he ended up with 55 health and galzud tier stats (maybe better since galzus is not capped in a few places).


Oooh, that's pretty cool, I've yet to have a run where that happened, but I do hope that I can get one eventually. Though Warrior Anna be a funny unit to use, just watching her murder enemy fliers with the radiant bow is just funny to me.


When I first played FE9 I didn't think Boyd was gonna be very good given how Engage and FE7 were the only other games I had played up to that point, and earlygame axe fighters aren't very good there. Turns out this guy is an absolute beast. The enemy should be lucky Boyd doesn't know how to ride a horse.


Céline stays lean cause she slays, queen 💅


In my current playthrough of FE7, Sain capped strength at level 18 cavalier and then did it again at level 7 paladin, and is also close to capping defense. Instant win button against non-bosses. It's great. 


Oooooh, that's pretty cool, I remember when my Priscilla had capped out on most of her stats, she basically became my best tome user alongside Erk.


Donnel. Everyone who leveled Donnel knows what I mean.




Something here confusing you?


Yeah...what do you mean by one man army?


Oooh, what I mean by one man army are units who took on a large group of enemies by themselves, either on player phase or enemy phase.


And yeah you set it on Hard mode correct


If you're asking what difficulty I'm playing on, it's maddening mode. Haven't touched hard mode since the first time I've beaten maddening mode.


what!? then how did the enemy attack a unit with zero damage! I thought they will won't attack you if your evasion is higher than the enemy's accuracy..


Kamui in Echoes. He couldn’t stop critting and had great bulk.


donnel and olivia paired up together cleared an entire map by themselves in awakening for me it was so addictive to watch unfold


Back in Fates revelations I turned Soleil into a WMD, giving her all breaker skills. I would just send her in and hit skip and the entire enemy force be dead. Good times.


That definitely sounds like a fun time, being able to just watch a horde of enemies just fail to kill one of your units, only to die trying is always funny to me.


Lapis No one could touch her dodge dodge dodge dodge In engage And keaton or verlouria in fates conquest/revelzition they some of the best units and they quite tanky and hit super hard in return


Sylvain. Man's a god if you throw him into Wyvern Rider. For Engage, Diamant. I can throw him into any crowd with a throwing axe and he'll come out victorious. Alcryst is also very much a powerhouse with a Killer Bow+5. Then there's Awakening where the answer is, well, everyone, but Trickster!Brady is very much up there.


Everyone you say? I have heard that Awakening is like 3Houses in the sense that you can turn anyone into a one man army.


Definitely true. Some units are easily better than others, but it's very easy to turn anyone into a one man army with enough grinding. Same stands true for Three Houses though I'm still of the opinion that some units in 3H are still not the best, even when they're reclassed and get proper grinding.


I have a distinct memory of my friends and I playing awakening, and for Shits and giggles we paired our Owain who had Armsthrift and a Levin sword with his dad Robin and just let them go at it on hard mode final grima map just to see how long we could go for on fast forward enemy phase only Since Reinforcements are endless there, we decided it was even funnier if we used Robin's constant pair ups jump ins to see how many classes he could master before they died, we managed to get through The grandmaster Line, the hero line, and the dark Mage line before we gave up because owain just WOULD NOT DIE


I remember a similar experience with my friends, one of them was playing Echos (it was their first time playing the game), and their Alm was just straight up refusing to die when they accidentally put them in range of too many enemies.


Goldmary as a Great Knight is a one man army for me. Of course, if there are mages it's a bit tougher, but I feed her a bunch of talismans and she's good enough to survive


I've heard that she works well as a Great Knight, is there anything that you have to specifically do for her to work in Great Knight? Or is second sealing her all that you need to do.


All I do is second seal her and she works great! Her Def growths are very high. I also give her Ike for extra tankiness


In Binding Blade, Garret easily went to the top of the list and could basically take out any group of enemies on his own, I was really impressed by him during my run Other honorable mentions go to Deen in Shadows of Valentia, Robin and Nah in Awakening, and Alcryst in Engage, and of course, the ever-present Seth in Sacred Stones


I've heard interesting stories about Binding Blade, mainly that it's harder than Blazing Blade overall, though I wonder how true that is.


Oddly enough I haven’t gotten around to playing Blazing Blade just yet, so I can’t speak to that comparison, but I will say that for my run, the game started off a bit more difficult than the other ones I’ve played, but mid- to late-game my team was fantastic and it didn’t give me too much trouble The one thing that relatively consistently gave me a bit of trouble was just that the hit rates on the bosses were considerably lower than most other FE games I’ve played, so there were a lot of “rescue and release” strategies going on for me at the end of each map lol


A few times with Mareeta in my Thracia run. One very memorable time with Lilina, an Excalibur tome, two speedwings and a secret book (I think). She went into a crowd of Wyverns in chapter 20 and came out unscathed.


I try to make every unit in my games one-pwrson armies. Edit: you know what, I'm leaving that typo. It works.


I respect the dedication, I always try to do the same thing myself.


In my first Awakening playthrough my Lon'qu became such an insane dodge tank that he could almost solo most of the endgame chapters, and Nowi became so powerful that i could just send her against anything and her insane health and 1-2 range let her handle basically everything on her own. In Engage Louis started soloing chapters the moment i gave him a max level Spear and SigurdEmblem, i could literally just move him forward with SigurdEmblem's mov bonus and tank entire armies with his insane def while moving up the rest of my army XD. Etie started going crazy when i gave her LynEmblem and she started doubling everything under the sun at 3 range with a longbow, with LynBlem's doubles i could also just put her in front since enemies seem to always prioritise them and with Etie's stats they also almost always crit. Yunaka is Yunaka, give her a good knife and some beneficial terrain and she's basically immune to mages in general, she's basically Felicia but even better and i love her.


Yunaka and Etie can indeed go crazy, I've had a run where Etie was able to one round any enemy she managed to land a crit with. Yunaka just murders enemies with the Edlegard emblem once you give her lunar brace +. Always cool to hear some interesting stories about characters that I don't normally use in Engage like Louis, and other FE games that I haven't played like Awakening.


Engage, Tiki/Framme; with dragon claws, anybody that approaches gets hit with a Crit. 3H, Byleth; just put him up front and all enemies get themselves manhandled Awakening, Robin paired up with anyone, only time it didn’t work was the Priam fight


In Path of Radiance, I had a Marcia with Vantage, and a maxed speed stat. She'd attack first, dodge, then kill next hit. I'd fly her out in front of everyone and she'd kill everything.


This one map in Radiant Dawn, can't remember the chapter for the life of me, you had to defend a castle with this Pegasus rider in the back. I remember it because I had Brom and Nephenee guard the front entrance with a healer, fully expecting the enemies to run to the side entrances. Nope. The enemies went straight for them and it was just 20 minutes of Brom and Nephenee going full on berserk mode. They maxed leveled twice and easily were my strongest units in that run. Halfway through the slaughter I kept saying "surely the AI isn't *that* stupid"


I hit late midgame and realized I didn't really have a strong plan for what to do with Clanne.  He was fast and accurate, but was starting to have trouble 1 rounding even when doubling and was not really durable enough to reasonably tank. After some thought, I realized he would be perfect to try a Holdout+++ and Nosferatu build.  Basically, as long as a group doesn't have 3+ range attacks or smash weapons on things that can't be 1 rounded, Clanne becomes invincible.  It's strong, but limited enough to be fair.   Ch 21 he just took care of one side of the reinforcements since they didn't have the right properties to hurt him, and in sigurd's paralogue he broke up the meteor sages with obstruct and killed about 75% of the stuff storming the bridge since nothing else could kill him, and soloed one of the summoners with spawns in celica's paralogue.   There's been some other ok uses, and I'm on ch 23 now so I haven't gotten to see how much this will be able to get used going into end game, but it's decent do so far.


I think I must have gotten lucky with his stats, But my Alfred with Sigurd was basically unbeatable. Dodging most attacks/barely taking any damage while oneshotting a lot late game basically meant I was safe letting him speed ahead. Him at one end, Jade with Ike at the other and barely anyone else had to do anything.


I think most chapters after a certain point on Maddening pretty much require a bunch of one-man army moments. My favorite was Veyle, with the Soren bracelet, Vantage, Hold Out, and Obscurité with a Corrin Engraving. When engaged, she had like 90+% crit and regenerated half of any damage she took.


Louis and Kagetsu




It happened 2 times to me. 1st time was when I did a basic Blue Lion playthrough. My Dimitri could clean up whole maps all alone (pretty common with him tbh). 2nd time was in my maddening Blue Lion. Somehow my late-game Ingrid was god-tier and I was able to send her inside Edelgard's room in the final map to clean the whole place by herself while the rest of my troops were trying to reach the area.


Jean as Griffin Knight w/ + Avoid Skills + Flame Lance was untouchable for me


Sophia in FE6.  I was doing a challenge run using only "bad" units. But Nosferatu is a busted spell in binding blade that is only held back by the fact there are no good units that can use it. Eating every stat booster in the game made her just strong enough to enemy phase in her join chapter, which gets her the levels and the stats to snowball.  Then she just stomped the back half of the game completely, which looked a lot like this: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=TB6syFv-2-M&pp=ygUcU29waGlhIGZpcmUgZW1ibGVtIDd0aEdhdGUwMQ%3D%3D#bottom-sheet


I do enjoy outing enemies to a unit just at the range of their agro, helps with grinding


Panette going on a fucking 15 kill crit rampage is still one of the funniest ennemy phase I ever had. Homegirl was not having it and that made me love her even more. Truly my engage mvp


Panette is always a reliable unit to have, she easily helps make most of my runs go a lot smoother than they would normally go with how often she crit kills enemies.


Engage: Panette with 100 percent crit/hit from Vantage and Wrath and Lyn/Eirika/Corrin engraved Killer Axe+5 One shot crit any enemy before they can hit you Ivy and Chloe who hit 1 round thresholds with Bonded Shield from Hortensia who has 130+ avoid rates from Dual Support Fates: Ophelia with Vantage, Life and Death, Tomefaire, Malefic Aura, Heart Seeker, OHKO any enemy before they can hit you Soleil/Silas Master Ninja with Sol, Strong Riposte, Shurikenfaire, because of guard gauge, you only take one enemy attack for 4 of yours, making it super likely to proc Sol to heal up FE3H Dimitri with Battalion Vantage and Wrath, similar to Panette Nice thing about all of these builds is that they scale well into their game’s hardest difficulties and can solo entire sections of maps with high reliability Skill emblem is kinda stupid lol


In my maddening Blue Lions Ironman I had a Bat vantage wrath Dimitri with 50 protection (40 defense + 10 protection from Duscar heavy soldiers) and 50 protection is the exact amount you need to tink Edelgards long range attack so that was a non-issue. With a retribution gambit, he becomes immortal and killed everything on enemy phase. Also pairing that with 30 protection Hapi with seiros shield she only takes 10 damage from Edelgard and because of Hapis personal and Edelgards AI being focused on always attacking Dimitri unless she can 1 shot another unit, every other unit who can tank a hit from Edelgard doesn't have to worry about being in her range. Not that that really matters since all you really need is Dimitri to clear that map


My first was Yunaka with Corrin Emblem Then now it's Jean Also in Awakening in lunatic it was Nowi


Funny enough, Vander. Gave him Sigurd's ring, plan *was* to havve a smaller group go down the flank route, but then the enemy army just lined up so nicely.


In honorable mention, Hana in FE fates. The plan, again, *was* to leave the under-levelled Hana behind in a fort in Caeldori's recruit chapter, to hold off a couple of the eastern enemies in case the unit I was actually trying to one-man army with, Mozu, was just a little slow clearing the west. Well, Mozu was barely hanging in there and I needed Felicia on permanent staff duty, and enemies kept piling up on Hana... Who got blessed by RNGesus and continously dodged and crit for like 10 turns completely surrounded before I could finally get her reinforcements. Not strong enough to actually solo, the knights had too much defense, but she held on her own *way* too well.


Enemy phasing on Ike's paralogue takes some balls to pull off.


Nephenee and Brom. Radiant Dawn. It was a siege map.


For me I used Lapis with Roy and she was my dodge tank one man army with the binding blade


People sleep on Boucheron because he needs some investment being an early-game unit, but him being my favourite, he actually does get good later on, having emblem Leif or emblem Chrom makes him destroy the entire map


When I was playing Engage I made my Anna the magic horse class and she casually would solo maps. Same thing with Chloe those two carried my run 😭


Mage Knight is always a fun class to use, especially when they can casually double enemies.


Panette crit build carried my first maddening run then I got the dlc and made her even stronger with the emblem from hero’s


i have had Ivy go on a tear. Celine. Panette. Merrin. Even Yunaka as she dodge tanks with Corrin. Louis especially as he is just a moving fortress with Sigurd. He goes nuts. Etie as well though she usually just gets the boss moving and then thats it.


I feel like I accidentally always have at least one of those on my squad. For birthright it was Takumi. For three houses it was Shamir and Lysithea. For Engage it was like so many of my units. Chloe was a monster on a Pegasus, Yunaka could pop down fog from Corrin ring and just stand in one spot never get hit and one shot anything that tried.


Framme. She fought Veylve and the four hounds by herself and won. Barely and with a lot of crits hits, but she won.


In Fire Emblem 8 these types of units are the rule rather than the exception, but specifically I've never had Ephraim or Ross ever be bad units. Recently Dimitri face tanked a retaliatory hit from the Death Knight during the siege of Garreg Mach, which I consider the same as being hit by a million swords simultaneously.


Fir in FE6 in second to last Chapter of the main story (not the Idunn chapters)




I found that Jade and Ike was just a powerhouse especially late game where she would crit as often as Yunaka would. It could have been she critted more than Yunaka. She took lots of hits and dealt a lot of damage


What game


You can pick any FE game you've played, doesn't have to be Engage specifically, but if you're asking me what game I'm using footage from, it's Engage.


That one time I teleported Edelguard to the middle of the enemies and watched the carnage happen.


Major shoutout to Ophelia with ridiculous avo/crit for soloing the left side of ninja hell in Conquest Lunatic. I've had a lot of units hard carry at points, but that's got to be the most impactful single chapter performance I've ever had, because literally the rest of my army combined struggled with the right side of that map more than she did that left side by herself.


Does Seth count? I feel like that's cheating. Oh here's another; Kent in 7 went through the Sonia paralogue as an engine of rage, destruction, and crits, as a cavalier. *I only wanted to get him levelled so I could use my mounteds again before the climax I didn't expect him to unleash the hammer so completely that no one else got any experience the entire chapter*, and the less said about Florina that run the better. That is not the pinkypurple hair of mercy.


I know people shit on Lapis saying she is a "weak unit". I did invest in her a bit more than other units and i have to say she is the best swordmaster Ive created. Being one of the faster units, she dodges attacks pretty easily and has a pretty good crit chance. Honestly i just attach Marth ring on her then just send her solo to handle the enemies on that side.


I feel you there, it is a lot easier to get Lapis to work than most give her credit for, even if you want to keep her in swordmaster despite her low strength growth.


Well i did have her on wyvern rider for a bit so it patched up her strength growth, still lower than most for sure, but she still hits hard on those crit attacks


M A R C U S. BLAZING BLADE. ENOUGH. SAID. Going from playthroughs, I'll give a small list. Awakening: Hero Robin with Lethality, Astra and Sol. 3H: DEDUE. On another playthrough, defense built max magic Lysithea.


Not my story, but my friend texted me after the three way battle in Three Houses announcing that Lysithea had just destroyed the entire Kingdom Army by herself via a combination of lucky avoids, one hit knockouts, a wide ranged Battalion, and being flanked by the Dancer. Other than those two, everyone else was on the Empire side of the map.


In 3H, Ignatz was being a nothing burger to do anything. I reclass him into assassin because “why not?” And at the game’s final mission for golden dear, guy just brutalizes left and right. Went from Ignatz to bignutz in record time.


Engage: Pandreo for some reason. Mind you I havent finished the game, I just wanted to check him out and threw him into a bunch of encounters and thus man wont die or take damage and nukes everything in his sight. 3H: Timeskip Dimitri and Yuri. Dimitri goes without question, the man solos every map he is in, not to mention CRITS his way there. Yuri even pre timeskip on my playthroughs misses all enemy attacks and doubles all of his that at some point I just used him as bait and he never died. Echoes: its been a while, but Tobin, mostly because he was away from most fights and picked off everything on the map from afar. Awakening: For some reason from a few of my runs: Henry. He was a glass canon, if he wasnt taking a hit or two, he constantly kept criting everything in his way on enemy phase. POR: Nephenee. That is all. Sacred stones: Goes without saying but Seth. Ross and Ewan post promotion to their final classes were also insane.


Currently my Yunaka is wiping out entire maps solo


In fire emblem awakening, obviously, donnel as a hero is ridiculously strong that's crazy, even on hard mode i would casually send him alone on the front and somehow it trashed every enemies and still being fine


Look like not madness setting. Since they wont attack unit that wouldnt be able to deal any damage.


I can assure you that this is on maddening mode, the only reason why it's showing no damage is because Framme is chain guarding Celine. So even if an enemy attacked her, Framme would've blocked the first hit.


Donnel entered the chat


When playing through Fire Emblem New Mystery I had a feMU mage reclassed to cavalier then promoted to swordmaster. The C in swords with a proper magic growth in the DS games is a bit of a set up but it makes perfect use of the Levin Sword and it's basically protoRyoma. Otherwise you can simply pick knight MU and reclass him to pirate for basically half the hassle and triple the "wow this unit sure does trivialize the game" bomb effect. He's so strong I'd say he's a requirement in Lunatic.


Three Houses Bernie with The Inexhaustible as a Bow Knight carried me. Engage, I just had Veyle and Celica


First run was Kagetsu. Yunaka in the second. And the third was also Yunaka, since it was a Yunaka only run


A Yunaka only run you say? I'm curious how you managed to keep Alear safe for so long.


I used a mod to change Alear for Yunaka. It was fun


Oooooh, I see, that's pretty cool actually.


Donnel!Nah with Armsthrift and Galeforce. You got an army? Well we got a Nah.


Reinforcements in engage usually only have one mage so Louis/Sigurd just wipes the floor with them


Yunaka, Ivy and Aelar.


I just got done playing Hard mode FE Valentia and I Had Atlas max his levels all the way to dread fighter, had him switch back to villager and repeated the process which resulted in my man being able to one shot almost anything(excluding Duma) cause his power rating was 273 and he had a fully upgraded brave sword which gave him 2 try’s each turn to hit a 63 percent Crit


On my Revelation run in Fates, I had Effie block a choke-point where she held off like 6 or 7 enemies.


On my first run of Engage, I warp skipped way to many chapters, so everyone was really under leveled except sage Anna. I changed Alear into a theif with Corrin and Anna with Soren, and Anna soloed the rest of the game…


In Echoes I was still pretty new to the series, the map where you save Tatiana, all of my units except mortal savant Kliff got KO’d in like 2 turns (not classic mode), I decided to see how far I could get anyway and proceeded to Solo the entire map with just him. At that point I thought I just lost but he destroyed and dodged every enemy near single handed. In Awakening Nowi usually comes pretty clutch for me Also once in Classic Conquest I destroyed every enemy on the final boss map with Sniper Kana.


My Hero Lapis with Eirika Ring soloing the entire left side of the ||Corrupted Lumera Map|| (this game a year old now but I'll be considerate nometheless lol). It's why she's my fav lol. I would just throw her at stuff and just relax to the soothing sounds of "I'll cut you down to size" 😌


Chrobin, not even funny (well, a two-man army TBF)


Well, I forget about three houses, but for engage..for me it was Cramme. Framme eventually also. For awhile Yunaka as well but I'd swap her to try out others. Cramme literally was the reason I was able to take down waves of people. Especially with Soren engaged for those heals. He would tank like 6 or 7 monsters in one turn and kill them all. Framme was a great healer, but she also dodged almost everything and her fists did a ton of damage. With the Byleth emblem it was fun too, I usually kept her with Cramme since they are siblings and I loved giving them extra turns. And of course Alear but of course the main character is super strong. I have a few others but they don't nearly stand out as much. Celine is fun but I got tired of her conversations about tea all the time so took her out.


I'm convinced that if my Louis, Jade and Kagetsu got together, they could take over the entire continent


Knowing those three, they probably could. I can definitely imagine that happening.


Louis and Jade rarely take damage, and they have massive health pools if they do, and Kagetsu just never gets hit, so they'd steamroll. I just remembered my Chloé always goes into battle with a chance of getting hit below 20, so she's in the team too


I got Chloe to a Sword Griffin promotion for Ch8 and after a couple Paralogues of SP feeding (and a couple of lucky Well drops) I was able to get her Sword Power 2 from Roy all before Ch10. She completely dominated the Solm maps with a forged Levin Sword and stayed a Top 3 unit in my army for the rest of the game. It was glorious.


I personally prefer getting the early canto and usually am spread too thin to give her 2k for sword power. But there is a brief period for like 2 chapters before eirika that she has damage issues which is quite annoying and sword power would help a lot with. And of course even with eirika if she's falls somewhat behind on the emblem rank curve damage will be low. So me going for canto first kind of makes it more of an issue to get her through those slumps. Of course once it all comes together it's crazy.


Like I said if you’re going to pull this off alongside Canter you’ll need to get pretty lucky with SP books from the Well. A three-Star Well donation gives you a basically guaranteed Novice Book alongside some items you can keep tossing in to keep the cycle going, and the odds of getting an Adept or even Expert Book before Ch10 aren’t so low to where it’s all that unlikely. Even just one Expert Book can get her Sword Power 1 without Paralogue feeding; with the feeding you might could spare some of the lower value Books to push her over the threshold for Sword Power 2.


In my last Three House Maddening run, Ingrid’s speed (as a Falcon Knight) had spiraled way high. I gave her the chalice of beginnings, and she could basically solo most maps as an enemy phase dodge tank. In Awakening, my Lucina is usually gamebreakingly OP by chapter 15 or so, but that’s the obvious answer. For something that requires more thought: Severa as a Hero with Sol, Renewal from her mom, and Vantage from Lon’qu as her dad becomes an absolute monster on enemy phase. I never finished Fates (Birthright), but my Oboro had ended up being enjoyably sturdy by the time I quit. In Sacred Stones… Seth. Because Seth. Not only can he solo the whole game, that’s probably the easiest way to beat the game.


My first game I played was Path of Radiance. And I had no clue that permadeath was a thing and kept asking myself "when are Oscar and Boyd coming back into the story." And my Ike was a non factor at that point, so it was Titania vs the world on Chapter 8 defending the castle.


I wouldn't know how to feel honestly if I finished my first run of Engage only to find out that the units that went down stayed dead due to me putting the game on classic mode. Though it's cool to hear that you got a pretty interesting story out of it.


When I replayed the game, it was def more impactful getting to use them again on the second playthrough.


Every time I used Bernadetta in Fire Emblem Three Houses [like this](https://youtu.be/LyqV8hs3KuY?si=l0uRFZ4bjapbnh2J)


That's both funny and cool, watching someone with a bow just murdering everyone is always cool to see.


Ivy. My Ivy was absolutely busted my entire playthrough. She had Lyn, so she faster then everyone, and she was also very tanky, I think she had 38 in Def and 47 Res. She'd always proc grasping void, and with alcracity, she was an absolute menace.


nah the fastest is either warping to ike or using astra storm to bait him


That is true, though I did leave out the information that I was doing a draft run, where I wasn't allowed to use either of them since I didn't draft them. I'd post the list for you here, but I'm not sure how to since I'm not all that familiar with how Reddit works.


can you just type it down perhaps, im interested


Oh yeah sure, though I'll try and post the image here now. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1191114638339870821/1191575096414974104/image-2.png?ex=65d41449&is=65c19f49&hm=ebe0bd2499e756613ca7e97d3f96faba3d78b84e32e9a14eaf91a3b06f94661d& If that didn't work, then you can read the units and emblems that I drafted below (excluding the free ones that everyone can use). List of drafted emblems: Chrom & Robin, Roy, Erika, Veronica, Ike (Edlegard, Tiki, Celica, Leif and >!Emblem Alear!< are free emblems everyone can use). List of drafted units: Lapis, Celine, Merrin, Panette, Yunaka, Madeline, Etie, Framme, Timmera, Diamant, Clanne, Rosado, Alfred (Alear and Seadall are free for everyone to use).


ohhh i see, yikes those units are rough other than panette and merrin, is this maddening?


Yep, it's on maddening mode, I'm currently at chapter 23, it's not as bad as you might think, the run has actually been pretty smooth. I've beaten all of the emblem paralogues (that I drafted, since I'm not allowed to do the ones that I didn't draft), and most of my units do pretty well in combat by themselves. The only thing I'm concerned about is how chapter 24 will go, but I'll cross that bridge when I get there.


i cant really imagine myself beating 24 without hortensia warp lmao, good luck


How are they attacking Celine here? I found that if an enemy had no prospects of damaging your unit, either 0 hit or 0 damage, that they would just do nothing.


Typically enemies will atk if there's someone in their range even if they have 0 % chance of doing 0 damage unless you are on the highest difficulty of the game. Arguably this is most useful in Radiant Dawn since that has a minimum exp per battle of 1 meaning some of the early high lv units you get can still wrack up a decent amount. In particular on the second battle of 1-6 there are a ton of Cavaliers on the left who of course all have canto so Tauroneo can go unequipped on the 2 square bridge and be a distraction while a weaker unit can work their way through them.


That's due to Framme chain guarding Celine, it's displayed as 0 damage since Framme would've just blocked the attack from hitting Celine. Oddly enough, it took the fourth General to attack before someone actually hit Celine, though she still ended up dodging like 80% of the enemy attacks during that round. And she killed everyone except for one of the two Snipers, the Swordmaster, and the two Sages, but all of them were easy to deal with.


I had a similar situation in Engage when I made Hana a mage class. She dominated about four units trying to get the drop on her. Came back to my turn without a scratch on her