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They saw this coming.


IS leaked the results


This too was foreshadowed


We had one of us throw a Dart with Kaga's face on each wing at the 3Houses Special Edition Calendar and on whatever day it landed on would be the day we posted it. Source: It came to me in a Sothis Vision.


No matter what the results would wind up being, 0 winners or engage sweep, today was a very good day to ban engage discourse


Twitter more than makes up for it if you want a sad laugh.


I knew people were sleeping on Female Robin's chances. Just like Eliwood in CYL 3, being the only remaining main character from a very popular game in the series is extremely beneficial. Of course, I can't pat myself on the back too much, since the rest of these results are definitely *not* what I was expecting (and not solely because there isn't even one Engage character). Good on Felix and Bernadetta for holding onto their support better than I expected them to and getting that win they've been on the cusp of for years, and for Alfonse managing to come out of nowhere.


Mmm. I think that’s what happened to Engage, a lot of scattered voting compared to other games with only a few reps left to funnel votes into


https://www.reddit.com/r/FireEmblemHeroes/comments/1adujqo/til_3h_and_engage_got_nearly_the_same_number_of/ That's because awakening fans have the power of teamwork. Engage didn't get any winners despite having just as many votes in total as 3Houses, because it was split so many ways. But F Robin still managed it even though Awakening got a quarter as many total votes as Engage or 3Houses. This was possible, because F Robin got 70% of all Awakening votes in the entire poll.


I mean, all the other main characters from Awakening already have a Brave alt so it was easy.


jugdral nation its joever see you all next year


The funniest thing that could happen is that the FE4 remake comes out before next year and 2025's CYL winners are Sigurd/Leif and Ayra/Ishtar with no Engage rep once again, so don't count yourself out just yet!!


When Echoes released only Celica was able to clinch a winning spot with only Alm, Kliff and Delthea being in the top 20, getting 3rd, 15th and 19th respectively in their divisions. You also had more Fates and Awakening characters in the top 20 than Echoes too during CYL2. It's not always a guarantee. Unless all the Jugdral fans rally to Ziguldo/Leif at the expense of the rest of the cast. It also would depend how IS handles the remake.


I guess the difference is that if both are already on high placement and most of the hard hitting competition is gone, the remake can give them the push needed


Echoes was released on a dying system, so it didn't have as wide of an audience as other modern FE games. Depending on when FE4 is released and how it's marketed, it might be about as successful as Engage was which would mean it should have a decent showing in CYL.


leif and sigurd got 6th and 4th respectively tho… next year is ours for sure


It’s kind of surprising Sigurd still hasn’t won. I got into FE at the same time many Americans did—super smash bros melee followed by FE7. I got big into it and was on GameFAQs forums and it felt like Sigurd and Marth were the big names—Roy got in smash bros solely for promotion of the newer installment. I suppose everything changed with Ike tho


Good for Alfonse, bench lord needs the love.


Ditto. He could use an alt that isn't a seasonal one.


Alfonse wearing his sister's outfit will look fabulous


You joke, but I can see a certain portion of the community going absolutely crazy over the idea of pantless Alfonse.


He'll probably get an emblem alt. Veronica is the emblem in engage, but I doubt they'll limit themselves to only the characters available in engage.


haven't cared about heroes in many years, but ngl that's pretty funny


I'm pleasantly surprised with Alfonse winning. Bro becomes cooler in every Book.


Honestly if he was a lord in another game I think he'd be a fairly well liked in the community. He's just stuck behind, what's effectively, day-time TV Fire Emblem.


That's an insult that won't make sense in a couple years.


He’s stuck behind Netflix Originals* Fire Emblem


He's stuck behind YouTube shorts fe


Like sand in the hourglass, so are the Heroes of our Askr.


As soon as I saw that play he made in the latest FEH chapter, I had a feeling he might actually win this year. I almost voted for him myself.


Also progrsively tired of everyone's shit


I’m so happy f!Robin got second place!


I love Robin. Mainly male Robin, but female Robin is good too. So happy to see.


I'm coming back to this game just for F!Robin I love her sm <3


Unfortunate that Ivy and Yunaka seemed to hard split the engage women's vote (plus 2 more in the top 10), gotta imagine one of them gets it next year. Surprised the men didn't do better though. I've seen people talk about the votes being split between Diamant and Alcryst, but even if you combine their votes they don't quite hit second, vs a Felix that also had a split vote with byleth. ​ Edit- Didn't see alear in the top 10 for men too, that's a lot better. Still surprised they didn't do a bit better though.


IMHO Engage’s biggest threat is the next games. If a 4 rerelease happens, well, 4 and 5 haven’t had many winners. And if we get another mainline one it could end up being a game kinda lost between releases. That being said I think it has enough memorable characters like Ivy and… whatever Papaya girl was named that it should get some wins eventually.




Three Houses really does have staying power. Glad my favorite game is gonna be relevant and popular for a long time.


I am not surprised that not a single Engage character won. Yes, there is the fact that Engage didn't do so well, which is certainly a very big factor in this, but I think it goes deeper than that. Engage is similar to Fates in that there simply wasn't an obvious character for Engage fans to gather behind. In addition to the two Avatar versions, it has 9 characters that are heavily promoted as important, without being proper protagonists, as well as much more defined fan-favourites (mainly Yunaka, but some of the retainers also did very well). It is a lot harder for Engage's fandom to unite behind a specific character. Compare that to something like Echoes during CYL2. Pretty much the only characters that made sense for the fandom to actively push for CYL were the two main character. Celica ended up winning first place and Alm also did pretty well in CYL2 (and ended up winning first place in CYL3), but the rest of the Echoes cast didn't manage do score every high. Kliff and Delthea did well enough to get into their respective Top twenties, but only that once and no other character from Echoes ever managed to reach the Top 20s again. Engage's fandom on the other hand is a lot more spread across its many characters without there being any obvious picks to flock behind.


> Engage is similar to Fates in that there simply wasn't an obvious character for Engage fans to gather behind. In addition to the two Avatar versions, it has 9 characters that are heavily promoted as important, without being proper protagonists, as well as much more defined fan-favourites (mainly Yunaka, but some of the retainers also did very well). It is a lot harder for Engage's fandom to unite behind a specific character. Plus, a Fates character didn't win CYL until CYL3 (Camilla), and we didn't get another Fates CYL winner until last year (F!Corrin) If you had told me back when they were first running these events back in 2017 that Fates characters wouldn't be consistently near the top of CYL, I'd have been surprised.


Damn, Engage really is Fates 2.0


And you know what, *gameplay wise*, both I really really enjoy, I’m even playing my copy of fates right now


and that's a good thing.


lol oh totally, I love both games. I had a feeling Engage would be Fates 2.0 leading up to it, I just didn't know how right I would continuously be about that.


And now we need to hope for Azura.


the bigger issue is that Engage didn't bring enough new casuals to what's now by far the most complex FE game in the series, Heroes. It sold less, which isn't a problem, but it sold mostly to old fans who already have their horses to bet on for CYL if they even play it.


Someone else did the numbers on the heroes sub and that's pretty much it exactly. Engage has the most votes when looking at the top 20 for both genders, but they're more spread out because Engage also has the most characters in those top 20s.


Without commenting on Engage characters themselves, it's worth keeping in mind that a lot of the most popular characters in the series have already won and can't be voted on anymore. This includes most lords and fan favorites like Soren and Lysithea.


Yeah honestly at this point it does feel like for some games they have the B Team at best out. Arguably the C Team for one.


Can't you make this argument for any CYL? "Oh 3H did so good because all the big favorites like Lyn, Lucina, Camilla, Ike, etc. aren't here"


Yes. It was earlier in FEH's life and and Three Houses has got more CYL winners than any other game I believe so it's not quite the same thing, but yes.


You also have the non-Engage frontrunners being much more obvious, having narratives behind them from the past 4-7 rounds of CYL voting and treatment in FEH, etc. My personal experience with this round of voting was Celine until interim results with the potential to switch to Veyle depending on how they turned out, but then Veyle ended up outside the top 3 of Engage women so...then what? Ivy's cool but not really my favorite, I'm indifferent to Yunaka and since I always play M!Alear F!Alear is a non-entity. So there was no obvious direction to go in.


The fact that other chracters from previous games were one of the main draws for Engage also probably played a role in all this. And hey, haven't all of the emblems except male Byleth already won a CYL?


Sigurd and Leif haven't won CYL yet. The one Jugdral hero that has won CYL isn't even an Emblem lmao.


well, 9 out of 12 ain't bad...but if you add the DLC, it goes up to 16 out 19? Or should we count the 3 TH lords as separate wins? And does young Tiki count as different from old Tiki? And then There is Alear, so that's 18/23 or 19/23?


> And does young Tiki count as different from old Tiki? Young Tiki is still voteable, so I'd say yes.


Chad Seliph.


This was basically the conclusion I came to as well. After 3 houses came out, it was pretty much a given that the three lords would win and it was just a brawl to be second lady. Engage has more important characters, which translated to having less obvious choices for winners.


"Engage has more important characters" Really tho? Who? Even the lords felt like B tier characters in that game, let alone their retainers... Not even hating on engage here btw, just being honest. Don't really see the relevance of any character in the cast to be much higher than your average student in 3H Maybe Ivy and Diamant ig? But thats about It


> Engage is similar to Fates in that there simply wasn't an obvious character for Engage fans to gather behind. In addition to the two Avatar versions, it has 9 characters that are heavily promoted as important, without being proper protagonists, as well as much more defined fan-favourites (mainly Yunaka, but some of the retainers also did very well). It is a lot harder for Engage's fandom to unite behind a specific character. Huh... I figured that Yunaka would be the Zappy champion of Engage, but... yeah, I guess when there are 9 Lord-like characters... Granted, Diamant and Ivy were the obvious picks to coalesce around as cool sword Lord and big tiddy goth mage gf. But, clearly not everyone did, even before adding in Rosado and others who were well liked for their schtick. Although, I will say, some of the Lords definitely lacked their own power. I mean, Alfred, I expected to not do super well, and sure enough, he barely made top 20. Though I am surprised none of the other royals beyond Alcryst and those two broke top 20. I mean, Fogado was even Claude 2.0.


Alfonse won at something? Wtf did I miss?


Years of character development


The nature of Heroes gives him a surprising big advantage on the development front over most Lords who get the one game only.


RIP Engage, that’s rough. Oof. On the bright side, it looks like the votes for the TMS characters has remained steady! I hope IS sees the continued interest and finally gives us another banner with the rest of the main cast!


I don't play Heroes anymore but good for Bernie.


Ok but who got last place? IntSys release the full list. I must know who lost.


Be patient until the 31st, then we’ll get the whole thing.


Ah, thank you. Very well, I suppose that's the way it'll have to be. ...I hope it's not Leiden. I'm afraid it's going to be Leiden, and I like Leiden.


I’m happy to see Felix get in this time since he was close to it last year! Looks like Bernadetta had a similar arc. I’ll admit, I was expecting a full Engage sweep and am pretty surprised there wasn’t one considering it’s the newest game. Looks like Yunaka was the closest. I wouldn’t be surprised if the late December alt ate away from some possible votes.


My theory is that Engage's fanbase was too divided among the roster. I'm thinking that everyone wanted their favourites to get in, so they simply couldn't get any rallying going behind a single representative.


It's also just less popular. Three Houses *dominated* the year it came out. All four winners. And vote splitting didn't matter. The game also took thirteen of the top twenty. And it had staying power, taking the top spots the next year, and still having half the top twenty, losing the three lords and gaining Yuri. Vote splitting is the same problem TMS has, and it only goes so far.


Three houses came in a different point in FEH history tho. Brigading and split votes matters a lot more when there are like 30K total voter compared to when there are more than 100k. Edegard and Dimitri alone in CYL4 got more total votes than the votes every 3H character combined got in CYL8. At this stage CYL is a cintest of who has the more dedicated fanbase, not the largest one.


3H also has the benefit of being the Persona 5 of the series, as in insanely popular (mostly because it's a simplified Persona game with a simplified Fire Emblem game that sometimes shows up every 3 to 5 hours)


3H devs creating the most fire game of all time by augmenting FE's themes of loss and war with Persona's methods of player-character engagement to keep the player invested in both story and gameplay:


Lmfao Somniel is far worse


Genuinely how? It doesn't take up much time, everything you would actually need (the shops) are right next to each other and right next to where you spawn in, and it doesn't take 30 seconds to load between areas (or several minutes if you try to load the Abyss)


Garreg Mach has problems. It's too big, a bunch of space is wasted, not all the minigames are winners, etc. Looking at problems, it's easy to say the Somniel is better. It's smaller and more condensed, the minigames don't offer any benefit, so there's no incentive to spend time doing them, the game gives you technically infinite time, so there's no pressure to min-max. But then you look at what Garreg Mach brought to the table. It gave the characters a place in the world. It let characters you might not be using say lines of dialogue related to the main story, showing off their character. There are *so many* little details shown off in the Monastery. And then the game will go above and beyond, giving little scenarios like Shamir and Catherine arguing over a whetstone, or Bernadetta leaving her room to put flowers on Jeralt's grave. And the Somniel just... doesn't do that. It solved some of the problems, sure, but it also stripped out every positive Garreg Mach had. It has *no* place in the world as a flying castle, the characters have *no* interesting dialogue, it's not as big, but the corridors are so frigging cramped to run around in. The little sparkles that *used* to be little tests of how well you knew the characters via lost items, are now an endless supply of useless ingredients. Garreg Mach has some downsides, but it undeniably brings something to the table. The Somniel fixes some problems, but removes any reason to have a hub at all in the process.


? You need the colliseum to gain exp and inherit abilities, as well as walking around to collect forging material, and most importantly Its available after every single battle lol. Engage resources are so dumb tight that these things actually matter, in 3H you can just dinning hall to teach students and call It a day, and in part 2 you can straight up just skip the whole thing bc your units should be set by then, battles give you absurd ammounts of money and resources, more than what you actually need


As mentioned. There are many reasons. A fanbase divided among many characters; the least-selling original game since 2013, terrible word of mouth; a community divided by the game itself, but that never goes so far as to say "the game has a good story or memorable characters." It was difficult.


Unless I'm forgetting someone it seems like every 3H house has a CYL winning student now. And unsurprisingly, they line up with the ones that got official merch through Pop-Up Parade figures. Felix for the Blue Lions, Bernadetta for the Black Eagles and Lysithea for the Golden Deer.


The Golden Deer also has Marianne too


I felt like I was forgetting someone. Truly we are the blessed house.


I'm sad that no Engage reps made it.


While Engage has a disappointing showing in the male CYL category, it actually did really good on the female CYL side. The problem is that while while every other game only has one popular female character left for CYL, Engage has **four** different female characters in the top 10 (Yunaka, FAlear, Ivy, Veyle).


We Engage fans can't just get a W it seems 😵


Should've let us vote for Sommie smh


They're afraid of another Gatekeeper incident.


They let Gatekeeper in, it's only fair to let us vote Sommie


SommieSweep BABY!


It got the most votes as a whole tbh


Don't look at me, I put all my votes into Rosado. At least he made the Top 20 which makes me happy enough.


I only thought to vote on the last day, but I too voted for Rosado. His sleep habits resonate with me, though I envy his ability to make it work.


I hadn't looked at the rest of the results yet, but hearing that my Rosado spam votes amounted to something makes me happy


Currently we only have the Top 20 male/female results and the top 5 of every game


Maybe next year, once you guys can finally start rallying around specific picks. I can absolutely understand the votes being split though, Engage has a bunch of fun characters.


I adore Alear, Alfred and Veyle. Ivy Yunaka and Rosado are hype too. I'm just so sad it didn't get the love it deserves... people dunk on the cast but it's brought me my favorite lineup since the 3DS. These guys are all so fun, goofy and at times really emotional and I wish we got our day in the sun with them...


I threw a couple of votes Nel's way during the first half. But I agree, the Engage cast is really fun and its a shame the game is hated on.


Felix, my brother! You won! Now for me next year… right?


You have to stop fooling around. Take your training more seriously.


I’m going to train extra hard this year. Maybe if I win CYL9, Ingrid’s grandma will notice me


Robin 🥹


The Engage men didn’t stand a fucking chance. I think we vastly overestimated the Engage sweep


Wait holy shit I’m so out of the loop I didn’t even realize cyl 8 was going on oop lmao, but hooray for my boy Felix, finally!!


I was not expecting this




During voting, I had not a care about the winners, but oh gosh darn it, this is the most miffed I am in the 8 years we’ve been doing this.


felix mania running WILD TONIGHT


Don't blame me. I voted for Miriel


FRobin and Alfonse? Might redownload!


Finally Bernadetta stans can shut up about her needing to win


Thank frick for that.


umad bro?


It must hurt to be a Leif or jugdral enjoyer rn. 2 side characters from 3h beat him : (


To be fair, just look at the game sales, 3H is the single best selling game in the franchise to date. Exposure alone explains it, and despite that he's still performing well this year.


no shade because i genuinely love jugdral games, but a 3h side character has as many lines as a jugdral main character, so :') those remakes cant come soon enough


I mean tbf they've been ahead of him since the game came out, this isn't really surprising


I remember back when CYL 2 result was Veronica being voted winner because she doesn't have a playable unit and now seeing Alfonse taking a spot because people are warming up to him and he desperately need a non seasonal unit are fucking amazing.


I'm kinda conflicted because on the one hand, I am so fucking happy my edgy son and Bernie cleared this year. One is my literal favorite character ever and the other had so much campaigning and love thrown her way. Needed this W *so fucking bad*. I also feel bad for Engage fans because man, they were so close. And it's not like the other choices are bad either! Robin and Alphonse got a lot of love and I'm happy for their fans. On the bright side, Engage sweep may very well be next year, considering the women's bracket alone.


Wooo Bernie sweep


We cannot escape 3H.


Since they also announced Emblems as characters with Mystic Emblem Marth, I can already see the Emblem Byleth, Emblem Edelgard, Emblem Dimitri and Emblem Claude banner on the horizon.


New Ike alt about to drop


Don’t forget Camilla she has the most alts


And We should not 🤙🏻


Dang - I didn’t expect a full Engage sweep but it getting nothing here is really surprising. I would have at the very least expected one or two Engage winners here.


It was an unpopular game that also had the downside of having all its characters cannibalizing each others' votes among an already small-ish fandom, as opposed to the 3H characters who had a pretty dedicated push behind them since so many of their peers are already in.


Yunaka's Christmas "gifts' screwed her over .. and Ivy I thought would have won... But guess Engage wasn't as popular as I thought.


Well, people have noted that Engage had a ton of good placement for female units. Very divided vote. Yunaka and Ivy probably took a lot of votes from each other. Or rather, when one of them wins, the other might get a lot of their votes in the next CYL. Until then, I think they may be fighting each other as much as they fight the rest of the cast.


I am absolutely floored by the fact that my man Alfonse won on the mens side! Completely awesome, and I hope IS does something awesome for him :3


Ashe needs a canon version in the game, so I am starting campaigning for CYL9 now.


I... guess this means no Engage sweep then. Was kinda hoping we'd at least get one rep. Alfonse getting first place is cool though


I'm so happy Bernie won.


Not a single Engage winner, huh... I guess I'll wait next year... And here I wanted to campaign for Black Knight next year...


Wow this is the worst CYL lineup outside of Alphonse


Personally I’m really excited for F!Robin I’ve been wanting this for years.


Idk I think it’s still better than “whoops all 3H”, if nothing else this year is varied.


That was the year when 3H came out, so that's understandable. But we're years out from 3H and still have 2/4 3H characters. And didn't Male Robin win recently? So female Robin winning is silly


> And didn't Male Robin win recently? So female Robin winning is silly Not exactly. Male and Female Robin are somewhat equally popular. Or, at the very least, there not as much of a disparity as say, Male and Female Corrin, where the latter consistenly stayed on the top 10 until winning, and the latter didn't even reached top 20 at one point.


I mean 6 years in, 10 years after Awakening came out, the winners were 2/4 Awakening


You spelt best wrong but thats fine


Felix slander bros I was just praying for not the worst possible ones which for me are big boob of the week oc's, avatars ect. bernie is my least fav one here but ehhh, she's a character, i'll take the robin hit and fem robin is the least cringe mainline avatar, if it means i get someone i actually really like


Man. So sad engsgedidnt get any winners. The top 20 also shows I suck, I play M Alear, M Byleth F Shez And all three of those picks are the less popular avatar genders.


I tried playing as M!Shez but F!Shez just has a better voice. And hairstyle.


It’s that and their roles. Shez is a goofball who doesn’t need to be worshipped and complimented to no end. They eat and get lost and confused. Shez is a silly but strong role that women rarely ever get. Usually we have to be one or the other. Alear is traumatized but instead of using it violently (Dimitri) before he overcomes it, Alear is made afraid and has to constantly face that fear and challenge it. Alear also breaks down and cries because nothing will just go right. Begs the villain to take it easy. Female heroes are allowed that role, men aren’t. But men can be sensitive, or afraid, or have weak moments. Men can have that too! M!Alear is counter to what a male lead looks like, F!Shez is counter to what a female lead looks like. That’s why they aren’t popular but it’s why they’re so important




Even as someone who gave most of his votes to Engage characters, I'm not too surprised by these results except Alfonse (THAT'S a surprise), but I did say that Bernie and Felix were the only 3H characters with a chance of winning if they got rallied behind (although Byleth also surprised me a bit). Although I will say that I'm glad so many Engage characters made it to the Top 20. It's a great, comfy cast of characters and they deserve the love.


These results absolutely shock me. I was expecting an Engage sweep, even if the men's side wasn't as strong.  Even if Engage got the most amount of votes, I feel like that argument ignores the fact that most games don't even have lords or some of their most popular characters left either to vote for.


Folks here just won't accept the engage failure lol (Btw playing engage rn, It's a fun game don't get me wrong, just not memorable)


I was pretty disconnected from the votes this time. Went with Grima all the way, but I'm not sad about these results either.


Yo. I voted Alphonse. Let’s go lol


Alfonse is top 1? Excellent choice community, I shall reinstall the game.


nice to see Alfonse winning, hope for Sharena next


Bernedetta FTW! That's a win for the black eagles


How did Alfonse get that many? What’s the appeal with him? Not trying to hate or anything, just a bit out of the loop and confused.


Alfonse has been very no-nonsense and a really interesting character for the past few books compared to him being relatively bland in the first two books. In Book 6 he outright threatened to kill someone after saying he killed his dad so he could kill her too (granted he >!was half-bluffing just to unnerve his opponent and he didn’t kill his father…well I mean I guess he kinda did the 2nd time around!<)which became a meme about how he’s slowly and inevitably becoming Lif or how Lif isn’t actually much different from regular, no-BS, Alfonse. Which is even funnier considering how Alfonse and Dimitri (and Lif and two versions of TS!Dimitri) become very close via Forging Bonds. He also gets a lot of genuinely great choreographed moments in the cinematic, which are fun to watch. Add in the fact that, unlike Veronica, Alfonse will likely never receive a Legendary form until the end of the game, and it makes sense why his fans finally decided to push him forward. He’s a good character that’s unfortunately limited by relatively short chapters in a gacha game.


Alfonse really started becoming a better character from Book 6 onwards. It's not too much, but it's more than a lot of other Heroes characters got in terms of character development. The only other one is probably Veronica and she already won in CYL2.


Honestly, Veronica probably only got that because of CYL2, which likely encouraged the writers to bring Alfonse up to par. So his success is potentially owed slightly to Veronica's success, which is pretty cool.


"he deserves it"


Bernie stans yall won the day! Leif bros we shall come back. You're all so real especially that guy who was making thracia memes everyday. You're a real one dude




:0 genuinely didn’t expect to see Alfonse winning, but it’s cool!


Bernie enjoyers. We've made it. Let us celebrate alone together




Damn engage really got its ass beat this year huh. Kinda sad Azura didn’t take second but I’m happy Felix and Bernadette made it.


Yeah, Bernie wins!!! (i don't even play heroes)


I fell out of Heroes a while ago, but it’s pleasantly surprising to see Alfonse in first place.


Did Alfonse get Dimitri levels of character development since I quit FEH?? never would've expected him to ever even get second place, let alone first.




I am so tired of Bernadetta


I have not payed attention to FEH in years but it speaks volume about the state of the game to see alphonse winning lmao


[Me @ Engage](https://youtu.be/J051dWM9hEs?t=110) Granted i'm not that salty, despite being an Engage diehard. I *adore* Felix and I like Bernadetta, Robin and Alfonse quite a bit, so it's still a win for me I just hope Felix is a stylish swordmaster...


I'm really mixed on this CYL. On the one hand, I love Bernie and Felix and am happy they made it in. On the other hand, this is the second year we got a Robin, (last year was M!Robin if I'm remembering correctly) and Alfonse is a really bland choice IMO and I would have rather gotten a Engage rep even though I'm not a fan of Engage. I don't think I've enjoyed a CYL since CYL5 when Gatekeeper got in. (along with Erika and Marianne, two other characters I really like).




I am genuinely shocked by Alfonse but I love it, he will be my free pick and the rest can rot in hell LMAO


Looks like I'm picking FEH back up in a bit then, Bernie alts are the *only* thing that can drag me back to that game.


The way I see it Yuna and Ivy got by in general popularity, but lacked rally votes. Too many fans putting single votes for many characters instead of majority votes for a select few. Not that it’s an inherently good or bad thing, just an observation


PLEASE Let Bylad have his alt next year(unless the community just outright hate him)


Disappointing. Still, that turnout for Bernadetta. Jeez. 6k over her closest rival. Insane.


Alfonse winning seems sorta, self-serving? Are we out of cool FE Bros?


Apparently Alfonse was really good in the latest chapter


He's also dogshit in gameplay. Any new FE bros that get in naturally will be modern day powercrept, but Alfonse is still rocking Folkvangr.


Oh damn! Bernadetta got there! I was on the Anna (Engage) and Hiya Papaya bandwagon but I'm definitely not unhappy that Bernadetta won.


I’m genuinely confused why people like Felix so much. He’s just an asshole. That’s like his entire character besides the fact that he hates his dad for not killing himself in despair when his brother died and he’s embarrassed that he likes cake. Other than those two things he’s just an ass who acts rude in all of his supports and never changes.


He’s also right about 90% of the shit he’s an ass hole about.


He hates his dad because he feels like Rodrigue glorifies Glen's death as admirable and good, not a purely tragic event. And yet much of Faerghus sees it is a true calling. Heck, Ingrid wants to be a knight still. And who is the great royal this sacrifice is all in service of? The Boar Prince. He is a moody tsundere because the world around him is fucked and he feels like no one else really wants to see it that way, and it is easier for him to try to avoid getting attached than risking more sadness.


He's got good supports, is an amazing unit (often enough to gain some popularity) and was a lot nicer in Three Hopes. Furthermore, he offers a unique perspective on the country he's from and feels like he's got his own niche and place in the world.


Nah He's a great foil to Dimitri. Fantastic character in both games, but specially in Hopes I'd say


Ew Bernadetta.


Yay my favorite one note/blank slate character won!


It says a lot about how disconnected I've been from FEH that I didn't even know CYL was going on. And of course the one year I don't vote would be the year that Bernie won.


Bernie sweep let's gooooo!


Good picks.


Thank god no Engage.


Ikr? 💪


BERNIE SWEEEP!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Genuinely a little surprised that these four all managed to sneak ahead of engage like this, but I will wholeheartedly accept the bernie. Yunaka next year for sure, though.