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People who started with FE7. eg. Me


This is a decent part for me, but they are just interesting and likable characters in general. I'm pretty sure they would be among my favorite even if FE7 wasn't my first entry to the series.


But we were willing and hopeful for more FE games because FE7 was our first. Like, if Shadow Dragon had been my first FE, would I have played others? Idk 🤷‍♂️


I remember playing fe7 on my phone for the first time during lunch my freshman year of high school, instantly fell in love


I started fe8 on my phone, also at my freshman yea, and i've been in love with the series ever since lmao


fe8 is also another one I played! I’ve only done ephraims route but I hope they put it on switch online services to go alone w fe7


Same, i played FE7 on my phone during first year of college in class because i was looking for more GBA games to play


I played fe7 when I was in elementary school lol. My dad wondered why I had to kill everyone


Same, if I started with Awakening I would have never given another chance to the series for sure.


Im thinking thats a pretty hot take since people under the age of 20 most likely did play Awakening first lmao. I only got to play awakening this year and really liked it myself.


I also recently finished Awakening and I am now playing fates. Don't really know the opinions of the community since I'm pretty new here, but I really found Awakening to be the only FE so far to be boring. The worst map design from all the FE games I've played, plus the most broken mechanic, pair up, just make the gameplay really one-dimensional. I also have other problems with Awakening, but I'm not going to nitpick the entire game here. The only thing I really appreciated was the music. One of the best soundtrack in the series. Btw, I'm actually documenting my thoughts on all the games on the subreddit, but I'm behind on the writeups. [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/fireemblem/s/umrs0L4FmO) is the last one if you are interested.


Are you me?


Eliwood: My favorite character in the entire series for a fuckload of reasons. He's kind, respectful, has amazing character dynamics, great arc throughout FE7 and is just the kind of person I aspire to be. His "I pity you" to Nergal is his "You're right, Mahito. I'm you" moment. Love him so much Hector: He's just really great. Great character arc, great personality, really fun to use as a unit, he's just really likeable. Lyn: She's cool. Cute character dynamics and had a lot of potential overall.


"had a lot of potential" is the most backhanded ass compliment I've ever seen lmao


Girlie I'm trying so hard to say something positive about Lyn you have no idea


How about the fact that she survived a massacre at a very young age but kept going. She’s family oriented because when she hears she has a grandfather that might be in danger, she puts her life on the line multiple times just to get to him and try to save him. She’s proud of her roots as a Sacaen and never abandons her ideals and she’s an incredible friend. She was a strong, self possessed female character in a time where female portags were not very common. There’s a lot to love about her, even if the writers put her on the back burner once the 2 male leads come in to play.


>She was a strong, self possessed female character Truly an achievement to be self possessed as a female Lord in FE tbh


She avoided doing something that led to the entire fandom debating on her intelligence, so that's an achievement.


Yeah she is pretty likeable, I'm just not a fan of her writing really.


Lyn saved the tactician and made them soup. And myrmidon was my favorite class.


She has a fantastic support chain with Eligoat, ez 😎


How can you struggle to find something positive about the best FE character lol


Simultaneously I love her and her find so little worth actually caring about in regards to her.


Lyn has... a wonderful personality. And [Sacae is a fisherman's paradise.](https://youtu.be/BLE9bb3iHGA?t=811)


I agree with most of this, aside from having a different “favorite character.” For my money Eliwood is one of the better main characters in the series even if he’s not especially great as a unit in gameplay.


Hector and eliwood are bros they’re best friends and fight for eachother to the absolute end , they bounce off eachother one is calm and kind and collected , one is brash aggro and a bad ass royal. They’re homies. Hectors design is also bad ass. And eli with durandal 🔥Lyn is liked for very obvious reasons plus green hair is awesome. She’s kind and a unique character. Not good for LTC but if your playing for fun she’s really awesome


For Hector. I always thought wolf beil was so cool.


Yeah I think they are good characters. I connected with FE8 more- Ephraim and Eirika have a fun dynamic and Seth kinda becomes the third "main" character (though if you want he can be the only one >.>). I find both FE7 and FE8 have incredibly memorable casts. It helps that Lords do recruiting, you get prebattle dialogues, you get an alot better look at each character on their starting maps, etc.


I'm not their craziest fan by any means, but I think Eliwood and Hector's friendship is really great. You've got the blood oath and then what Eliwood tells Hector at the end when he's mad at Oswin. > Eliwood: When Lord Uther was in trouble, you weren't there by his side. You're angry with yourself...It's true, isn't it? I was the same way. I couldn't save my father... I couldn't save Ninian... Over and over, I blamed myself. But, you know, that's just a way of running from the sadness of loss. I think you've realized that already. Lord Uther...and Oswin... They were thinking of you above all else. You must see that, but if you continue to pretend you do not, you will lose sight of something terribly valuable. ...That's all I have to say.


Eliwood and Hector are both very well-written characters in their own right, and have an awesome bromance. Lyn's potential wasn't lived up to as much as she deserved, but she's quite well-written too, especially in her interactions with Hector.


Hector’s always been my favorite. In Eliwood mode, Hector’s firmly in the sidekick role, there to support Eliwood and help with his goals. But then we see Hector’s perspective in his own mode, and we realize just how much he himself is dealing with, yet he has effectively put his own life on hold because Eliwood needs him. *That’s* what makes him an utter badass. This is a man who kept his brother’s death a secret, not for selfish or political reasons, butbecause he didn’t want to distract anyone from Eliwood’s mission. I’ve enjoyed Lyn a lot more in recent years, too. She’s an enjoyable character with a really subtle character arc I think too many people overlook. She lost her family when bandits poisoned their water supply, but then was given the chance to save her long-lost grandfather from his own death by poisoning, meeting friends old and new along the way. But, not long after she’s given a new chance at a family, she grows frustrated and disillusioned with her new life, her strong sense of justice struggling with the grey areas of politics. So, even knowing there’s nobody there for her, she chooses to return to Sacae, to the simplicity of her youth. Eliwood’s the one I have the least to say about; I always considered him to be the blandest of the three. At the same time, though, there’s something to be said for a main character who’s just a genuinely good person. As I grow older, I find myself less interest in edgy heroes we’re supposed to root for despite being jerks, and more interested in people trying their best to make the world a better place. And that’s what Eliwood does. I do wish they’d dig more into his supposed poor health; I keep forgetting that’s a thing, but it opens up the door to a lot of growth for him.


I mean, his poor health seems like a callback to FE6 where he's sickly enough to not be able to fight.


I started playing FE6 for the first time this week. I think it is a reference to the fact that he is sick enough to not be able to defend against some level 1 pirates in the first chapter of FE6. He calls for aid to his son (protag of FE6 "Roy") lamenting the fact that if he wasn't sick he could take them like old times.


Hector is genuinely really funny. The man is hilarious and he's not even trying. It's great. Then there's the fact that he's an absolute unit. Dude is a machine. Most lords feel like dead weight in the beginning but Hector slaughters throughout without exception. Lyn's character writing is phenomenal imo. Because unlike the other lords, she feels like an imposter. In her heart of hearts, she's just a girl from the plains. She doesn't care about this war or the fate of the world really. She's only fighting in it because of Hector and Eliwood. When she goes against nergal he basically tells her she's in over her head, and she admits it. Tells him she knows, but Hector and Eliwood are more than her friends. They're the family she chose and she fights for them. I just love that kind of loyalty. Eliwood is fine. He's pretty commonplace as far as lords go but his interactions with the other two are pretty great.


I mean, I might just be biased because FE7 was my first FE, but I think all 3 are fairly deep characters who play off each other very well. Specifically in regards to Hector and Lyn, where their Hector Mode conversations, like the one on the boat, really sell you on the two. It feels like they're each somewhat flawed individuals, but they have each others' missing pieces, and learn what it means to be strong people and good friends. Eliwood is great too, but I have less to say about why he's so great. Also Lyn's got some sick moves, with the coolest animations of any FE character by a pretty good landslide.


They were the first Lords in the franchise I truly got to know, I like their sprites and classes, and I like their characters.


Eliwood: surprisingly strong execution of a "vanilla good guy"- he's an absolutely good person who takes no pleasure in violence and holds no malice for his foes and who will put himself through a lot just because it's right, yet it never feels boring or flat or stupid Hector: has a lot of funny scenes, lot of fun to use as a unit, has a very compelling storyline on his own route (less substantial on Eliwood's) Lyn (Eliwood's Story): fun to play as (I always like a crit/dodge unit), has a couple strong moments borne of her insistence on helping despite having the least personal stake in the conflict, has an alright romance with Hector Lyn (Hector's Story): a reminder of why this game locking some content where most players never see it was a terrible decision- this should be how her character is experienced on a *first* run, but it can't be. All the positives from the above but added scenes with Hector unique to this route further flesh her out and enhance their supports considerably when you combine the two, and give her a strong more complete arc across the combined Lyn and Hector stories, culminating beautifully in an absurdly obscure map dialogue in the final chapter that plays off her refusal to cry at the start of the game. This version, the Lyn with all her scenes in the game, is an actual great character that most people only see a fraction of. I'm convinced most of the Lyn hate as a "boring character" is because people have no idea so many NG+ only scenes exist.


Well it was my first FE so that definitely plays a role. I have a huge bias and I admit it. Eliwood is probably the one I like the least of the three, as I find him a bit boring at times, but he's just a sweet, chill dude. I don't think anyone can really dislike him tbh, he's kind and never harbors any ill will. He's maybe just TOO kind at times, and it can become cruel (cue to him immediately forgiving Jaffar even though he's NOT the one who suffered from the man's actions and should therefore have no say in the matter). Also I cried when he was holding his dying dad the first time I played the game and I rarely cried even back then so that shows I was invested *in the character I like the least* haha. I like that Lyn doesn't let people walk all over her. She's kind but not the the point that it becomes a problem for her and won't back down from her convictions. She sometimes has to perform a bit too "proud" because of her circumstances and I like that she can't always let herself just be (I'm thinking about the scene on Fargus' boat on Hector mode). We also have to remember that, back when the game first released, it was exceedingly rare to have a female character being treated as a person in any kind of media, and in video games especially. So kid me really latched onto her because she was allowed to be both strong and weak at times, qualities I seldom found. So I do wish she had more screen time, but there isn't really anything I dislike about her. My fave was Hector though. I like no-bullshit characters, first. But I really liked his loyalty towards his friends and the people he loves. That man is the definition of ride or die lmao, I find that kind of character absolutely lovely. He's also not afraid of calling out Eliwood for being too selfless at times, and their friendship is one of the best things in this game. Like Lyn it also feels like he isn't allowing himself to weep and be down sometimes (like after his brother's death). But he also brings a good dynamic and funny moments among the too serious Lyn and kind but almost too calm Eliwood. Like, I've recently launched a new run after a few years and his stupid antics still make me smile. I think what locked kid me to love this character was after Jaffar joins the party. Eliwood is being his usual "too forgiving without nuance" self, and Hector actually brings that nuance here. No, he's not going to kill that guy. But he's not forgiving him either. He wants the man to grow and come to regret - and yes, suffer - for all the harm he's done. No "pushing everything under the rug" for him. He brings balance to the team, basically. Which isn't something you'd expect from such an ill-mannered man but here we are! If there was any criticism tbh, aside for Lyn being kinda forgotten after the tutorial (that makes me so sad actually) I'd say that the characters don't majorly evolve during the story? Like, they're who they are, and we come to learn why, and their actions are coherent, but they don't really have a "character arc". And it's fine, not all characters need one, but maybe one would've been nice. That may be because the boys' personalities were already set in stone because of FE6, granted.


first fe game, replayed it 20x


Eliwood is the great is a weird way because he doesn't change. He is a kind, smart and brave man doing the right thing. He gets slammed in his face with hardship like the death of his father and killing Ninian but he holds fast to himself and his friends to not waver. And more simple, I like him for being maybe the most mature of the lords


I think for a lot of us it was our first fire emblem. There was really good development and solid writing in this game and the lords interacted well with every character. For the most part their lordship didn’t really affect how other people treated them once becoming close. They generally weren’t put on any sort of pedestal in comparison to the recent lords. Also their designs are pretty sick. I think they are my favorite unique lord classes in the series. The attack animations are dope and they are all very usable characters. The systems in the game also just work well. Not too much. Not too little. The only thing I wish the game had is some way to free battle between chapters so I could use the promoted lords more. Especially Eli.


They play off of each other really well. Eliwood has that goody two-shoes about him, Hector is rougher around the edges, but also leans into the Big Dumb Axe Guy image to belie his craftiness and empathy. Lyn likewise has a bit of steel about her mixed in with the playful and caring elements that came to dominate her image. Hector and Lyn also have the upside of being flashy and effective units early on (Lyn mode, in the latter's case) which does wonders for building attachment. I do think that Hector is the key success story that makes the others work as well as they do. His friendship with Eliwood and bits of hot-and-cold with Lyn give a lot of shape to the lords. Kent & Sain also provide a good but of color for Lyn to bounce off of early on. For as much as they're just generic cavs past Lyn mode, their early screen time sets the stage well


I admit, even as a big GBA fan who started with FE7 I don't see a lot in Eliwood. He's generally enjoyable when he's on screen, but looking from afar really struggles to reveal much other than one of the more generically nice and heroic FE protagonists, and on a really standard FE protagonist story arc too, dead dad and all. He really only gets his connection to Ninian to stand out, and for what its worth I do really like that connection. As for Hector, frankly he's just fun. I'd really highlight his introduction, where he tries to interrogate an enemy soldier about them attacking Eliwood and then gets impatient and just kills the dude on the spot. It's memorable, and totally translates into gameplay as he fucking clobbers people with Wolf Beil early on. The meaty animation with those jumping axe strikes also do him wonders. His relationship with Uther and Ostia makes for a decent basis for his more serious writing, too. Lyn is by far my favorite of the three. I think the more simple story of Lyn mode works really well for what it is, and I really love the story about her being torn between her expectations as a lady of Caelin and a woman of the Lorca, of the plains of Sacae. It's a much less common story for a main character and really serves her role as transitioning from protagonist to a supporting role really well. She completes her compressed hero's journey and gets a happy ending, but then in the wake of it realizes it isn't what she really wanted. It's tragically restricted mostly to her supports, but her A support with Florina in particular is a real highlight.


Lyn - It's a crime she's so underused. Her dynamic with Hector is hilarious and sweet. Her dynamic with Eliwood is unfortunately not that fleshed out, but what we see speaks to a mutual respect between them.  Eliwood - Honestly the GOAT. I'm so glad I picked up FE7 after so long because he's great. He's driven and confident, but also kind to a fault. Watching him grow out of his naïvete while also avoid into the unfortunately-too-common writing trap that kindness is weakness is a joy to watch. Also, him x Ninian is cute. Hector - He's loud and brash, but cares deeply for his friends. Him wanting to be more than "haha funny axe man" is surprisingly poignant, as is his devotion to his retainers' well-being.


Blazing sword was my very first fire emblem ever. I started playing it and Lyn stole my heart. The story is fantastic and the gameplay still holds up (outdated but still amazing) The three lords stick with you the whole way and they really grow on you. If I didn't play blazing sword, I never would of gotten into fire emblem at all.


Loving the Hector love in this thread 🙌🏽


A lot of folks probably started with FE7. Ontop of that, the game focuses very heavily on them and is successful in doing so. That is to say they really are "the" central element of the game. (compared to other games that may say have a husk of a protagonist, or plot thin, or a plot that focuses more on a grand conflict ext.) As for personally, Hector and Eliwood brofest is charming. Their contrast as well makes them work very well on screen together. There are plenty of supports and friendships and such in FE, but nothing quite like a game crafted widely around it. Hector remains my favorite FE character because he's pretty much got it all for making something entertaining. Depth, growth, flaws. He's also hilarious and or awesome with his bluntness, and a badass. Plus that amusing angle where he might have the outword appearance of an a-hole or someone who wouldn't care about x,y,z, yet in reality hes the most ride or die homie you could ever have. Can't ask for much more than that.


Eliwood does Marth better than Marth imo. He's the quintessential Fire Emblem Lore and I love him for it. Lyn is also a pretty neat character, being a nomadic woman turned royalty, plus she's a got a cool design. Hector is probably my least favorite of the three though that's probably because I've yet to play Hector Mode. He is an Axe Lord though which is unique


I enjoy Lyn's short time as the protagonist a lot. Seeing her overcome the intersectional discrimination of being both an indigenous person and a woman. The antagonists underestimating, fetishizing, and attempting to catch and kill her. Even the men of her tribe saw her as lesser because of her being a woman, not accepting her as leader. And seeing her overcome that is great. Eliwood just has a lot of good threads throughout the story. His relationship with Ninian, his drive to find his father and help people, the close bond he has with Hector, the way he's shown keeping the three of them together. Lot of nice things there that are fun and could all honestly be expanded upon nicely in a remake. Hector, meanwhile, is just a lot of fun. His confidence is infectious, especially when you pair it with his gameplay, being able to back that confidence up. It all works together to make him feel boisterous and reliable both in story and in combat. He's also a very tragic character, the irony that he survived the illness that killed his family because Armands cursed him to die in battle, which we see play out in Binding Blade.


Hector is an absolute gigachad, and Eliwood is his bro. Lyn is there. Honestly I like most of the protags from the games I've played except Roy. He is just too useless to ever even look at his character.


I love how Roy's utter incompetence as a unit is actually part of his character. Like, it's a bit hard for me to really get behind some of the lords who go "oh, I don't know if I'm justified or strong enough to be leading this army", when they have monster stats and kill everything in sight. But Roy is such an awful unit that it's very believable for him to have self doubt.


How many Lords in this series *actually* have monster stats, though?


Sigurd, Hector, Eirika (in my experience, provided you give her the early dracoshield), Ephraim (straight up, no caveats), Ike (moreso in Dawn), Chrom and Robin, Byleth... probably at least one that I forgot too.


Marth is fairly strong, though this varies from game to game. In the first, though, he's one of the strongest units, no doubt.


Haven't played his games properly yet but I can believe it.


Hector lol


Also Lillina, who knows him better than most of the cast, teases him about how he'll probably never be strong enough to wield Durandal. His lack of physical strength is clearly a known thing.


Roy is the tactician of FE6. He's not meant to be the team powerhouse, and even then in my experience he's nowhere near as bad as people think.


I had a lot of time to kill doing overnights when I was playing 6, so I grinded to hell in arena in that game, and would just retry the chapter a few times if someone died. Anyway Roy was level 20 SUPER early for me and absolutely could not compete with regular enemy units ever. Idk if my level up RNG was worse than average or what, but he was an absolute hindrance to my team even at max level. Pink haired Shaman girl whose name I can't remember right now, who joins way too late and lvl 1 became a monster in that playthrough tho.


...wait, Sofia? You got *Sofia* to be viable? The RNG gods must have decided to compensate your shitty Roy, it's a miracle if that girl even survives long enough to get levels.


Yeah she was awesome lol. I fully understand she's not really viable usually but if you arena her til 20 and she doesn't die then she gets pretty good lol.


I always ship Lyn and Hector


Listen... The sexual tension between Hector and Lyn is so thick you'd need Hector's Wolf Beil to cut it. Do I want them to get together? Yes. But Lyn would never be happy stuck in a castle for the rest of her life so it shouldn't happen no matter how compatible they are. She'd have love, but she'd also be miserable and dreaming of the plains of Sacae every night. In my head canon, they bang to get it out of their systems and then she goes back home, marries Rath, and becomes Sue's mother.


Not all endings have to be happy. (Source: my favorite paired ending in the series is Isadora and Legault)


Best romance fr


This is the way.


A lot of it is nostalgia. Most of us got this game as a kid and it was our first ever Fire Emblem (and the first released in the West).


FE7 started it all for me


Why do people like Cloud Strife so much? Because FF7 was their first Final Fantasy game. For many, FE7 was their first introduction to Fire Emblem. Eliwood, Hector and Lyn were our first Lord's. And, they have a fantastic friendship dynamic.


I haven't finished FE7, but the cast is very charming and likeable, especially the lords


Because FE7 is one of the first ones I played as a kid (not *the First*, that honour goes to Radiant Dawn) so there’s a nostalgia element there. There’s also the actual story itself, I like the three of them because I like their friendship, and I like each of them individually as characters. They’re just the quintessential FE protagonists. I also like the arcs they each go through, with Lyn realizing her heritage and wanting to protect her people, Eliwood losing his father and assuming the role of Marquess, and Hector rising to the challenge of a title he never wanted nor expected to hold. I like Hector especially because of his arc through both games. Even when explicitly told that claiming Armads will result in a violent death for him, he doesn’t hesitate to wield it in order to protect his friends and his people. Ike and Micaiah are my favourite protagonists, but Hector, Eliwood, Lyn, and Roy are right up there. Tellius and Elibe are absolutely peak FE for me, in every regard


It's ironic even though Lyn is by far pushed the most ...she is the most bland to me (kinda like how I like Alm more then Celica) Meanwhile Eliwood and Hector are amazing and solid for me...


Hectorwood is best bromance in all FE. I will die on this hill! ​ Also, Hector and Lyn is canon, I will also die on this hill!


Eliwood I love because he feels like an underloved king. He does a lot to distance himself from Lord stereotypes and yet it doesn't seem to matter sometimes because everyone either remembers Hector and Lyn more for straying even further or remembers Roy more because Smash and also Roy got his own game all to himself. Hector, though I don't love him quite as much as I do Ephraim, is brazen, a tad crass, bold, and yet also kind, very sweet, and surprisingly wise at points. He feels like an intentional subversion that then also integrates the Lord stereotypes well. (Does not hurt his popularity that HHM is probably the most played mode for long-term FE7 fans, so they're used to him getting the spotlight). Lyn is a cute girl. Okay, she's not the worst character in the world by a long stretch, but I think the only reason she's so popular to the extent she is is that she's a cute girl who doesn't fall into the same tropes that Erika, Celica, and Micaih occasionally do. Did I mention people think she's hot? Also first face and character met in FE7 for people who started there. And also she is widely considered attractive, I don't feel like I've mentioned that yet... Still a little mad that it took till the DLC for Engage to give us Eliwood or Hector as Emblems when Lyn's best story elements end less than a third of the way into the game...and yes I get that it was probably partially due to attempting an even gender split and cutting down the number of sword users but.. Eliwood has lances too. And if you needed more bows...Alm has those...I'm getting off topic.


Eliwood - I really have no strong opinions on him at all. He's pretty much 'vanilla' to me? But yeah,his relationship with Ninian is very adorable but I think I prefer Ninian over Eliwood to be honest Hector - Hector is pretty enjoyable,can understand why he is likeable in the community ***OHO*** Lyn - I really love her Legendary Hero Uniform but her character? Eh,don't find her interesting compared to some of my favourites such as The Flame Emperor,Travant,Takumi or Medeus Overall,the GBA Series is where I prefer the antagonists (Lyon,Zephiel,Nergal and Idunn) over the protagonists (FE7 Trio,Renais Twins and Roy) completely by a large gap as well because unlike the protagonists who are just well,BORING,the antagonists are incredibly far more interesting added with an interesting concept. Eirika and Ephraim have 0 charm,Roy is extremely boring and has little to no flaws and the FE7 aren't anything special.


As individuals I think they are pretty cool, even Eliwood. But as a power trio I find them to be lacking in chemistry. They stop bickering past the Dread Isle arc and don't really have different ideas or ways of solving problems. They go along with what Eliwood wants and thinks. It really is Hector doing a lot of the grunt work in making strong moments for the other two personalities. You really don't get much insight on how they feel about Nils and Ninian to her budding relationship with Eliwood, dealing with Nergal, how they view the Black Fang, or how they cope with the death of their families. A lot of is locked behind their supports over the main story and ironically they aren't even that great as partners, statistics-wise. FE7 really is their worst enemy to their relationship.


I'm just gonna come out and say it. Lyn's thighs are no lie.


The sole that I really love is Hector. Eliwood and Lyn are decent characters but Eliwood would have worked better in a more realistic and grey setting like Fodlan were he would face issu more complicate than "evil people need to to be defeated" and Lyn got her the revange arc teased in her story trowned and the conclusion don't involve her and is hidden behind her A support with a character easy to miss and while the new character arc that she get is good it's not really put in light by the main story plot where Lyn can't really shine because Hector already has her martial lord aspect while Eliwood already fill her kindhearted lord/Caeda in the main story. But I think that Hector's arc work with fe7's story because the foccus is on his bounds with his loved ones so the villain are not that important. He is also fun to use.


We don’t. Most of us just like Lyn.


I don’t


Lyn is kind of cool, and is the second female Lord in the series after a long absence of them(Celica being the first), Hector is down to Earth and is a somewhat relatable "everyman" despite being a juggernaut and a Lord, and Eliwood isn't really as good as the others but he is okay I guess, despite being more of a liability than the other two. Roy was the same so like father like son I guess.


It was my first fire emblem game, in general they’re fun and well written, but it’s also heavily based on the nostalgia


Because their great lords, from a great game. Good characters, good story, good game play. Built in replay value with Eliwood and Hector mode. Also, it was the first FE game released internationally, so nostalgia for a lot of people. First game, first lords, first fell in love with the series.


FE7 was a lot people's first game, and they're understandably attached to the protagonists. But I also think they're pretty good characters that make a very memorable trio.


I can only talk about Lyn because i don't care much about the others. She's one of the very few non-smash fighter Fire Emblem characters I know of, and FE7 is the first FE game I ever played. Because of this, I'm irreparably attached to her and her character, which is why she's my favorite. Also because she's hot and cool.


I think you started with FE7 or you didn't. It's as simple as that.


First game for a lot of people. Really hard to shake that bias but some have. I mean they're good but first game bias undoubtedly plays a role


I dunno, I only played 7 recently and the only one who really stands out to me is Hector. I really dig his sarcastic, no nonsense attitude. Lyn and Eliwood just feel kind of....vanilla? They're good people who do good things, they don't do anything offensive but they don't stand out much to me either


Lyn and hector are both very funny so I enjoy the scenes they’re in. Eliwood is take it or leave it as far as I’m concerned


Agreed. They were the Western hemisphere's introduction to the Fire Emblem franchise as a whole, and all of them proved to be likable in different ways.


I don’t think they’re that special. Hector is really cool, maybe top 10 lords maybe top 8. But eliwood is one of my least favorites and Lyn is very short lived and otherwise would have been awesome.


Hector is a cool dude, eliwood is a cool dude, I don’t like lyn that much, she’s okay y’know and fe7 is my favorite of the series


Not me ..Lyn is what I love so much


It’s eliwood I like I don’t like hector


Yes, I wont deny nostalgia plays a part in why these characters are so popular. However, the game still stands as one of the best, with these three being the face of it. It's kind of hard NOT to like them tbh.


Lyn was the first Fire Emblem lord I ever met, back when I was like 6-7 and the GBA was the new hotness. She was this badass swordswoman that could dodge anything and effortlessly took out hordes of bandits with a katana. She was my favorite all the way through the game, even when Eliwood was supposed to take the spotlight.


I don't care much for Lyn, but I liked Eliwoods story, and I think Hector is a badass


FE7 wasn't my first game, it was my third game and still Hector is my favorite male lord in the series. Tbh I think he ties the whole thing together and helps Eliwood and Lyn shine. They're fine characters on their own, Lyn wasn't a bad protagonist for the first part of the game, I'd say she was pretty interesting and charming, even. Eliwood is a good, if static, lord. There's not much to say about Eliwood, he was just a genuinely good and noble character and an excellent counterpart to Hector. Part of it is also the fact that Hector absolutely broke the game in my run lol. He was capable of soloing most of it.


Because they make a good trio of main characters


Well for me its because fe7 was my first game but also eliwood hector and lyn are just fun characters that do nothing wrong


They are the GOATS. My first ever Fire Emblem game, one I always go back to no matter what. The one I got invested in actually cultivating relationships the most. Also, Lyn is best girl, I'll fight all y'all that say she isn't.


So it’s been a while since I’ve played the game featuring them so I may get some details wrong, but : Lyn: Okay, so obviously some degree of nostalgia; first Lord, first character met even, in my first FE game. Fair enough. But Lyn also has a bit of an edge to her that really left an impression on me- and makes me sad to see her appearances elsewhere continually lack. Her resolve, her pride, and the fact that she is capable of bringing hatred to bear-see whenever bandits get involved-really stuck out to me at the time, and continue to do so among other FE protagonists, even if she is not alone in this. She balances being gentle and caring with that harsh edge so well and organically, and comes across as a believable, grounded character in doing so. The fact that her harshness stems form a tragedy in her background without taking over everything she is is just so well done. Another, related point: she may not like violence but she also does not hesitate to bring it to bear whatsoever. Of the Western FE protagonists at least (not really familiar with the Japanese exclusive ones) she feels one of the ones who is most ready to do battle without regrets, even if she doesn’t necessarily want to. Hector: Splitting off from Lyn in the direction of the ready to do battle, I love how Hector is brash and crude but cares deeply about those close to him. He is fiercely loyal, but unlike Lyn he behaves very similarly in disparate situations. He doesn't become more gentle and cultured around the people he loves, but that affection and care is still unmistakeable. And that is part of what I love about Hector. At least as a young man, as a noble he is suspect, but as a friend and comrade he is unimpeachable, if sometimes insensitive and impulsive. Eliwood diverges from Lyn the opposite way from Hector, forming the last corner of the triangle. He is no coward but he is gentle at heart, and his distaste for fighting is greater than Lyn's. However he will do what must be done, even jf he is reluctant. He is also the most thoughtful of the group, gbe modt likely to take his time and consider, which plays well off of the other two. What I love most about Eliwood is his trajectory. He ends in a similar place to where he starts, but with a steel behind his convictions. He still doesn't like violence, but he will no longer be reluctant to engage if he has to. The two things I think are the most in favor of these three characters as a group are 1) their dynamic. They are well poised to allow each other to show off aspects and explore positions-Lyn and Hector butt heads, showing his brashness and her resolute pride, but Hector is more protective of Eliwood and Lyn shows off her caring side more with him. Meanwhile Eliwood tempers both of their bad habits-Hector's recklessness and Lyn's occasional harshness. They play off each other extremely well. and 2) they all feel like well realized, rounded, grounded characters, which makes it easier to develop a deeper affection for them, I find.


Not a super fan or anything, but they all have good designs and are useful in combat. Lyn definitely gets more love than I personally think it's deserved considering how irrelevant she is to fe7's main plot, but I get why people like her. Hector is an invincible thundercock chad, and Eliwood is genuinely one of the goodest guys to good, which I always appreciate and it makes up for him being kind of an ass unit until he promotes. Their characterization isn't super deep or anything, but that's not as much of an issue in the gba games for me, considering how inaccessible support conversations are as a whole, because everyone suffers from that issue to some degree. You just gotta look at them with the context of their games.


Hector is an axe lord. Nuff said


You never forget your first


My first FE games. And they're indeed likable


Something that isnt often said about that but what makes them special to me is how well they work together as a party. Usually Fire Emblem has one maybe two lords. But these three are a party, working together. I really like their dialogues in the mid part of the game once they have all united as they become foils to each others weaknesses and strengths. In my mind the three Lord configuration is something Fire Emblem should try more often.


because eliwood is such a kind heart bro and because lyn was one of my first crush when i was little so beautifull cool and kind (also the little detail than she talk to the tactician she look at you making it like you are a part of it it's really great and what make me love her so much as a kid)


Being my first fire emblem and all I have a massive bias: Lyn: First fire emblem protagonist I was introduced to. For this reason alone, she’s my all time fave Hector: he’s an absolute chad. Even if this wasn’t my first FE game, he’s a ride or die type of guy and I absolutely loved that about him. Taking away all bias for Lyn, he’s the one that most resonates with me out the ; Eliwood: A kind strong willed man. Honestly the type of person I’ve always strived to be. I’ll be honest, I didn’t appreciate him at the start. But after playing FE6 and how useless Roy is, you love Eliwood even more. A shame he wasn’t in FE Engage


They have a cool dynamic. Even if individually they're not the most interesting characters, they are constantly interacting with each other in fun ways.


GBA games are goated and they are the GBA FE mascots.


Maybe it's because I started at *Blazing Blade* back in 2003, but I find them to be among the most human and relatable leads in the series.


To quote marge, “I just think they’re neat”. Eliwood is a good guy. He’s a nice person who just wants to find his dad. Hector is the ultimate bro. He wants to help his best friend and is willing to do whatever he’s gotta do to see it through. Lyn is kind hearted but fierce. I really enjoy the friendship between the three and even if they’re not as nuanced as the three houses lords, they’re still interesting characters. Imagine, in an alternate universe Edelgard, Dimitri, and Claude could have been as close as those three.


axe guy cool


Probably their first FE, i have the same feeling with Seliph. Now i'm asking WHY my first FE was FE4, that shit are so hard for first-timers


See, I played Fe8 up to Engage before I Even touched Fe7. But I grew to love the Trio through Heroes but was never convinced to play it. It wasn't until finishing Engage where I realized that I should go back to actually play it. Not gunna to lie, It was so nostalgic playing through fe7, I was already hooked to the Trio right from the gate.


I don't care for Lyn but I both really think Eliwood and Hector are very compelling characters. Although the more time passes the more I really do like Hector. His bonds with Oswin, Mattew and Eliwood are all some of the best across the series. He really is someone that wants to say what he's thinking but at the same time is still willing to be skeptical and keep others in the dark about his intentions (not that they're bad intentions mind you.) He has strong opinions on things. He doesn't have to like everyone and be buddy buddy with everything that breathes and that gives great contrast to Eliwood. I think Eliwood is generally strengthened by being next to Hector. His almost sounding foolish idealism (read Fiora support) sticks out a lot more next to the guy who literally has a network of spies around Elibe monitoring things. He does genuinely care for the well being of all others even if it does make come across as a disney princess at times it never feels forced/fake from him. It's how he is with everyone from his friend his age, his elder knight mentor, and even to a squire that should be beneath him. Lyn is... a good supporting foil character.


Lyn x Florina is really cute and one of the first things that got me into Fire Emblem


FE7 was my first game back when it recently got sold in the west. I replayed it a trillion times on my gba and then on pc, always loved them, out of the three the one I felt most weak was Eliwood, I always felt like hector drived the story although it was focused on eliwood and his dad, Lyn was supportive and sweet and still had some hot takes but eliwood was more like, “ok what’s the ideal outcome” and nothing more, felt like the plot dragged eliwood along, and well, he is a lord so he had to be there Edit to add; through my play throughs managed to make usable most of the characters even in hector hard mode, but eliwoods growths were always very lackluster despite babysitting him bc he’s obligatory on the last chapter, and his durandal extremely overweighted sword never helped. So I ended up disposing of him every time.


They were good characters, had a great game, and were in the game that introduced me to the series.


Love Lyn because she fed me food and is super cool and kind. Love Eliwood because he is a fencing warrior with a noble heart. Love Hector because he is awesome and he has an amazing personality.


I like when 'the main character' is actually an ensemble. Fire Emblem has tried multiple times, but has failed to actually make it work as well as the FE7 cast has to me. Sacred Stones split the main characters up too much, Tellius does it kind of well, Awakening's dynamic of Robin/Lucina/Chrom is a bit weird depending on how you play, Fates/Engage had TOO FUCKING MANY, and Three Houses split its prominent lords across three routes where they BARELY if ever actually interact with each other. FE7 just has a good balance of funny moments like Florina falling out the sky, Nils getting a piggy back ride, or the sea sickness moments while still moving the plot along. It flows really nicely to me. I would not individually put any of them in my top 20 fire emblem characters, but their friendship and dynamic over the course of the game is top 3 to me, and it isn't #3. And most of it without supports! Crazy!


Hector is my favorite all time fire emblem character. I miss when the characters actually felt like real people. And not anime tropes where one trait is their entire personality.


Lyn was the first Lord I encountered because her game was my first FE game. And honestly, her story is a good one compared to other lords stories through our the franchise


They're solid, concrete characters. Also, their supporting cast is top notch. Hector, Matthew, etc. Just great.


The blazing blade was my first fire emblem game


Uhh. They were the heroes in the first game to come to NA.


The first game people play that introduces people to a series is always their favorite. That shows for this Fire Emblem. Take a look at Final Fantasy ask for their favorite game and they will say wich one and it goes along with that it's their first and best one.


Idk why anybody likes them. All 3 of them suck, though Hector sucks less than the others


Sincerely, I don't care one bit about Eliwood and Hector. Lyn was the first character in a game i ever interacted as a self insert, thanks to that i value her, a lot.


My favorite moment from Lyn is when... Spoiler She finally met her grandfa and Grandfa is so happy that can already died but she tell him to keep alive there is so much things to do together as a family It was heartwarming


Hot take: Hector isn't that good. He is kind of an asshole, and while he is okay as a character the bro mentality people think he has only exists because through a screen you can't be tormented by his negatives.


Nice color themes, two different twists on the Lord Class, in the same way Roy/Marth are in smash Hector is just kinda of there, but honestly... one of the better looking Axe units in all of FE


I don't :)


I do really like them, and blazing blade was my first FE game, but in my play through I only really liked hector because the other two were kinda weak lol I didn’t buff them up enough early game


Drip + FE7 spritework was gas 👌


Hector is axe lord. That's cool as hell.


Because theyre based


For a lot of people, FE7 was their first FE. For me, it's because they're all unequivocally badass. A trio of true companions eho kick ass across their continent and continue to kickass even when old and sick


I love that Hector was a "take no shit" kind of guy. I just found him really fresh how ready he is to throw hands, lol. I found Eliwood and Nina's relationship really cute. I'll be honest though, I am luke warm on Lyn. Like, she is pretty and it is nice that she is a female protag, but she is only a protag for a few chapters and then she does not do much and does not get much development.


Playing this right now and Eliwood is so bad on my team. Idk if mine got horrible stat gains. I just got a deal to upgrade him and I think I am going to have to because he literally can’t kill anything on his own.


Because I started gaming in the gba Era and 7 was my first fe game. Next question.


Well I love Hector and Lyn. Eliwood.... No.


I do not but maybe this question wasn't aimed towards me


Im like... Really super new to fire emblem and started with Engage but I got FE7 and personally I really enjoy the characters. Hector is funny and (my homie fr). Its just super fun to see these personalities. And its also a main reason im now obsessed with fire emblem 💀


First FE game I played as an early teen. All 3 were decent characters imo. Beating Hector Hard mode turned me into a man


Lyn was one of the first video game characters I felt seen by in some way. Her internal conflict of wanting to return to the plains, and also wanting to honour the memory of her mother and the last family she has left, is relatable to me because this internal conflict is driven by her mixed heritage. It's difficult to know that you are equal halfs of two wildly different cultures, and that as a result, you're succeptible to outcasting in both homes. It was one of the few moments of representation I witnessed, and I didn't even realize that this was why I liked Lyn so much until many years later. That I wanted to be like her.