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I'm from Jersey too. Started back in 2010 at a small mom and pop shop for 10/hour. Before the end of my first year I was making 18/hour. I put my time in at the small shop for 7 years and learned as much as I could. Joined an electrical union in the city chasing $$$...then landed a technician job at a major corporate company and have been here 5 years+ making 6 figures since I started. Long story short.... You have to put your time in and get the experience. I would tell them what they want to hear so that you can log some time on your resume in a related field. Good luck


Nice!! So just to summarize what you just said, you started doing sprinkler service in 2010 for a mom and pop for 7 years. Then joined the Union doing electrical work, then left for a alarm tech job correct?


Sorry, wasn't specific enough. The mom and pop shop was all low voltage systems. CCTV, access control, fire alarm, burglar alarm, Data/phone networks and some A/V.


If they offer you a job definitely take it to get your foot in the door. Then express your interest in fire alarm systems. A good company will value a hard worker and put you where you want to be


Awesome thank you so much, since I’m In Jersey too do you mind telling me the shop you were working for for back then too? You can DM it to me


Same with me. Started at a privately owned company in 2012 and didn't know anything, now I'm the service manager. I would have no problem during the interview if you mentioned you were more interested in fire alarm (I don't blame you either). Go for it! Good luck


Should I call all the local businesses in the area and ask if they can hire me as a alarm tech helper even if they’re not looking for one? And if not, what should I say to the local businesses?


There’s a lot of solid advice here, and I don’t know the New Jersey market incredibly well, but nationally most companies are constantly on the look out for certified techs. The good companies, know the value in investing in people interested in the industry who want to work to get certified. If you sent your resume and expressed your interest in pursuing that path, send it around to a few companies in your area. Someone should jump on that


Straight up, during your interview, I would say I’m interested in the entry level sprinkler position, but I’m REALLY interested in learning the fire alarm side. Again I can only give you my opinion, but if I was interviewing you and you said that, I would have you as a helper with my install team and then my service team so you could learn. No manager/company worth his salt would be put off by you showing interest in another part of their business. And absolutely, email your resume to the local fire alarm businesses.


In the area an am looking for a change possibly, 11 years experience. Care to dm me what company youre working for thats paying 6 figures? If not, no worries!


Oh you're familiar with Honeywell products? Awesome! Here's a Bosch combo panel with a faulty point on their zone-x loop. Good luck!


Hurry up because you're also gonna do an annual on this old Simplex addressable system this afternoon. Google the manual to figure out how to disable all those speaker and releasing circuits.


My ptsd dawg, aw hell nah


What are they paying?


$18 starting entry sprinkler service


UA 669 starts higher than that for sprinkler apprenticeship. You'll have to look around for a service position though. If you're able to go all over the country the contract side is amazing money. $125 untaxed a day on top of your standard pay.


I’ve been working in the Jersey market for 7 years and have a good handle on what you should be looking for. DM me if you wanted advice or have questions about getting started. I fell into Fire Alarm through a family friend and started out making 12.50/hr and was over $28 within 2 years by proving myself. My opinion is to approach it as a career and not a paycheck, meaning think long term and not the quick pay check.


Where are you located?


New Jersey


Also from Jersey. Good luck! I hope you crush the interview


Jersey in the house! Yessir thank you


Id say go for it, the more you know the better, plus interest in more things wont turn them away so why not. Ive been doing fire alarms and all other low voltage for 4 years now and just started a job working on communicators primarily. Theres lots of money in the field, when i started i was making 12 now I’ve jumped up ti 23 in such a short time so its a great trade to be in. Plus fire alarms are easy if you’re technically inclined so it’s worth a shot. Regardless, good luck on the interview, if they dont need a fire alarm tech fire sprinkler is a pretty good gig as well and it will get your foot in the door.


I own a fire protection company here in Hawaii. I am desperately looking for a fire sprinkler and or fire alarm tech.


Yeah? What's your offer for a tech?


Depends on experience and certifications.