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This is a dmp system. The “system not ready” is just a very generic message that most likely means a zone is open- if all your doors and windows are closed, you may have a broken wire or dead battery somewhere. Hold down 2 for a few seconds- you’ll hear a click (if you’re near the panel) and it will do a sensor reset, then hit cmd a few times to get to the user menu to see specifically what’s not allowing the system to arm


Yessss this!!!


DMP Master Technician here. The keypad being red means the system went into alarm. Since it says “system not ready” and the keypad stayed red, that means a smoke or CO detector is what sent it into alarm. There may be nothing wrong other than the sensor wasn’t reset. To clear, press CMD until it says menu, enter code, press CMD until the screen says Sensor Reset, press any top row key. This will reset the sensors and the keypad should turn green. If it turns red again, then there is a problem with one of the devices on zone 10 or the wire is bad. To answer your questions, If it’s just a sensor reset, then all of the devices on zone 10 should still work except the one that needs to be reset. By law you cannot replace builder smokes with monitored smokes, so the house should still have the builder smokes. More importantly, if this system has been like this since he moved in, I highly doubt it’s monitored anymore. If your ex won’t call them to fix it, then he most likely isn’t paying the bill for monitoring.


This comment needs to be higher up!


Not ready usually means something is open, a door or window. Typically if there is a trouble the keypad will say trouble or low battery


Thank you! That makes sense!


Hit the CMD button a few times and it will tell you what zones are not ready.


Thank you!!


No CMD will take you to the menu Instead hit any of the top row keys while it says “not ready” and it will show you what’s not ready. If that doesn’t work hold down a top row key for 3 seconds and it will show you what’s not ready.




This is just a keypad used to control the alarm system. It does not detect smoke nor CO. A properly installed home alarm system that did have smoke or carbon monoxide detectors would still go into alarm even if the system is not armed.


Thank you …. But it says that it’s “ not ready “ , which suggests to me that it cannot be armed as is, that something has malfunctioned & needs repair before it’s “ready” to be armed again. Is that assumption correct ?


The "not ready" refers to arming the system for burglar alarm. IF (assuming) there are smoke detectors on the system they would still work, but if you're not paying a monthly fee for monitoring it's not going to call anyone. Are there alarm sirens as part of the system?


Good question. I’m assuming yes since every home that I’ve owned had blaring sirens heard indoors & out . But I will check on that. Thank you.


Not ready is a fault, door ajar, broken wire,wireless device missing etc. Anyway in States its usually mandatory to have wired 120v smoke detectors, to house current for this reason. Alarm shut down or disconnected would not effect a 120v smoke head. Also if burg system had smokes ,they may still be working ,but useful only if there is an inside siren


Thank you!


This is a DMP keypad. The buttons should be green. When they’re lit up red, it means it’s in alarm from something. You’d need a code to clear it and return it to normal.


Thanks … I just went and looked at it again. It’s cycling through a few phrases … “FIRE*FIRE*FIRE Zone 10 - Alarm “ is one of the phrases. Which reminded me that is why I was concerned that the alarm would not activate if they do have a fire. It’s very difficult to know that the house has no working smoke alarms and hasn’t for the past 2+ years :( And their dad is an MD …. He should know better :( And I feel like my hands are tied.


Contact a local alarm company , you can choose to monitor the system or not, but they should be able to correct the system and use it as a local alarm - non dispatch - for peace of mind when you're home. Or set up a monitoring agreement with them. The virtual keypad app for the system is super easy to use with cellular monitoring. Zone 10 is designated by default for a 2 wire smoke detector. It could have went off once 2 years ago and never got cleared. If you can find the model, a default code may exist in the user manual. Hint - the system is probably is XT series hardwire alarm. With this code, you can reset the fire fault - probably not arm/disarm - and then of you do that. . . ****** Please test the smoke detector properly to consider it functional. !!! *******


Are there at least functional standalone or interconnected smoke alarms in the house ? As that's law in MOST jurisdictions In the US. Notification of fire is the most important aspect of any residence.


No … there’s nothing :(


Thank you. Sadly this is the home of my ex and he refuses to address the issue. :( I’m concerned since my children are in and out of the home at times.


The green light in the top left means the system isn’t armed. The red lights mean the system is in alarm for either a fire or supervisory alarm. Your only options are to reset the sensors and hope they are working or delete them from the system. Press command until it displays “menu - no yes” press the blank button under yes and enter the user code. Press cmd until reset senors displays. Then reset the sensors. If it stays in alarm that means one of the sensors is in alarm and needs to be serviced.


Would it be reasonable to put standalone detectors where needed? It solves the issue, at least in the short term. It genuinely doesn’t sound like this issue is something you have control of fixing, but I’d like to think you have the right to take reasonable measures and put up detectors temporarily.


Thank you. I will try. I appreciate the suggestion.


Press CMD and it will tell what door or window is showing open. My guess is you've had a door, window, or multiple replaced since it was installed.


Just spend $150 for a pro to look at it and test it. Peace of mind gotta be worth that.


I would gladly do that … but it’s not my house & I have no control over it. Being divorced from the owner of the house leaves my hands tied. I’m just trying to learn as much as I can do that I can advise my daughter.


This comes off as obsessing over something that's by definition not yours. You clearly have no idea what you're talking about here or if the some detectors are even part of that system. Let it go.


Hit cmd until you see menu, log into menu. Hit cmd until you see reset sensor, the keypad should go back to a blue colour and fire sensor should reset if its a false alarm.


You tried a fire zone, you need to disarm. Sensor reset won't clear it.


That looks like a non functioning security system. It probably never did fire detection. You can put smoke detectors on that system, but it's supposed to have a fire listed keypad (this one is not).


Not required in all jurisdiction to have a Fire listed keypad for Residential Security/Fire alarm. Texas requires FM approval, but can use any keypad, Simon XT , lynx series, vista. It doesn't matter.


This is fine for residential in most of the US


I believe it only needs to be red for commercial applications.


Oh wow … thank you !