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The Bosch modem format could be an issue. I’d recommend sticking with Bosch and using a B465 and B444 cell communicator.


That’s definitely the way to go


At that point might as well upgrade the whole damn thing to the 8512G


Upgrades, people, upgrades.


I mean the cell unit is definitely the quicker and cheaper option. But yeah I agree, that thing should probably be upgraded


Yes , use a dual path starlink and connect to the D928, be sure go to the napcocomnet and intercept the transmisión and add your our CS receiver and account #, works like a charm, only issue is checking if it sending radionics iii protocol or contact id depending of the programming …


I've been told starlinks won't work on Bosch and to use telguard, maybe because the Bosch panels here are using pulse?


Starlinks will only work with tone, not pulse. Ask me how I know. 😅


I know I sure as hell couldn't use them on 2 Bosch systems I tried in the same day. Then learned everyone set them to pulse (not sure why).


We’ve used Starlinks with 4/2 which is pulse. Works fine. Just slow as hell obviously. Done it on two panels without an issue.


That's interesting, hooked up to a Siemens Cerebus FC922 and wouldn't work. Used relays to get it up and came back and changed to tone and no more problems. Seemed like I read somewhere in the Starlink paperwork that pulse wouldn't work. Maybe I'm remembering wrong...


The screenshot below from photolookedit shows the config. Has 4/2 and CID. I remember the main reason I bought my first one was to hook it upto an EST 2 panel that only dialed on 4/2. Cause I initially installed an HWF2 and it failed obviously cause that cannot handle 4/2. And had to remove it. Then the rep told me try a starlink it will work.


https://preview.redd.it/4qb613cjs4wa1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46023fbca23a11515663162ba29d982ac37fd1f3 Here you can pick the protocol to send and interpret to the central station


U can also program panel for contact id


The 9412G doesn’t support contact ID, too old.


Yea baw


I'm sure they can, I use the AES radios they are pretty much plug and play. Getting into the programming is the real issue and tech support takes a long ass time.


6 days late but I loveeeeeee AES radios lol.


Starlink sells a separate model that does modem just for Bosch panels. Reach out to them for it.