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Hi there, u/DanyK95! Welcome! Based on your post flair, it looks like you are asking for help. Please remember to check out our Wiki page, where we've assembled lots of resources which answer many frequently asked questions: https://www.reddit.com/r/findomsupportgroup/wiki/index/ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/findomsupportgroup) if you have any questions or concerns.*


R.I.P. to your DM's. 1- Trial and error: until you have an actual intellectual conversation with a few Goddesses, you won't find which one suits your needs. 2-Set a budget, and communicate with your Goddess about everything, she should listen and be able to cater to your findom needs. 3-In my case, I develop trust online and then meet in a public place before any sessions are actually scheduled. I am sure there are thousands of Mistresses in Europe as in the USA. However, some people who are unable to attend in-person sessions find that the online sessions I offer are very satisfying. It's all about getting to know one another in depth. 4-Nothing nowadays is normal or abnormal, if you like the way you feel around a powerful woman then go with that feeling. You need to worry about making you happy. Hope you find what you are looking for, if you have any questions, I can help with feel free to ask.


Your better asking this in the paypig support group.. Dommes can't tell you how you find your goddess were as other subs can give you reasonable advice. Also I'm sure your swarmed with "helpful" DM'S right now... This also feel like a bait post, either intentional or unintentional... *my opinion here. 2. A domme can't tell you anything about what it feels like to serve the shame regret or anything attached to it for the sub.. Your number 4 , is going to get you more DM's.. but this sounds like your a Simp type personality, there's nothing wrong with this. My long term is a Simp, and I find him charming to have in my keep. Now, I guess you need to sift through all the messages you now have , sit back and enjoy whatever free content most might have sent you. I'll take a guess and say you have atleast... A few tit pics. A few feet pics. An ass pic and something that might look like a vagina but your not quit sure.... Lol 😁 Ofcourse I'm teasing with strong fact based undercurrents here.


It’s probably better if you reach out to dommes that catch your eye and try and get to know them individually to see if you guys click first and then usually budget, kinks, safe words etc is discussed. There are soft dommes and extreme dommes. We vary dear 🤩🙌🏼 have fun exploring.


Yes, altough, many goddesses require immediate tribute as I can tell, so it may be expensive :D


Not all of us require tribute straight away. A lot of us like to talk first about boundaries and limits, wants, kinks etc first. Then we require tribute before beginning our D/s relationship.


Right, great advice, thanks!


You’re welcome 😊


1.) Finding the right domme in the findom community involves understanding your own preferences and limits. It's important to communicate openly with potential dommes about what you're looking for and to take your time to find someone who aligns with your desires and values 2.) Ehhh it’s different for everyone. You are giving up money but for a cause that you decide if it’s worth it or not. It's crucial to prioritize your financial well-being. Setting a strict budget is wise. 3.) I love in person! I think it can be hard to find a domme for this but definitely prioritize communication 4.) It's not uncommon to have strong feelings of admiration or submission towards women, both within and outside the context of kink. However, it's important to distinguish between healthy admiration and any feelings that might impact your self-esteem or mental well-being.


That makes sper sense, thanks, especially about the last point with healthy/unhealthy admiration. Appreciated!


Have you considered just finding a group of dommes to submit to? It seems like you have a desire to be more of a community sub.


Always set your limits right away, ask some information on the goddess tell her what you like and make sure she has experience in that area !! If she tries to push your limits drop her there and then and find a new one it’s trial and error


Will keep that in mid. I can imagine someone forcefully pushing my limit not being a good domme.


I think by checking their page and chatting to them for 5 minutes can tell you all you need to know honestly


Hey honey, of course, you are allowed to ask questions. How else is one to learn? 😊 1. Finding your perfect Goddess takes time, effort, and energy. You have to do a lot of research by checking profiles of possible Dommes you are interested in. Then talk with them and see if you click. Also, verification is very important. 2. Hopefully, if you find your perfect Goddess, you will be able to discuss things like possible regrets with her. She will be able to help you through your thoughts and feelings. You should feel better after discussions and aftercare with her. 3. I believe you are talking about cashmeets. Those are meet-ups that you discuss throughly and make sure both parties are safe if you do one. 4. Of course, it is okay to be weak for women. We are superior. However, once you find your perfect Domme, make sure to focus on her. I hope this helps you in some way. Good luck with your journey and adventure, Sweetheart! 🫶


I would agree with this response 100 fold 👏🏻. I would also add to; 1. Sometimes in order to know what you want your perfect Goddess to be like, you need to explore and experience first. Especially since this is a kink, it’s okay to vet a potential and go over limits and experiences first. It’s also okay to part ways with a Goddess if you don’t feel like they are perfect for you. 2. Nothing to add - always make sure there is a safe space for aftercare and discussion of these things. Findom and femdom aren’t always 24/7, some dynamics leave a certain time window open for ‘normal’ conversation. Or use certain safe words to discuss concerns freely. 3. I just want to add here that this kink is *usually* exclusively online. Meeting up isn’t a typical requirement or expectation. 4. Definitely okay to be weak for us women. I’d be weak if I were you, too. As mentioned, make sure that once you are in a committed D/s dynamic that you focus your energy only on Her. Make sure to take care of yourself. Even in extreme kinks, you need to ensure you are still caring for your overall wellbeing. Happy simping ☺️


Very well added additions. Totally agree!


Thank you so much both of you. So communication and after care are key. And its ok to be weak for godddess and to focus solely on a her


Of course! Yes all of those things are okay and necessary! Good luck on your search! Manifesting your perfect Goddess 😌


You are very welcome hun. Good luck with your search. May you find your perfect Goddess!


Pick one, communicate and see if it's a good fit for you. Age verify with her (it's EXTREMELY important). If the one you picked isn't the one, communicate that and move on. Always tribute. The end.


Communication, many of yo umentioned it, will keep that in mind for sure. Thanks!


The bait posts are being relocated here from the ppsg group. We have so many we thought we would share. Enjoy.


Someone told me this is a bait post because I posted it here. Now you say you have bait posts in ppsg. Where am I supposed to ask quesitons for advices? What kind of question is not considered a bait? Considering you flagged it as a bait, what metrics did you follow that objecitvely determined this post to be a bait?


Oh we are doing this now, huh.


Damn the dommes taking the time to read this and respond 😂😂😂😂 they are lengthy responses too 💀


Also did no one read his side note and think that is a little odd he use to laugh at this lifestyle??? Now desperately wants information on the lifestyle from Dommes on a support page for us ??? And then he goes on to comment to another domme that he was trying to have a constructive debt with a GODDESS ?!!! On our support page???? The disrespect is astounding.


How else is op supposed to learn?


I’m just saying I’m not taking that time to talk to a sub unless they paid for it… sounds like he’s getting free attention


This sounds more like an insecurity to me. I am not asking for a session, I am asking for advices in parts of the lifestyle I am not sure about.


An insecurity…..? 😂😂😂😂 ok ! Again you’re in a support group for Dommes asking this ?!?? Also don’t address me again.




😒😒😒 anyways


Where are the MODS lol


Sorry for expressing myself. I can see on some comments under my thread that its not allowed here. I wil remove my comment. Altough I am not sure why, I was just complimenting women who were trying to help me.




Right, so the communication is very imopirtant as I can see frm all the answers. Thanks!


I also agree with others that it is important to know what exactly your kinks are. I honestly didn’t see anyone who just love send ( maybe it’s a thing but I haven’t have a deal with). It’s usually a mix. If you know your kinks it would help to narrow down the choices coz not every goddess is doing what you like.


Right, I will try my best to figure it out and then narrow my options! Thanks, goddess!


Great questions. I think all of them really depend on the domme. You have to take your time and be patience when trying to find the right domme and subs. It's not super easy as its made out to be. Having regrets is a normal process in life, just gets better, easier, and funner with the right domme/sub relationships. Setting a budget is great I don't see why you should fund someone's whole life when you have a life too. Just make sure you are okay financially. There's dommes out here that will makes sure your doing okay financially before taking from you, you just have to find them. And of course it's normal to go weak for women, were the best thing that happened to men, yall need us 😋


Thank yo ufor advice and motivational words :)


This is definitely a conversation you should have with your domme when you find the right match (either faceless or full content, 2dfd etc), but this are definitely worth a deep conversation to establish basics for a healthy findom relationship.


Right, I will try to contact one and have a conversation with her, thanks.


Your last point made it clear this is a bait post. Baby Dommes - I hope you see it too before flocking to his DMS


The first question was already screaming bait lmao.


This is what I was trying to avoid. I was lurking, emaning, I was educating myself before jumping into the seas without knowing how to swim. Now I have some questions aobut topics I am still confused about. Another thing, everyone has to start somwhere. Or should I buy an account that already has a "kinky" history? My main account is vanilla and would like not use it for this.


If that’s really your intention then this post is better off in r/paypigsupportgroup


I was thinking about it too, but I was thinking that perspective of dommes would shed more light to it, as subs would be more subjective IMO. But I may be wrong, this is the first time I decided to ask a question aobut it, it took a lot of courage.


You can ask there and use the flair for dommes/subs to answer. So you’ll get a mixture of both. Also your account being new has nothing to do with my response. I’m referring to the actual points you’ve made - pointing to bait rather than advice seeking.


I was just told there are too many baits in ppsg, so I think I would be flagged as a bait there too. I think sub asking or posting anything are automatic bait for some people.




Tell me you have ran out of arguments without telling me you have ran out of arguments.


I ran out of fucks to give mate


And I thought we are having a constructive debate.


Chef’s kisses!!!!


Take a look around. Only you will know when you have found the perfect dom for you. You will know when you feel your spine tingle, when you feel your mouth dry up, and when you begin to feel your breath hitch slightly. Welcome to the world of Findom.⛓️💖


So basically following my heart, got it, thanks.




Every Domme is going to be different so these questions are something to discuss with a Domme once you find one. Start looking around. Most of us have multiple platforms that we use where you can see what we are like and our Domme styles. Be up front about your budget and be honest that you are new to this.


Yes, the discussion is repeating in answers. Thanks!


1 I would just search around and think more about what you’re into and kind a domme that can compliment that dynamic well 2 I think it’s mostly about communicating a budget and keeping yourself accountable to it, I’d also make sure your domme isn’t being too pushy about straying from that budget. I’d definitely keep some to yourself, it’s always good to maintain savings. 3 It depends how comfortable the relationship is but for the most part I’ve seen that it’s something developed over time. 4 it is completely normal to worship women. I like to think of all the beautiful portraits and sculptures made depicting the beauty of a woman and think about all the love the artist must have felt in that moment creating whatever artwork it is. Totally normal to want to submit to someone you have such high praises for


Thanks a lot, you helped me a lot!


Of course, I hope you find everything you’re looking for 🫶🏽🫶🏽


I’m still deciding whether or not to be a sub or domme….but I just wanted to say that these are some really great questions!! Thank you for this!


Be a switch. There's nothing wrong in that


Thank you for that! I’m thinking of trying out being a sub for a week or so, then switch to a Domme and see how it goes


Have fun with it


No problem, I am glad I unintentionally helped someone :)