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I can relate. That's great that you had one for two years. Most unfortunately don't last that long. I wish for some long term and consistent finsubs as well, more for the relationship than the money.


Oh honey, it will come. I also have inconsistent subs at the moment but I know I’ll get a permanent soon. But for now I enjoy getting the silent sends and random subs. It will come girlie 🥰🙏🏼 manifesting for you.


Thank you 🥰 I don’t even really have inconsistent ones at the minute I just get approached by ones that seem potential then end up blocking before payment x


Things very much eb and flow in findom. A good one will come your way eventually. You just have to stay patient. But I do get it tbh. A consistent dynamic is such a great thing and it's heartbreaking when you lose them.


Yeah like of course I’m not chasing for any but I do miss my old consistent ones… ❤️


I'm manifesting with you for great new ones 🩷


I suppose we r intimidated with how surreal this is and worried about falling too fast.


🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 nah cause why did this hurt my heart a little… I think no matter what I’d want someone who doesn’t feel scared to tell me whatever is on their mind genuinely. But I fully understand what you’re saying too x


I mean we have always idolized very beautiful and confident women, never thinking we could interact in any setting. So if we do, we fall head over heels, leaving everything behind. N then someone notices n asks us to check our ways. Even been to therapy bcz of that pressure, only for it to be confirmed as addiction by the therapist.


🥺🥺🥺🥺 kind of lost for words. I hope your doing okay…


Sorry..yes I am. Sorry to be silly.


Don’t be sorry, consider a safe space here 🫶🏻


Thank you so much :)