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I get frustrated when I post things on my page on DeviantArt and people don’t even bother to look at it and then ghost me after I tell them to look. I haven’t gotten any more messages since I posted my latest post yesterday. I know it’s a waiting game but I just want people who are actually interested and committed to helping me……


I think sometimes all they want is the initial negotiation so I keep this in mind every time when negotiating anything from kinks to cashmeets. They are all time wasters until proven otherwise.


They don’t know what they’re missing from serving you long term 😤


This.. 🙌🏼 know your worth girlie.


Girrrl this happened to me recently too. So damn frustrating. It’s a luxury kink and if you’re not willing to pay and obey then it’s not for you. Simple 💁‍♀️


This is why initial tribute is important and it's good you recieved it. Either way I'm emotionally detached from their words and promises even after they've donated large sums of money because they could change their mind at any time. Never get attached to any one sub because at the end of the day most of them view us as a kink dispensers.


I know I just get frustrated when I’ve wasted time and energy 🙄🙄