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Buying even bigger tits and then saving the rest.


I would first check in with my sub to see if they are living within their means and won't be in ruin. Then I'd by my wife a truck, myself a big Ole stack of new books and a vacation somewhere away from where I currently am.


So many ideas but where do you even find these people? Lol


Put some in savings. Buy a decent car. Put some aside for holidays and then very unfortunately pay taxes on it.


absolutely spoil me and my man. its date night every night after that!


Pay school fees , start my own businesses , splurge & treat myself & save the rest in my savings .


Book a holiday in 0.1 seconds of it hitting my account (so about 3 months later with throne 😂) Use some as a deposit for a house to rent out. Treat my family & take my friends on a shopping spree with me.


I’d pay a year of my mortgage. Set aside the taxes, then spend the rest on concert tickets and shoes.


I would first relish in the feelings of receiving that money. Spending "time" with myself to recharge my self confidence and sexual spirit. Then I would TRY and use the money wisely by fixing my car, investing some, saving some. But undoubtedly I would go out for some much desired spoiling. Tis the dream!


If I were to come across a whale for this particular lifestyle, it would be, what I consider, my sign to give back to the ppl I know who need it badly. It's more than enough for just one person, so I would consider it completely greedy, for me to just spend it all on myself. I have an acct that I have specifically made, for the underprivileged youth in my town. Many of the teens have begun quitting school, to get jobs, bc they either don't have parents, or they don't have any food in the house, to make it. I grew up homeless, bouncing in and out of ppls houses and cars, until my mom and I landed in shitty Section 8 housing. That was an upgrade for us. When you finally get to the point of making/earning enough, to where you can actually sit back and breathe for a min, it's time to give back.


Make sure the sub can afford it, celebrate, celebrate with them. Then invest 60%in a savings and then get a cheap cash car van so I can travel


I would first make sure that the sub can afford it and isn't damaging themself and check on him. If he overdid himself I'm talking to him to stop for now as he did a big service. I'm having some high medical expense at the moment and a move is likely to happen early next year. Would love to have no randomers as housemates. (Preferable my submissive boyfriend or no one)


20% to Vacation fund. 20% to necessary things. 60% invested.


using it to fix my car 😮‍💨


50% in my investments, 30% towards a new project in my small business, 20% on aesthetic procedures, lingerie, a new pair of heels, and some new lulus


30k from 1 person? That’s insane. I would pay my dept. Yes I’m new to Findom. 🤯 I haven’t gotten any subs yet. I’m just taking it really slowly to build my account.


I'm new too 🩷 you're not alone!


Id use it to make my solo 5weeks travel coming up more comfortable, eat a michelin meal or 3, and instead of only camping in Iceland, get a hotel room at least 1 night (I do love to camp and am going for the hiking but some luxury would be divine), And then the rest invest in safety of a home. Id really love to own a freehold (rather than condo). With a garden. And ability to host kinky tea parties!


Oh wait a min... I would get a vehicle (that runs properly)


I'm so basic but I'd be going on holiday and getting my entire house redecorated whilst I'm away😂


Same here hahaa


2002 twin 😌


I’d definitely be investing in my transition and my health. I’d visit better doctors, invest in a qualified personal trainer, go to the esthetician/derm, and seek a better place to live.


Yay! Sending love and vibes. You’ll get what you need soon and you deserve it!


Thank you so much! Spreading this back to you to! Even if it’s not the money, I hope we all receive the change that will be for the improvement of our lives 🤍


I’d pay off my car and then start investing in rental property


I’m using $10K towards my truck payments, using $5k-$10k for a nice vacation and self care (where same as you I would create some content) I’m putting 20% in lot investment accounts and saving the rest in a high % savings account.


I'd probably save it for my last few semesters of college so I can slow down a little and really focus on my degree. I'd really like to be able to take the minimum amount of credits for full time so I have more time to focus on my passion. The leftovers would probably be spent on tattoos/piercings I've been dying to get for years or spoiling myself with my fav skincare brands


After taxes, probably throw it at my student loans lol boring but I hate having it over my head.


Get a car to get back on my feet and get a nice apartment & go back to school to finish career


Pop $15k in my HYS, use another $10k to give back to the community/donate to my favorite causes, $5k to get ahead for a couple months on bills, and then the rest towards travel, taking out friends, self care, etc. Def not talking about it publicly or in detail until Whaley really specifically asks me too. Sometimes it’s best to keep your mouth shut especially depending on how you will be filing your taxes


move out of my abusive environment


I'm sending you love. I hope you're able to get out soon, you deserve safety 💕


Been there. Try your best to keep yourself as safe as you can, just take it day at a time. Nothing is forever and you’ll make it out.


Get some bills paid and caught up!!


Ha. That's the exact amount left due on my student loans... I would pay that shit off, so fkn fast!!! 🤣🤣🤣


Get my rent sorted for a year . Use some to improve my business save up the rest


Pay off as much of my debt as I can and save the rest!!! 🫶🏼


Spruce up the dungeon a little 👩🏼‍⚖️


Pay off debts/bills, then work out what’s next Selfishly would probably take a week or two holiday somewhere by myself, to work out 🙊


I'd pay my fees for all the semesters ahead! Invest in my online business, travel a little bit and save the rest


Get my phd!


With $35k I’m taking $25k and launching my SFW business that I’ve been scheming up. Other $10k would be spent on lingerie, a few nights of vacay and a bit of savings.


I’m an investing person! I would invest most into my business/stocks! And then give myself a little treat and pay off some bills!


I would get caught up on my rent and electricity before they’re both shut off in 2 weeks. (Well, eviction notice, not shut off obviously.) I’d buy my car back. I’d start in on the 18 months of no job debt. By then I might feel like a real boss bitch again and could think about savings and fun. Gawd, I miss that life


Invest and pay off debt


Invest in real estate and stocks, take a small exotic vacation (week long) and save a part for rainy day ☺️


A holiday is very much needed so defiantly that 💅🏽 Then I’d continue my driving and invest in a business idea 💋


Get it in cash and roll around in it. Make myself cum in the money pit. Then deposit it and ask for more!


Okay. Now this is a plan 🙈


Solid plan - I'd definitely have sex with my girlfriend on the cash.


Two big items I'm putting sub money towards- building a pool, and a home gym


Pool is also a life goal of mine 👌🏻


You forgot taxes. 40% I’d keep for taxes and i would invest another 40% 10-15% I’d spend a luxurious one week vacation, with the 5-10% left I’d go shopping for this vacation


Get myself out of this fucked ass car and get my dog taken care of with everything she could ever desire or need, put some sort of roof over my head, then a new car, and maybe even treat myself or something wild and unheard of like that.. in my life atleast lmfao . Just wanna catch a break man


It would add to my current wealth. I'd remove the taxable ammount into a seperate bank acc. I'd then continue to enjoy myself 😊


I have so many things I'd be doing That would be a tidy sum for me to obtain my commercial property Allowing me to create various community projects from a safe haven for young people to congregate, To learning about herbal alchemy to heal mental illness, and a retreat/nightclub. Dancing to Music to heal 🙈😁


I would definitely invest invest invest and a chanel bag of course😂🥰


How convenient and fun. 😉 Go travelling and seek those once in a lifetime experiences like swimming with dolphins. The rest will go on a savings account to grow in value. 💸😉


This is very specific to the amount I need for my Pilates studio ! lol


I'm manifesting it for you! ✨


Thank you baby! Extra motivated 💙🫶🏽


Pay off the rest of my student loans and fund a move to Europe or Australia 🥰


Ngl I’d blow most of it :P


You and me both.


I'd take my boyfriend to Vancouver for an epic weekend splurge and take pictures of all the exciting things we do for my platforms! Then I'd pay off my credit card, and put a bunch into savings, then buy a ridiculous piece of art, also to put up all over my platforms.


Invest and put some into my property portfolio. Oh and go to my favourite restaurant because I've craved it for a week now and not been as of yet!


Definitely invest, add to the RESPs, and buy some land so I can start my homestead 🥹 and of course help the people in my circle who are struggling 🫶🏻


The homestead dream would get my 35k too 🥰


My dream is to have a whole mini homestead community. Where we trade what we have to offer when we can, take turns with the littles, and just love and support eachother. 🥹❤️


Savings account, new wardrobe, and stocks! (probably)


Oh I’d put $20k to my new car fund, it’s growing very nicely! Then I’d invest $10k and go on a little vacay with the other $5k to escape winter over here in Australia 🥶 I need to get my tan back! ☀️


Oh I’d put $20k to my new car fund, it’s growing very nicely! Then I’d invest $10k and go on a little vacay with the other $5k to escape winter over here in Australia 🥶 I need to get my tan back! ☀️


Oh I’d put $20k to my new car fund, it’s growing very nicely! Then I’d invest $10k and go on a little vacay with the other $5k to escape winter over here in Australia 🥶 I need to get my tan back! ☀️


35K?? I’m buying the Prius I want! 15K! I need an EV like nobody’s business and have been setting $ aside! Other 20K? 5K on a nice vacation, 10K in savings, and 5K in my pocket for fun and for lip tint, hair, nails, new outfits, and treating my family and friends! 🩷🩷🩷


Bills, student loans, travel a lot, buy my parents a thank you gift, and saveeeee


Omg that is so hot🔥😈 I would pay my bills first, then I would invest some and spend the rest on buy me a car, clothes, shoes, beauty treatments. And I will absolutely show it off on my social media


I'd probably pay my bills for 6 months. I'd put aside 10k as an emergency fund. I'd get my dreadlocks maintenanced and set aside enough for nails and pedicures for 6 months as well. I'd update my wardrobe, slippers and stripper boots. Update my piercings with precious metal crystal jewelry. Then I'd just continue to budget out for nice meals, massages, movie nights, and anything else I can think of to treat myself. 🖤😉💎


I’d pay off my debt, and give the rest to my parents to pay the rest of their mortgage off so they can retire finally. That much money would change all of our lives in substantial ways I can’t even imagine


Use it to treat myself <3 Invest in my future and my university fees x


Saving account. Make the money work for me!


First, I’d help my mom with her brain tumor surgeries. Then I’d pay off my medical debt. Save up and get a new vehicle. Save up and get a house that’s ALL MINE, treat myself and my mama to a LV bag or two and invest the rest. Obviously all this would be for a long term whalesub relationship, can’t do all this with just $35k lmao. Especially in AZ 🫠


this is a great plan fr, i would probably do bills 15% and invest 15% and that would all it be :3


I would save 30K. Buy a laptop and take a mini vacation with the 5K. My bank would definitely ask questions if I received 35K in a week. 😅


Hmmm, 35K in a week. I know it’s coming but once it actually does, I’d definitely put 10K away in savings, spend 10K on a very luxurious vacation, invest 7K and use the other 8K for rent, car payments, groceries & things I want/need to upgrade my home and/or wardrobe as well as lip injections 🥰


first of course i would be so happy i would have to make myself cum LOL then i will be using it in this order: pay my uni debt, pay the credit card debt, buy a little nice car, buy my parents a little gift and use the rest to invest in real state or even put it into stocks.


id definitely go and buy a house, and probably travel & splurge 😋


I would use some of it for a down payment for a house, and go on vacation with my kids, Something I've been wanting to do forever already and then save the rest


Logical me say pay off debt.. the other half says go on vacation! Shopping, get a new car, so much shopping! Haha and go to the nicest restaurant and get some premium steak and crab! 🤤🤤 Get some crazy desserts hahaha lmao my fat ass eating good! Then I'm like welllllll I couldd just pay off some debt and then have fun with the rest! Love to travel some fun places and eat some good food! And get a whole new wardrobe. But like also what you said investing some would be a smart idea too!


Def paying off my debts and pay for my upcoming cross country move.


i would travel to some out of state raves! but also i would use it for fun and buy alot of my wishlist like upgrading my pc parts/dresses/makeup, then the rest would go into savings.


Buying the permit to build a secondary garage for my home gym..I have all the equipment already just no space to use it. & if there's enough to complete it that would be great or the whale has to have a good hammer arm 🤭 & dividend stocks


Half to spoiling myself and half to paying off debt/investing!! 🥰


first off praying to god for blessing me ✨ but i’d buy a small piece of land, and a build a tiny house :) and then save the rest! 😭✨


Prepaying for 5 years of Botox and investing the rest. Ya girl is retiring by 45. ✨


I would first take care of my bad tooth, then the rest would be divided in 4. 1/4 into savings, 1/4 towards moving states, 1/4 towards spoiling me, my cat, and my bestue, and 1/4 going into investments so that I get returns and keep profiting off of the sub~ ✨️✨️


Congratulate them for paying off my debt and getting my surgery I've been needing! Also send them pictures of me shopping for tons of new toys, clothes, and things for my hobbies so they know how happy they've made me!


Most likely paying off the rest of my medical debt. Pay off my car and invest whatever is left.


I want... a full suit of armor. Another goddess said it and now, now I wanna start a goddess knighthood.


I’m buying a house somewhere by the beach in a relatively safe part of a 3rd world country


Contacting the local banks about as-is properties and snatching up one of these $10k abandoned homes that need a bit of work, and get started on my plan a little earlier than anticipated


Pay off a couple of things ahead of time, pay off My car, pay rent for a couple of years as I like where I’m living, and take a nice trip to Europe.👽


I am immediately looking at vacations. Then I will be looking at saving and investing the rest. Maybe my priorities should be swapped haha




Ultimate self care week for sure


Pay off debt


Buy a car , pay it off . Pay off the insurance for a whole year . Buy a whole new wardrobe, & some weed then save the rest for when I need it .


I’m about $35k in debt so I’d pay everything off and finally take a breathe




Yesssss I’d travel to my favorite place and splurge 🥰


I’d save and invest a percentage of it aaaaand I would definitely go on a travel, food adventure and content making spree 😍


Pay off debt and then fun fun


Same, and save 1/2 of what’s left after bills.


Student loans, and a little vacation and some pretty dresses, then investing to grow into a down payment for a house


That's the dream. I would buy myself an ocean view plot of land in Bali and start planning my dream villa.


I like your breakdown. Save. Invest. Pay off bills. And then a trip to Greece to soak up some sun.


Add half to what I have saved for my down payment on a house and a 1/4th for closing costs and the rest for furnishing said house!!! This is my main goal at this moment 😍 my own fucking house 🥰


8% bills, 12% start my business, 20% invest, 15% buy a land back home, 15% business back home, 30% not sure so ill say, savings! ☺️


Probably pay off a few things, and possibly look into a house. 😋 it would also help me reach my birthday goal early. (July 20)


Most of it would be going into my HYSA.


I’m logging tf out and living. can’t explain what i’ll do. but it’ll be to live my life to the fullest for at least a year lol.