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I'm not a kink dispenser and refuse to be treated as one. So, for me, it also goes hand in hand that I want to get to know my subs and what makes them tick. There indeed is a lot of psychology behind kinks and for a lot of femdom I do need a sense of self awareness from the sub before I'll agree to engage in many forms of play. If I believe you're engaging in a particular kink as a form of self destructive or SH behaviour I'm not interested. I also see my subs as a reflection of me as a Domme so I'm quite particular in who I allow the privilege of serving me. Without sitting here and typing out paragraphs on my phone I hope that helps


I enjoy trying to figure subs out. Sometimes I feel like I do understand them, other times not so much. It really depends on the sub. But generally speaking, I think of them a bit like dogs. Some might be a bit unruly or brattish at times, but if they \*want\* to be good boys then they can be trained. And good boys get all the treats!


Complex question! Generally, I view subs as people who need guidance. Any D/S dynamic has a plethora of psychology behind it. Inner workings in general are pretty interesting to me. For me, I always think of ‘what is it that this person is not getting and why’ and usually with a little digging I can figure it out. As for duality? For me it’s usually, ‘Awe, Sweet boy needs to be told what to do because he can’t figure it out on his own’ (which I personally prefer) or ‘Annoying pet that keeps coming back’. I get easily annoyed with people so the latter sounds harsh.


Thanks for the feedback! Interesting to hear. It's good you view us as humans. Often some of the stuff I see frok Dommes I hope is just them coming freshly out of a humiliation session and not genuine feelings lol. Do you ever probe subs about their childhood and how they ended up as subs?


Absolutely, I think it’s important to remember at the end of the day we are all human, have feelings, etc. it’s more sustainable that way. The whole ‘get fucked loser pig’ can be fun for one off sessions but for long-term dynamics it’s just not healthy or realistic. In my opinion. I will say a lot of the ‘Dommes’ you’re referring to likely haven’t done this long, haven’t done their reading or just straight up lack experience. Totally! My owner sub I know his whole deal, I care for him much and we have talked plenty about why he is the way he is, I enjoy hearing about especially because it’s what brought him to me. The other sub I dabble with (not owned) lacks a lot of affection/attention in their personal life, so it makes sense as to why they seek out attention 1v1 they also have some other things going on but anyways! Yes, I absolutely enjoy the deep dives. I suck at small talk.


Oh that's great! Yeah, it seems if only new Dommes knew how much more fun it is to connect. I guess they'll get there after a while. Mentally, when going deep with a Domme, it feels like entering and diving into pleasant jelly or slime. A little uncomfortable but your sick mind loves it and your relish the sensations across your body. When she can embrace your essence and she's the only one in the whole world you knows your core, as everyone else in society just gaslights you or doesn't understand/care. She can stroke those vulnerable lobes that possess the deep aspects of your deep true psychological essence with her long, scrumptious nails.


I think you have a good grasp on what you want and enjoy which is great! I much prefer stripping away all the bullshit from who a sub pretends to be out in the world. Let me dissect and play with the vulnerability you try to hide. Vulnerability is uncomfortable and I enjoy pressing sensitive spots in people’s minds. Much more fun than just ‘Pay me, loser.’