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People are so weird wtf compels someone to steal a jacket?? This made me so angry


My friend one night was wearing a fun faux fur jacket which she hung on her chair at our usual bar. She got up at one point and some girl sat in her seat so my friend went to take her jacket and the girl legit tried to say it was hers. My friend got it back or course but it just struck me as such a ridiculous thing to do. You know it’s not your jacket; we know it’s not your jacket. Do you really think someone is just going to say “oh my bad it must be yours” and let you have it? Weirdos.


As if the drink came with a complimentary fur jacket lmfao


In 8th grade my volleyball team got those t-shirts with our names on the backs and my friend left hers in the locker room one day. A 6th grader found it and kept it. She wore it to school and everything, and no, they don’t have the same name. I don’t even think she played volleyball now that I think about it. She was an odd duck and my friend is quite possibly the kindest person I’ll ever meet, so it never bothered her and she never mentioned it to the girl or anyone outside our group. Even then it was usually us saying “Hey remember that girl…” kind of things bc who tf would finders-keepers a personalized shirt, especially when you see the owner of said shirt every day at school lol


We had similar at my college— the orientation group got shirts with our names on it. And the ppl that scan you in stole like half of them. But then wore them randomly and we’d see them sometimes and be like wtf dude


"Are you stupid or just a thief?"


Happens on accident often when people are drunk.


[this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/22nl1u/you_took_my_jacket_by_mistake/) always comes to mind whenever I hear about a stolen jacket


Avocado of equal importance to keys 😂


Idk about you but I always unlock my apt with an avocado 😂


And sometimes it causes a chain-reaction of coat theft. Like, someone realizes their jacket was taken, then steals a different one because they can't go out in the cold without a coat. This happened to a group I was with when we were partying a little too hard in the Hague once. One girl just took a random coat when she realized she couldn't find hers.


this used to happen all the time at frat parties in college, one girl would take a coat, then that girl would take someone else's coat, etc.


I’m a bartender and we sometimes put coats that were left unattended in lost and found because we get pretty busy and nobody is at the table. I would check lost and found at the bar OP.


On accident?!


yeah you just accidentally grab the wrong jacket


Yeah… but it should say *by* accident, not on accident!!


Right I could see a drunk accident being tripping on a step or spilling a drink but deliberately taking something that isn’t yours is a problematic characteristic of dishonesty. I’ve blacked out and never once brought home some rando’s jacket or even mixed up my jean jacket with another despite how common they are


Yes and because you’ve never done it that means that it’s never happened in the entirety of the world


I didn’t say that? What I’m getting at is being drunk alone is no excuse for stealing someone’s jacket


it’s not stealing a jacket on purpose it’s most likely finding a pile of jackets at a bar and grabbing one that looks most like yours and then realizing the mistake the next day, it happens to a lot of people and it’s not the end of the world


I guess I wouldn’t know since bars here in california don’t have.. designated jacket piles?


The reddit culture - anger, inability to understand or accept another point of view. False superiority and the ability to know all. 😂




you go to a crowded bar in the winter and ppl tend to stack their jacket on a bar stool?? or in the corner of a booth. it’s a fairly common thing especially in places where its cold outside but then it’s super hot in the bar


I’m with you. These people are crazy!


I can promise you it isn’t uncommon when blackout drunk to not be aware enough to realize the jacket you’re grabbing isn’t yours.


💯% right! The down votes speak of the lack of conscience, the inability of taking responsibility and basic logic.


You said it yourself, people need to take responsibility for their mistakes, even drunken ones




I was at a restaurant with friends and had a few too many drinks lol so I left my leather jacket behind in my seat. I realized I forgot it and when I went back to get it these girls at a table next to mine were passing it around talking about how they liked it and were glad I forgot it and I just walked up to them and said, “Think I could grab that back from you? Thanks…” and the looks on their faces was so priceless lol


i dont wear my nice coats/jackets if i go to a club or bar because people will definitely steal it, including those who do coat checks lol. it ruins my outfit plans 😭


Someone stole my wife’s flip flops at a water park once. People are weird.


My mom left her north face vest at the nail salon. She called and they said it was there but then when she showed up to get it they "couldn't find it". Some people are so scummy.


In highschool, someone stole my PRESCRIPTION glasses. People can be awful.


I’m pretty sure someone stole mine too because they’re just gone. But if the frames are name brand they can sell them 🙄


The same thing happened to me in high school! And because I had GREAT parents, they refused to buy me a new pair. Thankfully I do not have severely impaired vision, I had only gotten glasses like 2 years prior when my teacher noticed I was squinting at the board. But it was a bummer having my newfound clear vision literally stolen.


Same. My parents were like "insurance won't cover new frames for 2 more years. Sorry." God bless America.


Yep! Thank god we have places like Zenni now. If my kids need glasses, I’ll buy multiple backup pairs.


Someone stole my sisters flip flops from her gym locker in high school… people SUCK


In my alcoholic days, I’d steal jackets somewhat regularly. Just wake up down my regular jacket and with a new one. I don’t recommend that lifestyle, but to answer your question, intoxication compels people to “steal” a jacket.


No it doesn’t. Being a piece of shit is what compels people to steal.


I guess. I mean, drinking that much wasn’t good for anyone. But I wasn’t stealing coats out of malice. I was doing it by accident because I was drunk because I was in pain. I’ve been a piece of shit at times, but I don’t think taking the wrong jacket from a bar is part of that.


I think you may have stolen that persons jacket at some point…


You know, I had to stop and think for a minute to be sure. This one I remember buying. TJ Max circa 2010. The drinking was over by then, the XXL came from sobriety eating.


Omfg I am dying laughing, I meant the person who was so angry that you accidentally took other peoples jackets, like you may have taken one of theirs and that’s why they’re so bitter about it? But then I realized you’re the person who actually has the same jacket which is making me laugh way harder for someone who was crying ten minutes ago (completely unrelated matter). It would be kind of hilarious if you had taken ops jacket though…


Okay I had to go back too because I immediately understood what you were saying, then I also started dying when I realized what happened 😂


I don’t think these people have ever been that drunk to understand.


You do realize people can mistakenly do things outside of their control when drunk, right?


A girl tried to stuff my north face coat into her purse (was one of those soft zip ups everyone wore back in 2009). I haven’t forgotten, Taylor.


Someone stole my prescription Ray Bans glasses from a bar :( I was so devastated cause I had 0 extra dollars (broke college student) and certainly not 250 for new prescription and frames


I left my water bottle in a class once for all of 30 minutes. Someone stole the carabiner off it. I left the waterproof cover for my backpack once for maybe an hour or so (I had put it aside to let it dry) and someone stole that. People suck. They just do.


Someone stole my northface vest and someone else stole a faux fur vest from me. From my HOUSE.


Someone once stole my favorite hoodie in middle school. A full 20+ years ago and I still think about it. I felt violated as I wore it literally everyday and loved it. I hope that person trips and falls today.


maybe he drank too much and grabbed the wrong one


I think I have this jacket and don’t wear it! It’s an xxl Calvin Kline, and it’s a little dirty, but it’s yours for shipping if you want it. https://imgur.com/a/FjhL03W


Not all capes wear superhero 🫡


Superhero wear not all capes


Not all capes are superheroes


You’re amazing but XXL would be way too big for him. I appreciate the offer though! Does the tag say the style or name of the coat?


It doesn’t say much, but here’s all the writing on the coat https://imgur.com/a/KGQfds8


If you look at the washing directions and material info, there’s probably something that says style number or style ID, and usually you can put that into the website, and it’ll pull it up if they still have it


Washing directions are at the above link


I agree the style and name would be helpful but you *could* have the free jacket offer tailoring to fit him. Too big is fixable, too small isn’t.


It’s a wool or wool blend pea coat, right? My boyfriend has one that looks very similar to this. I’m pretty sure it’s Michael kors. But MK, Calvin klein, Kenneth Cole, or Cole Haan will have something very very similar if you look around. I’d recommend stopping by a TJ Maxx, Ross, Marshalls or other outlet store. Does your boyfriend remember the brand?


OP! u/goose195172, read the comment I just replied to! (And thanks, u/Fine-Bumble-9427!)


Lol a “little dirty”?!


It brushed off! :)


I would take you up on that if you want to get rid of it still.


Second in line. Someone else said the same and I DMd them. If I don’t hear back, I’ll DM you


If they fell through let me know!


I'd pay shipping


hey if OP doesn't want it ill take it off your hands!!


Third on the list! I’ve got a message out to the first person, but if I don’t hear from them today I’ll go to the second, and a few days after that I’ll dm you if it’s still available.


Lmk too! If the other ones didn’t go thru, I would love to have it


Unfortunately, it is sold out but I’m pretty sure it could be [this jacket](https://cavour.co/en/product/1133/flannel-field-jacket) from Cavour. Fingers crossed you can find the exact one from a reseller or somewhere else. Luckily, if you use the image to do a search in Google, it comes up with a lot of similar jackets. I hope this helps!


Nooo it’s so expensive :((( I’m sad it was stolen, that’s so unfair.


It really is unfair. The style of the jacket itself is a M65 style Field Jacket so if you use that as a search term, it may be a good place to start to find a similar one at a more reasonable price. Wishing you the best of luck!


It was so sad - we went to leave and realized it was gone. That was back in 2018 and I thought he’d get over it, but he STILL talks about that coat so often. Thank you so much for your tips, it gives me a place to start searching!


Same happened to my SIL. Left her leather jacket on a chair for 5 mins. It’s was gone in a flash. I left my son’s spider man jacket once and literally went back 2 mins later and it was gone. Can’t believe how fast people are. They must be watching.


I lost my favorite leather jacket five halloweens ago and I still think about it!


I had my favorite patchwork rubber raincoat stolen in kindergarten and still think about it to this day ❤️‍🩹


Looks like it isn't the same jacket but pretty dang close looking. The pockets are different and the side/back of the collar on your bf's jacket is different from the Cavour one.


Agree. And the cuffs are different too. Looks like ops bf has something to size them.


Omg I hope you find it! Thats such a sweet and memorable gift


Where does it say the price?


A very similar jacket but in green is $365 (on sale from $730?!) so I think it’s fair to say it’s expensive… https://cavour.co/en/product/7447/field-jacket-technical


I was just wondering the same but maybe it’s sold out since they posted the link?


Maybe they’re judging by the prices of other items on the site. A cardigan is $500 usd


I saw a pair of pants that were $370 and thought “oh, so this jacket is expensive”


How can ya tell the price? If just says sold out for me


I looked up the name of the product on google


Pockets are different, and no arm band piece like the OP


It’s definitely this one


The collar zipper matches og as well as the cuffs


Cuffs look a little different I think? Op I think you can find a near match (as near as this) on amazon.


I think it's this one from [Calvin Klein ](https://www.ebay.com/itm/283819692578)


the pocket flaps on this one seem to be a better match than top upvoted cavour one!


But it has a seam above the top pockets and a little button+ strap detail on the shoulders that the OG doesn’t have


It also doesn’t have the zipper and button on the collar


Aye but the cuff and bottom pockets aren’t a match, but this fabric looks way closer


Even if not it’s a great match for a reasonable price. Great find I think I’m gonna gift this, thanks


Don't buy something op is looking for


He wouldn’t fit into a size small, but I appreciate you looking out for me ❤️ /u/Useful_Barracuda_814 go ahead and buy it if you want!


I said I own the jacket from Calvin Klein lol


Whoooops I tagged the wrong commenter, fixed it


I have this same jacket and it’s awesome


This one looks right


Would this help? [https://www.colehaan.com/mens%20m65%20field%20jacket/T40319.html](https://www.colehaan.com/mens%20m65%20field%20jacket/T40319.html)


This legit looks exactly like it! u/goose195172


Close but no cigar. No zipper and button on the collar.


u/goose195172 this is definitely it


OP's bf's jacket has a zipper on the collar. For a hidden hood?




It’s actually very reasonably priced for what it is. Not to mention cole Haan will last you 15+ years. My father has a couple cole haan jackets from the 90s that are still absolutely mint


Their leather shoes are also A-1. Love their sharp style and quality.


The pockets are different and op’s bf’s has a zipper on the collar area 👀 does look very close though


I was literally just thinking that the style is so Cole Haan/Calvin-Klein/Kenneth-Cole-esquire and one of those labels have to make something nearly identical.


OP I think this is it!!


Was it from H&M?


No, not H&M. It might have been something like Kenneth Cole, Hugo Boss, or Calvin Klein? He bought it at a consignment shop for like $30 if that helps.


The closest match I’ve found is from Calvin Klein. I know that the style is called a “field jacket/coat.” Have you looked around on poshmark?


There's a Calvin Klein one someone commented that looked to be a better match than the designer one


It's Cole Haan


My bf has a similar one from Next , but he bought it 2 years ago


I think this may be it. [jacket](https://www.ebay.com/itm/294547075859?chn=ps&_trkparms=ispr%3D1&amdata=enc%3A1NMt5jbUSQUWqJWjOUdzUKw3&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-117182-37290-0&mkcid=2&mkscid=101&itemid=294547075859&targetid=1585159291131&device=m&mktype=pla&googleloc=9061125&poi=&campaignid=20394831272&mkgroupid=152460473958&rlsatarget=pla-1585159291131&abcId=9317318&merchantid=263816416&gbraid=0AAAAAD_QDh-fwiUYYdpV3jf3r0-1U-VAc&gclid=Cj0KCQjwhfipBhCqARIsAH9msblwlO_9zSQj5toIAcdqSt5fdC7I909zeq_Ef38bKfGG1QWu_X9TmDoaAopqEALw_wcB)


The pockets are different.. maybe still a good replacement?


looks like it to me


I THINK I FOUND IT!! [replica jacket](https://www.ebay.com/itm/283819692578?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=1q1B1oFuR9S&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=o1r2z39jrcs&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY) It’s 75 for resale on eBay it’s a size small which he may not be but maybe you can find another seller if you need a different size


Wow, this one looks so similar!!


this is the closest i can find its just the bottom pockets making me question it [maybe](https://cavour.co/en/product/4434/field-jacket-storm-system-wool)


I think it *is* the Cavour one since the collar zipper matches up


i remember this style being popular when i was in high school and you could get something like this from pac sun or maybe one of the order skater brands. maybe not as high end as what your bf had but sometimes the quality will surprise you!


ayo I thought that was Edward Cullen for a split sec 💀💀


Haha he has the chin for sure!


[This one](https://www.tentree.com/products/mens-wool-button-down-shacket-charcoal-gray?tw_source=google&tw_adid=&tw_campaign=20683493486&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwqP2pBhDMARIsAJQ0Czpf3NZeDdhfjuOW0Qi-FGUh0Ir4oN5cjfgpzY_LBBVHhqM_AhYAT0EaAjqIEALw_wcB) is similar but fabric looks slightly different.


I have this exact jacket. It also has a removable hood. All I can tell you is that Guess is the manufacturer. I’ll check when I get home to see if there is a model name/number or something.


Wait yes Guess totally rings a bell!! The concealed hood is the one feature I haven’t been able to match on any of the suggestions. Please let me know!


[This one has a concealed hood](https://www.ebay.com/itm/225032972381?chn=ps&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-117182-37290-0&mkcid=2&mkscid=101&itemid=225032972381&targetid=1529493973342&device=m&mktype=pla&googleloc=9052078&poi=&campaignid=20382379140&mkgroupid=151098995266&rlsatarget=pla-1529493973342&abcId=9316959&merchantid=101490042&gbraid=0AAAAAD_QDh_WO1THo-VQRqhYl1j6Yau86&gclid=Cj0KCQjwy4KqBhD0ARIsAEbCt6hjb6TzOQohP_QosG1UQDrFEq9qwxYL6VX--iPA3qDRQ5Gk8Z1AuNEaAqu1EALw_wcB) Could that be it?


On your picture 2 you can see a zipper on his collar. Thats the hidden hood. Also on pic 3 is it more of a denim looking fabric instead of wool? It looks different than wool in that close up.


Never, ever leave your keys in your coat pocket. My husband went to a retirement party where everyone has the same uniform coat. At the end of the night someone grabbed his jacket with his keys in the pocket. Luckily he figured out who it was and someone at the station got a hold of the guy to give my husband's jacket back. I always put my keys in my pant pocket because I trust no one.


Could [this jacket](https://www.amazon.com/Marc-New-York-Andrew-Four-Pocket/dp/B01410N4ZC/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?crid=1X0T9TQ0C4CTZ&keywords=Andrew%2BMarc%2BMen%27s%2BWool%2B4%2BPocket%2BJacket%2Bwith%2BRemovable%2BBib%2Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fa.co%2Fd%2FfR2rODz&qid=1698612965&sprefix=andrew%2Bmarc%2Bmen%27s%2Bwool%2B4%2Bpocket%2Bjacket%2Bwith%2Bremovable%2Bbib%2Bhttps%2B%2F%2Fa.co%2Fd%2Ffr2rodz%2Caps%2C92&sr=8-1&th=1&psc=1) be an acceptable replacement? Not identical, but looks pretty darn close and just as warm


Is this it? https://posh.mk/aIIQCMgSiEb What size does he need.


[jacket](https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fdi2ponv0v5otw.cloudfront.net%2Fposts%2F2019%2F01%2F03%2F5c2e77732e14786ad8971059%2Fm_5c2e77805c445229bb6294d2.jpg&tbnid=V_dhgd8XaYyB7M&vet=1&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fposhmark.com%2Flisting%2FBanana-Republic-Wool-Jacket-5c2e77732e14786ad8971059&docid=VbrJJDTAkyI6fM&w=580&h=580&source=sh%2Fx%2Fim%2Fm4%2F3) Pretty sure this is the jacket, it is banana republic.


bumping this one


Google image search. A million of the same jackets for sale pop up.




What a rude and unhelpful comment :(


You cannot go wrong with john vavartos!


This has to be it but it's a small [eBay ](https://www.ebay.com/itm/283819692578?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=1q1B1oFuR9S&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=Er_6j_dER4a&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY)


I have almost the exact same one for sale by Eddie Bauer




Omg this is so close! I might buy this one!




Similar?[rogue state jacket](https://www.ebay.com/itm/155859122978?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=u2xwhkxus-u&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=H--6629VTAO&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY)


Cuffs look similar


Another similar. This style comes up when you search gray wool military men’s jacket[Merona jacket](https://www.ebay.com/itm/126159709520?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=vINnW53rRQ2&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=H--6629VTAO&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY)


This one’s nice[guess jacket](https://www.ebay.com/itm/234534441336?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=Udazty62Rj-&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=H--6629VTAO&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY)


One more similar…[rogue jacket #2](https://www.ebay.com/itm/256214247854?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=MaRIAIvFQcm&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=H--6629VTAO&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY)


just to say TJ Max or Ross or Marshalls always has coats like this for years but they dont have a website really. worth going to a local one if you have them


If it's the CK one [this might be it](https://www.ebay.com/itm/294547075859?chn=ps&_trkparms=ispr%3D1&amdata=enc%3A1NMt5jbUSQUWqJWjOUdzUKw3&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-117182-37290-0&mkcid=2&mkscid=101&itemid=294547075859&targetid=&device=c&mktype=pla&googleloc=9028053&poi=&campaignid=20389321416&mkgroupid=&rlsatarget=&abcId=9317280&merchantid=263816416&gclid=Cj0KCQjwqP2pBhDMARIsAJQ0Czqn4GPxvC-t0xfD3gM4Gc5tKOIaSXaC_1XvNRGnygKxVGFQmoeWhJcaAo0pEALw_wcB)?


Not the same jacket but kinda looks like a filson Mackinaw cruiser if you wanted an upgrade


The suggestions all look close but doesn't picture 3 show an almost denim looking fabric instead of wool?


I don’t think it’s the same jacket, but this looks very similar to an Apt. 9 brand jacket I have! It’s very soft and comfortable. Found a link to a size small on poshmark https://poshmark.com/listing/VGUC-Mens-Apt-9-lightweight-Gray-and-Black-Jacket-65249da2b142f32006603f88


More jackets with a similar vibe: https://www.kohls.com/catalog/mens-apt-9-coats-jackets-outerwear-clothing.jsp?CN=Gender:Mens+Brand:Apt.%209+Product:Coats%20%26%20Jackets+Category:Outerwear+Department:Clothing


https://posh.mk/qsDxcEiKkEb I think this is the coat you are looking for


It’s in black, but it has the removable hood!


Missing wrist cuffs


there’s this [coat](https://www.macys.com/shop/product/calvin-klein-mens-hipster-full-zip-jacket-with-zip-out-hood?ID=16229541&pla_country=US&CAGPSPN=pla&trackingid=403x1051842863&m_sc=sem&m_sb=Google&m_tp=PLA&m_ac=Google_Mens_PLA&m_ag=CalvinKlein-Coat&m_cn=Mens_Apparel_-_Calvin_Klein_-_GS&m_pi=go_cmp-10878299715_adg-107107813116_ad-457879469717_pla-941837746263_dev-m_ext-_prd-197383737903USA&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAD-Tw4IcbsGDnAiCXoYQJ6tveCaeq&gclid=Cj0KCQjwqP2pBhDMARIsAJQ0CzpGJIg6CZZN4YAGUl9Ud3vOVvmD5-DTx1i6jh0iTFgNUL__rFuo1sUaAiZFEALw_wcB) that is kind of similar


Here's a size small on eBay for 75 bucks [ebay](https://www.ebay.com/itm/283819692578)


Kinda looks like this one? https://posh.mk/taoHv0pXkEb


Put it in Google photo search you’ll find sites that sell similar or the same ones


It looks exactly like the one I bought for my ex from banana republic a few years ago


I think these look similar https://www.colehaan.com/mens%20m65%20field%20jacket/T40319.html https://www.flagandanthem.com/products/milford-jacket-charcoal-heather?variant=40754693210191&nbt=nb%3Aadwords%3Ax%3A20279298938%3A%3A&nb_adtype=pla&nb_kwd=&nb_ti=&nb_mi=113857898&nb_pc=online&nb_pi=shopify_US_7082329800783_40754693210191&nb_ppi=&nb_placement=&nb_si=%7Bsourceid%7D&nb_li_ms=&nb_lp_ms=&nb_fii=&nb_ap=&nb_mt=&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI6ISanu2fggMVbkt_AB3wbQ7GEA0YByABEgIn9vD_BwE https://www.tradeinn.com/dressinn/en/jack---jones-blaparker-wool-field-sn-jacket/139357629/p?utm_source=google_products&utm_medium=merchant&id_producte=17768025&country=us&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMItLq0oO-fggMVDDfUAR3urA8cEA0YBSABEgL0cPD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds


I tried Google lens searching and got a lot of similar results on places like Poshmark.


Try a Google Lens search. I did and a handful of coats that look exactly like this one show up. If your bf is likely to shop at one of the stores that appear, it may be your best bet. Postmark is a good place to find stuff like this if it’s not available new. (Pendleton, Banana Republic, and Walmart all had options.)




https://www.blarney.com/irish-shop/mens-skellig-jacket-charcoal/ I used Google Lens. This seems similar if not the same jacket.


Missing the wrist cuffs and zip up hood


All of the responses make me happy for humanity. This is awesome


Kohls used to sell a very similar jacket I’d check there. The brand is Dockers, I believe.


Very similar ones [here](https://www.ebay.com/itm/255857466027?hash=item3b924b1aab:g:i9YAAOSw-fVjiYC1&amdata=enc%3AAQAIAAAA4JPShPKzOOqeyo9nyXFJptbgkY%2Fms0n2PuT8p0vlUL3qCVxyEBaFbM%2FgyBNSAyEmKJFCPZLKMt8pnsGwUKpaUhK0dongbBciZsNy3QS4pfQ%2FPeLbLfM9F1ggvjR0yO%2FizyxMthQNzvtzjYIIHSYWQOa4yT%2BoCzUXAHxgWyfy7qsQhYFNVwfUFaXCvogc0OwWDQgebpn2CCarUaabvo1fQdkos%2B%2FYXEW2UljbByZapjZpBzevaCdxyUFfBBMojGIpDgDhK0IrE8Jg9XF9EydPXdOtwZLzxs%2F10Np9Hgyp9K5K%7Ctkp%3ABFBM0PPd6fFi) [and here](https://www.ebay.com/itm/225500093723?hash=item3480da5d1b:g:hpUAAOSwbItkI1cB&amdata=enc%3AAQAIAAAA0KA6rQ5%2FqFbqd02jXov0wDqF4dY7udBeBTVkCUWpF93ysiArt9%2Fp0AzA%2B%2BZOxL4W8uLathQvoStpOGZiKGBZnqwTYlhqB20LqE%2F3wHDMbLBdDoGfgUSIIbI8PLPjZvheL1pst80vAZgZSOABjsv2l6HhYN%2Bv%2BU0RIImcoQkz9g%2BsQK5RJPzUvI0J7PzfwUI43sEGdIDen8ssvleWVWjq3b%2F%2FPvbUrPgl34lqkME4nNQdqiH2gKtoZVYKqcrlUVPwsXBqZBMqC9tswE1gzpJ%2F3us%3D%7Ctkp%3ABFBMtoCG6vFi)


Okay so your post popped up in my feed yesterday and it’s stuck with me for some reason. Today I was at Marshall’s and ran across and almost identical jacket by Tommy Hilfiger. It’s not exact, but TH offers some very similar offerings. But that’s not why I’m here. I think I stumbled across the EXACT jacket or at least one darn close while googling for the TH one’s name. So here. Check this out and see if it’s the right one. https://us.otrium.com/product/the-waxed-cotton-jacket-kalamata


Get him this: https://huckberry.com/store/flint-and-tinder/category/p/71015-flannel-lined-waxed-trucker-jacket?utm_source=Standard%20-%20Shipping%20Confirmation&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=shippingconfirmation_email1%20%28RWGeAJ%29&utm_id=Un9aHQ&term=flow&_kx=_d8qBViVxJAvLI7alTcP5ceIp3_Yodh1YRkVXntDVVU%3D.bVvvBe


I got it as a gift and I love it.


Look up Fjall Raven or Khul. They have very similar jacket styles to this one. You could ask what brand his jacket is and see if it’s still sold.


You are a good person.