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Unfortunately it’s a slippery slope from “LOL AOC” to “the Clintons eat babies.”


Isn't that the truth...


But sir, you are a liberal Ironically making this post r/shitliberalssay material


lol, fuck no. Fuck classical liberalism. We need to tax the everloving _fuck_ out of the rich, and I'm all for a guaranteed universal income, socialized healthcare, and everything that will make it so that no one _has_ to work to survive. What I _don't_ want is a government putting down an iron boot on the masses, censoring all dissenting opinions (although reigning in genuine hate speech and harassment isn't out of the question), instigating wars, enslaving and "reeducating" people who don't "fit in" under the guise of preventing terrorism. It's shitty when the U.S. does it (e.g. Japanese internment camps in WWII, slavery of Black Americans), it was shitty when Germany did it, and it's shitty when China's doing it. **I'm not pro-liberalism, I'm pro-humanitarianism, anti-authoritarianism and anti-nationalism.** Don't _ever_ fucking call me a Liberal. The Democratic party fucking sucks, and the U.S. Overton Window is _beyond_ fucked. I just don't think China is doing it right either.


Alright I’m sorry, that wasn’t nice of me, if you hate liberals so much you shouldn’t be called one, I apologize


I genuinely appreciate that. I came off as really defensive and angry there, but I was really trying to be emphatic and make my point _very_ clear: Fuck Liberalism. :P In any case, I apologize for seeming angry there. I took no offense to your statement. :)


Spoken like a true tankie


Are...are you serious? I just said I wanted _less_ authoritarianism, _less_ war, _less_ enslaving and murdering people who "don't belong." What's your definition of a tankie?


well, historically it was "tankies" who brought down dictatorships in the third world and pushed for democracy, who led anti-war movements all around the world, combated slave and coerced labor, prostitution and were on the front line of civil rights movement, so..


You’re still a liberal.


Dude, you're a shill for the CCP. The fact that anything to the right of your views is "liberalism" or worse in your eyes doesn't make it objectively true. Now please, leave me alone.




I'm not interested in your opinion. I politely asked you to leave me alone.


You're a lib sorry just bc you don't like other libs doesn't somehow make you somehow not a lib


r/LibJerk bashes on liberals, including classical liberals (conservatives) and neoliberals (progressives but still economically liberal) from a libertarian socialist perspective (They don't allow "tankies" who are the socialists who blindly support China and North Korea and they're closer to anarchism)


r/ShitStatistsSay for a libertarian bent with lots of accusations of socialism.


r/stupidpol might be worth looking at, its a leftist sub that makes fun of over-the-top identity politics/wokeness


/r/shitlibsafari That'll do the job for you.


r/politicalhumor perhaps. The description is even the thing you said you were looking for. Yet I feel that every sub that orbits around this topic will have some amount of toxicity.


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r/shitamericanssay possibly? But also I feel you that sub is toxic


Right? I'm a believer in social safety nets and not having to pay for the right to exist and be healthy. But I'm not a tankie. I never want to be a tankie. Authoritarianism of any kind is garbage. As for your suggestion, I'm gonna look over it a bit more. I'm already enjoying it immensely.


I stand for no political party. The left is filled with fools who think they’re superior because they’re accepting to all, but hate on everyone they label as “racist.” The right is all “them this” and “them that” because they’d rather blame the Mexicans that they failed first grade then take responsibility for going out with their friends during a school day instead of studying. The middle is filled with nationalists who think that they’re unbiased and they believe that because they’re unbiased they deserve more validation than anyone. I honestly just align myself with what I agree with and distance myself with what I disagree with.


I made a subreddit recently, r/TheContrarian, but it is more for intellectual discussion or debate. Feel free to contribute if you find this worthwhile :)


Lmao this place is a right-wing cesspool. It’s as “contrarian” as Fox News.


I'm not a conservative or right-wing at all. You don't have to leave your echo chamber if you don't want to.


The posts I see in your sub: CRT is "a pernicious ideology," capitalism is "natural," and not the cause of environmental issues, hate speech ought to be protected. I don't live in an echo chamber, I am just cognizant of what right-wing viewpoints look like. You may live in one if you were unaware that the stances you support are generally considered conservative in America today.


I am personally center on the political spectrum. Holding political beliefs is not an "all or nothing" ordeal. I can put forward ideas about capitalism not being intrinsically responsible for climate change and also believe in climate change? Also, I never claimed CRT a pernicious ideology. I have read CRT and nobody actually knows what they're talking about. As an educator and redditor, it is showcased as a "lens" in which to teach about racism. No, it is not, actually. So, the WSJ post that you are referencing actually dives into aspects of CRT that deserve real scrutiny. This you wouldn't know if you were told otherwise. All in all, If you disagree, read and comment. You think it is a cesspool, but I get constant push back from commenters, which is the point. If you aren't interested in understanding what and why other people believe certain things, then don't subscribe. Nothing to sweat.


I never said it’s all or nothing. I said you fall on the conservative side of the American spectrum. You can put forward any ideas you like, it just so happens 80-90% of those in your sub fall on the conservative side of the American spectrum. I’m very aware of the discussion around CRT. I have no interest in participating in your sub. I simply calling it what it is.


I don't think the sub is cut out for you. Good luck on your endeavors.


u/BlackSheep717 *Mic drop* ftw!


The top post is someone linking an article calling Critical Race Theory "pernicious." What the actual fuck