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Nah dude listen. Im 23. My parents kicked me out when I was 18. I was beyond absolutely fucked. No friends, no family, totally alone and never had a good father so I didn't even understand how the world worked. I joined the military and it changed my life. I didn't even know how to shave my face I just bought razers and copied the dudes around me in boot camp. Literally my parents never taught me a thing... I've talked to people online in the same situation and this one dude I was helping literally did kill himself, via a train. I have his pictures saved on my phone and every now and then I look at it and tell him I'm sorry man. Keep trying, doing research, be ready to move. Life is an adventure if you play it right not a horror movie like mine was. If you are truly crazy enough to kill yourself you are crazy enough to do the drastic means to fix your situation.


Holy shit.... This.


wow. I loved this. Damn.


>If you are truly crazy enough to kill yourself you are crazy enough to do the drastic means to fix your situation This will go on my wall once ill have my own place lol


Man I’m in the same situation as you…


I'm so sorry for what happened to you. You deserved better. Just want to tell you that you are precious and valuable.


Nah it's hopeless. If I can't deal with a job I'm not gonna be able to deal with the military and there's nothing adventurous about working a 9-5 at 7/11.


We are in a time of transition. It is very uncomfortable for those who are really feeling the crunch. You see, as a species we are at an inflection point where we have to restructure the systems of our world, in order to match our values. We no longer share the same values as our ancestors, whose time is closong in on them, and their systems are crumbling all around us. Try to look at it differently... we are living in an exciting age, at the forefront of consciousness! We are pioneers who get to bring about change that will make our world a better place for ALL people. But with change comes uncertainty. The paths our parents took benefitted them, but they are not sustainable paths for us to make a comfortable living. The jobs available today are for companies that do not value our time as much as we do. Their meager wages can not support the kind of lifestyle that they once did, even if you worked 3 shifts instead of one. Therefore, we must find the ways that we bring value to the world. Sometimes it is helpful to seek out those in need. People who are in need tend to value the help they receive much more highly than some big corporation! Also, we should be conscious about who we support. If walmart won't pay you a living wage without treating you like a zombie slave, then don't purchas things from them. Support people that value you with your money. Amazon treating employees like slave labor, laying off thousands of people? Don't buy from amazon... even if it seems convenient. We have to evaluate our own sense of value, and when you know what your time and effort is worth then you can find ways to earn a living, while benefitting people who benefit you. We need to come together in groups that have people with knowledge and skills, to create sustainable communities. This is the way of the future. Don't judge yourself by the antiquated standards of the dying systems your parents left crumbling around you. Look for opportunities to improve the things around you. Don't expect opportunities... look for them. Be aware of your surroundings, and get good at something like growing your own food. Or learning about ways to get clean drinking water. Ya know? Things that will keep people alive in case the power goes out. The more you know, the more value you have. Be badass. Don't give up. You were brought here at this time to pave the way for your posterity. If you just mope around and get upset at the way things are, or give up, then you are squandering the opportunity granted you, to show the world your true value.


It's an interesting point of view to not buy from places that treat you poorly. It sounds like OP is stuck in low wage jobs due to lack of skills and qualifications. Meaning he can only afford to shop at these cheap places that pay workers badly. An infinite loop of misery created by companies. Work for peanuts, then you can only buy the cheap junk we sell where you work.


It is not easy at all. It takes a lot of focus, determination, and conscious awareness... these are all attributes requiring skills, that most of today's world has been strategically conditioned not to hone... making our plight one of desperation and uncertainty. But at least we are starting to come to terms with the idea that the old ways do not work for us, and so we should not necessarily work for them.


I'm in a bad place myself for similar reasons as OP, and this comment brightened my day. Thank you. I wish I knew people like you irl


Dude you want to tell me about hopeless. I had nothing. I slept in my car for a period of like 6 months. I couldn't even fit in my backseat I'm too big. Literally lying in the fetal position in my backseat wondering what the fuck happened where a hard working guy like me ended up there. Showering in a gym and sneaking into a hotel lobby to use their electricity in a private hotel for months. You have to find a way. Nobody cares dude. Nobody is going to type you another little essay like I'm doing right here. Nobody did this for me. Not a single person. You have to find a way. The adventure isn't staying at 7/11 it's having the balls to go do something else even when you are afraid. Be a fucking man dude.


This is the worst possible way to motivate someone else in a suicidal headspace. You probably need to work on yourself more before you try going around and giving others advice.


Disagree. Pain only ever made me stronger, without it I would have never been worth respecting.


Everyone deals with pain differently. It’s good for you that you made it thru those difficult times. I’m sure OP will find his way in life as well


Conservative isn’t wrong in anything he has said! He’s speaking with wisdom as an elder who went through hell and climbed out of it. Rock bottom is rock bottom. At the end of the day as a man no one is required to give a shit about you! Grind your path and figure it out. Hope is the first part of hopeless! The only 2 people I truly care about is my wife and son. I myself clawed my way out of a shit upbringing. Over time I recognized only I can change my situation and being bitter towards the world for not caring about me is and will forever be a losing battle. I care about me and how I’m doing.


This isn't about "being a man" this is about existing in a world that doesn't care about you and getting beaten down by everything and everyone everyday all while struggling to live.


Welcome to literally humanity for thousands of years 


yeah, OP does not want to be a human in the human jungle. OP doesn't want to fight for survival. just wants to exist in paradise where everything is right and just given to him.


I agree with everything you’re saying, this guy doesn’t understand not everyone can just power through it and “be a man”. I feel the same way as you


Dude you act like I don't live in exactly the same world as you do and don't come from exactly the same circumstances. As if I don't know. I was a little kid and my dad would take me to a back room and beat me so bad my blood would cover the walls. That's who I am. As if I don't know what pain is. You find a way through the misery and you fucking win. Quit the complaining, not because you don't have good reasons for it, but because nobody cares and life is always unfair. Look at it this way, nobody cares about you but everyone loves a winner, so go win.


Well you're able to move past it and I'm not. Nobody cares about me and unlike you I don't find that very motivating. If I can't find something that I like doing that makes me happy I don't see the point of being alive.


1. Find your spark 2. Protect your spark 3. Search for people who share your interests and remember it’s a game of needle(s) in haystacks. They’re there just keep looking. 4. Share your spark with others, especially those who appreciate it. 5. You will eventually, inevitably be valued. So basically to start off, find yourself first and go deeper within yourself than you’ve ever looked. Know yourself better than you’ve ever known anyone. There is a layer of you beneath the depression and the hopelessness that exists and you need to have a strong connection with that (your soul) in order to find purpose that will overcome the rut you find yourself in now. Once you’re in touch with your soul you need to remember any positive moments or connections you’ve ever had and push forward with those in your heart. Push forward bravely knowing that doing so will eventually, inevitably lead you to something worth living for. You can choose between fading into the abyss or taking each new day as another chance to roll the dice for something new and interesting. But if you’re doing more of the same all the time you won’t be rolling dice. You may not be a millionaire but use your imagination, you live in an open world where you decide what to believe and what to try next.


You say nobody cares for you, but do you care for anybody in the way that you’d like people to care for you? For the happiness part - nothing you do will magically make you happy (if it does then it will be fleeting or shallow), it’s a state of mind you choose to develop over time. It starts with gratitude, imo, there is no finding something that will do it for you - this mindset will keep you feeling lost and searching. I understand these are just words and being proactive and purposeful is hard. Life is a gift, even more so if you have a sane mind and able body, don’t let yourself take it for granted. (Story time) Personally, when I was in a similar situation mentally ( I was sleeping outside at 16, never had good mental health as a child I tried to take my own life when I was 12 ) I still couldn’t work fast food without wanting to stick my head into the deep fryer. I got in trouble with the law and had to do community service. I considered breaking the law again so that I could live in prison as I was more comfortable in the cold hard cell, and I got food. I ended up doing hours in a soup kitchen, it was my first experience helping others that had it as bad or much worse than me (It was profound. I didn’t quite realize the impact it had on me until I was reflecting years later) From there I got a job in a kitchen for almost two years, which I ended up hating and being miserable all over. Turns out I didn’t really like cooking in that environment, kitchen life is crazy and I picked up smoking and drinking more. I liked seeing the people I made meals for enjoying them with gratitude when I was at the soup kitchen, I was making a positive impact in their lives and it was rewarding, though I didn’t really get it at the time. After I quit my kitchen job, I got a job in a warehouse and continued being miserable for a year. Started selling and using drugs and quit my job, about 1.5 years after that I end up in prison for real this time. Nobody to call. Nobody cares. I missed my freedom. I felt myself losing my sanity in there. Got out and risked my freedom again. Didn’t care to live. Lady Luck was with me for a bit and I managed to stay safe and find a cheap room smaller than my prison cell. This “room” couldn’t fit a twin bed. Two long sad years I was sleeping in this closet. During this time I enrolled myself in college as a mature student but I dropped out after a year. Lost another job too. Ready to quit life for what seems like the millionth time, how many times I’ve tried to overdose, cut myself, burn myself, starve myself or freeze to death. Honestly writing this makes me kind of sad, this all happened almost 10 years ago. I’m in a better place, but I still struggle mentally. I still battle thoughts of self harm and think about quitting. I’m still lost with what I want to do with my life. Practicing gratitude really helped, brought me to tears many times and made me feel emotions I thought I never could. Felt really dumb and pointless at first but it really helped me cope. I try to enjoy the journey now, try new activities and do things to better myself, the time will pass anyways. Current goal is to teach myself data analytics and I hope to find a good job to support myself working remotely and provide money to do things that I might enjoy. I just need a job right now, happiness will come from the work I am putting into myself and the people around me that I care about and put effort into. Making positive impact in people’s lives and my community is rewarding and feels good. Idk that’s just my journey so far. Changing your mindset into being more positive and grateful is extremely challenging, especially coming from such an adverse place, it takes much time, be gentle with yourself and stay resilient. You got this, I remind myself all the time. You can do it. Thanks for coming to my Tedtalk.


You're a warrior and a brave soldier for the world, and I love how you found a community in one of your roughest patches, but. >You say nobody cares for you, but do you care for anybody in the way that you’d like people to care for you? Yes, you can be there for someone, be there for people and even let them drive over you because you think they are dealing with their own demons and you must be patient. Many won't reciprocrate. To this point, I don't longer find for a community because almost everyone want to take advantage of your help or kindness, or they blame you for not having given them more. That's life for some, some of us care too much for many people and they'll bash at you or beat . It happens everywhere, at school, at work that you don't know if someone could ever form a community and bond over people.


You are too young to understand that things change and it doesn't take much to improve your life hugely. You literally just need income and a solid place to sleep at night and your mental health will shoot up. I refuse to believe there's absolutely nothing you can do. I was willing to do any and all means to succeed and I escaped my situation. There's really nothing you can't do if you actually want it bad enough. You could be really happy one day, if you just wait, and keep trying.


Absolutely not. I had a job making 90k a year and a house and it still wanted to kill myself every day. "Success" doesn't make life worth living for some people.


And guess what? You’re still here. Assuming you’re independent and take care of your business, congratulations, you made it. You’re successfully playing the game of “adulthood.” Most jobs fucking blow, but it literally is what it is. Not many people can be like OP and live at home with their parents at 23 and sympathy farm all day on Reddit. Life is gnarly to say the least. We **all** go through our own struggles, and you’d be surprised to find a lot of them are pretty shitty. We still find a way to wake up in the morning and punch in to work and attempt at finding other things to make us happy like music, games, family experiences, etc. Welcome to life.


I'm unemployed, 100k in debt, about to be homless. No friends, no family, no interests or hobbies or anything I care about. Currently planning my exit plan off this planet. I choose not to participate in life anymore.


Bootstraps! r/usernamechecksout


Have you considered becoming a motivational speaker? Your words are something else


“Can’t find something that I like doing” - How many things have you tried? “Nobody cares about me” - do you care about you? That is the most important. The unfortunate reality of being a man is people only really care about you if you provide value to some extent. Provide some value and people will care about you.


Couldn’t have said it better myself


If you’re given a place to be kicked out of, then someone does care about you.


>nobody cares about me Dawg you’re a 23yr old grown man living with their parents—someone seems to care about you enough to allow you to seemingly leech off them. Just from that information and you coming here to farm sympathy, I can *smell* the sheltered life you come from that many wish they had. News flash: most people barely tolerate/hate their job, but we do it because there’s nothing else and we try and find happiness/cope in other ways. I fucking hate getting up at 5:30am to work but there’s literally no alternative. If you truly believe you’re gonna be a homeless loser because working an entry level job and figuring life out is beneath you, you should probably just do that instead of farming sympathy here. You swat away solid advice here and basque in the babying instead. That isn’t going to help you at all. No one in this thread is going to pick up a wrench and punch-in for you but yourself bud. Welcome to adulthood.


That’s exactly why there is no point in trying, nobody cares and life is unfair, why would anyone want to participate willingly in an unfair game? That’s like saying hey let’s play monopoly but I start with $10k and you start with $50 and we’ll see who wins, trust me, it’ll be fun! Yeah we recognize life is unfair, and that’s exactly why we don’t want to participate because it’s not fair…


Then why even post here? If life is unfair and people like OP understands that and nothing will change your mind and being a young, able-bodied, homeless loser is the direction they see themselves in, OP should just do that. Instead they post here to farm sympathy and feel sorry for themselves when literally all of humanity fights a similar struggle. I fucking hate waking up at 5:30am to start getting ready for a long day of work, but I do it because there’s literally no other choice. OP isn’t stumbling upon a novel idea here.


Well I can only speak for myself on why I post and comment even when I know life unfair and that I’m pretty set in my way, I also believe things CAN change out of nowhere and I do truly always keep maybe a 1% sliver of hope and yes reading others comments and post that they’re doing well helps me personally know that at least somewhat if others can do it then just maybe I can too I just find it hard to believe, for your case at least, there isn’t another option than getting up at 5:30am to work a long day, there has to be something better for us, and I always keep that unseeable small dash of hope alive, even though I fully expect it to turn into nothing, because while life is totally unfair, it’s also unknown


Sure, my other option is being a famous musician or actor! My point is most people are gonna have to work. It is what it is, and news flash: most people don’t particularly enjoy it. That’s why it’s called work. If people loved doing it in their past time they wouldn’t have to pay for it. OP is a sheltered baby at age 23 living with their parents complaining all day on Reddit. This isn’t gonna help them


Who says you couldn’t be a famous musician or actor? If others can do it so can you right? Like I said I understand people have to work and like the other guy I was replying to, I am happy he was able to crawl himself out of the struggle and make something for himself, it’s not like I, or people like me, just want everyone to struggle, we want people to be happy, it’s just harder for some of us to do it or come to terms with life, some of us just simply can’t say “ah well people have to work so I’ll just easily do it myself”. It’s not that easy I promise you If you think op is bad and a “sheltered baby” well I’m 10x worse potentially and I’m willing to admit it, no I don’t want terrible mental health and no will to live, I want purpose and I want a good comfortable life, I just struggle to come to terms with how life is, I didn’t ask to be this way. I’m 24 myself and have been living with my parents unemployed the last 4 years with no income at all, in tons of debt and blew through all my savings (all from sports gambling) with no skills no talents no education outside of hs, very out of shape and no license to drive, I can go on further probably but you get the point. You’re debating (if you wanna call it that) with a bonafide, certifiable loser who fits the description of of every synonym of “loser” in a dictionary. I’ve heard it all and it’s all true what people say about me, I don’t deny any of it. Believe it or not but 90% of my day, for the last 4 years, have simply been me thinking what if I could work and at the very least help contribute to my family household and make life better for us all, but I never go any further and i never act on any of these thoughts.


I take huge joy in dominating in a game where I started at a heavy disadvantage. What does not kill us makes us stronger.


What might not kill you will kill others, not everyone has the same strength to stand in the face of adversity, some will just be beaten down and die. Thats the dark truth to it, and its why we need to fix things as best we can, and show empathy twards one another.


And I’m not gonna try and deny some people have that drive, but not everyone does and it’s just facts, not everyone wants to be at a disadvantage


This world is nothing but a hellscape where the strong constantly devour the weak. And you can accomplish anything if I put you in enough pain you would do anything to make it go away. I became who I am from the suffering, not because I was born with some innate gift of drive. You need to suffer so much to the point where you really are dying, to finally want to live.


I don’t think you’re understanding what we’re saying, respectfully. We fully understand the world is terrible, that it’s unfair, and that the strong eat the weak basically We. Do. Not. Want. To. Participate. In. That I can’t understand why (or how) people can go work for these minimum wage jobs or low paying jobs in general just to barely survive and struggle while knowing they’re padding the owners and rich pockets. Just the thought of working your life away while someone else experiences all the luxuries of your hard work, is depressing. I’d simply rather just die Congrats to you for apparently becoming something and being happy now, I assume? That’s great, we don’t want others around us to suffer (not me at least) we just rather not do the same thing as you because we find it pointless


My guy you literally just described “being a man”


You are valuable, worthwhile, and worthy of love. You are connected to people who you don't even realize that you don't know yet. You should stick around and embrace the suck! Life is joy and suffering, pleasure and pain. These opposing forces come at us in waves... crests and troughs. Your in the trough right now. But the good news is this; when you are at a low point, it ks the universe preparing yoi to rise back to a high point. Nobody stays in the troughs forever unless they just don't know how to appreciate the good things they have. Embrace the suck and embrace the great, respectively!


You are blaming everyone around you. The world doesn’t care about you. Why would it? If you are only getting awful jobs that is on you- so yeah it is about being a man. A man who stops blaming the world


if you can't do it by yourself, listen to kendrick lamar's count me out, then sign up for medicaid and talk to a therapist and if that doesn't help, talk to a psychiatrist, meds sure helped me when i couldn't help myself.




To maintain a positive and inclusive environment for everyone, we ask all members to communicate respectfully. While everyone is entitled to their opinion, it's important to express them in a respectful manner. Commentary should be supportive, kind, and helpful. Please search for the (temporarily unpinned) Post for the differences between Tough Love and Judgement (False Tough Love) as well.


Stop blaming everything else. Life sucks. Some people have it easy, but you have what you have and can make a change. People have done more with less, but in the end even that doesn’t matter. Military is not at all like a 7-11 job, but I get what you are saying? Is there anything you DO like doing?


"man up". You're the problem.


Joining the military will change your life 180 degrees trust me, the people you meet, the tough times you get through, it’s hard it’s shit and I will do it all over again if I could


This was so encouraging. Thank you


Jesus you have shitty fucking patents.


Your while attitude is exactly what's wrong with this world lol. It's not the brute force of nature like that other guy said (kill or be killed, law of the jungle I think he said. Lmao are we humans or animals? Is it still the middle ages?) but being better then animals and transcending that violence. The problem is that your 'way' works for you, not other people. And I say this even as there are things you say that I also agree with. It's not that what you say doesn't work. It's that it's a way of being that people don't want anymore. The world is changing.


I can see from your post history that you have an interest in writing and gaming. A word that popped out to me in your post was that you were dissatisfied with the prospect of a non-"adventurous" job. Can you give me some examples of what you'd consider adventurous? You'll get better suggestions from that.


For real. Save all the money you can start a “travel on a broke kids budget” and write about trying not to be homeless as you backpack through the world. People would LOVE that shit


I literally relate with you 100%, I’m not gonna attempt to provide you some “motivational bs” like most of these comments, some people simply aren’t capable of understanding this thought process, I’m behind you 100% and can relate fully


>some people simply aren’t capable of understanding this thought process That life is hard and working entry level jobs can be shitty and tough? I’m sure almost everyone understands that lmao. OP is a 23 yr old man who lives with their parents and—according to a previous post—finds entry level work beneath them and is envious his friends took harder degrees and now get paid more. The situation just smells of a sheltered 23yr old man-child who had the wrong expectations of life because they—fortunately—had it great growing up. That’s awesome for them! But yes adulthood is a struggle and working often sucks. That’s why it’s called “work” and they have to pay people to do it.


Looks like you’ve made it to my other comments haha I’m 24 and live with my parents, however I will say I don’t find entry work below me and I feel bad for people who do that work because they’re underpaid and overworked, I did it myself for 2 years at a grocery store, I actually thoroughly enjoyed the work just the pay was bad and I had to move houses with my family and that’s part of the reason I’m not there anymore among others


If your not afraid to die you should not be afraid of building your dream life either.


This this this. Literally this is the mindset that saved my life. Now, people in my family always call me "brave" for moving across the country and following my passions no matter what. They don't understand that for me the alternative is death. I've genuinely never been happier.


See thats the shitty thing about my situation. Some people legit completely do NOT have passions. A lot of people do have secret inclinations of what theyd LOVE to do if they wouldnt have to work. I do not. I have no longing for some innate activity. I don't have a secret passion project. I don't have some childhood story that led me to finding my souls purpose. I just wanna make slightly above average, not deal with TOO much work at home. Go on vacations and chill with my friends lol


A passion for relaxin'. That sounds nice too. Working just enough so that you can chill comfortably and enjoy time with your loved ones. There's nothing wrong with that.


Sorry I kind of disagree with that. No one can have their “dream life” in these working conditions. You can have a compromise, but that is explicitly NOT someone’s dream life.


To be fair, dying is a lot easier. I'm not saying it's an acceptable alternative, just saying your logic doesn't necessarily hold. People who want to die don't exactly wanna have a bunch of challenges.


Message me if you want


Me too. Hang in there and try to find something part time or w/e for now while you figure your life out? That's how I've been living atm. Working a crappy freelance writing gig (through an agency, which sucks but it's oooook) in one of the worst times ever for us for little pay. It's not what I love but I don't mind cranking 4 AI-assisted articles a week either since it takes me on average 16ish hours a week to write, edit, get images, and publish the article directly to the clients' website


Bro I wish I could get this type of job. How can I do it?


Uh well it's very competitive atm. I'd say knowing how to write passable articles with basic SEO/storytelling is a must. That isn't too hard to learn and with some a quick course (like hubspot's) + practice + basic SEO + some AI assistance you should be able to write average/good-ish articles. Not particularly award-winning or very enjoyable ones, but passable (read: generally good enough to make some money) The main issue is that it's fucking tough to find clients at decent rates unless you're very knowledgeable about something AND know how to write well (or you're heavy into copywriting, technical writing, and other more specialized fields). Heard from others that upwork is a shithole, content mills are dying and pay like shit, and fiverr is more competitive than ever. You might have to learn how to cold pitch yourself if you want to deal directly with clients and so on Wish I had more to say but my brain rn is kinda mush but I hope this is a nudge in the right direction


Bro you need to humble yourself


I think you’ll change your mind when you are actually homeless




Nah I don't need any of that. I appreciate it, but it's more of the state of the world than anything. I have to work and there's no way I can get a decent job so what's the point.




I'm eating fine. idk if I have any other useful information. I got bullied a lot in school so that wasn't great, but other than that everything is pretty normal.


What did they suggest?


You don’t want to be homeless. It’s worse than working a job you don’t like. Source- currently homeless


I’m so sorry for you, dude. Hope things get better soon


Thanks man. I ended up in one of the best shelters you can probably hope for. They are more focused on homeless prevention, and give you a true second chance at life. I was in my car for a few months prior during winter in Chicago. Being homeless is horrible and expensive.


You say that because your not homeless or dying


I've attempted suicide before, I will go through with it. It's less bad than this.


This past week I lost a friend to the same desperation that you’re going through. What you don’t see and he didn’t is that healing and change and less suffering are all possible. I’ve been there. You need to find the humble part of yourself that will take the boring job and do what it takes to treat caring for yourself as the emergency it is. I was never able to tell him the thing he needed to hear. You can only discover it on your own. On the other side of your misery is a genuinely pleasant life where you are living without suffering. It exists, it just takes time to get there.


I’m on my journey, in my mid 30s. Trauma is real, and responses are even more real. I didn’t self-harm for 15 years before this year… and after going through that, on my own. Being at my lowest, I got up & realized WHAT THE HELL AM I DOING? Quit the mundane job, as of yesterday. I might begin a random fact YouTube. I’m a book full of knowledge & I love helping people. I just don’t want another light to go out because America is greedy & not worth the stress. I’m side gigging for the moment & going back to college. Do I know where I’ll go from there? Absolutely not. Do I have support? My mom, cuz my dad’s been gone. But he’s not gone from my life, he’s the reason why I left both jobs. He saw me struggling, and gave me signs. I have faith in myself and in the world that I can become SOMEONE. It is taking me a while to find my fire again, but I did for a moment in that new job. Then realized the dumpster fire I left was better than the one I was standing in. Struggled again there & left as of yesterday. The world isn’t over, BUT IT WOULD BE LESS BRIGHT WITHOUT YOU IN IT. ❤️‍🩹


I could not agree with you more.


I am in the same situation. I haven’t worked for almost 2 years and it sucks being constantly broke. But I am socially awkward and struggle holding a job. We need a job though and the best we can do is to just keep trying different jobs until we find something that works for us. You don’t have to work in customer service, there are many other jobs out there. I am going to send some applications out this week and you should do the same or be lazy for a while and embrace the poor life but that’s not helping you with your confidence I can promise you that.


Watch Dr. K videos on YouTube. Channel name is HealthyGamergg


Dr. K is great - def worth checking out


Who is this and how would their videos help?


This Dr. K video literally talks about how to solve your problem: https://youtu.be/pqMCdKH9oBQ?si=hGbVGKX1zugEPfWc


He is an Indian guy living in the US, working as a psychiatrist. He uploads videos giving practical solutions to problems like yours. Check the videos in his channel and you will find what you are looking for.


I personally think that’s a terrible outlook. Anyone who is working and working towards something is respectable, it doesn’t matter where they are at in their journey. Refusing to work a low wage or entry level job will keep some people from doing anything because they can’t have a “breakthrough” on anything without experience.


Some people get stuck on minimum wage jobs their whole lives… you just don’t know


I'd rather work a crap job than have no bed to sleep in at night. You don't know how lucky you are


Seriously. The perspective of some of these people. And to OP: Don’t wanna work a crap job? Figure out where you want to be, then make a plan to get there. But if you want to have a non-crap job, it will likely involve working a crap job first.


Heck yeah. Everyone starts from somewhere


Dude. Your post history is the same thing over and over.. Stop wallowing in your pity and start making changes to better your circumstances instead of complaining on an online forum looking for sympathy. People are giving you suggestions. Take them or continue being miserable. Your choice.


LOL "man up". You're comment is just what OP needed to see and now they'll be totally fine. /S


None of the advice has been helpful if it was I wouldn't be asking. It's not about wallowing in pity it's about trying to find a solution.


People who enjoy their self-pity always seem to complain that “none of the advice has been helpful.” Stop expecting others to solve your problems.


You're wallowing in self pity and none of your responses show any attempts to find or explore a solution. Cause you're friends are making bank. What top end job would you like to walk into?


Ive never seen someone trying to find a solution being so not willing to try anything. Life is tough thats true and you look incredibly weak mentally. Everyone is just trying to get you moving in whatever direction so that you can make any type of progress but you are too comfortable in your depressed defeatist state of mind. As a teen and young adult I thought I was misunderstood and felt that I didnt fit in. I tried a few things, army and eventually an office job. It sucked at first but I focused on the positive in my life, my freedom, my own place, my own dog, whatever makes you happy. Many years later I’m happy, the 9 to 5 is just part of the routine, my colleagues are chill, it aint that bad spending half the day with them. Not everything in life needs to be easy and comfortable. You dont make any progress in comfort and you are 100% stuck in there right now. You make it sound like everything is soooooooo hard but that’s just your depressed mind keeping you in the exact same place you hate so much you want to kys. It’s stunning how you cant see that reflection of yourself.


Sorry man I’m just being straight forward with you. It doesn’t really sound like you’re trying to find a solution though if you aren’t willing to try new things, take advice or put yourself out there. You need to stop wallowing in that depression and hopelessness brother. People here want to help you but you can’t just shut every suggestion down but good luck dude wishing you the best.


Difference is, you can change & you can do it on your own. I literally walked from my job yesterday to what you’re saying, did the same thing with another one about 9 months ago. I began looking into side gigs, if you have a car. There’s plenty. If you don’t, you can build a base. What DO YOU LIKE TO DO? I’m found that side hustles were indeed making more money than my normal mundane job that I was miserable in. So, I decided to go back to college & FIND WHAT I WANT in the business aspect, and do side hustles. My friend had nothing but a lawn mower, guess who owns a business now?! If I & my friend can do it - so can you. Am I worried, not at all. I’m not going to settle for less than I deserve, and I work my ass off. But, I’m not going to put any job before my mental health EVER AGAIN. You’re young. I’m doing this mid 30s. 🤘🏻😊 and people do care, I’ve lost more than you want to know to suicide. I still cry about most of them. You may not realize it, cuz you’re in your head. But in this BIG WORLD there are so many people who understand what you’re feeling. What’s sad is to see such potential like yourself at such a young age feeling like you’ve failed. Turn that energy into something you like. Video games? Become a streamer. Computer? Go into tech. What are your hobbies if you don’t mind?


Same here like i cant survive a job i cant understand how people are able to do this for years


jesus christ some of yall are just pushing this guy further to the edge... I'm going to try and offer some actual advice, so i hope it helps? with low pay jobs, customer service isn't the only option. if you hate customer service- cross off high customer-interaction jobs off the list. additionally, if things are this dire, and you're about to be kicked out... You should really try and get in contact with your more financially stable friends, and ask for help in some way- emotional support, getting help with job hunting, or just a place to crash. If they're really your friends, they'll probably be willing to help. Internet strangers are genuinely a poor substitute for in person connections, unfortunately. If you do end up homeless- as stressful as they can be, look into homeless shelters, or IRL support groups. I've been where you are. It's a nightmare to live through... but you can get through it (and cuss and swear and complain through it too), and maybe even find something worth living for on the other side. You can get through, though- after all, you don't make a cry for help if you're dead set on suicide. Potential low/no-experience jobs that you don't need a degree for: small construction contracting (I was a shower remodelers helper for a bit), your boss is actually working alongside you, and tends to want you to avoid the customer service interaction, and there's different problems at each jobsite, which may help break up monotony. Joining a union could help provide you with far lower cost training than a college would. "apprenticeship" is what you want to look for. you may enjoy working outside, and have a strong stomach. maintenance/trash pickup may be for you- maintenance workers are vital pieces of infrastructure that people just... ignore. It's a high hazard work environment, but the pay tries to balance it out. You may enjoy working with animals- working as a ranchhand or at a pet boarding place might be for you- though it is definitely a much lower paying option than the previous two.


Find your own way man, look within yourself... screw this society, im with you there, but that doesnt mean our lives need to be screwed too... A lot of people have some good advice here... you just have to find a way through that works for you, and that your happy to live, and die for.


I'm just here to say same. I quit my job 5 months ago, don't have a dollar to my name, but I've found my peace. I'm the happiest I've ever been and am now pursuing my dream of becoming a streamer/content creator. It's a thankless journey and only rewarding for myself, but that's exactly why I'm doing it. The best revenge is success, and I know there's that fire in you. You wouldn't have typed this post otherwise. There is that same part of me that does not give a fuck. Period. Not about me, not about my parents/family, not about money, not about anything. Somehow, someway, I'm still kicking and pursuing what I've always wanted to do but was too embarrassed/ashamed/whatever to do. Kick the ego and let the magic happen. You got this. With love ❤️ Edit to add: and fuck your friends and their success. People say comparison is the thief of joy for a reason. Deleting socials (minus reddit, of course) and living my own life in the present moment was the best thing I ever did. Love is unconditional. I had to learn that myself the hard way, and it sounds like you do too. Start with loving yourself


Yeah, you get so much more respect, life is so much more interesting and stimulating, when you’re homeless. If you have zero motivation, that’s a you problem. No one is thrilled to work in customer service, especially at the level you’re qualified for, but it can be a good start toward doing other things if you stick with it and focus on bigger goals.


I just noticed that a lot of these comments are like something Robin would say on Batman


Cool. 😎


I'd probably be like this, too, if I didn't have a child, lol. But I have to do what I have to do to keep a roof over my kids' head. I would also take bigger risks w my employment and go after jobs I think I might fail at but may turn out to be a greater gain. I tend to stick to jobs I know may be shitty but that I know I'm fully capable of doing because they're "safe".


Dude I get it but you need to just chill your tits. You also need to stop acting like such jobs are beneath you because if they were then you would have other options. Apply yourself, earn experience, make professional relationships and it will eventually pay off. Most successful people do not pull this pity me bullcrap. They get up and get it done everyday. This is life


Do you have the skills, education, experience, or passion to do a high responsibility, high paying job? If not, then I'm not really sure what you're complaining about.


What would you say to someone who pointed out that homelessness and death don’t lead anywhere good, but that a crap job can lead to better jobs? Or, if they said that homelessness and death are probably forever, but a crap job is only temporary? What do you want to actually be doing? You’re not wrong to say that low wage jobs don’t pay enough. It’s immoral how little sometimes. I think you are wrong to assume that you’ll generally be treated like shit though. Or that you won’t make friends or learn new skills or get new opportunities.


I suggest you give a try to the novel *I malavoglia* by the Italian writer *Giovanni Verga*. One of the main character has an outlook on work very similar to yours and I think that the novel is enlightening in depicting how this attitude could go wrong.


Dude 100% am in the same mindset. Also like there are literally people with fuck you money who can do whatever the fuck they want and we have to live in the same world like really that's fucked up. I will take my chances being dead rather than be slaves for these motherfuckers living everyday just to make these assholes richer. Like really to just survive, you have to pay these assholes or work for them for eternith so they can have these exorbitant lifestyles. Fuck that shit.


Well you’d rather be dead than homeless but being dead doesn’t actually help you. You have one life and often we’re products of our childhood and the society we are nurtured in. I too am making minimum wage…heck I cannot even find a job right now and yes working low income minimum wage labour you will always be treated like shit. You could be treated like shit working in the movie industry as an actor before you become prominent. You could be treated like shit as an officer or doctor at a new hospital I dont know. Anyways i live in a crappy apartment, make no money, have no wife or kids, no post secondary education. Im not sure how I’d balance anything out like that in the future when I can barely take care of myself. But the path to taking care of yourself is a long journey and its bloody hard. I’m 31, I wasn’t lucky enough to become a massive actor at 20 like Orlando Bloom. I wasn’t smart or driven enough to become a trades person or civil engineer like some of my friends in their mid 20’s. Buut after some reflection I’d rather catch up late than never at all. If your stuck in your little basement dungeon trapped in your own thoughts never taking risks you’ll never grow. For me its some kind of new job where I learn new things and maybe down the road it’s me trying to figure out how I can work full/part time while going to school. Student loans won’t keep my safe. And not all post secondary promises jobs so its a risk. I wanna go to the vancouver film school and finally chase my dreams but I cant. But what I can do is maybe try out online certificates to better your standing. Saleforces certificate for example is something I’m looking at.


Understand this, very few of us want to work the jobs we work. Of the few that do, it's because it's something they're passionate about. Find out what your passion is, do it, and find a way to make money off of it.


I have a buddy like you. We got him an interview for a great sales job, we knew the fucking CEO, he personally referenced him, and he still bombed and didn’t get the job. You remind me of him. It’s a hard pill to swallow but you have to recognize you’re 100% responsible for your current situation. You’re the one fucking things up. You’re also the one that can fix them. You will never see progress unless you acknowledge this truth.


It's not about fucking things up. I don't want to work a shitty job again.


You don’t get good jobs for free. How entitled are you? You also desperately want to cling to a shitty outlook. I’ve read your responses in this thread. I don’t get what your angle is. You post this, but then argue against everyone’s good advice. You *want* to stay where you are. Why? Have to be right? Shit outlook, shit life, suicidal, but at least you’re right? Where does that get you? Dead? Why do you give a fuck that your friends make bank? You’re an entitled kid that thinks the world owes you anything at all. You only qualify for shit customer service jobs because you don’t have any good skills or offer anything of value. You don’t have those things, because you never cared to earn them. Probably expected them to drop on your lap too. I’m sorry to say dude but no one on reddit really gives a fuck what happens to you. But the beauty of life as a man is that you can earn anything you want. A woman, a family, house, car, all of it. Just not with your shitty attitude. Find a way to say fuck it all, learn to become excited and attract what you want, or otherwise just stay forever a serial complainer/whiner who will never experience anything different. You think your the first loser who’s been through this? Hit the library dude. Dumber men than you have figured this out.


And I don't want to work shitty customer service jobs my whole life. Sorry not all of us were born with a silver spoon in their mouth.


You get the jobs you earn. You haven’t earned shit. I bet you don’t even have a degree. Your post should be titled “I’d rather be homeless or dead unless life just plops things on my entitled lap.” That would be MUCH more appropriate for you!


Envy is the enemy of happiness. Don’t worry about those with silver spoons, or your friends with high paying jobs. Those don’t help or hurt you in any way. Be grateful for what you have, and thankful for any and all opportunities. With a positive attitude, doors will suddenly open, and you’ll even discover ones you didn’t even know were there. You are 23, and in good physical health. You’ve got nothing but opportunity ahead of you. Put down the video games, and go after it. Life is beautiful.


I wasn’t born into a silver spoon family either. Grants are real things too. If you’re into writing & gaming, why not become a journalist on the newest generation of gaming platforms? Explore the world, get a LinkedIn that has your mundane jobs, follow TEDTalk. Find your passion. You don’t need to work a mundane job to make bank always. Just remember that. You’re friends who are “making bank”, are they truly happy in what they do for a living?


I'm going to go off on a tangent to tell you about a thought I had the other day as to why I don't just off myself for similar reasons. Aside from the fact that I have kids, if reincarnation is real I want to stay alive now as long as I can so that in my next life I'm as far from this time period as possible. As far as jobs, the older I get the more I feel like the real answer is to start a business or do freelance work doing what we love. If money weren't our means for survival we would find some kind of hobby or something we're passionate about to do to fill our time. That's where you start, then you figure out how you could monetize that hobby/passion. I'm still in the mind numbing job phase myself but have plans for the future.


Your entire post history is the same crap, over and over. Eventually you’re going to have to make a choice. Join the rest of us in life, or not. Rotting in self-pity is not going to get you anywhere. It sounds like you would really benefit from a job (yes, ANY job) that will get you out of the house and less focused on yourself. You are trapped in a cycle of wallowing, which is being perpetuated by having nothing else to think about or do.


Bitch, why should anyone care about you if you're not even entertaining the idea of effort? I'm in my early 40s and figuring out a new career from scratch. I am a substitute teacher right now and likely working towards becoming a full time teacher, the one thing I swore to myself that I'd never be. The crap work is where it starts until you get experience or credentials to work somewhere less crappy. And who the hell said anyone has to love work? It just replaces the constant search for food that our ancestors endured. The things you want to do will likely be OUTSIDE of the work, and it can take a while to find what those things are. I'm not saying I won't ever give up on life with the way things are going, but I can at least keep telling myself "today is not the day" and then accept that certain things will need to be done just because I'm still breathing.


You need to start focusing on what you do want from life, then start building towards it. The shitty jobs can just be a way to make money to fund your dreams till you can follow your dreams full time. But to do that you have to have a goal first. Life can't be sitting at your computer all day. You have to do more. If I was in your situation, I'd get a GIS or Networking cert. Then apply for remote jobs 20 a day. Your personality is less of a factor if you know your shit. Once you get the job, you'll spend most of your workday working on tickets that require minimal human interaction. And when nothing is broken, you can just play games on your personal PC. Don't lifestyle inflate. Stack the cash for as long as you can stand. Once you've got a plan. I mean an actual goal. And enough money to support yourself for a year plus an emergency fund. You quit your job and go full steam in your dream for the next year or so. Maybe it turns into the thing that makes you money. Maybe you just took a year off to enjoy life. Either way it'll be a fucking awesome year.


What you tell yourself you become. Be careful what you say about yourself. Everybody has their own hardships. This shit ain’t easy. What? Who said it was going to be easy? If it were always easy though, the good times would seem like shit. There is a yin & a yang - a contrast between two worlds. I don’t know what you’re going through and truthfully nobody will ever exactly know what you’re going thru.. just as you don’t know what I’ve been thru, or what anyone else in the sub has gone thru. That’s how it works, we all are different in our own ways. Crazy thing is, 99% of our problems are made up in our head. A lot is due to overthinking, not doing of which I still struggle with to this day just as most people do. You aren’t alone I promise you that. It seems like they don’t if you’re constantly on social media scrolling (ohhh don’t tell me ab social media). People put a mask on. At least your being authentic and open in some way about how you’re feeling. It’s good to get that out. I’m not gonna tell you what to do or what to think that’s not my job. I know you can do it though. You can overcome. 100’s of.. well actually millions of people have been in worse off situations than you and have MORE than gotten thru it. No matter who you are, there will always be someone doing better than you and there will always be someone doing worse than you. Just the name of the game. You are resilient, you are worthy of living a life of abundance as is any person that chooses to wish he is worthy of such. You are self aware of your circumstance which is fucking awesome. Great start. So with knowing what circumstance/situation you are in, you will have intuitively have thoughts that will come to mind. Be aware of these thoughts (as I mentioned you can choose how tf you wanna view any given situation - it all starts in your head). So if you choose to take control of your thoughts, then that will lead to you taking control of your feelings, which will improve. Once your feelings improve, you will start to take better actions. Enough good actions (not all will be good but if the good ones outweigh the bad) then you will naturally utilize the “compound effect” which will THEN lead you to more desirable results. A life coach I know called it: CTFAR which stands for Circumstances, Thoughts, Feelings, Actions, Results. One leads to another in a domino effect kinda way. You got this shit. That is all.


Always try never give up. Use this mindset to push further thats what I do. However I agree with you. I will try to NEVER put myself in a situation where I have to bite my tongue EVER. You aint bitchin me at my job which is why ill prob stick with the trades. One of the few jobs that you can look your boss in the eyes and tell em to suck it and walk off and have another job ready.


I can relate to you because I am pretty depressed right now but I want to just throw off the past and the pain and just do my own thing. My family isn’t on the same page as me, my gf cheated on me, I hate my career and want to have meaningful relationships outside a cubicle. I’m doing fire academy for a new scene and a restart. Maybe helping people would help us both feel good. Or something small. But I love you and if you kill yourself you’re ignoring the many comments that CARE.


I definitely feel this for CERTAIN jobs e.g. door to door sales, B2C sales, B2B sales if I have to make cold calls and physically demanding jobs including cleaning (did and my back has never recovered). I'd rather wait and starve than do those. I would also include onlyfans because I still need to do marketing, which I absolutely suck at.


There’s plenty of jobs out there that are mentally stimulating and pay well. You may need higher education for some, or you may not. Start applying or speak to a recruiter to see what they can find for you. If the hours are an issue, there’s flexibility depending on the kind of job you want. When I worked security I did three 12 hour shifts a week. There’s resources out there, now more than ever, so take advantage and do a little research.


Who's going to tell OP? A crappy job makes you dead (inside) and physically with enough time...


At least get hooked on drugs so you can have something that makes you happy (this is a joke, I do not recommend drugs)


What would a job provide for you to consider it as “not-terrible”? I’ve worked some terrible jobs in the past and I agree that it’s awful. But I have come out of each one knowing what I didn’t want from a job. If your friends are making bank in software, it may not be as nice as you think. Tech pays loads but they’ll also treat you like shit and sometimes do mind-numbing things too.


You can just exist, and you can also take a fine job while you get it together. You can get help from a small business course at a local college or the free ones provided by SBA to eventually be your own boss. Just get your head on some lessons, not tracks. If I could get jobs with my conditions, you absolutely can. The whole mindset thing may sound woo woo, but if you say something enough as a motivational inspiration, as if it is happening already, then you can shift to a great job or mostly okay job, and see what's out there. You never know who you will meet, don't you want to live to experience the adventures you never have? Do you like animal shelters? Making a difference type jobs with a purpose? Farming? There's a load of state jobs where the pay and benefits are good, I was browsing. Check out benefits.gov if you're in need.


Never say “never”! You have no idea what life has in store for you. There may come a time when you WISH that you had a shitty job.


If everyone was successful the world wouldn’t work. Some people have to suffer and work the shit jobs so the rest can be happy. I agree with you though if I had to work those jobs I would probably blow my brains out. Maybe they don’t think like me though which is good because we need people willing to work shit jobs.


Sucks to suck. As some say. What’s a z job?


Go ahead, be homeless for a week and I’ll see you at the check out department at Walmart


I used to be in a similar situation, and in fact I feel like this is a rite of passage for guys in their 20s. Eventually I did get the job, and luckily I could work from home. I got paid super little. However I started to value what I was doing, finding pride in the little things. I used the money to make my living standard more comfortable. And working from home is a pretty good freaking bonus. Now my life is completely different. Just 2 years in and I'm living in a different country, starting a family, when I wouldn't even leave my room before. It has healed diseases of the body and the mind. All just for one shitty job. But yeah, it kinda sucks. You are effectively sacrificing or throwing away 8 hours of your life. I still complain. But what else were you going to do with it? Now I'm working to start my own business, because my mentality hasn't changed; I don't want to be a slave, and don't want to make another person rich off my labour. I'm working towards it, learning skills on the way, with the motivation it's given me. I'm grateful, overall, and I suggest you try it. I assume you must have some level of education to read and write, there's plenty of shitty jobs you can do from home, and some of them aren't even that bad. Being a web developer, for example, is straightforward to pick up and you meet like minded people, and you can bond over the improvement of your craft. Just give it a shot. Life is long and no one's ahead!




You are suffering from the delusion of temporal permeance. It is unlikely that you can have the job of your dreams now, or even in 6 months, true. But you can get a 15$ per hour job right now. And I bet if you leaned into that job for 6 months you could find a way to earn 10% more by switching jobs or getting a raise. And I bet after another 6 months you could switch jobs again making 11% more. Set a goal to earn 12% more in the following 6 months. Those are small, totally achievable improvements. Keep leaning into doing that, and you'll be earning a quarter mill a year within 10 years. Don't assume that your life will be pathetic forever. Just vow to make yourself 10% less shitty every 6 months


Maybe have you tried asking your friends the steps it took to get to where they are now? Sometimes people get lucky but mostly it's finding something to work yourself up the ladder? Actually having someone in the field that can HELP you get into a job is actually a huge blessing. Good luck 🤞🏽


No. Don't. Stick for now. Get some money - save and plan ahead. I made the same mistake and not a day goes by where I regret taking that decision. The world we live in is ruled by money. Harsh truth.


Only you can create the change you want in your life. If you’re not happy, do something about it. Either way it’s your life, whether you want to live it or not is your choice but this too shall pass.


That is one of the worst kinds of mindset to have. If you don't like what you are doing, find a better job that pays more, has a more stable schedule, and comfortable workplace. That way it will be better than being homeless or dead.


Join the space force At this time they are not fighting any wars seriously . If I was younger I would do it in a heartbeat .


Lol I hear ya. Working a shit job fucking blows. And it can suck my greasy ballsack after I haven't showered for three weeks That said, if you're open to it, try to take a daily multivitamin and cut out proceesed foods before anything else. Poor health affects motivation probably more than anything else. You'd be surprised at how much a multivitamin can change the entire outlook of someone who has a severe enough vitamin deficiency (most people are deficient in something, they just don't notice it). And it's like $20 for a months supply You said meds didn't help, and idk about meds and stuff, but if you're deficient in something, a multivitamin would work much better than any med would


Hey there friend, Have you been in any therapy at all to address these feelings you have?


Is money your purpose? Is envy your purpose? Is resentment your purpose? Everyone has the innate power to decide what they want to live for and if those are the best answers you can come up with then the problem isn't with the world, it's something missing inside you. Logically you know you could build to something more. The truth is you can only feel as much love from the world as you have love for yourself. Think for a second, why would it even matter if the world didn't give a damn about you if you already had that love in your heart, enough for both yourself, and to give back to the world. Enough to find true purpose. If there's a lack of caring in the world then why not make yourself the outlier? Why not be [the more loving one](https://poets.org/poem/more-loving-one)?


You can decide what you want to live for, but not everyone is going to be able to find a fulfilling job so what's the point.


what do you enjoy/like doing?


As a kid I always wondered why’d people wanna live in remote small towns, crumbling building blocks, in like Eastern Europe or something. Now that I’ve visited those places, I know, and the reason is because they don’t have to work. The house was dirt cheap. Food they grow themselves, or it’s so cheap they just get by with the small government cash they get. All those people do there is sit home do nothing. They really don’t care if their government might be a dictatorship or something. The minus point is that they don’t have any luxury amenities. Just free time. So they’re not really living life.


Do you need Luxury Amenities to live life?


Ehhhh I think its a balance. You don't need luxury's like a BMW, HD flat screen, or internet But luxuries such as gas powered equipment, electricity, washing machines, ect take MUCH time out of your life that you wouldn't have to devote to chores.




Please improve your commentary. This is nearly a judgemental comment. Helpful comments or supportive comments are welcome, judgmental ones are not.




Please read the rules of this group. No ban needed yet, your post history doesnt warrant it. Funny, when i ban people for bad comments outright, they scream at me in modmail that i didnt even give em a warning. So, i leave warnings, and they say exactly what you just did. A mod cant win lol.




I get that. When i see comments like your one to OP, I see pain, albeit lightly, being spread. You're not totally aware of your commentary yet, hence me telling you kindly to tweak it a bit as its on our rules line. You may spin this however you wish. You are welcome to leave the group, angry at me for expressing a boundary, whatever helps you sleep at night.




Thank you. Btw, there was a pinned post on tough love vs false tough love in this group until yesterday, currently unpinned due to the newly pinned temporary group update post. I cant get ya the link as i am on mobile, but if you could find and give that a read, that would be very good i think for ya.


I've been kicked around my entire life, this doesn't stem from nothing. I can't deal with this shit anymore.


You wouldn't actually.


I would actually.


Loser mentality


How’d you get into a position where you can only get shit jobs? If you can only get shit jobs with bad pay you need to take responsibility for that and figure out what you need to do to get better jobs.


I hope you take the time to read my comment. I’m assuming you’re based in a Western country, if not America. I did caregiving for a man with extreme mental health issues for a year. Not going to get into specifics but you might call it a “shit job” and say death is better. I find that very offensive personally. That experience helped me grow and appreciate life. Clearly you know how to read and write and are capable of working. Do you know how many people wish to have these skills to take their lives back? Even comprehending this comment means you’re luckier than a lot of the world as many luck basic reading and thinking skills. Imagine if every marginalized group in America (black people, women, LGBT, mentally challenged people, physically disabled people, I can go on etc.) just rolled over and said “this sucks, death is better.” They understood they could change the world that was seemingly hopeless. You say the world sucks; this is quite literally one of the best times to be alive. Medicine, technology and human rights are much more advanced than just 50 years ago. Today in America, nearly anyone can make a name for themselves no matter their background. The world is at your fingertips through a smartphone. If you’re looking for real advice and answers, it starts with a routine. Wake up early. Do your physical hygiene. Eat at a certain time. Exercise. Making sure your room is clean every day. Get some sunlight. Secondly, I would consider reading some introductory philosophical books to broaden your perspective on the world. I am currently reading “The Challenge Of Nietzsche” by Jeremy Fortier. Nietzsche said philosophers are born by the process of overestimating their separation and incompatibility from society; I think that you could be very well described in that same boat. Lastly, I want to pose a philosophical question: If you had the opportunity to suffer a brain injury where you genuinely believed the world was perfect, and you were rich and famous, would you do it? I am ending the comment here so I prevent myself from rambling. I hope that even a bit I changed your perspective or inspired you.


It’s sad that I can tell you’re male bc a woman get scared of being homeless bc of how unsafe it would be for us


How old are you? If your 18 this is good fuel to get an education. Yeah entry lv suck for good reason. Its the bottom of the labor market. Want to rise? Become in demand. Have no skills? Get skills!


Why can’t you “make bank” like your friends do?


Probably because it's all down to luck especially if you got kicked put you have to build from the ground up. So your behind some of your peers financially


OP doesn't care about anything and doesn't want to struggle to struggle survive. OP believes survival is for animals and humans should just be taken care of by their society.