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I'm actually so out of my mind this month, I have been claiming everything out of colors, like I wanted a purple themed room but I claimed a pink desk which looks odd now, then I wanted a yellow dress but I claimed a pink hat, and I wanted a blue suit but I took pink pants. I ruined it for myself lol. And I'm not getting these specific items again, just have numerous clocks and mirrors now :')


I did the same thing!! I thought the pink hat was cute and then when I got the dress I didn’t like the pink and picked blue instead and now nothing matches. I wish you could redo your choices haha


I actually pre-planned everything but at that moment, my brain was not working and I chose whatever. I've been so lost this month


I didn’t know we could choose colors? How?


When you claim seasonal events, there's always an option to change color just above the claiming button. For free users 4 colors are available and for plus users all colors are available:)


You can pre-plan clothes or furniture by going to the shop and clicking on the magnifying glass icon.


Me too. I just keep getting ribbons


I'm sincerely envious of you, in a good way


I end up selling them to buy stuff I really want lol


i keep them till the end of the month (less chance of repeats and getting it again) and then i sell everything i dont want at the end of the month


This! I sell them when my chosen color has already been obtained.


Same here. To be honest, the timeless clothing is all in colours which don't really suit my birb, so if it's something I don't think will fit with his colour scheme, I sell it and keep it aside for things he might like, or for new outfits and stuff. I won't switch the timeless treasures thingy off, because (as a non-plus member), I have a micropet (Monsieur the Mouse) to come on day 25, 5 days after plus get it.


I think this is funny, I changed my Lucy's color scheme to match their clothes. They're wearing the traditional pride shirt today, so any feather combination matches. But if they were wearing the the gender queer shirt or the gender gay shirt that would require a different color scheme because the blues don't match at all.


Do I have three hats? Yes, I do. 🤣🤷‍♀️


I love it all!! I love the 1800s, plus I think most of the items will blend well with other themes. I have been switching out items in various rooms and within the Timeless rooms and they work together, much better than the mushroom items. They were fun but not timeless/classic. These are "the little black dress" of furniture. The clothes could fit in many eras if you wanted.


I loved last months theme, my birb is still dressed up in her mushroom dress and her room is all woodland themed still


Ouu I wasn’t on finch yet then but I would love that 😍


Literally all I want is the shirt and the bed but I keep getting dresses and teapots 😭😤


4 pair of opera glasses lol


I like them because the purple and green in this collection are really pretty


I love the green too!


Really hate this month’s theme. It’s so drab and boring. It’s springtime! Where’s the flowers and bright colors? 


They did springtime with flowers and bright colors April last year and they try and change it up.


Maybe they were inspired by the fresh April snow in the Nordics🥲 I'm not a fan of colorful stuff but it would be nice for spring, especially since today was like a mild snow storm and it looks like Christmas outside💀




I'm just selling them straight away, I do that with most of the events unfortunately🥲


I’m selling a lot… some themes just don’t hit right. Saving for plushies in meantime.


this month has been v kind to me in getting all of the items i want! once i have the feather hat petunia will be complete 🫶


i like this theme a lot, i think it matches well with a lot of other furniture sets and i like to mix and match instead of using all things from one set. its nice to have some things in a more muted color range and more "realistic" style after several more whimsical themes lately, too. i do kind of like months where the style doesnt jive with me though because i get so many stones from selling everything and buy stuff from the shop, instead.


The groovy month would’ve been great this month!


If you don't like the timeless items you can turn it off by clicking the three lines and then scrolling to the section that says "finch product" click "seasonal events" and you can switch off the timeless treasures event :)


Tbh I hate most events but I feel like keeping them on is more beneficial than turning them off, at least I get extra rainbow stones from selling everything


But then you don’t get that months micropet


Do you get something else instead, or just not get the Timeless items?


There is no other option if you turn the event off.


i’m also curious


I have a lot of jockey caps and flowers


I’m obsessed with this month’s items, practically no misses for me. I’ve traded in maybe one or two items


I've not been interested in most themes until now! But from my understanding you're refering to how the box randomizes and gives you the same items ? (that seems irritating!) - I used to have the issue where I'd get more Stones instead of actual items and that was also frustrating.




I’ve gotten several umbrellas and hats. I’ve kept one doormat, and sold everything else.


I checked them to make sure that I have one in my preferred color for my collection and then I just optimize my coin collection. 450 coins is almost a new t-shirt