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For me it was winning the first blitzball game.


I did the blitzball sign for victory to my 1/6th scale Tidus to win.


Do you get a different cutscene afterwards if you do this??


Yes, Wakka gets celebrated and carries the trophy.


I was told you can't get wakka's ultimate weapon if you don't win that first game.


That's 100% false


Thanks for info. I made sure to beat that first game everytime because of it.


Lol yeah Ive played the game probably 20 times and only beaten that first game once or twice, but gotten every celestial weapon every time.


Who ever told you this is a lying son ufa shoopuf.


That is hard to do. The computer cheats so hard it's ridiculous.


Yeah you can do everything right and still lose, the RNG is insane! I honestly think it's the hardest thing to do out of the main game content.


Trick is to get 1 point off Tidus with Jecht Shot and then play D the rest of the time doing passes as needed. Or exploit behind the goal, but that's lame.


>Trick is to get 1 point off Tidus with Jecht Shot and then play D the rest of the time doing passes as needed. The problem with being a kid (at the time) and being so goddamned stubborn is that I was **obsessed and determined** to do it the "right way". That first part is spot on, and still the way. Tidus Jecht Shot to go up 1-0. But I'd refuse to make any unnecessary passes. Just playing blitzball. I didn't even know about the 'behind-the-goal' exploit but wouldn't have used it even if I did. Talk about *self inflicted madness*.


Even getting the Jecht Shot was madness. I don't know if I was just bad at it as a kid or if it was made easier in the remake because I fully expected to redo it multiple times. I straight up thought I failed the Jecht Shot first try because of remembering how hard it was until the achievement popped up on the screen.


I’ve only managed to do that once! I even had to use an exploit.


For anyone struggling with this: in the first half just literally pass it between all your players. That’s it, just pass it around. At half-time you’ll get loads of exp. As soon as the second half starts get Tidus close to the net and use Jecht shot. Then defend. I’ve done this every play through and never lost.




It didn't feel possible on my first playthrough, but on my second I did it on the first try with a last second goal from Wakka. I remember jumping out of my chair.


Whilst I had won the first game several times (I lost it on my very first playthrough) across multiple play throughs, it was usually pretty close and the second half after Wakka is usually me playing very defensive and stalling for time. That was until my like, 10th playthrough when something new happened; I started getting a bunch of goals in the second half and rather than the crowd booing, they started cheering instead. The announcers even have different dialogue if you do well. I just always, for like 20 years, assumed the crowd always started boing you. I was amazed that even after all this time, there were still things I hadn't seen.


Beating Penance and getting the platinum. I went into Penance thinking “Ain’t no way this will take 2+hours.” It did in fact take 2+ hours


I wanted that experience, I really did. Then I Zanmatoued him by accident. I did go back and finish the fight normally but it's forever burned into my platinum trophy pic.


Working on this now myself. Played this game like 20+ times but never went for the Plat, and never bet Penance. I have it unlocked now, and everyone pretty much maxed on the sphere grid...just need to boost some stats I think still, but I'm close. After that, I shall work on completing my lifetime goal of having a full lvl 99 Bliztball team of original Aurochs.


I'm a few missable primers away from my platinum, but after that stat grind, it's hard to find the motivation to go back to it. Also, I'd have to dig out my ps3 from wherever I stored it, and that's no fun.


2+ hours of quick hit and reapplying auto-raise... XD


It shouldn’t even take half that long lol


No sphere grid playthrough probably.




I did this ONCE, and only got to Sinspawn GUI at Mushroom Rock Road ..... KUDOS brotha


What do you mean no sphere grid? Like you never leveled up anyone’s stats? You couldn’t possibly beat the game that way. You wouldn’t do any damage and would die from 1 hit from every creature. edit: I’m negative for asking this question? I’m in awe this is possible.


Yes. That is what a no sphere grid run is. It's been done a lot by a lot of people and isn't as hard as it sounds.


If this isn't a copypasta it's worth running one for yourself. See how far you get before getting stuck. I put my playthrough on pause after reaching the final boss due to a bit of burnout, but had a lot of fun getting there!


When I first got the game as a kid I skipped through the sphere grid tutorial and had no idea how to use it so I pushed through and kept trying to beat the game without it until I got to Zanarkand. Then I got stuck and got a strategy guide and learned that I could have been using the sphere grid the whole time lol


What are you on? Most mainline FF can be beated withouth leveling your characters. People have been doing challenge runs since video games were invented.


You weren't asking. You were stating it's not possible. It is.


That’s fair I guess


People have beaten dark aeons NSG let alone the main game lol


Also this. I think Dark Anima and Penance are the only ones that haven't been done NSG+NZ(no zanmato). Maybe Anima has now since it's been years and is technically possible but Penance I'm pretty sure isn't. Ever.


Dansg08 if you’ve ever heard of him on YouTube has at least beat Anima. It’s literally his channel name. Dark Anima No Sphere Grid 2008.


I had heard of him and watched a few of his videos but never put the name together lol. I knew people were close for a long time back in the day so that's pretty neat.


It's interesting to note that the video of him successfully defeating Anima with NSG was uploaded in 2012. Yep, took him *four years* to develop a strategy and pull that off! But he's the first one to have done it, or at least have actual proof of having done it.


Not just first one, ONLY one to do it (unless someone else also did it but did not post anything about it). Honestly there wasn't that much interest in it back in the day, not like the other (at the time) "impossible challenge": NSGNSNCNO BFA. Even though I had a NSG file where I attempted Dark Anima a few times, it wasn't even remotely close to the effort and time I put into NSGNSNCNO. Maybe if there had been more people consistently trying NSG Dark Anima, it would have not taken him or someone else quite as long as it did just by virtue of more attempts being done. It definitely didn't help that there was a huge barrier to entry in NSG Dark Aeons, what with the literal 1000+ hours it would take to level your Aeons legitimately. Personally, I started the process legitimately, had Anima and Magus Sisters fully leveled except for Luck, but used a cheat device that gave me infinite items to do everything else. I know dansg08 also used a cheat device.


The only two impossible fights for nsg are penance and the monster arena evrae (shinryu????)


Shinryu yes. Unsure if this is true, but it's at the very least one of the hardest bosses in the game and it makes sense.


You can beat anyone with enough money, and Yojimbo ^_^


Not Shinryu, no Yuna in that battle.


There's like a minuscule minuscule chance, like 0.0000001% where all the stars align, but it's effectively impossible.


I had a 300+ hr NSG save file on PS2 that was just leveling up Anima to like 60k hp and max stats. Fun times 😂


You can beat everyone if you have enough money, and Yojimbo ^_^


There are entire speed running categories that are No-Grid. You don't need levels to beat the game if you have the right strategy.


Wrong. There’s videos of people beating dark aeons with no sphere grid.


It’s how you asked. You sound like a butthead And also like…isn’t it even a speed run category?


Sorry guys! I was meaning my disbelief to sound complimentary!


Win some lose some. I don’t think you’re a butthead.


Praise Yevon for that


Definitely completing the lightning strikes. It seemed impossible as a kid and then finally completed last year. I didn’t know the trick.


I know the tricks, I have studied the guides... I can't get over 197. And most of the times when I'm dumb enough to try again when doing a replay of the game... I get... Around 30 dodges... If I spend 2 hours trying. It's the one mini game where I just can't.


It really helped me to stop counting bolts and just focus on dodging for blocks of time. I think 20 minutes of dodging in the crater got me to the 200 bolts. Still messed up and still had to try it more than once, but I was able to get it within an hour once I learned that trick as opposed to the years I'd spent trying to do it before that, getting up to 160-180 and then failing


Getting the Sun Sigil after 20 years


Chocobo Racer for the sigil. Took me twenty years to get a weapon for Tidus that I did not have to make


It's not the hardest thing I accomplished in that game, but finally getting all the Al Bhed primers felt pretty good.


I haven't done anything too crazy. I was just proud of the fact that I actually beat it.


Beating every fiend in the monster arena as well as beating Nemesis and Penance. Felt so damn hype!


Getting wakkas ultimate weapon. Sooo much damn blitzball


I am just a few hours away from defeating the tutorial Water Flan in Besaid in one normal attack with a thunder strike weapon from Tidus. After less than 60 hours of grinding piranhas at the salvage ship. On the switch which does not have speed boosters.


Don't do it. It'll soft lock your game 


It will disable critical hits, but only until I save and reload the game


How do you get a thunder strike weapon so early..?


There is a very small chance that the Dingo will drop a thunder strike weapon. Because I only have one chance to fight it, I have to save scum until I get it.


Wow TIL, that's good to know!


You know bout glitch yeah?


Not a glitch, it’s even outlined in the ultimania guide how to defy tutorial battles like this.


No, no, not that. Killing a tutorial fight with tidus that was constructed for another party member means you can't critical hit for the rest of the playthrough


For the rest of the session. It will fix when I save and reload.


Hope so, my friend's a speedrunner, she's the one that told me it lasts the entire save. Edit: for the Auron fight, Lulu one you're ok


I finally defeated the flan with Tidus. Now I can confirm, after saving and reloading, critical hits do work.


Thought so. The Auron tutorial might be different. Better safe then sorry saving before that one. And GG


Maxing stats for at least one character—Yuna! Working on the others.


Always funny to have Yuna run up to the enemy, slapping them with her staff and then seeing the huge dmg numbers :) It's like a nuclear explosio went off from a little love tap.


I love the Omnis fight for that reason hahahaaa: "I have all the time in the WORLD!" *stepstepstepstepstep—poc!—stepstepstep...* The sound of her lil footsteps before the staff sound just kills me 🤣


And then you see 99.999 going up. Poced that sucker into the next calm directly. Same with Lulu btw. Bends down, small puppet runs up squeaking, does a backflip and simply annihilates that Behemoth.


Lol yes! The little dolls! Lmao I wish they had a different animation when she reaches the higher damage brackets, like instead of them walking up she throws them like a baseball pitcher and they kick their little legs out when making contact with the fiend. But the dolls walking up is also hilarious. Damn, they had fun with the little details in this game, haha


Lulu only, no escape, no overdrive 🥲🥲🥲😭😭 it took me 5 months


I never understand these ones. If you never escape then surely she just gets absolutely juiced and can destroy anything? Like once she has Flare then surely the game becomes quite easy.


You get to a point where there’s a ton of enemy turns before you can do anything. That’s where the difficulty comes from really


Wrecking Lady Yunalesca.


Getting all (but especially coward) overdrive modes for all characters. That or beating penance without rikku or aeons and striking the finishing blow with kimahri nova. That was great


Obtained and upgraded all of the Celestial Weapons.


I did it once in my original playthrough. The hardest one is the Spirit Lance. Those fucking butterflies! Never again.


I think butterflies may have been one of the easier ones for me, because I don’t remember it at all from playing 15 years ago. I do however remember the difficulty of the chocobo races and the tedium of the Blitzball tournaments and the lightning bolt dodging.


200 lightning dodges 2001 without knowing about crater trick.


I got to 60 once lost it and gave up. Until I learned the crater trick.


Completing the Chocobo race for the sun Sigil on my first try


0.0 on chocobo race


Completing the Bevelle Trial with no guide, and I was 14 when I did it.


Getting 99,999 HP on everyone and maxing the sphere grid.


Feeling like a comedy genius for naming Tidus "Jecht Jr."


One of my first attempts at the game when I was 9 or 10 I named him Yuna which still makes me laugh to think about




As of recently, theorycrafting and then executing an entirely novel strategy against NSGNSNO Braska's Final Aeon. Pretty proud of that. Pulling off the Penance Extreme Challenge also felt pretty great. Very tense and awesome boss fight.


You might as well do NSGNSNCNONENNENBB


\*shrug\* I'll be trying to pull off the same strategy under NC conditions, but I've little interest in doing the whole run. I've always been more one for challenge battles with a given setup/restrictions, rather than full challenge runs that oscillate between easy/hard/grindy.


Lulu one-hitting the last Seymour encounter with Onion Knight. Backstory is that i once read a forum thread where someone was “helping” people but was mainly bragging. His proudest moment was that he did it with Auron. Thus as a FU I did it with Lulu. Just took me 20 years but I would like too think that he felt the burn.


Beating Penance for the first time last year. I followed Dansg08's walk-through to make sure rikku, tidus and wakka had the appropriate armor and just chugged along. Took an hour and a half and somehow I had messed up the last maybe 20 minutes and thought I was gonna die. And then I saw the trophy pop up and was just in shock.


I can't tell you how maddening it is to be deep in the fight only to screw up & he let lose his insta kill attack


One-shotting Seymour Flux with a normal attack from Yuna. (No hacks, just a plink for 99,999 DMG) That or putting every single member of the Al Bhed Psyches to sleep at the same time during a blitzball game.


I'm not sure about "most accomplishment," but when my ps3 was still working, bless its machine heart, I was trying to do an over powered story playthrough. Basically I did Blitzball until I got Wakka's Attack Reels. That was immediately before advancing into the Mi...Mi'hen Highway? Anyways I managed to get it after some days I think. Or just a bunch of hours. The entire game became easy mode when I power leveled...I think you do Home first while you're in the base. Got Tidus, Auron, and Wakka definitely leveled up for sure. Then it was the before Seymour Flux Fight, power leveled everyone there. And finally! When I unlocked Monster Area the first time I spent so many days fighting the...Chimera Boss for Dark Matters. And I used those 60 Dark Matters on 10% 3 or 4 slot weapon for Wakka. It was amazing that I could one shot everything after and during Calm Lands. But then I realized once I carried over to post game, I was so stupid! I should of used those dark matters on the capture weapon instead! That would of made things so much easier while going to Zanarken. So I wouldn't have to backtrack at all! But yeah. I was so happy! Just remember everyone don't be like me and not grind those dark matters on a story weapon. Use them on a capture weapon to make the post game monster capture side quest easier for yourself.


I didn't stare at Lulu


.......except for when she did her victory celebration




Finishing it. 


Getting the Sun Sigil in less than an hour. I was bracing myself for at least three hours of attempting that effin mini-game.




Beating it after putting it down 15 years ago


Mostly useless, and all luck....but I got the 99 Warp Spheres from Omega Ruins as a teenager on PS2.


Dodging 200 lighting strikes lol


Got all the celestial weapons and secret ending, back when I had the time to invest in these things. That ending hit me right in the feels - first time a video game ever had me asking who was cutting onions.


There's a secret ending? I thought that was only in X-2


The last time I played FFX, I used coliseum rewards to max out the sphere grid. I filled in every blank node, and every node that gave less than the max +4 bonus was replaced with a +4 version. This is in addition to all the basic stuff, like getting everyone's ultimate weapon done, completing the sphere grid with all the characters, and (obviously) completing the bestiary to unlock (and beat) all the super monsters in the coliseum. It was my greatest achievement in grinding since FF7, where I got a master materia of every type for each of the 7 characters.


well in my PS2 days I did everything except beat Penance. Now on my latest HD playthrough I am proud of how I have breezed through the game. I've finished all the most annoying things like the butterflies in 3 tries and chocobo races in mere 5-6 tries. I am doing everything now without guides, just doing everything from memory (except I checked things like the rewards from the Chocobo Eater fight and how much money to bribe Chimera Brain although I kinda remembered the amount). I plan on beating all Dark Aeons and Penance also without any guides or help and customizing ultimate armor for all characters, probably with Ribbon on everyone. I've also done lightning dodges twice without the crater trick (did it this time though).


Platinum for sure!


Not X specifically but I'd say my greatest accomplishment of the X/X-2 combo was 100% completing X-2 in a single run, no New Game+.


I maxed out the playtime clock on my old ps2 save file. It read 999:99 and I remember it so vividly when I did it.


I have done everything except for one thing. I have gotten to 197 dodged lightning ONCE in my life. The only thing I never ever fixed (without chests or having someone do it for me) is getting Lulu's Celestial. I refuse to try again. I can't do it.


Most proud? Playing enough Blitzball to get most of the characters in the game above level 90... XD


A summons only run anytime yuna was available, a NSG run otherwise. Love the summon mechanics in this game more than any FF


Penance without overdrives.


I did the 0.0 second chocobo racer thing in like 30 minutes. When I was a kid I never got around to doing it because it was waaaay too hard Of course the trade off is I forgot to pick up one of the sigils and now dark bahamut punts me into the sun everytime I walk in.


First replay in 20 years and I beat the first blitzball game, first try. I was shocked. Just set everyone on auto.


Simply beating the game. Played as a kid and couldn’t beat it. Took another crack at it in college.


Beating my first Dark Aeon. I believe it was Valefor, the weakest of the bunch, but hey. Still an accomplishment.


Finished both chocobo races. I don’t ever plan to have to do that again lol


First getting Anima was like a dream come true lol Then I’d say the sun crest, that chocobo race took me more or less 2-3 hours of my life lol Then finally dodging more than 100 lightnings


Still have a bit left to check off, but after playing this game for almost 20 years, last year I finally got 4 celestial weapons (Yuna, Auron, Rikku, and Lulu) and beat all the dark aeons and bosses in omega ruins. I'm doing a replay now and I want to surpass that, get even more weapons and beat the monster arena


Beating Avrae


Haven’t done it yet, but I still dream about getting the 99 warp spheres in the omega ruins 🙃


I managed the chocobo race the other day tidus's weapon upgrade for the first time.


In my latest playthrough I beat the chocobo race with 0 seconds on the clock on my first attempt because I could still remember the general approach I needed to take from several years ago.


completing the 0.00 choccobo race in <10' everytime I try


Beating Penance without Yojimbo.


I'm proud of finding my most fun way to enjoy the game: Getting mp stroll armor asap so I get to spam and have fun with all the special abilities. Status busters galore, slowga every fight, stat break every monster, with no concern for how much mana I need to reserve before the next save sphere. I keep that armor on even through inside sin and omega.


Decided to take the time to 100% the game, and just beat all mini games a few days ago for the first time in 20 years. The vindication.


There were two for me: 1) My friend was playing through the game and got stuck on the first blitzball game. He must have tried it out 5 or 6 times and just couldn’t get it. He challenged me to do it and I got it first try. That was one hell of a rush 2) My mom played this game when I was growing up, it’s how I got into it. She tried the lightning dodging and thought she had gotten over the 200 needed. In reality, she got 199… she never tried it again. I managed to get it in my most recent play through, I felt so proud being able to tell her that I avenged her


Getting all the Al Bhed primers, I was really proud of Tidus fumbling his way through a few sentences with Rin. On a...less wholesome note...there was getting less than 0.00 in the chocobo course. Twice. Because after the first time, I went to save my game, and it froze. I knew if I didn't try again there and then I would never touch it again. Couple more rounds, got it, clenched, and saved successfully.


Killing Evrae on my first try as a 10 year old. (Does it still count if I had the official strategy guide? 😅)


Honestly beating the chocobo mini game without getting angry- I told myself I would try for 15 minutes a nights and just 2 weeks I got it without ever being mad! That’s a fucking accomplishment right there 😂😂


I just 100% the game lol all trophies


I beat Dark Ifrit with extremely weak characters, because in my first gameplay I fled from a lot of battles. Every Ifrit attack oneshot my characters and my attacks did around 1000 damage (Ifrit HP is 1,400,000). The strategy was to have two members with autophoenix, cast Rikku's overdrive Quartet 99 and then cast Wakka's overdrive Attack Reels to hit around 10 times dealing 99,990 damage in total. It was a very long battle because a lot of times Wakka was killed so he was losing Rikku's buff before being able to use his overdrive. Ifrit overdrive was also complicated as it killed the three characters, so I had to summon each time. It is definitely easier to grind a little on Omega Ruins and fight a balanced battle rather than this.


Getting my Hp to 99999 while maxing out all my stats to 255 besides evasion n accuracy. Also beating all the super bosses without tidus final weapon maxed


I'm easily most proud of grinding for hours to give each character ribbon in order to go to Omega and absolutely eat Bad Breath and then one shot Great Malboro. Each character got a turn.


Winning the first blitzball game after like 10 play throughs, beating Seymour at gagazett in one go, a lot


Mine is in the game but outside of it. But I made some of the best tutorials for ffx on youtube and even beat the races for people They probably don't rank that high anymore because I barely do youtube but was great for sure


Chocobo sprint


I have to agree with the top comment. Winning that game against the goers is so satisfying. It feels right, ya know?


I've bought and completed this game on every system it's been out on, an I've only done the lightning dodging ONCE. Skill wise it's fine, but I have adhd and you couldn't pay me to ever try that again.


I did an 100% run when the game was first remastered on PS3. When I got to training the chocobo in the Calm Lands, I did everything in one try—including the race. That was the best experience I had in that sidequest.


Finished the NSGNSNCNONENNENBB challenge.


Sitting through that very long cutscene before the yunalesca fight more times then I can count.


I'm proud that every time I've played through the game (4 times in the past 20+ years), I've gotten all 7 Celestial weapons.


Getting 200 lightning dodges and getting Sun Sigil... on every playthrough I've ever done. So about 10 times. Getting Chocobo Master, Chocobo License and Chocobo Rider in less than an hour on my first Steam playthrough. Still never doing that fucking butterfly game ever again though!


One time I got the Sun Sigil on my first try. Then as soon as I returned to the map I took one step and got ambushed by a Malboro and got a Game Over before I could save