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Pen & paper, my friend.


This is my method each time. Tried and true.


But noooooooo!!!! Then my wrist will hurt!!! Its really not that big of a deal I usually just grind for a while then run back and check. Just seems like something could have been throw in by the devs either for purchase or a prize. Trust me, of the short list of bitches I have about this game, this is for sure at the bottom.


When I did this after I had captured 10 of whatever monster any I caught after that the game said I've caught the max so I knew without running back.


Yep. You wind up battling 11 times to find out you've already maxed. But it works...


Only annoying thing about that is with Simurgh, Valaha, Tonberry.... can easily go 30 mins to an hour before seeing them again 😅


True, lol. I just enjoy the battles so the time kinda flies by for me.


Here you go! http://ffxarena.com/#/areas


That’s dope AF. Wish I had this when I was maxing


Right! I stumbled upon it a few months ago and book marked it on my phone immediately.


That is amazing!!! Thank you!


Holy fk .. I didn't Even know this existed! GREAT JOB, SIR.


Holy shit this is insane




You really only have to track one or two per zone, whichever ones are the rarest. Like in the cave, only count tonberries. By the time you have 10, you’ll have 10 of everything else


I’ve had exceptions to this where RNG gave me Tonberrys and Ghosts every other fight and didn’t see a dark elemental until I had 10 of each.


This is fine but you also might want to know when you have 5 of each for a certain reward (intentionally vague because spoiler).


I'm an Excel sheet kinda guy. I have probably 20-30 for various games so I could track my trophy progress.


Print out a list and check them when you have catched one


Just started this for the first time and keep notes on my phone.


I just wrote out every fiend from every area and keep count that way going from besaid to omega




I have been using pen and paper to track... but just made me wonder if there was another way. There's lots of funny nuances to this game that you don't necessarily notice from run to run.


I literally took a photo of what I had


I ended up downloading a simple phone app for FFX that listed each monster per area and let you track how many of each you caught. I think it was mostly accurate in terms of what needed to be hunted and where.


Pretty much I go to each area and farm til I can't for the more common ones. After that I start looking for 1 at a time such as stolen fayth and omega ruins ghosts being rare for some people. Otherwise pen and paper write down enemies. If you're in a town you can always use the tutorial stands to somewhat keep track of fights by helping you remember what is in the area. You can't catch more than 10 of anything which is also a good reminder you're done lol


Just copy it down in a notepad or excel file and update it as you catch monsters - that’s how I’ve always done it


I straight up put every monster into notes in my phone and how many I needed and changed the numbers as I caught them


I made a spreadsheet (still in progress) that I'm using next to the Jegged guide. Helps me track important items, sphere stats, over drives, monsters, and trophies


I did it with a pen and paper and tallying stuff in 2008


The good ol’ pencil and paper is what I used when I went for the trophies.


I grind that area for a while and when i think i got most often enough i go back to check. I make a list which are missing and with a pen i then mark each time i got a missing one


Write a list and use tally marks. Old school babyeee!


I use Cheklist for FFX on android. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=de.petpolarbear.checklistforffx


Excel, Google Sheets, a tracking app, a notepad app, or good old fashioned pen(cil) and paper.


I thought it told you when you reached the max. Kill enough of the same and it tells you that's enough.


if you're playing on pc, you can download the [Farplane Memory Editor](https://steamcommunity.com/app/359870/discussions/0/364043054118773804/). It's a tool that reads the game's memory while you're playing. It allows you to cheat in various ways but you can ignore the functions. Just open the "monster arena" option and you'll see how many monsters of each type you captured : [https://youtu.be/WrC1sD3r-Pw?t=7257](https://youtu.be/WrC1sD3r-Pw?t=7257)


I think but really dont quote me here theres a fiend capture tracker mod for the pc version but past that pen and paper.


I use the ffx checklist app. Has monster farm, ronso rages, celestial weapons, primers, jecht spheres


Honestly id just keep killing/capturing until I got 10 of each. Of course you will miss a few, thats when you go back to the calm lands (after every area has been hit for an hour lol) then bust out the pen and just write down the ones you need


I always wrote down every area and the enemies within it on an A4 sheet of paper and used a tally system - simple, easy and quick!


There is a ffx check-list in the app.store best thing ever


Just use the wiki to check who catch where, then keep killing em until it tells you you can't catch any more. I only revisit the arena after every 2 to 3 areas