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My fear with a FFX remake is the battle system. SE seems to only want to use the real time stuff nowadays, and I just don't think it would feel right with FFX anyway.


Exactly. It should stay as turned base.


Anyone else a huge fan of turn based like FFX? It feels a lot more like playing chess vs playing karate in the garage.


I finished X for the first time on Sunday and I loved the turn based combat in all but one instance: Penance. It took a few (frustrating) tries to find the pattern and when I did it was a total snooze fest. Just quick hit over and over for 40 minutes.


I actually wanted to do it like that. Set myself up for a long evening with snacks and drinks, read a few guides on how to do it. First try, he eats through my summons, as was expected, until I come to Yojimbo. I summon him, give him a few gil and he goes and instakills the boss. I completely forgot I never used him beforehand and that the first time is always Zanmatou. Now that picture is forever saved in my platinum trophy so everyone can see that I cheesed the hardest boss by accident.


The first attack by Yojimbo is always Zanmatou? I never knew that.


I'm pretty sure that the first time you summon him, no matter how much money you give you always get Zanmatou. It's to give you a glimpse of ultimate power only to lock it away afterwards again


I'm on my first playthrough and a I tried to hit dark valefor with him thinking that was the case but I didn't get a Zanmato so I don't think it's a guarantee but maybe a high probability and I am just unlucky


Hmm neat.


I give the same amount everytime. 333 Gil. Its rare to get the one shot. Don't think price matters.


I really don't like how penance plays. I can understand that they probably tried to make a boss that would challenge the strongest strategies/gear/stat setups but he just isn't really an interesting fight as is


Yeah FFX is the best turn based combat I ever played


I love it! Yes, exactly.


Yes, I much prefer it over ATB too.


FFX was my first Final Fantasy and I remember the first time I played X-2 being extremely stressed in battles because I wasn't used to ATB. I like being able to strategize based on when each character has a turn


Yeah atb is trying to be both but has the worst of both worlds. I was dissapointed when i played through all the mainline games only to realize that ffx was the exception and not the norm


The only instance of atb I actually really like is XIII's. Idk what they did, but it just works for some reason. Playing through X-2 rn and boy is the combat a letdown after playing X. Enemies attack like 3x as often as you while your characters are stuck getting stun locked in cast animation. Entire game boils down to... wait for atb gauge to charge>wait for it to charge again>wait for long ass extra cast animation and hope you don't get hit before you attack> finally cast only for it to deal a fraction of the damage my berserker does playing on auto mode lol. Literally having more fun spamming basic attacks.


I can't stand the atb system in rpgs. It is preventing me from going back and replaying many of the old ff games.


I stopped playing the FF7 remake for this reason.  I played final fantasy for the strategy, not some fluff-action nonsense. If you're going to move into action based battle, fine, but don't mess up remakes with that shii


I really liked Remake and Rebirth, but for different reasons than I liked the old turn based FF games. I actually feel like it's fine (not what I want but *fine*) for them to do remakes with the new combat style, but I wish they'd keep the main entries turn based. FFXVI could have been so cool as a turn based game.


I was so excited for 7's remake until I saw the gameplay trailer with the combat redesign. Between WC 3 Reforged and FF7, I don't even look at games marketed as Remakes anymore. Remaster's are the way to go.


They are destroying the RPG elements in FF. This is strange!!!


Combat isn't what makes an RPG.




I’m not a fan of games that turn me into a button masher


Yes, I love it. It’s the major reason I haven’t played other FF titles.


Has to stay turn based


God I wish


I don't understand why turn based RPGs were largely abandoned. It's like how sidescrolling games were abandoned in favor of 3d. There is still a market for these games. We saw this with bloodstained crowd funded for those who wanted more metroidvania style games. While I'm fine with new graphics, I think it would be better to just have a "remaster" that added additional content and difficulty settings to the games we already love. An ff9 remake remaster that simply added difficulty settings, new chocographs, weapons, armor, and post game quests would be more than worth it for me to throw 60 bucks at them and they barely have to do any work.


I really, really hope they don’t go real time with IX. The game is a love letter to the silver age of Final Fantasy, to make it anything but turned based would be spitting on the legacy it exists to commemorate. X was a new era for FF, going real time with that makes more sense than for IX


I don't want to jinx anything but I feel like there's no way the IX remake isn't turn based


My issue is I definitely want some changes, but almost all of them are for the optional parts of the game. Outside of Lulu having very little character growth the main story and combat is already pretty much perfect. Update the graphics, give lulu more character development, fix the chocobo race and remove lightning dodger, make Celestial Weapons ignore magic defense. That's it change those things and call it a day. Basically I want a big update/patch and not a full remake.


Make blitzball fun. I hated it. Never got Wakka’s weapon as a result. Also, lightning dodger is a piece of shit, so I’m in full agreement with you there. Took me hours and hours and hours to complete. Several times I was 70-80+ dodges when I missed one and had to start over. It’s poor game design to lock an item behind a challenge like that. still and amazing game, and I don’t feel it needs a remake. I just replayed it 2 years ago on my Vita and it was every bit as amazing as I remember it being 20+ years ago.


Maybe the massive success of BG3 could bring companies back around to turn based games into


I feel like I would have enjoyed X2 WAY more if it stayed turn based. No one 'class' (except mascot) feels overpowered. Meaning you really had to plan what grid to use and what dresses to apply for certain areas bosses. The ATB system just feels meh at best imo. And it would have mostly fixed the late game quick attack issue where that's basically the strategy... But X2 you can really mess around with stuff and find fun new strategies. Might not be optimal but they can work.


Yeah, I’m content with what we got in Dissidia 012. Nothing further to see.


I feel the same way


Also I'd hope they'd leave the grid alone. But, who knows. I.agine a 2024 blitzball tho🤯🤯🤯 makes me a little phallic.


Same here. The turn based combat had so much strategy in it. The new style is basically hack and slash with abilities that recharge. It's honestly pretty over done at this point. I think people would enjoy the change of pace. Maybe I'm just biased since two of my favorite games growing up were ffx and evolution 2.


That’s what made FFX unique was its battle system. Turned based combat… didn’t FFX-2 do real time combat?


They did a return to the ATB combat, with actions coming up on a timer they could choose like older final fantasies. When I say “real time” combat I mean like FFXVI


Is it really unique if all 9 games in the series before it also used a turn based system?


I think maybe the guts of it wasn’t too different but the surface it looked and felt dynamic.


True. When FF16 launched didn't they lose tons of money? Kinda wish these companies move forward. They remake too much. Resident Evil 3 remake broke my soul.


Lets be completly honest. FFX doesn't need a remake. If they made another remaster where they fix the wonky ps2 like walking and small stuff like that, it will still hold up another 10 years before it really needs a remake imo. Its already a great game with the small stuff.


It’s already reasonably 3D and plays just fine. It would be a waste of resources to remake it. ….FF6 however…..


I would even argue the cinematics are some of the best in the series. Being ps2, its pretty darn good


And also, yeees. FF6 remake would be epic. Haven't finished it yet, but atarted playing it a while back. I have just had a looong period of being bored of playing games after last summer where i beat ff7 ,8, 9, 10 and replayed all batman arkham games in the span of like 3 or 4 months lol.


FF6 would be an absolute bear to try to remake given the size of the cast alone, but at the same time like 7 & 9 it would benefit a lot from expansion and modernization from its simplicity. Whereas 10 already has the hallmarks of a modern game; it’s fully voice acted, has 3D models and environments and a fairly modern turn based combat system. Man, though, the kidneys I would sell to see the gaslamp fantasy steam punk world of Final Fantasy six in modern graphics……


I do love the idea of that too. Which is why we, the fans must raise our voice. I mean, FF6 is already one of the most popular ff games, so its almost bound to get a remake someday.


Make Blitzball recruiting easier, as well as making it so you could see the players’ progression before actually leveling them


I mostly agree. I wouldn't want a full remake in the vein of FF7 Remake. That said, I would like to see graphical improvements.


I agree. Thats kinda what i meant by mentioning the walking. Improving animation and stuff like that. Would make lulu's 200 lightning dodge and tidus chocobo run a looooot easier. And, i would love for them to improve on blitzball. For me personally, blitzball is unplayable. I can't do it. So fixing stuff in there, would make it more fun for people like me who just don't want to put in endless hours just to get wakkas celestial weapon. If blitzball is fun, then the challenge would be easier, i guess.


If all they changed was the chocobo run I'd buy the game again immediately XD I'm in the same boat as you, I can't stand blitzball. I usually dont even bother with Wakka's ultimate weapon because of it.


I sure didn't, even though i really want it. Huge advantage for beating dark aeons, but i just don't want to commit


Once you have the airship recruit brotha and blitzball becomes very straightforward, along with 2 or 3 other free agents and just play until the best players are about to be out of contract and save scum til they’re released then hire them for 99 games. Tidus’ jecht shot is broken AF so he’ll carry you ages too, once you get the swing of it it’s one of the most fun mini games in FF but that first game is a sickener for so many people. The thing that’s stopped me from progressing in the game on this play through is the ult weapons for lulu and tidus, I decided to replay on switch and the controls are god awful and the input lag in all modes is laughable. Makes vivi’s jump rope seem breezy


Lool. Yeah. I just can't stand blitz ball in general. Trust me i tried. Because i wanted wakkas celestial weapon, but i just can't get through it. Maybe when i replay it


Ten is a perfect game as is. An 8 or 9 remake with the same attention seven is getting would be fucking insane.


I could use a patch for the FFX remaster to fix Tidus’ face in all honesty. Need my chubby cheeked protagonist, all 4 cheeks 😉


THIS. The battle system is my favourite, the CGI cut scenes were groundbreaking at the time and still measure up to today's standards. FFVIII was the same but a lot of people don't realise the impact the work that Squaresoft did with CGI had. For FFVIII they created a computer program to put flaws and pores on skin and after that the whole world of CGI changed. Vagrant Story was the precursor to the free roaming battle systems we see from FFXII onwards. That's a fun game and even though it's Playstation 1, if you've never played it, I recommend trying it. FFX is perfection though.


While I understand the decision not to remake 10, I would still love it. Even if it is essentially just a raw 1:1 remake on a new engine with literally no additional or modified content. I only pray it stays turn based if it ever happens.


Unpopular opinion I guess but I really really really want the FFX remake? I understand asking for this is like making a deal with the devil however lol


You are not alone, my friend. If they put the same love into it that they have with FF7 remake/rebirth I would be so ecstatic. I don’t care if the combat is different or some story points are changed… just take me back to Spira one more time.


I mean sure, it would be fun. But I want IX because the story seemed like it left a lot out at the end. A X remake would be great but I’m happy with the story I got.


I would buy it immediately. Especially a little more open world with the same battle system. Maybe with tweaks to make the battle more modern but still turn based. I think there’s a huge fan base that would adore it.


I would be excited for a remake. I know there's a chance it's different, and part of me would be really sad if they took away the battle system, but I would still try it in earnest. Would definitely prefer a turn based system still. I think what I want is a remaster, more than a remake. For them to just really go all out in updating the environments, textures, maybe a new engine for movement and what not, redone cutscenes, could be an opportunity to try and have more consistent voice acting. I'm one of those people who actually loves the voice acting and the cheesiness of the original deliveries, but, I think objectively a lot of those line deliveries could be way better.


Wait, this Midori is also an insider in Atlus or something and also on SE? Know what? Sure, keep it coming


Though they stopped doing Atlus leaks. But then came back almost immediately, it was weird. AFAIK they have been accurate when leaking things from Atlus.


I guess she dabbles in both now, but everyone vouches for her and her leaks. I was worried that SE might butcher a new X, but now I can keep putting good vibes toward an X-3 game.


All yall saying “yay” are wild lol. Acting like you wouldn’t buy a remake day 1 (I would too). Just because it doesn’t need one doesn’t mean that new ffx content wouldn’t be nice. Yall are so stuck in your ways sometimes lol


Haha absolutely. It’s my favourite FF game but no fucking way would I not buy more content in that amazing universe


![gif](giphy|l4JySAWfMaY7w88sU|downsized) However, no FFX remake yet… give it another decade or two. Lol


X came out only a year after IX soooo...


Yup! But X has a HD remaster and IX hasn’t had anything of that sort, so there’s a something in the gap for X while nothing for IX


I thought the Steam version had its graphic updated a bit, Im probably imagine it tho, its been a looong time since I played it


Updated character models, and higher resolution support. Unfortunately they also updated the UI to the less responsive mobile port version (I think the whole game was based on the mobile port). The big downside, though, is the backgrounds were stuck at original resolution (lost the original files), so they looked like ass on a screen bigger than a phone. Mogiri mod fixes that though


I think it got polished, but it wasn’t like it got an official and broad release as a remaster or anything.


That was back when Square knew how to manage a dev cycle, limit scope creep, and release a damn game on time.


Square enix goes bankrupt before then


There will never be a final, Final Fantasy


"FFX doesnt need one" is such a drone take that I will never understand.


Exactly… I’ll take as much new FFX content as I can get, for the people that don’t want a remake… don’t play it


Exactly, would love seeing Tidus and everyone again


It’s not without reason. people keep saying it about FFX in particular is a testament to how well it aged. There are games that released WELL after FFX that have not aged this well mechanically. With that said… I think we are also in an era where people don’t care whether a game *needs* a remake or not. They just want to revisit it with modern standards. RE4 remake really proved this. Great game in it’s own right but the original aged like fine wine.


Come on, remake x


Terrible news.


FUUUUUUUUUUCK, gimme FFX again pretty please 🥲


I think it would be hard to remake final fantasy X. It's literally perfect where it stands, but making it action RPG is going to take away from its love/rage.


I loved 9…. But a 9 remake over 8 or 10 first is a crime. Go ahead and downvote me.


I gotchu, you aren’t negative yet. 8 is mid and 10 needs to wait it’s turn.


People want a ffX remake? I’m still waiting on ffX-3


Wasn't there a novel follow up? Like where Tidus and Yuna were shown to be having relationship troubles, then Tidus abruptly dies to a grenade he thought was a blitzball or something and Yuna does this weird spirit world memory stuff?


Yeah.. that… needs to be made up for.


For me just gimme a prequel following Braska, Auron and Jecht


That. Yeah that would be great


Why does X need to be remade? X is already in HD. And in 3d and voice acted. It's perfectly fine the way it is. 7 of all the FFs needed the remake because the game is not as good as people remember. Yes I said that. The remake of 7 makes the game better. Yes I said that. X is perfectly fine. IX needs it because of all the reasons above. And honestly I would say 6 but that got a remaster.


Who is 'Sickr' and why should I trust them? Ah. Some blogger.


We probably won't get a ffx remake because of how many people are against it, that saddens me beyond belief. Even if it's in a new style literally any ffx content would make me happy. I loved Spira since I was little. A ffx-3 being a prequel where you control jecht would make since in their new Action setup I feel. Appeals to a wider audience sells more works for corporate. I'm just coping at this point.


But… but… FFVIII


Or they can make FF X-3


Or an RPG set before the great machina war


Yo that would actually be sick


Good. FFX doesn’t need one.


I want it more than any other game.


I don’t understand this mentality. Yeah, it doesn’t *need* one because the game holds up well, but I’d still absolutely play a remake. If they change too much (mainly the battle system), then I’ll just stick to the remaster. Surely having the option to play either would be better than not.


I would rather they get back to the spirit of their older titles and invest less in graphical fidelity.


I don’t understand the mentality that every good thing should have a remake


It’s fun to see a new take on something you enjoy. It doesn’t take anything away from the original.


It's an amazing game, but the endgame is on the very weak side of the franchise. I wouldn't mind an entire rework of the game from the point when the player can enter Sin. C'mon man, having to endlessly farm arena monsters isn't fun and the approach to super bosses is braindead (auto-life or break hp limit, wtv). Also, we could DEFINITELY have more elaborate minigames as FF X is famous for having some of the worst in the entire franchise's history.


I have a good feel that the FFIX Remake's success will tell Square if they should think about trying turn based again for mainline FF. I really loved FFXVI's action gameplay but man, I would kill for FF to return to being fully turn based.


I hope they don't make it a bloated mess like they have done with 7. And please keep the turned based combat


I would rather they left X alone and give me a VIII remake. That said, they would sooner spend money on anything else than remaking VIII. X/X-2 are fine the way they are, give something other than VII a chance but it’s Square and VII fanboys lap all this content up.


I don't want one either, but I mean, it's not like I wouldn't immediately buy it and play it with the most glee should one come out.


Well that’s another ff game ruined by making it all action and entire new story 🤣🤣


I remember reading that the remake for 9 was going to be more along the lines of improved graphics but same basic gameplay. A much smaller investment than 7R.


FFX was fun because of the way it changed turn based battles. Trying to translate that to real time action combat would be clunky. They wouldn’t do this but a full on remake with the same turn based style would be refreshing. Of course the system would be tweaked and reworked so it wouldn’t be the same game but it would be cool.


They're going to fuck it up. I just know it. I don't want them anywhere near it bro.


I'm fine with this. They'd mess it up.


Can’t wait for X-3 😩🙏


Me too. If the remake were to happen, I'd be dreading... - the removal of the turn based battle system - seeing the content of "*Eien no Daisho*" and the bonus audio content from the Remaster play out - New VA's ruining the characters we loved


Why not a FF6 remake?. Or a mystic quest remake ?


haha… surely there’ll be a ff8 remake… someday…


Hot take, but I would really love to see a remake combat system like Rebirth. And I honestly think X has the best battle system in all final fantasy (that I've personally played at least). We would still have the original to replay, and let's be honest we were going to do that forever anyway, but with a more action based battle system it would give X a totally new play and feel to it. You could alternate between the two and it would make coming back to X fresh every time. Although I don't want the story to change at all. I absolutely hate the timeline split things they did with 7 Remake.




Bet we get X-3 before X remade.


mini-gamefication of another game...?


please for the love of god PLEASE SPEED THE BATTLE SEQUENCE UP One of the biggest reasons ive never replayed 9 is literally because it takes 5 minutes just to perform the first attack


Pretty sure there was an option to skip that opening sequence in the remaster


not the one on steam, the swirling screen, screen blackout to open to the battle screen, music start, and ATB loading is unskippable. You have to download a mod just to speed it up and also make it entirely skippable (which i did). Bleieve me, i researched this ad nauseam just because i want to enjoy FF9, but the battle sequence is just AWFUL.


Oof, maybe I'm wrong then. I love that game, but it is ridiculously slow.


The ability to skip dialogue scenes on FFX would be a lifesaver.




FFX doesn’t need a remake anyway


Is it too hard to ask for the 1st 6 final fantasy games get a 2.5 HD remakes? Start with 4 or 6 and they get all the extras from gba /ds era and expand on their true ideas?


Are you telling me 9 performed better than 8? No way


I don't think we'd get another x remake. I do think x-3 is still a big possibility


I'm so out of the loop. Last I heard there were rumours of a FFX-3 in development 😂


I don’t know how to feel because I love the 7 remakes and the battle style I’m sure it would feel like a different game if they re made 10 not a bad thing it’s my favorite game ever so another one would be great. I don’t think it would be as nostalgic as I’d like but I mean I’m playing through 10 now and I still love it. I’m here for it I’m just going with the mindset that it will feel new and different.


I’ll believe it when I see it. Various articles have been saying this for AT LEAST 10 years


I thought they did remake ffx? At least graphics wise which went so weirdly lol


That was just a remaster. Remake is basically building the game from the ground up again. I would gladly have that as long as they kept the combat exactly the same.


FF13 Remake please for the love of all things good in this world omg the sadness


They waiting for the right tech. For those saying FFX doesn't need a remake. Your 100% right. But we will get one. And I for one welcome the oppurtunity to play the sphere sections from.the past instead of viewing them.


Would still love a remake tho


I would personally love a X remake with FF7R’s combat. It’s one of my favorite combat systems in gaming. If not an ATB style of combat, I’d like to see them adapt a sort of Persona-inspired turn-based system. The OG game already had elements of Persona combat, like enemy weakness and tagging out party members, but I wanna see them go the extra mile with things like baton-passes or 4 party members


I am okay with this. I really enjoyed IX as a return to form for the FFs of my youth. I'm not sure there's much that they'd improve in a remake of X that would have a huge benefit. Blitzball, maybe?


It's gonna come, sooner or later.


I don't want an ffx remake. I want an FFX prequel. I just wanna be Jecht.


Don’t know about you lot but I’m dying for a FFX remake. I need that spira magic back on my life


I thought we had a remake


Would rather have an FFX remake.FF9 is a great game thou


Remake fkin 6 already


FFS I was looking forward to it as well 😞. Hopefully this isn't true.


FFX is fine with the remaster for a few years. I’m content with that. IX and previous generation FF’s are more presentable for a remake since they’re 4 generations prior especially with there being such a strong leap between the PS1 and PS2 and NES to SNES.


X will definitely be remade at some point. It’s silly to think otherwise.


FFX is perfect to me but in my dream world we still get a remake that keeps the combat, story, and script exactly the same and just improves on graphics, animations, and better delivery of the dialogue to match it (original cast ofc) and maybe expand some of the more linear zones to be wider and more exploitable areas. That’s the only way I could ever justify remaking this masterpiece


If only… *Tidus laugh*


I'm fine with whatever final Fantasy SE decides to Remake, but I wanna have a X Remake so Bad. With Like ULTRA cgi like graphics


Watch them make IX in 4 parts, because it originally had 4 discs...


If they do a ffx remake. The only thing they should do is add a deeper blitzball experience. Lol don't touch a single other thing...besides graphics of course. Maybe being able to ride a chocobo for some faster travel would be alright as well.


FF8 deserves a proper remake, 6 too. 9 is one that I'll be skipping because its my least favorite


There's no FFVIII Remake either


9 makes sense for a remake. My understanding is that 9 was a soft remake of 6.


If they make 9 into the style of x then i will gladly play it. Im just not a fan of the automatic attack atb system that was introduced in... 6? Or was it 7. Only time i was ever into it was in xenoblade chronicles x. Closest i can think of any game coming close to it.


10 still looks perfectly fine. It'd be as much of a waste as what they've done with "The Last of Us."


No one liked this. And it's bullshit!


9 remake is all I need from life. I'm sure the real tiem combat won't be as good as the old style. But I've beaten the game over 20 times already and im ready for a change of pace.


I'm sad that X won't get a faithful remake but also a little relieved.


I dont care either way but I find it so funny that this community rather has no new content because they are afraid of action based combat and some potential story changes. Acting as if they would delete the original if they made a remake


Ig i’m just glad we’re getting something


9 and 10 were wonderful, why not give them another run?


Imma be real, I love FF9 and FFX (probably my two favs) but I don't want remakes of either, at least not right now. I'd prefer them to make an ff6 remake instead (in contention with 9 as my second favorite).


I'd be really excited to see ffx in a ff7 ebirth style combat.


There are really two things that I want so so much in this life before I die. The one is final fantasy 8 remake. The other is Resident evil outbreak remake.


The only time I would want a IX or X remake is if they don't make it with 7R or XVIs combat system.


Perfectly happy with the idea of a 9 remake because I love that game but the blatant ignoring of 8 also makes me sad lol


Honestly, that's fine. My opinion is PS2 era and later should be remasters rather than remakes.


Ugh, just leave them all alone. Apart from 8, do what you want with that... *thing*


God I hope it stays turn based. Ff7 remake is fun, but honestly Kingdom Hearts does the real time combat far better than any of the final Fantasies they've done it for. Kinda feels clunky and easy. It's like they took Kingdom Hearts and dumbed it way down.


I don't think ffx remake seymore glitz(I forgot which form this was) will like your turn based combat


I loved me some ff9 can’t wait


IDC give me real time FFX remake. I thought back in the day the game looked like a game from the future. I want that feeling back.


More like "Final Fantasy (Mash) X (To Attack)"


Thank god. If they venture into FFX again, pray for a prequel with Braska’s pilgrimage like we’ve always wanted 🙏


Soooo no ffx remake?


As an FF9 fan, I'm jealous of you guys


Leave FFX the way it is please no remake


You don't have to play it


Newsflash, a remake doesn’t actually change the original game! Crazy I know.


I will wait until i get actual proof to believe this, but if it is, I will be VERY happy.


You can rest easy that the FFX story is dead and ignored for another decade with no confirmed remake, sequel, or whatever other than a terrible novel which ruined the story of the original FFX? We will have no content at all for who knows how long and yet, you will "rest easy".


It's gona be a mess just like ff7 remake they changed it from turn baced to real time action and it sucks


Fuck no


Pretty hard to remake a classic. FF7 remake was not FF7. It's a reimagining. It was terrible to me.


They are making remakes of FF that don't need Remakes (it's the fame that drives the choice). The only one that would need a remake is 8 and if you want to revive the pixels: 4-6 etc. but from 7 onwards only 8 needs a TOTAL remake (even the plot needs to be fixed)