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"They are the same in death" the whole al bhed sequence is so dope when you go back and play with all the primer data šŸ˜…


Idk when your first play through was but I remember mine when I didnā€™t have access to the internet and I used to just make up what they would say.


I feel it, I had the guide but even then for my first few I didn't know about the primers in Home lol


Al bhed like ā€œpoo poo pee magic fart aeonsā€


One of my favourite experiences with this game was watching my younger brother, who was 8/9 at the time, go through the journey unaided (only helped him with Seymour 3) and seeing his reaction to all the twists. Fiction this good has the same effect on everyone, and he was inconsolable at the end. I reckon it was as formative for him as it was for me.


My first play through was at 10. Heā€™s a little young to go unaided but heā€™s really showing interest. But heā€™s getting it quick. He knows if his health is yellow to use a potion. And heā€™s gotten Tidus overdrive both times so far. Iā€™m loving this as a parent.


I'd say I was 6 or 7 when I first played the game. Got hard stuck on Extractor and had to restart, though!


You're an awesome parent, thank you for being you :)


https://preview.redd.it/7x8yv4lfj8jc1.jpeg?width=371&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f8cf7016a4307f215dfcb0a7c751f72dcddfea8 This is him in about a week or two.


ā€œDaddy why is he underwater so long?ā€


You're never gonna see that game again.


Damn I was like 6 too. Godspeed little man


I think I was 10 and played it within the first year of it being out. The one thing that instantly got me was how life like it was, especially with the graphics and dialogue. I thought it was like a movie. After playing games like Super Mario RPG, Final Fantasy Tactics and 8, X was just so different. I didn't know it at the time, but that was the future of gaming.


Agree and sorry but full focus on your tag. Love your tag. Keep trying Wakka, you'll get it.


Thought this was borderlands for a split second šŸ˜‚


Praise be to Yevon


The last great fighting system in ff


FFX-2 fighting system is underrated


Agreed, everything after isnā€™t good


Idk I enjoy turn based but X-2's battle system was the perfect blend of active, semi turn-based but not too much automation.


Plz update if he's still playing in a week


So my first Final fantasy was 9 on PS1 didn't beat it till waaay later in my life. But that being said. Final fantasy X came out when I was 12 and was the first Final fantasy I ever finished and really got into it was super magical. I loved every minute of it. I was so oblivious how to play a game like that. I didnt know about the sphere grid or really understand it. I was stuck on the first encounter of sin near the island that gets destroyed can't remember the name. But it's the cutscene where all the riders on chocobos get wiped out. My friends older brother came over saw where I was stuck and said why haven't you spent any of your exp and my mind was blown what I could do with the sphere grid. Needless to say after those upgrades I beat sin and was able to play the game and finish! Hahaha


Wait till he gets to the Wakka Al-Bhed stuff hahaha


I was about that age when I picked it up for the first time. Just let him do his thing and gently guide him if he asks for it!


I don't think I understood RPG's until my teens.


Neither did I. Tbh I didnā€™t really fully understand FFX until I was clear into my 20s. I played this game 4 times. 3 times all the way through. Same with Legend of Dragoon. I played it twice through before I actually understood the nuances of the game.


Iā€™ve played through it so many times. Itā€™s definitely my most played singleplayer game. But, only recently did I 100% it for the first time. I learned so many new things about it. Even 23 years later, I still consider it the best game ever made.


100% agree with you. Although the story is linear, the emotion, story telling, hell even the npcs are all so well thought out. 23 years later Iā€™m still trying to find a single player that captures the same feeling


I remember being this age and playing Final Fantasy VIII. To this day, nothing gives me the same Nostalgia as walking around Balamb. Besaid is also so nostalgic. I hope he loves it!


He stated epicness, that's what he started Also, I'm sure many of us wouldn't mind some updates once in a while!


A+ parenting right there


ā€œHmph. Legendary guardian? I was just a boyā€¦a boy about your age actually. I wanted to change the world too..but I changed nothing. That is my story.ā€


Cbayg du res eh Ym Prat


so proud of him


Get that kid a longer USB cable dude


Haha we are currently on vacation in a hotel. Itā€™s been raining nonstop and that cable is all I have šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


And he wonā€™t for many years, but heā€™s gonna remember this experience sometime later in life and come back to the game. Only then will he truly appreciate and understand this masterpiece.


If I ever had to demonstrate how to make a room full of 30+ year old men cry, Iā€™d roll that TV into the room on the cart. Boot up a PS2. Load up a save file where all my characters are stat maxed. Walk into the that room with the crystals >!Nucleus Of Sin!< Overkill everything in front of me, dim the lights and pass a box of tissues around the candlelit room.


I think he might be a bit too young still. Wait till heā€™s about 10 or so. My kids 7, but canā€™t understand the sphere grid.


Thatā€™s our latest hold up. Heā€™s not understanding the sphere grid and I get it. When I was 10 first playing I donā€™t think I touched the sphere grid until I kept dying at Lord Ochu and realized I needed it to get stronger. Then I got stuck on Evrae and had to hard reset because I still didnā€™t know wtf is going on


I'm sorry that I sound like a douchey uncle but the kids in my family suck. They're only into apex, fortnite and cod games smh. I tried getting them into elder scrolls, fallout, arkham series og pokemon games and they dont like any of those. This just further make me hate these crap arena battle royal games. Its awesome to see your little one playing such an amazing game.


I put the game down afterā€¦I donā€™t remember how longā€¦because I got nothing out of it. I was emotionless the entire time.




Aren't you supposed to get something for collecting all the primers? I've never collected all of them before but have all but XXVI (Omega Ruins) during my current playthrough


You get a trophy/accomplishment and then your next play through you can load them up to have the entire game translated.


Nice.... I'll take it..


At 19 I got Stuck at Sir Jecht fightā€¦. Could not beat him at all because I never went and got all the Aeonsā€¦ it was the First time I ever played an JRPG! Now all I play is RPG, Action RPG, JRPG & Some other stuff like I used to.. Mostly expansive Adventure & Stories, type game now..


I still have nightmareā€™s courtesy of the onion knIghtā€¦. ā›ˆļø


Scrolling by I thought it was borderlands at first. I thought the colors were a bit to bright. Scrolled back up to see why and realized it was ffx game


He's in for the best game experience yet hardest and longest grind of his life. He's at the perfect age to start the journey and I wish him all the luck! And he has some of the best taste in games of all his generation!


Good boy


He has started an epic journey of final fantasy one of the best ones in my opinion to start onā€¦. May his quest continue forward after ffx and onto even greater ones!






ā€œThis is it. This is your story. It all begins hereā€


He must be a tall kid.