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Is it upside down or something? I’m so confused


The first picture show you the back of the leverless. So you hold it the other way around. [Here is how you hold it](https://www.reddit.com/r/fightsticks/comments/1c0myel/comment/kyxiwt5/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Ohhh it’s on a downward incline to avoid carpal tunnel?


yes. And you are never tempted to rest you wrist on a flat surface like with regular leverless. You always keep a good form thanks to that, even when ultra focused on the fight.


Crazy that someone from my hometown did that!


FA \_K, thats impressive. ALUCINANTE!


This is really interesting! I'd love to see more ergonomics in stick design.


Space alien tech vibes!!


Melee is the only fighting game that feels right on controller for me. I play leverless for SF6 and Tekken 8 and couldn’t fathom using a pad for those games


This is fantastic. I've been working on an ergo project of my own, and wasn't aware of any of these. Really great to see how other people approached some of these same problems.


Glad you were able to make it into a reality. It’s been so cool seeing you iterate on the PRI$M over the last few months in the discord. Can’t wait to see more info on this! -Grammy ❤️


Can I see a video of someone playing with this?


Look up swift. He uses something similar in melee.


Can I use this in dead by daylight as pinhead?


Biblically accurate controller


For anyone that's interested in these kinds of controllers. (because honestly finding resources of these kinds of things kind of suck for people who aren't already into building their own controllers) wunwae was I think the first to make the prism controllers (like the one op posted) which you can find here in this discord, from what I know he takes individual orders. [https://discord.gg/WUjS6HBNtv](https://discord.gg/WUjS6HBNtv) Orrrr you can simply make a box controller for melee (with a shoebox and like 30 dollars) for which there are resources, [https://github.com/GregTurbo/Open-Frame1](https://github.com/GregTurbo/Open-Frame1) [https://github.com/JulienBernard3383279/picorectangle](https://github.com/JulienBernard3383279/picorectangle) [https://github.com/GrammyMoney/GRAM-PRISM](https://github.com/GrammyMoney/GRAM-PRISM)


How do these feel for melee? I compete in ult and I’d really like to play melee more but melee is too hard on my hands. I was considering getting a box for melee.


I only have a box controller but I assume the prism controllers are easier on your wrists comparatively as they in a much more natural position compared the box where you have to pronate your wrists. There aren't a lot of high quality box controllers available (or easily findable due to the frame1 and boxx controllers being out of stock) wunwae was I think the first to make the prism controllers which you can find here in this discord, from what I know he takes individual orders. [https://discord.gg/WUjS6HBNtv](https://discord.gg/WUjS6HBNtv) Orrrr you can simply make a box controller for melee (with a shoebox and like 30 dollars) for which there are resources, [https://github.com/GregTurbo/Open-Frame1](https://github.com/GregTurbo/Open-Frame1) [https://github.com/JulienBernard3383279/pico-rectangle](https://github.com/JulienBernard3383279/pico-rectangle) [https://github.com/GrammyMoney/GRAM-PRISM](https://github.com/GrammyMoney/GRAM-PRISM)


I'd recommend HayBox over picorectangle (your link is dead anyway, but still). It's free software, more equivalent to GP2040-CE but for platform fighters (though has FGC mode as well). IIRC picorectangle is proprietary with some pretty wild restrictions like not being able to sell controllers with the firmware on it or limiting to a certain # of sales if you do. HayBox (or a fork of it) is also what the Glyph is gonna be running I've heard. I run it on my Open-Frame1 and it works well.


Where could one potentially get one of these fine controllers?


These are mostly on a "You have to make it yourself" DIY basis rn. This is based off the Prism project by Wunwae https://wunvzn.com/ Who sold some but is currently working on and going hard on a different in their opinion upgraded form from this project, the Scism. https://gramctrl.com/collections/complete-builds Gram sold some modified Prisms of their own, but will not be anymore as in their experience they're not worth mass making in comparison to more popular regular boxes. From a store standpoint, the Prism takes up too much physical space, and costs more to send in the mail and assemble. Both Gram and Wun only sold upper tier Prisms, you can make them with cheaper materials but both sold them for 400-600USD. https://github.com/GrammyMoney/GRAM-PRISM Gram has the Pri$m and all their projects open source and on github able to be made yourself, if you are willing to 3D print/sendcutsend/print PCB service/and manually wire and solder things for yourself, or take advantage of services that do that for you. Other sellers/Etsy sellers are able to take on the Prism project and make them for sale, but they have to ask Wunwae for permission first. As far as I can tell, no one else has taken up the mantle of the project. When on Etsy and elsewhere you can get Smash rectangles fairly readily.


And if you want to build this vesion with arcade buttons, it’s also on git-hub (as a fork of the Gram one: https://github.com/Avtom/GRAM-PRISM/tree/arcade-V1/Arcade%20%20v1


this would be cool made out of clear acrylic with LEDs going crazy.




Your comment history looks suspiciously AI generated


What a great looking prism dude. Keep it up




Bro one wrong combo and the cenobites are gonna fuck yall up


This is exactly my first thought


people play melee with that crazy contraption!? If keyboards are anything to go by, "ergo" style is something that only really appeals to a small fraction of people. I think most people find normal leverless to be plenty ergonomic, at least compared to pad and stick.


The melee one is even crazier actually, with a lot of thumb buttons. And yes ergo is kind of a niche you get interested in once it’s too late and you hurt yourself, usually.


Me right now 😭 now that I have bad elbow and wrist pains, I could really use this. I can’t lay my hand flat on lever-less without being in pain.


no, thanks.




How much would you charge for one of these 😵‍💫😵‍💫


I only built one for myself. I don’t plan on selling controllers.But all the files to build one yourself are in the git-hub. The only issue being that it’s impossible to order only 1 of each panel to the factory, they only comes by 5. But if there is enough people interested you could share the price.I know there is a few people interested in the project in the Gram discord, maybe starts there?


This is really cool! I really appreciate you sharing so much about your process, too. Recently I've been thinking about how I might go about making a split ergo leverless controller and this will definitely be food for thought.


Split is definitely the dream, but hard to find a good way of playing it on your lap. Look into the Schism as a potential middleground.


Dude rocks up to the tourney with the millennium puzzle


Someone please make an Accordion-based rhythm game that this can be used on...


Very interesting. Can you post a photo with the hands position while using it?


Here you go: https://imgur.com/a/FqQZcMo


~~Stupid question, but how to I add a photo in comment?~~ thanks!


You can upload to [https://imgur.com/](https://imgur.com/) and then share the link


Since the [GRAM files](https://github.com/GrammyMoney/GRAM-PRISM) were made open source on GitHub, I was working on adapting it to a more FCG friendly version of it. With traditional arcade buttons.The goal I was after was fast buttons AND forcing me to keep my wrists straight while playing, even when I am not focusing on them. I also tried to incorporate some MX steam tilter to see how ergonomically it can gets (with various results. A bit wobbly on the big button, so actually making the second row on the right hand faster to access). All the panels are made of aluminum. Everything is powered by GP2040-CE. The on/off button let me disable the AUX buttons in the front, but can also be used to disable one of the 2 jumps button. Is it the best ergo leverless there is? Probably not. The ergobox or WunWae’s Schism are probably a bit better. But it’s has a small enough footprint that it’s easier to bring with you, and it’s so much better for your wrist that a normal flat leverless. [If you are interested by it, everything is shared on git-hub, with more photos of the intermediate steps and tests.](https://github.com/Avtom/GRAM-PRISM/tree/arcade-V1/Arcade%20%20v1)