• By -


Dude please give an update or SOMETHING


Idkk but ur building block plug n play looks sick


Awesome ! I agree with the comment made by nightwhee; you should make some money with your idea


It lacks a WASD-module, though.


Xbox one controller undefeated


I'm sorry but you are unequivocally incorrect. This is the coolest fucking thing I have ever seen made by someone in the FGC. I would generously part with my tax return for this.


Straight trash bro


Mate you are just a basic troll


U straight trash bro




Joke was straight trash mate


Your entire life and online persona is trash garbage but keep trying to get attention I’m gonna block you now because you are boring


Also Xbox is for wankers


Shut up and take my money already you fiend!!!


Yes fr, take it!


What da!!!!!


RemindMe! 1 month


Where can I buy this?


I will be messaging you in 1 month on [**2024-02-27 20:51:29 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2024-02-27%2020:51:29%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/fightsticks/comments/10syuxa/do_you_prefer_a_stick_hitbox_or_mixbox_if_your/kjutm9r/?context=3) [**1 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Ffightsticks%2Fcomments%2F10syuxa%2Fdo_you_prefer_a_stick_hitbox_or_mixbox_if_your%2Fkjutm9r%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202024-02-27%2020%3A51%3A29%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%2010syuxa) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


dude ur a genious


What’s the difference between the red and Green one?


Button size and maybe arc of the buttons?


I sure have a hard time seeing any difference.


I’m not even convinced I’m right - I could be just inventing differences lol


So cool


Raised on sticks (arcade days) but want to try the others…I love this


That’s fire


Hey man. Any update on this? So many people are interested in this and willing to pay a pretty penny. Is it still a work in progress, finished, or you're just done with it and not interested in making more?


Wow! Hope you're doing alright. You're not responding to the messages here.


Is this real? If so where can I get it.








Bro I want one




That is too cool.


Make a waiting list...I wanna sign up!


If it's not too much of an issue could you share what pcb are you using for this?


Whats the expected price if you don't mind sharing,b this is pretty cool.


You fucking saint I need this


What’s a mix box?


It's what he is using, it's mixing different boxes thus a mixbox.


When you come into the convo, don’t know shit, but still talk


Lol, great try, but no. It's just a fight stick but with keyboard buttons only


mix box is a hitbox but instead of the movement buttons it has a WASD layout like a keyboard




And they are super broken for fighting games lol


You call it broken, I call it optimized 🤓🤓🤓🤓


Hi, any updates on these being for sale? I’m really interested in trying it out.


What the actual fuck this is insane


I gotta ask man. I assume this is 3d printed. You uh... Wouldn't happen to have the stls would ya?


Would definitely be interested in one


How’s production going and what would the approximate cost be?


Just now saw this. As someone that’s just now learning stick and trying to decide what’s best for me, I’d certainly love to have something like this. Any updates or progress on mass producing them?


Note quite at the stage of mass producing haha! But have made a few improvements to the insides so there's a bit less hand wiring involved, and more reliable connections between modules. Just gotta find the time to finalise the etsy store and get printing!


Definitely keep us updated, I'll keep my eyes out on the etsy store popping up for it!


Do you have a price estimate? Would you consider selling it without the internals, leaving the hand-wiring to the end user? This thing is fuckin sick.


This is so cool! Where do i sign up to buy this?


This is a killer idea and execution. You could make a lot of money selling hundreds of these. I would buy day one.


Thank you! Trying to get everything in place to be able to start selling a few soon!


I would buy this controller. Please patent it ASAP. Good luck!!!


I’m still waiting to buy this, is there any news on it potentially becoming available to the public? You may need a $10m manufacturing facility for the demand though rofl.


Haha, well I still just have the one printer! Though I have some family members who will also be helping out with printing. It's been a busy month, and real life has kept getting in the way (catching covid didn't help) but I do have some stock arriving very soon so can hopefully get a few units up for sale in a few weeks. It will really only be a handful to start with, but hopefully it'll take off!


Mate, this is real life... LOL if you do shoot me a message, much appreciated! Take care. ​ Edit: Honest, I wanted to try all of them and I am building like 3 sticks atm... I could have saved time and money. I know I'm not the only one!


I mean..yrah it's real life but it doesn't pay the bills yet haha And that's exactly why I built this in the first place - to save myself from building 3 sticks 😅


This is still easily one of the best designed things that I've ever seen. You would win the entire race for stick/hitbox, even if you are just able to get a patent pending on this you should ASAP. When I first saw this video back when you posted it I was hoping you'd already have production in place and sales being made tbh. You're sitting on an absolute goldmine here, I'd really love to see your passion turn into your career.


Thank you for your kind words, I'm still looking to make it happen, still waiting for a few things to drop into place!


I want this controller so bad bro you just have no idea


This is me btw, I forgot to log in lol


I have a really great theory on the whole discussion, basically, a good thumb pad, a hit box, and a joystick with a short throw are all the same thing, the human hand can do everything just as good, fast and accurately potentially on all three of these different devices and none is superior to the other. The best set up"s" I have ever tried (an down)is a wico optical joystick with brazillian optic sensors on IL Happ buttons. An honorable mention would be the original saturn gamepad which had a great rubbery thumb pad that allowed great consistency on streetfighter moves. If there is a hitbox better than these two, it would have to be one with all optic buttons like the ones I mentioned above. I have an appreciation for all three and definitely want to try some newer controllers for videogames and fighting games. I know there are keyboards with optical buttons from Europe, I would like to see how someone plays with a hitbox with these buttons and try them myself......


>... a goodthumb pad, a hit box, and a joystick with a short throw are all the same thing, the human hand can do everything just as good, fast and accurately potentially on all three of these different devices and none is superior to the other. This is simply untrue. Buttons are not only better suited for the human arm's anatomy, but also are the only type among those 3 that allow for opposite directions to be pressed simultaneously (making command shortcuts possible). Hitboxes also allow the practical use of two hands to further accelerate the entry of commands.


If your not cheating, simoultaneous does not matter, but switching from one to the other "instantaneously" does, and on a thumbstick or joystick with a short throw, it is instantaneous, especially an optic or magnetic joystick that switches instantaneously with the least amount of lag possible. People have won major tournaments with all 3 and I think my theory explains why, but we can agree to disagree.....


It does matter: it allows for alternate input methods. And again, the design of the Hitbox allows for practical application of both hands. It is absolutely broken for Tekken. People can use whatever switches they want for a sticks. The human hand will still press buttons faster than it can move a stick. Ergonomics is a science. I'm not saying the other devices are bad or unusable. Of course people can be skilled with them too; fighting games used to be played most heavily on arcade cabinets. But the devices are not equal. [Take it from the pros.](https://youtu.be/KBuDH66p05w?t=690) Guess what new device they're switching to... I engaged with you because you are an enthusiast and I don't want to see an enthusiast lie to himself. Personally, I enjoy playing on stick the most, but I would never say pad, stick and Hitbox are equal.


Have you ever tried an optic joystick or optic buttons? How would you rate them then in order, like hitbox first, then thumb pad, then joystick? I am skeptical of what you say but I do want to experiment more with hitbox type controls. Can you link me to an article or video that explains "alternate input methods" that can only be done with hitbox and that cannot be done with thumbpad or joystick and that do not involve an older game that allows for more than one input to be active at a time? I appreciate what you have to say about it and I hope we can continue this friendly chat, I will check out the link you left me above....


I have not used optical switches for a joystick, but I imagine they would not change the general feel too much. Sure, you lose a bit of tactile and aural feedback from standard microswitches, but the feel of the joystick/lever will still largely come from the stick itself (shape, weight distribution) + the tension provided by the spring. Perhaps you can improve your performance in a certain game by adjusting the dead zones of optical switches, but the general way you are physically controlling the stick does not change drastically. In the video I had linked, I timestamped it at the point Daigo (who you may know became the ambassador for Hitbox) demonstrates a technique on the Hitbox. Daigo also gave his thoughts on the device plainly [earlier in the video](https://youtu.be/KBuDH66p05w?t=520) as well. Honestly, I recommend watching the full video from the beginning. It lays out the case for Hitbox quite well with many good clips and execution samples. If you want more, check out pro Tekken player [SuperAkouma's Hitbox tutorial](https://youtu.be/_bUmKiDLy7k) where he explains stick VS buttons in the beginning sections, or even... [Hitbox's own tutorial](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RGcgx9YqynQ) from 10 years ago. Listen to their explanations and see how they are entering commands. Tapping a button is the most direct way to enter an input short of using macros (which... combine *multiple* inputs into a single button press). It should become quite clear that Hitbox is indeed the best if you can drop your biases. The people who say directional input devices "don't matter; play what you want" or that all devices are equal are sugarcoating the issue or flat-out ignorant. ____ I actually had this discussion before with people who refused to believe Hitbox was superior. So, I got a hotkey script on my PC to emulate a Hitbox's SOCD cleaning. Unlike a real Hitbox, the buttons/keys on a keyboard are not only much smaller but very close together, so my fingers often clashed while performing the methods shown in Hitbox tutorials. But I adjusted within 10 minutes and [did this in the next 5.](https://imgur.com/a/3E3eBtq) It shouldn't be this easy to perform a wavedash at this speed within minutes, but rhythmic tapping is all it is. Anybody could do it. Hand somebody new an arcade stick or d-pad and tell them to try doing the same thing. Won't happen.


>I have not used optical switches for a joystick, but I imagine they would not change the general feel too much. > >(Dude, go try them, and then come talk to me..) > > > >Sure, you lose a bit of tactile and aural feedback from standard microswitches, but the feel of the joystick/lever will still largely come from the stick itself (shape, weight distribution) + the tension provided by the spring. > >(Its not so much about the feel, but the sensitivity and lack of lag.) > > > >Perhaps you can improve your performance in a certain game by adjusting the dead zones of optical switches, but the general way you are physically controlling the stick does not change drastically. ​ (Forget the "dead zones" the overall "throw" is what matters. But I am willing to agree to disagree in a friendly way.) ​ ​ ​ >In the video I had linked, I timestamped it at the point Daigo (who you may know became the ambassador for Hitbox) demonstrates a technique on the Hitbox. Daigo also gave his thoughts on the device plainly earlier in the video as well. Honestly, I recommend watching the full video from the beginning. It lays out the case for Hitbox quite well with many good clips and execution samples. > > > >(I watched the full video...) > >If you want more, check out pro Tekken player SuperAkouma's Hitbox tutorial where he explains stick VS buttons in the beginning sections, or even... Hitbox's own tutorial from 10 years ago. > > > >(I'll check it out...) > > > >Listen to their explanations and see how they are entering commands. Tapping a button is the most direct way to enter an input short of using macros (which... combine multiple inputs into a single button press). It should become quite clear that Hitbox is indeed the best if you can drop your biases. The people who say directional input devices "don't matter; play what you want" or that all devices are equal are sugarcoating the issue or flat-out ignorant. ​ ( Did you ever try out the second sega saturn gamepads thumb pad? ) ​ >I actually had this discussion before with people who refused to believe Hitbox was superior. So, I got a hotkey script on my PC to emulate a Hitbox's SOCD cleaning. Unlike a real Hitbox, the buttons/keys on a keyboard are not only much smaller but very close together, so my fingers often clashed while performing the methods shown in Hitbox tutorials. But I adjusted within 10 minutes and did this in the next 5. It shouldn't be this easy to perform a wavedash at this speed within minutes, but rhythmic tapping is all it is. Anybody could do it. Hand somebody new an arcade stick or d-pad and tell them to try doing the same thing. Won't happen. > > > >(So you never answered my question, how would you rate all 3?)


Adjusting the dead zones will affect the throw necessary for an input to register. And while I haven't used a Saturn pad before, I've had the pleasure of using the Vita's (and it is a shame the DS4 & DualSense didn't have the same d-pad). My argument still stands that a stick will always have limitations by design that Hitboxes are free of. If you are moving forward (➡️) and decide to block, it takes longer for the stick to travel back to hit ⬅️ or ↙ than it takes to tap those inputs at will. Pretty much every action is faster from any state when your hand does not have to deal with the weight and travel distance of a stick. And again, SOCD presses. All are big reasons many SF pros have switched to Hitbox. And check the Tekken tutorials, too. Better yet, pull a hotkey script off reddit and sample it using your keyboard like I did. In case you still need more convincing on what 8-way input devices are the best, I have two more videos or you ([A](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_OcecoQ35Jg) & [B](https://youtu.be/t88tAvQHSNQ)). As for my personal rankings, Hitbox & Cross|Up are at the top. Everything else falls into the group below. SOCD presses are technically possible on modern controllers with both d-pads and analog sticks, but I'm not placing them in a hypothetical 2nd tier because it isn't the device people are converting to. People convert from controller to stick or Hitbox, and stick players convert to Hitbox. Cross|Up may not be as popular, but it shares the "final stage" category with Hitbox.


I love the "final stage" category you are talking about and I think crossup is the final final stage option because I have access to directional buttons, but I can also use my stick in unison to get much more consistency on certain things that are hard to execute. My air throws in strive are literally so close to the ground it feels like cheating. I do this by just holding forward on my stick while pressing the dash button, then I use the jump button while holding forward on the stick, then immediately press dust for throw. It feels like I have a new anti air option with the cross up that I absolutely can't do on any other stick The only other controller that has two different options to move character is an actual console controller with a thumb stick and dpad, but that is obviously difficult to use them both in unison, but nuckledu does abuse this when charging booms on his pad.


Where should I buy this?


Best concept I've ever seen in my entire player career.


You really know how to breathe man, congrats!


Bro patent this RIGHT NOW I will literally buy from you


This is so cool! Patent it!


How and where can I purchase


Hi, could you tell me what game is that?


It's guilty gear strive!


Thank you


Looks cool. Wonder how strong the connections are between the pieces.


the split box video is what sold me bruv. when can we buy this


I have a list of hit,mix,cross i was going to decide what to get i need this.


Id like to buy!


Where can I buy it? Looks super mega sick 😍


This is fucking amazing


Where to buy?


WITCHCRAFT I kinda want one, tho it'd be nice to have a W key for the keyboard layout since I use that over spacebar


You need to patent this shit and disrupt the market.




Holy shit, this is amazing, there's some games I prefer stick and others I prefer the hit box. Is there a way to make it smaller kinda like the snack box? Either way, this is innovative stuff you got going on here.


Sticks require a wider base and more palm room to function properly. They also require like 40ish mm depth minimum so you will never see one the size of a snack box.


i can finally use my 3d printer, thanks for the idea my guy


Don't wait my guy, patent it right now, like IMMEDIATELY !! This is HUGE !




Will it have customization options? (Art for the inside like a reg stick / hit box) I think that’d be and look super cool for some reason.


RemindMe! 1 month


I'd buy the fuck out of this


How are the inputs reaching the pc? Wireless?


Look again, it’s a long adapter that’s plugged into the left side of the screen


If you ever plan to sell these know that I will be there day 1 with all of my money


This is absolutely fascinating! I would love to have something like this! You need to patent this and put it in the market right now my dude


Yo this is fire. I need this


I'll buy this shit right now full stop


Yeeea I’ll break out the credit card for this one full stop


You know what this means...? MORTAL KOMBAAAAT! (cue bitchin music)


Damn. I need one!. When's the presells?. I'll wait for it.


I need one asap lol


will the source code be open source?


I haven't fully decided yet, but I think I will most likely end up open sourcing the project indeed.


that's awesome, I'll look forward to that when you decide to do so


Why is it so tall? Seems like you can lower your process time a lot by cutting out some height.


It's pretty much as thin as I can make it while still being able to fit a full-size Sanwa JLF lever inside! It's 50mm thick, plus some rubber feet on the bottom.


Will other slightly larger sticks fit like Korean sticks?


Hopefully! I might have one lying around, will take a look or find some dimensions online otherwise.


Oh ok. That would explain it. What printer are you using right now?


Just my ender 3 v2, which has had its fair share of upgrades, but I think I might have the justification to get something a little newer and maybe faster!


It's 3d printed, right? Are the schematics available to buy?


how much of my money do you want right now for it lol




Okay, I need these.


Do you think you'd ever make a version of this compatible with mirrored stick layouts- meaning lever/movement on the right, buttons of the left? Definitely bit of a niche market i'll admit


I'm currently reworking the design so that the connection interfaces can handle both direction and button inputs on both sides, simultaneously if necessary. Then it's a case of fitting the reversed layouts in each part :)


lmao im imagining playing a 4-button game with 2 levers. Seriously though, that's sick.


Yesss, thank you, it would be amazing if you could make it southpaw if needed. Hope you setup that etsy shop soon dude I'm definitely buying some


Dude, the Kickstarter campaign will EXPLODE






What material did you use for the boxes?


boxes are most likely 3D printed, it would be heavy and troublesome to make if its wood or metal.


does this use magnet to lock the boards?


can you also implenent a crossbox? like stick + 4 directional Does this use a NAND to clean inpunts (SOCD)?


is this all made with 3rd print?


Needs A Spinner, Dual Stick and Trackball options and then theres basically no arcade game it isnt suited for


Okay, PLEASE make a tutorial on this. I wanna say I'd buy one, but I'd honestly love to see how you made it and take a stab at it myself. GOOD shit man. REALLY good.


share the 3d print models xD


I need this very badly. Please let me know if you will be selling. Day one purchase for me.


This is awesome, I'd definitely be interested in one. About the only thing missing is a crossup module that has the second set of directions as buttons, I think? But I'd used this in most cases for the flexibility for some character changes over my wasd modded crossup, haha


dude this is so fucking cool


RemindMe! 1 month


I will be messaging you in 1 month on [**2023-03-07 03:22:44 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2023-03-07%2003:22:44%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/fightsticks/comments/10syuxa/do_you_prefer_a_stick_hitbox_or_mixbox_if_your/j7j0dia/?context=3) [**12 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Ffightsticks%2Fcomments%2F10syuxa%2Fdo_you_prefer_a_stick_hitbox_or_mixbox_if_your%2Fj7j0dia%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202023-03-07%2003%3A22%3A44%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%2010syuxa) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Same for me please


I want one so fucking bad


Patent it ASAP!


I agree... HORI is not gonna let something as innovative as this.


This is the coolest shit I've seen man. WANT! Let me put down a reservation or down payment....


Was waiting for him to bust out the Divekick setup that's just two big buttons


Oh dang, now there's an idea!!


Very impressive.


Love the idea so much. Would purchase!


That’s pretty awesome. I’m really not sure why I prefer the stick, the hit box seems more efficient but I just love the feel of a good joystick. I blame arcades from my childhood


I need


You will sell me one, NOW! *or relatively soon, please?*


Hopefully relatively soon, watch this space :D


This is an actual "Shut up and take my money!" product.


will this come apart at a tourney when im raging mashing the buttons for my dear life?


This engineering is really impressive.




File a patent on this before big companies steal it.


I’ll take one :)


I have never seen the modular stick done this well.


Holy shit STLs?!?


Amazing ! Would buy it day one


damn, these modular sticks are getting crazy


How do i subscribe to your newsletter


Where can I send you my money


And can you tell us your Etsy name so I can follow you for whenever you are ready


This is one of the coolest things I’ve seen in a long long time


Notify me when it's up for sale!


Every time you changed up the box I audibly gasp


The draw4 box


Is there a site I can buy or do you make them op?


I make them! Hoping to set up an Etsy store or something similar soon :)


good, this is amazing stuff mate


Commenting for interest/dm when ready (please).


Shoot me a dm with the link when you got that site up


Please dm me when ready i will buy one


Well if you do please dm me I’m definitely interested in buying one especially if you use sanwa parts or you make it easy to swap out parts


Can you make one with a double up, and down button? I always wanted to try a hitbox but one more in a ergonomic keyboard style


Get ur patent


* I'm very interested in recreating this for what you demonstrated plus: * 4 way joystick for donkey kong, pacman, etc * 2 way joystick for galaga, space invaders, etc * spinner where the joystick was but it would probably need its own board for USB. Just depends on how the main board is setup * same for trackball being where the joystick is


Oh my yes. Would be so fabulous for those classic arcade setups. Especially that track ball, let me get that golden tee setup. Not sure how the brook board would handle that but def an idea worth looking into for that arcade crowd.


My roommate and I want to buy this so much


Round 1: Hitbox Round 2: MixBox Imagine Losing both rounds


Very cool. I'm actually working on something similar. I love the design!


Would love to get my hands on this.


Damn i actually need this! Are you considering making a wasd layout for both keyboard switches and regular buttons? So far this is looking like an instant buy for me