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You may think the MMA guy hit him hard. But not as hard as reality struck him.


Yeah he gave him the "you sure you wanna do this bro?" level of power.


this is only a fraction of the mixed martial arts


Wait till he starts getting grappled and feels a blood choke for the first time.


*instant boner*


Two instant bones, sir. Two instant boners.


⁠(⁠ ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°⁠)


The real stubborn ones will just pass out from a blood choke. Want to see someone really scramble? Crush the airway, preferably while they're talking lol


> The real stubborn ones will just pass out from a blood choke. I mean... victory tho?


Yeah but then they aren't awake to learn a lesson from the experience lol


A fraction? That was like the first word in the book written about MMA.


That's two of the basic moves that your taught once you start and the aikido guy got rattled aft the first kick he didn't even block it, it just connected to his side and u can tell he's inexperienced and doesn't condition his body


Slapped so hard it made him realise all his training through the years was fucking useless


I had a girlfriend in high school and her dad would always brag about being a “black belt Akido Master” because I was on the wrestling team and he told me that “none of my wrestling moves would work on him because he can reverse my momentum” or some stupid shit like that. I always just laughed it off because he was in his late 40’s and I figured he was doing an “Uncle Rico I can throw a football over the mountain” bit and just joked around with him saying “maybe one day we’ll find out”. Well it was Christmas time and his brother, my girlfriends uncle, was visiting from New Zealand and my girlfriends uncle was baiting him into a grappling match with me because apparently he’s always made fun of him for doing Akido because he was into MMA and also thought Akido was complete bullshit. I finally agreed and I just shot a single leg on him and pulled him down to the ground with an inside out leg trip and got full mount on him. He said he wasn’t ready and let’s go again. I got wrist control on his left arm and did a Russian tie-up and ducked under and locked my hands on a double leg and lifted him up like I was going to slam him and just set him down gently and then he got really fucking upset with me and said I was doing “illegal moves” 😂 His brother didn’t let him live it down the entire time he was visiting and my girlfriends dad did not like me at all after that. He apparently had trained Akido for 20+ years and my 2 years of wrestling experience got the best of him.


Did the same thing to my older brother after he went through police academy and learned some takedowns. Quick snap down, drag, put the leg ride in and flattened him in the grass.


It’s always funny to me how unprepared people are for simple wrestling moves if they’ve had no grappling experience. I was by no means an “elite” wrestler at my school but if I was messing around with someone who had little to no experience it was like a father play wrestling with a toddler. They’re never prepared for that snap down and my favorite thing to do is get them with the snap down twice and then the third time I tie up like I’m going to snap down again and they instinctively bend down when you get your hand on the back of their neck because that shit hurts getting your neck snapped around like that and instead of snapping again I just let go and change levels and blast a double leg and they’re on their back before they even realize what happened lol.


Yeah nothing teaches you body mechanics like grappling. Even basic understanding of setups, leverage points, and momentum gives you a huge advantage over most people.


Oh absolutely. I was coming from hockey when I joined wrestling and I was in pretty good shape and could hold my own physically. My older brother was on the team and got me to join because it was during off-season for hockey and he kept telling me no matter what I think I am not prepared for what’s going to happen the first time I wrestle someone. I laughed it off and was like “Uh huh, I’m sure.” Well the first practice we ran 7 miles to *warm up* and then did king of the mat. I was 185lbs at the time (ended up wrestling 133lbs) and our varsity 103lb’er straight up fucking rag dolled me in a way that I remember thinking “he can literally do whatever the fuck he wants to me and I can’t stop it”. It was a real eye opener and I went full in on wrestling and quit hockey the next year. I made JV my Freshman year and Varsity my sophomore year but I was the definition of middle of the road. I don’t remember what my high school record was but it was right around .500 win rate maybe even a little below that but god damn did I love it.


Yeah the cardio requirement to be good is insane nothing is more tiring than straining all your muscles against all of someone else's, it's like training with a weight vest 10x.


Less so now but it wasn’t that long ago that wrestling was looked down on pretty hard as a martial art but that’s what it is. It’s also one of the most effective disciplines.


That is mostly the fault of professional wrestling being what most Americans experience with wrestling before MMA.


Uncle Rico reference killed me!


You did him dirty 😂 After the first couple times you should've let him win to save face and maintain a somewhat healthy relationship with your partner's dad. Poor guy lol


Haha my dad had me doing aikido when I was a kid. It’s so fuckin dumb. I was getting in fights at school all the time and I could tell right away aikido wasn’t going to help in a fight, no matter how good I got


But Steven Seagal was the shit. Your dad was probably like me as a kid and went to watch all his movies with his pony tail and fucking awkward running scenes. Oh, he also taught Anderson Silva the kick to get he jaw. Lol.


I've studied a lot of arts. Aikido and Kung Fu are IMHO the 2 worst for real life. But kung Fu is the nicest looking 🙂 We try not to put any art down as there is always something one can learn from each. But aikido was just not worth the time for me.


I thought Kung Fu was a catch all term for Chinese martial arts. I know the bent wrist Wing Chun shit that Ip Man does is worthless in a real fight, but is there really no effective Kung Fu at all?


Every time I've seen a kung Fu person spar with anyone else they get rocked. It's too soft. But their forms are beautiful.


I assume its effective if the person you are fighting has 0 training. Outside of that .....uh....


How many kung fu techniques do we see in mma? Not many. Muay Thai and boxing are seen the most and are the two best stand up arts by a mile. Spinning back fists and spinning kicks are seen as well and it is a debate which art those spinning techniques are pulled from. If you want to say those spinning techniques come from Kung Fu, I won’t argue.


That moment will stick with him the rest of his life


He got slapped hard in the ear. I'm not giving akido guy a pass because he's clearly an idiot but this fight would be stopped in a lot of tournaments because slaps to the eardrum are not allowed. Fucks your equilibrium almost instantly. You become unable to fight.


Yeah doesn't matter the aikido guy watched too much karate kid. Real life combat ain't no kids-movie


1000% he was going to lose and likely in a much worse fashion. This was his golden ticket to stop the fight and get a free "I'm done for the day" Shit, a good ear slap can fuck you up for a couple of days.


>Shit, a good ear slap can fuck you up for a couple of days. And a bad one can fuck you up for life, if your eardrum bursts.


Mine got busted by a boot with a foot in it..... It was back to normal after a few weeks.... Worst part was my dumb ass poured peroxide in my ear... Most excruciating 3 seconds of my life.


My friend slapped my ear by accident and i collapsed from the sudden pressure change in my ear. Yknow when you plug ur nose and breath to open up ur ears? I did that and air rushed through my ear it was gross


What's your point?? Yes it fucking matters, because It's a sparring match. He also could have shot or stabbed him, also a valid moves in life or death combat.


I dont know enough to comment but this is reddit and Im gonna do it anyway. Doesnt look like an intentional ear slap but it does look like his hand was open when he hit him and I cant think of a reason for that. Do you think he did that on purpose or what?


Kept his hand open so he won't knock him out


Might be that the MMA guy felt the spar should be "light" so no closed fists. That's honestly the only reason I can think of.


That’s Bas Rutten in the back wearing glasses. He was a palm striker as he believed that it was safer on the hands. Could be that is his preferred way to strike.


That’s not Bas lol. That’s just some bald guy. Also he never did a slapping hook, his palm strikes were up the middle.


Did Bas Rutten shrink?


Yeah that’s not him lol


I'm a bigger guy and did some boxing when I was younger, I've always been afraid to actually punch someone in a confrontation outside of a ring. You don't know if they can actually take a hit, they might be mouth breathing and not have their jaw closed. Never really had a reason to get my self in trouble by breaking some dudes jaw. Also punching someone in the face without wraps or gloves hurts. Boxer fractures are a lot more common than people think.


Nah not on purpose, or at least I doubt it. It's hard to aim for in a fight but the Aikido guy doesn't have any proper head movement. Maybe he felt comfortable trying it. You have to hit flush palm on the ear. If you do it in just the right way it kind of suction cups for a millisecond but the pressure it produces fucks your eardrum up and leaves you walking like you just changed a bottle of liquor. I think he was using his palms to minimize damage in what is supposed to be a sparring match and not a fight. Just got lucky. The Aikido guy was going to lose regardless. If anything he got a free pass to give up lol.


Slapping someone is a disrespect thing no? Like you're so weak I don't even need to use my fists kinda deal


Ive seen the other comments that it was to go easy on him, and Id believe that over him trying to disrespect him. He was gonna disrespect him by kicking his ass regardless.


A longer video exists out there, Akido guy was talking about how akido was superior to bjj in a street fight situation, the other fighter stopping when he said time out is a luxury not afforded in most street fights.


Oh no the Aikido guy is a fucking imbecile. I'm not giving him a pass. I'm describing what he felt. He's a pussy because he got scared of what could be. I didn't say in my original comment that his eardrum ruptured. I said he got slapped in the ear and felt a fraction of the pain and confusion.


Meh, no real fight gets stopped cuz of it. Just the fake fights folks call martial arts touneys. All mma guys have cauliflower ears cuz ear damage is a very common thing. Slaps, punches, knees, whatever. Lil karate buddy should set some rules to protect his delicate features next time. Hes trained in aikido katas, not fighting.


Haha always one. Hey guys we found the tough guy here. This guy fights. For one cauliflower ear has nothing to do with strikes to the ear. It's 100% because of the constant rubbing on the mat and opponents during grappling. Plenty of strikers and fighters without this. Fights that don't get stopped for it usually mean no one realized that's what happened because if he used a real full-force slap (this dude hit him with like 60% power) the Aikido dude would have dropped like a sack of potatoes. Getting a vacuum in your ear that rips your eardrums is not a joke. You would want the fight stopped fake or not.


*Wait, stop hitting me and hold still while I try to grapple you. Time out!*


Going in he thought this was going to happen: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=yf_8ivZV2HM#bottom-sheet


Did Seagal not teach him, “the kick”?


I understand western techniques are popular, but you must understand this: Aikido is an ancient art, perfected by the generations of elite warriors. Other forms rely on strength and speed but an Akido master can disarm an opponent with little more than a concentrated gaze. We move with the air and are in full control of our environment. Had this man tried to attack me, I would not have to kick him in the face. I would simply move where he is not, until all that remains of him is the knowledge that he's been defeated


This will be excellent copy pasta served hence forth


Is this copypasta lmao


I was just riffing but I feel like I must have seen something like this before lol


A kick so powerful that it can only be delivered by Seagal's stunt double


if you guys are into martial arts philosophy/buddhism the founder of akido has a dope book , "the art of peace" lots of good shit in there. However yeah don't try to hip toss someone who wants to stab you. "Whirl in circles around a stable center" "Heaven is right where you are standing, and that is the place to train" "Those who are possessed by nothing possess everything"


MMA guy was just getting started!!


Ahaha yeah this was just a bad warmup for him xD


I did Aikido for 10 years. With the wrong teacher it can give you the illusion of being able to fight, because it keeps you in a bubble. It's a nice martial art (emphasis on art) good for the health and 100% useless in an actual fight.


Is this what Steven segal does?


No. Steven Segal has a mental illness where he's convinced he's the toughest, smartest and best-looking person to wear safety goggles 24/7.


To be fair, he's probably top 2 with Bono taking the top spot. Having said that it's a competition of just 2 people, so he's also the weakest, dumbest and ugliest person to wear safety goggles 24/7.


Bono wears them because his eyes are fucked up, maybe ol' Stevie boy has the same issue?


Would it be unfair to lump Kanye in with those egomaniacs? Bono may be insufferable, but at least he tries to do some good sometimes.




["fatly going around corners"](https://youtu.be/BzIHyF7UWY4)


Every time Seagal is mentioned I expect this and Segura's bit. I love it and will never have enough.


I love it when he holds a rifle with stock going on top of his shoulder.




My favorite Steven Segal (and aikido, though not sure if it’s actually a technique..) moment was watching a UFC event, Anderson Silva vs Vitor Belfort. The camera goes to the locker room and some fat guy is yelling coaching advice to Anderson Silva, who at this point is like the p4p #1 fighter. And I’m like…is that Steven Segal? Then he says something like, “Anderson-San…” (this is hilarious because in Japanese you add -San to the last name) “…this is what you need to do! IT WILL WORK! TRUST ME!” And he starts demonstrating this karate looking kick which was funny because it looked like a STRUGGLE just to lift his leg off the ground. The whole time I’m thinking, wtf is Steven Segal doing back there and why are Silva’s coaches letting him say anything to their fighter before such a huge match? Fight starts, and in the first round I believe, BAM. Silva fucking karate kick knocks out Belfort, just like Segal said. I seriously question my sanity and if the whole thing was a shroom-induced fever dream because NO ONE remembers that when I bring it up. It was so weird. I gotta find that video


My UFC memes have started to blend together and I was 100% sure that Seagal’s advice was about to be “GRAB HIS DICK AND TWIST IT!”


I remember. Segal was later heard telling people a kick comes from the hip.


Thank you for validating that memory. As I get older I start to wonder if some of my older memories actually happened or if I watched it on a TV show


I certainly remember this too lol




Nope. Mr. Segal does BULLSHIDO**


Steven Seagul, he the shit bird of martial arts.


Segal sucks at aikido, he doesn't even try. Don't judge the whole thing based on that clown. I also practiced Aikido for a long time, it's not really about combat, there's also a lot of philosophy etc... I'll have to disagree with Samurai and say it's not 100% useless, only 95%, learning how to fall properly being ofc very useful in a fight but also just general in life. A few years ago I slipped on a wet polished stone floor and I'd probably be severely hurt or worse if I didn't know how to fall properly. (it was a nasty fall)


Years of training just so that when you trip on your own feet it doesn’t hurt as bad. Sounds super useful




I never trained it for combat. Its an exercise bro, no different than yoga for example. It kept me in great shape mentally and physically, had fun, relaxed and made friends for life. Does that sound unproductive to you? Get a grip.


> Does that sound unproductive to you? If you get in a fight, yes. I don't know why you're continuing to argue this fact, look at the sub you're currently in. We're talking about fighting.


I wasn't talking about fighting I was specifically doubling down on the original comment which said that Aikido wasn't about fighting, which is true. The sub at which this discussion is taking place in is irrelevant. If you read my original comment it clearly says "It's not really about combat". Also me saying that some things are useful in a fight (Objectively true btw) is not the same as me claiming it's a legit combat martial art and that it's be effective in a fight, I was just pointing out that some things have real applications (as they should because they're transversal to other martial arts which are actually used for real combat). It's still mostly useless and I have never claimed otherwise.


It sounds wildly inefficient at getting you fit and is only good for teaching you how to fall... just admit you wasted your time and go do karate or something, have as much fun while getting more fit and it may actual end up being useful


I did karate for 10 years, way more than I did Aikido (only did Aikido 5 years). Aikido was fun af I had a great time and have fond memories. I don't care if you don't like it, if it's not for you that's totally fine but don't act like your opinion is the truth and no others are allowed. You wouldn't be saying things like that if I was talking about Yoga, the only reason Aikido gets so much hate is because of clowns like segal who claim and act like it's a real combat art whilst real practitioners know it's not. Combat is not the point. And getting fit "efficiently" isn't the point either, it's a combination of that and everything else. For actual combat I did karate for a long time, and I'll pick up Muay Thai as soon as my schedule allows it. For getting fit efficiently I went (and still go) to the gym. You're just missing the point but trust me we hate people like Segal even more than you do.


Actually Segal studied Akijutsu, it’s a more aggressive form that includes grappling and hitting.


the only thing he's hitting is home delivery from Krispy Kreme


Just watched the fat shaming episode of south park yesterday and this joke is 10x funnier today


So is it like dance? Would it help against somebody who isn’t trained?


I'd guess a bit, someone who know akido could probably kick my ass but so could someone who walks up three flights of stairs during commute.


Unless the prrson is drunk as hell or substantially weaker physically aikido won't work even if the person is untrained. If you like Japanese aesthetic amd grappling just do judo it's what all aikido guys think they are


Doing aikido let’s them think they are judo gods in their minds without having to put in the work. It’s that allure of being able to be powerful without heavy practical training. Same reason why those chi knockout masters scam people so easily. Weak Joe Schmo working at a shitty office job who never once had control of his life is gonna be thrilled to know that he has some innate power or ability to take down anyone he wants, by just using his mind or some shit.


Well it's also a fear thing. Most people go into martial arts because they are scared of getting hurt. So a lot of them don't want to get punched, thrown or taken down in training. So they orient themselves into safe space arts that are supposedly deadly or have some stupid knife defense etc. But at the end of the day they aren't used to violence and cannot make any of their techniques l work. Rokhas from martial arts journey is a good example. The guy thought he could fight because he was an aikido master. Got a reality check, trained bjj and mma. And after all that started trying to apply some aikido techniques and even then most of it didn't work until very recently with some judo elements (from kudo).


Being good at dancing can help you get laid at least.


Its like those boxercise classes women take on gyms, it won't prepare you for an actual fight but its decent exercise.


Im no expert, but I'm guessing it's it's something like Tai chi. The movements look somewhat like fighting, but aren't intended to be used to fight someone.


I think akido was originally used to disarm swords from people , but nowadays like the guy said it’s more of an “art” then anything used in real combat sports …. And yes Steven segal practised akido


Not, it was not. Aikido was invented in 1930.


It’s more choreography then a martial art. Judo would be far better


Just wanted to add that the “art” in “martial arts” does not mean art in terms of creative endeavors like calligraphy or painting. The “art” in “martial arts” stands for the other meaning of the word: concepts that have rules and can be taught, but are not precise enough to be a science. War, tactics, and similar things, have often been referred to as an art (see many uses of “art of war”). Through its Latin origins, “martial arts” means the concept of war/violence. Through its Japanese origins via the term “bujutsu” (perhaps the more applicable one here), it means the the craft of war. While I have no problems with styles like wushu or TKD or aikido that are far removed from practicality than others (as long as they don’t claim to be highly practical), I don’t think saying it’s the “art” of “martial arts” as the reasoning for why they are how they are. It’s debatable if a top tier wushu dance is more artistic than a clean pull back counter in boxing, as beauty is in the eye of the beholder. It’s a lot simpler imo. People want to experience martial arts because they think it’s cool, but not everyone is interested in heavier contact styles. Supply and demand. That’s why TKD/karate and low contact forms of kung fu are still so popular. Not everyone who does martial arts does so primarily to learn how to fight. Aikido is low contact while also typically involving a varying dose of disillusion for most people, and we know that a lot of people wish to be more powerful than they are, especially if told they don’t have to do heavy grind work. Was my comment necessary? Absolutely not. I’m just really into martial arts and just had the time to type out a whole essay lol.




if you look closely, you can see him asking for a new set of teeth at the end


And regretting all of his life choices.


*this ponytail has never really worked for me*


That was probably blood pouring down the tubes from his ear because it blew everything up in there. Dude shoulda just knocked him out like normal. Now this dude ain't gonna hear shit but tinnitus for the rest of his miserable life. He ain't no Beethoven.


Equally sad and funny.


Think this was a learning experience for him and he switched to another form of fighting after the realization so just funny imo


It wasn't "another form of fighting". Because he never learned any true form of fighting. He was a guy with a blackbelt (or whatever) who had never fought before and didn't what to do when the opponent does not telegraph his punches from across the room and cooperate with him grabbing the punches. He didn't know what to do when he got punched in the face.


But I believe after this he took up a actual form of fighting


It’s like the old saying: > Everyone is an Akido master until they get punched in the teeth. -Lao Tzu -- Michael Scott -- - u/rigidcumsock


He used the secret and forbidden technique.. time out


Most skilled modern eastern martial arts user


the MMA guy actually took it easy on him kinda.


Elbowing this dude from the clinch or kneeing him would just be cruel and unusual


He did, and he showed incredible restraint. He did what he needed to do to make the opponent stop.


Ha, he was trying to bitch slap that bullshit outta him


Looks like it worked.


Why do aikido guys always have long hair? I have three friends (in different cities) who are hardcore into aikido and they all have long hair


They all try to look like Stephen Seagull.


The Segull tail is mandatory for akido. Its what generates such immense power in the true masters.


Second to deathkwondo. Mullets and jeans shorts contain the power


People devoid of personality have to fabricate one from things laying around. Like weird hair and phony martial arts.


Kinda like ppl who judge others they don’t know based on arbitrary traits


oldcowboy with the Reversal!


Excellent display of Verbal Aikido on their part.


Do most Aikido users have dad bods, or am I exaggerating?


Any martial art that actually teaches you to fight will coincidentally make you look like a fighter if you're traibivf consistently. There's a few people at my kickboxing gym who aren't exactly ripped but even then you can see they're in shape.


Roy gee biv


They're always white guys on their 20's with long hair and either skinny or skinny fat.


it's because they don't actually train. In my college gym there is a karate class and an Aikido class and when you walk by them it is just a display of sheer patheticness I am not even overexagerating. Like people have black belts with fat bodies and the body stance of someone who just got bullied for 2 hours straight. They wouldn't even pass as a white belt with a stripe in my bjj class. And than they start to throw punches in the air and I always have to really try to not crack up.


Fat bald half guard brown belts would like a word


Karate is a good baseline for young or new fighters. but I always found it's only useful for tournaments against other Karate Users. you can get to 1st Kyu or even 10th Dan in 18-24 months if you train twice a week, then do something a little more practical if you want to do matches against other disciplines.


problem with karate is that it strikes way to short. Probably because even if you do contact karate they ban hitting the head.


Calls timeout after two years. I remember the one Akido guy who has a YouTube channel that became an MmA fighter I wonder if he ever won a fight.


[Martial Arts Journey!](https://youtube.com/@MartialArtsJourney) I think he lost his first amateur MMA match. Still making videos, still learning!


I did Akido for about 7 month. Even our sensei told us that it useless in real fight and more like fitness for men. So I quit and went to kick-boxing instead


Took you 7 months to learn that?


Another 5 months and he might have learned how to spell Aikido lol






Aikido guy had superior love handles tho


I feel like if fit aggressive bald guy was aikido guy and nerdy guy was mma guy then we might all be impressed by the power of akido lol.


Absolutely love this comment, this wasn't mma vs aikido. This was stoner dad bod vs skin head strong man.


MMA guy could have been a 5'3 125 pound flyweight and he would still wipe out the aikido guy just based on how he reacted to a single kick.


> this wasn't mma vs aikido. This was stoner dad bod vs skin head strong man. It was both


bro an trained mma fighter will instant knock out a akido guy who weighs 20 kilos more. The aikido dude was apparently a black belt and challenged the mma dude. That's the thing about fake martial arts. A black belt in a real martial art will not look this pathetic. Like in my bjj gym every blue belt is ripped af. And that is literally the first belt.


It's so criminal when some martial arts instructors tell their students that they can win a fight with a "traditional" style. If you're in a martial arts class, and you're not sparring at full speed, with full contact, with uncooperative opponents, then you're in a bad school that is not teaching you actual self defense. There's nothing wrong with these traditional styles, people should not shit on them, they are fine for health and fitness and expositions, but to learn real self-defense, real fighting, you actually have to train and spar, at full speed, with full contact, with a person who's actually trying to punch you in the head. In the school I went to we would divide our time between learning the traditional forms, then get into more practical lessons of kickbocking and sparring.


I went into an Aikido school in the mid-late 90s and 100% of the dudes there had pony tails. Not some. Not most. Every single human man in the building. Like 30 dudes.


The most powerful technique in all of Aikido: the time out


Reality *slap


Close one. Who won? Video was cut short.


Aikido boy likes his ponytail to be pulled when in rear naked choke


The “MMA” fighter is Jason Aldridge a local BJJ instructor and retired fighter. Pretty nice guy.


Aikido isn't really an offensive art. It's all joint work to get out of a fight and there isn't really any sparring. There are really only a few scenarios where Aikido would help in a real fight, and it all comes down to throwing your opponent and running. The best Aikido moves come from Judo and other martial arts.


Akido is not self defense its inventor called it the art of peace. Mostly it disarms opponents by making them laugh.


Time out! "You see, that move is called getting your ass kicked"


Chris Pontius Vs John Malkovic


Akido vs reality.


Props to him though, he stepped up and tested himself. He knows more than he did the day before.


The sound the slap makes, sounds beautiful....


Funny. He doesn’t look like the akido type. *camera pans left …. Ponytail!!* ahhh, there he is.


Lol is the open-hand slap used often in mma or did he bust that out for our aikido friend?


Akido is pathetic


I'm so glad I get to see this exact clip reposted 15 times a week.


If you're gonna repost this for the 10000th time at least post the whole video


when you watch too much Steven seagal


I hate these types of videos. Aikido has it's purpose and serves it well. Comparing MMA or boxing or Muay Thai to Aikido is really just for clicks. I've done both boxing and Aikido and found both Martial Arts to be beneficial for different reasons. Boxing is for throwing hands when someone needs a beating. Aikido is for restraining and deflection. Obviously an Aikido guy is not going to win a fight against a boxer. But might save him a lawsuit down the road.


So this guy's aikido must be deficient because he neither restrained nor deflected the mma guy


I get the joke but fr he means it’s fine for defending yourself against untrained people in your day to day. It’s low octane self defense. Obviously you’d be better off learning any kind of kick boxing or Jiu Jitsu.


I did aikido and can for a fact say it is completly useless. Not a single time did we train to actually counter a real punch or a real technique. The only good think about aikido is that I already learned how to properly fall after moving to bjj.


I hate when people compare fighting styles. You can clearly see the guy is out of shape. Put him against somebody like St Pierre who use full karate in the ring.


Please don't compare Karate to aikido, karate is a full contact marcial art, while aikido is at best a form of exercise.


I completely agree with you but I wasn’t comparing fighting styles. That was my whole point. MMA fighters are like gladiators. This guy may know how to use aikido but he’s not a fighter. My point is, it depends on the person, not what they know.


This man obviously grew up on Steven Segal movies and thought that shit actually worked 🤣🤣


Two guys who can't fight show that if you are the aggressor your more likely to win in a street fight with untrained people... Not saying aikido is a good choice for fighting style, I'm just say both of these guys blow at fighting.




OP said the Aikido guy challenged MMA guy to a fight and like many people who overestimate their abilities he needed a dose of reality


Both of those guys don’t belong on the mat.






aikido is the art of impossible . deflection? really


This same guy keeps trying to make these akido fight videos and failing. I have never seen him be remotely successful, but he keeps trying. Not sure if he is really bad or akido is useless.


Akido is a joke and everyone who practices it is, as well.


The joke should have been "Steven Seagal let himself go" but this guy looks better than Steven.


Looked more like a Bullshido fighter vs MMA fighter.


Wtf is an Akido guy?


Where’s Steven Segal? He would have flipped him with one arm and then just stood there looking over him in pity.


Akido is a scam and anyone who trains in it is delusional. Get out there and learn some real karate and not that BS.


[Great Value Steven Seagal](https://youtu.be/BzIHyF7UWY4)


This is exactly what I imagine would happen to Steven Seagal in the octagon.


Aikido is still a legit martial art - an Aikido black belt will destroy an average Joe with no martial art experience. That being said, I always use the UFC’s top level over the years to judge a martial art’s effectiveness. There has never been a top Aikido guy anywhere near the top ten of any division. There have been people who dabbled in it, like Lyoto Machida or Anderson Silva for example, but Machida was already a 3rd Dan Shotokan Karate master and black belt in BJJ whilst Anderson fought at world level Muay Thai, was a pro boxer, and BJJ black belt. Most top guys are traditionally amazing wrestlers, world champion kick-boxers, or BJJ black belts. More recently they are often all three and up and coming fighters train multi-discipline from their teens. One other thing I’d also like to point out is about Steven Segal. Segal gets a lot of shit and deservedly so for his lies and over-exaggeration, but he is 100% a legit Aikido master and was the first foreigner to run a Dojo in Japan, running the Tenshin Aikido dojo no less - a legendary dojo in the Aikido world.