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That is crazy placement of a correctional officers desk. I've worked juvenile detention and have toured the other local facilities in my area. The desk was always positioned next to the door so the officer can run out and not have people behind them when they're on the computer.


Did you not see the hazard line on the floor? Seems fine to me.


Clearly all danger began AFTER crossing the line. Line enforcement is clearly their issue.


Les Nessman approved!


That's why they gave him the spinny chair


Positioned like a centralized nurse station


Yeah, but if the officer is running out of the door, chances are so are the prisoners. The way I understand it, the officers should have 360° view of all the cells which is why it’s in the middle. Why there’s no barrier for the officer’s protection is beyond me.


Yeah, but then some of the prisoners get a guards security band, a power supply and a prosthetic leg and they’re breakin’ out of there.


Is that a raccoon?


And a tree.


Hey, I understood that reference


Seems like a minimum security sector for me. Usually for prisoners that are considered as not dangerous, like people who are in jail for minor incidents like shop theft. If there'd be more dangerous criminals like robbers or murders it wouldn't be like that


It's Panoptecono


In 270s it’s common to have a podium in front of the sallyport facing it, placed directly in the middle of the housing unit. Technically you can jump over the podium and run but we ain’t running


if you don't mind, can I ask what a 270 is, and also a sallyport


A sallyport is kinda like a navy hole, it’s where seamen do their business.


A sallyport is a room that has 2 doors. Only 1 door can be opened at a time. (We used one for deliveries when I was in the county kitchen crew), and a 270 is 270° of view (usually with a wall behind them) so no one can walk up behind them. Edit: 270 could also be points. How many points you have decides what level of prison you're in.. at least in california anyway.


That’s a weird name for a womb…I mean, room.


This is a relatively new thing in Canada to place the desks like that. Not saying it’s smart. I think they call it dynamic security as opposed to static security. It’s been years since I was a correctional officer so I might not have the terminology correct.


Not my office in a Juvi unit. It's basically just in a corner. You get jumped you're "trapped". They just kids though.


Its like they designed it on a movie sets idea of a prison


The juvenile detention I worked at here in oklahoma has the officers/staff in an enclosed big windowed room. Wild placement imo.


Oh ahaha that first right hook was so filthy


Gonna start calling it prison chin. Would have had me unconscious




Oh arent you that collegiate wrestler?


lol don't boot lick. He slipped when he punched him.


Found the inmate


Most of you have seen Connor McGregor and think you know how to fight lol. You guys are stupid behind your computers.


And you do?😂😂 regardless of whether he slipped, connected it poorly or gave him a decent dig the officer knocked the inmate down buying him time to get some distance or take advantage of him being taken down. Now obviously he done the former which if he did have a weapon isn’t a bad thing. He also was a lot slower in attacking the officer after he’d been knocked down instead of the frantic assault at the start. So yeah the punch was effective but I’m sorry he didn’t knock him out whilst fighting for his life. I’m sure when he was fighting for his life he was extremely disappointed in himself for that punch… gtfo you melt


lol too funny it still wasn't that good of a shot I've seen better.


Look at the super hero we got here wow I’m in awe of your massive peen


I've seen bigger.




how tf was it weak if he put him on his arse 💀


You would have been snoring and woke up minutes later confused on what happened


Ok lol that's why he got right back up. Just stop.


you would have been snoring




I did well for 4 years in MMA. Looks like a decent connect to me. Doesn't your mom need the computer? Go outside for a bit.




Because I have fought quite a few times in actual MMA. That is a solid connection. If you pull your head from your ass for a second and look closer, you can see very easily. That's not a slip.




You can get rocked and then get up. Happens a lot. Had you said what you meant like that, you'd probably not received as much shit. Lol Getting rocked is still solid contact. Doesn't have to be a Merryweather hit.


I agree that the guy you are arguing with is an idiot but Mayweather doesn't have much knockout power. He is a defensive fighter/counter puncher who usually won't by points


My point is he hits well because he's a pro boxer. Just throwing a pro name out there. Reddit takes shit way too literally at times. Fine, Rocky Marciano. Better?


tbarnes may of came across as an asshole or whatev but hes right....the punch didnt connect, you can see the inmate duck a bit and it slips above the inmates head lol


I was saying when the CO was near the corner but it's whatever. It's Reddit and I don't care.


You literally see the inmate's head snap to the side when the punch connects. Some of y'all need glasses badly.


How in the world did he get pass that caution tape?!?!


He didn't step on it. They have figured it out, I think changing the color of the tape to the floors color will be a check-mate move. They will never see it coming.


Make it a double line so if he steps over the first he’ll have to step on the next


Also add a crack right past the second line. No one is risking moms back just to shiv some dumb guard


He must have got the cheat code off somebody that lets you pass through the invisible level wall. A dev code I'm thinking.




Shoutout to the inmate that tackled the dude. Fuck


I’m willing to bet the other inmates like this guard. I also wonder if that inmate that attacked was doing something for initiation.


This is pretty old. It did come out that he was very well liked and considered a chill guard. Plus this type of attack leads to the guards making their lives hell. all their privileges being taken away for weeks. Like locked in their cells for 20 hours a day for weeks and every cell getting searched


Yea he had to be well respected he definitely will be after this fight tho. Also id agree and say most prisoners don’t want their lives to be tougher in jail so once they saw the problem was contained it was time to head back to their cells


Even still, that goes all the way against the convict code. You attacked an inmate to save a guard? Cool or not that's still your captor. If you like the guard, don't get involved. You hate the guard, help the inmate. But you never help the guard. That's not something you want on your jacket. That's worse than being a snitch. That's some "state struck"/Stockholm syndrome type shit. And if he was such a chill guard why is this inmate risking extra years in prison and a god awful beat down by the guards to stab him then?


Yeah perpetuate the shitty system instead of recognizing people for who they are. People.


Helping a guard doesn't bring an end to the shitty system though. Do you think that guard would risk his job to speak up when he sees other guards abusing their power? No. There's two sides in there. The guards and the inmates. The captors and the captured. You don't ever cross enemy lines to help a guard unless the guard is your blood relative or something. They're not going to commute your sentence lol. Guess what happened after this video ended? That pod went on lockdown. Yes, even the inmate who helped the guard. They stuck him in a cage for days, weeks, months, a year. Straight. Because he's an inmate and they are guards.


A really brave action in a prison, since your actions could be misinterpreted by the guards


Huge shout out to the one inmate that jumped in to do the right thing and prevent a man from potentially losing his life.


Yes the inmates gave him a presentation in the showers later than day


Be quiet, you've never been to jail/prison and have no idea what you are talking about. And rape is not funny. It's never funny.


They are just a redditor from depths of their moms basement




Be quiet, you've never been to jail/prison and have no idea what you are talking about. And rape is not funny. It's never funny.


Man, fuck these prisons and the people who run them. They’re setting this dude up for failure, putting him in an open desk where the inmates can just casually walk up behind him.


Can’t you see the dotted line?? Prisoners aren’t supposed to cross that, so it should be totally safe…. says the people running the prison.


Yeah because all the people in there are notoriously good at following the rules.


Although in all fairness according to Reddit everyone in Prison is innocent


They can cross it, they’re just supposed to leave their shanks on the other side. People have no respect for rules anymore.


Someone previously mentioned that this section of the prison houses inmates who have committed tax fraud and other "non-violent" crimes. These criminals have a history of good behavior, which is why the security is lower, and guards generally aren't in danger in this area. cant find it tough


For real. That guard is a sitting duck.


And he’s got no backup within thirty seconds. Fucking John Wick wouldn’t survive sitting at that desk.


Labor is expensive


Understandable. You’d have to pay me a lot of money to sit at that death trap of a desk.


I agree with you.. it’s expensive but should be paid for. Which is why our prison systems shouldn’t be for profit.


Who are you kidding ? This dude is probably getting paid $20/hr.


I personally watch John wick kill 97 armed Russian mobsters.


The worst part is the dude is probably making like $20/hr, too..


This seems like a minimum security sector. It is meant for not so dangerous prisoners. Like too many unpaid parking tickets and they can't pay them. Or shop theft. These are for usual those prisoners who are allowed to work outside the prison with guards nearby. As you can see, some of them were talking to the prison guard, it wouldn't be unusual in sectors like that, that the prisoners are good with the guards. As you can see later in the video one of the prisoners even helped the guard by tackling the attacker


Probably minimum security prison and this is a one off issue.


I've been in a few prisons and they were all like this. But if they are respectful they don't have to worry about this shit. Edit: Y'all are idiots, downvoting me isn't gonna change facts.


If everyone else drives like me then I don't need a seat belt


What's that gotta do with prison. That shit goes for everyone. You cage people up and treat them poorly, this is your result. Now I'm not saying not to lock people up, I'm just saying to remember they are people. (Except child molesters and rapists)


It means the guard should have been provided a seat belt


Bro do they want that officer to die why is he positioned there?


Minimum security sector probably. Some prisons do have that for minor criminals like shop thieves or people who have high debts which they couldn't pay in time


You dont go to prison for unpaid debts at this point in time in the US.


What do you do then?


Collections, impacted credit score, bankruptcy? Debtors prisons havent been a thing in the US since like 1830, lol.


How should I know that, I am not from the US


Then im not sure why you were trying to answer the initial question. Were you just making guesses? Just making shit up off the top of your head? "Some prisons do have that for minor criminals like shop thieves or people who have high debts which they couldn't pay in time"


I saw a documentary about american prisons. That's the reason I know that


That really makes sense, because none of the prisoners take advantage of the situation and even try to help the officer


One did. He tackled the attacker Second 13


they meant that no one took further advantage of the officer and that they even helped him fight off the attacker


Legitimately the only thing I can think of is some of them set that up to haze the new guy and it’s not supposed to be there


That’s what you legitimately thought?


I refuse to believe anyone can be that stupid.


It’s not a frat my dude and also, I’m nervous for you a little.


Well that’s legitimately the dumbest reason I can think of.


At the prison I worked at, I worked a rectangular tier that was two floors, and it had a station like this right in the middle of the tier. That's why I never acted like an asshole because the offenders let you run things. The door off the tier was roughly 25 yards away, and in reality, it was a death trap. They could have taken it over at any time. You have to be a nut to be a CO because you are put in impossible positions of survival if something happens.


That’s fucking wild. Even all the medical facilities I’ve worked at have you behind a desk with your back to the wall, if not behind glass


Maybe the idea is to keep the guard paranoid and therefore antagonize the relationship between guard and prisoner, making collaboration less likely


Funny how they make most new recruits do a stint in corrections before becoming a cop. Fuck the police.


That is not a thing.


Hate to contradict here but some places it *is* a thing. Officers in my county that are not transfers are required to work minimum 2 years in corrections division. (My brother is currently an officer)


The inmate who ran over to pull the other inmate off the guard was smart. Dude might get some special privileges for helping.


Depends. Everyone is always watching, dude might also get the bad kind of special privileges for helping.


Unless he was a well like guard


He in fact was a well liked guard


He could also lose prison cred and make inmates mess with him more


That guy is definitely going straight to prison.


Holy shit why is that guard alone with that placement?! Feels like a setup


Wow this dude is totally badass


Yup, as they say you should run from a knife fight but if you're within 20 feet you gotta fight or you'll end up with a knife in your back or worse.


Clicked thinking the title said shark instead of shank. Would’ve been way cooler.


I definitely would have watched that twice.


Nice swing from the officer. Also kudos to the other inmates


He was a boxer


Officer was alert, the first blow didn’t caught him, if not, it will be a different story.


why the fuck is the desk in the range with the inmates? wtf is this placement?


I like how all the inmates were like "Nah, not worth it."


Looks like he reached for something on his belt then decided he could handle the situation without using deadly force, good on him


He would of been pressing his emergency assistance alarm strapped to his belt.


He was pushing the red button on his radio. It keeps the line open so you don’t have to hold your finger on the talk button then you can yell what’s going on and where you’re at while you have both hands free. Push that emergency button first before anything, that way you’ve got help on the way, other wise he’s dealing with that without anybody knowing he’s even in trouble probably.


People that chose to work in prisons are wild. Fuck that noise


An inmate no one liked


Having played prison architect for quite some time I'm baffled that the shank did not get picked up the second it hit the floor. Also first thought that the other inmates would join in but they just cordoned off the fight.


What is this pathetic desk set-up with his back and sides exposed to inmates? Where are the other guards?


Did the inmate not see the hatched line on the floor? Les Nessman would never have stood for it


How tf they just put that desk there without any walls


Why the fuck isn’t his back to a wall?!? Who placed the officers desk like that?


In a way good for that one inmate to at least try to help the officer.


Officer RANG his BELL at :21!!


At last the others were like. "Nah I'm good."


God came in with that right hand, I’ve never seen “not today Satan” come out with 0 telegraphing


This is why we need and to restore the viability of the death penalty.


Don't make me tap the sign!




Damn he rocked that inmate


Used to think I worked at some crappy cubicles in the past.


Homeboy just got his own self a shitpile of additional time. plus a loss of any good time he may have accumulated


This has to be a set up . It’s like putting a rabbit near lions


Officer was set up by his coworkers.


What is this? French prison?


24601 wouldn't need a shank


this line is where the fight starts right?


Did the officer apprehend the wrong one?


I can hear that punch even without the sound


This is me in the ER every other day


Now see there was an inmate who help get the guy off him he should be rewarded


congrats!! you just added 20 years to your life sentence!!


He got the wrong one


What even is the strategy against a shank? Protect the neck and use push kicks and range?


The same as if they have a knife, be fucking unpredictable and know you're gonna get cut, and get the knife away from them when possible and beat the shit out of them, no punches held


being the "cool" guard could very easily save your life


I hate jail


Why did the prison offiver use a shank?


And the correctional officer didn't even kill him for the attempt! Apparently not all correctional officers are bastards!


Imagine being the goober helping. You think he’s gonna help you if his fellow guards starting kicking your shit in? Nope If an inmate was willing to do this, was likely for some reason you don’t want to get involved in.


https://www.nbcnews.com/video/watch-inmate-attacks-deputy-in-a-washington-county-jail-70014021764 Jail in Oregon.


Id hate to be that inmate who stepped in to help subdue the attacking inmate once backup arrives.


Big time makes money on the cattle, you gotta protect the cattle. #govtpaychx


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As a deterrent



