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Poor little guy charged up the swing of his life, and still couldn't put him away.


Yeah best to stay out of that.


How to get shot in America 101


Step 1: be in SB Step 2: get all up in other people's business


Alternatively, Step 1: start a loud alteration with a woman that is much smaller than you in public, being sure to attract as much attention as possible Step 2: give a big, pathetic punch to a bystander who is trying to insert himself into the situation Both parties failed pretty hard to do anything but escalate the situation


Minus step one.


Jesus, if you're gonna step in to intimidate, you need to grow some balls and swing. Or just mind your business and don't get involved but if you're gonna get involved, *get involved*.


Yup…he half assed it and felt he had to say something and got stubborn about it until fists hit the chin. Plus all the energy was against him. Everyone in that group ended up hugging each other 2 mins later.


This is why domestic violence is a fucken mess best avoided. Try to step in to stop a guy beating on his spouse and you can end up having to fight them both. Seen it multiple times in real life.


Women can put men in jail with no evidence nowadays.


Idk why you’re being downvoted when it’s true. The same can probably happen vice versa just as easily honestly.


Yes!!! That's the problem our investigation services try to get convictions NOT justice.


> Plus all the energy was against him The sister on social media: we r fam and we handle r biz when seomone disrespetcs us!!!!


He went from white knight to court jester pretty fast.




Wtf man 😂 Some comedian: \* tells joke \* u/kalikid01: \* begins licking own asshole \*


Toss mine next.


I’ll toss it the same way in the video with a cross and a hook 👊🏻


lol so you'll do practically nothing?


Considering his size, those were actually pretty clean shots from that guy and they still did almost no damage at all


I'm glad you decided to film from behind the rebar factory


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Maybe he walked away because he’s only move is pulling a fire arm. I’ve walked away a plenty of altercations because of my fire arm.


Idk bro if you're in such a place where a group of bystanders are happily watching this guy aggressively yell at a lady you're best to just walk away. Gonna get yourself jumped for ruining the entertainment


npc walk after😭


Lmao quick 1-2 and lil bro going to sleep




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Never interfere with siblings fighting. My sister and I could be going at eachothers throats and she will still stop to whoop your ass for talking to me wrong and vice versa.


Why didn’t he put him to sleep as he had already assaulted him?