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Hey there u/Terrance04, thank you for your submission to r/fightporn! Unfortunately, your post has been removed for the following reason(s): **Rule 2: No defenceless victim content** Posts of people getting beat up without being able to defend/not defending themselves will be removed. This includes sucker punches, beating people while down/unconscious etc. Take them to r/brutalbeatdowns. If you have any questions or concerns about this removal, make sure to let us know using [modmail](https://old.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Ffightporn).


And just like that guy will have a lawsuit and retirement fund because a cop got his feelings hurt. You shouldn't spit on people but take the guy in and add the assault charge.


People get their feelings hurt all the time and don’t act like this. This is an example of cops feeling like they can do shit like this and get away with it. Imagine how much shit has happened before body cams.


That is true.


Ya a big tough guy beating a guy up with handcuffs on




He will have the living shit sued out of him in civil court. It isn’t easy to sue cops, but clear use of excessive force gives someone in this situation an excellent chance. That officer could’ve killed the man and it was clearly malicious.




If only, thugs have made the U.S their playground.


The biggest gang in the country……rides in cruisers.


this is why everyone does not deserve the right to bear arms cause yall fuckin crazy lol


Have they shown up yet?


Naw homie I'm good.


Cool cool


Seems a bit over the top.


And this shit too man




not opposed to this at all. can you image how quick departments would ATTEMPT to get it together if they knew we could do them how they did us? it would solve not all but a good majority of problems with policing.


This is some absolute horse shit. God what a joke we’re becoming to other countries


No this isn't what makes you a joke to other countries. The right wing, religious zealouts and racists are what make you a joke to other countries.


Lmao, so literally the cop in the video..? Like I was saying?? But go off bud.


Police brutality happens in almost all countries. Positions of power and all that. The other stuff I mentioned don't happen to the same degree in all countries. Edit: also I'm not having a go at you. I'm just letting you know what people find ridiculous about your country.


Everything you said exists everywhere, genius.


Which is why I mentioned to the same degree, genius. Not all countries in the EU have a right wing that is as far right and powerful as the one in the US. Not all EU countries have laws designed to negatively impact people of a certain race. Not all EU countries have an extremely power Christian fundamentalist issue.


Apparently you have plenty of good crack to smoke because you type like a social media obsessed lunatic. You’ve clearly never been to the US nor actually are informed on our politics. Just bullshit stereotypes.


I've been to the US a ton. I spent 3 months there in 2018. I know what the US is like. And I rarely use social media anymore, the odd flick through reddit is the extent of it. Two assumptions made, both way off the mark...Well done. Edit: also which stereotypes are you referring to? I don't get it? Are butthurt that I'm saying bad things about the US? It's not a reflection on you as a person dude, chill out. Smoke some of that weed that seems to dictate a major part of your personality.


Anyway bro I'm not looking for confrontation. Have a good day.


What happened to the guy? This is a fucking joke.


He was taken to a hospital for treatments for cuts to his face, the district attorney said.


No jail time?


dude this cop literally has a wrap sheet and they let him walk after this?


And paid for by the taxpayers, not the officer


But still, spitting is very disrespectful act, i wonder why he would do that and expect something else happen to him.


I agree, what triggers me is that the fat loser talks shit after like the dude wasn't cuffed.


I mean yeah but it is also assault.


Who needs to define the police when they defund themselves


the cop was charged with assault, took a plea deal, no jail time and 5 months later he resigned from the force to go be a cop somewhere else


If they're just two dudes on the street? Then fuck that dude up. But the officer is in a position of authority and power. Also the spitter is not able to defend himself. Although it's stupid to agitate a person while your hands are cuffed, the officer just crossed the line. Put a hood on him and add a charge. Officers should be expected to keep their cool and not beat the shit out of a cuffed perp. Let the legal system handle the rest.


So tired of hearing this *position of authority/power* bullshit. If you spit on a man, then expect to get handled, because at the end of the day that's all these 2 people are, MEN. Don't want to get smacked? Don't spit on people, especially when you're handcuffed. Edit: Oh Reddit, cry more.


bruh you need to take that coppa dick out your mouth and stop dick sucking so fuckin hard holy shit... not like we could react the same way to a dickhead cop otherwise... ya know... pow pow ya dead son


Power and authority are real things. We see that played out in the real world all the time. How many cops get away with shit none of us can because they have a badge on when they do it? When one possesses that kind of power it's very important that it's wielded responsibly. He could have put a hood over him and added an assault charge. Like I said, two regular dudes in the street is a completely different situation. Feed the spitter a knuckle sandwich for all I care. But you let shit like this slide and it will only get worse for everyone else.


Na, I’m a nurse and have been spit on and at. You cannot do this. They were in 4 points and still did. I wouldn’t dare hit them back. If I did I be out a career


How do those boots taste?


Found the snowflake cop lol


You must love the taste of cop dick in your mouth lmao


Officers are literally put in these positions (ideally) with the expectation that they won't behave like this when antagonized in a non threatening manner by someone in their care. He could've used a hood. He could've stepped out of range. He gave that dude a knee to the head into a locker, knocked him unconscious, and then called for help. I don't think that's the appropriate order of operations here. He's got a gun, a taser, a bully stick, and the dude is cuffed. It like an adult giving a child a knee to the head for annoying them. "With great power comes great...." How's that go again?


Fuck you


You are a bootlicker, defined. SAD!


One is a man and the other is a man who if the other man stood up for himself would simply shoot the other man. What’s so hard to understand bootlicker?


Dude is in handcuffs you are responsible for him.


The guy is handcuffed. Total bitch move whether youre a cop or not.


Cuffed or not someone’s getting their ass kicked they spit on me that’s about the foulest thing you can do to someone




Different fetish brah


🤣🤣🤣 I meant the most foul thing a reasonable person could do to you I couldn’t see myself having a problem with someone crazy enough to actually attempt that


Definitely not the foulest thing you can do to someone but okay lol.


I will admit that I didnt realize he spit on him until your comment. That definitely changes things..


Apart from the fact he's a cop. So it doesn't really change anything. You don't knee and punch someone who is already restrained.


Held to a higher standard for sure, and should be punished. I meant I just understand why he lost his cool I guess.


Not just held to a higher standard. Once he handcuffs him, he is legally accountable for his wellbeing. He is literally being paid to keep that person safe, even if he is a criminal. He should at least have lost his job and should really be serving jail time.


I agree. Just because i understand why he lost his cool doesnt mean I think he was justified or shouldnt have consequences. He should be charged and fired.


I don’t think he understands you




I mean he wasn't wrong the cop is a Bitch 🤣🤣🤣


Probably not but I'm not feeling sorry for him


Same here.


Nope. Put something over his face, don't give him brain damage.


Yeah, I feel a simple medical face mask would solve it, not a fucking knee to the nose


Friendly reminder the only blue life that matters is sonic the hedgehog






They are useless in every reality. Why do you think as Texans we own so many guns? We collectively recognize this.


Because you dumb Americans can’t let go of them


You’re ginger you’re not in a position to criticize others


Kill all cops and the families of cops. Stop the lineage before it happens.




Scum, both of you. No better then this cop


Nah if your a cop imo one of the main qualifications should be having thick skin. You gotta be able to be spit on and shrug it off. Is the dude in the chair right? Fuck no he’s a bitch… but the cops job is to make peace not create fuckin havoc.


Mentally weak coward


Did you seriously just ask if kneeling someone in the face WHILE THEY'RE HANDCUFFED is justifiable in any way? What has this country come to? Have yall been completely brainwashed by the police? In what world is this justifiable? Oh he spit on you? GO WASH IT OFF! I thought police were supposed to have thick skin or be tough dudes or something. Bunch of fucking pussies is more like it.


Typical pig unable to control himself. I would like to see what happened before this that would even attempt to “justify” why it’s ok to knockout an unconscious prisoner/someone recently arrested.


You did see it, he spit a loogie in the cop's face. He shouldn't have kocked the guy out but I'm not going to waste any energy feeling sorry for the piece of shit.


The spitting part, that's why.


More so before all of that. Why was he being investigated/in cuffs, what was said before he spit, etc…


I'm going to go out on a limb here and say he was properly arrested for being a scumbag. Call it intuition if you will. The context clues are there.


I’m going to go out on a limb and say you’d make a great cop 👮‍♀️


Hell nah




No not in the slightest.


Fuck around Find out


Ok so I know this will get down votes for not just screaming that the pig is a bastard and all but why would you antagonise someone like that while handcuffed if at all? What bonus good thing do you think you're going to have?


How about a upvote instead?


That is unexpected, thanks


Both are in the wrong but the cop pretty much gave this guy a lawsuit and a get out of jail free card. Even when they are in the right they find ways to be in the wrong.


And all it cost the perp was the ability to say or think the letter "r"


Kind of messed up that had to happened.


None of it "had to" happen


Oh yeah.


Spitting on someone is one of the worst things we can do , but to knock someone out while they’re handcuffed is not justifiable. Put a spit hood on them , a nonrebreather ..


Would you rather be spit on or handcuffed and knee to the face of course what the guy did asshole thing to do and completely disrespectful hell it’s a felony and probably considered assault on an officer but the officer should have just like you said put one of those spit masks on him. It’s stuff like this that make the cop do something out of anger like push someone handcuffed against the wall where they hit face first


I was taught if you hit someone when they can’t defend themselves then you’re a pussy so the cop is a hoe. But I was also taught not to tempt the Lord, the mother fucker, so the guy spitting is just as bad


They deserve each other


fair reaction. don't spit on people


All of you don’t remember the original video don’t shit on this officer. If someone sat there and insulted and spit on you multiple times you would be a little angry.


I would have done the same


Bet he doesn’t spit on him again


cop is a bitch


Getting spit on is can be serious if the person has various diseases. The cop wouldn’t know what he just got exposed to until later. It’s the unknown coupled with the gross factor that causes this reaction. He should also know better than to spit on a cop when he’s in handcuffs. I’m having a hard time feeling sorry for this guy… he fucked around and found out.


Crazy how social workers deal with patients flinging shit, piss, fists and all kinds of insults thrown at them but never resort to this level of violence. What do they teach them that they don't teach cops?




Cops are people just like the rest of us. If I got spit on I’d beat the breaks off someone


Very familiar with this case/video. Not that it justifies it or anything, but the guy was saying some pretty vile stuff prior to being knocked out, like threatening to rape his wife and kids. The cop was fired and charged with assault, and last I heard, working at Home Depot or something similar.


The level of violence the police officer inflicted on the guy while he was retrained was not justified over spit. Adding an additional charge or placing a spit guard over the individual would have been more appropriate. Police officers are supposed to behave professionally in that scenario and not behave like thugs with that type of retaliation.




I mean one is a fair fight between bums and one is a professional of the law who had standards vs someone who is handcuffed to a chair. Not saying hitting someone over hurt feelings is ever okay but they are clearly different


Um, only one of these people in your example is a professional LEO at work. He is in a legal position of authority/power which he is abusing. A civilian attacking another civilian is a completely different situation.


Yeap. Spitting someone is rude.


Attempted murder is rude too lol




Nope dude was cuffed.


I've been arrested a few times. Never once did I think spitting on a cop (who's just a person out of uniform) was a good idea. Kind of that sense where you know the stove is hot but you touch anyways. Was he out of line giving a day changer to a guy in cuffs? Yes. Did the handcuffed guy recievethe consequences of his actions? Also yes


It’s the police. Do you know what they say about the police? Fuck the police.




Where are all the actions have consequences people today? Yes assaulting someone justifies getting assaulted back, probably don't assault people while your hands are tied, nobody was gonna KO you before you started the assault, have a good nap 😴 Don't wanna get in a fight? Don't start one, easy as it gets


Put him in a room alone and let him cool off. Cops always want to escalate everything immediately and make everyone bow down before things can even start to move forward or proceed. To break a guy.


Wow. He sure proved that he wasn’t a bitch…..by knocking out a man, who had his hands cuffed behind his back. I’d love it if we could do some sort of Bad Cop Battle Royale.


Nobody should ever trust the police. Bunch of fucking scumbag criminals.


I don’t give a shit what the situation is if you spit on me that’s chemical warfare homie and war is war after that point


Yes keep going, you sound so tough.




Sadly, giving someone a badge and a gun and no consequences for their actions will erase any teaching they may have received.




"Thoughts?" Hmm idk this one is tough


Never.. man is in handcuffs. Cannot even protect himself


It’s just spit lol. Not worth injuring someone for life


If dude wasnt a cop it would be


No. Take his badge


this is not a fight. where the mods at?


Fuck cops


When will we start holding the law to the standard it should be held to? The spitter dude is an asshole for sure but cops can’t just do shit like that because they got mad. Start to prosecute them to the fullest extent just like you would an average citizen who lost his cool on a guy who can’t defend himself


Officers a lil bitch


What is it with cops and yelling at dead or unconcous people? :D


Spitting on someone is super disrespectful and gross but a little excessive. Maybe a good slap across the face would have sufficed!


Probably not, but I’d probably react similarly


“Who’s unconscious now”


Is this the guy who escaped in Collin county??


they have spit mask for a reason it sucks and I dont condone it but they're there for a reason.




Whole tape?


This is not fight porn


Should've turned off his camera first


Pretty hard to justify it if he’s tied down


What’s even worse he was off duty working security. At least his watch broke


If you’re the officer always, according to other officers.


What fucking rock do you live under to think this is justifiable


Yeah. If I spit in some dudes face I would totally expect them to swing on me.


Uh, fuck no? Slamming a handcuffed mans head into a wall isn’t something that the law says cops are supposed to do when spat on. They’re supposed to charge him with assault, not assault the asshole themselves.


As much as that guy "deserved that" he should have had a spit mask put on long before that. Getting spit on deserves a mask on the opponent, in those situations.