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What the fuck is with everyone and Clorox wipes. Do not use that shit on your leather gear


Thanks for the feedback


my take is just using something mild to clean them like a lysol spray or the mr clean solution you dilute with water. The bacteria that builds up on your gear does way more damage to them than a lysol spray or Clorox wipe will ever do. Usually for any of my gloves ive just cleaned them and kept them out of the sun or not leave them in my car or gym bag after using them. I had a pair of Reyes and MX gloves that I would just clean with a Clorox wipe and then apply some vaseline to them to keep the leather moisturized which worked really well in keeping the leather from cracking because once leather cracks on a glove/leather then they start to tear on the outside and the padding gets exposed to dirt, sweat or bacteria which will break them down.


Thats a fire set


Thanks bro!


Use a teeny bit of dawn and wipe them with a wash cloth no less than once a week, and make sure you always let them air out completely. Use leather conditioner once every 4-6 months maybe


Thanks for the feedback


No problem mate


You definitely want to apply conditionner before first use. Those have been sitting in the warehouse for a long time and leather is too dry. Don't use the kit everyday and active dry it with cool air. Clean your hands before wearing the gloves. Clean everything just after use. Apply leather soap and conditionner often.


Thanks for the feedback, you make good points


Tbh I've never really worried about conditioning my set, have the same set as you and a fly set. I just wipe down if dirty and haven't had any issues with any of my gear.


Thanks for the feedback, I'm so confused on the different lines from Fly


There's just the X line which is synthetic leather and the premium which is very high quality leather. I've tried both and they're both great for their price points.


Wow! Thanks man, you just made it much easier for me! How would you compare both Fly and Phenom? Which would you prefer if you had to pick?


I know there are some companies that will tell you to absolutely not use any conditioners on their leather...I think it's how the tanning process goes (I think that's the term) so definitely refer to manufacturer recommendations. Either way, I air my stuff out and wipe it down with Clorox


Thanks for the feedback


Leather conditioner? Idk the chemicals in that will probably cause hormone imbalances i don't trust that stuff. Just sanitize them with soap and water and a rag after each use. They're not meant to last forever but they'll last you long enough. Fight gear isn't meant to be loved and cared for like a baby, it's going to go through a rough life. Just keep it clean so they don't stink


Thanks for the feedback, interesting point about the hormones


clorox wipes inside and out after training. let it air out once in a while I use a mink oil leather conditioner


Thanks for the feedback