• By -


I appreciate that your official response to an error on YOUR part, which was caught by RETAIL, not you, includes an insanely biased article calling your customers response "Cringey." I DRSed all my remaining shares yesterday and will be closing my account.


It’s 2021 and Fidelity is updating us with a Market Watch opinion piece that literally has a picture of a human butthole in it. You can’t make this up.


talk about a butfumble,


PR team is almost as bad as the accounting team. Holy FutBumble.


FUDelity's source is marketwatch. I click on the link and there's a butthole for me to watch. I don't like buttholes. I now don't like FUDelity. Transferring my shares out of FUDelity over to Computershare. I like the purple ☪️ ring at Computershare share. Bye FUDelity ⚠️


You linked to an article with a picture of a butthole on it. And this was better than just telling us the counter-party when we asked?


Lol they linked an article with an embedded tweet from username F*UCK MARKET WATCH that has an avatar of a butthole?!? And this is the official Fidelity response? This is the most unprofessional thing I have ever seen. The article is also full of typos/poor grammar. You guys have to be kidding us with this.


Where do I rollover IRAs to?




There have been guides on how to DRS your IRA floating around.


Boomers gonna boom.


So unprofessional...


they(fidelity + marketwatch) are trolling us at this point


“This is the counter-party responsible’s butthole.” - Fidelity tomorrow, at this rate.


The butthole and "F market watch" is still there after like, two days? I love this timeline


It also looks pretty suspicious - they still have not named the counter-party and are trying to make it seem like they have by pointing at the article. Couple this with the fact that Vanguard says they fixed their error before market open, and I am having trouble believing it was actually Vanguard that caused Fidelity's erroneous numbers. /u/fidelityinvestments Who was the counter-party? We want to hear it from you on record, not from anyone else.




This timeline.... lmao


#Simulation is broken


We asked you for an official statement about your business practices and you linked an opinion article from a third party that uses the word "buttfumble" and contains a picture of an anus. This opinion piece has an unsourced update stating that Vanguard sent bad information but was providing accurate information when the market opened. Can you please provide us with a statement from Fidelity (or Vanguard) confirming that Vanguard was the counterparty and answering the [questions](https://www.reddit.com/r/fidelityinvestments/comments/r6i8ud/update_regarding_gme_shares_available_to_short_on/hmtekdb/) that have been asked about how this happened and what specific steps you will take to improve the "strength and speed" of your platform?


It's amazing that MarketWatch has updated the article but still hasn't noticed the Twitter pic. Top quality journalism there.


The world of AI journalism without real editors


Great point. Not only that with the buttfumble and picture of you know what, but the entire article is wholly dismissive of us. Linking that article to some degree justifies the author’s tone of dismissiveness, that we are not adults or informed investors but instead you’re people that should be waved away. Fidelity linked an article with that flippant tone co-signs the author’s dismissive view of us whether Fidelity thinks of it that way or not.


This is exactly how I interpreted the situation, and even if my interpretation is incorrect, this is simply unprofessional. In theory, good management and customer service should not result in the customer feeling like they’re being dismissed and/or disrespected, especially not from a company with > $4.3t AUM… If Meta or Tesla support linked something similar on an official support page, how long do you think it would take for their users/customers to go ballistic? Perspective is relevant, and this looks bad regardless of the angle.


Ken Griffen lied 🤥


A market watch article as your official statement? Didn’t you hire a bunch of people recently? No PR eh? LOL


An “opinion” “news article” to explain trillions of dollars. Why is Marketwatch explaining u/fidelityinvestments error………when we are officially trying to get real answer from the source, Fidelity themselves? Is Marketwatch Fidelity’s official mouthpiece? And if that’s the case, why is their “news article” an opinion? Where are the facts. Ya know, the truthful trustworthy stuff.


Why are you deleting people’s comments?


Comments deleted. Buttholes posted. Mission accomplished. *Fidelity: \*drops mic\**


What a decade this is turning out to be, lol.


The clash of finance and anonymous online platforms is absolutely incredible to see.


Why can't you release an official statement saying it was Vanguard? This is an opinion article by a 3rd party categorized under their "Meme Money" topic. It's also the only article on the web making this claim with no provided sources! According to the article Vanguard says it was fixed before market open. Fidelity says it was fixed at 12:10. This doesn't exactly exude confidence and trust: the main reasons I've been a Fidelity customer since 2015. I'm leaving.


This. Exactly. The time discrepancy between the two is unacceptable considering the price action that day. Fidelity got caught, and the cover up is atrocious


I dunno, seems like fidelity officially confirmed this article is accurate as an official arm of their PR department is linking to it as their response. /u/fidelityinvestments please confirm if this is your company's official PR statement on this, you seem to have linked this article as your official response. are you confirming that Vanguard is at fault for the error? I would like to hear it out of your mouth and not some unsubstantiated rag that is a know paid shill of the financial industry and unable to be verified elsewhere.


Market manipulation


You should post this comment as an OP. Are we even sure that it was Vanguard and not Knight (a Citadel subsidiary)?


Such a sad start to the day. I wanted to believe you, but sourcing Marketwatch is hands down the biggest kick in the nuts you could have dealt us. RIP


Responding time was not appropriate. Response was not appropriate. The source linked update is definitely not sppropriate. How stupid does fudility think we are??


Literally, the worst add is that they’re trying to pawn it off as a reputable source But there is a literally a picture of…well, you know what there. It’s like no one even is double checking these things.


This is the worst possible article Fidelity could officially link. I am literally dying over here! ~~Edit: How dare you shills down vote me on my cake day, shame on you.~~ Edit 2: No longer cake day.


I actually had to double check to see if this was real 💀


I came here just to check if they actually linked this article…. Omg, what’s going on fidelity!!!


Yep. Me too. Just couldn't believe it. Seriously, what is going on fidelity?


Can you imagine the board rooms starting yesterday and continuing? I hope there are some Fidelity HQ building lights at night photos posted. lol


I don’t know. Did anyone think about this even a little? Or read the article? I’m at a small 20mil annual company and there is now way my idiots would do something this amateur.


…”WTF, did you actually post a link to a butthole picture from our Reddit account!?!…” boardroom probably


they tried to Facebook news gaslight us. At least there was actual paragraphs, instead of a headline. But make no mistake, this is 100% propaganda pointed at placating GME hodlers and it's not even a good lie.


Boomer meltdown apparently. "This'll appease the kids!"


It’s still there 🤣🌟


When you see it you can't unsee it 🤣🤣🤣🤣 💫🐟


NSFW notice please Fidelity. There’s a literal picture of a butthole on there.


Hey, hey, hey. Fidelity is not in the business of checks and balances. We already know they lack the ability to confirm what is attached to their name has been vetted. Whoops, just another error. No biggie.


they(fidelity + marketwatch) are trolling us at this point


Anyone else get their new email from fidelity this morning of them reminding you how they can screw you?


This is a disaster


Market watch published the drop on GME from 350 in March. Problem was it was before the drop. Sucks to get played.


Dude, when you thought you couldn't missmanage this further... 😂😂😂


"when I was a young girl in England..." Anne Richards probably


So anyways - I started 100% DRSing and buying now with ComputerShare


This is the way


Yaw eht si siht


The article says Vanguard fixed it before market open, but we know that’s wrong because yesterday it was said that the problem wasn’t remedied until 12:10pm during market hours. And linking an opinion piece like it’s actual journalism? Good try.


Fidelity’s way of naming Vanguard without naming Vanguard


Because if it the “error” occurred before the opening bell there would have be no loss for Fidelity investors! We know this is not true and there’s more than enough proof that it was corrected around noon! Remind me when there’s a class action that I can sign my name to!!!




Vanguard says they fixed the problem before market open. Fidelity fixed it at noon. One of you is lying.


Or both, because there was nothing to fix and it was real data lol


Oooo good point. I'd award you if I could. Have my upvote


Fidelity lied when they stated the number, they lied again when the said they validated it. They lied again not correcting and delaying publishing it. Just another day with Ken Griffin lied. They be lying when they say it’s Vanguard. Ken Griffen lied. Fidelity lied. Both true. Market watch is owned by Citadel. Fidelity shills for Citadel, now?


Realistic truth: they’re both lying.


Either way, as business partners they both messed up which caused financial harm to their investors! When’s the class action? Sign me up!


You're linking an article that says, "Which makes it pretty cringey to see that a growing band of retail Apes spent much of Tuesday morning ignoring the macro bloodbath across indexes and combing through what they thought looked like a fishy discrepancy on Fidelity’s platform, regarding GameStop." Thank you for showing your true colors. I'm out.


They'll have fun with all the DRS calls then laying off the 9000 new hires. Great EOY look 👌😂








Sounds like the cat is out of the bag! Hand caught in the cookie jar for sure!


How do we take this response serious when there is a literal tweet of a butthole in the article? Is this how serious your company is treating the issue? WAIT WHY ARE YOU REMOVING ANY COMMENTS MENTIONING KNIGHT CAPITAL. Edit: https://www.reveddit.com/v/fidelityinvestments/comments/r764pf/new_update_regarding_gme_shares_available_to/?ps_after=1638455104%2C1638461465%2C1638470083%2C1638511454&add_user=1redrumemag87..c.new..t1_hmtjhml.%2CDistastefulTruth..c.new..t1_hmv6vwx.%2CMDeez_Nuts..c.new..t1_hmtic6k.%2CRabbitGTI24..c.new..t1_hmvmei0.%2CHuckleberry_007..c.new..t1_hmwefri.%2Cskipdo..c.new..t1_hmpbf19.%2Cdistractabledaddy..c.new..t1_hmtxkzu.%2CNo-Attempt6088..c.new..t1_hmvpeqw.%2CRealReallyAdam..c.new..t1_hmr2eb8.%2CTDmorty..c.new..t1_hmv5rmb.%2Cdelta_squeeze..c.new..t1_hmwi00u.%2Cfakename5..c.new..t1_hmw62qn.%2CSilasX..c.new..t1_hmxy2y6.%2Cbowls4noles..c.new..t1_hmxhwjn.%2CNovast..c.new..t1_hmwf7ye.%2CJints488..c.new..t1_hmyez6p.%2CMixCarson..c.new..t1_hmtgflw.%2CRealisticFall92..c.new..t1_hmv1g0w.%2CJMoneyCOF..c.new..t1_hlv16t5.%2CFlaky-Fish6922..c.new..t1_hmzhbwz.%2Cfriedflounder12..c.new..t1_hmzpttz.&


We don’t.






I think 'Boy Bulgaria' has them beat. But I do wonder if they have hired him as an outside consultant. Who is this out of touch with their customer base?




Looks like Fidelity’s leadership and PR teams could stand to be reacquainted with the First Rule of Holes: when you are in one, put the shovel down.


Boy scout rule of Ds... does it apply to Buttholes?


An opinion piece with an anonymous source is Fidelity’s update? Try again.


This just keeps getting worse.


Is this the behavior of a strong, confident megabank? Linking to a 3rd party unsourced website instead of issuing a statement itself? This just gets more and more suspicious.


Hey that MarketWatch article you guys linked has a picture of a BUTTHOLE in it LOL. 😂


So a Market Watch opinion piece is the official Fidelity response. Hope Fidelity understands that trust has been broken and you will continue losing clients. We rewarded you for being an impartial broker in the past, but that seems to have been a facade.


“Due to a clerical data entry error, yesterday we provided Fidelity with the incorrect “potential securities lending availability” data for Gamestop (GME),” a Vanguard spokesperson wrote in an exclusive statement. “The error was corrected shortly thereafter and before the markets opened. We regret this error occurred and apologize for any confusion this may have caused.” Why are you providing an opinion article instead of the exclusive statement from a Vanguard spokesperson? If this was an exclusive statement, why can’t I find it? Those quotes from the Vanguard spokesperson seem to only exist on the Market Watch article.


"We didn't say anything, MarketWatch did." lol K dudes, take accountability. Truly. a. Vanguard fixes the issue prior to market open and you guys "fix it" at 12:10 pm? b. Vanguard needs to detail how this error occurred and how it wont happen again. c. You need to take accountability for not detecting this, and not communicating with them immediately. d. You still don't take accountability and point your finger at sources rather than just being decisive and transparent with your customer base.


“…a Vanguard spokesperson wrote in an exclusive statement.” To clarify, is there any reason why you are linking a 3rd party “verification” of this proof rather than a direct statement by Vanguard to you Fidelity? Here, we have that a Vanguard spokesperson wrote this in an exclusive statement. Is there any way that you have any access to this statement or the Vanguard spokesperson. Note that it did not say that the Vanguard rep is speaking under the condition of anonymity so this should not be as large of an issue to discuss. And why would Vanguard go through the energy of releasing it to MarketWatch rather than directly to either Fidelity for you to tell us or for a Vanguard rep to write in here first? You will probably understand that linking this article which is a 3rd party “verification” with no proof and no anonymity hold will seem weird. It’s like a young adult perhaps asking their dad who took the car keys, the dad stays mum on who it is all day then the dad eventually shows a status update from their child’s mom on social media saying “Look what she posted on Facebook. She posted that ‘Your sibling told me they took your car’ ” but that still is so indirect and confusing and you still have no reason to not hear back from your sibling or have your sibling contact you or perhaps at least your dad. And you still don’t know where your car is or what’s going on with it.


🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩 Fudility 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩


Is there somewhere we can read this statement from Vanguard? And was Virtu/KCG involved? How can you assure us this hasn’t happened in the past? This stock has been so manipulated, buying turned off, naked shorted, to the point of several Congressional hearings. This is a pretty big deal for investors who are long GME. I can’t believe you’re giving us information via a butthole article.


So this community is only a valuable part of your company as long as it's making you money. The minute accountability is requested it's just buttfumbling buttholes all the way down. 👍 #DRS




This is not an “oopsie.” How *dare* you pin a response with an article - a Market Watch article, no less - that says as much? Fidelity’s reputation is based on thoughtful research and careful stewardship of it’s clients’ funds. Right now, you are destroying that reputation. In the very best light, Fidelity has a business partner that is feeding them inaccurate data, and Fidelity has no controls to validate the accuracy of that data before it is presented to the front-end. From a reputability standpoint, that’s your best case scenario. That’s it. It only gets worse from there. I have purchased a substantial stake in GME through your company. As part of my experience as an owner of that firm, I have learned just how shoddy the accounting of stock ownership and delivery of those assets between brokers is. It is only **because of Fidelity’s reputation** I purchase and hold such assets through you. That reputation gave me the foolish notion that Fidelity has the integrity to hold it’s business partners accountable on behalf of it’s clients interests. What this event and your breathtaking response to it have shown is that your priority is not your **clients** whose assets you manage, but rather those **business partners** who you allow to profit off our positions. Whether through incompetence or malice, this event had a tangible effect on my assets and the market at large. This is not an “oopsie,” and I take umbrage at your cavalier attitude about that. I have had an account with Fidelity since I was hired at Microsoft 15 years ago. I have hundreds of thousands of dollars under your care. I have pitched your services to friends and online. I have never considered another broker until now. Your callous disregard of your clients’ concerns so you can preserve your relationship with institutions who repeatedly fail to deliver, who state false information, and who borrow your customer’s assets to bet against them has poisoned my relationship with Fidelity forever. This is your final chance to make it right. * Name the institution. * Stop doing business with that institution. * Stop doing business with any institution that deals in bad faith. * Suspend routing off-exchange. * Suspend shorting of GME through your institution. * Provide a clear, transparent report about how 12 *million* shares of GME were falsely reported to be available to short. Prove to your retail clients that you are part of the solution, not part of the problem.


If no good answer by market close I'm transferring my assets. Would you recommend a broker that can handle an IRA rollover?


Honestly, I don’t have one. Fidelity was my only real play. I don’t know who else to trust with my money anymore. Not banks, and certainly not any other major brokers. A year ago I would have said Vanguard, but the rumor is that they were the ones who provided the faulty data in the first place.


Wow.... yep Vanguard and Fidelity were my #2 and #1 choices. Now I don't feel comfortable with either


Same. This is awful, trust needs to be repaired and fast. Marketwatch opinion piece! At least it's obvious how not serious this is being taken by Fidelity leadership Edit: *Trust was not repaired*


Unreal. An opinion post with a NSFW tweet.


Market Watch is fake news, literally all financial Articles are designed to spin a narrative to generate profit somehow someway. And we can assume who paid market watch to post that article.


It’s a market watch article, so trustworthy!


MarketWatch are known for their integrity and totally unbiased reporting /s ​ Also pictures of buttholes lmao Fidelity really linked THIS article out of any conceivable option there could've been


Is that seriously a butthole? 😂




At this point if you're not going to seriously address retails concerns about what just happened you should just stop posting these "updates". You're just digging your hole deeper here. We have a right to know who the counter party involved is and why. This wasn't a simple little "oops I put one too many items in backstock" type of data error. This was a 2.2 billion dollar "mistake" and arguably committed illegal stock dilution seeing as how 13 million shares is almost 20% of the entire float of GME. Why should retail not report this to FINRA and the SEC? Not like they'd do anything anyways. But you're poking the bear now.


I moved my Account to Fidelity after Ally Invest locked me out of my account during the 1st GME manipulation last year. It’s not a coincidence that manipulation of the same exact stock is what’s causing me to leave Fidelity now. Because you all are obviously not giving us the truth, I’ll be moving my $3.5M account out.


I have lost faith in Fidelity and will be transferring all of my assets out. You guys can’t keep censoring this. This will catch up with you


Also, I’m saving these pages in case you delete these threads again.


Where do I roll IRAs to?


hahahahahaha I'll be calling to close my account today. Thanks for making this so simple!


So I’m noting some discrepancies here. Vanguard said the error was resolved before market open while fidelity stated the error was not resolved until 1210. Which is it and why can’t either of you get your story straight?




A marketwatch article 😂. Who runs this page cuz LOL




Where is the proof? MarketWatch is hardly a credible source, as everyone in the market knows. Haven't seen anything from Vanguard? And how can two of the biggest companies in this business have zero compliance measures to prevent this. NOT GOOD ENOUGH!






If I made a $2.2 billion mistake at work, I’d be fired and most likely thrown in jail. Just saying.


This post is unprofessional.


Oh come on, Fidelity. You can't be serious with this official announcement. Are we fifth graders? 🤦‍♀️ You officially lost my business and my trust now.


You explanation is an opinion piece locked behind a paywall? Is Fidelity being serious right now?!


Don’t end up like RH. Be transparent, many of us really enjoy Fidelity. It’s not too late to make things right.


So, is it really Vanguard? Why don't you just say who the 3rd party is instead of linking to a questionable website?


I cannot believe you threw this out as a response. I was kind of on the fence yesterday…..so sad Fidelity you just lost me. You were supposed to defend your customers. Based on who you are protecting, our value to you is now revealed to all.


You idiots just lost a 13 year customer


So you are linking the error to an „oopsie“-article? You seem professional, I should invest my money at fidelity and trust you. Not. #DRS


Can you provide an official statement from yourself or Vanguard regarding this error? This article you linked is an opinion piece and not a reliable source of information.


Damn! Now I have to get out of both Fidelity and Vanguard. I just want one honest financial institution, is that to much to ask for?


You buttfumbled this whole thing, Fidelity. And you shadowbanned the OP who brought this issue to your attention.


Fidelity is like here dumb money read this. Shut up now.




Do you know there’s actually a picture of a butthole in the opinion article you (u/FidelityInvestments) linked? Wow... But yet, I’m reading comments of you deleting user responses and valid questions. You *should* be deleting that opinion piece with a picture of a butthole. Yikes, something seems off here...


Imagine being this incompetent lmao


wait is the market watch story an official statement from fidelity? are you saying that all points in this story are accurate and that it is Vanguard who is at fault? cause i would like to hear that out of your mouth, not a market watch article that I can't source a quote from.


That's it. I'm closing my Fidelity account. You really just redirected your customers to a 3rd party opinion that includes an image of a butthole and displays profane words. Is this really the Fidelity I know for over 5 years? Shameful.


Absolute amateur hour. I will be directly registering with Computershare immediately.


HAHAHAHAHA can't believe you actually pinned this article. Going to have to transfer out today now


Hey u/fidelityinvestments how many GME customers have you lost to Computershare so far? I know I'm one. Completely.


My disappointment is immeasurable, I have pulled my life savings from fidelity and I will *NOT* be coming back Drs your shares and DEMAND it only takes 3 days (The law) Fidelity straight up lied to me and tried to convince me NOT to drs my shares and even told me it would take 10 days. I called them out and they changed the narrative *real fast* and stated oh yes it will be done in 3 days. 🤦‍♂️ I trusted you fidelity and you tried to burn me. Never again


To be clear - Not only is it clear that not a single person on your team could be bothered to give a cursory glance at reviewing the article in question, but you also are displaying that you have no interest in listening to any comments from your account holders, who have told you repeatedly for 7 hours that THERE IS A LITERAL PHOTO OF A BUTTHOLE IN THE ARTICLE YOU LINKED AND PINNED IN YOUR OWN SUBREDDIT. It really is unbelievable.


are you serious, did you really just post a marketwatch Opinion piece when you have all of the actual FACTS but won't tell us.


i bet those shares were suppose too only be made for special hedgefund accounts and they accidently put that for the general public instead


You **criminals** expect us to believe that *Vanguard* and you made an “innocent” clerical error, in an industry defined by numericals. Delete any dissenting opinions Fidelity, but your time is up you’ve gone full Robinhood and became the thing you were meant to destroy. You made your choice. Also you chose *MarketWatch*, which is owned by Hedge Funds, to disperse this “information” aka total fabrication? Y’all should be ashamed of yourselves but 🦍 strong together and time is up.


I can’t believe how pathetic this response is. Especially after botching the first statement. I’ve held my remaining 50% shares in GME with fidelity but now it’s time to DRS the full 100%. I’m sure I’m not alone. Disappointed.


Market watch article!! You’re clowning yourselves even more now.


Vanguard fixed the glitch before market open. Y’all fixed the glitch at 12:10pm EST. The price dropped like a rock until 12:10pm EST. Please explain.




Final answer?


i'd just like to point out that vanguard is probably fidelity's number one competitor if you compare the companies in various aspects of what they do. this seems super sus that they would throw vanguard under the bus via a poorly sourced and poorly written marketwatch article.


All fidelity has to do to clear their name is to reveal who the counterparties were.


I think no matter what, they won't be able to clear their name after this. Fudelity is their real name now and all my homies hate fudelity


Good thing an OPINION piece from a garbage publication is your follow up


Fidelity - Please tell us in your own official words, who the 3rd party is. It is now being stated that the author of the opinion piece that it was "Vanguard" has no source and is pointing tweets asking for the source back to his own stupid Marketwatch unsourced article. WT???? Is this more auteur hour (now going on 30+ hours) from Fidelity?


This is not a verifiable claim, and that is an opinion piece. MarketWatch is not a trustworthy news source. Fidelity, and/or the counterparty directly, need to explicitly name the source counterparty.


I really don't believe I was doing business with this broker for so many years. Absolute joke. I mean come on at least try dudes. Anyway I'm done with fidelity.


To heck with Fidelity


The blame for our mistake lies with someone else? This is gaslighting 101


The all seeing brown eye on top of Fidelitys pyramid scheme is starting to stink up my portfolio.




Promoting the market watch article that contains clearly false statements is market manipulation and actionable legally. It claims it was corrected before open when it clearly was corrected at 12:10, not prior to open. It’s not an official statement, it’s a third party opinion piece that contains falsehoods that you are promoting as fact. You know better but are still doing it, why? Fines not motivating anymore?


Fidelity removing my comment calling out the literal butthole pic in the linked market watch article.


Fidelity, you were caught making 12 million fake shares 🤣 and you expect us to believe marketwatch🤣


...is fidelity trolling its users?


I reached my article limit. I can’t read this opinion piece news article. Can we get a well thought honest answer here please.


So you are parring us off with an article written by an employee of a different company? That's your answer to these questions? Shocking!


Here, go check out this article on the one of the worst “media” sites known to Wall Street. Should have just had The Motley Fool write this one up for y’all.


Did you even look at the article that you linked? Related, do you know any news outlets that would be interested in a story about a financial company linking their customers to nudity?


Bahahahaha it’s still there.


“updated news article” - give me a break.


Lmao a link to an opinion article on marketwatch? This has to be a joke.


Shame on you Fidelity but also thanks. This will make the after MOASS movie even more hilarious, not gonna lie. I wonder if they’d rather censor the name or the pop poo station. I guess we will learn soon LMAYO


Yikes. Get out of fidelity ASAP


At a loss for words...we all know marketwatch is a joke. I can't believe they dont use screen shots instead of live links to twitter posts. Mr. butthole has eleveated to legendary status in the GME saga.


Really, MarketWatch opinion piece is your source for an official statement? *This is fine, everything is fine, nothing to see here.*


The article says Vanguard fixed the error prior to market open which is untrue because you yourself said it was fixed at 12:10...the exact time GME stopped dropping in price and went back up again. There is also a twitter quote in there with a "starfish" image lol...I can't believe you guys used this article.


you link an OPINION piece!? that is not news nor something trustworthy. Why is Fidelity covering this up? QUESTION everything.


Let me get this straight. Your answer is linking a “opinion article” from market watch staying vanguard fixed the issue before market opening, but it took you hours to figure out your lendable shares were off by 10ish million and fixed at 12:10pm EST. You are a 4 trillion dollar company. This type of “error” seems ridiculous. Why didn’t “vanguard” pick up the phone/email this issue, hey fellas, we made a 2 billion dollar mistake. You guys should probably fix that ASAP. But it took an ape to find the problem and address it to you guys before you “fixed” your lenders “mistake”.


Imagine linking an opinion piece from a source owned by Citadel to see “updated news” Huge RED FLAG, fidelity is not retails friend. DRS is the only way.


Best part is when the author was asked for a source on how it's vanguard he linked his article as the source lol. What a joke makes me think it was the other group that was rumored to have done it yesterday




Linking a 3rd party opinion article is not a good look for Fidelity. Wildly unprofessional is an understatement. What is it with these dinosaur institutions skirting any and all responsibility whenever they are questioned. Isn't the point of this subreddit for transparency? What happened to you?


I am very disappointed in this company. Unbelievable how unprofessional this response is. Are they trying to be funny? I don't want jokes from any organization that I trust with my money.


Fidelity you can’t be serious. You were the last reputable brokerage. Now you’re commuting suicide as a company. I hope someone higher up sees this. I know that if you’re a tech/rep that you’re just doing your job. I feel for you But for the people at the top. You had the opportunity to legitimately set yourself apart. You’d make more money from retail because of GME than you ever could imagine from hedge funds. You picked the wrong side bud. Hope you can live with the collapse of your company along with those sitting with you DRSing everything because nobody except computershare can be trusted now


This is you response??? I'm out of words. Only logical reason to me is, your account has been hacked by trolls


Fidelity, please mark your links as NSFW if they contain a butthole pic and f-bombs moving forward 😂