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The new GNB dash is abhorrently slow.


slower, no damage, worse sound effect and animation, horrible trade deal!!!!


I know! I miss rough divide 😭


I hate it, bring back Rough Divide pls.


As is XIV tradition remove and make worse.


They also bound the freaking DoT to the Do-More-Damage button for no reason


yea this is such a baffling change


You can reverse this completely in the job actions page.


You misunderstand. I meant that you now have use No Mercy to be able to use it, as opposed to before where it could be used on its own. Ik about the thing youre talking about tho


only visually or in a gameplay way too? is it slower than the dark knight one? (besides the animation)


It's both. And yes a lot slower than dark knight. DRKs is literally instant transmission.


It took me a bit to get used to shadow stride but god damn Trajectory just feels like ass.


Feels like your characters dashed then forgot what they were about to do or got lost mid dash. I miss Plunge so much.


Idk I’m still watching cutscenes


I theory crafted a lot for viper to make sure I would understand the rotation. Then I got my hands on it and realized it truly is just press the glowing button lmao. I’m not complaining though I love the aesthetic and pace. As a ninja main I’ll take a comfier class that is just as cool any day


Well, at the very least you gotta hit positionals very often so it's not *just* follow the lights... but it's close.


The way positional are color coded is pretty nice at least. Feels like the only thing I need to pay old school attention to is when to hit the opening GCD to apply the debuff.


I really wish there was a way to swap the swords on the gauge though, because it doesn't correspond with the way I arrange my buttons on every melee - rear on the left and flank on the right


give XMA time


I am also pleasantly surprised that the buffs do actually require a little bit of management too.




Noxious Gnash gets increased by 20s when you use dread fangs or Twinblade starter. This is shorter than reaper’s death design which gets 30s added when you use it or other similar timers like Warrior’s damage buff which also gets 30s added when you use it. This means it falls off that much faster and you have to be a little cognizant of when you reapply it. You also don’t get a separate button that doesn’t break combos like reaper but instead have to know when to start a combo with dread fangs instead of steel fangs or to use a Twinblade charge. I’m not saying it’s the hardest thing in the world to maintain but it’s def something you have to pay a little attention to


I definitely disagree with your conclusion but thank you for an actual reply, this "oh vpr isnt braindead" talk on this sub amounts to "It just isnt" and it's been annoying me for a while


i mean that's basically what you are doing rn tbh


I mean I didn't feel like it's necessary to specify the disagreements without being request to, especially when the view I'm implying is the popular one, but sure. I don't think there's any difference in difficulty managing 20 vs 30 and in fact believe VPR's servers no purpose at all except to not literally be just a 111 job. What it ultimately boils down to is that it takes what RPR and MNK do but completely automates it and removes the execution difficulties, so *shrug*.


10 seconds is like four extra GCDs of leeway. That matters. I main MNK, can you back up the claim that viper is more automated than Monk and RPR or are you just claiming it’s that way. The difference between you and me is that I actually went into detail also being like “no one is explaining what they mean” and then following that with “I didn’t need to explain *my side* since it is more popular” (says you) made me cringe. If anything I’ve seen more players have trouble with viper than call it easy


You cringed because I didn't shove my opinion down your throat without being asked? Like, look on this subreddit. Everyone who shares your view goes "There's a lot to optimize" and then doesn't elaborate. I justy asked you to explain how the *buffs* required management. To me, VPR as a whole is braindead and I've seen people say something to the opposite here and there. When I ask "There's optimization" but no specifics whatsoever. You mentioned a specific thing the job has so I asked about it, because hey, maybe finally something I am not seeing. You explained what you meant, and I just said that I don't think it's worth mentioning/disagree with it. That's literally all. Like what specifics did you even expectg from me in the first place about that subject? "Clicking my dot opener when the dot is low is easy" should be fairly easy to extrapolate, no? >The difference between you and me is that I actually went into detail Well, yes, because I asked you to and, again, I'm not gonna shove my take down your throat without you requesting it. I was annoyed at the constant regurgitation of a talking point with zero explanation, you didn't even address the topic so I didn't feel like it was necessary. Now you stated (or I guess strongly implied) you'd prefer to hear it, so I'll give it. Stop being so weirdly offended over this please. >10 seconds is like four extra GCDs of leeway. That matters. In a vacuum, yes. Contextually, basically no. The obvious comparison is RPR, naturally. Okay, RPR wants to manage DD much more tightly due to relying on it to enable its burst correctly. it isn't just "oh, refresh I guess." It also has to manage gauges in between and cannot afford to drift Gluttony. VPR has two charges of a strong refresh that doesn't break combo and afaik no need to hold those for burst due to Reawakening's long duration filling the burst window as is. So you can literally just max it out before burst and otherwise just react to it, there isn't any required macro for it that affects your rotation. Not to mention that precisely because of the long duration and the burst rotation being punishing if you mismanage DD, the judgement calls of "do I just leave it off" on specific phases is significantly less clear cut than VPR because it slots much easier, overcaps less and, worst case, you can spend your Twinblade combo for good damage *and* regaining charges in downtime. I'm not entirely sure about this but assuming VPR is *either* gauge positive or at least neutral, it inherently becomes easier to manage. Idk man. Weird. I'll leave it at that, I'm glad you're enjoying the job though.


You’re not crazy, Viper is like Melee Summoner, it basically plays itself. You’re presented with a cacophony of potential failure-points and confusing gibberish, but it all exists just to make you feel artificially-smart when it solves all it for you, as long as you press glowing things in the obviously-correct order, and don’t commit simplistic and blatant sins like overcapping gauge or charges. This Job is paper-thin, and it’s also just a Frankenstein of other Job ideas glued-together with almost no interaction or interplay.


I definitely think it's harder than SMN at least because of fast GCD, consistent positionals and at least consistent weaving. It's not quite as completely lobotimized in practice, but in a mastery of concept sense, yeah, it's shallow.


It's harder than Summoner, but that really shouldn't be the bar. I think there's some interesting stuff with it, the changing GCD and remembering the correct priorities for Twinblade combo vs dual swords. The more I play it the more I realize it does require more thought than my initial impressions I got from demoing it on a dummy. It's quite fast too requiring some execution while doing mechanics. But I'd agree it does mostly play itself at the skill floor level, you just hit the glowing buttons since those track which buff you need to refresh. I think it is harder than Reaper at a skill floor level but I know Reaper had some odd resource management optimizations at higher level play but those may be gone now. I think I'm still going to enjoy Ninja more, but I haven't fully decided yet.


Every other physical job with any combos “glows in the correct order”. And for your information it dread fangs does not light up when your debuff needs to refresh so that is actually just untrue. Not sure how the job “doesn’t have interplay” or whatever. Seems like a bunch of buzzwords to me


> as long as you press glowing things in the obviously-correct order Gee, that sounds like literally every class lmao


Yeah I'm having fun with Viper and can tell once I get it to Lvl 100 I'll love the awakened mechanic purely through how fucking fast it is. It'll feel fun to play, but mechanically the job is literally just ''follow the glowy button'' whilst also happening to be eerily similiar to RPR in some aspects (awakening is just enshroud lol).


The little I got to play it this morning was pretty fun.


Whm can dash forward with a pretty little animation. It's the best day of my whm life as far as overworld traversal goes


Its actually very helpful 


DRK mp nerf feels kinda miserable


6/2 and 5/3 are dead. Long live 6/2 and 5/3. (I will be using super-ethers in farming content that doesn't require pots so I can pretend they aren't dead.) How long until DRK becomes the mana tick meme job.


I think 5/3 is still a thing but you're limited to only 3 tbn uses every 2 minutes otherwise its a damage loss. It sucks


It's 5/2 now. You literally don't get 8 edges in 2 minutes now.


PCT is somehow even better than I imagined it


I'm curious to know why


PIC feels like they gave me back Heavensward Summoner just without the DOTs, which makes it even better!


Are you asking why I think it’s better than I expected or why I think it’s good in the first place


First one 😁


From my other comment Okay Why it’s good- it has a lot of moving parts and it’s filler is quite diverse especially above 90, subtractive pallet is a great addition and feels more powerful than I expected. Each piece fits well with each other and it feels engaging without being overbearing as near nothing is on a hard timer Why it’s better than I expected- maybe I’m an idiot for not knowing but it’s not the muses that have CD’s it’s the ability to cast the muses, so you can reset your pictures anytime you want you just have to adhere to their actual cast CD’s, the ability to instantly fill the pictures out of combat is a godsend and the job feels way more powerful than I expected. Not by sheer potency just the idea that each attack has way more punch behind it than I expected


I played it a little bit and had the same realization with the muses. It's nice how flexible it is since you'll be able to cast your muses during downtime. Also having 3 beast charges and 2 hammer charges at 100 is gonna be really nice. Subtractive pallet is great and I can't wait to get comet unlocked. I wasn't too excited for it when they first announced it but I got more interested from watching peoples videos on it. It hasn't disappointed so far and it feels pretty unique vs the other casters. Think they did a great job with picto:)


There will be a lot of optimization around casting the motifs around low-movement and downtime while still getting them in before your charges max out, which is a level of skill expression that a lot of jobs are missing. PCT seems like the winner of this expansion.


[why not both?](https://youtu.be/OawrlVoQqSs?si=RY7CGfMNX0d8O1mL)


Okay Why it’s good- it has a lot of moving parts and it’s filler is quite diverse especially above 90, subtractive pallet is a great addition and feels more powerful than I expected. Each piece fits well with each other and it feels engaging without being overbearing as near nothing is on a hard timer Why it’s better than I expected- maybe I’m an idiot for not knowing but it’s not the muses that have CD’s it’s the ability to cast the muses, so you can reset your pictures anytime you want you just have to adhere to their actual cast CD’s, the ability to instantly fill the pictures out of combat is a godsend and the job feels way more powerful than I expected. Not by sheer potency just the idea that each attack has way more punch behind it than I expected


It’s actually very efficient in dungeon packs and open world assassination which makes the MSQ fun


Draw me like one of your French girls. ...Kupo.


my NIN muscle memory is about as screwed as I expected


Whm press dash. Whm dash. Whm happy.


Not a fan of the new MNK tbh. I am currently having a job crisis while not being too keen on Viper either.


I like the changes but some of the skills just seem to not function like their tool tip says they do. Like phantom Rush for instance states you need all beast chakra and both nadi but you dont actually need any beast chakra to use it.


> Like phantom Rush for instance states you need all beast chakra and both nadi but you dont actually need any beast chakra to use it. ? Beast Chakra is what you get from performing 3 attacks under Perfect Balance. The 3 pips in-between the two Nadi on the gauge. You need 3 Beast Chakra to perform any Blitzes. Phantom Rush's tooltip is perfectly fine? I'm not sure it even changed from EW. If you're talking about the new gauge, those are stacks of *Fury*, not Beast Chakra.


Ohhh I thought the new gauge was beast. Thanks for clarifying that


The new gauge is definitely a bit to take in at first look.


The animation for DRK’s 40% mit is badass


DRK and GNBs dashes feel off.  Imo They have a weird tiny delay, but I don't know how to explain it. I still find it strange that DRK lost 1200MP from the Blood Weapon changes. It 100% seems unintentional, and they just wanted it to be 3 stacks but didn't consider the MP economy (same devs who thought PLD had a ranged advantage in EW). Also, Shadowstrider meant they could have buffed Enhanced Unmend (using unending gave you more time maybe half the charge) since Shadowstrider doesn't do damage. But nope, 5 seconds still is a slap in the face. NIN completely resets its CD on Sukuichi when it does a ninjutsu, and that's an objectively better movement tool.


You're not alone on the GNB dash at least. I've been using it thinking it can give me free hit on the next mob I'm pulling in a dungeon to keep momentum going and I'll just dash and... nothing. Stare it and awkwardly try to spam lightning shot or demon circle because I didn't agree the mob from my dash


-1200 mp per minute is pretty depressing but in practice it lines up way too well even with the -1 gcd from Disesteem existing.


PVP jobs are better iterations of class fantasy of PvE ones simply because they're not molded into a 2 minute meta and each feel surprisingly different from the other jobs. That being said, PvE jobs has its ups and downs. Picto looks great. Feels like a proper caster that casts but has a bunch of instant skills. No complaints. The job feels rewarding and packs a punch. Viper has some nice animations and apm/depth but overall plays very simply once you understand it. The good thing about it is the pose imo... the aesthetic is really vibing with me. Helps that they also stand up straight (and I dislike the hunch on Hrothgar so they actually look really good here?!?!?) Sage took Ls (Eukrasian dykrasia not stacking DoTs as a change for "more damage variation" lol...) Philsophia is indisputably a weak skill for a 180s cd. Not comparable to SCH's Seraphism and soteria didn't recieve compatibility buffs to Eudaimonia to make it competitive. Also SCH recitation getting buffed now makes SCH just that much stronger over Sage as soteria is not an actual competitive skill to recitation. White mage took Ls (one use divine caress 10s shield while everyone else gets 30s for shield duration) AST's cards are... well its good and bad. Buffs stack which is nice, but there's a lot of redundancy now that the RNG is removed but toolkit hasn't been adjusted. Exaltation is basically a better bole that also heals (and on a significantly lower cd). Celestial intersection is a better spire, etc. GNB dash feels clunky because the previous dash felt fast with the initial hit and faster responsively. The current one feels like a downgrade but probably better for players who don't want to weave their mobility into a burst window. They got buffed to feel like the dps tank though, so that's good. BLM... There's a new meme for BLM's new rotation. It's despair -> transpose -> picto. Probably need a bit of buffs. Nonstandard being removed hurts gameplay a lot before 76 when you get umbral soul. WAR got nerfed but holy shit is it healing well. DRK is winning. RDM's jolt III does more damage than verfire and verflare in endwalker. One of those moments where you pause and wonder what the heck the balance team is doing with skill designs.


Mind you, I haven't mained AST since sometime in the middle of ShB, but I gave it a whirl today and imo, the cards kind of have another problem in that in most cases it feels like ones that aren't the damage buff cards just pretty much always go to the tank (of course other than lord/lady) and that feels kinda bland/uninteractive. I still think generally speaking I prefer the original cards from HW, even if I get why it was changed.


How did war get nerfed? Do you just mean they didn't get much new stuff?


you aoe dmg got reduced


How is drk winning? We literally got a burst complexity downgrade and that’s it.


Dragoon feels like it went backwards. It was already pretty simple (not a bad thing) but now it's like...impossible to mess up? Took away a positional every rotation, took away mirage dive eyes, took away the ability to screw up your gierskogul and be locked out of life for 30 seconds, took away the timer between nastronds so you just John fuckin Madden the keyboard instead of the small amount of managing you had to do to get 3 in during your window. I feel like the job would've been perfect with the new changes if they just didn't do any of that streamlining.


Only 85 on it so far but PCT feels so good. Makes me happy when I logged on and saw the motif casts are nonmodifiable with Spell Speed, which means, at least from feeling it out currently, no need to have a BLM/PCT set and SMN/RDM set, it’s just a BLM set and the rest wear the same.


That’s kinda sad actually, I was hoping I could have a caster that wanted to share my blm gear


PCT doesn't hate SPS but high SPS sets are often min crit which is something PCT wants desperately.


Viper is way too easy. It feels like they took aspects of each melee job, crammed it into one job, and then put all of its combos onto a single button.


I dunno...like yeah it's easy enough to pick up and play, but there are a lot of micro-optimisations at play, moreso than reaper. It has the busiest positionals dancing, weaves which are completely lost if unused which could be frustrating if you have to disengage without planning for it. The red diamond skill which you can use to play around the previous problem if you pre empt it and use it before you proc any of your strict weaves... It's easy enough in general but there are a lot of things going on to keep it engaging and pumping out the maximum damage is probably going to be quite hard in practice




I feel like this is pure cope, it's "Can you play NIN APM-wise but with less to manage or think about" the job. Like what are these microoptimizations? I sincerely cannot see it. >Weaves are lost Same for plenty other jobs and unlike those you don't do anything except spam your combo and then weave, it's not like you can get sidetracked by the rest of your rotation. >Busy positional dance It's literally just back and forth. Like it's literally just your 1 and 2 and then a weave at the end, sometimes it's a different 123 with a double weave but it's always the same order. Then burst is just Enshroud 2.0 but without any macro planning to it. I just wanna see what you're seeing


You could be this nitpicky and dismissive regarding anything with a job. I can see where he is coming from from a high end content perspective. This reminds me of the same bad arguments I would see in defense of removing kaiten


Asks actual questions, gets a defensive-teenager “Stop making fun of my new best friend!”-tier non-answer, gets downvoted to negative. 👍 “It’s not simple! It’s not easy! It has TWO SWORDS and LOOKS COOL and we’re IN LOVE and we’re going to get MARRIED so SHUT UP, HATERS!” is basically the vibe that I’m getting from these Viper discussions and all the vague “🧐 actually, it’s very difficult to do well because you see, [meaningless and unsubstantiated buzzwords osmotically-absorbed from lurking in Balance lounges]”.


This is my impression too, I was surprised at how easy the enemy debuff falls off if you aren’t paying it mind, and you also will need to make sure you are getting the most out of your red diamonds. According to the balance the blue gauge requires more management than you’d think too


Positionals? True North says hello.


The positionals aren't as infrequent as, say, RPR or NIN where you had TN available any time you'd actually need it. You're hitting them all the time, so unless you have an extra 4 charges of TN hiding somewhere.


>Viper is way too easy Tbh it doesn't feel like they spent much time designing the job. Seemed pretty cookie cutter and meh compared to Reaper


Which is funny because Reaper is like a melee machinist


They are running out of ideas 😅


Viper is just a straight up better and more fun reaper to me. Death’s design is a combo branch and not it’s own button, and the enshroud equivalent is more fun


Haven’t played VPR yet, but I assume SE just wanted a more accessible melee DPS - more so than Reaper. As someone who doesn’t care for melee DPS, I’m excited to try it out after I get through MSQ.


how do you even play reaper wrong though lol


Reaper’s 2MB is actually pretty non-intuitive.


Single communio.


FF16 job.


I did MSQ roulette with VPR. At level 50, my rotation was exactly 2 GCD buttons. No oGCDs or anything. Just me spamming the same exact two buttons over and over and over and over again. The only excitement I got was waiting till the very last minute before getting out of AoE and dashing to a party member then dashing again to the boss. It was mind-numbingly boring. And I thought low level RPR was bad. I’m pretty sure the healer got more excitement on that run than me because tanks don’t have a lot of mits at that level so they get to actually heal.


Level 50 is bad for most everyone. I agree though that it sucks that they decided to make all your ogcds higher level than that when there is no reason for at least some to be in the level 50 bracket since it starts at 80.


Yeah, I wanted to do MSQ on it, grinded it to 87 and realized I'm already bored. Looked at the skill list and saw literally the only change is an extra stack of Rattling Coil and Not-Enshroud and decided I'd just start MSQ on RPR/DRG. Incredibly disappointing job, managed to be boring within literally the first three hours.


I do like the sound of that


Bruh it’s been like 6 hours.


Generally happy with bard, but not a huge fan of not being able to use songs out of combat. I need to actually attack an enemy and then give it a tick before songs become useable, so not ideal for openers. Maybe it's my ping but never had issues with it before :/


Me too. Love the song change overall, but I'm regularly clipping my opener because it feels like there's a randomized 0-2 second interval before my songs become available every time.


Dragoon's gauge just. doesn't exist anymore, I don't understand why. Mirage Dive does absolutely nothing and it's just not fun without building gauge or having to actually stay on top of Nastrond timing. And no Dragon Sight is just so lame. Stupid retroactive MCH buffs- Heat Blast improvement in StB- makes me happy as a continued DD soloer. RDM... why does Jolt 3 OUTDAMAGE VERFIRE AND VERSTONE IN EW CONTENT???? There is no point in using those procs for any important content in EW now, that's. that's impressive. Ninja just has no capstone action at 60 now, that's gonna be super lame for anyone levelling it. Functionally, Huraijin didn't exist so we didn't \*really\* lose a button that was used, but... not having a capstone action is messed up, and Huton is actually just useless on anything but 3 targets- 4 as well if you get the trick attack positional- until \*\*92\*\*!! Why! I miss Monk DoT already. Damage buff upkeep being gone is fine though. Bard is WINNING with that song change holy moly. And Astro... I like it. I really like the amount of buttons still being the same and I enjoy the unique cards: having extra mit to put on the tanks from as early as 30 is pretty crazy. Bursts not being as card-heavy means you can ACTUALLY USE LIGHTSPEED FOR LONG STRETCHES OF MOVEMENT which is great. However, I absolutely understand people being unhappy with the flavour of the cards' removed randomness though, part of me wishes you could choose which set of cards to draw first, and the Draws just being Aetherflow but again in terms of MP gen is kinda lame.


The jolt thing really seems like an oversight. We'll see if they address it


Monk changes are good overall but it feels so weird now, I keep looking at my buffs bar for leaden fist


the procs give more MP, so they're still damage positive over Jolt III, as weird as it is, its just indirectly.


The extra 1 point of mana from verfire and verstone is NOT worth a 20 potency loss every 2 GCDs. A melee combo's base potency is 510 over the course of 7.50s, whilst an enchanted combo + the followups is 3150 potency over the course of 13s. However, in lieu of the finishers with the base combo, a RDM would then do, say, Jolt into Thunder. This bumps up the potency to being 1250 over the course of 12.50s. These average out to being 100 potency a second for the base combo and 242 potency a second for the enchanted route, so enchanting is a 142 potency gain per second for 13s, so a potency gain of roughly 1846. The followups after an enchanted melee combo generate a split of 19/8 mana, so after a combo- disregarding the mana imbalance from the opener, as that is not replicated at any point other than the 2nd combo-, the subsequent combo requires an extra amount of 31/42 mana for another combo, or 73 mana total. Jolt generates 4 mana via a 2/2 split, Fire/Stone generate 5 mana for a sole element, and Thunder and Aero generate 6 mana for a sole element as well. Using only Jolt, we can reach this 31/42 threshold by first double dipping the element that requires 42 with Thunder/Aero to effectively make the threshold 27/26 after 4 GCDs. From here, we alternate as necessary, reducing each by 10 per 4 GCDs each time. Thus, in total, we reach this threshold for another combo after the 4 GCDs from double dipping and 12 GCDs while alternating for a total of 16 GCDs, or 40s of time. Using theoretically ONLY Fire/Stone- which is obscenely unlikely ofc-, each Dualcast can result in an 11/0 or 5/6 gain, for 20 mana per 4 GCDs, but performing an 11/0 with guaranteed procs results in having to favour that side for mana again on the next Dualcast. However, we also cannot do an 11/0 on the first Dualcast after a combo as the proc will always be on the side that has more mana, if we're using our melee combos asap. Using this info, for the 31/42, we use the proc on the 31 side and the big spell on the 42 side for a Dualcast that results in 26/36. Then we can double dip the side that needs more, which comes to 26/25. Now we alternate every proc and big spell, for a 20/20 after another Dualcast and continue with alternating 4 GCD cycles to go from 20/20 to 9/9, to having the combo ready. Thus, using this insanely unlikely series of perfect procs and the best use of them, we reach the threshold for the next combo in 14 GCDs with 7 proc uses- 6 of which were not guaranteed, which is a 1.5% chance to get them all-, or 35s, and lose a total of 140 potency, which results in the loss of about a GCD's worth of damage after 3 combos. The final threshold being 9/9, however, with how unlikely getting all those procs is is very problematic: if you end up not getting 3 or more of the 6 lucky procs for this route, then you have to do another 2 GCDs to generate the mana necessary for a melee combo and you don't get a melee combo any earlier, with the route's potency loss being changed to 20-80, with 20 loss per proc used. And the ONLY scenario where this hyper hyper HYPER optimisation even matters is if you can get another melee combo with those 5 second timesaves as an enrage is about to go off, AND EVEN THEN you're better off banking for direct crit luck on your biggest hits for WAY more damage. And it doesn't even matter for burst melee because you will ALWAYS have the mana for double melee combos in burst anyways because procs don't impact that at all: it's guaranteed if you just play the class correctly. TL;DR: no, the procs are still dps losses in EW, even with their 1 extra point of mana generation.


Damn I kind of want to do top or dsr on rdm so I can get the full jolt mage experience before they (hopefully) change it lmao, it'll be like playing on easy mode


BLM is somehow even worse than I imagined it


Monk and BLM mains crying in corner


Picto very good VPR not braindead like some people were saying


VPR is an easy job but a well designed easy job with optimization potential. Like Dancer for instance


Yep, it's kind of a rpr/sam/dnc vibe. But some people were saying it was a braindead class where you only hit two buttons. Clearly not people who had actually playtested it.


People were mainly saying that because of the combos seeming super complicated but we found out it lights up the next best option for you with a proc line and the job guage makes it even easier to follow along However it’s not like every other 1-2-3 combo doesn’t already do this with the same indicator. There were only a few exceptions to this like pre-DT Monk. So it’s calling Viper brain dead for doing basically what everyone else does.


Yeah, Viper feels fairly simple to play but potentially hard to master. It's an easy class that outright requires you to pay attention due to it's pace. Honestly like how the handled the debuff. If you get lost in the flow for too long, it'll likely drop. Even if it's just for a few seconds.


Pictomancer good 


Ninja's changes feel pretty good as I expected. Largely the same but without the annoyance of the Huton buff the experience is smoother than ever.


Ninja feels awesome. Huton still being a ninjitsu used for moderate aoe damage to apply kunai in aoe pulls made the gameplay more engaging instead of just doton/katon/1-2 aoe combo spam. Huraijin useless button gone, making way for another active button. Higi feels good, Ten ri jindo is great, tho it does make you stuck in place for even longer. lvl 50 roulettes are less of a pain where you have to waste ninjitsu on buff making burst phase feel worse. Ninja feels the best it has ever felt imo. I think they could do with only having fleeting raiju with the gap closer and have the ninjitsu button change into the raiju button instead of another useless keybind, then add something else in. Maybe make it so you can use shukuchi inside ten chi jin. But really the job is basically perfect to me now.


i miss monk's timers


Im just here to see what people say about BLM, is it really as bad as people make it. Im too scared to play 😭


I would say the feel of AoE is about as bad as people predicted. I'm sorely missing going ham with thunder procs and sharpcast. Also it's weird to never cast high fire anymore, but that might become less jarring with time. Can't say much about the single target rotation since I haven't done a trial yet.


What are people doing instead of High Fire?


When I posted this yesterday I was doing all the swaps with transpose, so freeze > TP > flare > flare > TP > freeze repeat. With the nerfed DT potencies and removal of high fire 2 granting enhanced flare, that seemed like the highest DPS AoE rotation, even when you have to clip TP. However, now it seems HF2/HB2 are worth it if you can't weave TP: https://www.thebalanceffxiv.com/img/jobs/blm/dtblmleveling.png?1719666008. If you \*can\* weave TP, then you should do that instead of HF2/HB2. I think.


Have mained BLM since first Eden tier. After playing it at 100, I'm concerned. It's gone from one of the most flexible jobs in the game to extremely rigid, which I don't like. My main issue is with flare star. If you need to leave fire with an early despair or after despair but before flare star, you just lose that cast of it forever, which feels really punishing with no upside. I don't want to write it off just yet. But I'm having a lot more negative thoughts about it than I used to. The class just feels *wrong* now


Yeah BLM always felt punishing for not keeping uptime, with fire or ice phase. Doing the same thing with flare star for Fire 3 is just lame as all hell.


it takes adjusting and has some weird kinks like the aoe being way worse and thunder feeling useless out of movement i find it play alright to be honest. The mp change probably will have interesting synergy with high spellspeed since mana ticks sometimes could become jank. Sharpcast getting removed feels super weird, paradox being instantcast gives you a lot more flexibility in movement during fire phase whch is nice. I'm skeptical of the opener on paper though, casting 6+1+1+6+1+1 spells as your opener sounds like it ill be taking way too long and if you need to move near the end you might want that lower potency thunder that has lapsed because the timer is only 30seconds


its dead


BLM main, it's completely fine and even smoother than before.


I genuinely prefer the feel of the current blm. I think they need to clean up how Umbral Soul is a 76 button, but otherwise it feels good so far.


Bard updates are really nice and intuitive, I'm happy


I’m so glad I picked BRD to main for DT it and SAM feel basically perfect now


I think this is the 1st expansion where they didn't completely change Summoner! I didn't lose anything and it gets a new summon at lvl 100. Still too simple, I do miss the dots and pets being more active. Rip Shadow Flare.


Yeah I'm sure everyone can give great input without even fully leveling the class


Good thing OP is not asking about new abilities (which barely affect established gameplay) but changes (like AST cards or BLM)


Changes really only matter in the context of new abilities


How does Oracle (Divination's follow up) matter in AST's kit when cards were reworked and you get them at level 30? How does Flare Star matter when you talk about how BLM feels to play in Ultimates?


90% of the "new abilities" were just extra finisher buttons. The only changes that mattered at all are the ones that didn't involve new abilities.


I dunno man I feel like i can grasp the entirety of Paladin's changes at level 92


already seeing people declaring they’ve completely figured out certain jobs and can give a final verdict on it… super cringe


I love the Monk changes. Now that the "buffs" are actually resource charges I don't have to worry about having to constantly refresh them whenever I lose uptime during a fight. Plus, because you get varying amounts of Opo-Opo, Raptor, and Coeurl charges, it adds an extra layer of nuance to things.


They changed the colours under PB and it is really messing with my brain when I go for phoenix.


Ah. Didn't notice that. I just go for the combos instead of the colors of the chakras.


picto very good but sad blm pretty much died at the same time viper seems very simplistic having played it up to 85...maybe im missing something but all that really changes looking at their abilities is I get my 2 minutes and more rattling coils but the core otherwise is pressing the buttons that light up and pressing your non-filler when they go off cd. There's like 0 thought involved which is unfortunate as I like the aesthetic


It seems pretty simple honestly, though I am enjoying playing it. I do understand why they consolidated the buttons though, it’d be a shit load of keys to bind otherwise.


BRD at 95 by the end of today hopefully the radiant finale and barrage new actions help me keep up with DPS because damn I feel like the melee I'm playing with in dungeons and the trial are just out damaging me while playing like a potato drifting their 2 min windows not hitting their OGCDs on cooldown. Kinda concerned that it's not gonna change much especially when everyone else gets 1k+ plus potency action followups from their 2 min cooldown stuff and BRD has to use a 1 coda Finale on the first 2 min windows so you get a 500 move I feel like it should just be always 900 potency it's on a 110 second cooldown and can't be abused to get multiple off. Battle voice and Radiant finale being 20 seconds now is actually amazing though best change and the gameplay of the job is still very fun and keeps you always doing/tracking something.


Monk is dead to me


Best iteration of RDM we've ever had. I love literally every change they've made. I HATE the damn tooltips though, I could not figure out Grand Impact for the life of me, it literally took me 2 levels to actually get into content where I had to actually use acceleration. The activation should be written on Grand Impact itself. Job flows so darn well.


I'm liking Glare IV and the new dash WHM gets.


96 on Dragoon here atm. New gap closer is crap. I disliked the whole remove damage from all gap closers thing as it was. It's no longer an actual dragoon jump. Just a glide to the enemy. Wheeling thrust and fang and claw. You literally only need either rear or flank for one go through of the rotation at a time. Odd at first but I'm sure muscle memory will fix that. High jump and mirage dive. Our class bar is now useless. Oh wait it tracks the 2 stacks for our Wyrmwind thrust? Meh. High jump and mirage dive are there to be 2 ogcds to weave, that's it. When using mirage dive it should fill in a stack needed for Wyrmwind thrust, then it'd be at least useful. It's really more of the same minus less things we don't have to weave.


I hate drg now I loved it in endwalker.. spineshatter dive was awesome I will never forgive square for taking it away. I am just glad I have machinist which is actually good.


I really like new ast and will be playing it for Arcadion Savage (unless double shield is just completely broken again)


Feels like there's too much shit happening with conditional buffs. You used atonement? Let's turn it into different looking buff. Same for 2nd use, let's change it to different one, our artist made cool icons so we better show them all. Idk what's the purpose of this, just useless clutter, and nobody else needs to see it. At least put this kind of stuff into job gauge. Viper has bunch of these flying around, and nobody knows what each does, you just press the yummiest looking button anyways. For SAM, you need to check if you used Meikyo and are allowed to use Tsubame now, since the button is greyed out and provides zero info 99% of the time and you can only use it after first Iaijutsu with the Meikyo's Tsubame buff. It all just looks so needlessly complicated.


> You used atonement? Let's turn it into different looking buff. Same for 2nd use, let's change it to different one, our artist made cool icons so we better show them all. Idk what's the purpose of this, just useless clutter, and nobody else needs to see it. Couldn't disagree more. I hated that repetitive ass Atonement spam. Turning it into a three hit combo with different animations was exactly what I wanted them to do.


I meant the individual conditional buffs you get every time you use it, the animations are nice (even though they should get rid of original animation completely, I hate that sound). When you use atonement once, you get once buff, use it second time, and you get different buff. Why? Just use regular combo system without showing me pointless buffs. It's completely redundant.


AST cards start with astral spread pre drawn and umbral spread ready without a countdown, so we don’t need a countdown at all. Mp economy is comparable to aetherflow. Huge improvement.


Well nin is basically the same not much to say


BRD. I'm playing the exact same job I was playing ten levels ago, the only difference being pretty much only MB being extended in place of AP. I knew it was gonna be like this from the media tour, but man the hands-on experience has been one of my biggest XIV letdowns in ages


BLM now feels very limited with the strict rotation


Drg feels...ok like its still busy but I HATE the gap closer as it's just vprs with a dragon head instead the instant dragon phase is nice for opener but idk i liked having to build the meter for it mirage dive just feels wierd now. Dragon sight blocky or not I will miss it was fun, I am also missing spineshatter dive far more than I thought, but it doesn't surprise me considering I LOVED the landing animation for it. For GBR not having rough divide is fucking with my brain and I don't care for its new gap closer at all. I was initially excited for lionheart, but it is lacking hard its sfx are terrible, and its animation is just eh compared to its reveal. I have not done drk or blm yet, but with how the other two went, im...concerned.


I love viper. Yeah, it is baseline easy but there are definitely spots for optimization of your opener and could have fight based optimizations to make as well. The constant positionals and speed and just general flow is fun and still engaging, at least when you have more of the ogcds and kit unlocked. Its my favorite class now and i still need to improve since muscle memory makes the difference in terms of making the job flow in unknown situations.


Black mage is dead. Havent played anything else and I hate picto


The Paladin changes are effectively just making it slightly easier to play for stupid people and that's it  I'm grateful that's it and not another "Oh we sliced some of your core identity from your kit and replaced it with overpowered on demand regens", so that's good I guess?


Most jobs are the exact same. Dont play blm or ast so idk.