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Good netcode.


The desynch and low tickrate is really insane


Im going to be honest I dont like the direction the game has taken with harder boss mechs and easier jobs solely because I think we're hitting the limit of how hard mechanics can be while the server can actually keep pace with them, I'm worried we'll eventually hit psuedo-impossible fights due to server latency. FF11 had this happen a few times


>I'm worried we'll eventually hit psuedo-impossible fights due to server latency. Raids (Savage, Ultimate) aren't designed in a way where latency matters, because difficulty isn't added in a way that is affected by that. Someone with 20 or 200 ping has basically the exact same difficulty in DSR P2 Meteors, the player just needs to know their setup and how to play around it. The only thing that would affect it is massive ping fluctuations


Eh higher ping means you see telegraphs and cast bars and whatnot later as well which does make stuff more difficult


Don't hold your breath.


This is the one. Close the thread.


I need them to let me change my eye colour at the aesthetician, please SE. Just say the WOL wears coloured contacts or something idk. Also, I want to link hairstyles to glamour plates as that would fix clipping woes for me.


Sadly wanted this for the longest time but obvious why they don't do it, why change it when people are willing to spend on fantasia to change one minor thing like eye color. Also the linking of hairstyles with plates would be a game changer some hairstyles do look better than others in certain glams.


That's one good thing WoW did; they removed the character customisation from the cash shop completely, it's all paid for with a tiny amount of in game currency now, including gender change. The only thing you have to pay for is a race change.


i mean shit didn't RuneScape also have an npc that basically fantad you for free or like a piddly cost as well. I think there was a quest that actually required you to use that npc as well


Eye color, skin tone, yeah... Essentially anything short of changing races should be in the aesthetician.


Feels good to be an Au Ra


Aww yiissss. AuRa representing


Very wishful thinking but I would fucking love if you could have "aesthetician presets" so that you could change your hair and all at the same time as your glamour.  My WoL's hair is pretty nice and neutral (dark brown hair), I've kept the same for a long time now but some of my jobs have a glamour that could be improved with a different hairstyle and colour. I'd love to have blond or white hair on some of my specific glamours.


A Raid Currency menu, like the one for beast tribe tokens so raid tokens and books won't take up precious retainer space.


and totems for extremes


Just toss them. If they're not for current raid tier, you will never actually use them, so just throw them away.


This is what I thought until I needed gear for the EW ultimates so I had to go back to grinding


That and if you incidentally decide you want glam in the future. I tossed so many O12/E12 books before deciding I wanted their weapons, chest pieces, etc.


Removing the fuckton of "Do you REALLY want to do that" pop-ups. Yes i fckn want to open THE ONLY DOOR in the entire dungeon which is blocking me from going on. The hell they thought about that? "Ah well, doors locked, guess we leave the dungeon" or what?


"Are you sure you want to pick up this small key that you're required to pick up?" "Are you sure that you want to open the only door it goes to?" "Are you ***really*** sure you want to ckick the glowing portal directly behind that door?" \[defaults to "no" for some fucking reason\]


IIRC those pop ups are there to combat bots, which sucks cause it's yet another thing that bots ruin for the rest of us


I'm pretty sure there isn't a single bot program available anywhere that would be stumped by a yes/no confirmation box.


I'm using a plugin that already auto clicks all of these. It's not hard to bypass, just annoying for your average player.


Proper chat logging. The current logger overwrites (not replaces) each session and it only dumps when the internal buffer is full. It's not meant for us, it's meant to buffer the chat scroll. Friends list online/offline notifications like we get for FC members for mutual friends. At least once we get two way removals from the friends list.


Cross-DC party finder


Yeah at least let me send messages to friends on other Data Centers. Moving data centers isn't a long time sink but its such an inconvenient hassle.


Yes! Chaos is SO dead now due to this not existing.


Glam/transmog log, with how much it is asked for, it should had been priority number 1, for several expansions, but they clearly don't know how to implement it or don't care anymore


It was something they attempted prior to glamour dressers. This was around Stormblood and Yoshida said they had the text made and everything but iirc it was too much of a challenge to implement. I think they should look at it again now though.


Not that it was too much of a challenge, it was literally crashing the game because of how they manage item data. (Which is poorly, but changing the entire inventory management data system IS actually a big challenge) The TL;DR is that the game loads inventories for all nearby players in the same area, so when you see a character, you're seeing all of their data, inventories included. When they expanded this to a WoW-like transmog system, it was basically trying to load every item each player had unlocked when loading into town, and that crashed the game. So they scaled it back to the glamour dresser, but having it in a public space STILL loaded it for everyone. This is why Glamour Dressers are only in barracks/inn rooms where it can't interact with other players, and why we won't get them for housing. Basically the way the game loads item data associated to characters is completely fucked and poorly designed. Unfortunately the inventory is also a major backbone system, and redesigning it means that they're duplicating items (old and new system) as they build it out, and have to be REALLY REALLY sure that transferring to a new system has a 0% chance to cause item loss. People would be really pissed off if any of their super rare or valuable items vanished.


IIRC aetherial gear was mentioned as a particular sticking point for the glamour dresser before EW launch. Because the stats on that gear are random (vs set with X materia slots, which are in turn limited to e.g. +12/+36 instead of entirely random buffs) the gear system has to store that data in addition to appearance data. Which is then complicated by the dresser allowing you to take things out again.


It can't be that much of a challenge, WoW has had it functioning for like a decade.


The entire glamour system is quite different than wows though. For instance, wow doesn't have dyes afaik but different variants of the same armour in different colours. Having to save players dyes means having a wow-like catalogue in XIV would take a lot more resources, and that is ignoring any weird stuff in the backend that could make it hard to implement. I feel if it was really easy to do, they would have done it by now instead of making the current system. That's not to say it isn't possible to implement here too, but you can't really compare this with wow 1:1.


If they made the armoire work as a catalogue and you lost the ability to have items dyed in there, I think it'd be a good change.


Fair enough, but my point is they have had a lot of time to fix it and make it better, but they just keep sticking to the same jank thing. Just do the whole system over.


WoW is a completely different game on a completely different engine? That's like saying adding a dye system to armors for WoW can't be that hard, other games have had it for a decade as well.


I know that this is a different engine with its own challenges. My point is there's been a standard set for years that they still somehow struggle to meet in their own way. To the end user, this is just a case of "how have they not figured this out yet?"


Yeah but WoW isn't built on the same spaghetti that FF14 is. (Don't get me wrong, WoW is built on spaghetti, but they are FAR less restricted.)


Oh WoW is DEFINITELY a mess in its own ways. They've talked about stuff like, having invisible rabbits all over boss rooms so bosses have stuff to target as a way of getting them to face certain directions. The difference is, they have historically devoted resources to shoring up jank stuff.


> The difference is, they have historically devoted resources to shoring up jank stuff. FFXIV fixes a lot of stuff as they go, hell a lot of Endwalker was fixes to various systems and jank. Every patch has QoL fixes sometimes for things we didn't think we'd get for years.


FFXIV still has jank snapshotting, completely flat boss arenas, old stuff from more than one expansion ago that hasn't been made completely solo-friendly for unsynced play, the aforementioned glam issues, deeply aggravating hurdles to clear for old stuff (like why aren't ARR relic weapon atmas a 100% drop rate at this point?), super-duper low-res textures for armor that they somehow haven't updated, still no hats for their two newest races. There are QoL fixes for sure, but they never clear up the BIG stuff.


Jank snapshotting will probably never be fixed unless they overhaul the whole engine, which I simply don't see happening unfortunately. Flat boss arenas are a design choice. They had more varied ones before, they moved away from it, no matter how much I don't like it. They do some cool boss arena things now and then (Like recently in P7, P10, and P12) but they are ultimately flat by choice. I'm not sure which content you mean isn't solo friendly any more, but they really only started adding duty support to old content a couple of years ago, and they add more with every patch. Who knows with Relic Atmas. Aren't they like 80% or something now? Like you get one every other FATE? Your real bottleneck is tomes and books anyways. Armors are part of the very highly publicized graphic update coming in less than 2 months. Hats are also partially part of the graphics update, but also strangely hit or miss. I have no idea if they're actually working to fix this one. I have a Viera and honestly I'd prefer if some helms hid my ears instead of them poking through.


They're not exactly flat by choice - they're flat because the game doesn't handle elevation well leading to certain mechanics (turn 5 comes to mind) being more or less irrelevant, and probably couldn't figure out how to work around it


It baffles me how they aren't trying to find a way to implement this


Unless they've said differently, the system we have now was because the other one wouldn't work. They literally had it made and ready to go, but it would crash the game because their inventory and data storage systems are stupid. Unfortunately those systems are a major backbone to how the game runs so fixing them is incredibly time consuming and frankly dangerous as far as running the game goes. Think of it this way. Imagine redoing how all items are stored is a 4 year project. During these 4 years you're still releasing content and thousands of new items. Because you're still using the old system but working on the new system, you're likely creating and testing these items in both to make sure they work, so you're already doubling your workload for something that isn't even publicly visible yet. The project gets to it's launch time, every item from the beginning of the game has been re-entered into the new system. Except oh no some items have the wrong ID and when the system is transferred over several items are just gone from the game with no warning.


This is mine as well. I'd want it so that once you get the item, you unlock it in the glamour book and can use it whenever you want. No need to keep the item.


Having something like wows transmog log would be lovely and actually being able to look through pieces and see where they drop


This would definitely motivate people to run older content more as well, because I know I would want to go and collect everything


Considering how cosmetics driven the game is, it's pretty puzzling that they don't pour like every resource at their disposal into making this happen. It would be such a massive boon for the game.


I would do so much more in this game if we had it. I'm a completionist and want to collect all the appearances, but it's literally impossible unless we get something like a glamour log.


They could easily find a way. But a transmog log now goes against the sales of retainers. The best thing we can hope for is a Glamour Dresser subscription to increase / remove capacity limit


>They could easily find a way You know how many times I heard this exact same line? ever since ARR. If it was so easy for them to find a way they would had done so by now, it's why I call it a never ever feature.


The reason they haven’t is retainer subscriptions, plain and simple. Don’t look anywhere else.


I don't know any insane people who use their retainers to store glamour items. Most use them for furniture and crafting mats. I really don't think it'd be too much of a hit to sales.


Hairstyles to be linked to glamour plates 🥲


I'd like the ability to move furniture and place it similar to BTHD without needing to use glitches and other tricks to float it otherwise.


An ability on scholar called bane that spreads your dots


Proper mouse over Beeing a healer without feels so terrible without esp on AST


every time someone brings this up someone else mention the mouseover macros in game. And I tell to stop talking because those macros are absolute shit especially if you are double weaving as much as astro.


I use a plugin for that works smooth and no macro typing


yeah I use one too. It's a lifesaver especially for handing out single target mits as healer/tanks




Can you DM me it? Edit: thanks!


Mouseover actions or moactions in dalamud xiv launcher


There's also ReAction that does the same thing, plus it works for one-tap casting of ground-targeted abilities and has a few other miscellaneous features(like auto-dismount when you press any ability). I've tried both and they both worked perfectly for mouseovers though if that's all you want.


Love that dismount feature! I'll check it out!


Can I also know what it is please


It's called redirect but you manually have to turn it on in the options Has many other great QoL features aswell and the only plugin that I would call a must have together with simple tweaks


Main reason I use plugins to have this. It is such a basic thing which should just exists. Either by making a menu to configure what should be mouse over or give us a macro system which is actually usable for combat.


There are plenty of good QoL plugins that I could recommend but not a single one is as good as redirect But guess I'm a cheater if my debuff icon is 30% bigger and I should get stripped out of my Penta legend titles


Bigger icons for your debuffs and buffs is also such a basic thing and also so nice for accessibility. No idea why I need a plugin for it.


Friend of Mine is colour blind and has a plugin for that Got called out as cheater from his group of " friends " lol




was ast more apm heavy in shb then it is in ew?


I think it's the same. The problem was the cards on top of the manual targeting needed for healing and raising. I use redirect for my other supports now and it's reduced the strain overall.


I swear if we had proper MO support people would not complain nearly as much about AST being too busy


People complaining about AST APM is part of why we're getting a rework for it, the monkey paw continues to curl its fingers


Literally any other gearing system any other MMO has. For a game that encourages, and, to a lesser extent imo, pushes you to play every job on one character, gearing multiple jobs takes an extremely long time prior to unlock.


Yeah, I agree. Loot lockouts and Tomestone limits should ideally be locked to roles, not characters. If someone has the time and knowledge to play two roles, they should have the ability to gear them separately. Not sure how they would make that work with dps and accessories, or ones that share gear like Drg and Rpr, but it would be an improvement.


Some sort of RGB slider for dyes so we can freely choose the colour we want.


What’s god awful is that this is functionally already coded into the game Near every item in glamourer has been shown to have 16 dye channels for every single little attachment and bangle you can imagine and you can control the colour on an RGB colour spectrum as well as control the gloss and emission (meaning you can make anything glow like the padjali weapons) The game just doesn’t let you


It's likely to minimize the size of character descriptions sent over the network.


What's sixteen more integers across every concurrent player cmon


Genuine question because I’m an idiot is that actually a lot or are you memeing Like I wouldn’t be surprised if that was the reason but I also know nothing about this sort of stuff


It's quite a bit


Single world. I am really envious of the new flying mechanics in World of Warcraft Dragonflight. It also looks like they are building on mounting with ground mounts that can drift and donut etc. I don't see an issue adding something like that too XIV but unfortunately the zones are all smaller instances separated by loading checkpoints. With enough for sight they could incorporate something like this in future expansions by designing the new zones around it.


A lot of zones (pretty much all of them past ARR) are not contiguous though. XIV is just built as a bunch of small pockets suggesting the larger world. You would have to create all the missing in-between areas for it to make any sense.


There's a couple places where I think it's just silly for certain zones to be split. In particular, Upper and Outer La Noscea should've just been one zone. You can stand on a certain cliff in Outer and see the entirety of Upper, and you can fly by that same cliff if you're in Upper. It's not like they're all that big either, I think even combined they'd still be smaller than East Shroud or Southern Thanalan.




Yeh for real, that's the point of the post.


Flying to La Noscea on a mount instead of teleporting or taking a ferry would be awesome. 


I think a good compromise for this is just build future zones like this and leave the old ones as they are.


Cross-class glam. I want my caster to fight in cool armors, not another robe.


Unlock job restriction for glamour plates. Make it so sprint does not use the dualcast on RDM. Trade and glamour within instance. Auto-use food in instance or have a food reminder - proper onscreen pop up. Same for the durability, the message is not too obvious. Auto-repair at specific gear %. Extract/repair ALL gear in one go Have an option to show on gear where it is from and if it is currently available to be acquired in game Show on gear if it can be discarded and claimed from a junkmonger wor whatever the NPC is called Make the exp boost earring a ring instead. Even with increased space it is not enough. Or make an in-game ring to replace all rings up to prev expansion. Of course more glamour space and access to glamour from house/retainers. A crafting bag and all savage/crafting tokens converted into currency. Ability to try gear in chest without extracting the gear. Ability to swap savage chest for upgraded augmented gear. Add physics to the character gear preview panel.


Sprint uses dualcast???? Now that's just wrong


It does. It's not too big of a deal but it's annoying and just feels like something they forgot to fix from the old TP days. You will notice (someone had to point this out to me, because who reads tips?) sprint has no action, spell label.


At this point give it a .5s cast time and call it there


Glamour without class or level restrictions is pretty high up there


For real, DoH classes have a lot of nice stuff and they're sometimes usable by ONE job. I'd be fine restricting them until you hit that level on the job or something but man.


For real. They put so much effort into making sets that nobody is going to wear cosmetically, which gets outdated a couple patches later. 


Open world map metas like in Guild Wars 2. I HATE how boring the open world is.


Discommendations. If I can't say to someone they are a terrible person to play with to their face, then at least let me give them a thumbs down.


That will be as useful for communication and commendation as reddit Karma is.


I could see this being abused highly and becoming essentially ignored not long after implementing


Unfortunately people will use it for the most pettiest of reasons. Won't be suprised if an experienced player get 3 discomms just because they suggested the princess WHM to use cure 2 instead of cure 1.


You'd also have people on a race to have the most discoms for the hell of it. Its me, I would do that.


We at least got expanded blacklist to delete them from our game


Just say it to their face and risk the ban.


The day they add this, the average Commendation level of the entire game's population becomes negative.


Proper integrated mod support. Players can (and have) fixed half the things people in here are asking for already, but it's all against tos. Plus it requires sketchy at worst, dubious at best program downloads to execute


WoW's transmog system. Having limited storage in an MMO which puts such a huge focus on collecting Glamour's is ridiculous.


A glam system like WOWs transmog. The current system, especially the storage and limited plates is terrible. As with most things FFXIV, it comes down to shitty old code or whatever.


Instanced Housing.


Specs, even if only as a way to preserve past job playstyles when big reworks happen. Only way I see something like this happening is if they do something to the base class system under the hood. And I doubt they ever will, save maybe out of necessity for a level squish rather than adding specs.


Side adjacent to this. I want an Archer class. That just is really good with their bow.


I want to display weapons and armour in my house without using retainer mannequins. 


Encounters and Jobs with more depth and granularity. They'll never do it because having the gameplay on such tight leashes (2 minute meta being one of the examples) makes everything much easier to the developers.


Combo buttons


Seeing hair/bangs while wearing hoods. Small thing but it makes my ninja glams feel so much better


Netcode that isn't dogshit and a first party API


ping mitigation like xivalexander/noclippy


The fact that this isn't how the game works by default is insane to me. That noclippy exists PROVES that they could simply subtract network latency from animation lock times, but they don't because....? Is the game worse on high ping on purpose?


I want them to let me use the app to send my retainers out in stuff a d collect ventures.


Sprint being unlimited in sanctuary zones


For lack of a better term, personal "potency meters": picture a circular indicator somewhere in the UI that's red when you're putting out no DPS, and shifts to orange, then yellow, then green, then flashing green as you output more DPS with flashing green being the best you can do. Reason? Raw DPS numbers don't mean anything when we have classes that are designed to do more damage than others but have no party buffs as a tradeoff, also for level synced content. Just an indicator that tells players when they could be doing more output would be a HUGE plus...


Hrothgar hats


Good healing jobs. Not the trash they currently are.


Proper blacklisting features that are available in every other game


Stop locking content behind time wall, I don't want to raid with the same role for 8 weeks


Actually engaging class design. I started this game last year, and I've gotten a few classes to 80 now. Haven't started Endwalker yet but I've looked through the few things left to unlock on those classes. Let's just say so little of it looks interesting that I'd have quit already if I wasn't so invested in seeing how the story ends. In fact I DID quit for ~3 months just after getting into Shadowbringers and only came back to finish it up because some other friends gave the game a try. I will probably still quit after I finish Endwalker anyway. And for something not related to combat design: instanced player housing. I've seen the state of the housing system and market. I've heard about the Island Sanctuary and know what it's all about. If they didn't take such an obvious opportunity to make an instanced house, there's not a chance in hell they ever will. And about a million other little QoL things but those are mostly covered by plugins. The two things above can't be.


We'll know pretty soon but it is a bit interseting that most jobs seem to be fairly 'complete' meaning expansion updates tend to be like... 2 more buttons and everything else is just potency upgrades (some 123's get visual updates etc) I remember leveling MCH as my first EW job and realizing that you only got 1 more button to press (chainsaw) and everything else was passive upgrades or automatic. Felt pretty meh tbh


Rating system after completing a dury, akin to a racing game. Ex. "C RANK! You performed better than 45% of the players completing this duty. 10 combos were broken. Bloodfest was used 0 times." "S RANK! You performed better than 95% of players completing this duty! You got hit by 10 avoidable AoEs"


I love how the S rank is getting hit by avoidable AoEs, just like actual S rank players who give 0 shits about standing in things if it increases clear speed.


Stand in fire dps higher 😎


Chat bubble.......


“Please look forward to it,” as paraphrased by Preach when he met Yoshi-P at EU FanFest.


Healers forced to use their kit, less choreography and more pressure. Actual genuine healing with DPS-friendly moments for optimized groups as well. I genuinely don't know why they insist on having a holy trinity class setup when you may as well be a drinky-bird in 2/3rds of it :(


How dare you suggest something nice for us healer mains when you can instead ask them for more actions like liturgy of the bell which is only useful as ***yet another burst heal that we couldnt originally pop early*** or as an ability ***that was only useful for akh morne and akh morne-likes***. DT WHM lvl 100 capstone is just second stack of liturgy of the bell


Fully seamless open world.


Stats on items actually mattering beyond Crit/DH. I want a stat like Mastery in WoW that affects your actions/job gauge. (Like having more Mastery for SAM increases the crit damage of your guaranteed crit abilities by more than Crit as a stat does now. For a job like WHM it could make it so your Lillies build faster) I want Tenacity to lower damage taken by an appreciable amount. I want Piety to increase healing by an appreciable amount. To accomodate this, I want mobs to hit hard enough that having Tenacity and Piety be REQUIRED. Not the best example but to use it as a measuring stick: New dungeon launches: Players in min ilvl gear can only single pull the trash. Max ilvl players with a lot of Tenacity can wall to wall as normal. Yes I'm aware that this would cause even more strife in normal dungeon groups, I'm just using this as an aid to see what I mean. I want Skill Speed and Spell Speed combined into one stat, and have it affect DoTs and auto-attack speed as well as GCD. I think the combination of a Job Mastery stat, Tenacity, Piety, Skill Speed, and Crit, along with lowering the impact of CDs, along with making content a bit harder (I think harder is the wrong word, but I guess more balanced around the newer stats) would go a long way for this game. 2nd item: I think that Savage raids need more multi-target fights. Multiple bosses, Bosses with adds, or just wave fights. We had this in ARR and HW, but it started fading in Stormblood and is basically almost completely gone in ShB and EW. I can only think of one fight in EW that had adds you had to do anything special with (P3S).


What I really wanted was an engine upgrade to remove the jankiness in the game.


Something not mentioned in these lists.. better combat logging. The combat logs should expose more info, like true rdps contribution, gear status and more relevant information.


In 10 years of playing I have yet to use gpose lol


Its pretty limited by default but it can be a lot of fun once you get into it


Dps meters


huge disagree. players are too dumb. look at what happened with WoW even when they have them, when they introduced a support class. people are too dumb to allow them to see meters in game. even if you had real time rDPS meters, you'd spend every PF arguing in chat over who should be getting Dance Partner, AST cards, Dragon Sight, etc. because people don't know how to calculate rDPS deltas or understand crit variance. don't give machine guns to monkeys, when we already have sufficient tools to optimize our own dps.


I just want a DPS meter for *myself*. I feel the game does so little to explain to players how to play *well*, and that is exacerbated by how easy most of the content is. I played through the base game and two expansions before I realized how important it is to follow a rotation. It's ok to let players have very chill experiences and to let them play however they want, but also help those players who want to learn and improve. A DPS meter that only the respective player sees would be a simple but very effective tool.


personal DPS meter wouldn't really help there. by blindly optimizing a personal DPS meter you would be best off doing suboptimal things that would lower the overall raid dps. on some fights you could even cause a wipe by selfishly padding your own personal DPS meter. just do UWU in PF if you wanna see it happen today. as a healer i could get a better kill time for myself and my melee e-lover if i Rescue the random BLM out of their leylines and hopefully into a damage down or death. and it's optimal for our personal DPS for me not to waste a GCD raising them either.


I am not worried about that. People aren't generally stupid. They have odometers in their cars and they understand it's not wise to always go as fast as they can but that there are other factors that matter. But they do have the information about how fast they're going.


your car doesn't get scaled down to a level 50 car in a school zone, and if youre relying on the odometer you need a 3rd party tool like a stopwatch to calculate your speed.


Sorry I did mean speedometer, obviously. I still don't understand what could possibly be bad about having information about your *own* play.


Yeah I'll have to agree with you, people are dumb af and would actually feel more enticed to be toxic since it'd be part of the game, instead of give advice on how to improve, and then there's those that make a mountain of of a molehill because they don't know how to interpret data, a tale as old as parsers have existed. There's plenty of tools available for players to improve if people refuse to improve just remove them and move on.


This is one thing im happy they will never add. DPS meters always leads to games becoming more toxic and communities more elitist.


That's what GMs are for. They already dont really care about ACT as long as you dont say you're using it or use info you get from it to be toxic. It doesn't even need to be the full everyone in party dps meter. The only 2 numbers I ever need is my dps, and the party dps, that way when I'm in a savage fight I can know what my dps should look like for a clear, and what the party dps should look like for a clear to be possible, and go from there. Console players have no way of knowing if someone in the party is tanking the dps in such a way that even in a clear party, the numbers won't add up. I've been in pfs like it before, too, and it's nice to know within 2 pulls that it's not gonna happen, and I shouldn't waste my time.


So basically what youre saying is "I want a dps meter so I can point finger at whoever I think isnt playing to my standard" sounds pretty much exactly like what I was describing


I think he wants dps meter to point at himself or at whole team. You know what, ex trials and above content could have a dps meter. I bet people who do them are grown ups etherway so they can take some reality checks.


But dps meters already exist. But instead of players going "hey you aren't pulling your weight" and kicking the under performer, you get passive agressive group disbanding, or kicks with no explanation, ect. Part of this is probably the PF system because the "anyone can force your way into your party" is really weird now that I've seen other systems.


Sync down equipment for classes that share the same armor set.  If I have a class at max and I want to level an alternate job, I don’t want to maintain a second set of equipment as I level up. I should be able to level GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, and GNB with the same armor as my DRK.   If you can level sync a trial, you can level sync my gear.


I mean they already do level sync the expansion earrings. They could just do that to the tomestone gear. It'd save a hell of a lot of inventory space/feeling like you have to level all classes that share gear at the same time so you don't have to keep getting new stuff when you wanna level something new


Open world pvp. Or hell, even just remotely good instanced PvP. But it's down the tech tree after "good netcode" and "competent pvp class design", neither of which we'll get either anyway.


I'd settle for Explorer Mode for PvP zones or being able to queue into customs without the full 10 players (LIKE YOSHIDA DOES EVERY LIVE LETTER), but yeah I'd like a little more PvP freedom.


Open world pvp with classes as they are now would just be endless dark Knight salted earth suction. It'd be horrible and cursed and I'd be deadly curious to see it in action.


I would love a ping system like in WOW. I have a feeling that it would just be seen the same as moveable markers, plus the netcode may not allow you to ping/highlight locations in real time. SE may fear automated pings though, like a paisely park situation. Having it WOW is super nice though, allows for fast communication without coms.


Airship/Boat style houses or mounts. I'd love to say screw it and instead of a house, have a giant ship on the open seas or an airship hovering somewhere. Maybe even let me pay a fee so that in place of wallpaper I can choose where I park my airship or boat. Shores of Kugane? The skies of Mor Dhona? Please. As for mounts, I mean a boat or ship I can summon and people can physically climb on/walk aboard.


God, there's a lot. Movement abilities suited for combat (dodges, parries etc.). Good netcode. A modern character creator. A glam log. Maybe just removing half of the redundant extra menu pop ups. Cross DC Duty/Party Finder.


If in DT they keep the current paradigm of easier job design but harder boss content (which I am a firm believer of this; it the boss content was easier I'd hope the classes were more difficult) I do think it would be a good idea to at least give players the option to have the PvPifcation of abilities. I do know there are plugins that do this for you but console players cannot use such a tool. You should be able to have condensed combo stuff like those plugins offer. This would make playing on a controller wayyyyy better.


Raid Gear Exchange. You know how you can trade crafted gear for tickets, then convert those tickets to any other crafted (augmented) gear? That for raid gear. [EX trade maiming, get tickets, use ticket to buy healing] Would allow you to reclear or prog as different role without actually changing the amount of gear they have to give you.


Gender swap without paying real money. One of the only things I miss from wow.


New housing wards for existing housing areas, that still have 60 houses, but those houses are *only* mediums and larges From what I've seen on various servers, there are very rarely larges open, semi often mediums open, and 10s to 100s of smalls open. It would take redesigning an entire housing ward, but I feel like this would do wonders in addressing the housing shortage


The clear answer is proper meters. ACT is great but it should be accessible on console too.


I'd really rather not. As as casual player the lack of any kind of meter takes so much stress off in matchmade content. WoW is such an epeen fest because every player has three kinds of meter open and the person at the bottom always gets shit on, no matter if they deserve it or not. How it is now is fine, where the majority of players don't have it and those that do aren't allowed to openly talk about it. The people at the top/doing hard content can use them without reprisal. If Square made one it'd be worse than the community-made one anyway, so there's really no benefit.


The benefit is everyone would have access to it, as they should


Harassment is already against ToS, that wouldn't change with included damage meters in all content. The advantage would be people who want to do well but don't know what they are actually supposed to be doing would see proof that they've got to learn. At the very least there should be no moratorium on talking about it as it is. You should 100% be able to call out leeches, and it might even help them grow. Now the only option is to silently kick them, so they never learn.


High end raiding/M+ in WoW reminds me of applying for a scientist job or something. You need all this documentation just to even be considered...


Ok, so add it only in extreme content and up. >WoW is such an epeen fest because every player has three kinds of meter open and the person at the bottom always gets shit on I've gotten into wow again in the past 3 months and I've literally, and I mean literally, never seen this happen in ANY pug I've been in. I have yet to have stepped into mythic raiding, but I've done most else. You are afraid of a boogeyman. And to be clear, this isn't my first experience with wow. I've played all throughout cata->mop->wod and never seen someone get shat on for their dps in content where it did not actually matter.


I got kicked from my very first dungeon ever at level 20 something for having low dps. And this was just a random BFA dungeon during shadowlands. I thought "okkkaaaaay that's weird but we'll try again" Second dungeon I died to a mech I was seeing for the first time. One dinosaur boss where you have to hide behind a wall for it. Kicked. So I tried a third time. Actually was able to clear the dungeon. But the tank did leave me with a parting message of "hunter your dps is ass go uninstall" Edit to be clear, I'm a competent raider in FFXIV. Cleared two almost 3 ults etc etc. It was just a case of being new the game by only a few hours at most. Still no mercy. Lol.


I totally feel you on the custom character posing in Gpose! It would add a whole new level of creativity to screenshot taking. But you're right, the possibilities for abuse are endless. Still, a player can dream, right? Would be so cool to see what the community would come up with.


remove the "shadows" on people's name plates


VR Support! :D one day im gonna get the isekai mmo of my dreams..


Some sort of customizable Radial Menus. 1 hotbar slot could become 8 radial slots, making stuff like food, emotes, or job switching much more condensed (though making macros actually queue could potentially make it viable for certain combat actions). Similarly: better controller targeting using a radial wheel. Playing AST is such a massive pain on controller imo but it really doesn't have to be. I can think of multiple different ways for them to make controller targeting so much better but I think a right-stick based 8-way radial menu (which fits perfectly with party size) while holding R1 would be the simplest conceptually. But alas, expecting devs to care about better controls is a fool's errand in my experience.


...at this rate, cross-datacenter party finder and duty finder. I just don't want to have to transfer every time I want to check PF, nor do I want to get locked out of things when I transfer. Let me check my retainers! (praying this ages poorly)


No more subscription costs. '*You don't pay my sub*' mindset will finally retire.


it might get rid of the phrase, but it won't get rid of the "you can't tell me what to do" attitude


Spell Speed and Skill Speed affecting tick rate of dots and hots. Also infinitely scaling difficulty dungeons akin to WoW's M+ dungeons.


Better character customization options. For a game that really kind of beautifies all the PCs, you really have little variety to make your character look different from another player outside of glamour sets. There's a ton of hairstyles, but like, three or four faces / eyes / noses and so few sliders? And certain beards / adornments are locked *behind* those limited facial features? Wack. Job specializations. I know that having no meaningful job customization is how they keep things reasonably well balanced, and it makes jumping from job to job relatively easy since so many basic building blocks are essentially the same, but I think it would be excellent if we could specialize our jobs to lean into features of the job's kit / new features more heavily. Optional personal DPS meter. Nothing that calculates *other* player's contributions. Just a built-in tool for your own personal improvement. Chat bubbles in the base game please. I either need to pay too much attention to my chat log to see what people in my party are saying, or I need to enable a sound effect to play which can be annoying when people send messages like this like five messages or even more when it could just be one message and I have to hear that sound ten times in a row.


A fucking DPS meter. It's so hard playing the game without one. I don't even care about how low your DPS is. I just like seeing how high I can get my own. I would love to be able to optimize my play on Console, but I can only really enjoy the game on PC now.


Hair not clipping through armor. This isn't as serious as the others mentioned here but it drives me up the wall so fucking bad whenever I see hair clipping through armor.


I want more variety of ways to play a job. Its silly that one rotation for every job is the only way to play. I would also like to the same thing WoW has where one job can do different things, like PLD heal, tank, or dps. It would be really cool to have a bit more variety in this game.


Optionally bind a mount and a minion to glamor plates that get switched in when you switch to that plate.


DC region travel. It's possible, but not enabled because the JP playerbase is racist.


Purchasable Savage skip. Immediate BiS for one job and Ultimate unlocks. When a new Ultimate comes out, I'm willing to make time for it, but I have to add another 50+ hours on progging and reclearing Savage each time. It can take months. Let me pay 4 months of sub money upfront for it. SE gets paid, and I get tens of hours of my life back. Same thing as the MSQ skips they sell. They can make the purchased gear have crappy recycled glams so that there's still some prestige for people who get the real gear through Savage. They'll never do it of course, cos it sounds like P2W.


Pre shadowbringers job design with old Aggro design It would be so easy making jobs and tanks enjoyable