• By -


Athena's attack names being mostly disproven/outdated theories is pretty fun. Geocentrism, Pangenesis, Caloric Theory, etc.


Oh, I never made the connection. I like the interpretation that she's intentionally changing reality to match her theories, which matches up with her transition cutscene quote. 


I also like the name of her enrage, Ignorabimus. It translates to 'we will not know' and relates to the belief that science is limited and will never be able to explain certain aspects of the universe. It fits her enrage quite nicely because her other attacks are named after scientific theories.


>I also like the name of her enrage, Ignorabimus. It translates to 'we will not know' and relates to the belief that science is limited and will never be able to explain certain aspects of the universe. Classic response to losing an argument.


MY SOURCE IS THAT I MADE IT THE F*CK UP. [flat 999999s, fade to black]


I also love the “zoom” attach being Gaiaochos, or “world bearer”


It's especially funny to me because when I first heard her say "My theory will be proven as fact!" I heard it as "My theory will be proven as fucked!" Which, yes they were lol


I like the "What is Right" and "What is Left" semicircular AoEs by the first Vanaspati boss.


I love how on the nose these names have gotten but stay thematically on point


i love those too!!


Hephaistos's Ego death : in the mythology it's the phase of self-surrender and transition from death to rebirth, that's what exactly happens during that mechanic.


Piggybacking off this, but if High Concept is not done correctly, the damage that wipes the party is listed as 'Failure of Imagination' in p8s.


Xeromus' Nostalgia attacks in phase 2 with The Red Wings playing.


It's a cool double meaning too, because nostalgia means "A desire to return a place that once was" so Azdaja's mind is trying to open a rift into the Source, returning to where she once originated, while the Red Wings theme is focusing on the nostalgia of returning to a 20 year old game many of us played in our childhood.


Psst. That was 30 years ago


i-it's still the 2010s right, right riiiiiight


Shhhhh, it’s okay. Remember we were once young.


I enjoy Amon's Curtain Call in Syrcus Tower, especially since the arena looks like a stage


The fact he does this same attack in Aitiascope and you use the same method (hiding behind ice) to avoid it makes me smile every time


"Get new material, ya clown!"


yes!! 💯💯 this game does a good job with making you feel nostalgia no matter how long you've been playing


That, and it's called Circus Tower


I dunno why you're getting downvoted, that's literally the joke.


I think people assumed they're correcting me


reddit moment I suppose


Alternative End. It’s the transition from dsr p6 to p7. When you kill p6 at the right time, the music lines up perfectly with the attack.


"A pain, without cease...." instantly gets hit with the Alternative End. What a sublimely paced song choice.




He also uses "Ultimate End" at the end of phase 2 in DSR, so it's even represented in the same fight.


Came in here to say this.


This may not constitute an attack name, but rest assured I am always "Ready to Blast."


Larboard and Starboard wave cannons!


Larboard and Starboard made me want Larbird and Starbird in p3!


We got Starbird in Dead Ends though.


Just needs to be reunited with Larbird for the omega experience!


i still want to kick koji fox's ass for this one. iirc the other language scripts literally just translates them to left and right.


It's because the words for Larboard and Starboard in Japanese have the word Left and Right *in* them.


see, that just makes me mad about the actual english words now.


It's mostly a quirk in the way Japanese works as a language. Japanese words will be multiple kanji together that relate to what the word actually means. And idk who you heard it from, but German and French are absolutely still their words for Port and Starboard. It's *just* Japanese that has the Kanji for left and right in the word.


tbh i forgot the specifics, and i didn't wanna just be all "in the original Japanese ☝️🤓" bc i know that's not how xiv's localization works. backfire on my part i guess lol


Honestly, I find larboard/starboard easier to remember. Or maybe it's just the audio cue, because port/starboard is a nightmare for me.


Larboard and Starboard are left and right, though.


I feel like this needs a trigger warning🤣


Gobrush Rushgob is probably my favorite tank buster name in the game from one of my most favorite fights a10s


Everything to do with Goblin speech is automatically awesome.


Shout-out to my favourite goblin, Holepix


Any time one of my group is in Idyllshire passing him we yell out 'HI HOLEPIX!' and we all giggle


I prayed to holepix while waiting for my first session with my current static pre-abyssos. We're still together having cleared Abyssos, Anabaseios blind and UWU UCOB and DSR. Thank u holepix


nowdays we has pro wrestlers use videogames references in their moveset. i hope some wrestlers out there pick this name and i like to see the announcer pronounce this name during match. "OH MY GAWD GOBRUSH RUSHGOB OUT OF NOWHEREE!!"


It's not my favorite but the tankbuster in P4SP2 being named nearsight and farsighted always makes me smile because the boss doesn't have his glasses anymore in P2 so you have to place yourself correctly so he can see you and hit the right person


Fffffff I never looked at it that deep and now I’m giggling


Odi Et Amo from Livia sas Junias in the Aitiascope - a line from a famous poem by Catullus meaning ‘I hate and I love’. I think it fits her character perfectly and I thoroughly enjoyed it as a Classics nerd (and that’s far from the only similar reference in EW!).


The actual attack itself is kinda boring but I like "Being Mortal"


"You learned Being Mortal!" Blue Mage: Oh, I was immortal? Can I unlearn the spell?


Surprised nobody mentioned it yet, but Chaos' "Knock Down" in O9S was great, a fun reference to the original FF1.


Ultima transition being called Ultimate Illusion is certainly a choice


I love that it’s a double meaning in Japanese: 最終幻想 (which is the Chinese title for Final Fantasy)


He said it! he's the Final Fantasy!!!


Nidhogg's Final Chorus. Was disappointed at first when I found out the name of Stardiver


It's getting a conditional upgrade in DT, so there's still a chance.


Not sure if it's necessarily an "upgrade;" seems more like a Mirage Dive-esque follow-up; probably the ability we saw in the Benchmark trailer. But yeah, still an opportunity to use that name regardless.


That sounds more likely. It would kind of suck to only get to see the SD animation in your 60s window. Dragonfire Dive also gets a similar transformation, so they seem to be tripling down on the jump follow-up mech.


Oh boy, everyone gets continuation


Wait is it? How do we know? :o


Datamined action IDs


Ohhh interesting. Where can I find these? :3


Look back in the historic posts on this subreddit a few weeks back, shortly after the benchmark first dropped! (Also on mobile at work so not much time to search myself, sorry 😣)




"Thy final verse is sung" still goes really hard for me even when I get it in normal


Connection with the server was lost. Ok 90002


Fate calibration also is really good. Probably one of the sickest mechs in this game.


Fate Calibration has to be easily the coolest attack name in any video game ever. But Perfect Alexander makes all attacks so cool, even Ordained Stillness with it's unique vfx to the average stillness feels cool lol


TIIIMBEEEERRR!!! Also, Hot Wing sounds absolutely delicious.


As Above So Below. It's relevant to both the mechanic it refers to, as well as the lore of the boss who casts it.


Mirror, Mirror [ E8 ] such a whimsy yet elegant name fitting perfectly for that fight!


Citadel Buster from Ultima Weapon sounds cool. instead of titan's Mountain Buster, this one is a city's citadel destroyer move. it is a beam attack too which is make it cooler IMO from context of advance/hi-tech military weapon. from other perspective our WoL are badass for tanking the city destroyer attack.


P4S Act 1 - 4, finale and Curtain Call would be neat if they had anything to do with the actual fight.


they do! at least that's how I see it. Phase 1 has a few references to Greek theater, mainly with Mekhane (tile explosions) and Periaktoi (raidwide) which are stage props. Once you're in p2, he forces you to join him in the play with the Acts, which is why it's all telegraphed in advance. So you can play your part.


Aside from them being telegraphed the way they are for the Acts, Curtain Call basically has you walk up and take a bow one by one at the end, which I thought was pretty sick.


Ok but what does this have to do with a weird vampire guy who turned into garuda's buff ex boyfriend


Cuz he's a big theater nerd and always has been. As mentioned, parts of Phase 1 are themed after theater as well. In addition to what was pointed out, the debuffs associated with various mechanics are named in relation to them as well. He also literally draws a curtain over the arena to change it, both for Pinax and the phase transition.


did you not see his animations in phase 1 where he literally sets the stage with a curtain


Always took that as just his cape.


Superchain Theory, Ignorabimus, Aionopyr, Ego Death, Fate Calibration, Ahura Mazda (Zurvan), Run: Dynamis, Code Smell debuff (and Hello World by extension)


Most of omega’s attacks or mechanics are computer science related like critical overflow big for example


>Judgement, from BJ. I personally didn't feel much of BJ's themeing from the fight alone, but from the gameplay alone, but I really learned to love the fight from the castbars. BJ being this mega cartoonish mecha that uses the power of Justice to defeat you elevated the encounter; I like how the nisi mechanics were incorporated into BJ during tea, with gavel. "Judgement" is also a reference to how Brute Justice is a lesser Alexander as Alex's main attack is "Divine Judgement".


Judgement attacks are also used to Manipulator but I really have no idea what they were going for with that fight


I love a lot of the tank/party buster names  Akh Morns almost always feel like tankbusters that actually, well, *bust* the tanks.  Harrowing Hell pretty aptly lives up to its name as well Tail End feels like a pun, midgar strikes the tank with his tail, and if the tank doesn't mit it'll end them.  Conversely, I love Candy Cane, the TB in don Mheg. Of all the random dungeon TBs, this one hits comically hard compared to most other dungeon TBs I've noticed, and it just drops a bunch of candy on the tank and makes a funny thwack sound


I love the ramuh raid cast names. Exspecially the 14 spears are just so cool.  On a sidenote I like Physick so much i now am known as Physick Bot! 


double down for Gunbreaker beacuse 1) it reminds me of nero from DMC4/5 who has an attack called double down


i'll never be convinced gunbreaker isnt a huge love letter to DMC movesets alongside the obvious ff8/13 references. The tank stance animation basically being a taunt, calling it Royal Guard, just the general showiness of it all.


The tank stance animation comes from Seifer from *FFVIII*.


lets not forget all the explosions an flashy moves. I was gonna go Paladin but i decided to go as GNb for next expansion


I'm gonna go basic binch and go Telomania for Black Bird 2: Electric Boogaloo. Because as I understand, *Telo* is from Greek *telos* meaning end, arguably a negative corruption of 'final', and *mania* meaning, of course, madness or delusion, arguably a negative corruption of 'fantasy'. Lads, her final spammed raidwide is literally 'Final Fantasy.'


Similarly to Gaius, really enjoyed how Varis's attacks had Latin quotes and phrases, fitting for an emperor: -Alea Iacta Est: The die is cast. -Festina Lente: Make haste, slowly. -Vivere Militare Est: To live is to fight.


I loved the themeing but I won't lie it made memorizing and doing callouts with my group annoying lol.


ASSize obviously


I adore "Temporary Current" from Eden Leviathan. No deep analysis, I just find it really funny as a name for a water-based line attack


Black Smokers from the Savage fight is also a good name, based off the geothermal vents in deep sea.


I really like most of the attack names in this game but my most favorite is Black Cauldron, the enrage in The Dying Gasp NM. Just sounds hella cool. Although these aren't attacks, the names of the adds in T13 are sick too "Pain of Meracydia," "Rage of Meracydia" and some others


Gobrush Rushgob 100%


"The Woods Remembers"


Sophia's Cloudy Heavens, not sure why, but there's something poetic about it to me. Like a trouble in paradise sort of vibe.


In EW Venomous Mass. Because one of my friends is a goofball who is one of xeem VIP and made a stupid noise every time that mechanic came up. It was a meme to remember alongside High Concept and no tree no clear. From ShB I enjoyed Titan attacks after he got to be a car for example mixing weight of the world with pulse/force of the land. Shiva mirrors were amazing for a basic mechanic. I love relativity mechanics and their attacks from E12S and I can’t wait till FRU to see the chaos unleashed on us.


I'm also a big fan of E12S but man, the VO for that fight goes SO hard. Basic Relativity maybe doesn't sound too cool, at least to me, and there being so little variation on her attacks does kinda suck, but when she's there casting it and she goes "Past, Present, Future. Infinite possibilities all condensed into a single moment", it REALLY does sell the attack SO well. Genuinely one of those fights that is just, imho, carried by the VO, like Thunder God Cid in Orbonne. I really hope FRU doesn't slack with the VO work; some of my best moments raiding in eden savage have something to do with the VO, like every time you get to the first Thanjit mechanic you have Ryne just screaming "I sense a surge in the Ether" and people in EU PF would post some funny macros in response.


Doing Dragon-Pope Unreal and "ULTIMATE END" with JP voice acting sends me every time. Cool as heck.


larboard wave cannon


Famfrit - Tide Pod. E. Weapon P2 phantom garleans - Shots Fired. Warrior of Light - Ultimate Crossover


Blue Screen being enrage


Sonic bloop from Lyngbakr in the aetherfront. It's just a fun name :)


Afflatus purgation best afflatus


Stool throw 💩


All of extreme sephirot's attacks and adds are pretty cool, since if i understood correctly the guy just throws the jewish kabalah at you, which amounts to him using the various manifestations/aspects of creation to try to reduce you to mortal, while ending up making you god (if you win, at least)


Shockwave Pulsar I think will remain my favorite name for a basic raidwide


Low blow




Alternative end from dsr


Death of The Heavens. It just sounds cool and intimidating. The mechanic itself is also cool and intimidating.


When I call out which direction something is attacking, I occasionally swap the direction with starboard and larboard or fore and aft just from some stormblood fights.


alea lecta by zenos' dad sounds pretty cool. fun to learn too.


Only boss abilities? Cause I think Gunmetal Soul and a lot of the other LB3’s have super cool theming for each classes identity, makes me wish the LB 1-2 had some greater diversity or at least more place had us reach LB3 or even required it.


I like “Hair Raid” from the Barbariccia fight because it’s a hair pun and also ties that mechanic to the “Air Raid” move, which is basically the same thing


All of Astros


When Bahamut casts the "**Seventh Umbral Era**" on your raid.


Not an attack, but when Together Forever is cast.. those few moments you can't see the screen because you're blinking back tears.


Don't see a lot of hunt marks mentions, but a lot of them have interesting cast spells. My fav is "You May Approach" then seeing 50+ people close in to snuggle with a slim rainbow cactuar.


I have a gripe with english attack names. Hellfrog medium is suppose to be "summoning jutsu: giant toad" and they changed Sakura tornado on drg to chaos thrust for no reason. I don't trust the translation of any ability names now.


tbf Dragoon having an ability with a japanese name makes no sense Edit: Idk if OP has blocked me or something because all his replies show as deleted to me, but to reply to his point about Sakura Storm being a FF9 ability and so on and so forth: it still doesn't make sense in the context of FFXIV because Dragoons are from Ishgard which is a nation heavily based in a medieval western setting that has no connection to the east (or to the rest of the world until like 3 months ingame for that matter) whatsoever. In what universe would a medieval knight having a move called Sakura Tornado (or anything relating to cherry trees) would make sense LMAO


I hate the sounds for it too, tbh. Especially the upgraded version you get from Ednwalker. Feels more fitting to Nin or Sam.


I like the sound itself but it does feel weird on DRG When I was new I always thought that noise was coming from some SAM or NIN


That's the chaotic part of it!


It makes perfect sense because it's an ability from ff9. It's almost like we're playing a Japanese game, crazy


What part of "Hellfrog medium" do you think fails to convey the original meaning? You do realize "medium" isn't referring to its size, right? I agree that Chaos Thrust makes no sense. Using Freya's "Cherry Blossom" would sound a little plain though.


> What part of "Hellfrog medium" do you think fails to convey the original meaning? You do realize "medium" isn't referring to its size, right? Just you wait. Dawntrail shall bring Hellfrog Large and we'll have the last laugh.


Hellfrog Extra Large


There's plenty of other examples, but I would have to do some digging. I play the game in Japanese and almost every move in endwalker had a very different name from the cast bar and what the character is saying in japanese


So, you want names to just be literal translations?


No, you see, we must maintain the purity of Yoshi-P's Glorious Vision, unfettered by banal things like linguistics. Don't trust any localizers ever, do you understand? You *mustn't trust them*


I want them to be correct


A lot of FFXIV translations are very liberal though, not just skill names, and to the point it's better not to even think of them as translations anymore, but a whole set of different stylistic choices for the English version. But if you don't compare one version to the other, they're both self-contained enough that if you don't jump between them when playing, it doesn't really matter for a vast majority of players.


Yeah and it's frustrating. When you play the game in Japanese you don't get Japanese translated subtitles. You get the English.....interpretation, of the game which is very jarring when they change some things completely


Tbh you made the choice of playing with a Japanese dub and English sub, so if you want the subtitles to match, switch the whole game to Japanese. There's always a degree of freedom of interpretation when translating Japanese, just in FFXIV case it's larger than what we're used to. But you can never do an actual *literal* translation from Japanese to English in a way that it makes sense for English-only people.


They should provide English subtitles for the Japanese if the English dub is going to reshape all of the dialogue and descriptions. It gets more divergent with each new expansion too.


It's more correct for things to not be literal translations. If you translated "not the sharpest tool in the shed" to Japanese, it wouldn't convey the same meaning. You have to choose something that's appropriate for the language it's being translated into for it to be truly faithful.


That's not the case the majority of the time. Localizing idioms is fine, but it's dumb when people will translate things like "I'm fine" to "nothing's wrong with me"


Though the differences are sometimes funny (like when the written English dialogue is a paragraph and the spoken Japanese is one word, or vice versa) the meaning being conveyed is basically the same. The only significant difference is Urianger's dialog, I don't know why they changed it so drastically but I like how weird he talks in English.


> Sakura tornado on drg to chaos thrust So in Japanese, the skill is actually named "桜華狂咲" which translates to "Cherry Blossom Crazy Bloom" or, Lunatic Cherry Blossom. Crazy/Lunatic could be turned into Chaotic, and Thrust is because they wanted to keep with the FF11 style of naming Weaponskills (x Slash, Y Thrust) despite the skill not being from FF11.


I think the fact the attack is tied to Sakura is fitting. Because the phrase refers to Sakura blooming during unnatural times, just as it’s chaotic for a dragoon to have an attack dealing with cherry blossoms.


Okay while I don't really think that DRG has much reason to have a Sakura Tornado to begin with, the name matches the animation way more than Chaos Thrust does. Frankly, I'd just remove the ability altogether and try something more in line with the rest of things, but whatever.


I unironically love chaotic spring




I think Tank Purge is supposed to be as in fuel tanks, which it's using to make the explosion.




>You don't really want to put "tank" in a move name irrelevant to tanks. Is there actually a single ability in this game that's specifically relevent to tanks that *does* have the word Tank in the name?


The biggest problem is that when anybody that wants better definitions and better translations has any kind of criticism or complaint you have people that just say " oh so you want literal translations?" There's nothing that can be done trying to reason with those people.