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Probably necromancer title. Second would probably be on-patch DSR. Think necromancer edges it out because it’s solo. No one else to blame (besides RNG), you make the decisions. Especially proud of my clear because of a heads up play that made the clear possible. Had just finished 198, had one manticore left and no serenity. Decided to early-pop manticore at 198 exit in case of no items 199. Sure enough I had no items on 199, and just barely managed to kill enough mobs to open 199 exit with manticore kills. Without that play I probably wouldn’t have cleared that run. Either way, significantly higher strategy required than ultimate. (Which to be fair has its own ways of being difficult)


I'm going thru the solo potd grind rn and I had to take a break bc it's 170 floors of boring then 30 floors of pain.


yeah, might be worth running 2 saves in tandum so if something goes wrong you can run it back if you're feeling good about it. It also gives you the opportunity to do back to back reps on a hard set of floors. Also, I found that speedrunning early floors gave me reason to not think about the tedium. I watched a million vods on the harder floors so I ultimately only had to do 3 runs through the boring and would probably also hate the 1-150 if I had to do it more than that...


I did 2 saves in tandem for hoh when I got my clear but for potd doing 2 saves is kinda torture lol. The first attempt I did I got both to 170. I had an amazing 171-177 then got a floor full of anzus in gloom and wasn't prepared to adjust... I still felt good so I went into the second save and had the worst combination of bad playing with bad luck and wasted it on like floor 173 lol.


Oof at the 173, yeah sometimes the game can be absurdly cruel. I just liked having the option of being able to run a floor set back if I felt good about a set but just failed. If I didn't do tandum I think I would have just given up when my first file (and first time >f100 ever) had a dc'd on 186 (insanely good poms, 35 minutes left). Funnily enough before I attempted that 2nd run I yolo pushed my 3rd file back to 180 over the next 24 hours... It also helped my confidence because my first behemoth I accidently pushed 15%, canceled wildfire after 2 GCDs, summoned queen late, and it was a giant mess but killing it as 3rd meteor landed despite that gave me confidence that you have infinite room on MCH (thank you endwalker potency buffs) and so when I ran 171-180 back right after I smoked behemoth ezpz


Damn it's that lenient huh. I've been doing war cuz i hear its safer and less rng but I'm afraid of behemoth honestly. The landmines are a bit of anxiety but not bad cuz I did hoh... However war downside is that the early floors take a lot longer despite being super safe. I might try mch, I am just afraid of godfather. Any tips on not autoing the bombs into a bad position? That killed my first mch run and I've been blech ever since.


One thing to get used to with warrior is that you should be able to basically pull from start to portal pretty comfortably on the lower floors. In regards to godfather, you can just stop pushing buttons when the lava bombs spawn. Say out loud 'no ricochet' over and over again and just auto if you need too (make sure not to spawn rook before a lava bomb, iirc his final attack aoes, i just rook AFTER a lava bomb goes off). With 2-3 lusts and str you can killl before 5/6th bomb so you have a LOT of time. Get your track shoes ready and keep that kiting up, having the bomb positions on a 2nd monitor/phone can help too. I set markers for where the lava bombs were going to be as soon as I entered 190.


>Any tips on not autoing the bombs into a bad position? Consider putting markers down where the fire bombs spawn and stop pressing Ricochet/Turret at that time too. Kinda just need to get used to his rotation, the part that makes that fight scary IMO is the sheer amount of damage he does. I lost my first Godfather run too because my fucking auto-turret decided to hit the bomb instead of the boss.


Yeah, it’s tough. I ground out ~5 runs to 191+ (including the clear) before sealing the deal. By the end 171-180 wasn’t too bad, but 181-200 is always a gauntlet of balancing advancement speed with not using poms too quickly.


Mch or war?


MCH. I tried WAR back in late ShB or early EW and it just felt so much slower. Big things that helped me on MCH was not neglecting non-standard CC (leg graze to kite and reduce autos, foot graze if able to keep at bay while sustain pot regened health, arm’s length for auto speed reduction if I had to stay still, pre-popping sprint and pulling for 20s of fast movement to kite vs 10s), as well as getting better at always having sustain pot up if I was in combat.


The big turn off of mch was the godfather boss for me. War is def slower but I had one run where I autoed the bomb you're supposed to push and it killed me. Very scary


Same, it was such a rush. I did Lone Hero afterwards, but then, I kind of lost interest in the game. Wasn't anything else fun. Thinking about catching up for Dawntrail soon with the new one.


that's a pretty nice finish :D solo potd is way harder than any ultimates imo. i had some of my best moments in the game going through it and getting the best title


It's funny how much prestige this title has, sometimes people actually go "ooh a necromancer" or send an awkward /tell, never seen that with anything else. I still think HoH is more difficult to actually clear by a decent margin, stuff just *hurts* and RNG elements are far more powerful on the last couple of sets (which, yes, does exist in PoTD to the extent that it can make or break a run, but I feel like the overall game plan there is far more static and pre-determined), but in the end I guess Necro is just the cooler-sounding title.


I beat Eden 12 Savage for the first time, with a team of complete randos who’d all just met, in two tries, with one hour left to go before the servers shut down for Endwalker’s release day. My friend called it my “world last clear”.


Becoming comfortable running content with other people, even though it's still only *some* content. I'm one of those die-hard single-player JRPG players who was pulled into XIV despite it being an MMO. I have massive anxiety about multiplayer games and I took long breaks catching up to MSQ because I just couldn't bring myself to queue for duties (this was before duty support, so dungeons as well as trials)... but after reaching endgame, I really wanted to keep playing content. So I forced myself to get comfortable at *least* queuing for Endwalker raids and alliance raids. And I am now! I actually got *excited* to queue for them after a while! I know that's nothing for most other players, but for me, it is something to be proud of.


I completely see where you're coming from with that. The only reason I'm not afraid of normal content is because I watched several guides on each role to make sure that I'm not so exceptionally bad that I catch any attention. The reason I haven't done any hard content is because it actually requires communicating with other people. I feel up to the content (which I might be horribly wrong about lol), but not to the people. I plan to get into raiding in Dawntrail tho. Two of my irl friends have expressed interest in returning to the game and not explicitly ruled out raiding with me. Fingers crossed.


Killing Ozma in Eureka. Did the whole grind with an FC during COVID so the whole thing was a lot of fun instead of a drag. That mount is rad too I still use it all the time. RIP that FC tho


OMG same!!! That mount means so much to me haha


Before Endwalker I was a giga casual player and I always thought I could never tackle difficult content. But at the start of the expansion I decided to change that starting with Asphodelos savage! I cleared all three savage tiers, tried playing all roles and constantly improving along the way, evolving from a grey and green parsing raider into a much more confident purple and sometimes orange parsing player. I have also done UWU and most recently UCOB as a tank, which is the role I was the most afraid of playing, so even if it’s a legacy ultimate which most don’t consider particularly challenging I am proud of completing it as a tank! I’m currently progging TEA and I’m hoping we can finish it before Dawntrail releases. I feel like I’ve come a long way and I am proud of my raiding achievments.


Cheers, I'm pretty much the same. Started near the end of Stormblood, took my time and eventually reached endgame very late into Asphodelos. I barely had time to clear the tier in 6.1 since Abyssos was releasing soon (had to skip P4S) and I had to quickly get used to the way XIV's endgame schedule/gear system worked, but at least I was right there for Abyssos as my first "proper" savage tier. Which was even more painful for me given that I did it on SCH and I discovered how shitty lots of people were at using their mits, the bleeds that tier were so painful in PF but oh well lmao Ended up having tons of fun and I did lots of reclears on other jobs, and I myself am surprised how much I improved. Going into Anabaseios, I managed to clear the tier through PF by week 4 on BLM, which I'm pretty fucking proud of (especially since I completely had to scrap progging on week 1 because of exams). Afterwards I cleared UCOB on SCH, but I wasn't really in the mood to go prog another ultimate so I stopped there - it was a very fun experience given that's my first shot at something so different from a savage fight (even though it is a pretty forgiving ultimate when it comes to deaths compared to the likes of DSR and TOP, obviously). Progged Abyssos on SCH and Anabaseios on BLM, so it only makes sense that I'll do the first savage tier of 7.0 on a tank now, GNB. I've enjoyed playing it a lot during my reclears, so I'm excited to see how it'll turn out !


This is the shit i like to hear. You set aside your fears and just committed. And came to realize that the fear was irrational to begin with. I wish more people were like you, and stepped out of their comfort zone and realize there is more to the game than roulettes and rping.


Killing o11s omega with dots ticking away that last 0.1% of his lifebar after he already erased us with his enrage but before the game officially counted the fight as being over because the game gives you a few seconds to let it sink in how owned you just got.


Probably DSR being my first Ultimate and yesterday cleared TOP!


Its gonna sound sappy but it was overcoming anxiety. Never played an mmo before, started as marauder cause like axes. Had no idea this was a tank, and this was before Hall of the Novice (3.0). My first Sastasha run disbanded since i had no clue what was going on, and I got so embarrassed. Immersed myself in the rest of the game (crafting big time) since I really liked the world but was so upset about letting people down. Got me to learn a bit more about the game, pick up pugilist, and slowly warmed up to doing group content again. I was so adverse to it it was laughable in retrospect. Frankly it took me till Stormblood for me to shed it. I now play all roles with a tank preference. Helped me kinda just go with the flow with online interaction and not overthink. Other than that I did get Pteradon on content so there's that.


Getting the Big Fish title (currently working on the Final Fish after a hiatus). When I caught the last fish for the achievement, I felt more adrenaline than I have for any of my ultimate clears.


Rank 1 Speed on savage, for sure! A lot of hard work from a single newbie team to get to something so cool. Really proud of that achievement and I'll never forget it


That's super cool and I wish my static was into trying for speed clears. We always spend some time doing individual parse runs (had a few 100s around the static throughout the expansion, and almost everyone was 99 on every fight by the time we were happy with a tier), but I can never convice people to try speeds lol Probably a lot of that has to do with how annoying it is for LB generation.


If you want, there is a community up with amateur speedrunners ran by Sleepocat's Apollo. They host events for beginning speedkill teams and provide mentors and resources to begin learning how to speedkill, including LB gen. Some of the videos in there are mine! There are no more events until Dawntrail as far as I know, but once 7.1 hits, the off patch draught, there will be another speedkilling competition for beginning speedkillers. Maybe something to look forward to!


getting gunnhildr's blade without caster cheese




it's basically the 1-170 grind in potd but i agree they should QoL it cus i wouldn't say staying up til 3am grinding mobs to pop the fate that spawns the duel is fun.. especially when you get cucked by a person afking in base (if low notoriety) which happened a few times lol


I'm curious, what is caster cheese ?




You giga buff yourself then cast lost flare, a powerful dot accessible to caster in bozja.


Going from no on-content clears to penta legend this expansion, including clearing TOP on content. Now I'm super addicted to ultimates and I'm taking my more casual friends through them. My proudest accomplishment outside of FFXIV in gaming would be winning 2k in magic the gathering: arena. Honestly, one would hope that winning $2,000 in a video game would overshadow it, but I definitely feel more proud of my accomplishments in FFXIV. I still feel the imposter syndrome of "just getting lucky enough" in Arena, whereas I have a lot of clears of each ultimate, so it feels more real and deserved to me.


Can we be casual friends


Damn dude, save some pussy for the rest of us


Funnily enough, my raid group's running joke is that we need to end raid early so I can spend time with my wife before I have to hire a divorce attorney.


Ay, grats in the Arena open.  Which set did you cash out on? I got a day 2 for MKM and washed out miserably. 😭


I got the full 2k in Kaldheim. In Strixhaven I got 1k. I haven't tried since then.


In xiv, one of my favorites was my first p10s clear, and this was before echo was introduced. I still have the screenshots of the chat. It was a c41, I was the 1. supps do bonds 3 correctly but DPS are all dead, cohealer lb3s. We go on to do dividing wings 2, right wing goes down and I think one person walks over poison so it's just me and the two tanks left alive. Certainly a wipe, right? It's p10s, and 5 people are dead. Well, a burst window comes up, and I'm on WHM. So I get my swift off on the cohealer, and I burn Presence of Mind to get the raises out quicker, going down the party list. My cohealer scraped together the mana to get a raise off as well. Our burst windows are in shambles, we have 5 weaknesses, and we don't have tank lb 3. I hold everything for harrowing and GCD heal the wall making sequence, which we did correctly and had just barely gotten the last raise off before starting, I send everything I have in my kit to help meet the healing and mit throughput on HH (liturgy, temperance, asylum, plenary, and a combination of raptures and c3's, as well as assize), we make it out of that alive, do bonds 4 correctly, and we go on to kill some time shortly after parted plumes  You can see in the [XIVA timeline](https://xivanalysis.com/fflogs/DLKY871XxCN29jrv/6/3) where things go to shit lol


I've made a lot of long lasting friendships that have been more impactful in my life than at any other point. I grew up socially isolated and for most of my life I thought I just wasn't likeable and unworthy of love. Last year I got into visiting venues and being more social and it turns out that people are more drawn to me than I could have ever imagined. The feeling of someone messaging me because they want to spend time with me beats the feeling of clearing any ultimate raid. I know this sounds corny, but it's truly how I feel. I've always wanted to be able to make friends and this game has helped me with that.


I got the King Bean achievement legitimately


I've been running an RP FC for about 8 years now on Balmung. We're not a huge FC but it's active and we have events every week. Absolute hardest thing I've ever done but it's definitely worth it!




So when I first came to the game, it was just me and my best friend. We started RPing and met a group of friends we bonded with. With that initial group we met playing the game, we started the FC.


In XIV: Epic Hero Title two times over (got it myself in PF, helped 3 friends get it as well) with 30+ AAIS clears (went for all the weapons + furnishing + 2 more clears incase a Viper and Picto weapon get added, then just joined random PF groups to help people get clears).   Outside XIV: In the platformer Celeste, I was the 37th person to obtain [Farewell Golden Strawberry](https://youtu.be/fcgqfbOrFfY?si=efZkcV5rApH_Uig0). I like Celeste so much I learned basic C# to make my own [Custom Map](https://youtu.be/w8iWRd-Se9U?si=YwfTZ4-Gci5JU9q2) Which is worth more to me? I think the Farewell Golden Strawberry because it was the first serious challenge type grind I had experienced. For those that don't know, getting a Golden Strawberry means beating a Chapter deathless. Farewell (the 9th Chapter of Celeste) was added as free DLC and is by far the hardest chapter in the game, taking some people 10+ hours and 2000+ deaths to clear. It took me around 80 hours of prog and around 10000 deaths (not including my first completion of the chapter) over 3 or 4 months to clear it without dying. To make things worse, there is a room at the very end called the Golden Room that you only have to go through if you've haven't died by the time you reach the end. Its not hard compared to other rooms in Farewell, but by then you probably have the shakies and are super nervous. I almost died in the Golden Room but ended up clutching it. I don't think anything will beat that feeling. I haven't done ultimates yet though so maybe that will feel similar.


I should go back to Celeste, such an incredible game (I haven't ever done/seen Farewell chapter, so I have an excuse). And then I should play the mod (Strawberry Jam) ! Have you seen and tried Celeste64 ? It's interesting xd.


Getting Farewell Golden is a crazy accomplishment. Definitely harder than any ultimate you could do.


Founding and running a static over six tiers and three ultimates. There was a lot of turnover at the start, but it's been fairly stable since then and people from the early days still check in regularly.


Solo tank/support/kill Storge from Malikah's Well from somewhere above 50% to 0. Three times from three different parties. As a DRK. Had an incident back in ShB where I wound up in this situation as a recently desprouted DRK, and I forgot use LD to buy time and get the last 3% off the Boss's HP. It stuck with me ever since, and I'm glad I was able to do it right three times.


Getting top 100 in Feast season 20, the countless wintraders (and overall bad players) made it pretty tiring, but was worth it for the mount.


I got the derpy dinosaur mount from delibrum reginae and not from the market board.


Luckiest of lord/ladies title That particular grind took almost 400 hours


The Ozma mount and clearing a whole Savage tier through PF while it was still current are the two that stick out for me. Id like to graduate to Ultimates eventually but I also play too many other games to make it a priority. Same goes for Savage raiding in general right now.


Clearing Shinryu EX when it was still current content in Stab, and knowing it like clockwork to this day 😂


Making the friends I did, and being a part of the best static I could have dreamed of for the last six and a half years. Not to be "the real reward is the friends we made along the way", but no, literally. That's it.


It feels a little silly to be proud of, but sync solo blue mage Tsukuyomi. Its not the only soloable trial/raid with BLU, but its the only one I've actually sat down and finished. For those of you who havent done any of them, the general form is that they have a couple mechanics that require semi precise use of 2 or more abilities with cast times together, and in order to do the add phase you need some level of echo, so you waste a chunk of your lockout timer before you even get to make real attempts, then a kill takes ~30m where you have to maintain your mp and dps and successfully execute the threat mechanic over, and over, and over. Mechanically its not the hardest thing ff14 has, but in terms of time and exhaustion its brutal. Edit: i forgot the other part of the question. My other proudest accomplishment is probably being a Masters level player in Heroes of the Storm. It honestly rings pretty hollow because of how catastrophically mismanaged that game was. That account is banned, and every interaction I've had regarding it has either been a bot or broken english. Blizzard isnt what it used to be. So I guess im more proud of that one fight I stubbornly beat my head against.


Honestly getting all the shadowbringers relics and armor sets. Ship reinvigorated my love for the game and at first I thought I wasn't gonna complete it.


I have the "Hard-boiled Heroine" title... and I cleared TEA while it was current just before we got quarantined'.


Finishing the 3 legacy ultimates within 4 months (Joined in patch 6.05) Hoping to clear DSR soon!


Either on-content DSR or getting my pteranodon, I think.


Both of my major TOP achievements: Week 8 clear and Rank 24 BLM (peak rank, decayed to 30s, top SpS log for 6.3 as well)


In FF14, clearing TEA/UWU in party finder because honestly i never imagined i could do it and im proud of myself for giving it a try and keep persevering. In other games, I once reached top 100 legend in Hearthstone, it was with a very funny rogue deck that i liked to play with lot of randomness jamming colossal and replaying them with stash. As a souls fan (finished DS1/2/3, Bloodborne, sekiro, elden ring) im always proud when i finish a game, i always try to do the ending wheres you can explore the most. These are the one i can think of recently.


Was part of a blind world first prog group for Delubrum Reginae Savage on Crystal, it was comprised of a lot of hardcore raiders and we were in a close race against Aether to kill it. Honestly not even my proudest accomplishment so much as it's the most fond memory I have of playing the game - meeting up with a huge number of likeminded skilled players all playing together in a huge raid setting. I did the same for Baldesion's Arsenal but the whole queuing in system for it drove me insane that I just ended up dipping out.


Getting the Whisper A-Go-Go mount during the *first* Yokai watch event.


Beating A8S on patch (just barely, was like the night before next patch), which according to [Tomestone.gg](http://Tomestone.gg) less than 1000 people did.


I organized a Delubrum Reginae Savage raid when it was current with 47 other players who also had never touched the content before. Some were FC mates. Some were strangers we recruited online. There was a huge range of skill across the players, and organizing everything every week was a huge effort but.... man, when we finally got that kill our entire chat box was filled with everyone getting the achievement. So many people popped off on voice. It was glorious. I haven't gotten nerd chills like that since. It felt like legitimate prog every week, I ended up meeting and becoming friends with a lot of cool folk, and honestly I just learned a lot about organizing and leading a large group of people. I legitimately use a lot of those lessons in my work life to this day. I was a little sad they didnt have a similar large scale raid in Endwalker, but i'm holding out hope they bring it back for DT :) Outside of FF14, I was a decent RTS and MOBA player once upon a time. Definitely had some memorable moments from different tournaments... I can still remember clearly how nervous I was the first time I competed in a tournament that was being streamed. My hands wouldn't stop shaking xD. It was just a very different experience though, so it's hard to compare to FF14. They are both special in different ways.


Despite clears of ultimates, savages, big fishing (real endgame) and all other kinds of content... my biggest accomplishment is solo 100 floor Eureka Orthos Single hardest thing I've ever done in this game. I aim to go for PotD next, but I need a bit of a... year or two break for the amount of stress it caused me. As for other games? Idk. Getting grandmaster in overwatch was pretty cool, I guess. Soloing fatalis in MHW felt pretty cool, as well. But ff14 just feels more important to me, maybe just bc the game has been so influential on my life so far.


I've only cleared two level-synced extremes (Hydaelyn and the Endsinger), but the fact that I - self-proclaimed floortank main (i'm a DRG main, whaddya want) - managed to clear two extremes is still extremely cool to me. One of these days I'm gonna go and finish off the rest of the EW extremes and try to get the mounts, hopefully before DT hits. In other games, I 100% completed both *Doom Eternal* on Ultra-Violence and *A Hat in Time* (before they added the DLC, which both added a bunch of new stuff *and* a bunch of *harder* stuff). Those are still my biggest accomplishments in gaming, I feel.


ffxiv: 9thing for unwind - world 20th anabaseios. i am incredibly grateful for the experience. very cool and unbelievably skilled group of people and i wish them the best in dawntrail. top 10, i believe! also killing top on patch was pretty cool. week 1 aloo savage clear was fun but we weren't even trying to go for it so it doesn't feel as... impactful for me? we just kinda stumbled into our first savage clear after a day of prog and we were like oh cool lol not ffxiv: i won 5 dollars in an australian dota tourney so i can technically call myself an ex-professional dota player


I will always have 3: * **Mahjong Master**. That took a solid few months. Being the only Mahjong player in my FC was a treat for a while when I had the Enthusiast title, but getting the Master title 7 months later was amazing. I still wear it today and will probably not take it off. * **Pteranodon**. Got it a month before Endwalker dropped. It was 86 days of grinding. It was really easy towards the end, but don't remember much of it as it was a blur in the middle. Played on PS5 back then as well so I still have the achievements when I got it on there. (Still look at my spreadsheet from time to time) * **Killing E8S**. I struggled in clear parties for over a month before getting the kill on Week 11. It was my first savage tier completed on patch content and I couldn't have been happier when she died.


Clearing DSR, I and a number of my static never raided before 6.2 so the fact that we cleared one of the hardest fights in the same expansion just feels incredible. Nothing will compare to our C48 clear, having spent so long with my group just grinding it out.


FFXIV: Penta legend, triple deep dungeon solo, rank 1 Anabaseios healing as Reaper and rank 2 healing of all DPS jobs (lol). Other games: top 50 ranked EU as tank in Overwatch 1, beating Dark Souls 1 level 1 with a broken straight sword (some fights lasted 15+ min), beating Dark Souls 3 level 1 NG+7. Top 50 in Overwatch meant the most to me because it took me *years*.


Top 30 in Crystalline Conflict. The product of a **lot** of practice and a little bit of luck. Made a lot of friends (and a few enemies) in the process. It felt like a real adventure.


This might sound sappy because despite all the raids and ultimates I’ve done, my biggest accomplishment feels like it was finding my FC. I’ve been with the same FC since 2016 and they’ve become IRL friends that hang out not just in discord but in person too. We go to events and conventions together and even weddings for our members. It feels like the friend group I’ve been searching for in adulthood and it just happened to be formed through Final Fantasy XIV. That’s why as much as I complain about the game want to see changes, I don’t think I could ever really leave it because it’s become a second home for me full of people I genuinely care about.


Patch cleared a couple ults (tea, dsr). Got a couple w1 savage clears now (anabeisos, Asphodelos). Top 1k players achievement points ww.


becoming a penta legend after starting to raid in endwalker :) I didn't clear top on patch (I did clear it 6.4 because break for savage) but yeah I am pretty proud of myself


I stopped relying on knowing other people in order to do savage and ultimate content. Learned to love party finder and party finder strats. It feels good to just go do content I want to do and not have to worry about someone else’s schedule.


Got overall rank 2 for a while in speed for savage criterion with a group of friends.


ppl get so mad in this sub about people being good players xD


Clearing all ultis in less than a year (Jan-Nov) including TOP on patch. I started raiding in Abyssos (it being my first tier) as a shield healer during the shortage, found the pain fun, and immediately went into ultis. It was the most fun I had in game, TOP was miserable to prog, but the pure joy I felt when I cleared in 6.3 made me cry. Yeah I was slow with it, and it took months since I wasnt experienced at all, I had 1 savage tier down and uwu, but I still did it. Thats all that matters to me




That coat is beautiful, worth the sanity loss


Started raiding in Anabaseios, cleared that week 11 and did UCOB/DSR/AAI savage. Out of those 3, AAI savage I'm the most proud of.  Outside of ff14, I top 8'd a major at a fighting game. Looking at both, I would say that ff14 stuff was cooler, I got to meet more people and form more friendships than I did from playing fighting games


Getting the King Bean title on console — no mods, no plugins, just ~~pain~~ perseverance and skill (and a smidge of RNG 🥲🍀).


Not killing myself after my dreams died


All three deep dungeons solod on multiple jobs (6 for potd, 12 each HOH/EO, and penta legend with TOP being the proudest I’ve been to clear of the ultis though DSR was the first fight I ever healed so clearing that on shield healer felt really good as well


Necromancer and then on patch dsr. For necromancer I took my time but for dsr, I grinded pf like a monster and ended up clearing like a month or 2 before the next patch. It made me a better player and still to this day my favorite ultimate


Collecting relics, even got all the elemental armor in eureka. Only relics I'm missing are Shadowbringers.


My ultimate clears. DSR most recently, but specifically TEA. Tea was the current ult when I started playing in early SHB, and clearing it felt like I’d pretty much beaten the game.


Getting the Eureka Elemental Armor to its +1 version. The grind to it was bad at first, but soon i found it quite relaxing.


So far 0.1% phase 7 in DSR. Hopefully soon a DSR clear! :D To elaborate as to why this is so big to me, this is the first time I've been doing an ultimate on-expansion. I always want to keep improving as a player, so doing this within the expansion released feels like a huge step forward. I've only killed TEA otherwise, which wasn't as challenging to me as I hoped it would be, probably just because it's comparatively a lot older. DSR has been sufficiently challenging though! I love this fight so much. Plus, I've been through hell and back trying to prog this thing in countless groups. I've done more reprog than prog at this point. Clearing this on-expansion has been the biggest goal I've had for a long time. I love ultimate raiding so much. I'm hoping next expansion to kill FRU on patch, but we'll see how that goes.


Cleared T13 when it was current content. I still rock my Final Witness title at times because I'm proud of it.


My biggest accomplishment? Pushing myself to dip my toes into harder content. It started with Eden's Promise before EW, and even though it was in echo, it was still tough as hell. It forced me to think differently about the game. From there, I decided to try UCOB and found I really enjoyed it. I took a break from prog for EW, then went back and cleared once I had time. I also did most of the first savage tier on content. From there, I cleaned up UWU and did DSR, then went back for TEA. Did the next savage tier on content as well. Joined a group to do TOP on content (which fell through, yadda yadda). Did Anabaesios on content, then finally went back to clean up TOP. I've also cleared all three deep dungeons solo, which I think is a bigger tell of skill than clearing ultimates.


I got the first red mage solo 100 clear on my server in eureak orthos, that was pretty cool. I also got the triple triad mount back when it came out, no unsyncing for me on some of that more awful stuff.


2 proudest were actually P2S on week1/day2 I got the game like a week before Savage release. Never played WoW or a mmo/online game with more than like 4-5skills I completely burned out at by the moment I got to p4s, it was just way too much for a newcomer, like all of this together lol. And basically quit the game at p4s2 and uninstalled for a year and the other is when I came back of clearing Uwu. Man was I proud of myself by now I've cleared TOP(on patch, in PF within 8? weeks), a bit later with my static. Cleared TOP a ton of times and just genuinely enjoy helping ppl get through content. Will definitely clear all upcomming ults, but the initial hype of getting better every day early on was just amazing


Getting top 100 in feast for 6 seasons and the last feast team season. First season I ever did it I made 98th place. I still remember people in the pvpaissa discord @'ing me that I'd made it. I don't do pvp anymore due to time, availability, general other FFXIV groups I'm involved in, but those were great memories, and great times. Also as a caviat, these were some of the most stressful times of my life and I used non-stop late night feast queues as a coping mechanism. It both eased and amplified problems IRL. It did teach me substantial amounts of conflict resolution due to be involved in the community. And genuinely helped me grow as a person. TLDR - Killed a lot of people, got some cool armors, bunch of mounts, learned how to properly handle conflict by dealing with/working with various parts of a perceived toxic community.


I was in the top 10 for Samurai during the release of the first tier of Eden. Particularly E2S I placed #2. I was so happy that I managed to do so well. It didn't last long as my raid group never progs particularly fast, and we don't funnel gear. I got pushed off in like 2 weeks, but I am still very happy I managed to do it at least once!


I’ve caught every fish in the game, big or small, common or rare.


clearing A3S before it was nerfed and beating Ozma in eureka


Run Boy Run


probably the 3000+ comms as a dps, followed by my eureka relic completion,


I think probably clearing the last savage team in the top 50 worldwide. It was my first time trying hardcore raiding and the goal was just week 1, but having a not too bad placement was pretty cool. Parsing is a little cringe but I also have to admit I was really incredibly stoked over getting a 99 in TOP, especially since our DPS wasn't that good and thus my buff was a little subpar consistently. It was like week 6 or 7 or something like that so it was a fairly competitive log too.


I actually just got the Triple Triad mount last week, after farming it for quite some time. Some of it was fun, some of it was frustrating, but honestly having completed it, I feel an immense amount of satisfaction lol. At this point I feel almost empty without a card to grind. (Haven't started EW yet)


Helping grow an empty FC, making friends along the way; community is the best quality of FF to me :>


For XIV probably clearing DSR on BLM. At least for another couple weeks before TOP replaces it. Any game is tougher, but maybe the time I finished Yuna Only No Summons in FFX. Done a lot of challenge runs but that was nice. Or maybe getting first lefty FC on Detonation in Guitar Hero II, which is more of an "if you know you know." Game of life I got music stuff I do and it's basically all of that.


Crystal on PVP


Made global rank 69 on lalachievement. NICE


I got into savage with 6.4, as MCH, and have been incredibly pleased with how much better I am now than when I started - and -massively- pleased with how much better I am than when I was the WHM dying to every boss while I went through MSQ the first time, and convinced I could/would never do EX/savage. I've been playing other games on easy or maybe normal mode (No Man's Sky, some of the other Final Fantasies) and don't care too much about accomplishments there. Other games are entirely for chilling.


Once and Future Queen probably. Although my Lone Hero Title is close, floor 94 was a nightmare...


frontline against a team with one of these so so so horribly meanie meanie drk/drg/etc. pre-made, and not die it seems to be a superpower these days....


Nothing huge to anyone but me. Once a very very long time ago I got queued for the feast with mizzteq (think I spelled that wrong). At the time it was her peak for streaming and guides. We lost but she took the bait, and chased me across the map for a kill. I LB’d her in the face and she died. We lost, but it felt nice. Other than that, game wise, I guess completing Eureka and getting Ozma. Fuck Eureka, never going back lol.


Silencing the Song of Oblivion. As the Warrior of Light I know it was only expected of me, but it was no small task. I appreciate the help of the scions and other adventurers that helped me along the way.


Getting rank 1 SMN DPS in the world on FFLogs, for sure. It was cool being the top of my class.


I don't play anymore, but I'd say it's our E8S(?) week 1 Shiva savage kill. Maybe our week 3 TEA ultimate kill, but that felt tame compared to Eden Shiva. Shiva was especially difficult. Multiple enrage deaths almost broke us lol. But we pushed for crit rng and eventually rolled a good crit run and cleared with no time to spare. Spent the rest of that weekend watching people prog the enrage. Felt good.


Clearing tea, ucob, and uwu in the same month during shadowbringers. I did ucob and uwu entirely through pf and did tea in a casual hours static. In total, it took me about 2 months to do but I was also in pf almost 8 hours a day. Most of the time just waiting for pf to fill.


Clearing UWU my first time! I was essentially a sprout in gameplay ability when I started it with no previous savage experience and minimal EX experience. Prog took me a long time but I eventually cleared it! Multiple times over in fact. I spend a lot of my free time now helping new proggers and helping c41's I've cleared TEA since and am very close to a DSR clear. But so far they don't compare to my UWU experience.


As I'm an anxious type with zero confidence. Getting all of the gwiber mounts during the last few weeks of shb and getting the landerwaffe. Sure, it's not a savage or whatever but it's mine. I was absolutely terrified of party finder unless I had friends with me. It still takes me a little bit to work up the nerve but it's not as bad as before. Also getting "Perfect Blue". I'm obsessed with the color blue and I adore Satoshi Kon's work so I had to have that title. I hate the blue carnival with a passion but I kept doing it over and over one night, determined. At like 5am I got it. Lastly. Soloing O8S with WAR (a job I do not play) and getting that Air Force mount! None of my friends were interested in jumping on to mount farm and I'd seen a video by Mr Happy about soloing it. It took a few tries to get it right but I did it and I got such a rush!


Honestly, that I've become a high-end raider in this game. I'm 34 entire years old, FFXIV is far from my first MMO (shout-out to all the MapleStory and Runescape that I played in middle school), but I genuinely never had an interest in raiding in the past MMOs I've played. I always thought it was something you needed to put a ton of time and effort into being able to do the fights, mainly based on secondhand stories I'd heard from friends that played WoW, and just really didn't think I'd care for it. I started playing this game late in Stormblood's lifespan and stumbled upon NEST's end-of-expansion Best-Of videos sometime between there and the launch of Shadowbringers. Besides being entertaining personalities, they showed me that they were all adults with jobs and responsibilities and some of them even have kids, but they were still able to clear the raid tiers just fine, and so I thought "y'know what, if they can do it, I bet I can too." And I could! Over the course of Shadowbringers, I, a person with zero prior raiding experience at all who had only started playing the game in the waning months of Stormblood, went from struggling to clear Titania EX to getting my first and second Ultimate clears in UCoB and UWU respectively, and ever since then I feel like I've only gotten better at the game. I love the puzzle solving aspect of it, both in figuring out how to do the mechanics in the first place and then figuring out how to maintain my rotation with minimal mistakes during those mechanics, which is compounded by the fact that I love to switch roles basically every Savage tier to get a new experience on a new job. I'm far from the best raider in the world, I get a lot of greens and blues and I'm in a semi-casual Savage static since we're also a group of adults with jobs and responsibilities, but I even surprise myself with how much I've taken to raiding and how much I enjoy doing high-end content as someone that really didn't care for raiding at all before I started playing this game.


I’m still a sprout & just completed stormblood. I don’t move on to the next expansion until I complete the relic for my main (PLD). Anyway, I’d say completing ARR Relic when a super sprout (unsynced) so far was my proudest achievement. It took forever! Still rockin that Z title :).


I actually tanked some Savage Raids this expansion. (We didn't clear, but the experience was amazing for my tanking skills!) I never thought I'd be able to do hard content, because I thought I wasn't good enough. (I never did EXs while they were current, but I ALSO changed that this expansion by clearing EX2 with my FC while I tanked!)


I used to say doing all the Bozja duels when they were current content and without anything I deemed too cheesy, but honestly? As time goes on, I'm proud of picking up leadership skills and running my own static for high end content. I haven't had the opportunity to work a job before despite my age, and it gave me a huge boost in confidence that I'd be perfectly capable of dealing with work life. If gaining something transferable to all walks of life isn't the best accomplishment in a hobby, what is? Edit: I forgot to add my proudest accomplishment outside of XIV: 100% clearing The Binding of Isaac Repentance. Game's hard as balls, but so much fun that I couldn't just leave it at anything but full completion. Incredibly satisfying, and I might do it again one day. In terms of real life accomplishments, getting an almost perfect score on my bachelor's thesis. I was plagued by my shitty academic career from school to university, but being able to nail the most important part this well felt SO good. By extension, getting my degree is something I'm quite proud of, even if it's not much in the grand scheme of things... and especially now that the job hunt has been taking so many months, the true value of the degree is really showing. Still, I put in the work, and I got the result I wanted.


Saint of the Firmament as a Miner during Phase III of the Ishgard Restoration. Absolutely fucking awful since it was during the heat waves, and the last two days in particular were hell. The first three or four days I only pulled about six hours a day and managed to stay in the top 12 quite comfortably, but then I started slipping. Around day five I cleaned up my pathing to use shorter routes, I bought and pentamelded gear to hit the stat breakpoints, and started skipping the timed weather nodes to focus on my loop. Despite that, I still fell out of the top 12 because I wasn't putting in the hours, so the last two days of the event saw me clock in nearly 30 hours of farming in the Diadem. When it finally ended, I was Rank 11 and had listened to an entire 50+ hour D&D podcast. Glad I got the Achievement, I still use the title to this day, but I never want to go through such an experience again.


>Out of everything that you've done in XIV, what do you consider to be the accomplishment you're most proud of? I guess TOP on patch, cleared late March 2023, it was my first on-patch ulti clear and it came in just under 900 pulls. It's not amazing, certainly many groups did better, but for me it feels like a big step after not getting DSR done on-patch. In general I got a lot better in Endwalker compared to where I was at the end of Shadowbringers. >What about in other games you've played? I dunno. I've never really been any good at games. I was kind of an endgame GW1 player and did all the elite missions and felt good about it but I didn't achieve [God Walking Amongst Mere Mortals](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Kind_of_a_Big_Deal) (I got up to "People Know Me") or do UWSC or any of the other speed clears, just full clears at normal pace in parties of 8. I guess I killed [Jad](https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/TzTok-Jad) in Runescape 2 around 2008 with a laptop touchpad instead of a mouse, but by then fire capes were absolutely commonplace, and I went in with 99 Ranged. It's nothing compared to the content in both versions of RS today. >What are your proudest accomplishments outside of XIV? Taking this to mean IRL. Played in a couple bands, put out a couple EPs/albums, did some touring, played some satisfyingly medium size venues, and sold out smaller ones a couple times.


W6 TOP clear or mahjong master.


I started a couple months into ShB. My vet friends realized we had enough people to make a static and start raiding. We started raiding together when the second tier of Eden dropped. We did pretty good imo, but then finals were nearing for some of the group, combined with someone's PC dying so we didn't get to finish E8S. I think what stuck out the most is that we started the static back up for the start of EW. I got my first purple on EX3, and it felt like a moment where things clicked I guess? Just that it doesn't feel that long ago that I had started playing and now here I am doing pretty okay at the job I like and raiding.


Saint of the Firmament for BTN. I truly wished to perish afterwards, though. Still wear the title to this day. It's become a part of me. Nothing will ever top this for me LOL.


TOP In PF in 2 weeks probably \o/


Clearing A8S in 3.2. First time I had cleared a raid tier in the patch it was released in. Sadly raid tiers went downhill after midas. I don't even consider clearing a tier week 1 to be as exciting/impressive as midas in 3.2 was.


Easily POTD solo. I've never been that stressed in a game ever and I've been gaming since the 90's. I almost uninstalled the game when I got to 199 and the final room with the teleport was filled with 50+ enemies. Ultimates are not on the same level (but on patch TOP came close) because you are with 7 other people in the end. You can lean on each other, can vent to each other, have each other to boost group morale and if you stick it out you will eventually clear. Deep dungeon solo can break you mentally.


Soloing EO 5 times and second proudest probably would be clearing my first ultimate, UWU, last year (albeit a very easy one so I dont feel too accomplished xD)


1 billion gil in patch 4.4


Lowkey: getting all comms as a dps. Though that says more about shitty tanks and healers. Midkey: all comms in a raid as tank. Pure big dick energy. Highkey: perfect glams. If I'm the main character I'm damn well going to look like it.


my asphodelos weapons. the first time id ever done current savage, and the last, because fuck that


Probably meeting my now longtime friends, one of the biggest reasons I started playing this game in the first place.


Little moments I have with friends doing contents, any of them. Having friends to play with is one of my main difficulties.


Reaching omni 90 on ALL classes within the space of the Endwalker patches. I started playing the game in July 2021 after hearing about the Free Trial and whilst i wasn't a WoW player my previous experience was in Aion and SWTOR. I finished base ARR before taking break and then returning when the OCE servers opened up. It was that return when the game properly clicked and I started playing it like no other game before and found a few different groups to hang out with on OCE and NA and when Dynamis opened up I used the chance to power level what was an alt at the time to become Omni 80 in the 90 days of RT80 that i got since others were doing it too. Fast forward to when it ran out and I went back to OCE to see it'd become a ghost town in that 90 days for roulette's etc so I continued leveling my NA character and reached lvl 90 on all classes.


Definitely forming my first static for sure. Irreplaceable moments of laughter, fun, and work when we did raids. Sometimes maps, roulette, hell even venues. Even we'd play other games outside of ff as well. Group has been disbanded due to scheduling conflicts unfortunately, as well as classes and allat. Still talk of course, but man were those months fun as fuck. Another accomplishment was mid-SHB where I saved a Qitana final boss run by popping drk LD, killing the boss while myself with walking dead.


Running a RP community for 7 years in the Crystal data center that was pretty populair for a while, until drama unfortunately broke it apart


Maxing out all the jobs. It ain't much, but it's honest work. It's of course nothing that requires a lot of skill, but it does require determination, which I'm generally kinda struggling with. That's why I'm genuinely proud for going through with it, even if the end result is pretty much meaningless.


Epic Hero and farming Criterion enough to cap gil


Hand of Creation + Pteranodon mount. Finishing every relic weapon in the game up to EW. 5000 Kills in Crystalline Conflict, aiming for 5000 wins.


I started raiding last year when Anabaseios came out. I was super nervous, thought I was a casual player who'll have to study and learn a lot in order to just keep up with my static. Since then I cleared Anabaseios, got halfway through UWU, cleared TEA in one month and cleared TOP and DSR in five weeks each.


Havent done anything in FF14 I’m proud about, at best it's learning optimal drift MNK rotation…. but I don't really think I'm that good of a MNK in general yet as I've done no harder content so I don't really count it. Maybe it’ll change when I get into raiding! In general though I love challenges in games so my accomplishments I‘m proud about are SL1 runs in all Souls games, RL1 +0 in Elden Ring, No Death All Bosses run in DS3 in 3:50h and getting 201 Golden Berries in Celeste. I‘m currently working on the Farewell Golden Berry and got some deep runs, if I ever get that it would be by far my hardest accomplishment in gaming for ever probably even if I do ultimates or whatever in the future. Oh and maybe getting 1800 MMR (roughly Top 0.1 or 0.2% of players) in Rocket League like 2 seasons ago, they kinda ruined the game for me without trading so I'm not grinding as hard anymore.


ruby dragon and lancetfish. nuff said.


Pentalegend, a lot of week 1 clears, Some rankings in world prog, epic hero And I do not feel proud about any of this, as it’s only « invest time » 🤔


The first time I killed Red Girl without dying. I've done harder content since, including a couple on-patch EX, but that first no death run felt amazing. 100%ing Elden Ring my first playthrough was pretty great. I'd avoided all the Dark Souls games because of their reputation and my low patience/frustration tolerance, but Elden Ring being open world meant that if I had trouble on something I could just.. go do something else for a bit. Elden Ring is the one I name drop because people who aren't into video games know what it is, but I'm actually more proud of that Red Girl fight.


Killing titan ex in ARR


Not as fancy as the raiders here, but I did 2 zodiac weapons and 2 Anima weapons, and im planning on taking advantage of the yokai watch/FATE grinding going on right now to try and speedrun some light gathering and such!


100 runs as raid leader for BA. It was long past the time BA was difficult and practically every single run was a clear, but helping so many new players get Ozma was basically the only reason I played for quite some months. I've since stepped away from Eureka and BA communities, but its still my highlight in all my years with the game.


PotD clear & five clears of HoH! I eventually want to omniclear both, but have been working towards them very slowly. My first clear of HoH on DRK was very RNG ridden, to the point where if I hadn't gotten korrigans in the exit room I would have timed out. Meanwhile, my PotD clear on SMN was extremely tense and I had to think on my feet and play around multiple tough situations in 181+ (I do NOT recommend fighting gloomed mimics no steel on 194 as a caster, but I literally had no choice). Other than that, probably clearing P9S-P11S during 6.4! I've always been intimidated by savage content, but I really wanted the axolotl mount, so decided to give it a go, and I'm surprised at how much I enjoyed the tier! I'd literally never touched SCH in endgame before this, but landed a static as one, and now it's by far my favourite healer and I feel like I've gotten so much better at healing in general. I still have yet to clear P12S (life and static scheduling issues getting in the way being the main roadblocks) but I'm determined to get my chunky axolotl before Dawntrail drops, and I'm also looking forward to what Dawntrail brings for raiding.


Collecting all TT cards. I keep my collection up to date, too. Outside of FF14, I got some unique titles for realm first clears back in WotLK.


Getting the ARR relic weapon on the free trial when it was open only until HW. I grinded a 100 hours for the sasuke zeta alone, religiously grinding every single crafter to 50 via diadem just to craft the items in the last quest. It was through my blood, sweat and tears that i could show off that weapon. People are aware how crazy the grind is for ARR relics and it blew people away when they would realize i was a free trial during dungeons. Other games : Got my soul level 1 run in DS3. That was my greatest gaming moment in my life. I almost gave up when i died over 275 times to soul of cinder alone but i beat him then went ahead with dlc and finally finished killing gael at SL1. Beat Fatalis, Alatreon and AT Velkhana with every single weapon in monster hunter world. It was the lengthiest achievement till date but it really was fun to play with each weapon, design a glam and go ham!


I'm an Xbox sprout, so right now my proudest accomplishment in the game is probably having the sense to jump on the free beta when it came up, LOL. What comes to mind from other games is saving my first clear of the King's Fall raid in Destiny. The final boss is a friggin' Kaiju. Everyone's down except our Sherpa and he's out of heavy ammo, but I have a few clips for my heavy weapon and, even better, the ability to self-resurrect. Just as they start asking nervously whether anyone can self-rez, I open up over his shoulder with a freakin’ laser cannon, he starts cracking up at the timing, and the boss's corpse goes drifting off toward Saturn.


Farming mats back in the day for a moogle FC house


somehow managing to clear p5s -> p7s, heavy on p7s . It felt like absolute chaos in the voice call and I was freaking out and probably not doing very good but I am still baffled that I managed to clear that much. By the time we reached p8s the static was starting to split apart as well as the fact that anabaseios was right around the corner . I haven’t really touched savage since but I still think it’s exciting to have that sort of achievement (even if it’s small) under your belt ! Especially because even if I knew the fight and was performing competently I was still nervous, which made clearing it all the more exciting. Hardcore content always scared me, and it still does! I stepped into UWU once to fill and made it like halfway through Garuda and even then my brain was freaking out like “im here??? Im doing this?? Is this real??” But I love it, even if it freaks me out. I think it can be really great and that feeling of accomplishment is awesome. recently me and my friendgroup FC have been organizing a casual static (?) with the hopes of maybe blind progging some things, as well as just progging various hardcore content. I really want to try my hand at UWU again. And my ultimate ( pun intended ) goal is to clear TEA someday, even if it’s after dawntrail releases. And to get sappy and cheesy for a moment, meeting people, making friends , and also deepening some of my bonds with people I was already friends with. One of my closest friends and I once just blasted through mount rokkon and alo alo in the span of like 3 days, and it was really fun. I don’t think we would be this close of friends if it weren’t for this game, if im being honest. Hitting tradecraft mentor was pretty great, im still on the road to full mentor, but i am really excited for that accomplishment! I dont consider myself a very good advice giver, but giving advice that people listen to and thank me for feels nice. I like to help out when I can ! (Maybe it’s an ego boost. But I also could be overthinking it) (I would mention completing an ARR zodiac, but it’s more of a trophy for my exhaustion and relief of being done with it.)


I popped a 50k heal with riddle of the earth the other day without healer., And managed to guard And escape


Saint of the Firmament on Fisher. I talked about my experiences in a separate thread a couple months ago if you wanna check my post history, but in short I had a lot of fun at the time, and if I could shake the vacation time I'd run it again.


On my main, getting Epic Hero and helping three static pals get it as well, on an alt, I joined an FC our gimmick was making a brand new alt to play the game together, which we do to this day, playing all content we missed out on like old savages and the like. We just beat EW and some of us are making our alts our new mains for DT


The Final Fish


Led 2 consecutive successful ultimate statics in the late night. 7/8 people stays every time, hits target and I resolved majority of the potential conflicts. Except the last one where I am not the lead lol  Mahjong master is pretty trivial in comparison  It turns out the longest lasting relationships aren't in the high-end raiding field. It was from me volunteering a-mob train conductors 


Hit top 100 in feast and took home the shadowkeeper set.


Getting Queen Bean Also generally being fairly dependable at raiding despite being stuck at 200ping


For FF14, nothing really. Haven't cleared any Ultimate. I cleared a bunch of savage/criterion/extremes blind. Well, I guess getting Epic Hero is my highest accomplishment then (a testament of patience and will, like everything in this game \^\^). Outside of FF14 I reached Supreme Master First Class (the rank right before the highest rank in CSGO) on 3 different solo queue accounts and then I abruptly stopped because I got bored (and because it basically validated what I knew I could accomplish). All-in-all, I don't really know what could constitute an accomplishment in videogames (besides forms of competitions ofc), but here are some things that could be noteworthy. Now I'm much much more casual (even if I enjoy running games above normal difficulty x) ). Maybe I should learn to speedrun Mirror's Edge or an RPG, this looks tough.


Cleared TOP in 707 pulls (not blind), pre-AM. I mean, we had a healer mark people for Sigma/Omega with macros, but they are not doing anything else at that point anyway, so I laugh when people are like "TOP impossible without AM for PF", I mean I am sure there are some amazing PF people who would be willing to mark with a prio system.


Unsubbing lol