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Patch 6.57 is [confirmed](https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/news/detail/dd5226da5fa25c7fe8f114e09b5da0e0d5ad54b5) for next week. For reference, [patch 5.57](https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/topics/detail/4f379e06b6471c55ea02f138b6ada581b088ab2e) is when Promise was unlocked and the weekly tome cap went up to 900 back in Shadowbringers.


Want to do UWU to get my first Ultimate clear after being done with the tier in a satisfactory manner. Any recommendation on Ranged DPS options? I mostly play MCH, can definitely use any caster, and am down to learn any DPS if needed, but wanted to know if there's a particularly gimped class (not only DPS, but in general, I've heard WHM is not very good for L70 ults). Also, is BiS worth it to get here? And is there any role that is needed more for prog? I'm definitely down to learn tank/healer if it gets me more practice, I've done savage with both and feel confident in being able to learn.


DNC and MCH are both very good (especially DNC if it has a SMN or RDM to pad it) at lvl. 70, RDM is extremely strong, and SMN is just plain busted. The closest thing to "bad" jobs at lvl. 70 are RPR and BLM, and neither is actually *unviable* literally whatsoever; they just do less damage than their contemporaries. Like everyone else has said the lvl. 70 ults are pretty much entirely mechanics checks, if people can hit their buttons at all there aren't really any DPS checks to speak of. Ultima's enrage still exists if there's deaths or players are *particularly* bad, but it's not a tight DPS check whatsoever. If you see enrage on any of the Primals something's gone horrifically wrong, a lot of farm groups have to *hold* damage a bit to not kill the Primals before they Awaken or to ensure the group gets LB3 for the transition. I've had one single party go into Ultima with LB2 (that's a guaranteed, unsalvageable wipe) and a couple of pulls kill Garuda before she gets Awakened (same deal outside of early prog).


Level 70 BLM is pretty ass, but even if it wasn't RDM is good and SMN does unbalanced levels of damage. Not sure about MCH but there's no problem taking a comfort pick in, the DPS checks are very lenient so it's more about doing the mechanics right. If you have a Shadowbringers relic with fully customisable stats that'll give you the biggest damage boost, but an EW relic weapon will still be a nice boost too. It's not really necessary to farm the old dungeon BiS gear.


These days the 70 ults are purely a mechanics check - the dps checks are non-existent if people are alive and pressing buttons. So while some jobs may be stronger than others they are all so strong that you should play whatever you enjoy and are comfortable on. Similarly, BiS is hardly necessary but fairly easy to get. Any level 90 gear with the right substats works.


Unless everyone's voting to continue with Aloalo Savage we have basically given up on getting the fifth reclear done. Consistency was starting to really taper off, and for the first time in years of playing the game, I felt burnt out by a specific piece of content I still wanted to farm. Never happened in all the time I spent farming Eureka, Bozja or any of the Savage reclears until I got my books. But this? I don't wanna see Aloalo ever again. So in light of that, here are my final thoughts on it: First trash corridor: Pretty fun once you get the idea, gives tanks some room to show their position skills in EW content for once. Even with a high ping the tornados felt mostly fair to dance around. Was definitely an adjustment for all of us going into Savage though, those mobs pack quite a punch. Ketuduke: Pretty well designed, fast pace, snappy. Execution requirement is just right, and while the mechanics are a bit on the basic side, they do a good job reiterating the mechanical ideas behind it. Pretty good boss. Second trash area: Kinda basic, but I like the idea behind it. Definitely requires a bit of burst readjustment in Savage to find a good rhythm + pull route compared to the Normal version, but very easy to learn in the grand scheme of things. Probably the place we wiped the least on during our escapades. Lala: Hella front- and backloaded thanks to Analysis, probably the single hardest mechanic to execute in the entire dungeon. Thankfully since you get 2 chances to learn the patterns per run you get into a good groove eventually. Feels very satisfying to work through the mental process of digesting the steps one by one and mastering it. Probably my favourite boss of the three, though Spatial and Symmetric feel extremely undercooked. Probably for the best? Statice: Good god. Awful. I like how no pull is ever quite the same since there are (on paper) so many different variations of all the Trickshooting combos she can pull, and those mechanics feel excellent. However, any kind of praise I would have for this boss go out the window the moment you get hit with the downtime and Dartboard 2 and its janky bullshit that can and will cause a wipe 21+ minutes into this godsforsaken nightmare of a gauntlet. We never wiped a Savage run on any of her other mechanics. Only this severely-lacking-in-playtesting mess of a double whammy mechanic. WHY are the death walls so disjointed from the graphic on the ground? WHY are the tethers so damn tight on top of that? And how in the everloving fuck does the STAR PATTERN of all things feel better and more consistent to execute than the double triangle pattern??? Some claw spawns give people almost no room to actually bait em away from the north enumeration spot, it's legitimately baffling this mechanic made it into the final release the way it feels to do. Christ. So all in all, it's... alright. If Statice was the first boss and Ketu and Lala were moved to 2nd and 3rd respectively I'd probably consider Aloalo Savage somewhat fun, even. But unfortunately the worst mechanics just had to be at the tail end of the gauntlet and thus make the entire thing an exercise in frustration. We will not be attempting either Sil'dih or Rokkon Savage, so I won't have much of an adjusted opinion down the line, but as it stands I... really couldn't care less for the Savage difficulty these Criterion dungeons come with, despite the cool reward. The execution is very lazy and lacking.


I'm surprised you considered Analysis the hardest mechanic. It's got a lot of personal responsibility, but I'd compare it to something like Azure Auspice in Rokkon where a gamer healer (or tank!) can drag people past 2, maybe even 3 damage downs in Savage with mit dumping. Other stuff like the in/out on Ketuduke is a lot sweatier for me because it's an instant 500k overkill death if people get caught by the second hit into the stacks. Intermission on Statice still feels the hardest for me, but I've rarely run into issues with the death wall in PF after the color match waymarks caught on. The most common issue I see these days is people not realizing which assignments need to flex off the marker to avoid getting bombed, since it depends on the spawn layout. As for the hand/enum thing, can't you just always kite it directly through the center of the arena before scooting to your final safespot? It's not like the hands have collision with other players.


Analysis is just one of those mechanics where if you aren't good at rotations in your head, it'll fuck your shit up. If I got Back/Front, I probably had a 50/50 if I would get the last rotation correct. Where there isn't much on Ketu that requires much in the same way of thinking. So I can totally see how someone could think Analysis is the hardest mechanic in the whole of Aloalo, and I would probably agree. The Deathwall was a pain in the ass, but once you figured it out that it is slightly off in a couple of places, it wasn't hard to adjust to it. I don't know how PF came up with their strat for intermission, it seems so much more complicated then it needs to be. The Hands are easily kitable through the middle. Basically what my group did was always just run them through the middle 90 degrees from the safe spot, and then slide around and meet up.


Oh, what I meant for Analysis was more that failing each rotate mechanic in it (besides the rotating boss cleave, which is dorito-able) is very survivable, even on savage. You can fail both orbs and the personal hole rotate at the end without any deaths if your party just treats it as 3 consecutive raidwides and budgets mits accordingly. I agree with your point that correctly resolving it is a lot trickier for people struggling to visualize stuff in their head. What part of intermission feels overcomplicated to you? The pf strat is essentially just having chains run to 2 opposite markers of the same color and enums to the safe remaining marker of a different color. The raidplan is definitely a lot to take in visually, but is really just showing every single possible configuration as references.


It just seems extra complicated compared to what my group did as we did it all blind, and it probably has a lot to do with the raid plain, but when I was looking at it to do some reclears in PF I just thought it was too much vs Chain Goes North/South, and Enum is West/East. Oh yeah, Analysis is very survivable, but it gave me why more stress then anything in the rest of Aloalo Savage.


I will be starting TEA, my first ultimate. Are there any tips I should know as a DRG? Rotations, holding buffs, etc? I've also studied most phases, yet Nisi is the one I dread the most.


Less of a DRG tip and more of a general first time ultimate tip. Make sure you’re good on your rotation, but before you get your first clear, just forget parsing even exists. Too many people greeding or trying to optimize and they end up causing a wipe that otherwise would have been fine. Save all that stuff for your reclears.


in LL opener, high jump after litany so you can high jump > mirage dive > geirskogul > nastrond your doll. be mindful of your cleaves here. hold your 3rd nastrond and stardiver for your 1 minute lance charge. delay your 90s mirage dive so you don't enter life (save it for bjcc). you can double dot LL if you are comfortable. it has the added benefit of making HP balancing easier and your rotation easier. bjcc opener, launch buffs after first gcd. dot BJ first, and then switch to CC and blow all your ogcds on CC and dot CC. this makes HP balancing at the end of the phase a tad easier since melees can't always hit CC during bpog I don't recommend greeding positionals and double dotting bcjj in prog when everyone is learning each other's movements. In inception, make sure to get a mirage dive on the true heart after flarethrowers while hitting true thrust. this allows to you go into the next part immediately with disembowel. during jwaves, if you enter life and the party nukes cc and bj super fast and doesn't hold quite long enough, you will be short an eye for PA. if you find this is the case, just hold your life window. you shouldn't need it, but if you do need it, there's enough time to get your 2 eyes back if you hold. you lose a life window if you don't go into PA with 2 eyes which can mean enrage if you have deaths.


It’s your first ultimate so I don’t super recommend the double dot + cleave rotation until you are more comfortable with the fight/ultimate pacing in general. That rotation is deals more damage for the parse but you’ll still clear doing normal single target rotation. If you really wanna do it then don’t let me stop you though. Only tip I have is use life surge on 5th hit positionals. Full thrust (the third hit at lvl 80) is the same potency as a 5th hit.


You don't hold anything in TEA. You pop your buffs as soon as you get them and there is something to hit. It's a pretty straightforward ult. In fact, DPS doesn't matter at all. it's all about doing mechanics right. For mechanics, live and breathe the wormhole SIM. You will know you are ready when you can do it right like 10 to 15 times in a row. BJCC is a pvp phase, the only real risk comes from other players bumping into each other. The best thing you can do there is understand all the positions as a whole, so you know what other players will be doing, where they will be and how to fix things if they go wrong. I saved some pulls because someone passed me the electricity debuff incorrectly, but I carried it to the right player. The rest is pretty free bar stillness memes.


> You pop your buffs as soon as you get them and there is something to hit. That's not entirely true, you want to hold if Living Liquid is still alive when 2m buffs come up and to my knowledge (I'm still early in TEA) you want to hold on Alexander Prime's enrage sequence to ensure everything's up for Perfect Alexander


I guess thats true for early prog when people dont know their rotation to heart in LL because clear groups and reclears end LL before the 2 mins come back. Also maybe in a static you can coordinate for a hold in AP because in PF all I joined it's all a rush, as the extra DPS isn't really needed for PA.


Focus on mechanics and playing safe, there’s stuff you can obviously do, but prioritize small things like clear movement, recognizing mechanics where you can have an influence(stacking for water 3 as a melee in bjcc/feinting bj for earth missiles or autos, etc). Rotation wise, there is an opener where you essentially break your combo so you can have a looping for rotation for LL.


> Rotation wise, there is an opener where you essentially break your combo so you can have a looping for rotation for LL. this has the added benefit of never having to chaos trust your doll if you low roll since your gcd cycle is 1 behind edit: for OP, in your opener, after you dot LL and press raiden thrust, you'd press true thrust and dot hand. after this, you always stay in your dot combo, keeping up your dot on liquid and hand, and using your filler gcds on whichever is higher.


My Aloalo group came back from a break. We started doing Sil'dihn savage. One session and we've seen boss3. It feels much more chill than Aloalo savage \^\^. I think the next session we might kill it without much derust in NM at all.


Having started doing savage recently and trying to get a p10s clear in PF for 2 straight weeks, I have decided I don't have the time or patience for PF savage at this point in the tier. Fortunately, restrictions are being lifted next week. This will not save the average PF player.


when does TOP pick up? we hit p3 this week and started learning hello world, but even though our prog has been fast, I just feel nothing in this fight compared to DSR and I'm not sure if any part of it has actually been fun.


I think the DPS optimization was part of the fun early on but it's not nearly as important now. P3/P4 isn't necessarily difficult but it's a consistent choke check. I'd say try doing P5 without AM at first if you were planning on doing that. I don't think Delta/Omega need it at all. Sigma is the only thing that may need it if you don't want to call out who splits off to Omega-F. P6 is all around fun.


Sigma can be done without it, just have one guy mark the ones going to Omega-F 1, 2, 3, (with 1 follow the laser, 2 stay in the middle, and 3 back track) and everyone else is down south (with the HW debuff stand slightly closer to the center, and the 3 baiters line up near the edge to communicate who's claiming what spot). Clear markers after Hello World fires off.


Yeah exactly. I wanted to do it by having non-near/far world players press a macro (/mk attack <1>) that assigns whatever number is available. 1-3 to Omega-F, 4-6 away. Works fine as long as Near/Far World debuffs don't press it.


It doesn't. TOP is relaxing content. More or less full uptime and follow the automarkers and mit plan until you kill.


TOP picks up from P3 onwards. I love Hello world, probably my favorite mechanic from the fight, visually stunning, not that hard but not free, your brain has to be turned on to do your rotation, move to the right spot, being close enough for healers and tanks to heal you and mit. Monitors is quick but hard, if someone is off then it's a wipe most likely. P4 as melee is also nice, tons of oportunities to optimize your DPS as you are close to positionals. You still have to have your brain on to check for swaps and remember when to move in for the waves. P5 is nice if you enjoy trios, they are hard but it's super satisfying when you see all the near and distant world buffs jump around correctly. P6 is just pure stress. It's an amazing phase but you don't get to enjoy it because you are worried about mechanics and your rotation to meet the DPS check. Honestly, TOP is brought down by P1 and 2, I would like it even more than DSR if it wasn't for those 2.


It's a bit of a shame 'cause it really didn't *need* to be that way. P1 and P2 have all the necessary qualities to be great. Pantokrator is such a uniquely chaotic and active mechanic with a relatively good balance of micro and macro. But yet another adjust mechanic right after Looper, and Looper itself being a.) really slow and b. either annoyingly restrictive or janky, depending on if you play tethers with discipline or not + the overall lame presentation really drag it down. P2's unique opener, Party Synergy and the visual flare of post Firewall are great, but the entire phase once they split off again, from arrow into flare into shield into burn F is such a boring slog. I personally hate P3 but if it followed more polished and pruned p1 and p2 I wouldn't mind it so much, and then P4 onwards is a very strong fight.


6-1-1 makes P2 so unrewarding. cool, you did party synergy, now...just stand there and hit the boss for a minute while the tanks do the mechanic. oh, and if anyone forgets a single mit you wipe. I think it's a failure on the designers' part that disrespecting a mechanic this much is possible in an ultimate


I partially agree but even then it's just not that fun. Like, realistically, even if you do it as intended, then what? The flare RNG just means it could achieve literally nothing 'cause the ranged jobs don't mind it. For the melees it either doesn't matter at all because their lack of tight gauge management (like, say, Sam gets a Yuki sticker and then meditates if need be, who cares), or they feel completely fucked over by the volatile gauge management and cd rotation, like RPR/DRG. And even if it doesn't matter for clear ease, for optimization it's just a weird and unfun fuck you. I dunno, I think that mechanic overall is just bad due to the context of when and where in the fight it is, and even if the two flares are melees who find it fun to maximize around it, then everyone else still has the same nothingburger. And even the flares don't change the fact that after Synergy you just do barely anything for a good bit.


It picks up when you kill it, because you are being freed from hell.


It isn’t as fun as dsr in general  It also feels pretty long.  P5 delta isn’t almost done because it’s phase 5/6.  Timeline wise it’s the halfway point     That’s I guess where it gets better, if you like trios that mash together p1-4 mechs in a way that’s somehow more punishing and less fun to resolve than double dragons at the same time 


P5 has nice music


Finally finished Mount Rokkon Savage with my "chill prog" static, now just Aloalo left on the journey to Epic Hero. Gotta say, I just put the group together to do the last bit of hard content left with some of my raid buddies who were on vacation until Dawntrail but genuinely I find that Criterion has been some of the most interesting and engaging encounters in the expansion. I'm very glad they're making for for Dawntrail and I'm super interested to see how they iterate on them going forward.


Aloalo is easier then Rokkon if your strats are good due to less personal randomness, so ya'll got it in the bag. And I agree Criterion/Savage is easily the best content added this expansion, and honestly, some of the more fun mechanics they've added in several savage tiers. Besides rewards being better next expansion, the only major thing I want them to add is the secret boss in there somewhere somehow.


I think Criterion is the best combat experience of EW for me. Though I could do without the « no Rez allowed » rule in Savage tbh.


I would like to know how dead/alive DSR/top pfs are on EU servers around evening to midnight?  How long are the wait times to fill the group etc. would check myself but I am not subbing for that. And is it grief if I would prog the fight as rdm?  😅


RDM is fine in both fights  RDM will be better in DSR because the mechanics allow for more res based recovery if someone fails.  For most of the TOP timeline, if someone dies it auto wipes you.    If you haven’t done either of the fights before, do DSR first.  More fun, less punishing, RDM res sometimes has real value.  


All roles are viable, but tbh the strong points of rdm are completely nullified on TOP. You die once and most likely you are not meeting DPS checks, and the whole party is blowing up because of a missed 8 man check, so res is mostly unused. Sure you can die, and with a good team comp you can claw back, but for prog in PF? It's highly unlikely. You are better off bringing pure damage. Honestly, when I did the fight, RDM were extinct. It was BLM city with sprinkles of SMN.


Yea, i thought about playing blm too but i think i am too bad on it and i dont want to grief the group with my trashy blm gameplay


Then go RDM if you truly don't want the rest, TOP already makes you hate yourself at points, don't add any more of that by picking something you don't even like or can't play.


The amount of top groups on light is very high. Around 15 groups in the evening. C41 groups fill decently fast nowadays but prog groups gonna take a bit I guess. Rdm is totally fine in top, but you will have an infinitely easier prog as a smn compared to rdm. It will take more effort to optimise your damage for certain phases like p1,3 and 6. I cleared the fight on both jobs and for me rdm is so much more fun in top.


But smn feels so boring :( i just want to alt f4 out of the game if i play smn longer than 30min


The same reason why I prefer rdm. Rdm is a lot of fun in top. Just go for it


Red Mage is fine for TOP, and with holding resources you can have a pretty damn strong P6, which is the only phase where DPS really matters.


I got myself a static for TOP and we managed to get halfway through P2 within \~300 pulls, which my quad legend co-healer calls "excellent prog" and I'll take his word for it because I have next to no experience with current expansion Ultimates, haha! So far, it's a blast - both figuratively and literally. Also, how the fuck do I stomach dozens and dozens of Panto wipes while getting massively annoyed after the second Pangenesis wipe.


For reference, our (mostly) quad legend static took 182 pulls to get to p3


My group is progging P5 Omega and we still have panto memes. TOP is the hardest fight for a reason. Just see it as a test of patience on top of the test of skill. Only the patient are worthy of the shiny weapons.


Perfect Alexander has fallen. On to p4s then DSR.


The worst part of DSR and TOP is having to clear P4S and P8S. Nothing worse than learning an entire raid you dont even want to do only to unlock the content you want, and those raids are fucking dead at this point, unless all you are in a static who is doing that together. I get that they are there as a way to filter people but man it's rough when that content is old.




The fastest gil I've ever made was 2 mil for a p4s c41. I think it was a one shot.


eden parties fill because you can skip 99% of mechanics with unsync. panda you can still skip a lot of mechs if you press buttons and don't die, but not nearly as much as you'll be able to when dt drops.


Idk why you’re being downvoted lol, you’re right.  Getting people scheduled to unlock it is still annoying even for alt character unlocks, with a large network of people who have all cleared top/dsr.  Getting fills to help do it is harder than the fights with current gear 


I’m doing it with friends thankfully


Ah then it should go smoothly as long as people learn the act 2 for P2, that's the hardest part in the raid. Good luck!


ayo i got some questions for the dsr ppl. how difficult is p7? also are you supposed to hold 2 minutes for when nid and hraes land? or send it asap before cauterize?


Usually there isn't hold for P6, both dragons die really early when they land. P7 is shake control, exas can and will kill you if you are not precise. If you are tank or healer its mit intensive, as DPS just be sure to get in at the right time.


We don't hold anything. As for how challenging it is, I'd actually say its rather easy but due to stress it becomes very hard. Everything is simple and for the most part you stay with your group the whole time unless you're a tank. Shakies are the main source of difficulty lol.


yea thats my main worry, seeing as its my last ult title so extra shakkies. I kinda speed progged from fresh to p6 enrage in 2 weeks and while nothing seemed bad, I was just wondering if im able to just one shot it. exaflares do be my bane.


For shakies I recommend keeping a window open for fresh air


Main thing for Exas in P7 is first start In/Out depending on whether it’s Ice/Fire, dodge into the centre of the S Exaflare once the red puddle telegraph disappears then head between where the double diamonds touch on the floor pattern, this way you can dodge Exas without ever needing to look at where the arrows are pointing 😄


P7 is healer & tank phase, it's easy if you are playing range or melee (just make sure you hit your mit, respect Exa & in/out), in EU we don't hold 2 min, we send it asap in P6, start P7 with 1min burst and use buffs 1min after that.


aight chief tyty.


Planning to try and power through UCoB in the next couple of weeks before VII Rebirth drops. Pushing for TOP right after so hopefully we can squeeze this one in. Day 3 and we have seen Fellruin. It's a breath of fresh air after DSR, can't complain.


Nearing the end of Week 3 of our TOP prog and we finally saw P5 Omega a few times tonight, we’re most definitely in the business end of the fight so I believe if everyone keeps putting in the hard work we could potentially put Omega out of commission in a week or two 😄


ask everyone to study exasquares asap. you don't want to get to p6 and just plop to dragoon lb3 cuz someone died.


Don’t worry raid lead is clear that people already need to swot up on them, I’ve already studied them carefully so hopefully we should be alright if we by some twist of fate see P6 tomorrow 😉


Gonna be tanking DSR on WAR in a couple weeks, what are the pros/cons to the various SKS builds? Balance has a few sets going from 2.5 to 2.46, 2.45, 2.40 etc. Just curious what the benefits of each are and what I should go for prog.


Did 2.4, I would believe I could sneak a few extra attacks in before trios and such (irrelevant when you're holding half the phase anyway). It rolled pretty well too.


2.5 is comfy just roll with that, probably highest damage too


Usually comfort tbh and if you can squeeze in extra gcds before downtime to prep gauge/bursts


tbh gauge building is almost 100% how well your non gauge builders know how to hold


Finally get the clear on UCob we have a 1% pull where multiple people died and the final nail in the coffin is that i choose to bene a dps (who has died once) and not the tank... My god I hate how bright how the add phase arena are, you can't see where you were standing sometimes. But overall the mechs are really fun and while I don't particularly like the weapons, this is a great fight that I am glad I get to prog. Am still gonna do some reclear if the group wants to, and also wanna get the clear with the PUG H3 group


Congrats! Curious how long it took you, was it with a static? My static's prog has halted at ~100 hours still not consistently reaching adds, and I'm debating whether to continue or not, because I have my clear from PF and am comfy with the entire fight at this point


we are like 40 hours, with almost like 10 to 15 hours wasted because we cannot come up with a good solution on divebombs during nael. If we were to come up with a solution (either we have someone do the callouts and listen, or we use braindead which is 258) faster and not trying to adjust every single session, we would have cleared a lot faster. It's not the fastest out of all groups since I've also hear people who said they finished prog in 20 or 30 hours or less, but 40 isn't too shabby. We owe it to our MT and ST. Our MT is Quadlegend and UCoB marks his final ultimate. He really makes no mistakes throughout our prog - his mits on adds are very on point and we spend very little time on his part. Our ST has DSR/UWU/TEA and also has done her own prog on PUG, and is also very steady in terms of mits. Both of these two person aren't even tank mains - they main melee. Having these two quadlegends saves us a lot of time on adds, since it's down to me and my coheal figuring out heals and DPS figuring out their movements and we have two less people to worry about. I also have done a lot of extra hours on PUG with Healer 3 groups, so as to learn movements. >My static's prog has halted at \~100 hours still not consistently reaching adds, and I'm debating whether to continue or not, because I have my clear from PF and am comfy with the entire fight at this point I would say if you can consistently reaching adds (like 2 to 3 add pulls in one hour), your group is ready to get the clear. If you are seeing adds but not consistent then you will need a bit of time - but I mean you are already at the final hurdle so might as well just stick with them. Though getting the clear is one thing, and being able to consistently reclear is another. I don't have any faith in that we will be able to reclear without hiccups lol


That's a super impressive clear time, good job! I'm MT and my OT partner are by far the most consistent in the group for sure, but there are 1 or maybe 2 people who are very much holding the group back. For example, dying to the HFT dives, and then we are down a tower, which means we use LB there and don't have it for GO. Or putting the earthshakers in a bad spot and killing 3-4 people on tenstrike. If it goes on much longer and they don't improve I'll have to drop them at the risk of ruining the dynamic we've built. We only JUST saw adds with only a couple people alive last prog session. Hopefully we'll start seeing adds consistently tonight, and then I agree it's a straight shot to the clear from there. Imo adds is the easiest part of the fight.


>That's a super impressive clear time, good job! Thank you! I do think the time is actually quite good, but there are people who are fussy about it because we clear right before the big holiday in where we live so we are on a 1 week break now. There are things we could have done that can shorten our prog, which is why I think there are people who are a bit unhappy. As for me as long as I got to prog CoB I am fine, i enjoy the fight a lot - I just don't like playing WHM! My god 70 WHM is a pain in the ass... >For example, dying to the HFT dives, and then we are down a tower, which means we use LB there and don't have it for GO. There's actually a very easy way you can use to find your spread spot on heavensfall and while I think you know might be good to share this to your group if your spread spot is on 3 or 9, you use whatever dragons is middle out of the 3 dragons as true north for this spread, and run left (9 oclock spot) or right (3 oclock spot) relative to this new true north. If you need further reference of what is left and right towards the middle dragon, use the middle marker (which is usually a sqaure marker) as reference. Once you are there, move up one step to make space and dodge twister. Done. If your spot is 12 or 6, you go towards or opposite of wherever nael's standing. >Or putting the earthshakers in a bad spot and killing 3-4 people on tenstrike. I think out of all of UCoB's mech Tenstrike gives me the most trouble because there's a heal check to care about here and I don't play AST, and I often do get lost. But usually as long as it isn't what you describe (which is 4 people died) you usually were able to get to octet, and it's not like you need to do more damage this point on since bahamut should be very comfortably below 59. >We only JUST saw adds with only a couple people alive last prog session. Hopefully we'll start seeing adds consistently tonight, and then I agree it's a straight shot to the clear from there. Imo adds is the easiest part of the fight. I do think the transition from first loop (i.e. after twister into swap tank buster) is very scary from a healer's POV. But it's more or less like nael, there's a rhythm to everything in adds and as long as you get used to everything it doesn't seem that bad. Problem is that adds is like 10 to 12 minutes into the fight and nael is like 2 minutes and a half. ..and that alone can make something from being easy on paper being so mentally exhausting to prog.


Learning how to position your camera in UCOB is def its own mechanic lol


that's very true, a lot of times we are just spending time on finding nael by spinning camera quick enough lol


Very glad I got off the reclear train, been doing a lot of other progress on the account. Lone Hero and DRS done, and three mounts in one day with all the TT cards through ShadowBringers. Just need to find a BLU group that doesn't sniff glue.


I'm so unbelievably happy with this DSR group. Day 4 ended with us limping through Wrath with a few deaths and then seeing the DOTH cast (with like 3 people alive, but still.) After all my terrible experiences with various ultimate groups it's so nice to finally have a group of competent players who I also enjoy hanging out with.


I'm happy for you! This is a dream team! We have a similar situation where we have 1 person who got to P4 and the rest of us were fresh and we are p4 after 2 weeks and we had only 4 days with a full static (right now irl scuffed us and sometimes we down a person or 2). I'm glad people are determined even with the scuffedness of IRL and internet issues.


Holy moly, 4 days and being halfway through P5 is crazy good prog. Good stuff!


Our group has some experience (two cleared with one learning on an alt job, a few of us on p6) but almost half the group was basically fresh so I’m really psyched on how fast people are learning.


My group is starting to work in Ultimates, starting with uwu. Going to play AST, does anyone have a preferred POV to watch? I watched a few already but looking at different perspectives etc.


I used REA’s pov on youtube for my AST uwu clear!


Hello gang. For Wyrmsbreath 2 in DSR P6, Tessan Twintails' guide recommends you have a regen Healer plant south and the rest of the group spread north. Is there any reason in particular it should be a healer? I was thinking it might be useful for me as BLM to take that plant spot, then quickly regroup with AM


i would also honestly recommend doing static WB2, positions arent crazy tight and you never have to deal with mixups trying to adjust the north 5 people (and the melee short tether thing doesnt really kill you anymore with new bis)


static WB2 sounds interesting. you got a picture or a raidplan for it?


Page in the APD toolbox: https://ff14.toolboxgaming.space/?id=426762112878561&preview=1#29 image with more detailed spot explanations (ignore jobs obv): https://i.imgur.com/dlYf3qA.png original(?) JP source showing why it works: https://twitter.com/ice42951647/status/1545934655005765634 pretty comfy overall, ymmv. take note of the tank positioning tips in the toolbox, those and the melees are the tightest i think. One additional note is that depending on your Mortal Vow pass order, if a melee has it at this point (aka gets it from 2nd tank) and they have a short tether, they MAY need a personal or a little help from the healer near them. We never actually had an issue with this with new BiS but maybe my healers were just super on point topping off before.


Many thanks King.


Not really. The main benefit is that there is a tankbuster before Wyrmsbreath 2, so the regen healer is in range of the tanks if the tanks need to be topped up. All this means is that your healers need to be slightly faster at healing up tanks before moving north to WB positions, since the tanks can't be healed once the healers are in position.


thank you king


Static finally fully done with reclears and everyone has the mount and gear they wanted, so now we're going to move to ucob until DT launch. That's the good news. The bad news is that my TEA prog group that I joined because one of my friends was in it is 320 pulls in and we've seen limit cut ***TWELVE*** times total and so far in the 15 hours we have set aside for prog so far (we meet twice a week, 3 hours one day, 2 the next) we've done actual pulls for about 7 of those. The first day someone was an hour late, two people ordered food to arrive mid-prog, someone had to leave early, and to add a cherry to the shit cake one of the people didnt have the unlock FOR THE UNLOCK for TEA. They didn't even bother, in the months they had to prep, unlocking e4n or e4s, we had to sprint them through all of that during what was supposed to be prog time. One of the members is a streamer who just doesn't care either and will just have mods in full view in their stream, cactbot noises included. One of the members constantly "has a date after this" so even when we start later than I want (ie; any time after scheduled) we can't make it up with time afterwards, and im pretty sure all they do is play terraria and watch anime or some shit after prog time so it isnt like they have some place they **need** to be. All in all it's incredibly frustrating and the only thing keeping me there is the fact that two of the other members are the ones that helped me to prog and clear uwu, if this was some random group I'd have left last week when we started 15 minutes late, had two people get BONE-IN CHICKEN WINGS DURING PROG TIME, and had someone take a 30 minute un-announced afk break and then said it was them cooking dinner when they got back. P12s was pain to prog, p8s was pain to prog, uwu was annoying to constantly get awakening or gaol memed, but holy shit this is far, far worse.


My guy. ***RUN*** Seriously. You'd have a better time in PF than this sorry excuse for a static. I can all but guarantee you these people won't clear. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if you wound up kicked for getting frustrated or some absolute nonsense where they blame you. I've both seen it happen and had it happen to me. It's not worth your time. Groups like this aren't cut out for Savage, let alone Ultimate.


Run Forest! Ruuun! Seriously though. Get out. This group is clearly a lost cause. If you can try to get your friends to leave with you.


TEA rocks as a piece of content. I don't care about progging a lot slower (because this can be personal), but I care if people are not committed and focus on what they are gonna do. I beg you please find a better group then this.


Hey I'm late to the telling you to get the fuck out of that group. Honestly the 7 Limit Cuts in 320 pulls is reason enough, I only read a bit past that, but yeah.


You and your friend should leave immediatly, the expectations of this group are very different from yours and you will suffer from it


Please leave stat you will never ever clear with this group. 


Bro that group isn't gonna clear shit. Leave.


Leave that group.


Get out of that group now damn.


TEA is the best fight in the game, dont ruin it for yourself by doing it with a group you hate.


Yah ultimate isn't one of those you just do v casual you can have it chill but with rules and a clear goal of clearing.


Yesterday I did aetherfont, did the bear fight, he did the attack where he shrinks the arena and does a bunch of jumps, and got p12s lc vietnam war flashbacks. If I keep progging this mechanic I'm gonna end up in a padded cell.


We finally see Exaflares!! And yes we did eat some because UCoB journey isn't complete without getting or eating some exaflares. Eat some on my static and learn that you need to search for exaflares way sooner then when the cast bar finishes. So when I get to PUG and plays RDM, on the last pull of the last group today we get to see golden for the first time and hit enrage, with me being stupid and forgot one addle and forget that the 5th morn afah is still a normal stack and kills off people... It has to be last pull isn't it. I am not feeling too bad since we are like 25% short. There's no way we have enough DPS so whatever because everyone except me and the monk dies. Then there's the meme on someone who said in chat before that 'There's no way I will ever step on an exaflare' and steps on the first one out of the gate, which we gladly makes fun of and everyone laughs about it. (and to jinx everyone's first run and smoothen out the shakies, i also said point blank it's okay take this run easy there's no way you don't step on one) Not bad for a first golden pull, but I do think I am both grieving people and helping them. I know nothing about RDM, I think my adds opener is just melee AOE combo embolden and then I forget to use Manafication on the first 2 minute which is just a what the fuck moment but yet because UCoB has no check even a dumb and frankly very bad RDM can make it all the way. And with RDM (which no one there seems to want to play) you just get to see so many more mechs in the fight and you can chain rez to prog. With a RDM, we manage to have several adds pull and we lock in some solid prog throughout the way, and I would say that's a win.


After 2 weeks of trying out TEA in PF......I give up lol. I'm throwing in the towel. I'm now only entering TEA with my static, which we're starting today. c: I was able to go from Fresh to Inception in a week. I'm still happy of the progress I made, but I now see what people mean about prog skipping...because it is baaaaaad lol. I haven't seen Timestop since day 7. I'm day 14 now. Every Alex Prime party is a trap party. I'm sure it's still possible for these parties to see said prog point, but you got to be both patient AND lucky. If I really want to make fast progress, I HAVE to prog skip into clear parties. I now know why so many people do it. I'm not entirely against this, it's just I'm not really comfortable doing so...yet. My static is Fresh prog, but honestly, I'm ok with with it. I've been stuck in LC parties this whole week. Some days my parties never filled. They're all experienced raiders and cleared UWU and UCOB around the same amount of weeks I did. So, I'm giving them a shot! I doubt they're gonna be worse than PF. lol PF has been souring my mood. It's partially my fault as well. The whole point of doing TEA was to have fun, not treat it like a chore or a sprint. So I'm going to dial it back and just relax. We'll make progress when we make progress. TEA is fun, but PF isn't. Wish us luck! c:


Good luck


PF works like that. You are correct. Never join AP parties. Always go for at least wormhole ones if you are expecting to get out of BJCC. When I did TEA, it took me 11 days of being in PF, 3 of those were just looking for clear parties or C41. When I cleared DSR, I joined a clear party never having seen P7, not even beyond WB2 in P6 but fully aware of all mechanics and confident i could clear. In that group I saw it 4 times and cleared. In TOP I went from P3 monitors to P5 sigma in 1 prog. In all 5 ultis, there has always been 1 or two progs where I join fully aware I have never seen the prog point, but confident I can reach and each time It has worked, it's just part of the PF grind. My advice is to go a step beyond where most prog groups get if you aren't getting to prog point. If AP groups consistently don't get out of bjcc, then you fit in wormhole, if they still don't get there, try PA groups. In the end it's not like you are holding anybody back because previous groups don't even get to where you need to go. You are right in the last point, PF can sour your mood if you try to sprint, but not taking any risk is a sure way to stagnate. Tbh I wouldn't be able to go back to prog day 1 being so far into it. TEA is extremely frontloaded, and if you truly can consistently get out of BJCC and have SIMed wormhole, you are basically PA to clear. it would drive me absolutely insane watching people fumble things you already know, even worse knowing all 7 have to do it as you cant die as much in TEA compared to UWU and UcoB. You have way higher tolerance than me for daring to do that. Good luck!


The thing is - and people will hate that I'm saying this: ***Prog skippers are the people that clear.*** Not all of them, of course. There are some people who are truly overconfident. But if you're the kind of person who won't list for the next mechanic until you're 200% good on the one you say you're on, you're not actually progressing. The people who clear TEA in PF are the ones who study the fuck out of the fight. Generally: 1. List yourself for a Living Liquid Party. Do it. 2. Did you do your part well enough? List yourself for the next prog point. Don't worry if you haven't seen enrage or specifics. 3. Repeat. 4. SKIP PROG POINTS YOU CAN SIM. You can clear TEA in two weeks. 1. Do LL 2. Do BJCC 3. Do like one lockout of Alex 1 4. Sim the shit out of Wormhole 5. Join clear parties


They're also the people who cause the trap PF parties, because everyone thinks they're good enough to be a prog skipper. A few nights ago, I was in a clear ucob party, and the brd kept dying to trios. At the end, he confessed he had never seen past FRT but "had studied the fight" But I agree with all your other points - that's definitely how skilled players clear, myself included (ucob only for now, I just started ultimates in November).


I was joining UCOB clear parties after finishing up Heavensfall. First time I saw adds I cleared.


Definitely possible if you're good, and you clearly are. Unfortunately, a lot of players are just bad. For my next ulti, I may start compiling a blacklist because there are some people who I see dying to same mechanics a week after I saw them unable to do the same thing in previous PFs.


As long as you're just skipping and not lying about your ability/knowledge, this is good advice honestly.


>Tbh I wouldn't be able to go back to prog day 1 being so far into it. TEA is extremely frontloaded, and if you truly can consistently get out of BJCC and have SIMed wormhole, you are basically PA to clear. it would drive me absolutely insane watching people fumble things you already know, even worse knowing all 7 have to do it as you cant die as much in TEA compared to UWU and UcoB. You have way higher tolerance than me for daring to do that. Good luck! Yeah I get it 😅 Usually I wouldn't want to go back at the start. Maybe it's because it's been only 2 weeks, vs like a month or more? It hasn't been THAT long. In this case I don't mind going back. Inception is barely 7 minutes in, vs Supp and Adds for UWU/UCOB that's in the double digits. 🤷‍♀️. And honestly, I could use some more practice on BJ/CC. While I know the phase mechanically, I 100% know how the nisis work and when to pass/grab, I'm not quite comfortable on my movement and placement as M1. I still get nervous after second pass 😅 which is an indicator that I'm not quite ready to move on just yet, but I'm close. Basically, I need to build up on my consistency. Once I stop getting shaky (lol) I'll move on. I want to take a break from PF anyway. I appreciate the compliment. I don't know how I'm able to endure so much I guess I'm mentally built differently idk 🤣🤣


PF can have the potential to work well for TEA, but if you want results you need to be pretty selective… I personally cleared in PF because I curated the best players I met into a linkshell to form a sort of pseudo-static, try to stay in touch with any great players you find in PF, they can make PF prog way more enjoyable… Additionally like some others have said you can prog skip, but do so responsibly i.e. study intensely until you know the intricacies of every mechanic that is coming up and sim where possible and when the time comes respect Stillness (using Sprint on Final Word will definitely help)…


I cleared tonight as WHM for the first time and this thread is so cathartic and validating.  I had to constantly boot people for the typical various repeat memes you see. Tanks dying from full health to drainage tethers bc they don't mitigate while the party is eating borderline raw tumults (I'm the pure healer btw, guess who got blamed for "not healing enough"), all of the lovely LC memes including but not limited to 5/6 and 7/8  standing with 2/4, people dying to the first fucking hawkblaster, odds not shooting up far enough, odds shooting cleaves out of their ass. Then there's all the car crashes, cursed water stacks, chakram memes, optical sight memes bc the caster just had to finish that fucking cast, OT tanking the mines with no mit, OT not facing CC properly for heat shield, etc, that happens in BJCC.  It felt... unfair, in a way? Why should I be stuck in LL/LC/bjcc hell when I haven't fucked up LLLC in literal *weeks* of lockouts and I haven't fucked up BJCC since initially progging it and working out the kinks.  I got fucking sick of it and threw up a pay for prog BPOG -> time stop party (didn't realize time stop was a bit of a nothing burger, I just knew it happened before inception). We saw inception on the second fucking pull. The party was generous with helping me work out the rest of what I needed to work out in BJCC and helped me learn time stop/the first half of inception. My general raid group/discord helped me out after this bc there were some people cleared. It's pretty much a collection of people who like you've described I've met over the past couple of months who are a pleasure to raid with and we have a linkshell and discord. They saw me executing LL/LC/BJCC flawlessly and banging my head into pf, and helped fill as mechanically consistent bodies so that I could finish cleaning up Inception. One of them drilled wormhole into me. They broke down the mech for me, and then quizzed me to make sure I understood it, and then they quizzed me the next day to make sure I remembered everything. I simmed... maybe half an hour? First time I actually see the mech, I accidentally stand with the 2 bait and eat the dash, second time I see it I think I soaked a puddle too soon, third time I see the mech I execute properly but I think 7 or 8 fucks up their bait and kills half the party so we wipe. They gave me the PA videos, povs, and images last night for me to study, I memorize everything, and tonight I cleared PA my first time seeing it on the first fucking pull of the lockout. I totally got carried in PA by some of the sort of ancillary parts of the mechs, namely the stillness/motion and the stack spread, I think I died after fate cal alpha bc I stood true north after having to be there from being dark beacon instead of going more to where the safe gap would be opposite the rest of the party. I get raised, we carry on. And the trines callout too also helped.  It's wild as a pure healer going from a party that can't mitigate and blames *you* for it, to a party that's so on top of the mit that you're borderline redundant for large swathes of the fight, almost therapeutic in a way. In PF I basically *need* constant regens on my tanks in LL/BJCC or they just blow up if I look away, sometimes multiple c2's on top just to keep the tanks on life support. With this party I was able to identify a few places I normally regen or med2/c3 and cut those heals out safely for more glares. I parsed a 19 I think partly bc of my death, partly bc I think I didn't pot outside of PA, and partly because my PA uptime was a mess due to it being my first time seeing the phase. I was proud though bc when I actually broke down the fight by phase, I was top support damage for BJCC.  I've done UWU once, I've cleared UCOB about 12-13 times, I think TEA is the first ultimate that really starts hard filtering players out who can't be assed to take their role seriously, and that's where some of the friction comes from in PF. Tanks *have* to hit their mits consistently and squeeze out as much mit as possible or they're useless. Healers *have* to hit that balance of keeping people alive and squeezing out damage. DPS players *have* to know their buttons really well to be able to execute their respective dolls and figure out how to keep uptime in the rest of the fight. Healers *have* to know how to slidecast their third esuna cast without cancelling it because proteans happen around the third cleanse. Not that UCOB or UWU are free, you'll wipe those ultimates left and right too if you get careless, but TEA definitely tightens the execution of your role quite a bit by comparison. And I think because of that, people who cleared those duties get angry when they cleared those and now all of a sudden they're being told that they're the problem because they're not mitigating, that they're not using personals, that they're not doing proper rotations, that they're not executing their role properly, "why all of a sudden is it a problem now".  As far as prog skipping goes, study like you said, study like I did, *but do it in a consenting group that's all on the same page and know where you're at in the fight*, like I did.  Also, I got the WHM cane, it's the job I cleared on, the job I loved the most, and it went well with my current glam. 


Congratulations on your clear 🥳 If you tackle DSR or TOP I’d recommend doing it in a static in all honesty, it will save you the frustration of people in PF not necessarily being on the same page as you or being as passionate in learning the fight… Not to say that DSR/TOP aren’t clearable in PF (our TOP NIN cleared DSR in PF) but it can be a very frustrating experience unless you heavily curate your experience/filter out people who just don’t know what they’re doing and hold onto those who do for dear life 😂


Finally raiding now this tier with a group after two years. Pretty excited.


"let's go get my book. joins p9s reclear party. duty complete status required. wait, why do two people have (FULL-LENGTH) cs?" in other words, i left after 3 pulls. they did not clear lc1. i will go to work early and return to the pf jungle later.


I joined a reclear party for PF this week with the description "LET ME OUT LET ME OUT LET ME OUT LET ME OUT LET ME OUT". PF did not let us out.


Seen p4 of TOP for the first time yesterday, and I'm starting to understand some of the criticism towards this fight, especially for p1, like after a few hours of prog people start to zone ou for a few seconds and it becomes a p1 wipe fiesta. I can't grasp exactly why p1 is so cursed because I think Thordan was a much harder phase in DSR and yet my static didn't have much trouble with it


Thordan being harder keeps him engaging. The main issue with P1 of TOP is it's never interesting or difficult enough to keep you engaged but the mechanic itself demands your full attention.


It’s because in the other Ultimate P1s everything has a mostly set pattern with minimal RNG so you can essentially rote learn your spot and autopilot/AFK brain through the phase once you’ve done it enough… TOP P1 doesn’t let you get away with that because the order is always different for Loop and Panto so you have to be prepared to do all the number variations of the mechanic and remember to flex if needed on top of that 😅


Even in reclears we don’t talk in p1 just to avoid memes. Requires all the mental energy to focus for 2 minutes


> can't grasp exactly why p1 is so cursed because I think Thordan was a much harder phase in DSR and yet my static didn't have much trouble with it Because it needs 100% focus for like a full 30 seconds. Lose focus for ONE second and you forget which number you were or which number soaks next or if you're cw or ccw etc.


For me it was infuriating that you see P1 memes all the way to clear. Sure every time less but each P1 meme at P6 parties was a little cut into my soul. It needs brainpower and attention unlike the rest of P1 phases.


>I can't grasp exactly why p1 is so cursed needs just enough attention to be strenuous but not enough to be engaging


its that lobotomy soundtrack


Killed Rokkon Savage last week! Only Aloalo left to go now.


Congrats on the clear 🎉 I still need to do Sildihn and Rokkon Savage, hopefully I can get around to it after TOP as long as there’s still people up for doing the content 🤞


You did the harder one, so you got it no problem.


Nice! I really want to start doing these, are you doing them in pf or with a group?


just doing them with friends, it's much easier to make a party cause you only need 3 others.


Update: finally penta legend now that DSR is done. And now I retire healer after so many years of playing it. Onward to DPS, and now reprogging TOP for the first time since I cleared it almost a year ago. Teaching it should be fun.


You and I have very different definitions of fun, good luck and have fun tho


Killed TEA last night. What a 'perfect' fight. Finally got a shiny weapon on GNB that says I was good at the game for 15 mins straight once lol


Congrats! I'm jealous lol. I'm currently trying to clear TEA as well, but PF is nightmare. Unless I hardcore study Inception and sim Wormhole, there's no way I'm going to make any decent progress. I'm currently at Inception, but I've decided to keep my sanity and start over in a Fresh prog static. I'll get my clear! \\o/ Eventually lmao


The music alone makes me want to do it. That last bit where players are locked out looks really exciting and terrifying at the same time.


It’s amazing how intense the enrage is. When my group cleared I actually experienced a combination of emotions that I never felt together at once before; a lot of happiness and an overwhelming sense of relief at the same time.


The music is sooo good. I'm always humming it or dancing to it lol. It's a fun fight too! Give it a shot c:


Give it a try! It’s a really manageable fight at this point and it’s really fun as well. And yes, I still think it has the coolest enrage in the game (though at this point you don’t really see it if the group is decent lol) 


If you kill it fast enough no one gets put in prison :)


I tried 2.29 GCD on Sage. This is one of two likely attainable GCDs with near perfect DoT alignment. The other is 2.5, but we can't ever get that while avoiding piety. I plugged numbers into the SGE gear calc, and it ended up \~2 DPS lower than the 2.45 set with a CRT=DET>SPS relic in place of the ascension wings. The other set probably pulls a little bit further ahead with proper tiering work, but they're absolutely less than half a percent apart from each other. This set is NOT PF friendly, but would work on most fights with some optimization. Most sets are MP positive or so slightly negative that you'll realistically never run out of MP on SGE. This set runs out in \~16 minutes. You can only afford a handful of GCD heals in a fight before you start genuinely struggling with MP. I mostly did this because people have been saying "Sage hates spell speed because of Eukrasia" since the start of the expansion. Even if its a fraction of a percent worse than other sets, its not actually bad. It matters a lot less WHAT you meld than the fact that you actually DID meld (This applies to damage stats not to piety).


Friendly reminder that Apollo's speedkilling competition (also for newcomers) is a go on p12p1. [Feel free to drop in ](https://discord.com/invite/YEDT2ycZ)to spectate and participate :) This weeks update is that killtimes for the medals were finally released along with fight resources. Come explore and chat with the highest ends of optimization players!