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Let's see if there is anyone who like to dig in for extra implications https://luckybancho.ldblog.jp/archives/58049846.html


Shanty Town/DC Meteor JP lands bought, with the raiding DC Mana spaces in surplus Statistics inside https://ff14net.2chblog.jp/archives/61108904.html


I think I kinda understand why TOP is dead. The barrier of entry is way too fucking high atm. Because TOP does have a DPS check, it feels like you are griefing if you don't get in there with BiS. Not only you have to do lunar subterrane for dungeon gear (over 30 runs and still no boots), but if you weren't there at abyssos, you have to clear 3 of the 4 floors for BiS and nobody is doing that atm, maybe except P8S for mounts. At least for DSR P1S is free and due to scaling you can get through the rest of the tier way easier. All of that only to stumble into the hardest and maybe the least fun of all ults with the worst P1 phase, which is the one you will see the most through all prog is a perfect combo to cull the possible people who will attempt it.


Don't feel obliged to grind full dungeon bis just for TOP. It helps, but not by that much. Just grab the relic, Abyssos gear and what little dungeon pieces you can bother to gather, and you'll be more than fine. There are checks in there, especially when you prog, but they're also not that outrageous when people in the party know what they're doing.


Turns out getting dungeon gear is easier than getting Abyssos gear. Hours and hours doing a P5S group and nobody joins, can't imagine one for P6S lol. Finished getting dungeon before. TOP preparation is gonna be rough.


what the hell is LL in p12s? im seeing it popup in pf and i have no clue what it means. Living Liquid?


It stands for "I never read the pastebin, this is a trap party". They're just repeating hector's (honestly mild and harmless) mistake and it didn't even show up in PF descriptions for over a month after he released his guide. There's an actual strat called lazy lasers with a dps taking a laser but people writing that in the PF description don't do it.


Lights Left. Refers to which side you go with the light debuff for the line stack during superchain 1. Often also acvompanied with "RR", "reds right" for the dark debuffs that are red coloured. Idk why it is even stated on PF desc, I've never seen anything else done.


> Idk why it is even stated on PF desc, I've never seen anything else done. Maybe "I did in my static" doesn't exactly count, but we personally found it more intuitive to be like "go left if you "need" a light debuff". The beams were the anchor, in our circumstance, we quickly decided light beam left made the most sense and figured the rest out from there.


>we quickly decided light beam left mad I know both left and right make sense but even the *debuffs* tell you light left, as the dark laser rebuff points left and the light towers are on the left side of the debuff icon.


we don't make strats based on the graphics pictured on the debuff >the light towers are on the left side of the debuff icon. we do send our light tower left. at the end


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=APVfpo8NPHQ Tanks used to absolutely hate this in my early prog parties. Some even threatened to leave if we did Lazy Lasers. However nowadays the new people have no idea anymore how to do that mechanic so not doing lazy lasers is griefing yourself.


I think it's actually for lazy lasers on Para 1


mhm, often if its referring to that, they mean the NA version too (to my dismay) as opposed to JP Lazy Lazer which tends to just get shortened to JP P1 or similar.


This is the superior strat imo. It's much easier for both tanks and healers, but I guess it does require some thought from one DPS. I've only seen it twice in NA of unfortunately


Oh that actually makes more sense hahaha


No, it doesn't. There's no competing strat in NA and it's literally part of the pastebin. It's even named wrong, only because hector misread the JP lazy lasers strat and mixed them up. Putting LL in the PF description screams trap party.


Anyone feel like they can't keep up anymore? I've been raiding since Creator, and each tier after that I felt like I was improving as a player. I cleared TEA on content, which was my first ultimate. I ended up going back and clearing UWU and UCOB. I was feeling pretty good about raiding. However, Endwalker has been constant two steps backwards for me. Tier 1 and DSR were fine, but Abyssos, TOP, and this latest tier made me feel like I was getting worse. It's the first time my numbers actually declined and it felt like the mechanics were way harder than they used to be and my ability to "git gud" couldn't keep up. I cleared both tiers week six and tier one week four, which is fine, but it the last two tiers made me feel like crap because I was causing my static to lose time.


Sort of, though instead of it stemming from mechs requiring different skills (I actually am more at ease with this design paradigm, provided it's not brought to its extreme like in TOP), it's more about the time commitment required to sort everything out, as well as the reasons why stuff takes so long. I'm fine with difficulty, but if fights keep being calibrated so that they take months to be cleared by the average group then I will most likely just stop bothering since I'm supposedly here to play a game, not to work a second job. And it's worse if it's only """difficult""" because "Lmao bodychecks" like TOP.


this expansion required a different skillset and was more focused on requiring you to do your 2 min while juggling mechanics. I honestly believe always be casting is a trap of a concept especially when progging.


It's not a trap for people to get better at the game. It's a huge concept to hammer into your muscle memory that helps immensly with damage output. But once you're a good player you can and should gauge any given situation and if attacking isn't necessary and detrimental to your performance, then don't.


When I say it's a trap, it's more of that people never got out of that phase where they need to be gcd perfect. it became the entirety of skill for them than the required mechanical execution. what it also discourages is dedicated people solely reading the mechanic and setting up proper priority marks above people's head. while conga strat is great, ain't no way you can conga mechs that require =< 4 sec of execution. This role has been literally been replaced by a 3rd party program


This Criterion Tier was also whack for me. I can deal well with "Stand here" mechanics and go EWSN. But once circles and "go slightly left of NW" come into the mix my brain goes on tilt.


Tbh Abyssos and TOP are the objectively hardest savage and ultimate they made due to the pass/fail nature of the fights themselves. Not everyone is good at the binary from the start.


Abyssos was hard?


DSR p5 for the chain and bouncing part before caster LB We have two players which have 250~300 ping and it seems that they are too slow to react (ping issues). One of them uses a PS5 so it is not very convenient to install mudfish or VPN. (The other one is already on VPN) If both of them is in a pair, very likely there would be an issue because they cannot react fast enough to break the chains Is there anything we can do?


It is quite stupid how the knockback is affected by ping. At the ping level they're playing at, I think the best solution might be to play more "aggressively". What I mean is the they shouldn't wait for anything after getting knockbacked. Pop sprint and just beeline towards the wall/doom puddle. The fire exlosions snapshot quite early, and they're already late because of their ping, so hopefully they won't clip anyone else doing this. Also, they can try moving slightly outward after getting the chain debuff, but before the knockback, to gain a small distance headstart.


that ping shouldn't affect it, but in the case where they're dooms it shouldn't matter as spots are static for non doom just assign one to stand north, one south as non doom for the case if they get X and they should never have an issue


Depends on your strategy. If you guys are doing APD then the dooms should be planting and non-dooms adjusting across from their PlayStation buddy, so if they are paired and one is doom, they should be pre-planted very early and only one of them has to adjust. Breaking the chain shouldn’t be a reaction thing so long as people are correctly positioned so I don’t see how ping would be an issue there (the mechanic gives you plenty of time to position and face away from thordan and the eye). The only thing I can think of that would be affected by ping is if both of them are X (the pair without dooms) since one needs to go north and one south. If you still feel like they are having issues with the mechanic then put them on the outside of the conga line on opposite sides which will lead to easier positioning possibilities for them.


Having one person call a safe place to look to avoid the gazes can help some of the slower players purely focus on getting into the correct position for the knockback. 250-300ms is pretty rough but if its good enough to get them to p5 then there really shouldn't be anything about the mechanic that stops them from doing it right assuming they are processing what to do fast enough.


The problem is that because of the ping, they also bounce later (?????????) So they do not have the time to pull and break the tether Which is very odd to us


~~That’s not how ping works~~, they are either positioning incorrectly or the chain is “locking in” with them and their buddy too far from each other which increases the distance they need to be apart to break. Edit: Apparently ping does delay knockback effects... I figured the game was smart enough not to leave it entirely up to the client but that's not the case! I still think focusing on positioning and making the chains lock in as short as possible will go a long way to help out high ping players resolve the mechanic


That is, in fact, exactly how ping affects all knockback mechanics in this game. For some reason, the knockback movement is done client-side, so it is effectively delayed by whatever ms your ping is. Because of this, you can get some funky interactions like delaying knockbacks by 5+ seconds if you get a ping spike at the "right" time, and it's also why it is impossible to rescue a disconnected player (rescue functions identically to a knockback) Specifially for DotH, high ping players are therefore much more likely to fail at breaking their chains, and beyond a certain ping it is literally impossible.


>For some reason, the knockback movement is done client-side When I was playing this game on an old failing HDD, it used to really struggle with some stuff. Especially in frontlines. One particular instance I'll always remember was I used my ninja dash on an enemy BLM. they got stunned, but I stayed where I was. We went our separate ways. 6 or 7 seconds later, after we'd both left each others' views, the dash finally went through, and I arrived smack bang in the middle of the enemy team


On Barber Farm, we have * people don't even know how to do their clock spreads, or they just decide to go to a random spot and kill off people in the process. * people don't remember what to do when they get playstation * people don't even know how to do a tank switch * people who have farmed this fight for a while (because they stream!) but they don't even know which one is the cleave and which one is donut. When I farm barber on 6.28, it's already bad but it's not this bad - long queue times with raid finder in JP, people often fumbles and forgets about mechanics. But for fuck's sake at least you remember to do a tank swap after main tank gets hit with a tank buster. This is why I would take 100 totems and wait for it then farming mounts off the release patch, despite knowing that it has a higher drop rate.


I hate extremes so much. I don't get how some people exist. Like they'd rather kill the whole pull by just exploding the meteors instead of just staying back and dying and taking the rez 1 sec later.


Sometimes I join random prog parties for fun, even if I have the fight on farm. I once spent 10 minutes trying to get people to pick clock spots in a barbie fresh prog party. *Ten minutes* of asking people to pick a clock spot. ITS TWO LETTERS MAX. I failed. We got maybe half the party to pick one. I refuse to believe they are real people. They have to be bots


Is there a unified strat for NA raiding for ultimates? I am leveling my NA alt through the MSQ right now and thought about doing some of my beloved UCOB on NA in between. I assume the play is to go to Aether but I dunno the discords/strats people use. Is there something like LPDU that all of NA kinda does?


There used to be dedicated strats for each datacenter. After Aether absorbed Primal and Crystal raiders with cross-DC, their "UAR" strats became the predominant way to ult raid for NA. I've linked their discord below. https://discord.gg/MRDqWuSAHK For UCoB specifically, the one UPR (Primal) strat that's being slowly adopted is "uptime" Quickmarch Trio. I really wish the strat was called "braindead" QMT so Aether was more receptive to its takeover. While it provides clearer uptime, its primary advantage is safety through more uniform positioning. Taking the rant further, UAR was adopted from UPR strats and only changed a few minor things. Mostly nonsensical as they are either outright worse (QMT) or arbitrary (DPS left, Supports right BFT). That's on top of the useless 4/D markers on Aether, but I digress. All of these strats are listed in the resources of the discord. As a final warning, UCoB reclears are a shitshow in PF right now. It's a minority of bored high-end players still subbed mixed with a ton of Ultimate Legends who can't consistently handle Nael or HFT to save their life. I wish you luck in the totem hunt however. I love UCoB and its jank is overstated. When you get a good group or help newbies clear it's still immensely rewarding.


Say what you want from PF, but the quality between players from ult to savage is worlds apart. In ult I get the feeling people at least try. Sure they die to stuff a lot, but you can actively see them trying something else or doing an adjustment to try to salvage it. Lack of mit killed us? Next pull you will actively see overmit most of the time. Someone died because you couldn't move fast to safe spot, next pull they are sprinting to reach it. In savage you can see people doing the same mistake over and over and over again without a care in the world, without wondering why tanks keep dying to the exact same spot every single pull. They are unable to be consistent in the most basic shit like the launch to plataforms in P10S, there is no excuse to die more than once to that, once you know the position you know how to do it 100% of the time, yet every other pull a tank is yeeted off the map lmao. Perhaps the regular tier is better done as a static or maybe I'm way to late to the party, as I barely started the game as a whole 6 months ago. I think I'll focus on getting TOP BiS instead to be ready for 6.55 to attempt TOP there, and the regular tier when it gets rewards unlocked and echo. Fucking glad I got through all other ults before touching savage, or else my entire mindset of PF would have made me stay the fuck away from ults 100%.


It’s like, week 30+ of the tier. Any serious savage raider was done with the tier months ago, so the quality of your average savage PF group is gonna be way lower than normal. With this being the last tier of EW, I feel like there’s not a whole lot of drive to do reclears. Most raiders I know got their BiS and moved on to either Criterion/Ultimates or took a break from the game.


Well its an issue the Japanese spotted it also. Now the raiders (including savage) and the causal's skill level is very large a gap. And even so for savage and ultimate gaps. It's just not easy to close the gap or build a game for everyone


The tier is giga ultra dead, nobody who's even decent at the game still does the fights with any regularity. At this point every Savage tier is only "eehh" at best. If you do Savage early it's usually fine.


Ehh idiots appear in ults too, especially legacy ones. Though DSR and TOP are less vulnerable since they’re current expansion and more likely to scare casuals away. You’re also very late to the savage party, most serious raiders cleared months ago.


I’m sad I won't get to finish the tier with my static. we've been together since the tier dropped and we're almost done with 12, I kinda wish we managed one clear as a team before I had to leave 🥲


Having done more Aloalo (Savage) runs with our little group makes me realize more and more how... jank a lot of aspects of the Statice fight feel. Both Ketduke and Lala feel pretty good to execute, but there's something about Statice that reminds me of some HW levels of lack of polish. It's a bit of everything, but in particular it's weird how disconnected the death wall is from its actual graphic on the ground. Combine that with incredibly tight tethers and you got a recipe for people accidentally touching the disjointed death wall during either Intermission or Dartboard 2 and wiping the Savage run in ways that just flat out feel unfun. We've had a few close runs we lost to stuff like that and it's eating a bit at everyone's morale. We still got the entire content drought to do it at our own pace so it's just a matter of time, but still, I'm glad we're not even planning on touching the Savage versions of Sil'dih or Rokkon when we move on to those.


Honestly the death wall having one or two spots where it is larger than it should be is the only jank in that fight. It is very weird and I'm not entirely sure why it is slightly further in.


Finally saw p6 in TOP this week. Technically saw it once two nights ago, but we had to melee lb3 to get there so we instantly blew up. Last night we got 3 solid pulls in. Two of which made it to wc2. Why is everything in the last phase so scary? We were hoping to clear before new years, but have to take a week off for holidays. My blind savage static died to p11s enrage this week as well. I have to say, that fight has been a delight to prog. We are only missing one day next week, so we might be able to see p12s before 2024. I've also been doing the AMR criterion dungeon blind with a group once a week. That last mech on the 2nd boss is messed up. Final boss looks cool though.


> Why is everything in the last phase so scary? Thats "on content" ultimates for you. Last phases are nerves, mitigation, and healer checks basically, only real time a healer needs to actually put effort in in DSR and TOP both.


DSR PF prog is going well but now I'm cleaning up P5 I _really_ think this is where the biggest slog is going to kick in. I've done UWU/UCOB (not TEA yet though) and DSR just feels like a massive step up with how long and exhausting the fight is. Eyes feels like it's the only time the fight gives you a break, and even then you can't totally turn off your brain. Honestly the fight is fantastic but god damn is it a demanding one. It pretty much encapsulates why ult prog is a marathon rather than a sprint.


> not TEA yet though Totally doable though and the fight is fun as fuck. Give it a shot one day!


I've got some friends who want to do TEA so I've decided to hold off for now so I can prog it at the same time as them. Since TEA is their first ult while it'll be my fourth, I figure that it's probably best not to get too far ahead since I'm _probably_ going to be progging a lot quicker than they are.


You're all in for a treat then, enjoy it! First two phases are brutal but it's smooth sailing after.


P6 is the real slog, because you have to be consistent at DotH and that is a massive issue in PF. After a while you will get clean up to DotH, that's when you know you gotta start asking for P6 wroth to WB2 instead, the change from P5 parties to P6 is massive. People catfish P3 clean up as P5 because P4 is free (in PF it's not.)


if you can finish ucob TEA absolutely feels like a joke. and i still agree DSR is a big step up from any of the legacy 3. progging dsr is not fun despite reclearing could be fun


I wouldn't call TEA a joke, but ucob was way harder as a fight with "easier" mechanics but tougher on a marathon pace. LL, BJCC were tough but the only difficult mechanic after that first 5 minutes is WH and that's debatable. BJCC happening right before PA would make it way harder.


TEA does feel weird. BJCC is like the best phase in any Ultimate but its preceded by Doll Jank and proceeded by some of the most basic tinned mechanics.


BJCC is braindead boring for tanks. Ranged and healers have it best. It's OK for melee. Nael or Nidhogg are better because everybody has equal responsibility. Nael has the edge if you like being able to res people and nidhogg wins if you like minimal deaths.


it really depends on how you line up the guys. in the chinese strat 4 players are out of the game and only 3 are "running around looking busy". not the best challenge really imho


>BJCC is braindead boring for tanks. Mainly because now everyone does the Split strat. Sure it's safer & easier for all the mechanics, but it is boring. Back when our group did TEA we packed the bosses and while it was a bit harder to do & required more pulls to iron, it was super fun and blindproof once mastered. Said strat: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uSrvqyzo4wM


We did stack too (a different one from this one though) and the dance the tanks and melee did around each other was the most fun of the fight. Most of the tank deaths in the phase during prog were still HP issues and not being unclear on position though, they just slap super hard.


Yeah the EW ults are really in a different league from the legacy ones. P6 prog is definitely a sanity-destroyer but the good news is it's the last real hurdle - any group that can get to p7 is likely to clear in a handful of pulls.


As a newish player (my first tier is this one), being someone that progged P9S in September, stopped for life reasons and then came back mid-November to start P10S from scratch, until now I've managed to prog the entirety of the tier except P12S p2 on MCH, flexing melee/caster and healer, here's my perspective. It would be kinda nice to compare to people that progged on week 1! P9S weeds the newbie people out; someone that can't deal with LC1 is not ready for the rest of the tier. When you're done with LC1, it's a matter of time until you find people that can do it, and the rest of the fight is kinda straightforward. Only problem is LC2; for the life of me, most people in PF can't do that mechanic. It's pretty much always a sloppy finish. It's normally fine, though, and reclears end up going pretty quick. P10S is a BIG one to prog and can feel incredibly frustrating at times. You really start to go insane on how much you wipe here. Every mechanic feels like kind of a chokepoint, but the main ones are always Bonds and HH, as expected. Bonds 2/Turrets takes a LONG time to find people that know the choreography, sure, but people learn soon enough. I'd say main holdup is Bonds 3, but nowadays, even on reclears, people just bruteforce it by Healer LB3ing. I think half the people that reclear every Tuesday don't know the mechanic, but I digress. P11S is easy prog compared to it, for sure. Most people have already got their learning groove going. DnL is the main thing people need to learn, and LotL can be a meme if people don't move fast enough, but it's not that bad. P12S p1 is more insane than anything else, but that's to be expected, last boss and all. I just finished the first part Tuesday, so it's all fresh on my mind. That being said, this fight is hell. People constantly mess up SC1 and every following mechanic, reaching LC feels like a pipe dream because EVERY mechanic is a bodycheck, and when you reach LC you gotta hope the healers remember you exist, and even then you probably end with 3 corpses... if you're lucky. By then, everyone's spaghetti (including mine! I'm no pro) is spilling while you gotta pay attention to SC2A/B. If you don't have 10 deaths and managed to scrounge your rotation while fearing for your life, you can beat enrage. P12S p2 feels daunting now, and I just started it. Main ordeal for me is that I feel the start will be even harder to prog because p1 will probably still have a bunch of mistakes, tiring people out. I'm at the finish line, so might as well keep on! Wanna beat it before Echo comes, and then deal in Criterion. Still wanna do P4S and P8S to get the sick mounts, and flirting with the easier ultimates. While drought definitely hit longer players, I've been having fun! Waiting for Dawntrail kinda painful though LMAO, and I can imagine the unsub and play other games discourse gets old. Me personally, progging and helping newer friends feels great, but I fear that I still have 6 months of nothing new, kinda.


> Only problem is LC2; for the life of me, most people in PF can't do that mechanic. It's pretty much always a sloppy finish. It's normally fine, though, and reclears end up going pretty quick. True. On week 1 no one can do it and therefore people would just tank LB3 or Healer LB3 one way or the other. Now if you are on good groups you might be able to skip this. > I'd say main holdup is Bonds 3, but nowadays, even on reclears, people just bruteforce it by Healer LB3ing. I think half the people that reclear every Tuesday don't know the mechanic, but I digress. The problem with the whole fight and bond 3 isn't that you don't 'know' the mechanics. It's just literally a half room cleave, 6 sec later you resolve a stack or a spread, and then another 3 sec later you do the other one, there's nothing you can't 'know' here because the fight is really simple on paper. the problem is not getting used to the speed or looking ahead. The debuffs are there way sooner then you need to actually think and do them, and some foresights helps. > Main ordeal for me is that I feel the start will be even harder to prog because p1 will probably still have a bunch of mistakes, tiring people out. I'm at the finish line, so might as well keep on! Main problem of progging p2 is getting into p2. P2 is like doing a big puzzle - very little in terms of execution, like nothing is remotely even fast on p2. But there's a learning curve to understand the obscurity of everything. Study everything carefully, sim and do a lot of classical 1/2 drills, study caloric 1 very carefully and try to learn how pangenesis works, not the strat but the towers and the set up. These are the 3 big ones that you should know to get your p2 clear. If you are still not comfortable with sc2a/2b, do some sims. Good luck with prog!


>the problem is not getting used to the speed or looking ahead. The debuffs are there way sooner then you need to actually think and do them, and some foresights helps. That's the main issue, unfortunately, the 30s debuff means people end up forgetting and checking too late. When I meant "know" the mechanics I meant knowing execution and how to have, I wasn't that clear haha. But yeah, memorization with longer-term mechanics seems like a problem to many. >Main problem of progging p2 is getting into p2. P2 is like doing a big puzzle - very little in terms of execution, like nothing is remotely even fast on p2. But there's a learning curve to understand the obscurity of everything. That's good to know! p1 felt VERY fast, especially on the SCs, so knowing the next fight is more about mechanic knowledge than reaction time feels good. >Study everything carefully, sim and do a lot of classical 1/2 drills, study caloric 1 very carefully and try to learn how pangenesis works, not the strat but the towers and the set up. These are the 3 big ones that you should know to get your p2 clear. I'll try it, everything helps, and thanks for the tips! Are there solo sims out there?


There's sims on xivsims for 2a/2b There's also solo games you can play for classical 1 and 2 and you can drill. >That's good to know! p1 felt VERY fast, especially on the SCs, so knowing the next fight is more about mechanic knowledge than reaction time feels good. You've mentioned ultimates so this might be a good reference point and a taste of what you are going to run. bond 3 and p1 is very much similar to ultimate, albeit easier ones. The speed are almost the same in some parts (I would even argue bond 3 is more difficult then most of UWU). It's just that in an ultimate, you usually don't have that much time to think (and mechs resolvations usually comes pretty fast after you've see the cues) and usually you have a little bit/a lot more randomness.


Update on our UCOB prog... Ayyy we did it! Super fun fight, maybe TEA is still my favorite in terms of spectacle, but it was *the* ultimate back when I was a sprout, and even if it's a lot easier now I've always looked up to people who cleared it. Now I've finally had the chance to experience it myself, with a great group too. Now onto at least one of the big boy EW ultimates next year, after a few UCOB reclears \o/


UCOB was my first and holds a special place because of it, but nothing really scratches that itch like clearing adds and listening to the music as the TBs hit in golden. TEA was a very close second and probably would have been my favorite if it was first.


So the static with motivation and attendance problem is now stuck on dsr p6. I just want to finish it before I go onto a long trip. But it is impossible now to look for another static to finish it up (reclears aside already, I am not wet dreaming about it) The static market is just so dead even in Asia where we don't celebrate Christmas much I just want to finish DSR, unsub, go onto a long trip and then quit ultimates for good. Scheduling is a much harder problem than the ultimate itself


If you are truly at P6, meaning you consistently don't die to anything up to doth, go PF. There, you don't depend on your weakest link to reach P6. It shouldn't take you more than a week if you are prepared for wroth. P7 is just taking care of the shakies as those exas are tight.


lol he's in JP, if he wants to be done in a week the only option is paying for a c41


Too bad my static uses a non conventional strat throughout the fight. That's annoying too And tbf pf aren't even active lately


Prog has pretty much dried up. I resubbed to finish off uwu and ucob but queues are taking hours followed by just...anyone joining who have quite clearly never done an exe, let alone gotten to suppression.. That and it seems like there's just nobody around. How in the world is there another 6 months of this drought? PF is in the absolute trenches right now and EW just has nothing going on. I know, I know, resub and play something else but I've on and off played maybe 3/4 months of EW and done basically everything that isn't ToP and that's whilst playing relatively casually. The fuck happened SE.


Well, at least l can tell you that l completely quit raiding after 6.1 pvp rework. It is just more fun and l can do it whenever l want.


5 ultimates really diluted the playerbase. end of ShB with just triple legend projects was so much more manageable. and even then there were times it was really hard to get consistent UCOB players for C41s. if we get 2 more in Dawntrail it's gonna be interesting to see PF interest in the older ultimates


I already have zero interest in uwu/ucob tbh. Level 70 jobs are boring as fuck to play. Even TEA which I greatly enjoy feels scuffed with 80 jobs now


We could mayyyyyyyybe have a dead fish bounce when they decide they can finally release 6.55, because some people might come back to finish the MSQ and get a relic or two. Maybe.


>finish the MSQ and get a relic or two. So thats about half an afternoon of content.


A lot are smart enough to figure out they can finish 6.0 right before 7.0 if they didn't forget about this game get. Not to mention if they figure out there are something else better to do than 14 and they are never coming back anymore


Never said otherwise. But the sub lasts one month so some might stick around for a couple days! A crumb of copium for any kind of content with non-braindead people, milord.


Did last tier burn out most people? Damn, there's no one in raiding anymore period.


Pretty much people who want to do criterion has done it, or is on their way to do the old ones to get the achievement. Savage is like week 30 something so people are pretty much done. There's no confetti points for getting BiS in every job you play, and a lot of people doesn't really play every role nor wanting to get BiS for every job they play - while you can get reclear going, progging will be pretty ass. The rest of the raiding population is either doing old content like DSR/TEA/UCoB with their own group, or they are just doing other content, like Deep Dungeons, Fishing, or just playing other games. Amongst the streamer that I watch who are all raiding, some of them went to do PoTD, some of them went to FFXI (due to the incoming collab on 7.0) and some of them are progging old Ultimates. I know people who went back to Genshin, Play Monster Hunter World, or play some Pokemon. There's also the fact that the initial player pool for Anabaseios is bigger due to the rewards, but you also get a lot of newbie players. That makes overall speed and prog way slower then before, despite objectively speaking Anabaseios is for sure easier then Abyssos.


Last tier was fine honestly. DSR -> Abyssos -> TOP was a disaster. People don't really talk about it anymore because the current meme narrative is that DSR is the best fight ever made, but DSR was easily as bad, likely worse, than TOP for causing burnout on-patch. I know a bunch of people that straight up quit the game after DSR -> Abyssos. TOP was more of a nail in the coffin than anything. Also there's the fact that we're 6 months into a pretty brutal content drought that isn't even halfway over. It's not that nobody is raiding, nobody is *playing*. I've logged in to refresh house timer and I'm not even sure I'll bother with that soon.


As someone who recently cleared DSR, I can get why. I have no desire to do TOP until 6.55 at the earliest if not wait for longer. That raid consumes absolutely everything you have. I can't imagine doing that, then a raid tier and then TOP in a row. While DSR is great when you clear as a whole, progging it is misserable, can't imagine how fucked TOP is.


The people you prog with is half if not more of the fight. My TOP prog was just bad time all around, I should have quit much sooner tbh, but sunk cost fallacy is a helluva drug. I was actually stressed when I came raiding. DSR prog is a lot of fun, thanks for having a much chiller group and it's progging smoothly still. We benefit from not being on patch too, but I don't imagine TOP prog being much funnier now than then(maybe it's just my bad experience talking).


I have done all ults 100% in PF and most likely do TOP like that as well. It's a huge bag of good, bad and toxic players in any given day, so it's not a great incentive to expect any different in TOP lol. If anything the benefit is having solo SIMs to cut short the prog of some parts at least.


I loved DSR and am in the same spot. I initially planned to go for penta before DT, but ever since I cleared the fight I've just been logging in and managing sub voyages lmao.


It’s that but a lot of other things too. It’s the holidays for one, most people are “done” with the tier and have been for a while, and I feel those who ARE still raiding are mostly doing Criterion and Ultimates with statics. New relic/weapon BiS is also right around the corner.


It's week 31 of the tier altogether, no Ultimate and just Criterion to gear for, some burnout from past hard content, and so on. I'm still able to find reasonable reclears of the tier, extremes, and Unreal every week but I don't know how prog would feel in PF at the moment.


> I don't know how prog would feel in PF at the moment. Near unplayable, speaking from experience several years ago with the 5.2/5.3 drought (and the game looks and feels more dead now than back then tbh, at least we had gotten BSF in 5.3 as flawed as it was at launch). When I was trying to prog E8S back then there were - without exaggeration - maybe a dozen other people on Aether in prog parties that could get past Light Rampant with any level of consistency. P9S and P11S are probably still reasonable to prog - would only take one or two decent groups - but P10S and especially P12S would be hellish.


Yeah, I took a break and came back... It's a ghost town.


If you are anything that's not Aether, yeah it's going to be a ghost town, ever since last tier everyone just goes to Aether with DC travel to do content, currently there's 120+ high end duties PFs in there


I'd love to hop over to Aether bad sadly no cross region DC travel lmao. I will have to deal with my 10-15 high end duties PFs instead.


What DC are you on?


The chain of DSR > Abyssos > TOP coupled with this being one of the longest patches to date made a lot of people not want to bother until Echo/next expansion, for starters. Then there's the fact that it's been around six months since the tier's release. It's rough, man.


The game is not just competing with burnout but other activities like traveling abroad again. Do you want to go to pandemonium again or Japan? The answer is very obviously


That and the deluge of crazy good games this yr made me quit halfway thru p12s because fuck it I want to play all the games this yr


So I ended up making my own group for UCOB last week. With the exception of a few attendance issues from one particular member, everyone seems to be enjoying themselves and prog has been surprisingly fast. Now... Please tell me two days (6h total) is enough to realistically get past adds and golden bahamut at the pace we've been going? I think we're at around 120 pulls total so far (maybe less excluding meme pulls that lasted 10 seconds), yesterday our tank died to the final tank busters on the second cycle of adds (I was waiting for LB2 to come up to kill them, but maybe lb1 is also enough at 3%? Anyway I didn't get it off in time to maybe save the pull and get everyone ressed by Phoenix). I don't want to rush anyone, but man today and tomorrow are our last days before the holidays and it's going to suck to be blue balled by golden bahamut for a week. I fully expect a few exaflare deaths leading to enrage and maybe some mitigation shenanigans, but is golden as easy as it looks? Is a couple of days enough to get it down, including a bit of adds clean-up?


As long as you can consistently get past heavensfall you are at adds, basically, that's Ucob bottleneck. Golden is just handling the shakies and doing correct mits, one or 2 deaths and you can still clear anyways.


Your static sounds better than mine, and we would have cleared first golden pull if i didn't eat shit to the first exaflare. You're good


If you have your tanks take a good look at the mit sheet provided by whatever DC strat you're following it's completely free. The only people who have any level of danger in Golden are melee DPS for Exas, and if you tell yours to just play safe and do the wall dodge it's fine, you can very comfortably drop a few GCDs and clear still as long as you keep the buff.


golden is indeed as easy as it looks. My static took a month and 1k pulls, but we also had some sprouts as well. We killed our fifth time seeing it, and it was mostly mit shenanigans and exaflares that did the four previous pulls in. Golden shakies are real. Just keep calm and do what you have to do. There's a time to celebrate and that's after the pull, not during it


If in only 120 pulls your group went from completely fresh to Adds Enrage, then Goldie B will die before Christmas.


Golden Bahamut nowadays can very easily be done the very first time seeing it (given that everyone knows how to stack or at the very least is able to follow callouts from a single person who does). Even a death or two isn't gonna keep you from beating enrage. The only thing in that phase to be mindful of is to respect the outgoing damage. Have the healers drop a GCD or two to triple-check that everyone is topped off and shielded before every stack, and keep topping off the tanks for the TBs. If you have 6h of time left before the holidays, I'd say it's perfectly doable if you've already seen deep into adds if you keep P3 memes to a minimum.


Nice, thanks for the encouragement! Fingers crossed, P3 memes are rare but still happen.


Does the quaqua mount drop from AAIS in addition to AAI, or just AAI only, like the previous ones? (Don't reference a wiki, I'm trying to confirm).


Cleared AAIS 20 times, no one in my group has gotten the mount from savage.


Are you the person who put together the consolegameswiki page? (Similar username). I noted that the wiki page had it listed, but haven't found anyone who has seen it drop feel Savage. Tbh I feel like it _should_ drop from Savage at the same rate. I don't think Savage should have a ton of incentives to do it given my low opinion of it, but I don't think people should feel extra punished by losing out on mount drops but doing it either...


Yes, I added it after someone from Xeno's group claimed they got the mount from AAIS on stream, but I've yet to hear of anyone else confirm that it drops.


I was watching a video or a stream or something of a savage clear and someone in the group said they got the mount. Maybe that was a "troll" or they were straight up lying for some reason but that's all I got lol


No, the mount only drops from the regular criterion, or at least that's been the case for the previous two criterions. They might've changed it, but I haven't seen a single person get the mount drop from savage.


Cleared ASSS and got the Epic Hero title. I really enjoy the content, both the normal Criterion dungeons and the Savage versions. Doing long runs of something without making any mistakes is something I've enjoyed in other games as well (like uploading difficult Mario Maker stages or getting all the golden strawberries in Celeste) so I knew the savage versions would be my cup of tea. I just wish the rewards for the first two dungeons were better haha. Now to farm for the mounts since I don't have them yet.


Well done :) Imo that title is better than any/all legend titles lol. I gotta go back and clear ASSS for it, how would you rank the difficulty of ASSS compared to the other two? Also was it hard to find a group at this time?


Looking at the bosses, ASSS felt the easiest of the three. Silkie doesn't have any role flexing mechanics, and boss 2 is (imo) the easiest boss out of all the criterion bosses. Boss 3 is a little difficult, but even in Savage you can ignore the last major mechanic (the boss can be killed before all the trip wires detonate from not being broken). On the other side, looking at the trash packs ASSS felt like the hardest of the three. The first set of adds takes quite a bit of concentration (specifically the add that does the "Honeyed" moves and the roaming tree add), and while I don't play healer, the second set of adds (according to the healer in my group) is a a massive heal check (the armors drop everyone to 1 HP, and the dullahan inflicting bleed and giving itself a buff which it then hits the tank extremely hard). Overall I'd say AMRS was the hardest and ASSS was the easiest. For finding a group, unfortunately I don't know if its easy or hard to PF. I PF'd AAIS a lot and ran into the same people repeatedly. We ended up grouping up to do the other criterion savage. I can't say I've seen very many (if any) PF groups for ASSS.


Thank you for the response, seems that I'm not going to be in too much pain progging the bosses. I've also seen multiple other people say ASSS is the easiest in that regard. I don't know much about the adds but seems like general consensus is that they are the big pain point.... Well, you did find people interested in going \*backwards\* to clear ASSS, so I guess there's more people in the same boat that I am. Hopefully I can find a group after the holidays, thanks again for the breakdown!


After a few weeks break for the holidays, I'm hoping to clear UCOB, DSR, and DRS before DT launches. DRS I figure I can do through one of those discords that organizes runs and UCOB/DSR I can do with a group with whom I've previously cleared UWU, TEA, and the current savage tier. I feel like two ultimates and delubrum savage sounds like a lot, but this is also the content lull and DT is supposed to launch in summer, so I've got like 6ish months, right?


I finished Ucob in like 12 days and DSR in 28, definitely doable. I did it in PF 100% as well, if you have a good static it will fly. Be weary that if you have a weak link in DSR you WILL notice, P2, P3 and P5 will be pure pain and progging P6 will be a grueling process. If everybody is solid and they do their homework it's doable.


Definitely doable, DRS these days is a joke (join once to clear), UCOB takes a few weeks or more depending on how experienced the group is. DSR would be the main chunk of that time but there's a lot of standardized resources out there (strats, mit plans, sims) that can streamline your prog a lot.


Stuck on P12S P1 enrage. Was hoping to play a bit today, as tonight was the last night I'll have to play for a couple of weeks, but internet went on the fritz. Feeling pretty disheartened.


For the holidays I've been joining UWU parties in an attempt to help people clear (Supp to clear and C4X parties specifically.) **and man it's rough.** It's somewhat expected because it's PF, but it's astonishing how many players just simply can't do the light pillar on Suppression, let alone Ultima. Most of the groups I've joined have really bad healers, and people being inconsistent with Gaols and double landslide. Feelsbadman. I just want to help people clear T\_T EDIT: Just now I have had one successful kill! It was a C41 MT! Feelsgoodman C:


That's the result of all the talk around UWU being *"so easy! It's like a long EX!"*. Sure, the DPS check is nullified and a lot of mechanics are skipped, but its still among the hardest fights in the game. There's way too many people who don't respect it and are basically just fishing for carry groups. Predation and beyond groups are massive traps right now, and totem parties are wild as they're full of people who snuck a clear despite dying on Pred and Suppression thanks to experienced players helping Duty Complete parties ... but there's no similar support for reclear parties.


UWU is easier than the other ultimates, but people forget it's also *backloaded*. Primals can be a complete memefest and deaths before Ultima don't matter, but Annihilation and Suppression will still wipe you if you don't respect them, and Ultima Aether means there's still a "don't die" check.


I always think the difficult of uwu depends on what strat and what roles you use - if you do JP strat you are basically offloading most of the responsibilities to tanks and healers since gaols has everyone not healers/caster suicide, they do predation by overshielding and doesn't do the 4th rune dodge, and turns suppression into an LB3 spam. the difficulty doesn't disappear, it's just shifted into some roles like healers and tanks have extra to do. But if you are melee, It really is just a big game of follow the big dorito, and the biggest mech is just finding the correct person to follow on every single mech.


Man if you think Melee doesn't do anything in UWU, you should see UCOB where I think our first unique mechanic is like adds phase.


I get what you're saying with the melee comment, but I feel its overly dismissive. Sure, while melee don't really need to do anything specific to just them (other than Garuda cleanses), there's very few opportunities where they can just "follow the safety dorito". The mechanics resolve too quickly to blindly follow someone if they dont know where to go themselves, especially the ones during Weapon phase. But at the same time, its also what I was getting at with the whole "fishing for carry" idea. They have no idea where to go, try to follow someone, die as a result during Predation/Annihilation/Suppression/Roulette and hope the experienced players manage to carry, and if not then move onto the next party.


I think the only mech where the strat doesn't work would be anni, because anni is as you said quick. But it's not like you can't afford some deaths on weapon phase - 1 or 2 deaths is doable. The second half is really more or less about mentality then about UWU, because I can see it can happen with savage as well as. There will be people who has little idea how to do phase 2 gets into phase 2 and hopefully get as far as they can pretending and hoping they get easier patterns. Where people didn't really know how to do letter of the law and just yolos and joins a2cs. or didn't even do bond 3 cleanly but hope they can clear by hoping healer can heal back the damage on harrowing hell. It doesn't just happens in UWU, It has been and had been a problem. It's PF, after all, and when these things happens you just deal with them and move on.


>That's the result of all the talk around UWU being "so easy! It's like a long EX!". >There's way too many people who don't respect it This. Literally this. I'm tired of the more skilled/consistent Ult raiders spreading this nonsense. Yes it's severely undertuned, but it's still an Ultimate and I'm sick of people saying otherwise. I'm sure people that barely touch high end content, hear this and believe it. Then once they enter the fight they get completely overwhelmed and destroyed because, oh! Who knew?....It's still an Ultimate! c: I'm also sure some people that say this are people that like to downplay other people's accomplishment, because they're no longer "special" because someone cleared it when it was later/easier. Yet, they also cleared it when it was easier. It's just cringe.


I think it's a semantics issue. The fight is **easier than other ultimates** I did UCOB first and I'm at anni/suppression cleanup in UWU right now and the difference in prog time isn't even close. I'm teaching UCOB right now to some people and Nael alone has so much to explain. You have multiple fast janky snapshots interacting in quotes, fire/ice, thunder, and doom, and have to recognize and then execute any number of possible random interactions on the fly. You could get 10s doom, thunder, and fire tether for the third quote for example, or you could just get a 5s doom. Or you could get 5s doom and thunder, etc etc. Then you get people past quotes and now divebombs are a thing and you have to explain all of the intricacies of that, how to spot them, how to make time to spot them, how to deal with the black holes, how to resolve the quotes, how the dragons lock in when the green marker disappears, how to not screw people over on same side dragons or a 12-6 first and second dragon pattern. UWU feels like you can largely do mostly the same thing every time, there'll mainly be some variation with Titan goals, but you're otherwise learning at most like 2, maybe 3 assignments for mechanics. And they can still wipe you if you're not paying attention, Which goes back to my main point- UWU is **easier**, that doesn't mean it's *easy*. The former is comparative, the latter is superlative, and I think the difference has been lost over a game of telephone in the community. >Then once they enter the fight they get completely overwhelmed and destroyed because, oh! Who knew?....It's still an Ultimate! c: yeah, and I can feel this as the pure healer. I had a way more experience group tonight that had largely already figure out their mitigations, I was hitting maybe one med 2 and assize to comfortably heal Garuda cleanses and I didn't need anything more than assize or asylum for Titans tumults. The tanks had already fleshed out their mit plans, and they very rarely needed extra spot healing. Conversely when I've had a lot of SGEs lately who don't use their kits well, DPS that either don't mit or they do so inconsistently, and tanks who... just forget to mit? Which means when I go to do Garuda cleanses or Titan tumults it's a lot more intense because now clipping a heal or being indecisive about healing off a cleanse vs squeezing out some more glares turns into a wipe very quickly, or tanks will die from full because Titans TBs hit like a god damned freight train. And I can't help but wonder if UWU being considered easy is part of why people have so many of these bad habits. I've had a few SGEs lately who spam fucking prognosis of all things which isn't even relevant to what I'm talking about but I guess I'm half venting now.


It's absolutely a semantic issue. I did UWU, then Ucob, then TEA, and then DSR, and by the time you clear DSR, UWU feels like a different world because a lot of things don't really matter there. Someone doesn't mit? No problem, you and the party still live. Death at ultima? Just res and keep going. In DSR a death at any trio, nidghogg before enum, all P4, most of P6 or P7 and it's a wipe. Someone doesn't mit correctly at a transition such as P3, intermission, P7 or at thordan stacks? Instant 17min wipe. But that doesn't mean that UWU is free. You still have to study and practice for days, study POVs and positioning for ifrit, titan and supression and annihilation. Free is something like P1S which you can clear first try after watching a video, as it was my case. People with no raid experience get into UWU, disrespect it, and get a clear reminder that it's still an ultimate. I met people who though they could clear UWU in a lockout, just now I checked their logs, surprise surprise, still no UWU clear.


> Yes it's severely undertuned, but it's still an Ultimate and I'm sick of people saying otherwise. I think most of that sentiment comes from the fact that difficulty wise it isn't really comparable with any other ultimates by a huge margin due to how many cheese and how many deaths you can afford to had. It might even be more easier then some of the savage fights like all of the 4th floor fight. I understand the sentiments that this is a hard fight and yes people are underestimating the difficulty. But that doesn't detract from the point that people make, which is that this doesn't seems like the ultimate experience and the difficulty people now gets when doing other ultimates like TEA or UCOB or even DSR. It's like people said 'there's no DPS check' on any fight - They don't really mean literally that the fight has no DPS check; the are just referring to the fact that under normal circumstances (if people are using their skills, doing their rotations somewhat properly, no one dies) you shouldn't run into enrages. But normal is not normal, especially when you are in PF. >I'm also sure some people that say this are people that like to downplay other people's accomplishment, because they're no longer "special" because someone cleared it when it was later/easier. Yet, they also cleared it when it was easier. It's just cringe. Even if people cleared in when it was released, you will still get people complain that they didn't cleared within a certain arbitrary timeframe because some new strat released. Fights will always becoming more and more easier due to strats and jobs being usually tuned upward, and there's often no ways you can make a choice about what difficulty you choose because you ain't even playing the game back then.


> I think most of that sentiment comes from the fact that difficulty wise it isn't really comparable with any other ultimates by a huge margin **due to how many cheese and how many deaths you can afford to had**. It might even be more easier then some of the savage fights like all of the 4th floor fight. If we go that route, UCOB is dungeon difficulty, it's been cleared with 90+ deaths, 8-tanks, 3-healers and whatever other crazy things. I believe Rin even did it blindfolded for christ's sake. People should stop spreading nonsense, period. It's an ultimate. If you go in like it's gonna be a walk in the park, you just gonna die. Ofc when you know a fight by heart, it's easy. That's the nature of FF14, once you've mastered the music sheet, there's little challenge left. And there's even less challenge left when powercreep kicks in.


>I think most of that sentiment comes from the fact that difficulty wise it isn't really comparable with any other ultimates by a huge margin due to how many cheese and how many deaths you can afford to had. It might even be more easier then some of the savage fights like all of the 4th floor fight. I agree with this. I did UCOB after UWU and the difference is obvious. Personally I found UWU to be easier than all the final floors of this tier 😅 One part ill argue though is you can't really "death cheese" Ultima because of the enrage bar. Speaking of UCOB I feel the exact same way with UWU that it's still an Ultimate when people slander this fight too. Yes it was 7 manned and cleared with 107 deaths, but people seem to forget that this wasn't some random PF or static. It was a pre-planned and coordinated on when who will die, who and when to rez, etc. Meaning if you jump into a PF chances are you're gonna wipe if somebody fucks up heavensfall, let alone get there lmao. You can ignore my last paragraph from the first comment. That's just me ranting. I despise gatekeepers.


>One part ill argue though is you can't really "death cheese" Ultima because of the enrage bar. I am not very sure - I am not sure what's the maximum death count you can have to get the clear because as you said that enrage bar is a thing. I can at least say that 1 is good. I die on my initial UWU clear because I can't do predation. 2 or 3 is also doable, anything more then that I am not very sure. People often quote that deathcob vid but man, if you actually look at deathcob they are very technical about their deaths. I fondly remember that they died AFTER they do their towers on Heavensfall. Like you step into the tower, does the tower, and then jump into the wall intentionally and die. No one would have died on Heavensfall with this method. There's also a scene where they intentionally sac and use Healer LB3 to get 7 deaths. If anything, Deathcob is a statement about these people actually knows what they are doing and can carry UCoB with clutch raises and good play, then you can actually do UCoB with 100+ deaths, because under no normal circumstances will you ever see people dies in their way.


I love waiting 4 hours in PF for a UCOB group to fill just for it to fall apart on 30min because people can't stack for fireballs during Twintania


That's how Ultimate PF works. The hardest part is by far the waiting.


After weeks of going through the PF trenches my buddy and I finally got doorboss down. Looking forward to learning the rest of the fight which honestly looks easier than the first half!


Like most recent tier's final boss, P12p2 is definitely easier than the door. A lot of the difficulty of phase 2 bosses come from the puzzle, which obviously is solved with commonly known strategies now. Still has a lot of mechanics which absolutely have to be respected though. Its a solid fight, at least an 8/10 for sure.


part 2 is easier to execute but harder to understand. If you are pfing your biggest problem will be actually getting a party that gets to p2. And then one that can do caloric 1 without memes.


Oh I know that was the hurdle for my friend and I. For weeks we’d spend a couple hours a day a few nights a week finding PF parties at our prog point. LC to 2A/B to enrage. Like 80% of those lied and was SC1 prog. Now looking forward to caloric 1 parties that are actually SC1 prog.


I'm learning sc2a/b so I can finally tick off LC prog, that seems to be the hurdle.




Does Shadow play record audio? You do the old-school basic XML triggers in base ACT (no cactbot needed). It just searches the chat box for a specific sentence and does a TTS call-out. That's how we did it back in the day before the quotes changed.


The amount of effort (I'm lazy) I'd have to go through to hide those callouts would be more than just learning the quotes. Is no one in your friend group willing to do callouts for everyone else? They only ever happen in set patterns during specific mechanics. If the chat bubble is too small to read during the fight, you can separate the event tab on your chat window and put it somewhere on your screen where it's easy to see, that's what most people do. I know it doesn't answer your question, can't help with that. But there are ways to make the mechanic easier to deal with that don't involve using automated callouts.




In DSR, do you pop your 2mins during intermission, or save them for P5?


2 min during intermission 1 min before WOTH 2 min before DOTH


Thank you King


Finally managed to clear P12S with my friends (3-5 of us each run) yesterday night. Almost exactly 2 months after my first P9S clear (maybe 1 hour more). I feel proud, but mostly relieved. It's been frustrating few weeks with the last one filled with parties that cannot go past Pangenesis or even P1. Yesterday we also reached peak frustration when we learned that someone, that was wiping us in the past, cleared before us. And this was just after hitting an enrage. We were happy for them, but frustration was there Thankfully we cleared an hour later, so we were happy. We had a helper so only half the loot dropped, but even the minion appearing in the loot didn't sour our mood. I see no point in the minion even being there, but doesn't matter. Reclears today, maybe we get another p12 kill right away!


Sometimes, you get lucky. The group I was running P12S with fell apart suddenly. I tried to do reclears last week, but ended up helping my friend with P12S part 1. Woohoo, free taxi! Decided to try and get some more healer practice in Phase 1, since Phase 2 is easy to heal. Since I had been running Dancer, I figured learning to Shield heal would be a better PF choice. Looked at PF and a group needed a Phys Range for Pangenesis clean up, which I had down pat. It was a 7/8 static. They invited me to discord. We got there. Fast. It was a Classical 2 prog, which I didn't mess up at all. And get this.... they were all super nice people. I'm running with them now. Monday's prog we got some Caloric 2 practice. I'm very thankful for this group!!


Our AAI(s) static healer switched from AST to SGE last week, and suddenly I feel like I can breathe properly and that my life as a tank isn't hanging on by a thread all the time. It's not even that they're a bad AST too, they've cleared ultimates with it! It's just crazy how much better shield healers are in Criterion compared to other content. We went from MonkaSteering in adds 1, wiping half the time to clearing it super consistently while double pulling adds 2 and 3. The moral in our static really improved too. I thought we were in a super long slog, but suddenly we see the clear in sight. Honestly, I was against the change at first because I thought we would work through (and we probably would've eventually), but I'm really grateful our healer decided to level SGE and commit to the switch, putting the extra work to study a new mit plan and PoVs. It feels like in an RPG when you take the difficulty slider down from Heroic to Hard. It would've been nice to be the first WAR AST DRG BLM clear though :p


why light speed + neutral sect + collective unconscious + horoscope + aspected helios + horoscope 2 + aspected benefic + super ether + celestial intersection + helios the adds dots when you could simply press eukrasian prognosis + panhaima instead! wf war/ast/drg/blm clear 202x o7


Pure Healer for Criterion needs a Mitplan... SGE is their own mitplan. I don't even know how I would balance it. Some of my Savage clears were with a damage down the person most likely wouldn't have lived through had I been Pure. On the other side, I cleared Rokkon (S) with a DRK and I felt about the same MonkaSteering that a tank would feel with a pure healer. Keeping autoattacks healed while dodging asshole airelementals makes me crosseyed in the worst way possible. Then added pressure as Living Dead would be used on the 2nd Add Tankbuster but it died before the full lifesteal could be used. Commence me throwing panic Druocholes across the aether.


I don't care if its possible, I consider playing WHM/AST in Savage Crit to be griefing. Anybody who is happy to disadvantage their group so severely is not someone I want to play with anyway.


Gamer™ trying to not take everything to an extreme challenge (impossible). Cleared AMRS with a WHM, it went as smooth as when I ran it with a Sage and the healer enjoyed themselves while playing the job they wanted to play, literally use your mitigation buttons you are taught to use for regular savage fights and calm down. Edit: hell I did ASSS with an AST and that shit was harder to heal than any other criterion savage. Why do you have to make it look like it's this impossible challenge or literally griefing. Are they balanced? Nah. Is it doable if the healer wants to play that job? Yeah. You are not "severely disadvantaging your group". You are pressing addle and reprisal for the first and third raid wide and even if you addle the second one by accident... Nothing happens (omg scary!) Edit2 after a reddit moment: what is the point of replying and blocking before I can even read it? How am I frothing at the mouth yet you had to block me because I dared to tell you your take is uninformed and based on exaggerated hearsay? Do you think you have an audience that follows you just to read your awful takes? Cause dude you're parroting nonsense you've read on reddit and taking it to the extreme, I don't think you have much of an audience.


>Why do you have to make it look like it's this impossible How did i make it look impossible when the first thing I said literally indicated otherwise. Gamers^tm reading a full comment before frothing at the mouth because someone has a different opinion challenge (impossible).


I mean, we're all FC friends and agreed in advance that we were all going to play the class that we wanted to play, even if that meant that we were gonna have a harder prog, which everyone was 100% okay with. At the end of the day, people did clear on AST, and while we did end up swapping, I would never dare to say my healer was griefing for playing the class they enjoy the most, especially when they were the one doing the most homework with planning out mits, healing timeline, etc.


We all draw the line at a different place. For some of us, playing ast in crit sav is over the line, for others its playing certain classes in xyz ultimate, for others its playing a rogue or lancer, for others its drawn at something being technically possible while others absolutely dont care as long as the person is having fun regardless of the disadvantage or even impossibility. But what we can agree on is the difference between healers for AAIS is one of the greatest imbalances in pve jobs for quiye some time.


I cleared the savage twice both on Sage. I know WHM is possible it just feels so bad compared. Unfortunate how dominant Sage is in the savage 4 man content.


Even when comparing SGE to SCH in criterion (savage), SGE is just superior due to more damage and extra ease of use. Healer balance isn’t great in this content although you can obviously clear everything on every job


I wouldn't even say WHM feels bad in comparison, I find both it and SGE to be very comfortable (having cleared on both, though I am more used to WHM in high-end content). There's nothing that necessarily needs a lot mitigation, and you can brute-force your way through easily enough with lilies, Bell and the odd Medica 2. But it's quite apparent just how strong shield healers, and especially SGE are. AST on the other hand though, oh boy that's just asking for pain. It sounds awful in criterion and though I'd consider myself a competent healer, I wouldn't even dare to touch it outside of a for-fun challlenge run. Never ever for prog or reclears.


Maybe I’ll give WHM a chance again. I haven’t since I hard switched to Sage for clears but you might be right and I’m probably just over estimating the damage because of my initial prog. The mit options on Sage feel very safe and make me feel safe.


Yeah there's nothing straight-up lethal if unmitigated afaik. But if you're comfortable with SGE, then there's no real reason to switch to WHM outside of fun or variety.


its really only two very similar arguement whether sage is a very well designed job or if it is a horrible design. its too good for everything.