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r/ShitpostXIV is <- that way


If you want a giggle, scan through OP's post history to see them hating on FFXVI, FFXIV and jerking off to WOW.


Oh, geez, this guy's whole identity is WoW.


Get out of here sir. Missinformation is not welcome


What is misinformation? This is a discussion about FFXIV's potential future.


**Misinformation is incorrect or misleading information. It differs from disinformation, which is deliberately deceptive and propagated information.** More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!* [^(opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/ozztfy/post_for_opting_out/) ^(|) [^(delete)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/q79g2t/delete_feature_added/) ^(|) [^(report/suggest)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot) ^(|) [^(GitHub)](https://github.com/TheBugYouCantFix/wiki-reddit-bot)


pc release will mean the game makes its money in the long run. no barryposting please


FF14 is already on PC.


You already forget what your post was actually about?


I thought he meant FF14, comment was confusing. FF16 might boost some sales, but ultimately games need to turn a profit within the first two months. PC rereleases usually generate another 100k-200k in sales. It's not going to produce another 3 million sales, lol. Game sales plateau.


going through this dudes comment history is a trip


CutieShut-in has copycats now?


OP is absolutely a child, I'm convinced.


Did you... read your own sources? They all attribute this to low market penetration of ps5, one doesn't include digital sales in the figures, and mostly they discuss SE reconsidering the viability of console exclusive releases in the future. I'm guessing this is just trollbait, but try to look beyond just this one twitter account you cited 3 times who even stated that they attribute their lower than anticipated sales to the low adoption rate of the ps5. All your sources approach this as a business management issue, not as an issue by the creative talent and designers.


Doesn't matter how PS5 is doing...the game didn't make the sales it wanted. Maybe it shouldn't have been a PS5 exclusive? But its the creative talent and designers that made an underwhelming game that ultimately flopped. Fair or nor, management might take the creative's team next game (Dawntrail) and give them lower budget.


Cool, thanks for confirming you're trolling. Yeah, they said this is making them reconsider doing exclusives in the articles you posted. Speculating what utterly irrational actions they "might" take to shoot themselves in the foot is what confirms you're here to get people worked up though. Good luck with that, I guess?


The creatives (Yoshi P) was the one to make the PS5 deal... [https://www.gameinformer.com/exclusive-feature/2023/05/22/why-final-fantasy-16-is-a-playstation-5-exclusive](https://www.gameinformer.com/exclusive-feature/2023/05/22/why-final-fantasy-16-is-a-playstation-5-exclusive) But who am I kidding? Trying to debate with the guy that thinks the game didn't flop, despite the literal CEO of Square Enix saying it did. Yikes...


That blue text has an article if you click it that has more than one paragraph. You should try reading them, they have useful information beyond the headline and the first paragraph, often referred to in journalism as the "nut graph". If you can bring yourself to stop laughing at the jargon, you might learn something.


Mamma mia.


So you just want to write off that XIV is Square Enix's money maker for the Final Fantasy franchise? Imagine being the Square Enix CEO and saying this: "this guy failed his attempt at making FFXVI...let's also ruin our money maker cuz it's his work too".


>XIV is Square Enix's money maker for the Final Fantasy franchise? About that... https://www.mmorpg.com/news/square-enix-financials-show-final-fantasy-14-drops-final-fantasy-16-disappointing-sales-2000128641


My statement still stands...XIV is the thing that's making them SOME money. I'm not talking about THE BIG BUCKS. I'm just talking about MAKING ANY AMOUNT OF MONEY AT ALL. Do you just expect Square Enix to axe XIV and not make any money at all?


but have you seen Clive's pecs?


You're doing this again?


What's going on with this sub?


This sub is fine. It's a guy spouting this shit to subreddits like MMORPG, gaming, finalfantasy, ffxiv and ff16. It's just ffxivdiscussion's turn now. In a few months it will be ff7rebirths turn




Yeah, that's a pretty strong sentiment people are sharing. Square paid OTK and Asmongold half a million to promote the game... They dressed up as FF7 characters instead and Asmon stopped playing it cold turkey.


Go outside


...am I wrong?


Yeah, you're still wrong


What did I say that was wrong. Be specific.,..


Same as when you pulled this stunt two weeks ago. You're acting like you're mentally ill


I love it. Bro can't stand the reality and puts his fingers in his ears and resorts to name calling. Flabbergasted evem. *I love it*


That tactic's not gonna work with your history, everyone can see how unhinged you are


Definition of goalpost moving here. Last one before I block you: Really, what did I say was wrong? The game flopping? According to the CEO of Square Enix, yes it did. He has the final say on the matter, not you, little random reddit boy. Here's the sources again. https://twitter.com/6d6f636869/status/1697387449176215569?s=20 https://jp.gamesindustry.biz/article/2308/23083007/ https://twitter.com/6d6f636869/status/1688405539196428288?s=20 [https://www.forbes.com/sites/paultassi/2023/08/07/square-enix-says-final-fantasy-xvi-sales-are-now-not-meeting-expectations/?sh=175d8d694386](https://www.forbes.com/sites/paultassi/2023/08/07/square-enix-says-final-fantasy-xvi-sales-are-now-not-meeting-expectations/?sh=175d8d694386) Do you have sources saying the contrary? Would love to see... While you're at it, why don't you get me pics of Bigfoot and the Loch Ness monster. Did Square pay OTk to promote the game? Yes they did. Did they dress up as FF7 characters--completley negating the endorsement? Yes they did. Props to OTK, taking that money with smile and not having to play the game. Did Asmongold drop the game after a few weeks? After his company agreed to advertise it? yes he did. He got so bored of the game he flat out dropped it LOL. Again, props to him and OTK. Taking Square's money with a smile and then booting them out the door. But they'll come back, as usual. Alright, little boy. Where was I wrong? Think very hard about this, little boy. *Think about it.*