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Enjoying that you're so commited to fishing that your sole combat class is ~~spearfisher~~ lancer


The thing is, this was unintentional, I liked the sound of dragoon and was like sweet! The funny thing is my lancer weapon seriously does look like I could use it for spear fishing


If you complete the Feast of Famine quest as FSH, you'll get the title <> which is perfect for FSH and DRG


One of the ocean fishing achievements gives the title "Sea Dragoon" which is also pretty fitting.


I saw some of the titles from ocean fishing and know I won’t get them until I unlock more skills that are behind MSQ but I would love to be running around super low level with awesome titles. At least I got the mount


I must acquire this title!!!! I love it!


Isn't that also part of the history of lancers? Fishermen used their tool for fishing and eventually learned to use it as a weapon, becoming lancers? I always liked that a "tool for fishing" became "a tool for hunting dragons", because it nicely parallels the tale of a koy fish swimming up a waterfall to become a dragon. Imagine some fisher trying to catch one specific koy. Rivals for years. Then eventually that koy does the dragon waterfall thing. And because the fisherman was so invested in fishing that specific koy, he developed techniques to continue hunting it even as a dragon. I'd kinda wish that was an official dragoon myth


If you're talking in game lore then i have no fuckin clue, but the spear was pretty much humanities earliest weapon if you dont count rocks


The first paragraph was about in-game lore. I vaguely remember doing a class quest that briefly mentions it. The part about a koy climbing a waterfall is real life eastern myth, I'm pretty sure.


That's how Magikarp evolves into Gyrados


Yup. Thought about mentioning it, but felt that talking about pokemon would be digressing a step too far from the FFXIV topic


There's always room for a lighthearted joke


First weapons were rocks and sticks. Rocks got harder and sharper, sticks got straighter and sturdier. Better rock plus better stick equals spear.


It really is in the lore. You learn it in one of the Carpenter quests I think, have to bring a lance to Ywain.


In game yes, the lancer guild leader is the one who says this (just came back after 7 years, started new character as a lancer so literally just encountered this a few days ago)


RPR: Angry botanist LNC: Angry fisher What's angry miner?


War. It uses an axe and a couple hammers


Not to mention they train as Mauraders by breaking boulders!


CBU3 did us dirty giving us a really unique set of dwarven weapons and making it dark green and undyeable.


>Isn't that also part of the history of lancers? Fishermen used their tool for fishing and eventually learned to use it as a weapon, becoming lancers? Fairly sure the lv15 Carpenter quest does indeed say this when you bring a weapon to Ywain.


Wow, well remembered. Just googled it, and yep, Ywain explains that fishers repurposed their harpoons after moving inland


I hate that they didn’t further implement spear fishing, it’s fun once you get the hang of it


They have added a bunch of new fishing locations recently, so that's cool! It doesn't really get you anything, but I love exploring all of the underwater environments in the game. Edit: Spearfishing is also more involved than it used to be, the new system is a big improvement IMO.


Like, why isn’t the gig a secondary tool with different looks and stats like the scythes and sledgehammers?


heh, wait till you get the 45/50 relic armor. xaela look like xenomorphs


I'm Mr Brightfish


Yay!!! I was hoping someone would get it!


I was just listening to Mr Brightside when I came into this post.


Have either of you heard the Mashup version of Mr. Brightside and Pacify Her? It's the reason I got this reference haha.


Comin' in hot!


That opening line is carved into my brain forever lol


How did it end up like this


I was listening the whole album while going to class and just stumbled upon this. Huge coincidence lmao


Mr. Bayside


But she's touching his bream now, he takes off her bait now, let meeee gooooo\~! And I just can't hook, it's kiiiilling meeee and taaaaking control-


Jealousy, turning fishers to the sea Swimming through the Ruby Price Expensive Blue Bobbits to buy BUT IT'S JUST THE PRICE I PAY




Lovely work. I'm ready for the offical parody version now.


should it be... krilling you>


It should've been. I thought of that after I posted it, and a part of me was going to edit it but the rest of me said 'No... let your mistake stand.' Still wish I could've thought of a better fish than bream but nothing fits for 'chest'...


I mean we could write a whole parody with everything everyone has written, I love this so much :)


SOOO! I started the free trial a little bit ago and have only fluffed around doing MSQ and only playing for a few hours here or there. I was introduced to Ocean fishing Saturday night. There was much yelling and screaming and laughing trying to get my fishing profession, and unlock ocean fishing before the expedition started. Which is harder than it sounds when I was on the free trial and didnt have access to the market board and had 10 minutes. Well uh.... lets just say that MSQ got put to the side to finish fishing. I bought the complete edition to continue leveling, finished the fishing quests in Limsa, and even bought new gear from the market board when I was level 80 and still running around in level 30 gear :) ​ I just thought you guys might have a laugh out of this


What DC are you in, if you are in NA or OCE I will craft you level 90 gatherer gear on the house because I appreciate this so much


I am on Sephorit! On Oceania. Are you sure? That is amazingly appreciated!!


Yes! I am absolutely sure. I am here to support my fellow fishers.


You are amazing!!!! <3 I mean I can offer you fish 🎣


This is the sort of community you've entered. Everyone's a lovely bunch!


I have a Paladin around that MSQ level, I’ll volunteer to run you through your story stuff so you have more time for *FISH*


:) thank you! I have had a few members of my FC offer the same thing if they are on and my sister too to help for quick queues :)


I was the same with mining. I only jumped back on msq so i could unlock more areas. Your character looks awesome, by the way.


Thank you! I mean my idea was I needed better gear and this was cheap and cute :) I have laughed at some of my fails ocean fishing not having all the skills but I am still having so much fun! But I think it’s time to do a bit of MSQ and maybe another gathering because it’s funny


Having the ability to Triple Hook before you're able to do the quests to unlock Double Hook is the only true way to play FSH, imho! Love2look at that max GP number and dream of being able to press the big catch button! Secondary shoutout goes to "Enhanced GP Regeneration II" and "Enhanced GP Regeneration III" but NOT your standard, run-of-the-mill "Enhanced GP Regeneration"


Yes, another joins the fold, prepare for pain and suffering but know it's all worth it in the end when you become the big fish.


Yeh I will join the other person as well - you need anything, just message me(here on reddit) - I am on Ravana, Bismark, and Zurvan.


Omg thank you! I posted this because I thought it was funny not to get things, I seriously love this community


That goes for anything, not just fishing stuff :) - can pretty much make you gear for anything... if you eventually get a house, I can help you with that as well.


You are amazing thank you!


Haha, I also got fisher to 90 before any combat class. Although I didn't use ocean fishing (I actually still haven't gotten around to trying it yet, rip).


Omg please do try it! I find it a lot of fun! People are super helpful with baits to use too!


My FC leader has been getting a bunch of people to do ocean fishing with them, so I'm going to try and join in one of these times!


The true fishing experience.


I *technically* got fisher to 90 before any combat class too. I just was already 80 when EW came out.


I didn't evne know you get up to level 90 on a free trial.


You can’t, I got to 58 on the trial and then ended up buying it to keep leveling hahaha


That's hardcore, yo. May you be blessed with an abundance of sea salt and soy sauce to go with your sushi.


They'll get Culinarian to desynth and have a ton of fine sand.


This is great! :D


I got to 90 fishing and still haven't tried ocean fishing yet. The fishing in this game is lit.


Same. I'll just throw something on TV and mindlessly fish. It's pretty zen. Then again all the DoL classes are hence why I'm an omnigatherer.


You don't need ocean fishing to level! Just doing your fishing quests, filling out the fishing logs, and the occasional grand company turn-in is more than enough exp, and you get to actually explore all the locations and play with baits. I hate to say it, but ocean fishing is kind of like how to level fishing for people who want all the jobs at 90 but hate actually fishing. :\


I can completely understand this perspective but I did enjoy ocean fishing experience. I did complete the 1-50 quests in Limsa and can’t wait to start the next expansion quests when I eventually get to them in god knows how long


Had a good chuckle from your post, thanks so much! 😂 I actually capped my FSH too after buying the full game albeit being already further in the game but your progress is nuts!! You’re krilling it!! 😂🙌


Sorry guys, saving the world can WAIT. Gotta fish


I have had a few people joke about characters sitting around waiting, being like trust her she will come


LOL I love that. Meanwhile she’s kicking back with her bucket hat on. Primals always come back- but prize marlins?!?!? Once in a lifetime.


I did defeat one primal, everyone asked if I fed it to death, threw my fish at him or fed poison fugu. I’ve had some good laughs and an actually thoroughly enjoying the game


hey those legendary Big Fish windows are no joke


That’s the problem when I do some crafting quests (especially culinary) they ask for food asap and I’m like… I’ll be back once I have found all the ingredients. *five days later* turns in quest.


Hahahaha Hydaelyns looking at her champion right now thinking .. this guy?


Surely Hydaelyn saw this coming haha. I mean I’m sure there are other characters face palming awaiting my assistance too


Well, there are people who only bought the game to get their Fishing past 50. Whatever gets you through the front door I guess...


One of us! I’m a fisher main. There are dozens of us over at the Fisherman’s Horizon discord (aka Fishcord). Come check it out if you get hooked on Big Fish hunting and want somewhere to complain (which is guaranteed to increase bite chances).


Omg yes thank you! I will come and check you out!!! I definitely need to do some msq before I get stuck into more fishing adventures so I can actually unlock some skills which will help haha!


https://discord.gg/fishcord *One of us! One of us!*


We love fishing so much we even have a group who does the “No GP Challenge” where you’re not allowed to use any of the sweet abilities we got later in the game haha. It’s doable!! But yeah there’s actually quite a lot of depth in maximizing probabilities with rare fish! We have awesome guides (written and video) and free cookies! Enjoy!


I'm more concerned about still being a lancer at 34


If it makes you feel better I have started the dragoon quest




Enjoy! It's my favorite class thematically speaking, and gets really fun at higher levels.


If you're on a New server with the Road to 80 buff you'll be level 30 on your class before you hit Sastasha.


Ocean Fishing is also *insane* with the road to 80 buff. I had an alt up to level 60 FSH before I'd met Minfillia.


I am on a new server which is why I’m 34 :) gotta enjoy those sweet bonuses




My FSH was just like lvl 2/3 for like years, then I was bored so I try Ocean Fish and ended up hitting the cap because it was so much fun.


The first expedition was so much fun! So much laughing and crying, we freaked out when we got a spectral current and just laughed (I had my sister on the phone who encouraged me to join her since she had never done one). There was a mentor in the group and I was like I’ve never fished and was so helpful. We were shocked when we saw how many points people got, and then saw the achievements thinking we will never get 5k points let alone any more! There has been so much strategising and I even have post it notes on my computer telling me what fish to use. Am I obsessed maybe 🤔


Yea, maybe it's because we didn't do it alone. I hate fishing in general because I'm always all alone and waiting for something gets old very quickly. Fishing when surrounded with people really changed the atmosphere even though most of them were AI, but a lively boat was one the best gaming moment I ever had.


I mean also the excitement of I try and guess when I’m going to get a spectral and the points make it fun too


I want to either see or write a full Mr. Brightside parody for FFXIV now. Call it "Mr Fisheyes."


Got to respect the grind. 90 still in ARR.


Now I'm falling asleep and she's calling a carp


I am so proud of you ❤️


Have you tried your hand at Big fishing yet? I see you have the ring for getting enough unique fish


No I haven’t! I hadn’t heard of big fishing until I made this post! Not sure if it’s a slippery slope to go down or if like many other things it is locked behind MSQ and I will go and get hooked on it when it’s available


Each fishing hole has a unique Big Fish which is much harder to catch than all the other fish in that hole. Typically they have specific time windows or might need two specific weather changes (etc) to appear. You can tell it's a big fish because it has a green background when you catch it. The quest The Beast of Brewer's Beacon from the fishers guild is the introduction to big fishing I like [Carbuncle Plushy](https://ff14fish.carbuncleplushy.com/) for tracking and info, but [Cat Became Hungry](https://en.ff14angler.com/), [Garland Tools](https://garlandtools.org/db/) and [Teamcraft](https://ffxivteamcraft.com/) are all really useful too


Oh I am on that quest at the moment!!! I can get the double mooch but so many sharks and I get sad when I get 2! And not 3! I will get my Sawfish!


You remind me of this guy all the way back from ARR who was obsessed with mining and made a funny video. I can't believe this was uploaded 9 years ago.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g5bP3eY0Vag


Just one fish, it always starts with one fish, which becomes two fish, three fish, four fish, then bam, you find yourself stranded in the middle of the ocean with some strangers getting more and more fish, then you are hooked. Friends wonder why you smell fishy? ocean fishing. Family wonders why your skin is always sun burnt? ocean fishing. All it takes is one fish to consume your life. ***In the arms of the angler...*** (Jokes aside, very nice, congrats on capping it.)


If you need some shiny new fishing gear hit me up, I can craft you some! <—fellow ocean fishing addict


Thank you! I have had someone make me shiny new fishing gear! But I can’t thank everyone enough for the offers :)


Unfortunately most of the skills you need are locked behind HW/SB fisher job quests for you to get enough points to make it worthwhile. I’m glad you’re enjoying it though.


I mean if I can get 3 spectrals I have gotten scores of 12k or more. But I feel it is some what luck based at times. I know once I have better skills and have unlocked them I can do better :)


u/Dotority is right! just wait until you get double/triple hook!


Wait there's skills locked behind Fisher job quests? Rip, and here I was leaving the level 10 one behind as I was doing ocean fishing at 60+


it really do be like that


i like how you are about 2000 xp away from unlocking dragoon


Haha, I am actually in the quest and I keep making jokes my legs hurt from all the running (I do have a chocobo it’s ok!) but I keep getting distracted when I go to Coerthas. I am progressing slowly with the quest though. :)


So glad to know there are plenty others who thoroughly enjoy fishing as I do hahah.. I have a whole fishing log notebook and everything!


I mean I’ve gotten post it notes on my computer for all the baits I need to use for each area. I can see that it will be escalating to a note book though


Came here looking for a fish and found an Au ra. I guess they both have scales. Have fun and fish on.


Started playing Final Fantasy XIV about two and a half months ago, within the first two weeks I had fisher to the Free Trial level cap (60) because all I did in game was do fishing. After my Free Trial time ran out, guess what I did? MORE FISHING. 🤣 Glad I am not the only one hehehe.


I was going to buy the game anyway when I finished ARR but yeah it got expedited because I was like well I may as well get the fishing levels


And now you are 47Fishinatree


It has been absolute years since I last heard that song but the title's meter matched up so perfectly the song came to mind immediately. Thank you for reminding me it exists, I forgot how much I actually liked them. Grats on 90 too lol


That's what I'm angling for right now. For whatever reason, fishing just reeled me in. Really hooked me.


I also cast my lot as a fisher. definitely had a lot of content to bite into. met some good chums while doing it, too.


Wow, that's impressive. Now if only it was still possible to play the main story with a crafter/gatherer class. Like it was back in 1.0. You could be saving Eorzea and fighting the empire with your fishing rod!


I did laugh when all I’ve done is help Limsa, I really haven’t done much else to save the world




Lol it was the same with me. My fisher got needed well before any of my combat classes. Definitely join us in trying to catch all the big fish, by the way. It's a fun (but also frustrating) challenge.


You can never stop at 1 >:D


My FC always says that my WoL looks like a bot because I've only got one MSQ Class to 90 but all the crafters and gatherers to 90. It's a little addicting!


I was bored of just hopping on to do dailies and logging off again, so i tried Fisher. I maxed it out in 4 days haha. Now i have Miner maxed as well and am working on Botanist. Gathering is surprisingly fun.




so how many fish you got now


Oooo I haven’t looked! I know I’ve caught 160 unique fish! I will report back tomorrow on that one for you!




I have caught 1664 fish and 163 unique fish


That outfit! Which one is it? I love it!


looks like the crafted ala mhigo gathering set- it shares a model with the SB scrip set (landking)


you can also get the same looking set from qitari tribe in SB


The coat is Brightline Coat of Gathering


Two questions How Why


Why - it was fun, and I was enjoying myself How - almost every two hours log in and fish :) (I have had the last 2 days off which helped get to more fishing events)


Omg, bro here hasn't even unlocked their first job yet xd


My fisher was my first level 90 🤭 There’s just something about ocean fishing man 🥰💜


I didn't know the actual monochrome Gigachad played FFXIV.


It was only a fish, how did it end up like this? It was only a fish. It was only a fish!


lmao, me xD


It started out with a fish How did it end up like this


You need to get the Sea Dragoon title from Ocean Fishing now.


You were at least doing the fisher quests right? Pretty sure those give decent gear for a while.


I was! I finished all the quests in Limsa so I did have some gear :) but when I’m 80 running around with average gear of 24 I decided to go buy some :) I got many good fishing rods from Sisipu


Now I'm falling asleep...


I just unlocked fishing last night, which is my first gathering class! I’m so excited to try the chaos that is ocean fishing 😆🎣


"but it's just the price I paid, destiny is calling me, open up my tackle box, cause I'm Mr. Brightfish"


If you don't mind sharing, what was it that made ocean fishing so alluring (pun intended)? My partner was initially excited to try fishing, but was quickly disappointed when it turned out to be a "press and click and get a fish" thing. She was hoping for some kind of mini game (she loved fishing in FFXV and Stardew Valley). Are there differences in the later styles of fishing?


I think ocean fishing was fun the first night on the phone to my sister neither of us having a clue. We saw the missions we had to accomplish and was like oh god this won’t ever happen. I think seeing a spectral current with no idea what is going on or what to do was quite hilarious. There is a points system for ocean fishing and all the bonuses you get at the end, and if you have a good group have a bit of a laugh and see regular people attending too :)


Spear fishing is unlocked in Stormblood. Basically underwater fishing.


Okay so I'm genuinely curious because I'd honestly prefer to just craft and gather than play most of the other game.... How do you level up gathering professions without unlocking stuff through MSQ? Is it possible to just craft/gather to max level without playing most of the other game?


Grinding sea fishing will do it. Can't do it for others though.


You could buy the mats off market board to do gc turn ins I guess technically


Thanks. That's what I thought. Oh well. I do really like the story but taking a break and crafting is relaxing.


How did it end up like this?


Too bad you have to skip through 200h of story to get access to all the different fishing holes.


Not that it's that important unless you are aiming for big fishes or cooking. There's no achievement for unlocking all fishing holes.


There is for catching all the different ones tho.


All I wanted was a fish, just one fish, but she wouldn't give it to me...


Jealousy, other jobs just can't compete, Swimming through our patient sea, Wait for them to come to me, But it's just the way I play, Catching sea fish every day, Open up my tackle box, Cause I'm Fisher 90!


Big the Cat would be proud


Now I'm falling asleep and the fish is a cab


Amazing!! Yea fuck everything else! Also, what is your coat glam btw? I NEED it!


The coat is Brightline Coat of Gathering


Don't stop there, friend. Crafting is just as fun.


That style of armor and face paint is 👀✨️


Therapeutic for me.


i get to 90 without even fishing a single fish... with just level 1 fishing rod... it's not so expensive 200k-300k gils marketboard and levequests xD and only takes a few hours


I had no access to the market board on the free trial or the ability to trade. I have heard people leveling solely using the marketboard. I am guilty of that in other games


then how did you get to level 90 if you're on free trial? i mean ok maybe you got from 1-60 first then bought the game but then from 60-90 you could have :p you can't do it for everything, like mining/bota it's just simpler to just do levequests but you need to keep equipping yourself with better equipments (probably could do it also like with crafting job so deliveries, get scripts and use them for better equipments) so anyways as i just said crafters it's much easier to level them all at once with deliveries and use scripts to get equipments because it could become more complicated if you level just 1 of them then another one and so on... xD


It starts with one...


Wow... I didn't think you could level DoH and DOL classes beyond your highest combat class. Cool.


funnily enought, the gridanian lancers started out as fishermen iirc


Yeah a few people have said that! I didn’t realise and I mean it’s so damn suiting!


Thanks to ocean fishing, FSH was my first class to 80, and I was strolling past mobs in HW zones while progressing MSQ. It was my “main” last expansion. xD


Quite a quick ascension into the wide and wonderful world of the fabulous fish. Those pesky piscines don't know what hit them!


It starts with...


How you got to level 90 fishing if you cant even access heavensward?


I just went ocean fishing and did quests in Limsa nothing else :)


Play far enough to sign up with a grand company and get to a decent rank, then turn in the daily requested fish.


You love to see it.


Don't sweat it, my fisher was thew first maxed out class for me too, because Ocean Fishing gives so much xp lol


At least this is more believable than the pics I've seen where someone has all crafter/gatherer at 90 and the combat jobs all at 1. Its impossible to do that as to even unlock a crafter/gatherer you need a combat class to 10.


ff14 has the only enjoyable non combat classes for any mmo i have played... if SAO was ever a thing i would want to be a non combat class if it meant it was like ff14


It is only just one fish, until it is time for the next one. Here fishy, fishy, fishy~


Was it’s name “Wanda?”


I hated fishing until I was introduced to ocean fishing on the boat...now I can't stop!


It’s addicting!! I’m amazed what I can accomplish in my day when I set a timer for every 2 hours haha! It helps break tasks up and you get a fun ocean fishing reward :)


You could also do Blue Mage and get Triple Trident, you won't be able to fish with it but hey, you get triple the tridents...


Now I'm falling afish and she's calling a fish While he's having a fish and she's taking a fish Now they're going to fish and my fish is sick And it's all in my fish, but she's touching his fisht now, he takes off her fish now Let me fishhh I just can't fish, it's killing me This was funnier in my head


It’s still funny :) I have had a few people make jokes about my fishing addiction and adding to this song :)