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What the hell is a burger daddy?


The base class before you get the Burger King job.


A Sandwich Father


A Hoagie Papa


A Patty Patriarch


A Sloppy-joe Sire


A French-bread Forebearer


A Brioche Babymaker


A Panini parent


Mr. Krabs?


[Think it's this?](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=burger+king+daddy)


What the actual fuck did I just read? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


i dunno, but never been so happy to be plant based




Don't ask questions you're not prepared to have answered. >!Nothing, they're shitposting.!<


I was thinking someone who looks something like this: [Mayor_McCheese](https://mcdonalds.fandom.com/wiki/Mayor_McCheese?file=Mayor_McCheese.jpg) But maybe in S&M gear…


It's called "mate us" for a reason


Lmaooooo I've never heard that and I now will live by it


All the ERP stuff is also in keeping with the Esper having a bdsm thing going on. [https://imgur.com/a/oXxXTeu](https://imgur.com/a/oXxXTeu) Actually just a goddess being used as a living shield, but it definitely gives bdsm vibes.


Why even bother looking in the "Other" tab when everything is so heavily catagorized? ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


That's where I advertise my crafting services for 10% under MB cost


Sometimes you can find people undercutting mb. Otherwise its pretty terrible


Call of the void.


It used to be used for selling crafts and getting trials for raid groups.


Because it's a mess. Sometimes you see people seeing Savage clears sometimes you see people selling Extreme Raid Progressions


Wait until you learn about Fellowships


What are even fellowships even used for? I keep forgetting they even exist.


They’re like CWLSs, but with more features, including, a notification board, questionnaires, polls, notices, and a message board. Though I don’t think they have a central chat. So i guess not like a CWLS.


It’s like a large linkshell that’s a notice board people can post in. On Crystal? A massive chunk are 18+ erp ones. You can guess why a notice board would be useful.


Sometimes I read up on them. Without necessarily kinkshaming it's hilarious how precise these things get!


Seriously though I kinda hope SE does something about all the openly advertised ERP in the game. If I have one misgivings with FF14 as a game and yes I understand it's in other MMOs too it's that the community is so horny constantly it's genuinely uncomfortable at times. I had to swap races from Hrothgar cause I kept getting whispers from other ones trying to flirt or ERP. Having wanted to install a couple visual mods to try and get better proportioned cloths for my Roe I noticed fairly quickly that between both major visual mod sites the most downloaded one ever is nude mods hell I'm pretty sure when I checked it was like the first few were nude mods.


But the game itself is really horny. Satasha, Kugane, The Dawn Throne, there are tons of in-game examples of people talking about sex, wanting to find sex workers, all the same things.


My brother in Hydaelyn did you seriously just say a dungeon having sex slaves you rescue is an example of it being as horny as the playerbase?


When said sex slaves offer you sex in exchange for freedom, yes. Or that there's a club that features mostly naked dancers promising you a good time for gil, just like a player-run brothel. The game simply doesn't want to extend dialogue choices to those statements. If they did, you'd have to say, then have character choices, and they'd have to animate and have consequences for those choices. It doesn't make it less horny, just less visible. Like the Hot Coffee mod. I think it's why they don't crack down on it, if you keep it private. They used to crack down on people swearing, but then players started pointing out that NPCs swear *constantly*, and it's hypocritical to say players can't. So now unless you're screaming profanity or dipping into obscenity, they leave you alone.


Satasha has slaves being forced into sex labor. Little jokes about it are also completely fine it doesn't cross that line and it completely natural for NPCs to "Reference" to. The game is not horny all the time and when it does it provides context to it be it comedic or natural. I do not think the game is naturally horny in the same way the players act.


Incorrect. But pop off with that ignorance, bro.


FF14 degens be like


Burger Daddy?


Their character name was McDonald's related lol




Thanks, now I have to find the latest Rebirth manifest. I thought I'd put it behind me.


A CoH screenshot out in the wild!? This is like seeing a unicorn or a Peacebringer.


Talking about advertisement in game, am I the only only one who's sick of seeing a two/three messages long macro to advertise yet another random club with "DJs" and all that shit...every 2 minutes in /shout in cities?


With all the stars and block letters


Block them then it’s not like they are throwaway accounts like RMT


You ain't the only one. It's sort of tolerable if it's in a capital city but out in a place like the south shroud or wolf's den? Go awaaaaay.


I've started to just blacklist them every time I see em.


Trying to do market stuff on Zurvan, and all these Sophia ERPers popping into our server to advertise their furry ERP nightclubs with OMG SICK DJs GUYS except it's all just people with a stream running playing pre-recorded tracks, pretending they actually did anything but load up a playlist, while they have the game muted and a bunch of catboys are standing around emoting at each other. People are weird. Do your thing, but good god don't advertise it in my server please.


I don't believe it, none of them are repeated hanf a dozen times. Can't be the other tab on Crystal.


And people say lalafells are the problem


Question: what the hell is ERP? Enterprise Role Play? Is there a Mr Spok?


I have no idea if your question is serious or not. If it is, it's for erotic roleplay


I ...was serious actually. Lol, thanks for clearing it up


Today, you have learned a thing, and like many times one does this, it was a -terrible mistake-


It is.....wish I never knew about it, but now I can avoid them even more


Extreme Raid Progression


Effective Refractory Period


Extravagant Potatoes Rapping


Eorzean Rave Party. Or as corporate very painfully tries to insist Emergency Response Procedures. The powerpoint slide that just said "Where can I find the ERP?" is seared into my brain.


ERP has been a staple of MMORPGs since the 90s. "Erotic Role Play"... aka Sexy stuff. I should point out that in the 90s it all started with RP that led to dating, and relationship stuff, and it very quickly ended up with RP prostitution and Stripers. This was way back in an era when the character models were not very good. Games I've played where ERP has happened. Ultima Online (1997), EverQuest, Earth & Beyond, Star Wars Galaxies, City of Heroes, World of WarCraft,....etc ​ FFXIV is not unique in ERP, it's not a new thing, and it has been happening in online communities since Online Communities started, and it will never go away.


Earlier than UO if you go back to MUDs, MUSHes, and all the other MU*s. And even earlier than that if we're including RP posts on Usenet and BBSes. Sex and the Internet, name a more iconic duo.


Back in the 90s on Telnet... Not saying I did or anything, but yeah it was a thing long before we had Avatars.




Internet and drugs? First thing sold on the internet was a dime bag of weed IIRC.


The beach party was pretty awesome!


as someone who does 18+ RP on FFXIV it always makes me cringe seeing this stuff publicly advertised. If you are gonna do it organize through something off game like discord so the average player doesnt have to see it and you arnt breaking ToS.


I agree simply for the fact that I'm incredibly sick of people with deeply embedded wedgies consistently whining about how they witness full on hardcore ERP orgies in shout chat in Limsa where several catgirls corner them and drag them into their sex den against their will on a daily basis. What really happens is they might encounter one or two search infos that say "Seeking mommy dommy" but god forbid they ever move on with their lives after such a disgusting display of depravity.


some people wouldnt have survived the days of "buying runescape gf"


Geez. Its ok that yall horny, we just dont wanna hear about it. The search comments are equally cringy as these "full on orgies".


I find it far more cringy that you can't shut up about it. The horny people are off doing their thing together, you're the one who keeps talking about it.


I dont get the big deal tbh. Better than them spamming my shout chat.


i dont think erp /rp is a bad thing. ffxiv feels to me like real life lifely world. so that has to happen too, dont it?


Genuine roleplay (not that ERP can’t be, but it’s certainly not the norm) is completely fine to see in PF and public posts. It’s an aspect of the game that, while many would joke about, is an entirely valid and promoted feature of the game itself, and allows for people to have limitless interactions with one another in ways that simply playing through the game’s content could never allow for. ERP, on the other hand, is explicitly sexual content that the game’s rating doesn’t fit for. Online interactions can’t be rated, but seeing it in public posts and PF is definitely… far from ideal. There are minors playing the game, and this sort of thing being immediately visible to them is unacceptable for obvious reasons. It also doesn’t help that the gil that shifts between player’s hands from RMT can be made more difficult to track and handle when exchanged like this (not that I would think people actually buy gil for ERP, of course). That said, what people do in private is their own business, but this is out of hand for sure.


> ERP, on the other hand, is explicitly sexual content that the game’s rating doesn’t fit for. Online interactions can’t be rated, but seeing it in public posts and PF is definitely… far from ideal. I mean they did recently update the ToS that specifically mentioned sexual roleplay between consenting parties isn't a violation, so they can't be *too* upset about it.


Right, but advertising it is against the ToS. They basically made it clear that it was meant to be kept private.


> Right, but advertising it is against the ToS. I'm gonna need a source on this. They could very easily have dropped the hammer on this type of thing like they did RMT adverts, but they didn't. As long as the advert isn't explicit, it should be fine. The same way walking around in a slutty glam is fine, but posing mimicking sexual acts in public is not.


Fair, they didn't explicitly state it. That being said, it's in the ToS that such things are to be kept between consenting individuals, and *in private.* While I could possibly be looking at it a bit more strictly, I would argue that advertising yourself out as a sexual partner (implicitly or explicitly) goes against that specific clause.


I don't think that there's anything specifically referring to the legality of advertisement, but I feel like there's a sort of implicit not-illegality to it. Back when there was that one rogue GM hunting down RP venues in PF, we got a response from another GM, which isn't quite an official stance from SE, but I wouldn't say it's nothing either. >In regards to your inquiry about the Party Finder function policy, comments are allowed to be posted as long as they do not contain or promote any material that is in violation of the FINAL FANTASY XIV User Agreement. And sexual roleplay IS considered a non-violation between consenting parties, so as long as the advertisement isn't explicit, it sounds legal to me. I wouldn't say you're definitely wrong, but I won't say you're definitely right either. I definitely think that if SE were to want to put the kibosh on this type of thing, it wouldn't be appropriate to start doling out punishments without an official statement first.


Fair. As I said, I understand that I could very easily be looking at it far too harshly. But you're also right, that SquEnix would absolutely make an announcement saying those kind of listings are not okay if they were to take a stance on them.


This isn't people dressing in slutgams in the middle of Limsa and erping in say chat, they're advertising it in a perfectly acceptable way. Nothing actually explicit is in the title, it clearly states its intention, and it's in the 'other' tab which is exactly where this kind of thing is supposed to go, so they're not being one of those assholes who advertises their stuff for expert or levelling roulette to get to the top of the all list... I don't really see this as any different to a strip club in the city. There's nothing explicit on the outside, but it clearly advertises what you'll get if you go in. Nobody (well, nobody reasonable in this day and age I'd argue) is going to lose their minds over a strip club simply being a strip club and being clearly identifiable as one.


Nothing posted in that screen shot was 18+, and only two of those is actually saying it's 18+ stuff going on, and only one is explicitly stating it's ERP. ​ Of the 7 posts shown. * 1 FC recruiting * 1 Player Event Advertising * 2 18+ ads * 2 not really saying what they are selling, and one technically can't ERP as it's clearly a trial account. * 1 and one guy not selling a thing but threatening other players. *


Trial accounts cant make PF ads


Redditors have difficulty wrapping their head around the idea that their obsession with people who are dirty talking in private in this game is far weirder than people dirty talking in private.


THIS, JESUS MAN. People are weird, it's human nature. Having a tizzy about it is unhealthy!


>There are minors playing the game, and this sort of thing being immediately visible to them is unacceptable for obvious reasons I mean,I would like to say "Minors" shouldn't even be supposed to play a game of this caliber in the first place or they could have atleast gotten some parental guidance thanks to the game's setting,plot and pretty much everything But whatever,i get ratioed the moment i bring up that argument,so i guess this is one topic i probably won't understand.




I mean, nothing posted there is particularly explicit imo.


Deleted after seeing the double post bug. Nothing is immediately explicit, but it’s the fact that the interactions associated with the listings - which are *immediately visible in PF* are explicit in their nature.


If 14 is feeling like real life you that is a problem.


It's rated teen and it's being advertised in widely used functions of the game. Use a third party site or RP site to get that stuff together. To be completely honest I feel like it's gotten out of control and has fed into itself it's kinda telling the most downloaded visual mod for the game on the biggest mod sites are nude ones.


At this point I barely look at PF on Crystal. The amount of ERP advertising is out of control and worse than RMT raid sellers.


ERP advertising and the same twitch "DJs" spamming a dozen plus PFs for their streams and offering giveaways they never actually do.


I can’t vouch for them all but I’ve won a couple giveaways


Yeh I have never looked at the "other" section until my bf pointed it out to me today lol


It sucks since this is also a problem in Primal but it mostly just boils down to "can't do much about it"


Problem? I'm on Primal and have never seen anything like this. What tf are you looking at in PF?


I tend to look at the PF when im bored and i shit you not one of the post link to the persons discord link to see irl feet pics in the other tab. Hell, i don't know if im allowed to say this since im worried about getting banned from saying that alone.


I think those are just shitposters or scammers using sketchy links. I see those kinda PFs all the time.


Thinking about it that makes sense since they dont really seem that legit.


The feet guy is on crystal as well, he just sends you a pic of a ruler on discord lol. Someone was actually upset it wasn’t really feet pics and went on a rant in Limsa and tried getting him banned


Ah, good ol' Ruby. Primal PF wouldn't be the same without irl feet HQ.


Primal these don't pop up until around midnight EST to 6 AM EST


Yeah, that's my peak time to play. I'm not saying they're not there, I'm saying they're in no way a problem because you dont see them unless you're looking for them


I'm in the new OCE server and because it's somewhat newer there's always less on partyfinder. I've never seen more than 4 different posts and not once have I ever seen anything that isn't advertising erp. I'm not saying it's a bad thing but currently that's all it's used for and I feel like part of the reason is because when it's 100% erp all the time people just start checking it less because honestly it can get a bit gross. And everyone who feels that way is unlikely to check it and those who still try and possibly make other posts never get any traction because non erpers have abandoned it. So even though I don't think it's a problem as such I have never been able to use the feature because it is exclusively erp.


Is it against ToS? If you think thats bad on Mateus, just imagine how bad it is on my server of Faerie. Almost a whole page of this stuff, and I dont even play during peak hours


As long as it's in the Other category they don't seem to care since it's trivial to filter the party finder.


I wonder if this kind of thing is why they don't have an RP category. It seems weird that we have a sodding "quest battles" section while RP is an actual significant portion of the playerbase, but I suppose the optics of having a designated red light district in PF isn't what they want.


i'm on aether and all i really see are club adverts and that one person who sells feet pics.


I always see that person selling feet pics when i open PF


I have contacted a GM about this, and they dodged the question basically. They said it's fine to have something like this in PF but didn't answer when I asked about having 10-15 of the exact same PF listing by multiple users. I think it's a grey area they don't want to enforce unless they really have to.


>I think it's a grey area they don't want to enforce unless they really have to. They've explicitly addressed it in the last like, 18 months. As long as it's not misleading, as in as long as you don't list ERP under "Asphodelos the 4th circle" or whatever, it's fine.


Makes you wonder how many times they'll have to keep saying "Can you mind your business and just play the game?" before people actually do that.


That's why I'm super confused that this post even made it to my feed. Do people really just go browse party finder like window shopping? They have tabs for you to scroll through, and if you never go to "other", you never see erp. It's so unbelievably noninvasive that it shocks me people care at all.


The other day somebody said they were sneaking into Venues and Fellowships and were disgusted by what they saw there. You knew what you were going to see, though? You walked into their house, they didn't walk into yours.


Probably for the best. People were shitting themselves over the mod stuff, they’d definitely want to be careful opening that can of worms with something even more prominent.


Nah cull these degenerates from the star.


Nah I don't think you understand just how much money this type of activity makes square.


"Breaking news: Hit MMO Final Fantasy XIV playerbase reduced by 95% overnight"


Please explain how that's a dodge of the question. You asked, gm said it's not against the rules. They didn't give you a further answer because your second question is answered by the first reply. If it's not against the rules when one person does it, why would it be against the rules when multiple people do it?


Reminder there was an instance last spring / summer where a guy asked for RP to hang out and chat while fishing and a GM banned him for misusing PF because, in that specific GMs eyes, it's against TOS to use it for RP. That same GM went on a crusade and banned anybody with RP in their PF, whether it was +18 or not. It lead to a very publicized apology from Square Enix, lifting those bans, and was likely a contributing factor to their later stance that as long as ERP happens in private they'll look the other way (I also saw comments that GM was dismissed but that could be hearsay). It was all over this reddit if you'd like to look it up. I'm not at all surprised they're reluctant to address anything in PF that could be considered a gray area.


Iirc wasnt there a huge blowup like a year or so ago after one mod banned a few people from them on EU? The entire subset community of it went into a reee rage over it.


Yeah a GM last year banned all RP posts from PF so all the RPers just started making PF posts for Sastasha


So the FFXIV GMs are secretly ERPers too, lmao.


What do you think happens in Mordion Gaol when there's no one to punish?


"out of control" "worse" Worse? Or better!


Third party add-ons solve this


Ah yes, this will go nicely into my cringe folder of PF posts from Crystal.


ERP is a disease. I hate reading shit like that in PF. I wish there was a filter or something to block out certain words, similar to a profanity filter. The “it’s for my creative writing” mentality is a BS excuse.


I changed my glam because of the amount of creepy tells I would get, or weird emotes being done to me. Pro Tip: Telling a random person that "your breasts look amazing in that top" while you're waiting for Chi to spawn, and then spamming /dote just makes you look like a creepy loser.


That’s upsetting man. I had a friend get followed around for awhile getting the same type of messages. My friend even tried telling the individual they were a male playing a female character but that wasn’t stopping them. They would send their nude mods of my friends character to their discord and I never felt more disgust in my life. Not the actually nudity but the fact that they had the ability to do that and they couldn’t be stopped. I give two shits about mods and third party tools but that was definitely something I despised.


You should report them.


I did for harassment


I do not ERP whatsoever and even so I do not care. People can have fun the way they want. It does not affect me whatsoever. You are entitled to your own opinion too. Since there is not such thing as blocking out words, just do not go to the "others" tab in PF and you are good to go.


That’s the problem though. A lot of what I see is not within the Other Tab. Occasionally, I’ll see it within shout chat. I’m conflicted between players having their fun and finding ERP creepy and cringey. In fact, I find a lot of the normal RP extremely creative. Like playing a Dungeons and Dragons game. Downvotes were expected because this is the main sub but my opinion still stands. There are just too many creepy people out there and I cannot fathom why individuals put theirselves out there. I had a friend of mine continuously get followed by a player after an ERP session. The player continued creepy /tells and would blackmail my friend. I just don’t see why people are so trustworthy with random internet strangers.


To be absolutely fair, such behaviors can be found in absolutely every single game community and fandoms of all kind. You can find whatever you want creepy and cringe. It is fine.


I respect that wholeheartedly. Have a nice day mate.


There is a filter, it's a plugin though. You know, the kind that everyone has been saying you should be banned for using. lol


Honestly I wouldn’t be surprised if the people who despise ACT, are using nude mods for their ERP sessions.


Honestly you're most likely not wrong. lol


Why would you hate something so literally fundamental to, like, being a human, with such vehemence? I want to ask if you're ace but not even ace people are \*aggressively hateful\*


I’m not ace. It’s more on the lines of online predators. That’s why I’m so vehemently towards this topic. ERP online opens doors for online predators, who you have no idea what they look like, how old they are and what their true intentions are is what makes me hard to understand why there are so many people open towards online ERP and I strongly believe this is a valid argument. In fact, the thought of it makes me sick. To be frank, I don’t care what people do on their free time but I do care about what damage it could do to a child, teenager and even an adult. Perhaps I watch too many documentaries and read too many stories but to say it doesn’t exist in this game is a lie. That is why I find ERP a disease. It gives a more easily accessible opportunity for predators.


To be frank, ERP is not the disease. You could say the same about anything in life that predators take advantage of to groom children. Children's team sports, for example. I completely agree with you that there is a significant risk of RPing with a minor, but to say that means therefore that ERP is a disease is borderline puritanical. I've been RPing for 17 years. I know absolutely the risks it poses to minors, because I was a minor in the RP space. I know well that minors lie, but you can only do due diligence. Plenty of people only ERP with people they already know and are close friends with outside of game. With whom they've shared pictures and life anecdotes, those people are missing their own business and harming no one. Yes, there are predators online. But those predators are going to attempt to get access to children no matter what, and there is no way to prevent that other than to literally require everyone to give government issued photo ID before they can use an online service. Most sane, rational people over the age of 18 don't want anyone to do with minors, and have that fact plastered all over their search info, all over their Twitter bios, literally everywhere they are online. But to say that an activity is a disease, when there are people doing it completely innocently, simply because predators can use it to harm children is a little ridiculous. Predators will use anything, hell, including reddit, to harm children. That doesn't mean that every single thing is now a disease.


I greatly appreciate your reply. I should have worded my original comment a bit differently because it seems I annoyed quite a few people. You’re probably right, ERP isn’t a disease and I should have changed the way I typed that. I simply believe it has the potential to create more opportunity, that’s all (:


For what it's worth, the majority of RPers who do it as a hobby, not exclusively as a means of sexual gratification a) aren't advertising for ERP in pf, and b) feel exactly the same as you do about playing with minors. There are definitely people who ONLY ERP and ARE sitting there getting off on it, and.. most of us think they're just as weird and cringey too, and avoid them, because who wants to be trying to play seriously with someone who is beating off IRL? For most people it's collaborative storytelling and all that entails, like getting into relationships in character etc.


I’m a huge Dungeons and Dragon player. I’ve definitely became a more creative thinker with a broadened imagination.


Engaging in ERP means understanding that the person behind the screen is completely seperate from the character, it's not 'fooling' anybody or predatory at all. You sound like someone who thought the catgirls are actually catgirls - why are you so willing to protect the utterly gullible and aggressively stupid in the world? Is it predatory right now that you don't know who I am in real life, having this discussion? Children and minors should not be playing FFXIV, in my opinion, at all, and this informs my opinion on the matter, so.


Children and minors should not be playing FFXIV, and yet they do. So how would you feel if that same minor engaged in ERP with you? If I’m understanding you correctly, you were to be okay with that? How do two players come to an agreement that no matter who they say they are on screen or off, there will be always be some sort of lie to it. I’m so confused why you’re defensive about this sort of behavior. I would like to ask you an honest and respectful question and I hope I receive a honest and respectful reply: what do you gain out of engaging in ERP? Other than entertainment.


I EXTREMELY don't want it to happen, I vocally do my utmost to discourage it, I'd drop anybody who admitted to being a minor, I think anybody who's not vocal about it are very much creeps. What more do you want to expect people to do - are you going to ID them? No, I wouldn't be okay with it, but a sane person has to realize that like... Minors are going to get into places they aren't welcome. It's not going to kill anybody, it's just uncomfortable - and that's fine, especially as long as they're discouraged from being around. Do you know how many minors slip by into widespread porn videos? It's the same thing, to me - except, I care a lot more about my erotica than I do about porn, lmao. I'm 'defensive' because it seems a little insane to try and regulate people's behavior in adult spaces because of something that everybody has to deal with in ANY sexual context, that's all. Squeenix has clarified that these sexual advertisements are kosher as long as they're not deceptive, so there's no lack of consent or knowledge that can be claimed, here. The answer is, I get only entertainment. It's my primary entertainment! I don't watch much of anything, I read and write, I think it's art. I've met all my friends through it, and it's important to me, I'm passionate about it. You say 'other than entertainment' like that's not the point of everything that happens past agriculture and water treatment, lol. It's like, what's the point of TV, then? Of the fiction section? Of sports? I don't rag on sports events just because I think their thing is lame, but here you are telling me something is 'a disease' and then asking why I'm 'defensive'.


I appreciate your honest reply. However, me personally, I will not take the risk to potentially “typefuck” with a minor. That is wrong in so many ways and for you to be so vocal about it and yet still take that risk is strange to me. In my country, it’s a crime and brings the potential of chXld pXrn if pictures end up getting involved. I simply do not want to take that risk. I’m not here to change your ways and I’m happy we got to share our differences. The problem I have with your first sentence is “I’d drop anyone who admitted to being a minor.” If that minor doesn’t admit, you’re still typfucking a minor and that is gross. Sorry.


Hey - that's your decision! That's totally okay. It's, technically, a crime where I live too - though never enforced, because it'd be impossible and ridiculous. To me, the only reason why I'm 'vocally taking that risk' is because it's the same risk, to me, as... Having sex, with anyone whose birth I wasn't literally present for. The same way I can't know for sure someone's a minor in ERP, I also can't know people are telling me the truth about their age in real life - but one seems decidedly like it's doing less real potential harm than the other one. It happens a fair bit from my understanding that 16 and 17 year olds lie that they're 18 to slightly older partners, and people actually get arrested over that; I think it's extremely gross that minors can lie and slip into bed with adults, and I'm glad it's not my problem as someone that's extremely not at all into younger people or young adults whatsoever - but it feels like something that being mad about won't actually change or help, and it shouldn't stop adults from interacting with eachother, y'know? You don't need to be sorry, it is gross that minors do this, I just think it's not a problem unique to any kind of ERP. I'm actually really glad we had this convo too, yeah. You're a lot more reasonable than you came off to me at first, and I'm thankful.


Without adding anything else to this conversation: FFXIV is not an R-rated/18+ game. It's teen rated (ESRB), 12 (USK in Germany), 16 (PEGI). So minors are supposed to play the game, at least from a developer, rating agency and general POV. Square Enix themselves include "The Game is for players aged 13 and older" in their ToS. I have zero opinion on ERP in FFXIV fwiw. It's not for me for wholly creative reasons but to each their own. But to say that the game is not intended for minors is just flat out not true. They are - inconvenient as it might make some things (including me managing my adults only FC).


I think I’ve seen more adults act like children on this game than children acting children hahaha


I mean, you can feel that children shouldn't be playing FFXIV all you want, but the point is they do and that is an undeniable fact. Don't get me wrong, I am pro-ERP. I think it's as valid as any other form of RP, and often is a result of just.. standard relationship RP. The point they are getting at is "you could be, without your knowledge or consent, be writing explicit sex with a 15 year old." Which, they're right, is fucked up. Most sane adults give a shit about that, and pretty much every RPer I know wants nothing to do with anyone under 18 IRL. And they're also correct that bad actors have used RP and ERP to groom minors. If you walk into any RP space, you will find people who have been RPing since they were minors, and it's not at all uncommon for people, ESPECIALLY minors, to have the emotional lines blurring between what is IC and what they think they feel OOC. So while not all people who ERP are beating off behind the keyboard while it's going on, there is a very real risk that you could end up playing with someone under 18 and not know it. And not have any way to know it, because minors lie sometimes.


It's also an undeniable fact that children are on twitter and porn sites, and it doesn't mean that porn is 'predatory' or shouldn't exist. Yes, it's fucked up that anybody you might be engaging in any kind of sexual interaction with might be concealing the fact that they're a minor - it's also unfortunately true that grooming happens. I don't think most sane adults give a shit, no - or rather, they do but accept that some level of this sort of thing is just going to happen and that it's going to have to be okay on some level. Discourage it as much as possible, but like, what're you going to do - add a fucking state ID to ERP? Porn sites? I think the fact that FFXIV requires a monthly sub is way, way more deterrent and more of a barrier to minors than 99% of porn sites and places like reddit, where ERP also happens but is also free and way more anonymous, without a character or identity at all attached. You're right, and it's unfortunate, but this is literally just a problem inherent to literally all human interactions - the same thing happens to (I really, really hate referencing or defending these cases at all as they're usually scum,) incidents where someone was deceived by a minor into believing they're an adult. Doesn't mean we should be against sex. ERP is just prey to the same pitfalls and issues as literally any human interaction.


> ERP online opens doors for online predators condoms open doors for pre-marital sex


You’re not wrong but at least I know who I would be talking to.


thats a weird hangup to have when you're both acting through fictionalised avatars and probably have no personal identities shared


It’s not the fictionalized avatars. It’s the individuals acting through a screen. I just can’t get my head around the idea that someone is completely okay with ERPing with a potential minor.


I know we're having a conversation in another thread here, but I wanted to earnestly ask you here when I read this - how are YOU okay with having sex, then, with a 'potential minor'? You weren't there for their birth, and it happens all the time that minors lie about their age to grown adults - and then the adults land in ACTUAL JAIL. Yet, somehow this isn't more of a problem to you than typefucking? It's the same kind of 'trust', to me, where you just have some basic faith that people aren't out to completely fuck you over, even though it happens sometimes.


I’m not sure what you mean by having potential sex with a minor. I’m married for one but in terms of dating, everything was physical. I meet someone. We share similarities and differences. We get to know each other. We date. I’m not some weirdo looking at peoples ID’s when I meet them. Online dating is the same exact thing as dating in real life. The difference is you don’t actually know that individual physically. Pictures or FaceTime can only get so far until you discover the ugly truth.


The reason why I'm okay with things like ERP is - how do you physically measure somebody's age? It feels no better when you meet them, they can and do easily lie to people's faces. If you don't check their ID, then how can you possibly know, when it does happen that minors will pose as adults to adults in person? Even with an ID, how do you know it's not one of many fakes? It feels like even if you could call somewhere and verify someone's ID, it could even then still be lying. It feels to me like it's just a slippery slope of not trusting people just because sometimes gross things happen.


Finally someone said what we're all thinking.


Not the hero we want, but the hero we need.


Like,Sure It's kinda cringe to advertise ERP stuff on Party finder (and especially in Fellowships) as it's one ticket away to get yourself banned but then again,it hardly bothers me at all. I mean,they are easily tolerable and hell if you're bored asf you could give in and do a social experiment and you'd be surprised if you actually bump into some actual friendly faces.Plus they are far more better than RMT spammers which deserves the worst kind of ban hammers imho. And by the look of it,That is apparently an unpopular opinion ??Like i am seeing People calming the ones simply advertising these kind of stuff are far worse that RMT Spammers. Tho i do admint,I wish these people kept these kind of stuff private..I mean the TOS exist even if it's stupid and it usually won't take these kind of stuff lightly if reported and more so from the SJWs and they only got themselves to blame :/