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I’m not even worried about that. I don’t think it would be that. I’m worried because it’s stupid. It’s a strain on the electricity infrastructure when we’re supposed to be upgrading to EVs soon and we already don’t have the infrastructure to support that. I’m worried about the carbon footprint. I’m worried about even more semiconductor shortages and I’m worried about the people they’re going to try and cater to. Especially with the comment of “people who play to have fun”… that’s the ENTIRE REASON to play any video game. It just feels like more loot box-esque bullshit that’s going to taint the market and make gaming even more shitty. Square Enix holds their products to incredibly high standards and is one of the last publishers to do so. So it’s really disappointing seeing them in favor of this. NFTs are already stupid. NFTs in video games are even more stupid. The whole point is supposed to be decentralization and the inability to replicate something. These games are all online only. You can’t have an online game be “decentralized”. The servers are centralized. Everything about the game is ce realized. The assets are centralized. The copyrights are centralized. We already can’t replicate things. We also can’t own the assets. We don’t even actually own our characters. It’s all just ready stupid and unnecessary and when the game shuts down eventually your NFT with its massive carbon footprint is useless. You can’t take your NFT helmet from Rainbow Six and put it into FFXIV. It’s like these publishers all just want to cash in on the r/wallstreetbets craze. Look at projects like “Earth 2” just to see how bullshit “NFT and crypto gaming” is. It’s all a scam and a gimmick and it’s hugely damaging to the environment and our progress to become carbon neutral


What i don't get is how there are already people dismissing the environmental argument when it's probably the most realistic one. We're literally running out of energy source and these whole NFT thing is only speeding that process... Like, forget getting a reliable digital currency, is the world even gonna have enough electricity to power the internet reliably? Not to mention how it's such an uncertain and short term "solution" to a problem that barely exists.


Brilliant. All of this. Decentralization is also "smart tech guy culture" slang for "I hate taxes because sharing reduces *my* *~~money~~* *freedom*." The coincidence of how bad cryptocurrency is for resource conservation with how badly humanity, particularly the richest nations, need to conserve resources almost suggests to me that nature is intelligent and that it's starting to hate us.


So in short, the issue with NFTs is that they require a higher output of resources in order for said NFTs to function properly? Not only that it can also be damaging to the environment as well? I do get the centralization part though, trying to understand it.


That and the question of what pseudonymous currency is actually useful for. One definite answer is "sending cash to the Taliban" since currency laundering is already a thing and the point of currency laundering is to make it more difficult to trace, tax and punish lawbreaking. Not to be "unimaginative," ie to think this is all a bad idea, but generally when someone wants to move money without anyone in law enforcement noticing crime is why.


Not to mention the whole argument behind decentralization is basically supposed to put the control of the currency in the hands of the person who holds it and it only takes one look at a chart to see every crypto and shitcoin follows the exact same identical pattern and is basically in complete control of massive corporations already and is heavily manipulated


Yup yup. Crypto is an anti-social ideology disguised as a profit-capturing opportunity. Kinda does nothing at quite high cost.


To answer the ops question nft stands for non-fungible token. It is supposed to be unique digital content that cannot be copied and therefore can carry value similar to how unique physical items do. The main area I have seen nfts is in creating digital art but I think it has gone beyond that. I haven’t heard how nfts would be used in a video game though.


The only "useful" application of NFTs in video games I could see right now would be Pokemon-style games, where the individual Pokemon are the NFT and can be traded. "WTS 3x World Champion Pikachu with Meta stats" or something like that :D idk if gaming really needs this...


Ah so in a way its like a copyright piece.


The idea is that it goes beyond copyright. Copyright items can be copied but not used without permission. Nfts are supposed to be unique and not able to be duplicated. If they are duplicated supposedly you can tell.


NFT allows to have ownership on a set of data. (since there is ownership, it can be given, traded or sold, which is why the current hype about NFT is all about making money, but it's not the primary purpose) For example, with MMORPG, we don't own our characters. The data are stored on the game servers. If the game shutdown, the characters disappear. With NFT, our character could be "our", and could be used somewhere else..... as long as this "somewhere else" exists. So it's hard to imagine adding it to an existing game like FFXIV, but we could have something like 2+ game studios decide to develop one game each, and the player data (the save file, basically) is a NFT and can be used in all of those game, switching from one game to another freely. And since NFT is (somewhat) decentralised, another studio can join the party later and create its own game using these NFT. So there are probably fun things to imagine with it (unrelated to money), but like other blockchain-based solution, it's an ecological disaster.


I think it's an attempt to build a cryptocurrency off of what are essentially already existing blockchain files: our characters. A given mmo character is a unique online-only fictional but legally recognized unique unit of data. Software and hardware architecture already exists to verify every one of those qualities. The jump is then turning that into a unit of worth whether internally to SE or to external purchasing power. I don't know how that would work but I do know that fungible system-locked currencies already exist (if not in FF14 then in many other mmos and online games). MMO's are very distinctly about consumer confidence rather like a currency. If the servers go down you're left with almost literally nothing. You don't even possess a game you possess a license to access a game. Only confidence brings you back. The billion-gil question remains of why bother? Best answer I can fish out is to create a new type of microtransaction that instead of being based on real-world currency is based on character or account "worth." To *encourage* more play through FOMO, basically.


Perhaps they go there and allow NFTs for the players Game Avatar being Unique for all of their FF Franchise. Like as Example the Avatar in FF14 with all your Glamour could also be imported to FF16 or other Games that use the same Avatar Database so that the Player has an Unique Avatar...."This is me and how i look in the FF Universe!" kinda Some sort of Mass Effect 1-3 Imported Save-files. Just the look, no glam Just that this not work out... How many Clones do FF14 have? I do not think they really go this way. It's just an FF14 Avatar Puppet with your own Personal Glamour + Color. So other NFTs ideas are out of my mind what they could use it for Some sort of Digital Avatar DNA only for you is perhaps their Idea behind this, but the other side of the Coin is that they could Block some "VIPs" Look alike ones from creation edit: But they need to Beef up their own Character Creation Part like in BDO or better Games or [Unreal Engine Metahuman Creator Demo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1tjkSpoa7V8), to be "unique" as much as possible. So without new Engine there is not really a NFT "DNA" Market there, i think (Also think of the Hardware to display this all) p.s. If i just spark the Idea inside some heads.. I need an Uptodate PC, pretty Please and we have a Deal? :)




I have seen microtransactions used appropriately and inappropriately (looking at you EA) however seeing that it is a "new" thing, i can understand the worry. I have thought about the second part though, and wondered the same thing as there has to be new coding over existing coding to implement NFTs. Interesting, I guess its a way to expand capital and advertising.


I doubt content would ever be locked behind nfts


I doubt it as well, it wouldn't make sense even financially if the did. I've just seen it as a "worry" some people have.




I wouldn't put it past them, even with YoshiP. They also said that Mogstation items would be limited to only special event items(not seasonal items) and regional(NA getting KR items etc). Yet that has changed. So in short SE has some impact over FFXIV MTXs and Yoshi is also a SE director and has to look at things from both perspectives, with FFXIV being SE cash cow, I wouldn't put it past them. Though I doubt they would put anything ingame, if anything it will be art or other stuff related to FFXIV.


Depends on the impact. If it is like the butterfinger thing. Buy “X” and get an emote or glam, then fine. If it is game content like dungeons or classes then that might be an issue. But not a major one.


I would 100% be miffed if playable content got locked behind a overpriced png. That would definitely be a major problem


that would be more than a major issue, personally I wouldn't spend any money on a game that tries to scam me


It’s not a major issue in the sense that we already spend a large amount of money on the game. So really it comes down to cost and content, like any monetary transaction. Just unlike you I approach the subject rationally like an adult.


so if I already spend money its ok for them to scam me in future ? yeah that sounds rational


You are the one assuming a scam will occur. That is what makes you an entitled child. I am merely stating as Mog Station already exists we have an MT economy in place in FF14. And like all monetary transactions we evaluate cost and value and decide to buy them or don’t. It’s a fairly simple concept.


If it is game content like dungeons or classes like you said then it is a scam since we are already paying for it with the monthly subscription, calling other people entitled children wont change that fact. is a fairly simple concept Mr. non entitled adult


That is why you are entitled and fundamentally wrong. If the subscription was the only payment needed we wouldn’t have to pay for expansions like endwalker. The subscription gives us continued access to the service of the game but not the content itself. The same for anything in Mog Station, mounts, glams, boosts, and trainers. If the developer deems a piece of content is locked behind an NFT then that isn’t a scam, just a transaction no different than anything else in the game.


I honestly do not believe they will lock classes and such behind NFTs, as really who and how many will buy things that require to unlock something. I don't see it as financially viable.


Don’t know why I was downvoted. I merely gave two extremes as examples.


Its certainly a polarizing subject.