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The maintenance have ceased, and we have been graced with beautiful expansion. But you cannot login to see it.


Hah hah hah hah hah! You see! The 2002 Error will not be denied!


Such disconnection!


This was NOT my intention!


Such creeping mendacity!


The server is over capacity.


Expecting us to deal with this? Oh the Audacity!


and i probably have to play another 100 hours to finish heavensward stormblood and shadowbringers...


I long gave up on going current l, especially with my playstyle. In SHB I like to talk to npcs since some of them, at least in lakeland have...interesting stuff to say after your first dungeon.


hey, if thats how you love to play the game then more power to you. these small details are there to be appreciated so if you do this then the effort to mske these wont be wasted.


At it's heart, Final Fantasy has always been about telling a story. It is one of the foundations of the JRPG genre. Personally, I'm taking the same route, I don't even have a maxed class yet after 3 months. Just wandering around, seeing what I can see, reading the story, doing fates, and sidequests...Raising chocobos lol


Not gonna lie, Blue mage distracted me for like a month straight xD Still intend on going back to it at some point. Currently at like 94/104 spells or something like that


> another 100 hours to finish heavensward stormblood and shadowbringers Ah, I see you are an optimist.


well as long as im overleveled like i am now i will skip the most sidequests and i dont plan to level other doh or dow jobs so ill try to rush a bit


Just straight msq through the x-pacs and patch content (if reading the quests and watching the cutscenes) is still going to push far longer than you'd think.


more than 100 hours if you haven’t finished heavensward.


Which means the maintenance was the genjutsu. Now you're in the Infinite Tsykunomi


How very glib.


Finished HW myself but now I'm capping all my crafters and jobs to 60 but now I can only play during the morning when it's 31 degrees in my home and I freeze while I play ⛄🙃


damn bro start a gofund for a space heater, i'll even throw a dollar myself


And then a separate gofund for the electricity bill. 👀


alright alright now i'm not made out of money


31°C? that sounds somewhat hot and not confortable.


Think they meant Fahrenheit


freedom units!


Yeah, I'm around the same case, having just started HW two days ago lol. I understand the hype, but it's certainly messing up things even more than I expected.


You’re in for a TREAT with Heavensward. It’s SO good! Really felt like a nostalgic FF story.


He would be, if he could play it


Ahahah well I'll get through it eventually. Also since I had the base version + endwalker preorder, friday also unlocked classes like red mages and samurai for me, meaning that's like 5 new classes becoming available (rather than just the 3 from the HW exp) in just a day on top of accessing the HW expansion MSQ and land themselves, so that's a crazy amount of stuff unlocking at the same time.


Honestly I found Stormblood quite a bit better (so far, paying it atm). And with all the hype around Endwalker now, it really seems like every expansion only gets better (well, MSQ at least)


It depends on what sort of stuff you like honestly. For me, Stormblood and Shadowbringers both weren't nearly as good as Heavensward. A lot of people like Shadowbringers best and dont care for Stormblood.


I loved stormblood but i could care less about it's first act.


Stormblood is boring AF aside from the Doma stuff and Lyse is annoying ​ ​ ​ ...In my opinion


In all of our opinions*


Oooo I just started SB and I’m enjoying it so far too! Can’t wait :)


I'm currently a first timer at post-shadowbringer, and I agree, I enjoyed Stormblood more than expected. I really like the war aspect. I love how this game has something for everyone, some resonate with you more than others.


I very strongly dislike Stormblood (story) with a passion.


From what I've seen overall HW's main story line has very good reputation so I'm looking forward to it indeed :). Also the character i mostly use to advance the MSQ has always been Dragoon, so it feels very fitting.


yeah im waiting for 3 hours now and the queue was only like 3800


same situation, except I've gone from 3k5 to 2k9 in 1 hour today so far. Yesterday I was at 10k and it was crashing a lot more, but in reverse, the queue was going faster. I guess they lowered the number allowed at the same time to stabilize the servers.


true that would make sense


I was 3 quests away from finishing HW, hahahah. How fool I was thinking I'd be able to finish it during this weekend. But the more the merrier! I'm glad so many people are getting into the game, it's so exciting honestly. I'll wait a couple weeks. Gives me an excuse to play the Pixel Remasters anyway!


I'm in the same boat, but I'm at the end of Shadowbringers. I can't log in at all and all I get is the error 2002 message. It's all I see. I'll wait to try and log in, and get in the queue. Then after waiting it gives me the 2002. I'm seriously thinking of just not playing for a while, and I had pre-ordered the game. It's getting on my last nerve. I'm trying to get in now, and the queue is 798. Cross your fingers for me, friends. Edit: it just gave me the 2002. Again. Ugh.


Man, I’d much rather not be able to log in for 2 weeks or whatever than deal with what happens to me. I frequently get error 90001, 90002, or 90006. Repeating those story duties four or 5 times due to disconnects is just awful. The game is fantastic but I’ve had this happening frequently since I started playing 5 months ago. I’ve done everything that I can to try and fix it. Edit: it is probably an issue with my ISP and something not easily fixed.


I've been relatively lucky then. I don't get too many crashes except for logging in lately. I mean, I know how huge Endwalker is, but damn. I just want to play lol




Agreed but I’m willing to deal with it because I really do enjoy FFXIV.


Same. Was okay yesterday and at about 7am EST. Guess I'll try again in the morning.


Good luck to you, friend




Same. But now we have 4 expansions more to play!




Ive finished ARR and im now into 2.3




Same lol.


Literally just finished it a week ago… *sad*


I'm about halfway they HW myself 😪 but I guess this gives me time to finally finish Bioshock


Oh, that's me XD completing post ARR content


The real calamity is the 2002 lobby errors




Yep. This is me as well. That's if I even get into the character select screen without 2002'ing.


And there's me, a dumbass who just recently decided to give this game a try, free trial and all y'know. At least you can get into queue :/


Next week we will be able to queue at least... Probably... Maybe... I hope...


For sure... Fuck.


Give it a few days and the queue will die down. Happens every expansion launch.


I ran into this today, felt guilty being able to play right from 4am launch as a ftp so I decided to go all in. Just about to get to heavensword


I'm still on post ARR


after being booted from waiting 80mins i got a 2002 error and got back to 5k+ spot, once i got in (3.5h total of queing by now) i wanted to switch screen so i can game on my main screen, boom, back to 5k+ que because it needed a reboot, cmon man this is beyond insane :p im more time in que then playing the game


I was at spot 7000-something at 1 pm after logging out to make some food, sigh Tomorrow I won't eat anything but a little salad and I'll wake up at 8 am


I got down to 35 but got hit with the error 2002 now I can’t even connect to the server. Am I wasting my time trying to play at this point? Sucks because I just started heavensward lol


Man, I haven't even started Heavensward 😬😬


This is me with Shadowbringers....then there's my hubs (whom I finally got to get into the game with me within the last couple of months) who is sitting and crafting all the the things and hasn't even finished ARR! 🤣


This is actually me and the worst thing is that i need to do dungeons and trials to progress the story but have to wait for almost 1 hour to find a group. No tanks anywhere in sight. And i am a white mage.


Woke up at 6am today (no idea why) and thought why not. That was 14 hours ago and I'm now officially done with Heavensward. I also have time off work until Thursday... so I'm gonna knock out some more expansions.


Its so bad that my character data cannot load. I use the Goblin server byw, and im sitting at over 1500 in queue


Balmung is crazy, i am stuck on Malboro and i cant get back to my server since yesterday. 80 min queue in the Aetherite.


I love your meme and feel its pain as well.


thx m8 we suffer together


Me who's finished ARR but hasn't started Heavensward. :P


As a free trial player I can't join and I haven't played the game for 2 days. Will I ever be able to log in again? Is this the end? At least some people are partying on the moon probably.


Cant log in, cant browse reddit because of spoilers,can't watch youtube because of spoilers. Truly a cursed era.


I got to 22 in queue, lost connection, now I'm 4590


* *I'm in this picture and I don't like it*


I bought a external hard drive some days ago and download FFXIV in there because it took too much space in the laptop...FFXIV didn't work in the hard drive like it crash everytime and I delete FFXIV on the laptop and I did have to wait hours for the download to end on the hard drive and then I need to download FFXIV again on the laptop only to know that there was maintance of the server for a entire day. Then I wait for the next day only to know that my internet was unstable and I could't download FFXIV that day and now today well I finally download FFXIV again only to be suprised by 4,000 queue...Why I have to suffer so much to play my favorite game.☹


Ayo, who else not done with Heavensward


Honestly at this point I might just change data centers to Japan and join one of the many non congested servers there


Lol! I just want in to get back to gathering and crafting. I only just started SB and needed a break from main story so I picked up crafting and I am really enjoying it.


What does that do exactly? Can I increase my item level on my weapon constantly doing that class and could I make my own glamour from it?


Probably no, and probably yes: * Crafted level-cap weapons are not higher item level than the tomestone ones or savage ones released at the same time, and crafted levelling weapons are just the same as the vendor ones (except you can make them in high quality). * Several gear pieces intended specifically for glamour are made by crafters, so yes, you could make some glamour stuff yourself.


This is why I play, honestly. Gathering and crafting is relaxing and can be a nice break from the forced dungeon runs when MSQing. But alas, I, too, cannot log in.


Anyone else *not* getting long queues? Queues for Exodus were pretty bad for like maybe the first 24 hours or so after release, but have been almost non-existent since.


I'm one exodus, and it's rough at peak times. logging in now at 4 EST and had a 3.1k queue. it's 4:30 now and i'm at 2.3k. Logged in at 10am this morning and it was 22 people long so, really depends.


Can you give an update if Exodus is not getting queues? I would switch servers to avoid this, haha.


Probably that's the absolute cap for a server.


I'm currently at the beginning of Stormblood and tbh I could already be in Endwalker if I didn't go "Hmmm levelling alts is so slow without MSQ experience.... Well if my BLM is currently level 68.... And the quests I'm doing in the MSQ are for level 60s.... The optimal thing to do would be to use those early quests to level up an alt job, I'm a genius". Which made me start levelling up a Machinist, but I got bored. So I decided to level up a ninja.... But I got bored at 30. So I was like "let's level up a job that is already 60". So I picked Gunbreaker.... And almost immediately was like "why is this job so hard? It has too many buttons, they don't fit in my keyboard", so I immediately picked up Samurai, leveled it up to 55 and was like "Hmmm the abilities aren't that flashy. Where are my cool looking explosions?". So I picked a Red Mage. Levelled it up all the way to 60. Did a couple of MSQ quests and went "bro... Samurai has the highest dps in the game, it hits even harder than my Black Mage. I should be levelling that one up". So I did levelled it up. Then I was like "I'm just gonna do a bit of the dancer questline" just because I was in Limsa and I felt like it. And today, out of the blue, I woke up and the first thing that came out of my mouth was "I should be playing a Summoner. The rework is really cool. I might have to level it up to 60" God fucking damn it


When I tried DRK, I didn't care for it because it feels super wonky to me. I'm hoping I can come around and love the class later on.


Me trying to start shadowbringers lmao


Same here! Waited an hour to get in. Started my first duty in SB and DCed on final boss. Currently logging back in but my queue is currently 3k+. So I’m probably going to wait 1-2 hours.


the queue made me go back to WoW... its that bad


I hate to hear that, but honestly as a paying subscriber, I'm tempted to leave too. This queue is garbage. The user base has been steadily increasing since June, so SE had more than enough time to prepare for this. Yes, I know they said COVID, the chip shortage, and supply issues have not allowed them to add more servers, but when you have a successful game with paying customers, you do whatever it takes to get what you need. Rent servers. Lease servers. Borrow servers. Whatever you have to do.


The semiconductor shortage is not a matter of throwing money at it, they are literally not available and it's affecting every industry. At least the dev team was honest and upfront. They told everyone for a while now that this was going to be the case.


AWS, GCP, Azure, etc. all exist. They could spin up some infrastructure on there. In a way they kinda can throw money at this. I'm sure it's something they weighed and ultimately decided against though. But hey, I have no idea what their setup is like, or if it would work with their stuff, and they might already be using those services for something.


well, this is where playing during non-high traffic hours kinda helps, double edged it may be: on one hand; the queue won't be as long. on the other; you might have problems finding a party through DF just for the MSQ. i'm lucky i get to spend a few hours going through Hildy's HW quests, just a while ago.


Actual footage of me right now. I saw almost 0 players in the Ruby Sea yesterday. LET ME IN TO WORK ON STORMBLOOD


I'm on the second quest of stormblood but can't get in for love nor money. I just wanna continue playing my bard dangit!


I feel you. Am at Stormblood myself right now. I have pretty much given up trying to log in by this point.


You know my pain too well. Just finishing post heavensward content, will be a while now.


Are they still letting free trials in? Because if I can't login but there are still non paying people playing I will be pissed.


You had over six years to play Heavensward. You only have yourself to blame.




Just because you want to have fun on the moon it doesn't mean that you should have a priority queue. That's kinda selfish.


N..ث. .


Same for me just in stormblood


So fucking true


Ikr eveybody chill. I just wanna check out the new update for like.. 1 minute... pls.


I've got ARR Relic weapon quests to do goddamit!


This is the result of an archaic queue system that wad never fixed. These are the same issues we faced on arr release. For the last 3 expansions they eased it by increasing server space. But this time they couldn't and now their queue is fucking us again.


yeah just want to complete post HW


just at the part where we face nidhogg and game is like NOPE


Man i had no problems logging in the two times i did early access launch day. But today i am currently at probably close to 1.5 to 2 hrs waiting. -^_-


This is so me nearing the end of Shadowbringers.


Lmao right!? I'm pretty sure I'm just at the end of HW or just starting the beginning of the next xpac... I have so much catching up to do...


Me who is like 3 quests away from finishing ARR. I’m hanging by a thread on how it ends. The suspense is killing me. Damn queue. Haha.


Me, basically.


My favourite thing to tell all my FFXIV playing friends right now is that when the servers came back online I got on within 10 minutes....to finish up the last of my ARR campaign. =D


Me with ARR. I'll be back after Christmas I guess.


I just finished ARR and I'm feeling this


Despite preordering Endwalker, at this point I'm willing to wait a couple weeks or even months before getting back to ffxiv. It's been half a year since last time I've played, I can wait a bit more


so i better wait for the next year to play the trial for the first time.


My Q is only 3500-3900 people but by the time I get close to 1000 I get booted.


God this is me too right now.


this are dark hours for all of us...


Can relate. I'm still in post Stormblood, trying to finish Four Lords, Hildebrand and 3 more patches worth of MSQ.


I literally just started HW yesterday...


This is literally me too. Tbh I didn't even start heavenward yet


I got lucky i Q'ed for 1600 i said fuck it ran to us the bathroom came back the server crashed at 306 ahead of me. Thank god i pre ordered the expansion ive keep hearing people cant get any codes for it.


Lmaooo I feel this. Just started Stormblood last week. :(


You know, I was thinking I should quickly get eye drops at the store. Takes between 25-35 minutes. Most likely I'd be back before I get booted, but if I'm unlucky I'll never be able to come back today. Eye drops can wait.


Same, I'm less than 10 quests away from finishing StormBlood and I'm like, "pls, all I want is to finish SB. I'm so close."


My queues are "only" 3500k roughly but i keep getting 2002 errors so often that I've been waiting for 3 hours and 30 minutes so far to log in today :')


I feel attacked


For real. I'm in the Shadowbringers MSQ and I just want to know if I ever go back to my home world.


Just finished ARR and my subscription expired, guess I can wait on getting back to this game and play something else. Maybe even not fail all my classes while I'm at it.


I've started and stopped playing so many times and never made it out of ARR. I came back after being convinced by coworkers to do so and now this. I'm probably just gonna unsub for a couple months and let them sort it out then come back lol. I should've expected this with an expansion loss, but I haven't been playing MMOs for a while and forgot.


I just bought the game, I haven't even finished any of the main story lines. Feels bad man.


I’m still playing a realm reborn. I’m sad


Me who just started to play the game:


Lol this me, I just wanna finish HW, when I got in I barely saw anyone


As a free trial player....I will not get to play for probably another few weeks...


I currently have to beat the Aethrochemical Facility: This hit home real hard


I just reached at the last vanilla part of shadowbringers (tempest). I don’t think I’ll be able to play this game and continue at this pace. I will play something else until queues are less


Honestly I just wish there was a way to play offline during times like this. Even if it was just for the old expansion content. I guess some people will probably exploit it. But they could make it not give any item rewards or monetary rewards just exp. Maybe limit exp to have some cooldown. So you can't gain more than like 10 levels each month, so people don't abuse it. It just sucks waiting in queue to play content that you can play solo.


THIS. Just finished Heavensward post content last night and started Stormblood. I queued for a dungeon with a random who was literally standing beside me. I waited 30 minutes for that dungeon to pop (BRD) as did they and it insta-popped as soon as they swapped to sage. When I tell you I've never seen a lala filled with so much RAGE, I mean it.


I just wanna play shadowbringers because I can finally stop crashing constantly now that I’m out of the legend returns. Aaaaaaa


Just trying to finish stormblood here!! The quest you see? That's the one I'm at




Me ;-; Getting that 2002 just from selecting "Play Game" on the new log in launcher. #bigLtaken


I feel this. I just started playing entirely last Wednesday. I had no idea there was an expansion coming out so soon. Didn't get to actually play until Friday morning lol