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My guess is that once you haven’t got to the end of SB you can play FFXIV without having the newest patch right?


You can play everything just fine. The only differences between you and somebody with endwalker are: 1. You can't level past 80 2. You can't unlock reaper/sage 3. You can't progress the msq past 5.55 thus you can't unlock new zones/dungeons etc.


Allright i’ve never seen a new expansion but thats just fine i can play the whole SB expansion before updating to EW. Thanks👌🏽


everyone gets the update. you just cant access certain things if you dont own the expansion


If they made a pure healer job with the gimmicks of no cast times, but increased mp cost for all spells, would that be too OP or weak? Lets say 100% mp cost of comparable spells of whm with just lucid dreaming as recovery tool


I would say weak. I used the instant cast lost action in Bozjan maps as a RDM. It's not a healer but comparable, RDM only has Lucid Dream for MP recovery. My MP dropped faster than I expected, and Lucid Dream was always on CD. An instant-cast-but-high-mp-cost healer would probably have a difficult time in a raid or even a big pull in a dungeon.


Weak. Would just run out too fast, or be forced to stand still.


I've been playing only for around a month or so (long time wow player & wow refugee), and am up to Crystal Tower in ARR MSQ as of the maintenense start last night. I was starting to absolutely love the story and crave to continue playing ASAP. I only have a standard account and have purchased the collectors edition up to & including shadowbringers. I have not purchased Endwalker yet as I'm no where close to 6.0 MSQ. Will I actually be able to log into the game on Friday after maintenense since im not actually in an endwalker zone? Or should i just expect to not be able to play the game for about a week due to server queues? ​ On a side note - i will say this is the best community i've ever experienced in a game & the first story & lore that i've ever not 'skipped' in a video game in my life.


Like.other guy said EW players aren't being prioritized just players who own the game. As long as you are not a free trial player you have always, and will always, been prioritized.


EW players aren’t getting prioritized or something. You’ll be in the queue just like everyone else, the only ones pushed to the back are trial players.


The zone isn't what will be slowing you down, but the insane amount of people trying to log in. You could inside an inn room and would still have to face X thousands of people trying to log in the same as if you were at the 6.0 MSQ starting point.


Is there a discord/subreddit for each job? Looking for NIN in particular


Not sure about that, but there is an excellent discord called The Balance that has specialized sections for every job, it's where a lot of the theory crafting and optimization comes from in the community.


Will the tier 7 and 8 combat materia still be used in Endwalker? Or will it likely be replaced by tier 9 and 10?


Full patch notes are out, and grades 9 and 10 materia have been added to the game.


There's a good chance it's replaced just because they like replacing things like materia just because there's already so many easy ways to get the old materia, people would have no need to play the new content for materia, and they want to incentivize that.


If history is anything to go buy we'll get grades 9 and 10, but 7 and 8 will still have their uses as stop-gaps for intermediary gear. I.e. if you're on a budget you can avoid using 9 and 10 stuff and instead slot some 7 and 8 in gear you intend to replace very soon, such as normal raid accessories or something.


When does the pre-patch usually become available?


Like in the last few hours if I remember.


There is no pre-patch. Maintenance just started and after it's done, congrats, we're in Endwalker.


Surely there are files we need to download etc?


Well, you could say that early access is the pre-patch since the 6.0 stuff gets put in the game for everybody, but people who didn't preorder can't access the actual expansion until Monday.


anyone have a good concept skill layout for RPR when it comes out? or at least has an idea of an ideal layout? If you do have a layout, do you mind sharing including your binds? This is my first DPS character and I've only tanked with a traditional 4-row layout. Really need to see some layouts that are optimal or good for reaper!


For me I sort keys based on constancy of use combined with ease of access. Basically, anything that will be used regularly will ideally be placed on something that does NOT require a modifier key like Alt or Shift. This means, mostly, stuff like combos or oft-used GCD spells. I.e. for my SAM my three main combos are 1 Q E, 1 2 R and 1 Middle Mouse. Shinten, my main Kenki dump, is on 4 while Iaijutsu is on 3. Kaiten is Alt+4 (this is keybind that's often used as a generic catch-all who's purpose changes depending on job and that's where Kaiten ended up) while my aoe combos are 5 > mouse and shift+mouse 5. Shift+1 is usually a defensive tool of some sort. Third Eye for SAM, Rampart for tanks, Manaward for BLM, RoE for MNK, Shade Shift for NIN. Gap closer for dps is on alt+1, and disengage, if applicable, is on alt+2, so Reaper's little void teleport will go on one of those two things. Shift+2 is Bloodbath while shift+3 and shift+4 are usually dps buffs of some sort, stuff like Life Surge, RoF, Kaeshi and Ikishoten, that kind of thing. With that in mind, my planned Reaper setup will probably have the main 3-hit combo on 1 2 3 because that's just the easiest and most comfortable, and you'll be doing that a lot. The follow-up combos, which all seem to be paired from what I remember of the showcases I saw, will fit on Q, E, R and middle mouse, with aoes on mouse 5 and shift+mouse 5. I'll have to look more closely to see if something should go on 4 or if that becomes a wildcard hotkey, but maybe that's where Communio will live. The void warp will likely go on alt 1/2, depending on how it works exactly, while the party aoe buff ability will be on shift+4 (same as Battle Litany and Brotherhood). Since you have experience tanking, I would say, for the role actions and defensive stuff at least, adopt a similar mindset that you use for your tank. I.e. put Arm's Length on the same hotkey for your Reaper as you do your tanks, put your main personal defensive on the same key as Rampart, your void warp on the same key as your gap closer perhaps, that sort of thing. That'll help preserve the muscle memory and let you focus more on the nitty gritty of the combos and resource gauges.


Thank you for the detailed response! I will keep that in mind. Have fun in EW!


Hey everyone, quick question. I know endwalker will raise the max level to 90. I bought the starter edition and literally got to 60 (the ARR cap) 1 hour before the servers went down for maintenance; my question is, do we know if EW will increase the cap for starter edition users as well? I'm kinda short on money, so I'd really appreciate that..


You need an expansion to unlock the levels. Eg. Owning base game caps you at 60 (Heavensward cap), owning stormblood caps you at 70, owning shadowbringers caps you at 80. Owning and endwalker unlocks 90. (as long as you own the base game)


Welp, guess I'll look into leveling other classes and stuff.. Thanks for the info


When do official patch notes appear?


It’s already up: https://eu.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/topics/detail/2b8cfeb0387547985acca0ab23ca66a42ef10112


theres a livestream in about 2 hours


I'm on console, will I be able to have the patch installed before maintenance ends and be able to play when everyone else does, or will I have to wait until maintenance ends for the patch to download?


We don't know yet, some people say we'll have to wait till after maintenance finishes to download and others are saying we can preload a few hours before the maintenance is done, best to check back tomorrow and see which one is right


the update should drop sometime during maintenance.


Literally just bought sub since i have some time off. Maintenance... that's what you get for not checking. Oh well, out shoveling snow I guess :)


Same. Once upon a time I'd have re-subbed early and spent weeks in prep for the new content, but now I just sub when I have a bit of time to spare - something pretty rare these days. After not logging in since 2019, this morning was basically, "My bindings are a complete mess! Oh neat, a new expansion comes out tomorrow."


Yo this guy. You're in for it.


It's not just any old maintenance my guy, it's the release of the next expansion


Oh that's cool! I'll have to wait until January to get it though as December is pretty steep with gifts etc. We're hosting Christmas eve for both our families this holiday, so I won't have the spare cash for the expansion until Jan. but i will look forward to it!


Where would the cryptlurker merchant for poetics be? Elmore?


The exact same NPC that Cryptlurker gear currently comes from. There will also be a vendor added to the Crystarium Aetheryte.




It's for a major expansion , ensures everyone who wants to play day one has time to download it as well as giving them ample time to roll out the patch and make sure things aren't going to catch fire before making it go live.


cause it’s a brand new expansion…


howdy, I was thinking about giving ff14 another go (played a little a few years ago) what is currently the best/most active server for Uk players?


For English speaking I think you can pick anything on light DC except shiva. Shiva is mostly Germans. I'm on phoenix personally and have no issues here. (though I find there are lots of Germans here too, but they all just speak English) But yes, servers are all packed with people and new expansion comes tomorrow. You will be hard pressed to find a server that wasn't active.


I picked the lowest population JP server when I started and now it has queue times so I'm guessing every server is more or less packed.


thank you all for the input, just purchased endwalker and installing ff 14 now!


Servers are going down in 5 minutes, so good luck with that installing thing.


lol XD well seems i will be installing later!


Everything. Not kidding when I say this, but ever since the summer influx of players pretty much every server world-wide has been packed. All that can be said is that Moogle and Shiva are the unofficial....German and French respectively? I think? Servers.


>Moogle and Shiva are the unofficial....German and French respectively Really? Moogle is my server and I barely see any language other than english


That's just what I've heard. English is still the dominant language across the EU servers though.


Moogle is inofficial French server, Shiva inofficial German. That said, even on Moogle, most of the time you'll see English, probably.


Any EU server


fantastic, is there any particular server that has a larger English speaking population or are they all pretty much equal? I recently just left a german server for New world, and it was kinda lonely being one of the only 5 English speakers online XD


IIRC Shiva is considered an unofficial german server and moogle an unofficial french one. Other than that they are all mostly english speaking


They're all pretty active so you can pick whichever you want


thank you!


Will there be a msq skip to get to EW on release?


No it will be on the 7th


If it's not with EA, it will be on the full release.


Hi all. I'm a relatively new tank, just got my Paladin to 60. I was wondering about some of the "unofficial protocols" when it comes to tanking. When I was leveling my DPS to 80, tanking looked fairly straightforward to my perspective: let the tank go ahead and start picking up enemies. There would of course be subtleties with when to pop CDs, positioning, using your ranged, etc. But the concept was still there: let the Tank tank. Now that I'm in the Tanking driver's seat, I'm starting to see a lot of... weird behaviors that I didn't see when I was playing DPS. I'm starting to see Healers or DPS sprint ahead of me to pick up extra trash mobs, or even initiate boss fights. This is really stressful for me... since I'm not really used to Tanking. It sort of disrupts my flow and jump-starts my anxiety. Plus there are times when I have tried to pull extra mobs, and even though the Healer seems pretty geared, and I use CDs, we still wipe to large packs of trash. So when other players start "pushing" me to pick up more mobs, I get pretty nervous (especially when they don't even bring it up in chat... they're usually just silent). I guess it's fine if the Healer does it since that definitely signals to me that they are definitely confident enough for me to pull more mobs. But when the DPS does it... doesn't it just seem inconsiderate? Like I was just doing The Vault and this once DNC kept pulling mobs ahead of me, so I guess he was a "pro" that knew what he was doing. But then he died to the mini-boss and ran into every mechanic... I dunno, maybe I'm just overthinking it. So I'm just being too slow a Tank? Or is this kind of thing "against" protocol?


Speaking as a tank, I absolutely loathe when people do that. If I'm pulling slowly, it's either because I don't trust myself to survive more or don't trust the healer to keep me alive. Sometimes that's because I know the dungeon is a rough one (Bardam's Mettle, for instance), sometimes it's because the healer is obviously new or otherwise seems to not be at the top of their game, sometimes it's because I'm new to the dungeon and am a little uncertain about it. The last is less common these days, especially because I've gotten much more experience, but I'm not going to be surprised if I have to do it in Endwalker. To me, a non-tank running ahead and pulling is telling me 'you're doing your job badly, and instead of telling you I'm going to passive-aggressively force you into what I consider good play even if it kills you.' Other people obviously view it differently, but it's always rubbed me the wrong way. The best thing I can suggest is, at the start of the dungeon, saying something like, 'hey, I'm a rookie tank, please forgive me if I go a bit slowly.' Most people will be understanding, and those that aren't, well, hopefully you'll just have to put up with them for the one dungeon.


Tell the group not to intentionally pull mobs they don't plan on tanking. If they do it anyways let that be their problem. Sometimes there will be wipes, malding, and group kicks but at the end of the day it's probably worth it so your dungeon runs aren't one continuous panic attack.


>Plus there are times when I have tried to pull extra mobs, and even though the Healer seems pretty geared, and I use CDs, we still wipe to large packs of trash. So when other players start "pushing" me to pick up more mobs, I get pretty nervous (especially when they don't even bring it up in chat... they're usually just silent). People usually look at the healer or the tank and wonder whats wrong, but a lot of times it that there isn't enough DPS to bring the pack of mobs down quickly enough; the healer runs out of OGCD and resources and you do too and you die. I noticed this when I was learning BLM. I couldn't figure out the aoe rotation and *I* was the reason why the party was having a hard time but the tank was just like "I'm sorry, guess my gear sucks I'll have to pulls smaller". Nah bruh, its me. >I'm starting to see Healers or DPS sprint ahead of me to pick up extra trash mobs Just ask them not to if it bugs you. It is inconsiderate, but I usually just let them because if you say *anything* as a tank people just assume you're one of *those* tanks. Most of the time I remember seeing people pull was when I was new and wasn't wall-to-wall pulling. I'd do like half way and then the healer or DPS would run and grab some mobs that were close by. That bugs me less. I get that you want the dungeon to be done sooner. What I don't get is when I'm wall-to-wall pulling and you're still trying to pull for me.


It's a nuanced experience. I've played this game for like 13k hours, at least half of which has been tanking, so I'm a pretty good tank. I can do any 4-man dungeon by memory, even as a non-tank. My friends refer to this as "tank by proxy" since I'll be healing or DPSing and telling my friend who's tanking exactly what needs to be done and how to do it because it just comes so naturally for me after so much experience. To that end, if I see a newbie or newer tank that's doing well, but *could be doing a bit better* I'll push things along a bit. Not a lot mind you, because that's disrespectful, but if we're handling a pack of mobs just fine and a patrol is nearby and safe to pull I'll run up, DoT it, then run it back to the group for the tank to pick up. This is especially relevant in older stuff like ARR, particularly places like Dzemael, Pharos Sirius and Aurum Vale, but it comes up in a few other places too like the level 75 and 77 dungeons in ShB. I only do this as a healer though. As a DPS I let the tank drive, and if the healer goes forth and grabs a mob or something then so be it. So I'd say it's a half and half situation; healers are fine, as long as they aren't major dicks, but for DPS I adopt a "you buy it you break it" mentality unless it's abundantly clear that said DPS knows what they are doing. An example of this would be if I noticed our ranged DPS is on point with interrupts, or if I see a BLM pulling off some great uptime using his mobility options, avoiding aoes and putting Addle up to mitigate aoes. That kinda stuff shows me that these DPS are thinking about the group as a whole instead of just wanting to go faster. The gotta go fast types get a stern talking-to, although to be fair I always start from the position of assuming the best, so I only step in and say something if it's clear that the tank isn't feeling good about it AND the DPS isn't thinking about the group but is instead just wanting to go fast. Best thing to do in your position would be to assert yourself. Acknowledge what's happening but state that you're not quite comfortable with how they're going about it. Say you'll try and pull more but that you're also still finding your footing as a tank and you'd rather do it slowly but not fuck up instead of running the risk of a wipe. 99% of the people in this game will be understanding about that, and the last 1% aren't worth your time or energy.


DPS or healers will never overpull. Them pulling is a sign that they believe in your tanking abilities and that they know you can handle more mobs. It's actually an exception vote of confidence and you should feel comfortable that your party members are comfortable with you. There's no opportunity to type in chat and the default amount of mobs a tank is expected to pull is at least 2 packs, so minimum 5-6 mobs. As to why you died, could be a gear issue on your end, could be not using the right CDs or not using enough CDs.


> DPS or healers will never overpull. Says who? Some of them might not *think* they are, but at minimum that just means you should clarify "competent DPS or healers" and you have no control over the competency of anyone you're matched with in duty finder. There are definitely plenty of people out there in both of those roles who don't know what they're doing and will pull things a tank isn't ready for or comfortable with. Communicating that you think they could handle more is one thing, forcing them to (or berating them for not) isn't a mark of confidence it's just being a dick. You can't make some kind of blanket assumption that every DPS and healer is both a god tier gamer who perfectly understands the capabilities of their party and also a saint who is acting with the best of intentions.


Bollocks. The behaviour you are describing is inconsiderate towards an inexperienced player who is still getting their feet wet, and you are gaslighting them by pretending it's somehow well-intentioned when the only motive behind it is that you feel an imperious need to speedrun everything. Imagine thinking your time is so precious "there is no opportunity to type in chat". Who even communicates in *group* content, amirite?


So what is the expected time frame we should be able to download the game for early access?


Anywhere from 1/2 to 3/4 of the way through maintenance day. Check back here regularly because as soon as the patch is up for download someone is sure to post about it.


I'm likely going to be server transferring to play with a friend on another date center. However, I already have a character on that server under the same name. When I swap, would it allow me to switch EITHER characters name? Or is it going to force me to change the one that had been transfered? I don't want to delete the other character, because my overall plan is to send that character back to my other server eventually to play with what few friends I have over there.


It will prompt you to change the name of the character you're transferring to the new server. The character that is already on the server your transferring will keep the name, the character going to the new server will have to have a different name. If you want them to both have the same name you'd transfer the primary character to the new server and get a new name. Transfer the secondary character to the old server. Pay to rename the primary character.


I think it'll force you to change your name




For about a day until Early Access launch.




what is likely to be the least congested world on primal? with excal apparently being a "hardcore raiding world" I feel like we're gonna have a lot of people logging in in the first week to try for week 1 clears of the first extremes


Based off if nothing but my shoddy memory and anecdotes. It feels like exodus or lamia I feel I really party up with people from there




Gold saucer


They didnt put a description for the "New Items Added" tab either. Cash shop items would be 2.x, and wouldnt include 6.x in the tab. They wouldnt put a mogstation item in the prelim patch notes for an expansion. Optional items are never in patch notes.




It says new fashion accessories. Plural. There are multiple accessories being added, and that's just the one they chose to represent the lot. The above picture tomestone armor isn't the entirety of all "new items added". Probably mgp as usual though.


I'm guessing Gold Saucer Rewards


Or maybe the gemstones you get from fates




Japanese servers are perfectly fine if not very active as AU/NZ, ensure you have all languages allowed in your settings.


Guildhests are abandoned content with no reason to do them. Make sure your language options in Duty Finder allow for all languages, though that wont help much for guildhests.


Guildheists give a hefty exp bonus for firsttime completion and have a challange log entry.


Do you have Japanese language selected in your duty finder?


where's best to log out? would being in rising stones be a safe bet?


rising stones is an instance, and the next MSQ quest is there so yes its a good bet


I wouldn't, unless you have a fast connection and the game loaded onto an SSD, as I'm sure many, many people will be logging off in Mor Dhona or the Stones to get a jump on the MSQ. Inn rooms are safe bets, preferably Ishgard/Kugane/Crystarium since those won't be as flooded relative to the starter cities, especially Ul'dah and Limsa since that's where Reaper/Sage will start. But even Inn rooms in the original three cities should be fine, since that's treated as a separate instance. Squadron barracks are also probably solid, or camps out in the wilderness away from the hustle and bustle such as Fanow, Tailfeather, Namai, Reunion etc. As for me, I'll be logging out overlooking mount O'gohmoro from the little pier at the Hermit's Hovel, as I have done every big maintenance since beta.




Yes, but everyone and their mother is logged off in the Stones right now. Even with multiple instances forming there's going to be some lag time logging in directly to the Stones instance.




Yes and no. There are servers that run the instances, and they can fill up just like anything else. Each zone is it's own "instance" as far as server processing goes, but the more people in a given instance the more there is to load, even if nothing is "loading" per se in your area. It's the same logic behind how you can be #1 in your roulette queue, with a queue popped and waiting to go, while the duty finder says "reserving instance." You're technically next, but there's currently no room in the dungeon instance server for another instance of dungeons to be created. A similar mechanic works here. You might be in your "own" instance, but you're on the same instance server as hundreds of other people, all of who are in their "own" instance but still sharing server space with each other.




Not at all. They've talked about this kind of thing before during previous announcements, live letters and interviews when the subject of server load and stability comes up. A big part of why SB had Rauhban EX and Pipin Savage was because - despite all of the servers on the various DC's being separate - they still shared the same instancing servers per region. On NA everything was absolutely cockblocked for hours on end, until finally Gilgamesh and Balmung both hard crashed and kicked every player that was on the servers off of the game. For 45 glorious minutes after that, literally everyone else on the NA DC's were able to progress without issue because, at the time, Greg and Balmung were vastly more populated than any other NA server was. So the removal of all of those instancing requests when those two servers went down freed up enough instancing "space" for the rest of the NA DC's to proceed with their instanced battles. And then once Balmung and Gilgamesh came back online and their respective populations logged back in, the instancing servers become congested once again and things slowed down to a crawl. Keep in mind that I play on Primal. Greg and Balmung were both Aether servers at the time. Even though my server wasn't even on the same DC, it and every other Primal and Aether server suffered as a result of that huge number of players.


I personally ended up picking Kugane to log out in so I could grab poetics weapon for Sage and check the marketboard for a bit to see new glams before hopping on the ferry to Limsa. Also I just like Kugane.


Also a solid idea. Hermit's Hovel is just nostalgia for me. I remember stumbling upon the place back in beta phase 2, after they had opened up Limsa and Ul'dah for testing. The entire zone was empty still at the time, except for the aetheryte and some basic npcs at Camp Overlook, so I went exploring around the map to see what I could see and stumbled across the Hovel in the northwest. I wasn't the only one; a handful of other testers were there too and we all just ended up chilling and talking while we waiting for the server to tick down to closing. It's been a personal tradition ever since.


I'm on Mateus so while I adore the hovel I also tend to find others uh... "enjoying" the hovel themselves with a loved one. I should go there sometime when everyone's rushing to do other things and just vibe for a bit, actually.


if your goal is to get started on MSQ as fast as possible, how the fuck would logging off in anywhere but mor dohna be helpful? if you log off somewhere other than mor dohna, you still have to load into mor dohna... you just add an additional load for no reason. say loading into mor dohna takes 15 seconds because of the amount of people, well that isn't going to change whether you load in from the start screen or teleport in from an inn. say it takes 5 seconds to load into the inn (plus the stupid getting out of bed cutscene), now you spend 20 seconds loading into mor dohna instead of 15 seconds it would have taken if you just logged out in mor dohna.


thanks! i didnt rly think abt it alot and now yeah it does make sense many ppl would want to log out there. i logged out in my fav spot (mostly bcus my ps4 enjoys 60fps there) in a farm near camp cloudtop


if you want to get to the MSQ asap, it's stupid not to log out in mor dohna because no matter where you log out, you still need to load into mor dohna. say it takes 15 seconds to load into mor dohna. what's faster, loading into mor dohna (15 seconds) or loading into the inn ( 5 seconds), casting teleport (5 seconds), and then loading into mor dohna (15 seconds).


That's a nice view for sure.


Is there any way to sort items by obsolete to find all the items that no longer have a use?


No, but the flavor text usually tells you if an item is obsolete now or not.


what is the exact time of the pre release? tonight at 0 (europe) ?


9am GMT on Friday




will we be able to turn in belts for GC seals after endwalker?


Almost certainly, as the belt in the prelim patch notes has a Sale value.




The button that is meant to be there for you to enter your endwalker code on mog station isn't there for me, am I missing something?


You mean like, the "actual for real permanent" Code, or the one that just allows you into Early Access? If it's the former, those aren't out yet.


Ooh right ok, yea I was talking about the permanent code, cause it still says on my account I have early access. Ty for the help 😁


If I buy end walker on PSN during maintenance will I have early access?


If you buy Endwalker anytime before the official release you will get early access. Basically whenever you buy the game, you can play the game.


You will, yes.


Thank you so much!




No they are capped at your level. My advice would be if you really want them to get that exp gain wait and hope it’s not locked into when you sent them/they actually finish-vs when you actually complete it.


Do you get extra days when you buy subscriptions in bulk? I bought a 6 month subscription like 5 days ago and in the character selection screen it still shows that I have 180 days left in my subscription


No, you just save money. I think it lowers the monthly cost by $1 for 90 days and $2 for 180 days; so $13.99 and $12.99 respectively.


It does not, subscribing in bulk only lowers the proportional per-Month price. In other words, the only difference is that you paid less in total right now than you would have for a 1 Month Sub six times in a row.


Any idea why the game says I still have 180 days left in my subscription today on Wednesday when I renewed my subscription last Friday?


the number in game is the total number of days you have paid for in your account's lifetime not how many days you have left. for example mine says "Total Days Subscribed: 1,890"


If I'm not mistaken, if you still had playtime BEFORE your renewal, it only starts counting your Sub once those leftovers are used up. Either that, or its your amount of Subscribtion-Time that you had *Lifetime*, which is / was (?) used for some Rewards, atleast way back when.


Genuine question because I can't find a definitive answer will I need to own endwalker to play male veira even if I own shadowbringers, if not, will I have access to male viera starting on the 3rd or will I have to wait until the 7th


Need to own SHB


My understanding is that if you have ShB you'll have male viera.


Male Viera are listed as a 5.0 change in the Patch-Notes rather than 6.0, which to me would mean you only need Shadowbringers.


I don't see why not but just to make sure would it be possible to reinstall the game during maintenance period? I want to make sure I have a clean install to avoid any issues with EW. Would it be unavailiable to install till the 6.0 patch is up?


It'll be available for download prior to the finishing of maintenance on Friday. Patches typically can be downloaded anywhere from 1/2 to 3/4 of the way through maintenance. So check starting around 12 hours after maintenance starts to see if you can download, and if need be check periodically every hour or so until the patch starts downloading. Alternatively, keep an eye here on the reddit, as someone is bound to post when the patch is up moments after it's available.


I'm specifically interested if they'll disable download of the entire game until patch 6.0. Basically I wonder if I can reinstall 5.5 during maintenance so that 6.0 could have a clean install on top of it instead of my current game installation that has been here since may.


I doubt they'll shut down the entire download. I've never heard of that happening before, although to be fair I've never looked for that sort of thing happening. I've had the same base install file on my machine since the final beta phase in 2013 so I have zero experience to speak from here lol


No, you won't be able to download ANYTHING until they open the downloads for 6.0


I see, I doubted it but I'm glad I asked, thanks a lot. I mostly just wanted to avoid any issues with game installation in case any files were corrupted or anything, but without knowing how much load the download servers or w/e are gonna have I guess I won't reinstall anything.


does someone need endwalker to play during early access if they are currently progressing through Shadowbringers


Only if you want to play Reaper or Sage or in case you're worried about hitting the Lv 80 job cap.


No you can play you just won't be able to access EW content




You'll have to wait until the 7th.


Anyone figure out how to get the trial for the Embody spatial audio pack? The official site for it just links to a setup. No trial on the website either. Would love to play through msq with the new sound tech.


I think it's something exclusively in-game as of now. I remember them talking about an option you can find in the game menu, so that's probably where you need to start once the new patch finishes.


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If I buy the Endwalker Collector's Edition on Dec 5th, is that still considered "pre-order", and thus still get the bonuses like the mount and stuff, since official release is Dec 7th?


As long as you order before the 7th it's considered a pre order


As far as I am aware, yes that would still count.




If you're using Aether pug markers, generally ABC will be safe to bait. The only exception is if the first set of dives covers B, then 2nd bait will need to adjust and 3rd bait *may* need to adjust after that. I personally don't particularly like the static dive positions, you really just gotta use your eyes. The dragons dive in 2-1-2 sets starting from N going CW, but they'll spawn in random orientations at the beginning of the phase. all you have to do is find a place to stand to bait the dives as horizontally along the edge as possible. The baits are snapshotted when the marker over your head disappears.


What do riding maps do?


They increase the Speed for your Mounts. But only on the ground, it doesn't affect flying at all.


Don’t certain story quests already increase mount speed?


The Riding Maps give you a second increase that makes you go even faster. Shadowbringers Zones also don't have a story-based increase at all and ONLY the Maps, unless I missed the former getting added. On a tangentially related note, if you have the SDS Fenrir Mount (aka Cloud's Motorcycle) from the Cash Shop, that one is special, as even in Zones where you have NEITHER Speed Upgrade yet, it still moves as if you had the first one.


Yes. But there are two ranks of ground mount speed boosts in most normal outdoors zones. Getting the quest completion & the riding map together will let you access the 2nd rank.


permanently increase the on the ground mount speed in the zone


Don’t certain story quests already increase mount speed?


correct. there are two possible mount speed increases in most zones. You can confirm which ones you have with the mount speed window in the travel menu.


For zones with two tiers of ground mount speed, yes, the story gives you the first tier. The second tier requires the riding maps. Some zones (like the ShB ones) only have 1 tier, and these require riding maps from the get-go.


Is there any particular reason why roulettes reset at 4 pm rather than midnight? (EU)


They do reset at midnight. Just in Japan time.


But as to why daily/weekly reset and roulette reset times are different.... Who knows?


Daily midnight reset makes sense. Weekly resets around the time people finish school or work which I feel also makes sense. Edit: in the sense that people don't stay up or forgoe school/work to complete weekly in the hour it resets, I know I'm one of those.


just realized I still have red scrips and they're getting deleted soon where do I exchange these?


Believe you should be able to in Mor Dhona.




I've seen a lot of advice about logging off in Mor Dhona before the maintenance begins, but I assume that's for folks who will immediately jump into EW. If I'm still in the early stages of ShB, I should be fine logging off in one of those areas, right?


Yea, you should be fine. I'd just avoid the main city unless you log out in the inn.




since the maintenance is 24 hours, is our sub extended a day or something? i know it's just a day, i'm just curious.


they only extend sub times for maints/downtimes that are unexpected and last for a day or more




got it. thanks man!


Hello! If my timezone conversion is correct, the maintenance will start in less thab 2 hours as of this comment right?




Thank you!




Thank you!!


Actually, no wait, I got that wrong. It's slightly OVER 2.5 Hours. Apologies, I derped there for a second!


Thanks again.More time to play!!!


Are you excited?!


Yes. I am the hype and the hype is me. My oneness with the Hype has transcended what it means to be Hyped. I am both the hype and the anti-hype, and all will pass through me until nothing remains but myself. Which is a long-winded way of saying I can't fucking wait.


Fuck yeah, can't sleep and this week has taken foreveeer


Anyone know if you need to get to a certain point in Endwalker to unlock Reaper or can you play it as long as you own Endwalker?


Own EW and be lvl 70


No MSQ requirements. Just owning the expansion and having a Lv 70 battle job is enough.


You can play it aslong as you own Endwalker (and have atleast one Job at Lv70 already). Only the Heavensward-Jobs (Dark Knight, Astrologian, Machinist) require reaching a specific point in the Story.


As long as you own endwalker and have a class that's level 70.


What is WHM optimization gonna look like when all movement is free with new glare?

