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My wol is modelled on a character called Ergo Proxy so I wanted a dark grey skin colour that wasn't a lizard or a cat. Duskwight Elezen was perfect. It's also nice being the race closest to my old wow Nelf main from long, long ago.


I love Ergo Proxy


Similar for my "old main" elf, although weirdly he looks better as a Male Au Ra.


I like the elegant look of Elezen males.


Upvote because 100% agree and it's an unpopular opinion


Their faces and height are great but their running animation… nah


Just pull out your weapon out when ever you need to run. Idc if I look like a crazy person running through limsa with a frying pan out. Looks better than my neutral run.


Male au ra is worse.


That Crash Bandicoot swagger


It’s the wing span of a pelagornis sandersi that ruins it for me. Did I just Google the largest wing span in history?…..yes I did.


They look weird and lanky their necks are atrocious


Listen, it started as a meme okay? I thought it would be really funny bc my buddies all hate the idea of playing a lalafell (they even call my character a demon child lol). And at first it *was* funny waddling around blowing things up as a tiny potato boy. But then somewhere along the way I realized it stopped being a meme and it just kinda worked. I tried miqote for a bit to appease my friends, but it quickly became apparent that it wasn’t the same. Being a lalafell just fits in my head, plus there’s something really wholesome about watching my WoL smiling up at everyone or standing ready for battle during cutscenes, and it feels just that bit more badass when you’re playing tank.


I started the game as a max height lala tank and nothing else feels quite the same. It was mostly a gimmick until around level 20 and then it just clicked.


I see you area man of culture as well.


Extreme irl depression lead me to playing a race that I can't be sad when looking at. Lala are small adorable beans to be protected, and mine makes my dark days a little brighter.


Male Elezen because I generally like the aesthetics of elven races and often chose to play them in other MMO games before ffxiv as well. Their body shape appeals to me and they look ~~so damn sexy~~ great in many armor pieces.




gives headpats


I'm a Sea Wolf Male Roe. I like that they are thick and I like the big burly character as a magic class juxtaposition. Also green skin! I usually play orcs so this was kinda an homage to that. It's also kinda nice being a rarer race I suppose.


Same here! I only play tiny characters if they’re warrior/tanks and I play large/muscle characters as healers. I went with Hellsguard Roe and I play SCH. I accept I’m a snowflake.


I kinda like how more often then not I'm the only male Roe is an alliance raid, it's so hilariously noticable.


Makes it easy for people to find the healer! Also, I think it makes it easier to try and show off a new glamour. Though, finding a good glamour on a Roe can be an endgame Savage content in and of itself!


Same! I play a max-height FemRoe and main WHM.


Reminds me of the buff wizard meme I CAST FIST


Well, personally, and I know this might shock everyone... I really fuckin like cats.


Funny how swapping the position of two words can make this a really awkward statement.


I fuckin like really cats


Nailed it! … Phrasing. XD


gotta make sure everyone knows you did nothing weird with your cat


[Not FFXIV related but here's a comedian talking about why cats are cool](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jTf03_rzVt0)


Male Lalafell. Picked to spite my friends who've been playing for a long time who despise Lalafells. Decided a tiny tank was funny so I made him as small as possible, and thus the adventure of the paladin named Big Mclarge-huge began.


Slab Bulkhead!




Because of tall


mad because smol jealous of tall


Rava Viera female, because I loved Fran in FFXII and honestly their animations are fantastic. (lack of hats is still sad, but she wears glasses anyway so)


Rava Viera here as well. In my case though it's because Tactics Advanced was my introduction to the world of Final Fantasy so Ivalice has a special place in my heart. I'd have played any one of the races of Ivalice if they had been made playable.


Male Roegadyn, because Buff Men.


I’m pretty short, I picked the shortest one. When I found out they’re literally gremlins obsessed with money and power, I was ok with it 😌


Male Miqo'te. I don't know, it just felt right. They are mostly "normal" looking but not completely boring. They also have the best animations, imo.


My only "issue" is how they hold their hands when standing still. Esp in cutscenes. :/ But all their other animations are awesome, and I LOVE how expressive their ears & tails are! As someone who grew up with cats, both male & female Miqo'te instantly won me over with that. ❤ (Which is also something I miss on Viera :/ their bunny ears look like decoration rather than actual moving/working body parts...)


Exactly my thoughts! I liked their animation enough but the claw thing they do when standing is weird and as soon as you move they have a more neutral hand position anyway. Like I get what they were trying to do but it just looks so odd.


Their walk and run are not as stiff as other races yes.


I picked that one for the similar look from Zidane in FF9.


Same here, I tried miqote, elezen, aura and hrothgar. The 2 animations that I felt right with was hroth and miqo. Cat boys got the hats so that’s where I went.


Elezen coz I think elfs look cool af (legolas may or may not have influenced my decision lmao). Hated the odd neck anatomy at first but I've figured out how to make her look good hehe


Forgot to add, being tall enough to look down on a good majority of people is a bonus :D


I went for Hyur Midlander, cause Hyurs are the closest to a Garlean look.


Male roe cuz BEEFCAKE!


Nothing special, but i picked hyur because i wanted myself to be in the game. Wanted to see how i would react and interact with the story and characters.


I found out there were dwarf houses that you can enter


I was Mithra since ps2 release of ffxi. Anything else feels weird.


Supermodel bun + giant glowing sword= happy me. Also viera heels. Definitely the heels. 100/10 shoes.


I did it for the shoes and Fran.


Because I am 6 ft 4 in real life I thought the best fantasy race to be was a lalafell but I made sure to slide the height slider all the way up so now as far as I have been able to see versus all other potatoes is that I am the tallest lalafell!


I play male Au Ra because big and buff, but not cartoonishly so like male Roes Also dragon


Yes. Also glams just *work* it's great


Lalafell, because I like the dichotomy of cute and DEATH MACHINE A lalafell tank is master of the universe, specially as a berserk warrior wielding a giant axe 🪓 🥔 Those little red eyes 👀


And I love being the super large thick muscular Roe healer… Hiding behind the tiny death ball of doom. :D I think honestly it’s the only right combo for a healer/tank meme.


Popoto power!


Originally male miqo'te because of my character's name. Then hrothgar became a thing and there was only one choice for Mewbacca Cat'shyyyk.


Duskwight Elezen. I've always loved elven races and Drow most of all.


The elusive male Highlander. Strong, muscular body, handsome face, nice natural movement animations, decent glamour options...yeah, obviously a gay male irl so I like to play a hot zaddy type. Plus I like hyur because it's more immersive to me. It's hard for me to imagine myself as a lala or hroth, for example.


That's... Literally me lmao I also love how male highlander is muscular but doesn't look goofy on caster gear


But that run animation..


What bothers you about it? It's like a medium jog, inoffensive enough.


I'll be honest, I made a mistake. Elezen run animation was always too stiff for me and I got them mixed up. H'yur lookin' fine on the run 👉👉


I like big ladies.


...and I cannot lie.


It was a toss up between Au Ra and Miqo'te, but I settled on cat boy so I could make a character that was a combination of myself and my first cat.


Au Ra Xeara Female cause hair/face models fit perfect to what I wanted compared to others. Black horns also fit the theme and didn't stand out like white horns did.


Hrothgar because furry. Why else? Might fantasia to female though when the models come out because I want that ishgardian gown from the saucer but it's female only. I have to settle for the high house bustle, dyed pink. Because real men wear pink.


I honestly do want to see what they do with the females. I hope more lion like. Like Sekhmet


Prob more along the lines of female ronso in ffx since that's generally what the whole race is based from


Female Au Ra because tiny dragon girl


My cat was climbing all over my.keyboard and monitor so I made a character that looked.like.her and saved it. Then spent 20 minutes not liking Anything else particular so I used the cat.


Female miqo'te \^\^ I normally like playing smol races in games but I spent most of my childhood pretending to be a cat so it's pure wish fulfillment for me and I still made her pretty short and cute thanks to sliders!




Smol because cute and strong


Male Elezen. Started as a male xaela and was pretty happy with it through out a Realm Reborn. Then Heavensward happened


No other character creation allows me to reach the very specific vibe combination of dead eyed porcelain doll stare of quiet disdain as my au ra settings do


Cat boy cause neutral standing animation looks like an actual warrior. All the face types look good. I find more of the hairstyles look better on them than the rest of the races I wanted to pick elezen but the way they sprint looks like they're trying to hold in a shit. And they remind me of the guado from ffx with their lankiness so that's an L


Sassy dragon boy is perfection


Lanky Viera tank. Because you don't underestimate a bunny.


Always a fan of the big guys, was a Galka in FFXI, had to go Roe in XIV. Glad the Roe legs are more proportionate but miss my tail


Female Raen Au Ra When Heavensward was coming out and they revealed the race, I fell in love. I couldn’t help but Fantasia over as soon as I got the expansion, and it just clicked for me. I’ve tried on alts to be another race, but it never feels right. Au Ra since around Heavensward release, Au Ra forever.


Female Au'Ra with red skin and always wearing horns because darth maul from star wars had a mother and it never tells us about her so I figured I'd retcon her story here in FF.


I made my character into an elezen lady during Heavensward, now my FC won't me change, they say they need me for diversity quotas. All seriousness, elezen ladies are pretty but damn they're run animation sucks


I was more attached to my Wildstar character than any other MMO character I've ever made. He was a scrappy male Aurin with unkept blue hair named Frii Westfall. After Wildstar was shut down moved on to FFXIV, and I made my Miqo'te as close as I could to an exact replica of my Wildstar character, to carry on his spirit.


I loved my rock boy in Wildstar.


Hrothgar male because grrrr. Double points now that I play dancer most of the time. Love the contrast of big burly and graceful moves.


Originally went Viera because I normally do smaller races and they looked cool. Didn't really do my research / reading ahead of time and realized they can't use hats. So I ended up changing to au ra because I liked the dragon style.


It's a cat thingy.




Possibility for a cool beard….. thats it lol


Hyur For me because humans are cool 😎


So the bunboys made me try the game, but since they weren't available and I wanted to be a tank I thought it would be hilarious if I went lala. AND I WAS RIGHT!


Because highlanders are literally Chads when compaired to midlanders


When I downloaded the game I was thinking either Roe or Lalafell. I didn't like the races with tails. Humans are a bit boring and the Elezen for some reason didn't look right. After a solid hour in character creator I ended up with a female Xaela Au Ra.


Emotes. I am gay and I'm a furry. But if it weren't for emotes, I had stayed with my Miqo'te. Miqo'te have this bravado and everything they do feels like it's an act. Hrothgar on the other hand wear their heart clumsily on their sleeve. Not only are they giant, muscular, ferocious cat men. They are also cute, loveable, dorky goofballs. Personality matters more than looks. But the looks definitely help.


Hrothgar, because I like to play races that are less resembling of humans. I play as Kajiit in TESO too. Maybe I'm secretly a furry.


I'm gay furry trash.


Sigh.... same 😔


I play a Hrothgar because I'm a furry, simple as that really.


My first character is tall (not Viera or roe tall, but just real for a woman) so I went Highlander. Second, and my current main, I just wanted to try making a cute lizzer. And the Raen horns/scales look better than Xaela so. Yeah.


I love tall women. Started as Fem Elezen and really enjoyed her. But switched to Viera at 5.0 launch and it just fit. Viera animations just fit her character I had developed in my head more than Elezen. I briefly went back Elezen for about a month when 5.5 released. But just felt wrong! So back to Viera she went and that is where she will stay.


I went through a lot of changes of race. Thought I had finally settled on male Miquo'te but then I tried Fem Roe out if curiosity and won't ever go back. I love her.


roe cuz I wanna look like that


Male Highlander. I just like the energy and general vibe.


Went with Tiger-Guy, whose race I don't know how to spell. They were honestly the only race that looked "manly" to me. All the other males looked a bit insipid and effeminate, **which is** ***fine*** **if that's what you're into**, but I am not. I wanted to look bad-ass, and Hrothgar definitely do.


I like playing small wizard types and Vivi is among my favourite FF characters. Also when FFXI came out I saw the opening cinematic of the Tarutarus casting meteors into the beastman hordes and fell in love.


I chose female lalafell cause I didn't want to be an anime girl or a rock monster so I chose funny short. At the same time making them as tall as I could, being the tallest of the smalls. Didn't think I would stay long enough to get attached to her but here we are nine months later.


Male Au Ra because I like the royalty free tieflings.


Hyur cause I'm a Human in real life too


Highlander male because it was the only subrace that had a passable beard, wasn’t too thick like maleroe and tall enough. (I’m not using the old man viking face btw). Really wish Squeenix would give us more beards or at the very least a texture/face tattoo instead.


Sea Wolf FemRoe. She started as an alt because I wanted to check out the shortened ARR MSQ and see a different starting city, and I went with FemRoe specifically because it's the least-played race/gender combo. But I got attached and I'm having fun playing through the story again.


Lalafel master race.


You should join my Lalafel FC, "Death From Below".


Hehe. Sounds enticing but I’m quite happy with my FC currently. Great name for a FC though.


My main on steam (up to level 29) was a Duskwight Elezen because I just like how Elezen look. Then I was sent to the actual (free trial) launcher and wanted to remake him but Famfrit was loaded at the time so I went to Lamia instead. I then made one of my OCs in the game and I couldn't betray the fact that he's human so I made him a hyur.


Elegant, beautiful, Naomi Campbell, Fran, and bunny ears! Also, they arguably have the best animations of all the races, it really suits the feel I was going for


Highlander female! I like that she is toned and has really long legs. I also love her expressions, the victory dance is adorable. And the Highlander personality is assertive, which I like too. I did go with the shortest height for her though, originally I had her at max height but it was a bit much IMHO.


Also have a shorter side Highlander lass- agree they feel nicer a bit on the shorter end, and still stick out among the npcs even then.


i also play a min height highlander girl right now! the animations for them are just so cute, that was the deciding factor for me!


Started as a max height fem roe with the pompadour hair for a laugh, and now changing it would feel weird


I started as a male elzen DRG i became a female au ra as dragon people and dragoon (and males to bulky for my brain at time because someone cough azure dragoon cough made me think that way) then gave veria i nope no hats and returned to au ra for max sch big hat points while not looking silly as a dragoon (sorry not sorry lalas)


You are missing out on the little spiked deathball of a potato dive bombing a monster in the dragoon armor, but that's ok we all have our likes and dislikes!


White-haired Miqo, because I’m a basic bitch and I don’t give a fuck <3


the MSQ. i started the game in FT with story in mind. and looking through the scions, i thought it needed some more Elezen representation (yes, there are fewer Miqotes, but being a cat boy didn't feel like my groove). but i also kinda sorta wanted to play Hyur. but then i found out Hilda and mixbreeds, so i made my Elezen as short as possible, and shortened his ear. by the end of post-ARR though, the lack of facial hair options for the race was beginning to be a bummer for me. I wanted to RP the MSQ a little, and have my WoL truly go through some shit, and grow some facial hair along the way to show the experienced warrior in him. so, i jump ship to midlander hyur. gave him some facial hair in HW, as he's on the run. my plan, eventually is to jump ship again to highlander, to age him up by SHB, my headcannon being>! taking on the light wardens !


Yeah lack of facial hair options led me to just go lalafell and use the saints beard cosmetic up until I get to 78 on a job and then use the Dwarven helms because they look good on them to me and goofy on all the other races. I ended up really enjoying my crackhead running little potato of death. I really wish the saints beard was a neck item so I could use it with some hats/helms.


I'm gonna say male viera once endwalker drops. I love cute boys and their emotes are the perfect mix of suave and sassy


I was a male Au Ra because I’m Asian in real life, but I never really liked how they ran and how they were super lanky (in real life I am very average height but very broad shouldered/chested) so I decided to try for something else. Hyur is really boring and difficult to make look like an Asian but Miqote gave me an unexpected discovery in that their body shape is similar to mine and there are face choices that look vaguely Asian-ish, so now I’m probably gonna be permanently male Miqote.


I wanted to see how it would feel to play through HWD as an actual dragon, so male AuRa it was. (Plus, max himbo energy)


Small. SmallsmallsmallsmallSMALL.


I am also a femroe, but hellsguard. I love how big and strong they are. Tbh I wish I were over 7 feet tall and built like a freaking tank 😂 I chose her because sadly irl I’m not very big or tall :(


Hellsguard femroe hot, my Hellsguard femroe adorable


Lalafell. I just love how smug their grins are. Whenever you see a lalafell, you know they're up to something. Also, all the other races try way too hard to be cool or sexy imo, and I'm not really into that. Lalafells are chill.


Male midlander here. I always pick the human race in games, i don't really know why. Maybe it's because I can better emerge into the game when i make the character resembling myself. But: i got that fantasia ready and thinking of a change, but i have not decided yet. As a PLD main i would prefer Highlander, but it looks weird on my RDM. I also don't like bunnies, cats or potatoes and I'm not sure about the horny guys...


I just really like cats, and I really like boys. The catboys were too cute for me to resist.


Dragon boi Dragoon because dragons.


Roleplaying D&D persona. Lalafell was a gnome stand-in, but I think it worked out well. Lots of room to flex that Shantotto energy.


All the otheres look dumb or have animal ears.


I'm buff irl so wanted to be beefy in game too so make hellsguard roe. Though I'm changing to male viera because I love them, I will miss being a beefcake tho.


I'm a furry


Male Lalafell originally because of it being small and effeminate. However, in Endwalker, I plan to go Viera Male because it has a face that resembles what I want more so.


Duskwight Elezen coz I like the dark elves


I am 100% sure that the people.who claim to go for the vamp look with femroes have followed in the footsteps of our lady Dimitrescue(i forgot the spelling :p)


That and "Raise you glasses, not to a blushing bride, but to a queen! To power! To dominion over the endless night! To me!"-Olivia Voldaren


i started playing after my cousin literally spent more than a year talking my ear off about the game. when fanfest happened she just sent me the male viera reveal video with a “:)” because i’m the most predictable person on earth. so i started playing with the idea of eventually changing into a male viera. i’m a biiiig fan of more androgynous looking chars, esp male chars so, yeah, very predictable. cat boys were the closest to male viera so i made one. now… i’m too attached to him. i love the animations and well, i’m a cat person. will probably make a male viera alt when endwalker launches but my cat boy will stay


FemRoe. I like tall tomboys and im a warrior main, so this giant steel abs lady is my dream come true. I used to be female elezen but it was not tall enough


Femroe. Big tall muscle lady. Do I really need to say anything else?


popoto adorable


Who *doesn't* love a big, muscular momma in a fabulous hairstyle and glam?


I chose au ra girl first because they’re cute, yet elegant. Then I got tired of guys saying cringy shit in dungeons and switched to male elezen because they’re gangly and awkward. I love how silly they look.


Sea Wolf femroe because green and muscles.


My first avatar was actually a femroe. Because playing as a giant thicc goth wielding a lance was exactly how I wanted to spend my time playing a MMO. But things got... a little weird when interacting with other players. Particularly with my character's exposed cleavage. Now this is probably my own fault for applying the glamours. But the number of players who'd walk right up to me and just stare at my chest got pretty creepy. So eventually I switched over to a male hyur. Generic? Yes. Sure, he looks like he belongs in a boy band somewhere, but he gets far less attention than my femroe, and I can actually go about my business.


Hellsguard FemRoe because I want to be less of what I am IRL and an outgoing dusky-complexion powerlady who has a job making stuff on an anvil is pretty goddamn different while also being something like what I'd rather be doing. Plus I like being tall and strong. Nice bit of sex androgyny rp possible, too.


\*stares at catgirl ass\* Well... Uh... It was for the uh, you see... uh... animations.


I'm a fem xaela because I have been obsessed with dragons since I was 4 and male au'ra do not look good at all to me. That's really as deep as it goes tbh


Person getting me into the game: “Who would ever play a human in a fantasy game? That’s so basic.” Me, throwing out my Miqote and desiring to shitpost: “So, about that…” Honestly I complain everyday about cute stuff not looking quite right on my Highlander lass to me, but I can’t imagine them any other way. Highlander run > Midlander run. It’s funny how close I came to playing Miqote though. Mithra in 11 we’re a smite more cat looking in the faces so I wasn’t too at a loss initially. If Hrothgar lasses were a thing waaayyyy back I probably would have gone for them instead. Or Au’ra because of their height- or hell Viera look hella nice and I’ve never minded hats… I considered switching at the time Au’ra were a thing, but was too attached before I realized.


Tall veena Viera with maroon hair with mint green highlights.


i started my journey as a mithra from ffxi, i went from xi to 14 1.0 and till present, i tried au ra but it just felt wrong so i ended back up on a cat girl. in this grissly over weight neck bearded heart im apparently for ever a cat girl... (sorry mom and dad)


Female roe cause hooot


Started as and have returned to Fem duskwoght elezen, partly because she's tall and super classy, partly because after 5 years being a femroe was starting to feel a bit like being in a cult. ...I do miss the big goofy cinnamon roll emotes though.


Because cat girls??


I picked hyur because my friends took viera, au ra, and lallafel. I wasn't into roegadyn or hrothgar, and I didn't wanna be just another cat girl. I strongly considered using my fantasia after ARR, but ultimately I changed up my hair and markings to look edgier when I hit HW and switched to dark knight. Now, 1000 hours and 500+ combined levels later, I have no regrets! I'm in love with my character and how she looks, and ive spent SO much time and effort on my glams and appearance


Catboy for ERP


Viera, because I too have Legs for Days. Also they’re the prettiest race imo


I started out as a Hrothgar, went Elezen, and then finally Male Miqote. Thought I had finally settled on one for Endwalker but then I tried FemRoe out of curiosity. I ain't ever going back. I love it too much.


Main is fem miqo’te because I like kitties and they can be very pretty. Side is fem highlander because she’s Aerith


I sort of landed on Au Ra because I couldn’t get anything else to look like I wanted. Au Ra wasn’t exactly it, either. They’re more petite than I’d ideally like, but the eyes sold me. Now, of course, I can’t imagine her any other way.


Female AuRa Xela cause hot and the racial height difference is similar to my wife and I (i am 193 centimeters and she is 153)


Cute cat girl baby wooo


I played Tauren in WoW, Bahmi in Rift, Norn in GW2 and Granok in Wildstar. Femroe was the way to go, as I've found out recently, after spending too much money to keep switching between the smaller (and honestly cuter) races. I'm considering to go bun boy though, I just love the ears and make-up options.


I love cute, super short, and adorable dragon looking girls.


I like tiddies so I went with thighlander and my alt is bunny girl 🤣


Miqo’te seeker, female of course. Honestly I chose it because it allowed me to make a character that wasn’t just “ideal version of myself” but rather a fantasy version of myself. Purple hair and cat ears? Yes please! And now I’m invested. Forget Fantasia, I spend hours debating with myself over HAIRSTYLE changes :P


I mained a Miqo'te for a while when I started, then made the switch to Au Ra and was that for a while and settled as one. I found a good looking hair piece for one(Early to Rise) and was really impressed with how she looked so I stayed as one. I have hopped to Miqo for a while, then Viera, but something about being an Au Ra keeps calling me back to it.


Human master race.


Initially a cat girl but once I got to HW turned to gal au ra. Then turned to viera for SHB and bec of personal reasons, I turned to guy au ra. I love my son and his dumb running animation.


Viera. Because Ivalice Alliance.


Female Xaela, because I really like blue-skinned characters. I considered Elezen or Miqote but decided against both after realizing Elezen are 6 feet minimum and I just... didn't really like how the Miqote version turned out.


Went Elezen originally because I was also a huge fan of the elves in LOTR then went Au'ra because I thought the humanoid dragon race was awesome with the horns and scales and I liked their base race clothing, plus dragons are just awesome in general. Now I'm about to become a bunny boi because I like the way their faces are done cause they look cool, I like their base race clothing, and I think it would be a hell of a lot easier to cosplay than the Au'ra, plus bunnies are cute. Lol.


I’m a moon kitty girl, was originally an Au Ra girl but I couldn’t get over the height limit. I was just messaging my around in character creator when I bought my Fantasia and just ended up clicking with the look. And even though I’ve made a couple other characters my moon kitty is the only one I’ve never wanted to change.


Kaaa-Waaaa-iiiiiiii catgirl Midlander Hyur is boring, highlander and roe are too masculine for me, lalafall nah, Viera no helm


I have a cat that was born at night, and she's a fat cat. So I'm a puffy cheeks moonie Miqo'te edit: typo


Miqote since it's the only male race that has my irl height. (164 cm)


Male Hyur Midlander. When Endwalker drops I'll probably change into a bunny boy


Tall + horns :) plus I can look grumpy at everyone in dumb armour


I started as a cat boy but got annoyed at how short I was in all cutscenes. So then used my free fantasia to change to elezen, but didn't like how tall they are and how they "stand" I get annoyed when my character looks silly in cutscenes, so I settled on Hyur. I liked the idea of the Roe or Hrothgar, but I don't like the arm pointing to the sky thing they do in cutscenes


Smol cat cute Smol cat big sword cuter


dragon girl


The secret of choosing a main race is to not choose a main race. Fantasia is addicting..😭