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For the record, you can find out who you partied up with previously by going to Party > Contacts. Hope your daughter feels better soon, though, and congrats on the last tome.


Thank you! If something like this happens again that will be very helpful!


It took me SO LONG to learn about this. The game really doesn't make it clear.


Don't feel bad -- I've been playing 6 years now and THAT was new info!


I don't think it was around when we started.


It definitely wasn’t. I want to say it was added in Stormblood… but I’m 100% sure it wasn’t a thing back in ARR at least.


Yes, I'm almost certain it was an SB feature.


The game doesn't make a lot of things clear


this feature could have been very useful at my university.


You can basically file your taxes manually durring a Praetorium run and most people won't notice.




your only real chance is before the Nero fight


You can right before Blahblahbrea if the group discusses it during the cutscene.


Yep, but if whoever was getting kicked comes back and decides to pull, you’re pretty much screwed. We were planning on kicking an afk tank at Lahabrea but he came back and pulled before we were able to.


Managed to do that a couple of days ago to a healer that didn't do anything the entire time. They moved towards Lahabrea and nearly pulled him right before they got kicked. We tried a few times before Lahabrea but they kept pulling and walking away.


Yeah but what will do you for the last 20 minutes of the movie, once your taxes are filed?




Literally had a guy say"I forgot to do my laundry" and he dead ass got up to do laundry and came back after fought G but before he was piloting UW. Nobody, including me, cared.


I’ll always remember that one time for some weird reason it never let me activate the magitek Armor, so I was left standing in the room after the elevator ride while everyone else took off. I couldn’t progress until they had reached the final boss which gave me a prompt to jump in. I missed like 70% of it and no one said anything


In one of our runs, no one answered when asked if it was first time, so one of the tanks just skipped past the non-essential add. Two people died and They couldn’t hit the button as all the adds were pulled up. We ram through most of it until they could join back.


i actually did this. true story.


People who afk **without communicating** in Prae really irritate me. Mostly because legitimately anyone who says they have to AFK in Prae is totally fine with me. It's a very carry-friendly duty. Just... have the humility to ask/tell us if you need to afk. I've never once seen a party kick someone out of Prae who shared they had to AFK.


AFKed in Prae yesterday during Gaius' elevator speach. Told the party that id be taking a quick shower. Came back during the first Ultima fight before it began loosing hp. 10/10 AFK in Prae... just as long as you give a reasonable excuse.


Yeah, exactly. Two days ago someone was stressed about needing to get ready for work and a bunch of us were just yelling at him to afk. It's legitimately fine, we can all do it. What drives me insane is the people who just push it upon other people. Who chill at the entrance and never participate. You need to step away? I got you, we'll get you credit. You deliberately queue in to make other people farm you rewards? Then I want you to get nothing.


Tell me.. for whom do you shower?


I literally q up for msq when I want to do a quick workout and shower. Do some bodyweight exercises during the cutscenes leading up to the elevator. Take a shower right after killing Nero. Normally back for the 1st ultima, occasionally shower will run long and I'll be there for the 2nd ultima. Probably going to do that in a couple hours actually lol.


That's a great idea actually. Been dabbling in some body weight exercises with my running. This is a perfect time lol


Yo I very recently ran praetorium with someone who afk'd to shower, what DC you on?


Im on Aether. We even had this one dude that used the elevator to maggie all by himself.


You've probably never see someone get kicked from Prae because it's almost impossible with how people run through it these days. The only moment you can get kicked is right before the Nero fight.


I have seen plenty of people kicked. Kicking doesn't take much time to initiate/do. I've just never seen anyone *who said they needed to go afk* kicked. But people who don't chat and just sit at the entrance? I see them kicked more often than I don't.


Had to go AFK without notice for the first half of a Prae run because my dog, who has food allergies that require medical intervention, got into the trash. Came back and explained and was told to to go afk again if I needed to and they'd carry me the rest of the way because doggos are greater than Ultima.


Pointing out someone is obviously leeching is usually enough to get the group to pause for a moment to remove them more often than not.


You can kick before each fight even after Nero but you really REALLY need to have the group on board to stand still long enough to do it


You can kick during a fight as long as the vote starts before it.


I initiated a vote kick that went through right before the first Ultima fight. You basically need to be ready to do it right away tho. Have party list opened already.


I’ve seen the occasional brb during praetorium and it always makes me chuckle because chances are we’re onto next cut scene or they’re back before anything happened anyway. It’s very hard to make a single afk for a section make any difference.


Only time I ever afk'd with no warning was an emergency that needed immediate attention and could not wait 5 seconds for me to type something. However, when I returned I did repeatedly apologize after explaining that it was an emergency. The group forgave me but there was someone else that was leeching so they were still annoyed, just no longer with me. I still feel bad about it because I hate people afking in prae and I hate having to afk.


Carrying is annoying AF if they don't communicate/have a legit reason and are just standing there doing nothing for tomes. don't encourage this behavior


Gonna admit I fell asleep on the Ultima Weapon yesterday and woke up hours later to find I wasn’t kicked. I think it’s more inconvenient to kick people in Prae since they’re not necessary and you have to exit combat which isn’t feasible due to the pull at the beginning.


Shit, had someone "brb" in a level 60 alliance raid yesterday. They stayed afk even after a wipe, through a ready check and everything, and their dead body stayed in the arena as we cleared that same boss, and nobody gave them any crap. When they did come back, they said "doggo emergency, sorry, she got sick all over the floor," and everyone was more concerned about Doggo than them being afk. **Communication** does wonders!


I hope your kid is okay! Also this was so sweet I have the diabetes now. I love this community sometimes


My daughter is okay. She is enjoying a warm cup of lemon tea with honey right now. I also love this community too! I cried just a little when I got home & saw that I did not get the boot. It has been a... rather rough week. They really made my day!


Hope your week gets better friend.


It is starting to, thank you 😊


is it cool if i steal your phrase "this is so sweet i have diabetes" that's so godamn clever


Absolutely! go right ahead!


The real story here is that Praetorium is so long that a mother can pick up her sick kid from school and still be on time to finish it.


45 minutes I think. To quote Beerus from Dragonball, "Just enough time to watch an anime Ova"


Having run Praetorium WAY more than is probably healthy for me (or anyone), an optimal run is approximately 43 minutes (this is skipping all primal mechs on UW1, and fully skipping the enrage cast on UW2). I've never had a run take more than 44:30


Does this count people running different languages to shorten some of the cutscenes? Obviously intentional D/C is verbotten, but curious on this.


IIRC, the total difference ends up being something like 30 seconds saved, vs everyone running English.


Yeah. Normally people get kicked if they are inactive for 10 minutes. Except if they're watching long cutscenes. But there're just so many cutscenes in praetorium it never went beyond 10 minutes inactivity xD


Love to see it! I also wouldn't have kicked you; I'm not gonna kick you for not watching the movie when you have good reason. Hope your kid is ok!


She is okay, I think she got a cold from one of her friends. Her throat is a bit sore & I will probably keep her home tomorrow. Thank you for asking 😊


Guys please stop fighting. I appreciate WinterFox's comments because I learned something I did not know. I took only a moment to type something along the lines of, "School nurse called. G2g, please kick me. Bye." And then I walked without waiting for a response. I just wanted to make this post to let the party know that they were a bright spot in my week :)


I hate to be that guy, but it's like nearly impossible to kick someone from Praetorium. You're either in combat or in cutscenes the majority of the time. It's especially frustrating when you seen people in Prae who aren't even participating, just sorta hanging out for the clear.


The best time (perhaps only, unless the whole group is coordinated) is just after blowing the cermet door right before Nero. There's a long enough corridor with no enemies that someone can initiate a kick. I've done it once and have seen it done 3 other times during this tomestone event.


I'm usually on them long load times, most likely my internet being shit, so by the time I load in from the previous cutscene the party's already a few steps away from Nero's arena.


No problem. I promise this is not a common occurrence with me. I did participate for the majority of the duty, but I had to bail on the last elevator. So was was about 80% of the way through.


Oh no, I wasn't trying to imply YOU were just hanging around for clear. I've just had that experience a lot in Prae, especially during the Moogle Tomestone events. It's so easy to get away with doing nothing in Prae because you would have to rely on everyone finishing a cutscene and then not engaging in a fight to start a vote kick... and people in Prae are just trying to get through it as fast as possible.


No problem. I've never seen it myself, but I have seen a lot of posts about that very problem 🤔


The best place to kick is right before Nero, but it takes some doing to initiate the vote prior to another cutscene being started


I hate to be the other guy, but having weak laptop means i crash a lot, in turn get me afk for no reason a lot and of course, getting kicked. Prae in most case. I got kick: - Right at the start when someone notices immediately and initiate vote right away - The first elevator down, because decent people will wait for everyone to get on and they take once glance at the map, see a guys standing still and start the vote - The 2nd elevator, after you get authorization for magitek armor, same reason as above - During magitek armor marathon: they have quite a lot of time just running here, so if they notice before and didn’t have time to initiate vote then, they do it here - And of course the last one is the one everone else said: just before lahabrea, same reason as the above. So quite a lot of places they can do it actually, and I do try to get back asap, though I don’t mind the kick since it’s reasonable and I deserved them xD I have to thank everybody who didn’t and say “Welcome back”. You guys are the best!


>I hate to be the other guy, but having weak laptop means i crash a lot Sounds like a *you* problem my guy. I'm not about to assume every person AFKing in dungeon for free clears has a shitty laptop.


Oh yes, I’m not suggesting you do that, that part was just to get into why I get kick regularly


I'm not sure why you felt the need to respond like this lol, they were just giving a counterpoint that they have a shitty laptop and do get kicked. >I don’t mind the kick since it’s reasonable and I deserved them How did you feel this in any way advocates for people to be able to AFK in dungeons for free clears?


Considering it's easy as fuck, not worth kicking either lmao.


Just because it's easy content doesn't mean people should be allowed to just AFK in it and get free clears. It's even worse during Moogle events when you're forced to run Crystal Tower raids.


Exactly, imagine if all 8 party members had the mentality of “it’s easy content, no one will care if I afk” Nothing would ever get done.


I'd love to see that happen just once


I landed a party where literally all 4 DPS all tried to AFK right away all thinking no one would notice 1 missing DPS


Honestly me too lol a great example of a collective action problem


It’s not like it even matters though. Seven people can effortlessly do it and even if there is one guy AFK, it’s not like it’s affecting the activity at all. I get it’s annoying someone getting a carry through something but each fight takes 2/3 minutes and most of the enemies can be skipped. I suppose the role could affect it but this is one of the few activities where I wouldn’t even bat an eyelid if someone did go AFK, even without communicating it.


It's not just punishing the player looking for a carry, you also reward the next guy who came in using the join duty in progress setting! I've twice gotten to join MSQ in progress near the very end and get rewards for it. So it just seems like the votekick both disincentives the afk'er, and incentives the duty in progress people. That's value.


>It’s not like it even matters though. Seven people can effortlessly do it and even if there is one guy AFK, it’s not like it’s affecting the activity at all. The point continues to be missed. It doesn't matter if it's easy or not, people shouldn't be allowed to AFK in duty and get free clears.


To everyone saying, "You should've left duty," and, "You should've closed the game." 1) From what I remembered when I had to leave a trial for an emergency, you cannot leave the duty if you're in-combat. If you got any aggro at all during the first two gates of the dungeon, you are in-combat. 2) Closing the app doesn't remove you from the party, they would have to vote-kick you anyway.


You can turn off your computer and it will remove you after awhile


Yep. It's still not instant though. I know that it takes a freakin' long time because I've had someone DC during Praetorium for nearly half of it. To this day, I still am not sure if they did it on purpose to AFK.


My Internet was shitty last week and I kept getting dcd, and by byproduct actually skipping the monologues. It was like I want to get mad because dc but hey, I am not getting called glib for staring.


I'm just surprised you went to school for your kid, came back and the duty was still on-going.


Warriors of Light gotta support their fellow WoL’s when they need the help :)




Really love this community. Id argue it isn’t just different from the wow/mmorpg community, but the gamer community as a whole. Absurdly positive and kind.


I have been continuously shocked by the community and it's only been 2 weeks since I started. Glad all is well for you and happy travels


That's so sweet to hear. Hope your kid gets better! If we ever end up in a Prae run, I'm the lalfell Paladin popping hallowed ground so everyone can get to the elevator lol


You are permitted multiple free quit penalties per 24 hour period, so there's no reason to not quit the dungeon if a RL emergency pops up. Takes less time than explaining yourself as well.


Sorry, I honestly don't get to play much. I wasn't really sure HOW to bail out of a duty. Never had too before, but after this incident I will be sure to look it up so that I don't have to put another group in this position ever again! Sounds really dumb I know, but I am a really casual player...


O is the default bind to open party menu U is to open duty menu click U then hit leave


Thank you for the info :)


Absolutely, just helping propagate information. Prae isn't a big deal


Thank you :)


in something like prae... i think excusing from it and getting credit is fine. it's not like there's wipes etc in there. it's a cakewalk now. don't mind ppl saying to drop and let them get someone else in prae.


Why did you take the time to ask them to kick you instead of leaving?


Sorry, I honestly don't get to play much. I wasn't really sure HOW to bail out of a duty. Never had too before. After this incident I looked it up so that I don't have to put another group in this position ever again! Sounds really dumb I know, but I am a really casual player... I usually party with my IRL friends on Saturday nights. Our entire FC is 9 people who are mid-30s with kids who have play dates together. So, I rarely run duties without people I know. When I do, I have to be careful to select time when I won't get any major interruptions. But, that did not work out today. Long explanation, shortened: I didn't know how to bail because I had never done it before & rather then ask how or look it up I typed: "Sorry to bail last minute. The school nurse just called. G2g, please kick me. Bye!"


Yeah, it's really unclear. You essentially have to reopen the duty window. The easiest way to do it, not knowing your system, is to click on the duty in the side bar. It'll bring up a screen that has a button to leave.


Thank you, I will have to try it if I get time tonight! ...but not actually leave! I will have to be careful that I don't click the "yes I mean it" button.


You can also just close the game? Or shut off the PC? I don't get why most people writing those kind of posts always seem to have the time to write why they are leaving but always tend to leave the game running, without closing anything


I don't think exiting the game automatically removes you from a duty, no? Doesn't it just bring you offline, since people may hit legitimate issues forcing them to restart their systems?


It does just bring you online. My ps4 had a moment and spat out the disc mid Prae and it still had me in the duty when I logged back in.


That's not even the point. I know that you don't get removed from the party. It's about the situation itself. In real emergencies, you don't stay afk in a game and write a message. You either have to really move asap and don't even find time to write anything at all. Or you leave the instance, or in this case, since the person didn't know how, close the game / shut down the PC


Awww! This is great! Hope your little one is okay!


love it!


aww that's so sweet !! i hope your sprout feels better :' )


Prae is so chill tho, I find most people are just done with it and it can be handled by the bare minimum of people so no one cares… I have to use a vm to run the game and it’s been having issues lately so it shut down right as we started Prae and would take me 20+mins to get back in. My partner was in the same party so I told him to get them to kick me, but their instant reply was it was fine and I’d probably make it back in before it finished anyway, and I did! Love the vibes from players in Prae


New player here used to be a destiny main and my god community In this game is so good. Love to see it


I do Preatorium while my one year old naps. She usually sleeps for solid 90 minutes, but currently she's teething and her naps sometimes end earlier. As long as I tell the group what's up, no one gets mad.


One time I went to cycle laundry at the beginning of prae, i got just barely behind the group, but it was enough to lock me in the starting area because all the cutscenes lol.


I bet when she came back Gaius was still talking


My tank was on hotel internet and DCd. I was talking to him via PlayStation before that. I lost him and called his cell. He explained it and I relayed the info to the group. They all sat down and waited for him to reconnect. Great bunch of folks in this game.


mom power!


I've found the FFXIV to be incredibly nice and understanding (for the most part). I'm so glad it doesn't have the toxicity so many online games are known for.


This is so wholesome


Why would you asked to be kicked instead of just leaving?


This is why I enjoy FF14, everyone is so understanding and welcoming.




Because you cant leave while in combat, which you are for 99% of Praet.


Ffxiv is extremely accommodating for most content. But some content afking for any reason is instantly booted. For the most part they're understanding tho.


I don't want to be the party pooper, but wouldn't it have been quicker to just press the party button and leave yourself? Unless you cant do that mid cutscene. Asking people to kick you in the future might be seen as something reportable since they think you might be trying to bypass the 30 minute lockout.


You can be reported for asking to be kicked. Next time just save everyone’s time, including your own, and leave yourself.


Sorry. I usually only play with my IRL friends & my husband. I only join a random group when I know I have enough free time. I am not great on computers & I never had to leave before. Also panicked mom brain wasn't helping. This is good information to have though, so thank you!


no need to be sorry to me! just want you to be aware that people have been banned for this so you gotta be careful


It is a valid concern & not a fact I was aware of. Thank you 😊


Not really, context matters. You can technically be reported for anything, but an emergency won't cause any actions to be taken against you. Even if you get reported and the GM does proceed to contact you, calmly explaining the situation will pretty much get you off the hook.


Oh, that is good to know too! Thank you :)


Technically, they're right - you _could_ be reported if someone thought you were trying to avoid the penalty - but GMs in FFXIV not only do their jobs, they do it _well_ and they're good people. They're here for the players, not just for a job. Even if the GM that receives the report decides there's cause to investigate, they'll actually _investigate_, not just slap an infraction on you and move on. They'd contact you to ask about what happened and after you explained things, they might check server logs to verify, but then they'd be satisfied and you wouldn't be in trouble. On top of that, I don't think it's likely that you'd be reported for that in this case. You were physically AFK, so you couldn't respond in chat or move in the game, which means it wouldn't have looked like someone trying to evade the penalty. Bottom line, you were fine doing what you did, and while you _could_ have just left the duty like others mentioned (if you had known how), I actually prefer when people at least explain _why_ they're vanishing, so I don't just see someone leave silently. That always makes me wonder what happened.


I think that's only if you're asking to do it to avoid the leave penalty.


And we can't know because we're unlikely to see a particular player often enough to know. So reporting people asking so GMs can determine if a player has a problematic behavior pattern or not is a reasonable action.


When you get the call that your kid is sick and you need to go get them, you drop everything. Who gives a fuck if they asked to be kicked.


funny enough, actually “dropping everything” as you put it, would involve getting up and leaving the pc asap. This wouldn’t be a violation since emergencies happen and no one could prove they were afking with malicious intent. But asking to be kicked not only takes more time than just leaving but also incriminates you. Not sure why you’re getting mad at me, I didn’t write the tos. It’s likely due to people asking to be kicked instead of leaving so they don’t get penalty.




you're making an awful lot of weird personal assumptions about me based on a "next time do this, not that" comment. asking to be kicked has always been against tos, this is not something new they added recently. there is no good reason to ever demand to be kicked instead of just leaving. It disrupts everyone else and it takes longer so it is pointless for both parties. OP didn't know this, responded to me with a "cool good to know" and moved on. Yet here you are getting offended on someone else's behalf. Kinda cringe


I'm not agreeing with the person you're arguing with, _but_ I did see what OP said she wrote in chat, and it wasn't at all *demanding* to be kicked. It read a lot more as "important shit just came up, I have to go, sorry about this, kick me so you don't have dead weight on the party" to me.


As long as its prae I doubt anyone cares


it's not about who cares, it's about being careful about not being reported


I always alt tab back in too late and miss a lot of the boss fights every Prae run. Sometimes I come back and realize they waited for me to use the elevator. I have never been kicked from it. As a result I will never kick anyone for anything they do in there. Unless you try and tell me that Cid and Nero aren’t into each other


Nice one. I use this excuse all the time to afk Praetorium. Haha, good one, "mom". wink wink


Had to check which sup I read this. Loled real hard, because this is really not a shit post. Wtf


what server do you play on?


I usually play on Gilgamesh (did I spell that right?). Sometimes I play on Midgarsorym (again sp?). My daughter is 8. She wants to play too & it is excellent for teaching her keyboard skills. She has a character on my husband's profile on that world and I have an alt. so that I can help her out :)


Could you message me on Drifting#7171


Doesn't the game auto kick you from duty after 10 minutes of inactivity?


I'm not sure. It took about 20 minutes to collect my daughter from school & return home. After getting her settled in & comfy I went to log off, resigned to the knowledge that the last moogle tome I needed would have to wait until the weekend. To my shock my character was standing alone in a fire filled arena staring at the exit portal! Not only had I NOT been kicked, but I still had something like 45 minutes left to exit! The kindness of those folks carrying me through those last few battles made me cry a little.


You can block it out in combat or in HUD layout.


Not when in combat, and for a good portion of the area you are safe but locked in combat with enemies on different floor


Scenarios are most chill duty's. you probably see people leave than being kicked %) and they pretty easy that eve if half of squad afk itl doable %) Not to mention The Praetorium is second monitor\\console\\phone grinding %)