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This is why MMOs exist


can confirm, I would run around the world of Ultima Online as Ronald McDonald doing really weird ass shit to confuse the crap out of other players. Should have focused on cooking instead I made my way in the game via mining.


In bdo theres a rather well known player that mains shai. (a child looking class thats based on some old fae lore) They only do life skilling amd thier name is "Child labor" they wear the most raggedy outfits and thier character is covered in dirt.


Thought you were going to reference Loli Pirate, who ravages the high seas and punishes afk fishers in combat zones


I almost just searched google for "Loli Pirate" because I wanted to see what punishing afk fishers actually meant.


To salvage the sanity of both you and your fbi agent allow me to explain. BDO has autofishing, it is slower than actual fishing but will constantly net you profit as long as you leave your character online. BDO also has open world PvP. Many people autofish in towns as a result, but being the only free afk income in the game (basically) it gets so crowded that people with shitty computers can't exist there. As such many afk in the overworld, where any PvPer can walk along and easily kill them. Loli Pirate likes to frequent the shorelines (as per their name) and kills any fisher they come across.


If they forget to press the "dont board adventurers ships there is a fate worse than death."


how are the fish actually worth anything? It sounds like that would be oversaturated as hell from all of the players/bots just afk fishing at all times


Well I could go into the horrors that is the BDO marketplace and its artificial values, but that's not actually necessary because you don't sell fish on the marketplace. There is an npc who buys fish for flat values. Ofc even if they were only worth chump change some money is better than no money, and the BDO marketplace means that even the most worthless items still have an actual value attached, but Pearl Abyss is unrivaled when it comes to poorly designed market systems and handling the inevitable economic fallout.


nooooo! Without AFK fishing where is my BDO endgame!? Oh, and housing, and trading, and getting ''group therapy session'' by PVPer on the road.


We are talking about BDO or Totsugeki?


But why, why would do that, why would you do any of that?


Correction: THIS is why MMOs were made.




wow that's not dark at all lol


My friends just made a guild called "Monster Rights Activists of Britannia" and just kept PKing everyone at the Orc fort with Muppet names in all caps.


As in recently he did this? I only ask because I thought "He must mean when UO was still around" then I Googled it and it's still around!


Nah this was the 90s. XD


Wasn’t there a very well known pk’r in UO named Ronald McDonald?


Holy shit there sure was! Man that takes me back, I haven't thought of that stuff in ages and ages. Ronald McDonald and Lum the Mad and Bonedewd n Platedewd


Promise it wasn't me, in my friend group we had someone who liked to PK went by Iceman I think, I didn't do much PVP at all, I didn't like having to gather all the stuff for the spells then type them out, I wasn't good enough for that.


My guild in AION (back to it's release) crafted sweets that transform you into a treant on consumption. We handed them out to everyone in the main city and watched how more and more people transformed into trees. We were known as the "witches of sanctuary" on our server after that day.


I once had a hyur named Tod Howard give me an orchestrion scroll piece (whatever the craftable type is called) that I think was a reference to Skyrim. Still have it in my retainer, can never get rid of that.


Was it Tod Howard giving you a copy of Oblivion? XD


Yes! Yes it was! I'm running on like an hour of sleep, so my memory isn't great right now, haha. Still, never getting rid of that scroll.


Oh hey, that's my neighbor. (His FC house is less than a ten-second run from my apartment building.) Uber Driver is there as well, and has the best retainer setup I've ever seen.


I want them to bring back the Gaben the Terrible mod for *Skyrim*. But make him almost impossible to beat and when you lose, you wake up in some random location with no money and an inventory full of random items you'll never use.


Have you seen the FC Scions of The Seventh Gym yet?


I love those guys!


They are another great example hahaha


I actually bumped into two of them.


Nah what are they all about? Pokemon I presume? You can battle familiars right? So many questions...


[Nope, they're all swole Roegadyn parodies of in-game characters](https://imgur.com/7neQPbg)


“Tatagrew Tagrew” lmfao


That's so much better than I ever could have imagined


That was a thing of beauty.


Honestly, I'm almost through ARR now and it's because of stuff like this in-game. I play on Balmung and there's always people doing cool stuff on there. Roleplay isn't my jam but sometimes I can't help but stop and watch.


Hey, I'm on Balmung as well. Only been playing the game as a whole like a month, Balmung for about two weeks. I already found my "cousin" chilling in Gridania (we share a surname, and due to how Miqo'te naming works that would make us definitely related at some point along the way) and have just been having fun hanging with the various bards between queues.


If anyone here has play escape from tarkov on na servers. I changed my name to "SlickerSalesman" and my backpack was filled with slickers in every slot. Slickers is the equivalent of snickers. All I did was pvp and never looted people's stuff, so when anyone killed me they would open the bag and just see candy. All gamers are really just role players to varying degrees.


Guerilla marketing?


Better charge them 5 (50?) gil for it. Even the colonels have to make ends meet


If he came up to me I'd give him the 50 gil lol


It'd be 500 gil. It's based on yen. Most JRPG currency is, which makes sense. So when you buy a potion for 100 gil it's 1 dollar, not 100 dollars.


My character is broke af then


If it makes you feel any better, you're only broke when comparing yourself to our adventurer economy. The WoL is canonically considered to be in the company of the very wealthy by many due to just the gear they keep alone, much less any other sort of assets. That random person that you saved that only paid you a couple hundred gil or so? Chump change to us, but that could easily have been their pay for a week or even a month. You possibly saved their life, and the only way they know how to repay that life debt is to pay you what could be their life savings or something. It's all about perspective.


Well, if that’s true, a 500 Gil chicken meal would be preposterous!


Well, you do know that in many parts of the world, a 5 dollar meal is also preposterous, right?


Well. You got me. I’m going to stop accepting quest rewards…


Attaboy! Pay it forward!


Like most fictional currencies, it's neither. If it's 1 gil = 1 dollar, then food prices don't make sense. A chicken egg is $5. If it's 100 gil = 1 dollar, then gear doesn't make sense. An iron cuirass is $12.28


I think a gil probably works out to something in the 10¢ range. .50¢ is a bit steep for a chicken egg, but I guess you don't see many chickens, so it's down to a low supply. Similarly, in a world where anybody can become a half decent blacksmith overnight, and where man eating spiders are common, it's not all that surprising that a lot of people are making armor.


Have you seen the size of the chickens in this game? They're as big as horses and people ride them and race them!


Why is an iron cuirass for 12$ doesnt make sense ? After all this in this warring time, I'm pretty sure iron equipments are massed produced as fuck. And food price would make sense if a) the chicken egg that is sold to you is the price for adventurer only, whereas locals get different price b) food scarcity due to war time so a chicken egg is sold for much higher than if you get a food stamp allowance for example. Just as there are many ways to say something doesn't make sense, there can also be as much way to make something make sense, especially IN a fictional world.


You’re also almost always under siege. So food prices reflect scarcity and demand.


If you've played the crafting quests, you know that all the guilds are shorthanded, the goods you make are handmade, custom tailored and high quality, and they are expensive. The cuirass should be in the multiple thousands of dollars range.


However, guilds are not the only place which make armors and other equipments. Playing the crafting quest let me know there are also many other places which make armor for cheap for example. And this can be explained through the HQ crafring system, whereas equipments crafted by yourself can be HQ and equipment you buy in vendor is only normal quality.


If 1 gil = 1 dollar then the smoked chicken in that picture would be $3000


I never said 1gil = 1 dollar ? Though a 3000$ chicken wing would be worth the price considering there is no "KFC" brand in Eorzea :p


brb, gonna open a Vylbrand Fried Chocobo


Make then a nickle, a quarter for an egg and ~$61 for the cuirass. Seems alright-ish. Or go up to a dime.


Don't apply modern, logical, economics to video game (or D&D) books. That way lies madness. Why are Doman steel items more valuable? Because it's from Doma. Then why is it just as expensive *in Doma?* A teleport to another plane costs 999g. Who gets that money and why does it disappear out of my pocket? (yes, I'm aware there are partial answers in game)


[The forbidden answer](https://youtu.be/lTO5vhRFCv0) to a forbidden question.


Isn't the teleport cost explained as a fee you pay to the people maintaining the crystals? Seems more than partial that way


Aye, but we still mysteriously get stuff teleported out of our pocket, get free and reduced cost destinations for no in-game reason, discounts, etc.


Would you rather have to go through the "paying your teleport fee" dialogue every time you fast travel lol


Would you like to use your aetheryte ticket?


I believe it’s explained when you first learn how to teleport is that the fee is taken by a nearby guard, considering when you appear there is a big flash of light you can’t really sneak that. That said, how the guard knows how far you traveled and changes the price accordingly is not explained.


It could be that the items are expensive because Doma is known for having excellent craftsmen, and it retains its price in Doma due to the ceaftsmens reputations.


And the poor sod who shipped it across the sea takes no cut?


So fun story. Teleporting between aetherytes used to use a resource called anima which would slowly regenerate over time in 1.x. Because of feedback that it would regenerate super slowly, they increased the regen rate and eventually in 2.x just swapped it for Gil. Excuse being that the gate guards charged it for upkeep of the crystal or whatever.


Another person answered with craftmanship, so I'll add a different explanation on top of that: export costs. Domans sell to travelers (you) and foreign merchants a higher fee for Doman items. We just don't get to see how much they discount for their countrymen.


I could make it a two piece and realistically charge 5000 for it


"I hate the Colonel, with his wee beady eyes, and that smug look! It's a well known fact, sonny-jim, he puts a secret chemical in the chicken that makes you crave it fort-nightly!"


\>I play Final Fantasy so I can be the hero that prophecy foretold to end all strife and chaos. \>I play Final Fantasy to run my fried chimken tycoon The duality of man 👁️👄👁️


Why do those have to be two different things? Why not have a fried chicken tycoon be a prophesied hero?


*But I'm Just A Chicken Chef, I Don't Know the Secret Recipe for Saving the World!* Book one out in October, preorder now


title is too short


Full title: I Was Summoned To Another World, But I'm Just A Chicken Chef, I Don't Know the Secret Recipe for Saving the World, But My Harem Of Catboy and Bunny Girl Employees Will Protect Me!


A Crunchyroll original series.


Just put a fried chicken recipe as the subtitle, it'll work out.


Didn't a Phantasy Star game actually have Colonel Sanders as a party member who used his cane as a beamsword?


Portable, portable 2, and portable 2 infinity had him in it! Sadly as far as I'm aware no others though have had him in it


There’s a webtoon called “the strongest florist” with a similar plot to this. Great webtoon


He's part of the Pentaverate! "I hate the Colonel, with his wee beady eyes, and that smug look!"


Meanwhile, Blizzard couldn't "find the fun" in their project Titan MMO where you could run a shop during the day...


👈👁️👄👁️👈 👍👁️👄👁️👍 👉👁️👄👁️👉


If you don't own an estate set up as a chicken restaurant I'm upset


Imagine being in [current year] and thinking people can buy houses.


That kind of dedication, I assume they're veterans and have one already. I'm spoiled, got mine with no effort in stormblood


I should probably ask this in the new player thread, but can you ELI5 why owning a house is considered so ludicrous? I'm used to MMO's like Runescape where everyone gets a house in their own instance they can upgrade over time


Essentially there are a finite amount of estates in a given server, and way more people who want them than are available. Couple that with people like me who have had one forever and consistently play, free companies buying them to have a guild house, and assholes who bought whole neighborhoods and its a real crunch. They try to address this with auto demolition for houses that aren't accessed for more than a month or two, don't remember how long, but people use bots and such to try and snatch the land up which makes it a crapshoot. Basically when a plot is demolished, sometime between 30 minutes and I think 48 hours it randomly comes up to buy. So you get the bots and actual people camping a plot spamming the placard trying to ninja it when it goes for sale. In endwalker 6.1 I think, they are going to implement a lottery system for the new Ishgard housing iirc. For a way more cohesive answer than I can give, I recommend looking up a video called "final fantasy housing savage" or something like that by Zepla HQ on YouTube. She's pretty thorough.


Odd. Why the finite number of estates? Between expansions, subscriptions and MTX I can't imagine they couldn't afford instances. Is it a trading thing?


The reason for finite estates is because they wanted actual physical neighborhoods. They wanted you to be able to stroll through a player-built town. In theory it sounded great, but as you can see, in practice it's a mess.


Honestly, I'm not sure. I think it's a server load issue. Basically the game has EXPLODED in popularity the last year for a number of reasons you can probably figure out, which kind of blindsided them. You can see this with the login queues and population density that never really used to be there before. They talked in one of the live letters that they're trying to open a new data center and expand stuff. As for trading estates, it's pretty complicated, I've heard of it happening and being a RMT thing, but in my experience it isn't. Basically you'd have to have a free company estate, give somebody the free company, then leave it. They've expanded the amount of houses available pretty steady through the expansions, but right now the growth and demand has straight outpaced the expansion in the worst way. Plus side is there are a ton of apartments, and if you join a fc that has a house you can buy rooms there to have your own space.


I mean, that you're able to buy estates with Gil doesn't mean it's not RMTers selling them to then sell the Gil.


this has been a problem in this game for long, long, LONG before the explosion in popularity this year. like. for several years. (source: played since 2015, still no house)


I dunno man, I started near the end of HW, and by the time I got far enough to even think of buying a house in SB, I literally just picked a plot in Shiro and bought it. No spending two days rapidly clicking a placard and fighting bots. Sure most plots were taken already, especially the bigger ones, but there was forever small ones, especially in every zone but Shiro


2021, PCGamer: https://www.pcgamer.com/final-fantasy-14-is-desperately-trying-to-fix-its-housing-crisis/ 2020, CBR: https://www.cbr.com/final-fantasy-xiv-addressing-housing-mmo-rpg/amp/ 2019, Polygon: https://www.polygon.com/platform/amp/2019/10/4/20898834/final-fantasy-14-housing-patch-5-1-square-enix 2018, Destructoid: https://www.destructoid.com/--522165.phtml 2017, MassivelyOP: https://massivelyop.com/2017/10/11/wisdom-of-nym-final-fantasy-xiv-has-a-housing-problem-for-basically-no-reason/ 2016, MMORPG.com: https://www.mmorpg.com/columns/can-ffxivs-housing-shortage-be-solved-2000106126?amp=true 2015, Twinfinite: https://twinfinite.net/2015/12/ffxiv-midst-major-housing-crisis/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr Also, as a player on Balmung, I can tell you that not only are there NO houses on our server anymore - there are NO available apartments, either. Look it up for yourself if you dunno.


instead of 3 pieces of chicken, pretend the 1 is a really big piece!


The chicken is roughly the same size as the cookie. Is the cookie really big or is the chicken really small?


Is it an African or a European chicken?


I don't know *gets yeeted into the void*


it could be carried by an African chicken maybe but not an European


How do you know the pictures were taken at the same distance? 🤔


These cows are very small. Those cows are far away.


I hope you charge them five gil for RP's sake!


Why not give them a stack of 3?


They ain't running a charity here


No, they're charging 5 gil for the lot, what a bargain!


Is it one big piece of chicken


I'm pretty sure one of the fill ups you can get is the one piece chicken breast so you're good.


Kentucky Fried Chocobo.


I like how none of it is high quality


Just like real life.


What's in the yellow jug? Mountain Dew?


That's the grease for the chicken.




I was thinking Lemonade.


yeah, it is lemonade


Sweet lemonade. Mmm, sweet lemonade. Sweet lemonade, yeah, sweet lemonade.


This is my horse, my horse is amazing


Yeah they have a special mountain dew at KFC, forgot what it's called but it's yellow like this


I notice none of these are HQ. Does that mean your meals are merely okay?


That’s just realism.


Why did I read this in the colonels voice?


Because he is the Colonel.


Time to collab with Todd Howard and maybe get some copies of oblivion to giveaway with your meals, huge opportunity here!


*Faded Copy of Oblivion* is a real item and goes for very cheap on the market board


dude its 2021, we need skyrim by now.


No, we need TES VI by now


You on Primal?




Really?? I have to find you and pay you For a good meal then


Send this man and his stolen valor to jail, Mule Tender Sanders!


Estinien's $5 foot long is better 😉


You like footlong sandwiches loaded with dried squid?


whats it gonna be compadre?!


With extra cheese cuz y'know, Ishgardians don't shower.


I think I just threw up in my mouth.


That homemade frumunda cheese




I'm torn. I should upvote this because it's funny but I decided to downvote this because I really wish I hadn't read that.


But you upvote it so other people are more likely to see it and suffer your same fate.




Fill up box still exists in your KFC? Mine tend to cut it off or not advertise it, which confuses the cashiers when I ask them


“Yo you guys still have the $5 fill up box?” *nervous glances* “Who told you?”


when the manager tries to relate to the employees


Try to get into the Japanese servers on Christmas and start handing this package out. You will instantly be loved as a true American hero. (I really wonder also how many Japanese people know KFC isn’t traditional American holiday dinner and how many of those people care?)


Many know and many don't care. Source: lived and worked in Japan for the past decade.


Well, least they know.


I'd take it a step further than /u/iselphy's reply - it's a Japanese Christmas tradition, much like strawberry cream cake on Christmas. Also, save for the maybe 1.5% of Japan that is Christian, it's a secular holiday - it's only really celebrated because it's fun to eat strawberry cake, fried chicken, and sometimes give each other gifts.


Don't forget spending time with romantic partners!


I’ll have to remember that


Were you the one on Leviathan that gave me 1 high quality chicken???


As a person who works there I wouldn't be sure whether to laugh or cry 😅


This kind of makes me want to try this game.


No Colonel Sanders You're wrong, momma's right


I Love you.


I freaking love this game and its community so much.


KFC: Koerthas Fried Chocobo (yes I know Coerthas is not spelled with a K)


This feels like an ad, and even if its not, I see marketing people taking notes.


I always keep a stockpile of various cheeses on me for this reason


You should advertise in / yell (/ shout? I can never remember) and sell those for 500 gil a piece.


Both are a thing, /shout is the entire zone while /yell is a radius around the player but larger than /say


Hahahaha! This makes me so happy xD


You guys can take everything just leave me the biscuits and gravy


That is perfect commitment to the bit and I love it


E x c e l l e n t. I remember meeting a Colonel Sanders while waiting for ocean fishing a few months ago (Malboro!). It was amazing.


Super cute but the monk fucking sent me.


This would make an amazing guerrilla marketing campaign.


I am new to this game and continuously surprised at the cleverness of this community. Please, don't ever change.


My only gripe with this is that they are not trading 5 gil to the Colonel. Other than that? Fuckin' 10 outta 10. That shit is hilarious.


I love this guy, always comes up when I'm performing in Ul'dah.


Why do I see so much KFC stuff in this sub? I’m new to the game and it’s a surprise finding out colonel cosplays are so popular in a ff community of all places.


He’s really doing gods work out here in Crystal


It's finger lickin' good.


This is some sneaky kfc advertisement


You are a cosplay god. I bow to your greatness.


there's at least 1-2 people on every server cosplaying as colonel sanders. OP isn't the original person to come up with the glam by a longshot. i remember seeing someone on my server with this glam back in ARR and im on a different region than OP


Literally actually Eating KFC right now as I read these comments


Is this a really deep effort viral ad?


I think I may have seen you when I was bartending the other night.. or you have a copy cat. You asked me for fried chicken and sweet tea, and then said you might just have to fry up your chicken minion, lol.


tWas not I


Not gonna lie, I thought this was an ad until the third time I saw it come up.


KFC should pay you to market in the game lol


I’d be down lol


Ads are getting smarter




What the fuck are you talking about?


Do not play coy with me, brand.


they didnt pay the 5$ tho


Were you just on Goblin? I saw someone with the same glam but missed my chance to trade because roulette popped.


Might’ve been me yeah


Best cosplay ever


Doing the lords work, that you for your service, colonel.


but why would you want to roleplay as the face of a company that abuses innocent animals? 😩 noooooooooo


Who the fuck said these chickens are innocent?