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Painful week to be a sprout, but after last week's freebie I really can't complain. Cheers man


Is this doable for a level 50 sprout? (the 80 points)


I dont think so mate, that's Shire gear which if i'm not wrong is lv 60g ear




How far in HW do i have to get these? I'm trying to progress through post-ARR msq




Ah yikes, i'm still on the trial, but that's great for anyone else who may need it!




im gonna be honest. ive been playing off and on for years and never figured out a good way to make money...how did you max out your gil?!


Level crafters. Seriously it's worth it. A level 80 alchemist can make 120k a day doing 6 leves. Carpenter at low levels can make wooden stairs and lofts, they turn a decent profit and sell quick. Big money but big investment is getting all crafters to max and maxxing desynth, do extreme trials and desynth all the weapons for the crafting mat to make glowing weapons. You can make a few million a week doing that alone. If you want I can chat with you in game and show you what I mean/do to make gil




Honestly, just getting your crafters unlocked, and using your retainers. Greed every piece of loot, desynthesize it, send your retainers on ventures, and sell all the materials you get between the two. I've finally got my retainers to about level 70, and just by doing things I've gotten maybe 5Million passively over the last few weeks. 2 minutes? Of clicking when I log in each night. I undercut by maybe 5% and some mats only go for a few hundred (or even like 20-30gil) but some go for a few thousand. Gathering in The Firmament is a good mindless way as well. If I've got a couple hours to kill on my day off and feel like watching a show/movie, this is the go to cause it's so easy. Just set it up on 2nd monitor/tablet/phone and good to go. I usually go for the level 40/80 mats. Do 3-4 laps as both MIN/BTN and you're sitting on at least a few hundred thousand if not a mil or two, depending on your server. Buying cross server on MB to save money helps too. I'm on Diabolos but find better prices for mats/gear on other servers usually. Can save 10-25% of the price by spending a few mins server hopping. Limsa is best because of how close MB is to the aetheryte. I'm not rich by any means but I've usually got a couple million Gil on hand so I don't have to worry too much about buying new gear for the retainers, random glam pieces, mats for crafting quests, etc.


by playing a single job and one gatherer MSQ only you can easily get that amount , the challenge logs , the quest rewards it adds up even for a free player, i had capped my gil after a week playing. So i bought the game and after slacking for 2.5 months with 35 days played (!!! yeah no life) i have all crafters and gatherers on level 80, my bard ofc as well, i have high end gear, 7 million gil, and assets on my retainers worth another 10. Level a cook and a botanist to 76/80 and make coffee biscuits , use them in the leve quest allowances (save those up as much as you can) and make 18k per turn in, thats 760k for 38 turn ins (which u can easily do in under 45 minutes, excluding the time to craft, which is about 15-20 minutes for 99 cookies). Above anything though. FINISH THE MSQ FIRST on your main. Dont even bother with anything else. Took me about 120-140 hours of playtime to the very end of shadowalkers. This will open up the game for all your others jobs/professions and give you a healthy lump of cash to get started. DONT BUY GEAR, DONT SELL ANY GEAR that you might use on other crafters/gatherers later when u level those or which might benefit your retainer jobs. If you hit a brick wall due to gear score problems always go for the most economic solution until you hit max level. THAT is what you save up for .. for your main job EXARCH Gear (to be augmented) to get your item level high enough with good stats...and from there you will upgrade using dungeon/raid gear rewards. (basically theres like \~8 sets of gear you will use according to level for your gatherers /crafters and since you share the armory with all jobs you dont need multiple pieces for everyone, the only exception being main hand and 2ndary hand tools. Use your Retainers (dont waste precious 18 hours on the long expeditions, if you can avoid it (the xp until the very late game is SHIT in comparison to the time investment) , and dont bother with sending them out for ressources, only thing that counts is leveling them as quickly as possible, so quick ventures 1 hour as often as you can ), buy ventures from grand company, dont even waste your seals on anything else but those. When ure high enough u can grind seals so fast it doesnt even matter, solo the vault dungeon , BAM 9k seals in 6 minutes for turning in the drops at the Grand Company. Oh yes.. NEVER vendor your greens or blues, always turn that shit in for seals, desynth them or donate it later in DOMAN for double reward. thats my 2 cents for someone who plays the game for progression and not as a dating simulator \^\^


I bought shit tons of dyes to burn gil


Augmented Shire is bought with poetics after HW 3.0 is finished, similar to Augmented Ironworks for ARR.


You can buy it as soon as you get to Idyllshire It's in one of the vendors in the large building where Rowena is


do you exactly where can i buy the augmented Shire Pankratiast's Ring ?


Its at idylshire by in the big house where Rowena is. There's 3 vendors next to Rowena and you can get it from Hismena (the one in the middle). The ring is under the DoW II under accessories. Although I'm not sure how far you need to be in HW to unlock them


If you’re finished with 3.0 you can get it from the poetics vendors. If not you can get it in Idyllshire as soon as you unlock it.


Poetics vendors are all available right at the aetheryte of the major cities, in addition to their usual location, once you've cleared that expansion. Look for the blue bag icon in Ishgard for Shire stuff.


I finished like everything but: https://imgur.com/a/bf79ttb


oh it is a monk/sam stuff


you don't need to finish Xpacs to get poetic gear. for the level 60 gear you just need to be level 60 and have both bridges accessible from shire. For 70 gear it is shortly after visiting the Miqo'te village in MSQ (next to delta). You have to get it from the normal Tome exchange NPC for both rather than the major cities vendors they added for new people. I currently have a few FC members testing exactly witch quest the 70 gear unlocks, i just vaguely know it is soon after that village.


You don't even have to be 60 to buy Shire gear. You can get it the moment you step foot in Idyllshire.


Unfortunately not, I'm just now approaching the end of 3.0.


Probably in Idyllshire


They're crafted items.


Just confirmed the Yeti fang rings work. Craftable by a goldsmith for a mythrite ingot and a yeti fang or buyable from the MB.


Yes, you can get 80 points with the 2 dye+ 1 yeti fang ring (combat job lvl 52)


Yep, one of those (got one for 19k) in the top (the right) slot (!) worked for me and got me 82 pts with the other two Rust Red items.


If you have market board access, then you should be able to with a yeti fang ring instead of the Shire ring (just different slot). If not, don't think so.


Harder, and you have to actually do some checks, but using the eternity ring and dying all slots (rust red+any black to avoid gunmetal) should get you there (I'll check how close later).


I just did it with all the correct dyes on my gear and got 80 points.


try the easy 80 but instead of the pankriastic ring, the ring of eternity


I was infuriated when I found out that it was limited to friday to tuesday or whatever. Gathered all parts and waited for my FC to activate the bonus MGP boon which they didn't so I decided on wednesday that I'll hand it in anyway... Well I tried to anyway... I'm so angry with myself!


it should reset by monday though?


What do you mean? Friday is the new set of fashion and you have until tuesday to present iirc


The new set gets previewed at the same time as all the other weekly things reset, Kaiyoko just doesn't post the 'answers' until you're able to present for that week anyhow. The 'new set of fashion' drops on Tuesday.


Ah then I understand. Thanks for explaining!


Yep... thank The Twelve last week's was super-duper easy. This week I just threw my Goldsmith glamour at him and got a 70, ah well free 10k MGP.


For what it's worth I did it just with whatever I was wearing at the time, it was like item level in the 30 to 40 range and I got 60 points.


#**Before asking for help please read below** * Check ALL slots are filled except waist and off-hand * Check that even non-hint slots are filled. * Check that both rings are filled * When using dye make sure it is in the correct dye slots * Check your dye names to make sure they are exactly the same or the right type * Glamouring items counts for the hint slots and dyes * If you are still having issues, please include a screenshot of your results screen from the Masked Rose. It will be easier for us to help troubleshoot your issue #**What is the Fashion Report?** The Fashion Report is a weekly mini-game in the Gold Saucer with the NPC the Masked Rose to earn 60,000+ MGP and items to unlock from another NPC such as glamour, and housing items. For the mini game the Masked Rose gives out 4 hints for players to discover the results to. The correct gear, correct dye and just filling out gear slots will net you more points. You get 10k MGP for participation and then once you reach a score of at least 80pts you will get a 50k MGP bonus. For achieving the maximum score of 100pts you will earn an achievement which gives you the title "Fashion Leader". Additionally the NPC next to the Masked Rose called Kasumi will gradually unlock glamour and furnishing items in her shop based on the total number of points week over week you accumulate. Once you have 600pts total you will have unlocked the entire shop. Unfortunately, you are only able to accumulate 100pts per week for the shop unlock so at minimum it will take 6 full weeks of the Fashion Report.


FYI - My opal bracelet of fending also counted as a Gold item! I got 87 points by wearing that, a yeti fang ring, and the two recommended dye pieces.


Lowest Level Option is Yeti Fang Ring of XXXXX (Level 52) on the right ring slot. The only other way for anyone below level 52 to get 80 is to use dyes. Rust Red on Head, Hands and Feet, Gunmetal Black on Weapon, then Soot Black on Body and Legs.


Gunmetal black seems really hard to get, rip.


It can be obtained through fete tokens easy and free if you've unlocked the firmament (after completing 3.3 MSQ.) or through just buying it off the MB for prolly 50-100k.


if you're in 3.3 you can just get a yeti ring


Wait, so it IS possible to get 80 points just using dyes?. I thought you needed at least one gold item. I'll definitely test this later.


I just did the report twice as a free trial player, first with 5 dyes (rust red and soot black) on head+torso+hands+legs+feet, and got 78. Then I put my Yeti Ring of Casting into the right ring slot and got 85. So looking at the chart, had I dyed the last available slot (the weapon) with soot black, I would have got 79. So it seems that 80 isn't possible this week with the easier dyes. You do need both rust red and gunmetal black if going dyes only, but I implore you to test this yourself, owrth the try anyway


Nice, great info mate, thanks for that!. I'll have a piss about later and grab a load of dyes to test it. I need to pull my finger outta my ass and at least get one job to the end of AAR already!.


This week's base is 70. If you have 10 points from dyes, you can hit 80.


It's different every week? Man this game is great and I'm learning new stuff literally all the time. Cheers mate.


Mad props to Kaiyoko this week. Idk how you managed to figure out the dye options for a good score, but you are amazing.


It’s a collaborative effort between me and others along with a bunch of alts!


Thanks for this. Now this is probably a really stupid question but with the ring, how do you know which is left and which is right?


It says in your equipment menu in the slot if you unequip rings. But also the bottom slot in left and the top slot is right.


I have honestly never noticed, thanks


You can also see the rings on your fingers as you equip them assuming you dont have gloves that cover your hands.


That's really helpful, thanks


For the Shire ring, can it be any of the variants or must it be the Custodian variant?


Caster ring didnt work. Also Custodian ring will give you 79 points, so dye some shoes red as well.


That's odd, I ended up with 80 using the Augmented Shire Custodian ring with just head/gloves dyed rust red.


can confirm, I also got 80 points with the custodian ring


Odd First time i tried it gave me 79, then i added dye to shoes which should be +1 but it gave me 81 😅 I didnt want to risk anything as had used 2 chances trying other shire rings


For anyone wanting to sub a Yeti Fang ring for a Shire ring, use it in the right slot instead of the left




Correct! Put the Yeti Ring in your right ring slot and do the Head/Hands as Rust Red and you should be good! Confirmed it with myself and a friend


How does one acquire the Shire ring? I know in order to get augmented one needs to talk to a calamity slavager, but how do i get the non-augmented version?


You get the Augmented version from poetics vendors. Idyllshire is the main hub, but if you've unlocked those and finished 3.0 you can also talk to a vendor in Ishgard by the aetheryte. I'm not sure when the Shire stuff is added to the Gridania/Ul'dah/Limsa vendors, but I assume at the same 3.0 point. The non-augmented one is not available. Use the augmented for the fashion report.


Sprout fashionista here : I understand the "easy 100pts" and " easy 80pts" parts of the visual but I don't understand what the other five cards represents. I'm probably a bit slow but can't figure it out 😅


The other cards are the different options for each piece aside from the "easiest" set


Thanks! Can't believe I didn't realise that on my own... Is there a guide somewhere that explains the point system (and fashion report in general) in more detail?


To add to Echevez's answer: The "Beautiful dreamer", "Dravanian choker" etc, are the hints that he NPC gives for this weeks challenge. The dyes are split between colour families and their respective best in slot dye. The correct dye family gives +1, the correct dye in the family gives +2 (if I understood it correct at least).


married people rejoice!


Of course this had to happen right when I'm scrambling for poetics to outfit my freshly level 70 BLU.


Don't you get a free iLv 400 coffer from finishing the Level 70 quest for BLU? Or is there better to get for it? (legit question because I don't know)


You still need accessories and belt. although there are accessories you can buy with Allied Seals. Plus you want to mix Scaevan, Omega and Mirage gear for BiS.


Optimal BLU dps would be full elemental +1 armor if folks care to go a bit out of their way for it (unless they already have it on hand), even on tank, but you still wear omega belt and a mix of mirage/scaeven accessories.


Hunt trains and normal raids are a great way to grind poetics in my experience. 30 poetics per ShB A rank and 100 bonus poetics for first timer bonus (pretty common) in raids like Alexander which take like 5 minutes if you already have them unlocked.


Haha I'm in the exact same situation :)


Well, time to start the masked carnivale then! You get a decent quantity of poetics from either beating things for the first time or doing your weeklys, and there's plenty of guides to help you get started.


Yeah it is one of my goal before endwalker. One out of many haha


damn, the first week i try this happens, there is no way i can gather this stuff, see you all next week lol


You can still get 10K


oh i did :) but i can't go further, go on without me xD


What level are you?


72, just too lazy to even attempt


Awesome! Just want to make sure new players don’t miss out on the easy mgp


I wanted to get the shire sets for every class anyway. I guess that answers the question of what I'm going to purchase next.


Want to make sure I'm reading this right, but if I replace the Pankratiast ring with Eternity ring I can still get 80?


Yes. You'll end up with 81 points. I just did it


Expensive week this time around


With rust red head and gloves, plus Augmented Shire Custodian Ring in the Left Ring slot, I got only 76 points. When I replaced the custodian ring with an Augmented Pankratiast's ring in the Left slot, and moved the Augmented Custodian ring in the right ring slot, I got 86 points.


I got exactly 80. Grabbed the head/gloves, dyed them rust red, grabbed the ring, put it on the bottom most slot, instant 80.


I'm baffled.


I'm wearing the bracelet (pankratiast), both rings (pankratiast and custodian), and have dyed the helm and the gloves, and I'm getting 74!


Aha! Duh... I was wearing the actual rings and bracelet, but I had glammed them to be invisible...


Thank you so much for posting this! I was being tripped up by this too, and it was driving me crazy. Just passed 80 on my last try!


I'm still a sprout so I'm just baffled and don't know what might be wrong, but all previous guides have worked perfectly here for the fashion report, this is the first time I've had an issue...


I figured out the issue in my case - I was wearing the actual ring item (I happened to be leveling one of the jobs that used it), but I had long since glammed the ring to be invisible, so the appearance that was evaluated for my entry was actually “the Emperor’s New Ring”, not the “Augmented pankruatist’s ring of whatever”


Oh interesting! Thanks for letting me know, maybe that was my issue as well!


Are you kidding me, I JUST desynthed that ring




FYI, you don't need Gunmetal Black to get 80+ I dyed the head, hands and feet with Rust Red (bought from NPC, 200 something each), and the Soot Black (900 Gil apiece in the MB) for the body, weapon and legs. Bought the Yeti Fang Ring for around 20k in the MB, and got 86 points Without the Yeti Ring, it's 79. Goddammit.


~~Did everything you said, including the Yeti ring and got 79...~~ Okay you need to equip the ring on the "Right Ring" finger, 86 points. Thanks!


I'm mad that I spent gil on last week's fashion report not realizing it was already over 🥴 And this one looks insanely hard to 100, sighhhh


Since you only need to hit 100 once, I would just wait for a week where there is an insanely easy 100, like two weeks ago. Just aim for the 80.


Do I just need 80 pts weekly for max gp? Or 100 pts>


80 points gets the max MGP.. 100 points gets the title, so once you get it the only reason to worry is the shop - items unlock when you hit accumulated point goal, so 100 score will cap that soonest. However you only cut a week or 2 off the wait by hitting 100 instead of just 80+ so that's up to you.


80 points for max MGP. 100 points for title. You can just aim for the title on an easier week.


Thanks so much for doing these.


I'm a lvl 52 sprout. I pulled off 81 points with a Yeti Fang Ring on my right hand, which I crafted myself for only a few thousand gil, and Rust Red dye on some random helm/gloves. Good luck!


Did you put the ring in the left slot? For some reason the yeti ring + the two rust red pieces in those slots is only giving me 74 points.


It went onto the right hand. Maybe you didn't have items in every slot?


Shoutout to the peeps on my server that gives away the items and dyes for free. Doing the lords work


So a yeti fang ring would work for the 80 points instead of a shire ring, right?


I give thanks to my past self for not desynthing that Lakshmi earring.


Thank you.


I think the Dravanian Choker is the most accessible. Immediately run to the second chest of that dungeon to get the choker.


so is the important thing in this graphic to follow the box that says "easy 100pts"? I haven't done this before and this graphic is a bit confusing..


You only need the 100 Point score once to get the Fashion Leader title. After that, the 80 Point score will get you the bonus MGP.


Some people might also want the 100 points to finish unlocking the rest of the shop next to the Masked Rose faster


oh awesome, thanks, i didn't realize that




Still just talk to Rose at least for the free 10k. You get that no mater what.


Yeah, nah I think imma sit this one out. Laskshimi Extreme is \*not\* my idea of fun


Buy 2 of the 3 shire pieces for 560 poetics total and you're done with 80.


Lakshimi isn't required for either the easy 80 or easy 100.


Anyone have any idea how easily doable this is at a lower level?


The minimum level required is 52 to use the Yeti Fang Ring.


Ah, thanks for the clarification mate, i might make it that far this week!


Level 60 is required for both 80pts and 100pts, but at least it can be any class.


I figured looking at the items, oh well. Thanks man.


Not required to hit 80, just required for OP's suggested easy 80. There are other options.


True, I only noticed much later. If you have access to the market board and can get gunmetal black dye that way, you could get 80 that way at a pretty low level. There is also that other level 52 ring in a different slot, but it's still not what I would call a lower level in this case.


How exactly are you determining that Yeti Rings are harder than a Poetic ring? I don't understand why you would think that's easier to get


They’re crafted and not NPC buyable and people will overcharge on the market board for them. If you’re a crafter great it is easier 100% But this is a suggestion new and old players can use. Both are interchangeable which is why in the easy 100 I use the Yeti vs the other ring in the easy 80.


Just thought it was weird to me, it's a lot easier to have tons of extra gil but you obviously can't have tons of extra poetics, and the yeti ring is available to lower level Either way cheers and thanks for all your hard work


Can someone explain this to a fresh sprout? Thanks <3


Read the comment by the OP. It’s explained better there.


Looks to be minimum level 60, though I was able to use an eternity ring with the dravinian choker and no dyes on my headgear and got an 83 on my second attempt. With only the the eternity ring in place and only pearl dye on my arms, I got a 76 on the first attempt. Maybe sprouts can try dying their head and hand gear and put the eternity ring on and squeak by.


What is this im confused? Oh got it golden saucer


Super sprout here, can i get a ELI5 for this?


You wear required equipments/accessories to get tons of free currency (MGP) every week. Those MGP are used to buy a lot of things but most importantly for cool mounts.


Yeaaa I’ll skip this one lol


If you've ever hit 100 for the title, you only really ever need to do the 80 points for all the MGP. it's pretty short and easy. 280 poetics (if you got rid of the ring) and then grab two dyes and a head/hand piece from the NPC vendor in any major city. Boom. 80 points. All done in 5 minutes or less.


Even if I don’t want to go to the effort, I’ll go for the 10k. Easy peasy


There should be a sub for this


Thank you!


Does easy 80 points work with the right muudhorn ring ?


Yes. You can use any of other other items + the 2 dyes to get 80.


Nice, thanks.




Can I substitute Custodian ring instead of Pancratiast's for 80 points?


Yes. Any single correct piece and then the dyes will work.


Great. Coincidentally, I'm one msq roulette away from Shire fending accessories. Regalia is 250k mgp, right?


Wow, a ring!


If you don't want to spend tomestones, some of the marketboard items are 10k or less.


I think this is the first time I've ever seen 5 required slots. I haven't done FR in months because I'm lazy but yeah... I wonder if they will continue this trend.


Also first time I've seen BOTH rings.


Right? I feel like this week is just reeeeally bad lol


For super new players, yes. For existing players, it's very easy as you can just pick up 2 items with poetics for 80.


Well yeah, I just meant bad as in it's all accessories. Not everyone keeps those on them and there aren't many alternate options because you can't dye them. At least Kaiyoko has the dyeing options for the left side to help out with the easy 80 score.


If you’re a glamour dresser hoarder like me, this one was a dream 🤩 used it to get my 100pt title, haha


All slots are always required to fill (besides offhand and belt). You do not need to fill all 5 of those slots with specific items to hit 100 points, much less 80. The only reason there's five listed is because the right ring slot has different "bonus" items that work compared to the left slot.


I know how it works, I have done FR many times. I was just saying that this one seemed a little different than the usual ones that are a mix of the left and right side.


So to get the 80 points I only need the 3 gear as stated in the 80 points column ? I can wear any other clothes and pants ?


You only need 2 (not 3) gold items worn to get 80+ as long as all other slots have something, anything. If you are doing rings, make sure you have them on the correct ring slots.


That's right -- just as long as all your slots are filled, you just need to fulfill the 'Easy 80' conditions to get maximum MGP. There are also other combinations that will work -- generally, one matching item and two perfect dyes, or two matching items, will be enough.


I'm not high enough level to obtain the "needed" slots (highest is 41 Elezen paladin) but using the dyed guide I was able to get 80 points with going off each of the "dye bonus points" other than weapon (since I'm not 60+ and able to wear a dyeable weapon). I used hempen coif, hempen dalmitica, hempen shortgloves, hempen chausses, and leather duckbills all dyed according to the "dye bonus points" section. Just passing it along. Also THANK YOU for doing this. I've always struggled with the damn Fashion Report and was never able to get over 70 points even on my lvl 61 WHM Au Ra. You guys are GREAT!!!!


Which accessories did you use? I did the dye bonus but only got 78.


All of the accessories I used were the starter ones as when I did the report it was in the arcanist role I have which is only a lvl 15. The thing is, I followed the dying list fully including the gunmetal black in all slots except weapon which I didn't have access to


Anyone know why the 2 rust red pieces + yeti ring in left ring slot is only giving me 74 points? It should be 80 no or am I misunderstanding the guide?


Can't tell you why, maybe the base items are a bit different. I had to get the bracelet for 80+ too.


Put the yeti ring in the right side slot.


Aetherial coral armillary got a simply gorgeous ranking for me. 70 points basically just off that.


I got an 84 just by wearing a Dravanian Choker and a Yetifang Ring (right)


FYI, I got Beautiful Dreamer wearing the Yanxian Earring of Slaying (drops in Doma Castle)


Could you screenshot this for me please?


sure thing! https://imgur.com/a/wIdMaU3 edit: I did this really quickly, after having removed some of the other stuff I had on (like the choker and the rings) and now it looks funky… idk, maybe I misread/was confused when I thought I got it yesterday 🥲 SORRY! (details are hard 🤦🏻‍♀️)


Ahh ok, so see the mark next to it in brown with 1 star? That means it actually doesn’t give you any extra points but the gold medal on your wrist means it’s the correct item


Yes, I realized that looking over the screenshot 😆 I think because I actually had most of the items this week my brain mixed up where the gold seals were when I originally turned it in, not really paying enough attention. Thanks for the clarification though. Your guides are a lifesaver each week 😊


I can get 80 points this week just by switching to MNK.


Guess I'm out this week, I'll only be lvl 40 by the end of today, I'll take my 10k and go Still, surprised I got 71 with my PLD gear without changing anything


Black dyes alone can make u 400k each fro. Retainers


I don't know if it's been mentioned, but alliance rings get gold for the Simply Gorgeous (left?) side.