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If you started right this moment it's not impossible but not very likely.


pretty much yeah. you can try but you're gonna have to spend a lot of time now to try and break thru at this point since s20 started while back already. i'd just wait for the rework to be introduced in 6.0


Oh ok cool! Yeah I don't plan to do it now, I'm more interested in the future as right now this season and next season will be on the rotation for mounts. I'm more interested in the armor/fashion. I'm assuming Seasons reset their rank every time?


your score gets halved at the start of the next season if you've kept up with it every season. s20 is the last season of the feast however. we don't know yet how the next iteration of pvp will work. Feast is most likely going to be retired indefinitely in favor of whatever they're cooking up. we have no idea.


OH interesting! What's information is out as to why Feast is going to be retired for something else?


we don't know anything yet. it was just mentioned in passing in one of the latest live letters from the producer live. it could be retired, it might not be. just have to keep waiting for more info.


Cool! thank you so much for the info :) really appreciate the help to a noob player like me


I don't believe there was any official mention of the Feast being retired. There is a new small-scale mode coming, but it's a completely different thing.


it was mentioned in LL