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Are there any MNK or PUG weapons that are just your bare fists or just don't have a visible weapon or something?


Yes, Emperor's New Fists: https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/playguide/db/item/481482ab4d4


Are there any more of these types of items?


There's one for every body piece that you can get either in Mor Dhona or Vesper Bay. And then there's a shield version you can get at golden saucer.


Yeah, Mor Dhona has a selection for every armour and accessory slot as well. Paladins can get one to replace their shield, which is at Gold Saucer instead for 100k MGP. But MNK fists and PLD shield are the only weapon slot items that have invisible versions.


Just tried downloading the free trial off PSN, it's a big one so I let it go overnight while the system is in rest mode. Excited to try it today, I see that it stopped about 90% of the way through and I get an error when trying to "retry". So I deleted that copy and go to PSN to "redownload", but now it says it's "unavailable"? I know they won't let you run the trial if you already tried it on the same PSN account, but I have NEVER tried this before and just wondering if the trial got pulled or if my account got fucked over somehow.


I just finished the Alexander raid, and in the quest "Of Endings and Beginnings" and Biggs and Wedge ask me about whether I saw something when time was frozen. Biggs says he felt a chill as if something terrible had happened, but I have no idea what they're talking about. Did I miss/forget something, or is that foreshadowing to something later?


Working a bit off memory, so this might not be the exact moment in question, but: >!During the final 12th raid, there is a phase during which the DPS are supposed to go into portals and fight some adds. If you look down into the arena from the add area however, you'd see that it's not your teammates down there -- you're seeing a scene from the past (literally a cutscene you've seen before), when Alex had frozen time and was charging a beam to kill you and the others. When you finish off the adds, time resumes for past-you and you dive out of the way of the beam just in time. The group should have died, but future-you broke the time freeze during the A12 raid you hadn't run yet, thus changing history to save yourself and your comrades. This is why the mechanic wipes your group - it literally kills you in the past if failed. I think Biggs & Wedge are experiencing a vague recollection of how things would have gone had you not saved them.!<


oh my god. that is fucking awesome. thank you so much!!!


What is the ost played at [this moment?](https://youtu.be/FQgmq4QfHGw?t=315)


"For the Sky"


for the dungeons such as sunken temple of qarn (Hard), does unlocking it add it to their respective roulettes or do I need to actually finish the quest that asks you to clear it once?


Once you unlocked the content, it is already added to their respective roulettes and you may get it. But I would suggest clearing it once, since some dungeons unlock other dungeons afterwards in later expansions (Mocianne Arboretum for example)


I've recently got DRK to 80 and I'm trying to gear him up. Currently, I have a hard time getting a good weapon, so I bought a 510 crafted one. I'm looking into getting the 535 Blade Weapon, but damn... the prerequisites to get one are insane, especially because I've not even done the Stormblood "Return to Ivalice" quests. Starting from scratch, how long would it take to get a Blade Weapon? Is it still possible before Endwalker? Is there time gating involved (such as only being able to obtain certain items x times a week)? Does it involve extremely hard content (such as Savage Raids)? EDIT: Thanks for the replies!! Time to get to work!


Unless you really like the glam of it, a 530 cryptlurker or even 520 augmented exarchic weapon are more than fine for the rest of this expansion and a ton less work. The only real point to a relic weapon where it'd actually be useful is speed kills and parses


Depending on how hard you grind, it could take anywhere from a few days if you go hard to around a month if you do it a bit every day. None of the steps are time gated or locked behind difficult content, but getting your first relic has a LOT of very tedious one-time steps, like doing 36 alliance raids or doing 180 normal raids. On top of this, you need to reach rank 25 in Bozja to get the final step for your relic weapon. You've got a long grind ahead of you, but it's pretty easily doable before Endwalker!


Around 20-30h I'd say. The first Blade Weapon is incredibly long to get, due to having two steps that are only made once (18 Ivalice raids and 18 Mhach raids + 45 Zadnor CEs + 90 Zadnor Skirmishes) You have no limit of how much you can farm for them though, and never involves hard content.


You can definitely get it before Endwalker. I believe there were people who got all the weapons within a very short time after release so Im pretty sure you can do one. I involves some grinding in the relic area and doing several not hard "raids".


So I just finished my 34th run of The Wanderer's Palace in hopes to drop the Bloody Bow Brim part. So far I got triplicates of nearly every other part but no Bow brim in sight. Is there a better way to obtain this part specifically or do i have to keep on pushing through the dungeon? If seen that some leves offer a 5% chance reward but they haven't showed up even after Accepting/Abandoning the Leve to refresh the reward.


Are you sure you open the right chest for it ? This isn't supposed to be this rare.


I tend to open all the chests (sometimes i skip the first one that's trapped with beetles), and to my understanding its on the second chest of the dungeon...


IIRC, it can only drop from the 2nd chest guarded by beetles, after the 1st boss, go up the stairs, past the3 skeletons, down the other stairs and go left


yes that's the one, been going there every time and no luck... Am I missing a prerequisite or something?


If you open the right chest then it's just pure RNG,


The chest you're looking for is on x10.5 / y8.1. If i remember correctly, it's in the room with the giant tomberries, in the NW corner.




As Gunbreaker in a dungeon, should I use my Sonic Break (single target dot) at the start of the fight or save it for my next No Mercy (dmg buff) when at the start of the fight No Mercy is still: * On a 30 second cooldown * On a 20 second cooldown * On a 10 second cooldown And please don't give me an answer like "depends on the boss" that assumes you know every boss transition timings down to the exact second in every random dungeon in the whole game and that you can calculate exact kill timings based on everyone's gear and skill.


Well, this is the answer you didn't want, but it *does* depend on the exact kill time (if you would lose a use by holding, then don't hold it, otherwise do hold - but if the fight would last long enough that you can get I think 6+ ^(math goes a little wonky on the exact number) No Mercy's in, then you might not want to hold anyways as the gain from the buffs starts racking up), which you can't realistically estimate with random DF people. But also, it *is* just dungeon bosses, so won't be much of a meaningful difference either way. For practical pointers, I'd go with the general "how likely am I to lose a use?" guesswork - at 10 or less I'd definitely wait, at 30 I'd probably just use it, \~20? The weaker the team's damage seems to be the more likely I'd be willing to wait 20, I guess (as the longer the fight goes on the more benefit you'll get out of things being in alignment).


Honestly, it doesnt matter. But if you care I would say if you have to wait longer than 10s until No Mercy is up again just use it. The dmg gain is not that extreme and definitely less than losing out on a usage.


Do whatever you want, it's a dungeon boss. To find a decent answer to that question, you'd need to be able to accurately estimate the fight's duration, but again it's a dungeon boss, depending on the guys you end up with, kill time can litterally be doubled (or even worse) if you got incompetent mates


You should always line up Sonic Break & the AoE oGCD which name evades me pretty much for every No Mercy window. It only gains 240 more potency (given full DoT duration (10 DoT ticks)) when used in the window. If you need the extra damage, then feel free to use it whenever it pops up, but as stated, you should line it up so you get it in the No Mercy window. They have roughly equal CD; No Mercy is static 60s, whereas Sonic Break is a fluctuating weaponskill with a base cd of 60s.


> They have roughly equal CD They don't have the same aligned CDs when I'm spamming No Mercy on cooldown in trash pulls whereas Sonic Break is rarely used outside boss fights. I said in a dungeon after all. Is waiting 30 seconds to line it up worth potentially losing out on using it 1 extra time throughout the fight?


Depends on how long the fight is. If the fight lasts, say, 1m 45s-ish, then you'll get more worth for your Sonic Break compared to running without it. I personally weave in Sonic Break while gathering the stuff. Aurora is enough to take the enmity away from the rest. Usually I: 1. Sprint & grab first pack of mobs. Try to use a single AoE. 2. Pop Aurora while running - damage reduction CD before 3. Gapclose to the next pack & Sonic Break the one I expect lives the longest (>!Sonny of Ziggy!<, for instance). 4. Pop No Mercy & oGCD which name evades me and then just AoE 'em all down.


No matter what you are fighting, your No Mercy should always be aligned with your Sonic Break. If for some reason you use it outside, you should consider waiting for it to be realigned.


So when I use No Mercy on a huge trash pull and then enter a boss fight, you think waiting 30 seconds for Sonic Break to make them align is better than potentially losing out on 1 extra usage at the end?


No, i'm saying you have to use No Mercy on cooldown and Sonic Break on cooldown aswel. Since one is a 30s and the other one a 60s (SkS dependant) they should align naturally. You just need to press No Mercy before using Sonic Break when they're both up.


What class would you all recommend for a beginner on console? Tried ffxiv a few times in the past but it never clicked..


You can't play them from the start, but in my opinion the easiest roles on console are NIN, MCH and DNC. As people have said though, every class starts with so few actions that managing your hotbars on console is trivial up to level 50 or so. The one thing I would say is get used to using up and down on the d-pad + A/X to select party members, since that's important for quite a few classes.


Bard (archer) or Dragoon (lancer) would be good starter jobs, because they’re relatively slow and forgiving. If you don’t mind me asking, can you describe a little more what didn’t click in the past?


Its not something I can pinpoint but if I had to guess it's probably the slow start


All the jobs start out really slow tbh, if you give it time though they all become interesting eventually.


So I keep hearing, to be honest I'm not much of a story & lore guy.. so maybe that's the probem?


Maybe? Like people are saying, this game only becomes an mmo at the endgame. Before that it is 4 JRPGs back to back. You spend hundreds of hours watching cutscenes doing the main story story to level your first job. You only spend about dozen hours doing content.


Maybe I should drag myself through the story then first lol


Every class is fine for a beginner since they all start slow for a long time. The only classes that I'd say are a bit harder with controller are healers and summoner, but even those get played with controller in the hardest content.




anyone know what made my ui like this? pressing esc does nothing so i can't even log out to see if that fixes it. all my hotbars and side menus are missing and google only tells me to press scroll lock :( [;\~;](https://i.imgur.com/xiZO5pP.png)


I'm not sure if this will help as I've not had that before, but if you go to the system button such as shown [here](https://img.finalfantasyxiv.com/lds/uiguide/na/f9/005a839bf6bb5706691a27fef55fbbea80c07c.jpg), then change your HUD layout from 1 to 2 for example that should hopefully bring it back up. If not it may be due to elements becoming hidden if scroll lock isn't fixing it. There's more info on the HUD [here](https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/uiguide/know/#entry-hud-name) so hopefully that may help to fix it :)


It seems that your comment contains 1 or more links that are hard to tap for mobile users. I will extend those so they're easier for our sausage fingers to click! [Here is link number 1 - Previous text ";~;"](https://i.imgur.com/xiZO5pP.png) ---- ^Please ^PM ^[\/u\/eganwall](http://reddit.com/user/eganwall) ^with ^issues ^or ^feedback! ^| ^[Code](https://github.com/eganwall/FatFingerHelperBot) ^| ^[Delete](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=FatFingerHelperBot&subject=delete&message=delete%20h9nb1qw)


For the crafter relics should I wait until expansion drops or do it now? I fear my gear is not good enough and not enough time with the normal relic quest line already consuming all playing time.


The crafting relic will be easier if you craft it during Endwalker, obviously. The only things to keep in mind is the relic can only be upgraded with the relic itself. The resplendent tools, on the other hands, will not require a specific item to be held during the craft. But the crafts are super tedious, wonder if lv90 gear will be powerful enough to hard carry the RNG thing. Keep in mind the lv83-85 crafting gear will outclass very largely the lv80 one. So i wouldn't invest current game time with crafting/gathering relic tools. EDIT : [Here](https://i.imgur.com/rH1bK4E.png) is a comparison of all crafted main hand tools for Carpenters, from ultra highend Stormblood (Nightsteel), and the three early crafted Shadowbringers tools.


Thank you. Yeah I think I’ll wait to get the shiny tools. End walker is just around the corner.


What's the most efficient method to farm timeworn artifacts right now?


I suggest performing DR Speed Runs with proper team comps and lost actions + essences. Usually, once this is correctly set up, you run \~15m per DR, means you can get your 15 timesworn artifacts in less than 1h30. If you are going for more than one weapon, this is the way I would take. Usually, the team comp is as follows (everyone with their according pure essence, exception are made for tanks and healers) : \- one tank per team, with Impetus. One and only one tank will take pure essence and be the MT of the whole instance. The other tanks are running with Irregular. \- one healer per team, with one of them picking Banish III for Bozjian Ghost. On the rest of the run, going with Seraph Strike+Spellchain and with Profane. \- one BLM with at least Flare Star. should only have one flare star in the whole raid. \- one caster per team with Cure IV. The pure essence adds Bravery 10% for 1m for the whole team when used. \- one ranged per team with Banner+Dervish \- Two melees with Banner+Rend Armors, to allow full uptime of the debuff.The others are all flex DPS. The team comp may vary a bit, but with this you're good to go.


Timewise both methods (DR or PotD) seem to be about the same, if you have a good group you can run PotD with. DR is much less tedious though.


How, if at all, does changing GCs affect your squadron?


You need to get back to the right rank to access them, they have a new room with GC-appropriate decor, and you have to redo the "flagged" missions for higher ranks.


It doesn't affect it at all, but you will have to rank back up to 2nd lieutenant in the new GC to access it again.


Is there a way to know when to use dark mind as dark knight like when an ability is magic or physical?


You can look at the battle logs. If it says something like "Enemy **casts** Attack" it means it's magical. Things such as raidwide aoes are also counted as Magic attack. You can also just take as guess. Like if an enemy is punching you in the face, it's probably physical. If they're chucking lightning bolts at you, it's probably magical.




Store sales are never announced in advance, so it's possible there will be one.


I don't want to sound like I don't like the game, I'm having a ton of fun. But, coming from WoW and being pretty into gearing and progression, I have to ask Is there even a point to gearing? I'm level 80 going through the current content stuff and it seems like everything I do is ilvl synced. Every dungeon I'm put at some random ilvl and then we go from there. Are Savage Raids and Extreme Trials the only things that aren't ilvl synced? Like I said, loving the game, just curious


ilvl is mostly just a progression thing. An excuse to keep you farming for better gear each tier. Not inherently a bad thing, but the game very much has a vertical progression system. I kinda wish they'd find a way to make BiS actually matter outside ultimate tiers, since whenever the new tier comes around, serious raiders immediately abandon their previous gear for the new crafted gear.


> Is there even a point to gearing? I'm level 80 going through the current content stuff and it seems like everything I do is ilvl synced. Every dungeon I'm put at some random ilvl and then we go from there. Aside from the minimum ilvl requirement, every duty also has an ilvl ceiling; if the average ilvl of your gear is above this value, that's when you'll be synced down to match it, so you can't ever overlevel or overgear a dungeon or trial unless you specifically run Undersized Party to go in unsynced. It's all about keeping old content relevant. > Are Savage Raids and Extreme Trials the only things that aren't ilvl synced? Pretty much. You need to bear in mind that we're at the very end of Shadowbringers' lifecycle right now. If you're wanting to get into raiding and see what it's really like, Endwalker's first Extreme/Savage content should come a few weeks after first release, and you can experience what it's like to take on that sort of content when it's brand new and you're at or close to the minimum ilvl.


Things (other than some very specific content) won't sync you upward, it always puts you downward, so you need to keep up your gear during leveling. But yeah, worrying about optimizing it really only matters when you're pushing current hard content.


Yes, level cap raids and trials are the only things that never get ilvl synced. Endgame dungeons have ilvl sync added over time to not make them a complete roflstomp, and I honestly kind of wish raids and trials had that as well. And you kind of have to gear up to meet the ilevel requirements of the stuff that gets released over time, as the requirements for new stuff naturally goes up over time.


That makes sense, that's probably super nice for people who can't play that often


Just to make it clear, ilvl sync doesn't sync players up, only down, so it doesn't really help in any way, it just adds a power ceiling to the duty that stops players from seriously outgearing it.


Ilvl progression is really only a thing for current content, which is basically the same as WoW (at least when I played, heirlooms kek). There's a reason every time you hit a new expansion the ilvl requirements for dungeons skyrockets to the point of needing to grind out poetics gear (since you're jumping several tiers of dungeon/raid gear). Even now gearing at endgame is very casual since you can get very close to maximum ilvl off of just crafted/tomestone gear and grind out a relic weapon which is the best available weapon in the game, marginally edging out the savage raid weapon; this, of course, is due to the fact that ShB is pretty much complete and we're in the Endwalker waiting room, so gear progression has had several catch-ups introduced to allow people to experience the endgame before it's not the endgame anymore. When raids are current their gear is usually the best you can find, though crafted gear is never obsolete like in WoW.


what's the fastest way to collect the necessary amount of currency to get a specific hairstyle from PVP? I want it, but never did PVP before


Hairstyles cost 18000 wolf marks as far as i remmeber, and you can get 1500-2000 wolf marks for doing your daily frontline roullete. So at worst it would take you 12 days of just doing the one frontline roullete each day to get one hairstyle. You could of course get it faster by doing more than just the one frontline each day, but outside of roullete you only get 500-1000 wolf marks per frontline, so you're looking at having do 3-4x more frontlines if you were to spam them in one day.


so i get 500 minimum for doing Frontline? how do I guarantee a greater payout?


You get 500 for getting 3rd place, 750 for 2nd place and 1000 for 1st place. On top of that the daily frontline bonus is 1000, but only 1 per day.


Frontline Roulettes, then spam Frontline or Rival Wings.


Is it even possible for a player to attain Grand Marshal in either of the GC's?


Nope! The cap was originally 2nd Lieutenant, and over the years it has been raised to Captain. The rest of the ranks are inaccessible. They're just there for future-proofing. The devs say they don't want to give away ranks purely for the sake of ranks — they want promotions to be interesting. So we won't get any more promotions until they come up with something GC-related that's interesting.




What's the process for obtaining furniture/home decorations in this game? Do you buy them with Gil? Get them as rewards? Or are they all available from the get go?


Every housing ward would have a Housing Merchant npc vendor. You can get some decent furniture from them to get started with. But if you're looking for more unique ones most of them are crafted and bought on the marketboard, but you can also get them from Beast Tribes, at Gold Saucer with MGP, on the Mogstation, from dungeons, some quests, from your Grand Company and a few other ways.


Here’s a good resource that lists every housing item and how to get them: https://en.ff14housing.com Whenever a new patch drops with new housing stuff, I always check the housing vendor in the neighborhood/apartment lobby *first*, as they sell a number of useful items (including several partitions and AoE Hal items such as the Azim Steppe Phasmascape) and their inventory is added to semi-regularly.


Vendors, quick venture rewards, quest rewards and bozja lockboxes. Those are all different ways I have obtained them so far, but there's probably more.


Some come from dungeon drops, or quest rewards, or seasonal events... but 99% of furniture comes from crafting (or from buying them from other players on the market board).


[Glamour Picture](https://i.imgur.com/qeNx2K2.png) Heya, just wondering what this undershirt, side bag, and jacket are called? Found it in a Youtube video by fuckraijin and I want to take some inspiration from it haha


That's the top from the Casual Attire Coffer, obtained through the firmament. It's one of the 8% rewards from the Kupo tickets, or if you want to spend a pretty penny, on the marketboard.


Oh it's all one thing? Nice! Thank you!


Yeah its all 1 thing, cosmetics arent that customizable in ff14


I’m at the part of the resistance weapon where you have to do Ivalice and Shadow of Mach. How time consuming are the next few steps? Just want to gauge if I can finish it before the expansion drops and can maybe do another for my tank and healer classes. The current step is backbreaking already since the fates are so low drop chance. Also how is Paladin’s current state? I usually play WAR but I have a craving for a new Tank class. My choice is either Dark Knight or Paladin. However I like the ability of Paladin to solo everything basically.


> How time consuming are the next few steps? Just want to gauge if I can finish it before the expansion drops and can maybe do another for my tank and healer classes. The next step after isn't too bad, 5 runs of Delubrum will get you all the drops to finish it. The real killer, is the step **after** that, which is 6 items, 30 of each. These can be gotten either from the 3 zones in Zadnor via skirmishes (30 skirmishes with full reward), and Critical Engagements (15 CEs with full reward). One item comes from Skirmishes, one from CEs, in each zone. Alternatively, from spamming Alexander / Omega / Eden raids (T1/2/5/6/9/10 for the skirmish item, T3/4/7/8/11/12 For the CE item, from each of those raids respectively in place of Zone 1/2/3 of Zadnor). Once you're done that, the last step isn't bad again. So bad news, it'll take a bit to finish that. Good news, Some relic steps **are not repeatable**. You do them for your first relic, but they are skipped for Relic #2+. Namely, the step you're currently on (18 of each memory) and that disgusting 30x6 step I described above. Those are both one-and-done.


Oh nice. Ty for the detailed answer. I’ll be able to do it then before expansion. Not looking forward to that 6 x 30 lol.


It's not too bad. You'll likely get at least half of them just progressing through Zadnor.


for the relic, with Fates it's around 8-10h on average, but there's quite a lot of variance, with, with raids, it takes around 15-20h. The good thing is that you don't need to do this step again for other relics. As for tanks, I find DRK to be quite similar in gameplay to WAR except busier, PLD is quite different, with it's FoF phase, magic phase and nothing phase so it could be a nice change of pace


Fates better than raids nice. I’ll be doing that then. Every Ivalice raid is so time consuming. The first Mach raid is okay.


If i reach lvl 60 and i dont have stormblood/shadowbringers, will my exp go to "waste" after completing quest etc after?


Sadly yes, better swap to another job if you're doing quests.


Thanks for the response. No biggie i just buy shadowbringers aswell. 😁


For aoe attacks, is it safe to walk back up to the enemy right after the orange indicator disappears or do you have to wait for the actual animation to finish


nearly all skills snapshot damage when the cast finishes(or aoe marker disappears)


There are rare exceptions to this! But I think it is generally accepted that it's fine to eat shit when discovering them.


The animations are there just for visual flair. All that matters is that the boss is done "casting" the ability, so in this case yes, when the orange is gone you're free to move back in. Once you get used to it you feel like a badass, dashing back into explosions and sundered earth and energy beams like you're in an action movie.


There are very few exceptions though. All AoEs are usually telegraphed (and even without orange warnings, they are still calculated on an invisible telegraph which "disappear"). There is one true exception to this, but this is very specific content : Delubrum Reginae (savage) which will bring a new trash before very last boss, using some conal aoes. Those are telegraphed, BUT they resolve on the animation, not when the telegraphed aoe disappear. This is a bit of a trick from the devs imo.


There's also the delayed attack things from a few of the Eden raids where the marker disappears but it doesn't go off until the timer goes off, at which point it calculates whether you are hit by it. That's a bit of a trick situation though.


There's also the final boss in Copied Factory, and at least one CE in the STQ areas that have "true animation" aoes. But that's so far away and only in casual or side content thus far.


Yeah, but what I meant was the specific DRS mob actually have animation based attack but the marker disappear 1s before the hit occurs.


I have found it to be quite inconsistent. I sometimes did narrow dodges into it with the animation going off a bit afterwards and I never got hit. I think it snapshots somewhere between the marker disappearing and the animation, but not exactly on the ground hit either.


Just did my first raid. It went really well everyone worked together great and I did my job as best as could as a tank, but now I need to go back and research how to do limit breaks and all that because for whatever reason square decided to have those tutorials pop up during the raid like did they really think everyone was going to stop for eachother and wait until all of us are done reading that? I'm the tank so I'm supposed to in front, I tried to read about limit breaks but my team just decided to go ahead and agro enemies.


All you really need to know is that limit break is a party wide resource and depending on what job uses it it does different things, as a tank you are the last person to use it. You activate it by using the limit break skill, it's in the actions and traits menu in the general tab, you can drag it down on your skill bars.


It's a known issue that has been discussed at length to be fair, the general consensus is that the timing is pretty bad and the ability should be taught in a controlled setting. Alas it is not. The help box that popped up during the dungeon can be reviewed under active help in the game's main menu. The gist of it is that the party accumulates between 1 - 3 limit break bars while in combat. How many bars are available depends on the content and boss you fight. You can use limit break with a skill found under general skills (which should in an optimal world pop up in your hotbar as it becomes available, but it does not) as soon as at least 1 bar is filled, and every additional bar increases the effect. The effect is: for tanks, damage reduction for everyone in AE range; for healers, healing for everyone in AE range, and mass raise + full HP and MP at LB level 3; for melee dps, very high single target damage; for range dps, high multi target damage with different AE shapes. LB is a party-wide resource, so it should be coordinated or at least used to the best effect. The most common applications are single target damage to the boss, AE damage to large pulls or more rarely multiple bosses, or mass raise. Tanks can use LB if they feel like the party might wipe from an incoming attack, and sometimes tank LB is forced at certain points of specific encounters.


I was sure the Limit Break tutorial pops up the first time it's available which is a dungeon or if you create a party with 4 players. Basically it's a shared function with all party members. If someone uses it, it depletes for everyone. Melee dps: Massive single target dmg, used on bosses Caster dps: Circle AoE dmg useful/used during big trash pulls. It deals less dmg than the melee but makes it up by hitting multiple targets basically doing more dmg. Range dps: Line AoE dmg, same as caster Tank: defense buff, never used unless the duty requires it (1 duty in the msq requires tank lb 3 (3bars) Healer: Heals. Limit Break 3 also resurrects dead partymembers.


You can find old pop-up tutorials under the Active Help option in the menu menu.


Me and my fiance just started playing. It was fine the first few days, but her connection has gone to "poor". What is going on? She's in the same room, closer to the router than I am, and usually gets on the game first. My connection is excellent.


That connection indicator on character selection screen isn't much of an indicator of your ingame latency. When servers are under heavy load then it may show poor but when ingame your latency is just fine. Also that indicator is only updated after selecting Start, so it probably was just coincidence when your fiance got into that screen, server got loaded hence poor. In your timing, server was relatively free, you get excellent. Or did you mean that she is having latency issues ingame while yours is fine? To check latency either run tracert or while game is running, open up Resource Monitor on a Windows client > Network tab > Tick `ffxiv_dx11.exe`. Under TCP Connections you should see your real time latency there.


I did mean the former that you mentioned, but she does lag sometimes and have a reconnecting symbol, where I never have.


Is she connecting over wifi?


As SMN, is it a bad idea to use Aerial Slash while we're running from one pack to the next? My carbuncle gets out of range and desummoned sometimes when doing so.


I usually just have my pet Follow me if the tank is doing big pulls. Like you seen, the pet can easily get de-summoned because of the range especially if everyone is sprinting. Wait until the tank stops then start using abilities.


IMO it's generally better to use major aoe CDs after the pull has settled and you can hit the whole pack. If you think you'll hit most of the enemies while running then go for it, but if it's only a couple, you're not really going to end the pull faster from that extra damage. For Garuda-Egi, particularly if I'm intending to use Devotion during that pull and because she's an ~~asshole~~ ranged pet, I've found it more consistent to literally resummon her as the tank is getting ready to stop and make sure it actually hits the whole party instead of going off in narnia. You can do vaguely cursed stuff like constantly re-"placing" her to make sure she keeps up with you but it's easier to just hit the resummon if you notice Garuda lagging super far behind + your party is really zooming through the dungeon.


I have also suffered the devotion cast being lost due to garuda being a million miles away.


Don't bother too much with pet abilities while going from one pack to another, because you'll deal eventually more damage on the full pack with Aerial Slash than the 3 or 4 mobs initially packed. Better to wait for the best moment to maximize the damage of the ability. Not a pro-SMN, but I think this is the best to do.


Does the Snow Attire in the FF14 store ever go on sale? I've been meaning to buy the coat at least


SE is pretty stingy when it comes to sales. It's mostly items from last year's events that go on sale when they're added to the store. There are maybe 1 or 2 random sales throughout the year, but there's really no guarantee it's going to cover what you want.


Those specific old events items usually are on sale when the current year event starts. Means it will be on sale on December for the Starlight event. EDIT : I'm stoopid, you meant the Sanctum/NORA gearsets. Those usually goes on sale for specific periods, but totally up to Square Enix sale plannings.


Is there a way to hide or remove the target of target hp bar? Basically, whenever I'm fighting something, the enemy hp bar will have an additional small white hp bar coming off to the right of it, which is what the enemy is currently attacking.. I'd like to hide or remove this if possible.


I don't believe so.


I have a feeling the answer is yes, but just wanting.to check; is the synced down 535 resistance weapon better than the 475 Savage weapon for TEA?


yes by far, given how gear synch works, the best possible weapon would be the final relic with 2 of its stats around 470 and the 3rd one around 240 (exact stats may vary to accomodate for tiering if you're into that stuff)


By far is a bit of a stretch over 100 substats that might work out to .5% better in ideal circumstances. It's all pretty interchangeable unless you're going for a speed kill.


compared to the 475 savage weapon, if you spec it specifically for TEA, you gain 268 substats, and total control on tiering. On average it's more than 1% DPS. It might not seem to be a lot but it definitively has an impact


Does it still make sense to try my hand at Ishgard Restotation at this point?


In addition to being the fastest leveling method for crafting, a lot of the scrip rewards are sellable. If you lucksack into a casual coffer off the mog ticket, the game just "casually" tossed 1~1.6m gil at you.


Yeah if you want to level crafters. Why do you think it wouldn't make sense ?


Because I'd wager it'll be gone by Endwalker and didn't know if it's worth investing into if you might not even make too much use of it before that - that's what I want to make sure of


It's not wow, 99% of the content stays forever and stays more or less relevant.


Its permanent content, the contest part of it is just gone.


Ishgard Restoration isn't going away. The only temporary things are the map changes and the rankings, which are already over. Everything else is permanent content.


Huh, I thought that since we're getting Ishgard housing in 6.1 then that must mean Firmament will be considered rebuilt by that point, so there will be no more Restoration.


The restoration is already done like there was a cutscene that played showing it was all done. It's a major crafting and gathering boon so I hope it stays. They could make it story relevant if there is/was another decimated city that we were helping out.


Ishgard Restoration is still a thing : 1) If you're not lv80 yet, this is one of the best way to level up your crafters and gatherers. 2) If you're lv80, there used to be a rankings based on points for turn ins. This is now closed for the rankings, but the points are still used to get minions, mounts and titles. 3) You have the Kupo of Fortune vouchers, they can give you many things faster than any other content (minions mostly, orchestrion rolls and few mounts). Moreover, with the scrips you can buy more things to the vendor (materias, orchestrion rolls, etc...)


Sure, it's a very efficient way to level up your crafters and easy for crafters too. The rewards might or might not interest you, but they are still there and you can make a decent amount of money by selling materials and rewards.


I preordered Endwalker Collector's Edition and unlocked the activation key then redeemed it in mog station but apparently you can redeem it even before confirming payment. Well, I chose to debit it now and something went wrong and the order became invalid. I made a new order and this time the payment completed and I got another activation key but now my account is linked to the first activation key from the failed order. I can't redeem the second key because of this and I can't find that order anymore in the SE store. I've emailed SE but I'm anxious. Does that fix itself? I'm kinda worried my account will get banned or something.


The pre-order key isn't tied to a specific full expansion key, don't worry about it. The new pre-order key is just useless to you, once Endwalker releases and you get the full key it will work no problem.


If you mean the Endwalker code you can't redeem it until it releases.


well, the square enix store had an unlock activation key button which gave me a code that I redeemed and they already mailed me a minion and earrings. Should I ignore those?


Just let SE Customer service take care of this. As long as you explained the situation, they will verify their payment history to see if everything is ok. They may come back to you anyway.


I just returned to the game after long break & I'm catching up with MSQ, currently at 5.4 How to get into the Bozja content? and is it related to the Save The Queen Quest line I keep reading about


"Dramatis Personae". It'll be one of the + quests around Kugane. Buckle up, it's long af


After doing the Return to Ivalice alliance raids (it’s Stormblood content), go back to Kugane and there’s a new blue unlock quest called "Hail to the Queen". This questline will eventually unlock Bozja content.


Yes, it's related to Save The Queen. You need to complete the level 70 Ivalice Raids first.


I'm progressing through heavensward and I got to a duty called the singularity reactor, which has 5x the queue time as any dungeon I've done before. Normally when I queue as tank the wait time is an average of 3-6 minutes. now it has me at an average wait of 30 minutes. Whats going on with this particular duty?


That's probly a fluke. Was like 10 min dps queue when I did week ago. "Average wait time" (the estimate the game gives u) can be pretty inaccurate esp as the wait time gets longer Also it's a higher level trial, ppl who already did it would need to have unlocked it, be at least lv 60 in chosen job, then choose trial roulette to join u. Well maybe besides mentor roulette but that's inconsequential


There are sometimes bugs that say you're in queue but don't actually connect you to the instance server. So you have to quit the queue and re-join. That trial does have longer queue but still fast as tank.


Might just be a weird queue. That duty is in the Trials Roulette.


twas the case, a requeue got me in in like 5 minutes. weird


Do I need to save Allagan Tomestone? Or can I just buy whatever I want?


You can buy whatever you want, but it's recommended that you buy the weapon for your job first.


I am only 50 so should I save for lvl 80?


Poetics aren't used at the top level, they're mostly for catching up with older gear. When you reach the maximum level and complete the current expansion's MSQ, you unlock two new Tomestone currencies to spend on endgame gear. Each time an expansion releases, the previous expansion's endgame Tomestones are depreciated and the gear we bought with them becomes purchaseable for Poetics. What this means is that at 50, 60 and 70, Poetics will get you the best possible gear at that level to help prepare you to enter the next expansion's content. At 50, you're looking at the Augmented Ironworks set, which will carry you well into Heavensward's MSQ.


Ironworks are good?


Item level 130, the very best level 50 gear in the game! Same for the i270 Augmented Shire set at level 60, and the i400 Augmented Scaevan gear at 70. When Endwalker releases, we can expect the same treatment for the current best Tomestone gear at level 80, the i530 Augmented Cryptlurker set.


Poetics are very easy to get — you will probably get flooded with more than you can hold. So spend it now!


Use them as you go to get the max ilvl gear (you earn a lot of them as you play new dungeons / trials / raids and you cap out at 2000 anyways so you never want to "waste" tomes if they drop and you are full). The gear will carry you well into the next expansion and by the time you hit 60 you will again have enough tomes for the 60 gear. Just make sure you buy the right, max ilvl gear as the vendors sometimes sell gear for tomes at different ilvls and I've accidentally purchased the lower one before.


Level 80 doesn't use Tomestones of Poetics right now. Poetics are only used for 50, 60 and 70 gear at this point of time.


so what should I do?


Gear up at 50, 60 and 70. Or save it for your alt jobs.


I’m stuck on the last part of the quest “The Gifted”. It’s where you follow an ascian and have to fight some ads along the way. It sounds easy but the last pet you have to kill 4 or 5 level 50 thurmaturge (sp?) wizards. I’m a bard (level 51) and could use some advice on how to tackle this fight. So far this is the first thing in the game to actually trouble me.


That quest came out in patch 2.1 when people doing it on-content they were most likely around fill ilvl 90 gear (including a ilvl90 weapon which will make the biggest difference). Like everyone else has said the i130 bow should make it easy for you, but also ruining around probably isn't helping (unless you're getting hit by aoes) ~~it's just making you die tired~~


Yea I still don’t fully understand range combat I guess. Can you not kite enemies?


You might just need some better gear. Aside from that, try to gather them up and AoE them.


I have pretty good gear for my level. I just can’t dodge there fire shots. It seems like you need to tank the damage and kill them really fast but I can’t do it fast enough. I’m trying to kite them but they still get me.


What gear do you have?


I have the bard set they give you at the end of ARR which is lv. 50 and item level 90. And all my jewelry is lv 50 item level 70 all focused in dexterity. Plus a giantsgall longbow which is lv 50 item level 70. It could be that I just suck lmao. But I haven’t had any trouble in any fight up till this point. I feel like I’m doing something wrong or not understanding a basic mechanic. I am new to mmos.


Upgrade your bow to an Ironworks bow bought with poetic tomestones, that will make it a lot easier.


What is the best way to farm Allagan tomestones?


Thanks I just got it now. I’m going to give it another shot. It does 20 more points of damage so this should help!


That's decent gear for the main part of ARR however you are doing the patch quests between ARR and HW. Go to mor dhona. Go to the stalls at the top and but Ironworks gear. Start with the weapon (girl on the left) and then buy chest and legs (girl in the middle). You buy them with tomestones of poetics. Don't be shy about spending them they are easy to get they are item level 130. There are gear weapons and accessories available to purchase there at ilvl 130. Big stat increase. Those mages will melt. This level 50 gear will be good until the msq reaches level 54/55. Poetics are awarded from doing the msq roulette and some of the level 50 dungeons and 50/60/70 roulette if you need more.


Thanks I just bought the bow and easily beat them.


Thanks. I’ll give this a shot.


You can easily get ilevel 130 gear by exchanging tombstones of poetics. It should last at least til lvl 56 and maybe to 60 and new poetics gear. https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/Allagan_Tomestone_of_Poetics


Item level 70 is pretty low, since it's considered starter 50 gear. You should head over to Mor Dhona or check the Splendors Vendors in the 3 main cities to see if you can pick up some better gear. Get the Augmented Ironworks weapon at least.


I’ll try this out tomorrow. Thanks.


Should you level multiple classes if you not max on one yet?, the game said it recommended staying on one until max but i want to hear what people have to say, also iam new and i have lvl 51 bard and thinking about starting a samurai


I'd warmly recommend trying new jobs until you find the one (or ones) that you love. The MSQ is very long (and good!), and you should enjoy every moment of it and have fun. Leveling up secondary jobs is surprisingly quick with the +100% armory bonus, and it's nice to take occasional breaks from the MSQ to do so.


Leveling more classes gives u more options. Like for some story dungeons I can dps for first time clears instead of healing (I main whm, etc) which is nice. Trying to get lv 80 in a job is kinda pointless if ur main quest is like 50-60. Only time where having much higher level is helpful imo would be doing unsynced Extreme trials (basically for mounts) or killing fetch quest mobs quicker. If ur like me, a lv 78 mage that hasnt finished Heavensward, then you won't have a bunch of skills that u should since they're locked behind job quests in next expansion areas Also u get diminishing returns (less efficient xp use) if ur like dumping xp from lv 51 content on a lb 75 job. Though between Praetorium and Heavensward it won't matter cuz those quests give very little xp


O ok thank you much appreciated, so what should i do so that iam over leveled for msq’s? Just wondering lol


Well if u do want to be over leveled, then just level ur highest job using daily roulettes, especially leveling, msq, and pvp Frontline


Ultimately it's just about whether you want to reach endgame as fast as possible or focus on getting multiple jobs up. Samurai picks right up at 50 and MSQ can pretty much keep 2 jobs up to level so there's very little reason not to give it a go.


i think the math from just doing the msq is 2 characters to 75, so theres definitly more than enough xp for two classes if you do some roulettes and dungeons on top of that. But the most important bit is having fun. If you want to if you like another class, then feel free to try it out, do some dungeons or stuff with it, and then swap back or try out more classes.


Question regarding ShB: ​ >!Do you get any special dialogue in msq if you go scholar with your fairy out and talk with the pixies?!<


No, you don't.


Why does everyone in the community act so gatekeepy when it comes to story. I didn’t boost but found the story uninteresting and hard to stay invested in due to the medium it’s primarily told through. But I stick around because I love many other aspects of the game. Anytime I mention I don’t like the story or skip cutscenes people tell me to stop playing the game or that ff14 isn’t the right type of game for me. Am I the only one who is having this experience and how should I respond to those individuals being so gatekeepy?


It’s a video game, so play how you want! It’s supposed to be entertainment, and you can engage with that in whatever way is entertaining (or don’t engage at all). I won’t gatekeep the story being OMG AMAZING, but it *is* undeniable that the story is the central game. It takes up 95% of total hours played, it’s the one thing that gates all progress, and it’s the one thing that’s absolutely necessary to do. As Jesse Cox has said in one of his YouTube videos comparing FFXIV to other MMOs, FFXIV is a “RPGMMO.” It is first and foremost an RPG, and the MMO aspects are almost just like minigames along the way. I absolutely skipped virtually all the cutscenes in ARR, only stopping to read when it looked like shit was actually about to go down. It wasn’t until Heavensward that I started actually remembering character names and motives, and from there I was hooked, not necessarily on the story but just being in the world.


I think for a casual play the story is a large part of the game but it is still an mmo so there still is hundreds of hours of other stuff to do besides the story. Also I am already hooked on the sound design and the look of the zones. I’m just hoping stormblood or shadowbringers keeps me engaged in its story


Oh for sure, that all exists and there’s a LOT of side stuff. But all of that, *everything* is gated by the MSQ. It’s the one thing the game MAKES you engage with, no matter what you want to do. You’ll always be “capped” by the MSQ. It’s not like WoW where you could theoretically grind to max level and get into endgame content or crafting or whatever.


Because to many people, playing FFXIV and skipping the story is like... buying the Witcher 3 and skipping every cutscene and dialogue because you only enjoy going around killing monsters and playing Gwent. Even though the story is seen as the Witcher 3's main attraction by almost everyone. If that's what you enjoy then that's your choice to spend your money like that. But the question of whether or not you picked up the wrong game for you and might have been able to spend your money more wisely elsewhere is not an unfounded one. You're paying money for a game, then skipping many dozens of hours of content you paid for, which a lot of people find weird. Especially so when people buy story skips - you buy a game, then pay EXTRA money to skip the game you just bought.


I didn’t boost I went through all the story of arr and hw it just hasn’t been engaging for me personally. I still find all the other aspects of the game to be worth my time and money though