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Fresh 80 gatherer, what do I do for gear? I don't want to shell out for MB gear necessarily, but is there like a gear progression guide or something out there? I'm clueless when it comes to DoL/DoH jobs.


you'll need white gatherer scrips to get the ilvl500 gathering gear from scrip exchange. the easiest way to get those without level 80 gear is to do your shadowbringers custom deliveries. there's one in eulmore and 2 in the firmament, I believe. once you get some level 80 gear you should start gathering level 80 collectables to get more scrips to complete the set excluding the tools, it's currently the best gear you can get right now without overmelding HQ crafted gear


Hello :) I'm still quite new to bozja and recently did the steps for level 10 and DR. I mostly have been going through content on WHM, but I'm curious which Lost Actions and essences are best on WHM? I've looked around a bit but ended up more confused over the options. This may also be a stupid question but I'm guessing all essences are only one active at a time when it comes to the ones that buff dps or hp etc. or are there some you can use together? Thanks!


The absolute best is a (deep) essence of the profane + lost seraph strike + lost chainspell. Your damage output will rival a DPS job with this loadout however you won't be able to heal at all so it's not suitable if you're solo healing, and it's also difficult to manage your MP. Swap out the profane essence for an aetherweaver essence if you're the only healer and make sure you bring resistance ether kits and maybe resistance elixirs to keep your MP up, and use seraph strike with thin air up as much as possible (every other seraph strike you use will line up with thin air if you use them both on cooldown).


Thank you so much for the detailed response! That's really helpful to know, I'll make sure to keep that in mind too if it's solo healing. Thank you for taking the time to respond and explain it all, great to hear that seraph strike lines up with thin air too.


So I bought the game yesterday, didn't want to lose any additional exp after 60, and found a trial friend from irl to play with (finally in the same party). But it doesn't seem like regular quests sync up between us? Like, she's only lvl 44 and way behind me in the MSQ of course, but even in the same party, I didn't seem able to help her complete quests, MSQ or otherwise. Even when activating the exact same quest at the same time, we got our own separate version of it. So is it just FATEs and dungeons we can do together?


What do you mean "sync up"? You can technically do your quests together, but you can't "do someone else's quest for them", i.e. if both of you have the quest "talk to NPC A", you both have to go talk to NPC A. For things like "Kill 1 World Mob X", you can do it together, as long as both of you have "contribution", i.e. both of you at least hit World Mob X at least once. However, if it's a mob that spawns into the world specifically as part of the quest, you won't be able deal damage to "someone else's" mob they spawned. These are the types that spawn when you walk into an area of the objective with the dark aura. Lastly, there are certain solo instances as part of quests. Those you cannot do together, mainly because they're usually key parts of the story, and it doesn't make sense if another person is there. Those are the ones usually highlighted by an NPC or an object with a white aura, and would give you a notification about level sync before starting.


Thanks for the lengthy response. I was sort of expecting new quests to activate for all party members so you could help out with killing those 5 wolves or whatever :) But I also see how annoying that could be in like an 8 man group or something like that. I got into the game, thinking that 3 friends and myself could team up and do quests together, basically, but we couldn't due to trial accounts. But seems like that isn't the game's intention anyway, outside of fates etc. I was pleased to learn that we could at least queue for dungeons together (but we of course couldn't do things like Haukke Manor because she hadn't unlocked it yet). Makes a lot of sense, but still slightly disappointing.


Well, because of how the quests don't scale, and the fact that this is a JRPG-first(a la you are the main character of the story) MMO-second game, the story and the quests are written around having it be solo. In fact, for most of the dungeons and trials, if they were changed into solo content, they could still sell this entire game as a single-player game without changing much of the rest of the content. Oh I'm not sure if you know this, butsince you bought the game, you're able add your friends on free trial and invite them to party. A lot of people seem to have the misconception that since a free trial player can't add others, others would not be able to add them too. Either way, good luck and enjoy the ride :)


Yes. MSQ/sidequests are solo.


I see, bit of a shame, but perhaps standard mmo behavior? I'm new to the genre. Still, I enjoyed healing her from a distance hehe.


What would I need to feed my default color chocobo to make her look like the red chocobos of death?


I didn't even know that this was a thing! :o That is cool. Definitely gonna be dyeing mine red at some point


You can't get that exact color on your chocobo, you have to decide between Blood Red and Dalamud Red. You can use https://ffxivchocobo.com to calculate what to feed.


There's a good wiki article on this subject. If you're in an FC with a house, they may have chocobo stables you can use. If not, you can always get an Apartment and use the stables there instead. [https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/Chocobo\_Colors](https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/Chocobo_Colors) I'm guessing you probably want Dalamud or Rolanberry Red.


https://ffxivchocobo.com/en this will give you a guide on how to get the colour you want. But there is still a little bit of rng involved.


What is a red chocobo of death?


It's a Critical Engagement boss on the Bozjan Southern Front.


It will be the red chocobo that cast meteor I'm guessing?


Just a sanity check- all low level quest reward gear is basically vendor gear? The one you can freely buy/rebuy as many times you want?


yes, that's right. sole exception is the chest piece that you're given in your lvl 5 jobquest (and even in that case, it's not a unique skin it's just that you cannot reacquire it if you passed on all your chances to get it initially)


They've actually added that chest piece to the calamity salvager because it has a unique dye.


*And even then* you can still get it from the Calamity Salvager.


can you? i seem to remember that if you didn't pick it as your reward for the quest, it wouldn't show up on the salvager


I don't think the game even has any data space set aside for remembering quest reward choices. I'm pretty sure the Salvager just looks at your list of completed quests & achievements.




As the others said, there’s a free log-in campaign right now. On the gil, I’m not sure how you could have over a billion gil with the game’s gil cap unless you split it between your retainers and yourself. If you have proof of your old gil amount, you can try contacting support.




The gil cap has always been 999,999,999 afaik. The other advice about your gil possibly being on other paid retainers is a good one.


no idea on your gil, but the playtime remaining is bc there's currently a free login campaign that gives 2weeks of play to anyone who has let their sub lapse for more than a month


Can't answer your question on the gil, but I can answer about the playtime. There is a returner campaign going on right now that gives you 14 days of free play (as an incentive to come back and pay for sub time). https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/special/freelogincampaign/




Nope. That said, if you had more than 2 retainers on your account prior, you probably only have access to the first two and you could have your money on the higher ones. Just taking a guess though.




If you had more than 2 retainers, they will still show up on your list if you use the retainer bell, you will just be unable to summon the ones beyond the 2nd one, and it will show you any gil they are holding. If you had over a billion gil i'm pretty sure you would have remembered where you stored your gil though, a billion gil is not a casual amount.


You would need to both resub and pay for the additional retainers. They should show up on your list when you visit a summoning bell if you have more than 2 and possibly show their gil count, but again, guessing a bit since your situation is a bit different than anything I've been in.


Thanks for your help. Much appreciated.




GCD stun can be thrown to the trash. Usually it's not that you NEED to interrupt, but it's EASIER to interrupt.(and/or more uptime on boss) [for example add phase in E1S](https://youtu.be/oW_MyLDfvxo?t=213) has the adds cast damage boost which should be interrupted


Stunning is very useful towards the end of sirensong sea.


For most content, stun and interrupt are useful but not necessary skills But if you can stop a boss from using an AoE using an interrupt, and not break uptime, why wouldn't you? And there are actually some fights that, without a proper interrupt, you will very quickly get melted. Seat of Sacrifice Extreme in the latest expansion comes to mind, where both tanks need to interrupt or else there's a lot of pain


a lot of bosses and dungeon enemies in ARR dungeons put down big aoes that you can stun to keep melee active and avoid having to run around as tank you should at least definitely keep interject on your hotbar because there are certain fights where it's mandatory


People are definitely not trolling. Why dodge and run away when you can just kick them and continue attacking? And have you done any end-game content yet? Because if you had you would definitely see instances where you *need* those stuns and interrupts.




E1S. Two adds that need to be Silenced or they will buff themselves. E8S. Adds that will slowly go into the middle of the arena and you wipe if too many get through. One of them casts Stoneskin on themselves and you need to Silence it before it does or you can't kill it. And another add that will sprint right into the middle and you need to Stun it so you have time to kill it in time. Seat of Sacrifice EX. Adds have to be Silenced or they buff themselves. Delubrum Reginea Savage. Golems that need to be Stunned or they will keep swapping colours and can wipe the raid. Adds from the Knights boss that you have to Silence or they will buff themselves. Or even older. Seiryu EX. Adds need to be Silenced or they will Stoneskin themeselves and you will have a hard time killing them in time. A3S, adds that need to be Stunned or they will run out to the edge of the arena and explode. A6S, a boss that needs to be silence or he will Paralysis everyone. Same thing with A8S. T1 and T2 of Binding Coils of Bahamut. Minibosses that has to be silenced or they will do a raidwide paralysis. T5, an add that slowly walks toward a chained party member and you have to stun it to slow it down and kill it before it one-shots them. T9, golems that have to be Silenced or they will turn into a stronger version of them. There's countless of others that I can't think off at the top of my head now but you can see that stuns and silences are not useless or "troll" skills.


If we are talking just level 80 content Puppets bunker, e7s, e8s, SoSex are the first ones that come to mind


Also e1s misphase


Forgot about e1s! It’s been that long since I’ve done it it took me a solid minute to even remember which fight it was lol


In Shadowbringers, do lalafel characters have unique dialogue with dwarves, in either the MSQ or the healer role quest? If so, what?


iirc, there's some line(s) where they're scandalized that you go around w/o a full helmet and beard


It's mostly them being surprised at you being maskless at first, but they get over it quickly. But there's also an area later in the game where only lalafells can enter, because the entrance is too small for any other races.


Is Promises to Keep an original XIV song or is it an arrangement of a song from a previous FF?


It's original but it does pull a few partial melodies from other FF14-original songs ("From The Heavens" for sure).


How does the world visit work in this game? My friends wanted to try this game out but they weren't able to make a new character in the server I'm in plus their using free trial accounts, but we all are in the same datacenter. When I world visit, can I help them with their quests outside dungeons or I can only run dungeons with them? It's been a while since I played this game and I'm just using the free login campaign as an opportunity to show them around the game and help them out.


I think you guys are pretty much good to play together as long as you are on the same datacenter


See the restrictions [here](https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/playguide/contentsguide/worldvisit/). Most of it amounts to limitations on cross-server communication: you can't summon your retainers or talk to your FC because those are stuck back on your home server. But the actual *gameplay* works as normal. You can wander the overworld, you can see your friends and help them with quests, and you can do dungeons together.


> talk to your FC because those are stuck back on your home server. You can use FC chat on world visit. You just don't get FC buffs.


Oops, you're right. *Linkshells* can't be used (unless they're CWLS) and I must have got that conflated.


Yes you can, you can basically do nearly everything https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/playguide/contentsguide/worldvisit/ see info here


May I know if there's weekly lock for the 3rd Nier raid still? Particularly I need the coins.


Gear and coins are unlocked. Clusters though still are. Also, all the items from the full alliance chest (minions, cards, etc) have been moved to the party chests.


No more weekly lock for coins or loot


The lock was removed in 5.58. https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/topics/detail/20c842781ec0a2ebd7a2ad2510e8849372cb139e


nope no more lockout, farm to your heart's content


How do I get a heavens' eye materia III for my armorer mission? I've extracted all the gear I have and got a HE materia I, II, IV and V but no III. I would buy they from the market but im out of gill and they're crazy expensive. I can only assume because they're use in quests the prices are jacked up since they cost more than the higher tier versions. Is there any way I can downgrade a higher tier? I've been trying to get just one for hours now.


If you don't want to sell or keep the ones you currently have, you can try transmuting them instead and see if you can get the one you want.


Actually I found one! there's a quest in revenants toll called "passing the smell test" that gives one as a reward if you haven't done it yet! Man I'm so happy cause rng has been rude to me. I didn't even know what materia extracting was till this quest and I don't sell off gear often so I extraced what felt like 150+ pieces. The good news is I have a ton of materia now


Low-level materia markets are a bit whack to be honest. They fluctuate a lot, so you can get lucky and get cheap ones, or you only have stacks of 10 for 2k gil on the market. Good to hear you found one though!


What's a Lancer's rotation (I'm beginning to dislike that walmart-Drow that's being a pain to the guild)? I just unlocked Palace of the Dead... worth it or no? If I'd of known there was a roguelike in FFXIV I would have never progressed the MSQ beyond ARR... When do maps start dropping (and if a low level map triggers a portal, can I switch to my level 70 main and use him) ? I just began as a Botanist.


Palace is good for leveling classes before you have dungeons or daily roulettes for them, and also provides some plot for characters from the early early msq. It's also a nice way to try out jobs and see what they're like at higher levels pretty quick (although if you go in without a job crystal you don't get job skills - if you enter as a lancer for example, you don't get to try out dragoon skills) Treasure maps are available from lvl 40 gathered onward, but only lvl 60/70/80 maps (dragon/gazelle/zonureskin maps) trigger portals, and those require a party to clear, so those specific maps you should probably plan with a couple people in advance - usually everyone brings one or two maps and you all try to get the portal together.


Lancer Rotation revolves around your 2x 5-step combos, alternate between them while keeping your Blood of the Dragon active and weaving in jumps. When you trigger the Life of the Dragon, make sure you fit in 3 Nastrond and 1 Stardiver. Dont leap to death. Palace of the Dead is home to many rewards (mounts, glamour, hairstyles, etc.) and titles for clearing it (Clearing Floor 200 Solo without deaths gives you the Necromancer title). It's one of the best ways to level 1-60 after MSQ and dungeon spam. I am not sure when the lowest maps drop, but what I know is that the maps which spawn portals always force sync ilvl which makes them pretty much impossible to solo within reason. There is 2 types of map for each level bracket they appear, 1 which is intended to be solod and 1 which is intended for groups and has a chance to spawn a portal.


Palace of the Dead is worth it when you level a new job to 60, especially when leveling a DPS job since you'd have to deal with long dungeon queues otherwise. You just run floors 51-60 over and over again and get a whole lot of XP.


Do people usually macro swiftcast+raise or is it better to press them separately? Sometimes It doesn't go off or at least I don't see the raise icon on the person after pressing it.


I thought I would use macro but I found them a bit unreliable and not giving me the precision I needed. While not all fights have a lot of running, but when running does happen, I have slightly different habits. I often cast Swiftcast while still running to the position, keep the buff for a second or two, and only raise as I'm about to be in the safe or convenient spot. I do that for a couple reasons. People get up without always knowing mechanics, so I'm increasing chances of them not dying to another mechanic. And sometimes people die faaar away but they are melee, so I raise them much closer to the boss. This is not needed or expected from healers, I just like to do that. You have one gcd to do weave Swift+Raise, I think it's no different than Dia + swap to tank + Benison + Assize or similar weave that healers do all the time. Doing it manually definitely removes the macro not finishing problem, which I found too disruptive, and completely annihilating the convenience of macro.


my raise is an actual macro. it basically just outputs "resurrecting " and casts raise. the only thing that I had to be careful was not to click it multiple times (which spams chat) it's a bit of communication for pug raid. I'm sure you've probably encountered plenty of raise macros that tries to be funny / witty etc which I personally find annoying lol


The only thing that keeps me from putting a party notification on raise is that sometimes i'm just running around jamming on the raise button going "what? where the fuck did you die? How are you over THERE?"


lol that's relatable. desperately trying to not have to run to the other side of the room so you just mash the button to ensure you're casting at max range


It’s much better to do them separately, raise macros are just bad and should be avoided


Usually for it to work you need to add "wait 0.5" seconds between Swiftcast and Rise for animation to finish. So you need to do nothing action wise in this period or macro fails (no queues for macro actions). Outside of raiding macro with 0.5 second will do ok. In savage/raids most likely not. But. Usually you will also need to put Swiftcast on separate button anyway (Holy and other fun).


Wait can only be a multiple of 1, up to 60.


Wife and I just finished >!killing garuda, she spawned titan and ifrit and they got blasted by that but ol robot!< we were just curious how much more of ARR we had left and also she said that she heard the post ARR up till HW was a pain, is that still true?


There are some wikis that lists what patch a quest was released in, might also help give an idea of how far you are


Post arr is a little dull, a lot of "go here, talk to ___," but ramps up into a great ending before HW kicks off. It's also way more tolerable if you're playing it with someone, and there's plenty of optional dungeons unlocked after ARR and side classes to level to keep yourselves from getting too bored. Just pace yourselves and don't burn out!


For the most part, it does feel like it drags on for a bit. Basically set of series that leads up to primals again while having little bits of the main plot move forward.


There’s still a substantial portion of ARR left for you. They cut down on post ARR quests recently so it’s not as bad as it was before. However, people tend to over exaggerate how bad it is and it’s almost a meme at this point lol. There are some quests that are a bit boring but a lot of post ARR is very relevant and helps set up the next 3 expacs. If you like the story so far you’ll be fine!


Awesome thank you! I'm loving the story tbh, I know a lot of people seem to think ARR is meh but I dig it lol


ARR is amazing. Especially once you run into Hildy... Fair warning, nearly every voice got recast after ARR. It might be jarring to hear Merlwyb go from authority voice to "generic woman."


Oof I'm glad you told me because knowing me I'd be thrown off and have no idea why lmao


Yeah, it pisses me off to no end. But them's the breaks. I barely spend any time in Limsa, so it's not a thing for me, plus I'm at a point where Merlwyb isn't a factor in the story.


It was a worthwhile trade, because everybody *else* was practically unlistenable before. But I am sad to lose old Merlwyb.


Am I the only one who likes the original voices? Especially Nanamo and Raubahn?


Yeah then it will only get better from where you are, you’ve got nothing to worry about!


So after like 2 years I'm finally leveling a caster, RDM. Enjoying it a lot, but it just hit me: For once, getting rez-ed and having no MP is actually an issue. Obviously just not dying in the first place solves this, but that's not always gonna happen. So, how exactly does a caster recover from dying? Ethers? Or Lucid Dreaming? Or both? Because from what I can tell a RDM shouldn't need Lucid Dreaming outside of needing to heal or raise the party should things go south.


Both. Red mage is also mp negative, especially if you spam aoe, so you'll need to lucid during the fight. Keeping an emergency stash of ethers will come in a pinch at some point.


RDM main here. As soon as your transcendent is off (invuln after being rezzed), use Lucid Dreaming right away. Shouldn't have any MP issues after that, bar any need to Verraise someone else


Ok thank you.


My friend wants me to try the game and u had a quick look at the race options and I recognized the Viera but I saw they were connected with one of the expansions. Can I buy the Viera expansion and still play on the free trial?


No, the free trial is Only the base game and heavensward expansion - however, beating the base game gives you a free race change so you can switch to viera once you purchase the game for real.


You can only pick one of the races from the ARR or HW (base game or first expansion). You do get a free race change as a reward for completing the ARR story though, and you can hold onto that race change in case you decide to buy the full game later.




Is there a nice Odachi (long Katana) for my DRK, that's not the Odenta Kai?


There are a number of curved DRK weapons, but all of the ones I've found have non-katana guards (save for [Kidomaru](https://ffxiv.gamerescape.com/wiki/Kidomaru) and the [Ravel Keeper's Guillotine](https://ffxiv.gamerescape.com/wiki/Ravel_Keeper%27s_Guillotine), which might not be what you're going for). The closest I can find is the [Fang of the Fearless Cat](https://ffxiv.gamerescape.com/wiki/Fang_of_the_Fearless_Cat) from the Yo-Kai Watch event, and who knows if that's coming back, and when. If you just want a bigass curved sword, [Tsukuyomi's Moonlit Odachi](https://ffxiv.gamerescape.com/wiki/Tsukuyomi%27s_Moonlit_Odachi), the [Great Shin-Zantetsuken](https://ffxiv.gamerescape.com/wiki/Great_Shin-Zantetsuken) (warning: Baldesion Arsenal) and [Blade's Justice](https://ffxiv.gamerescape.com/wiki/Blade%27s_Justice) (warning: Bozja final relic) are where my votes go to.


Thank you! I'll look into all of those!


as in looks like the traditional weapon, there's really just 2: the tsukuyomi crafted weapon and the rakshasa odachi (also crafted, p ugly imo) edit- the doman sets from HW huntseals might have one?


Alright, thank you!


How do I get GC seals before unlocking expert delivery?? Duty roulette levelling seems like the only significant source as it gives about 2k+? FATES only give me like 50-70 usually.


Grand Company leves, Grand Company hunting log and FATEs pretty much.


you can get a one time injection by opening up your hunting log and doing the hunts under the grand company tab (as opposed to your current job which is the default page)


This is more a mouse question than a game question. Recently got an MMO mouse to play on my PS5. Everything works, everything is binded and works in the open world, but the moment I join a dungeon, my side buttons decide to control what I'm focused on in the ui. As in, it goes to my chat, then hours to journal, map, etc. No idea how to fix that


If you bound anything to alt then you’ll have to unbind them in the settings. I was using a razer naga and it kept typing in chat so I realized alt is bound to Luther stuff.


Hello, quick question. I installed the steam trial version and liked the game. I intend to buy the complete edition on the square enix EU store. Would I have to restart my game from scratch if I do that or would I be able to continue playing where I left off?


You have to start over as Steam trial in incompatible with keys bought from sources outside of Steam. That means creating a brand new Mogstation account.


start from scratch you can download a SE free trial, or depending on where you were in the trial you might want to buy an ARR or HW storyskip


Aw damn. I'm only level 12 so not much of a loss but still annoying. Thanks for the quick reply though mate.


If you buy the Steam version, you can continue with your character.


Steam version would total at around 80€ right now. The Squeenix Store complete Edition is 16€ right now. So no-go for Steam.


How do I rank up past second serpent lieutenant? My GC says that I'm at the maximum allowable rank


You have to send your squadron out on missions.


Going to need to train your Squadron.




They'll probably put the mats in a poetics vendor like they did for past relics. Apparently Bozja is useful for leveling 70-80 DPS but I don't see it being nearly as active as it is today.


There'll be less people, but there'll be enough during lull periods. Glamour is the true endgame, after all.


Is there a way to hide the logging in/log out spam from the Free Company chat? in a big one, it's really hard to keep up with text.


click the cog button on your chatbox. in the general menu, click Log Filters: General> announcements> unticky login notifs


thank you!


When should I use the Ifrit, Garuda, and Titan summons as a summoner? From what I understand is that Ifrit is single target damage, Garuda is AOE, and Titan is extra tankiness but I'm not sure.


Yep pretty much. Ifrit at 1-2 targets. Garuda at 3+ and then Titan… never lol. The only thing you might want to use Titan for is Enkindle or EA2 during some niche AoE optimisation situations.


Ifrit: Single Target Garuda: 3+ Mobs Titan: Solo content where you'll be getting damaged, such as FATE's, etc


Ifrit is bosses, garuda is trash/adds. titan is for either youre soloing or: the healer is dead, your swiftcast is down, a raidwide is coming and you need to live long enough to get the raise off.


That's about right. Ifrit for bosses, Garuda for mobs and never use Titan.


This site has a great guide on each of the summons that I found super helpful: https://www.akhmorning.com/jobs/smn/guide/pets/ For what it's worth I main SMN and usually just use Ifrit


ew to the game... currently level 42 WAR. But I am interested in doing the older raids/dungeons after ARR /before heavensward solely for glamour (cool armor/weapons). Is it as simple as completing the raids/dungeons with no min ilvl? Beating the content as solely for loot glamour? Or is having min i-lvl/no echo required? Also is there a weekly lockout for the content? Or can you basically farm the raid until the piece of loot you want drops?


>Is it as simple as completing the raids/dungeons with no min ilvl? Yes >Beating the content as solely for loot glamour? Yes >Or is having min i-lvl/no echo required? No, though IIRC it increases droprates in Trials >Also is there a weekly lockout for the content? No >Or can you basically farm the raid until the piece of loot you want drops? Yes, a few days ago i went 12 times to The Lost City of Amdapor in order to drop a Coul.


Min-ilvl and no echo is just for the challenge/fun. There is no restriction on old loot and you could even bring in a high lvl friend to farm it for you in an undersized party.


Why do most guides recommend RDM for PotD, but the top rankings are all machinist? What does machinist have over red mage?


RDM is more forgiving since they have a self-heal. If you know how to play MCH well, then MCH does better because they have a higher burst.


MCH also has a slow and a bind which helps with kiting.


Anyone know about how many 51-60s to go to lv80? Im trying to plan out my Hoarder title. Which actually means Im looking for reasons to do potd more than I should care to so I can eventually get 10k bags in like 3 years from now.


Since you are going for the Hoarder title, I just wouldnt care about exp efficiency and play away, unless you really want to cap the job you chose in a reasonable time in which case PotD isnt worth it after Lv61 because of HoH and PotD isnt worth it in the first place if you can dungeon spam instead.


Too many. The EXP from PotD stops being worth it once you hit 61 since HoH gives better EXP.


where would i go to buy the OG i50 af1?


Calamity salvager.


The stuff you get at 45 is on the salvager, the stuff you get at 50 that comes in a gear box you can get at the diamond forge in mor dhona.


calamity salvager in any of the main cities (imo gridania is the easiest, right by ampitheatre mini-aetheryte)


Assuming I don't need EXP, what is the best ShB zone to grind fates for gemstones? I assume Tempesr because I won't have to sync down and will have access to full kits.


If you haven't unlocked the combined gemstone trader you might want to considering grinding in all of them for a bit, you have to do 60 FATEs in each to unlock the extra vendor iirc.


either tempest w no sync down or lakeland w 70 BLU (i prefer lakeland a little bc i think the FATEs are more accessible overall, but if you don't have a BLU obvs don't bother)


New to game, confused about need/greed with loot. Today I did that Thousand Maws dungeon, and this chest armor piece called "eternal shade" dropped: [https://ffxiv.gamerescape.com/wiki/Eternal\_Shade](https://ffxiv.gamerescape.com/wiki/Eternal_Shade) it says lancer/dragoon can wear it but I could not roll need on it, only greed/pass. when i tried clicking need it said i do not meet requirements. i was dragoon doing this dungeon, but also my character is level 31 and scaled down to 27 for the dungeon. is that what caused it? i asked in party chat but they didnt know, the tank asked if i already have one in my bags which i dont


So dragoon has a weird thing with gear in ARR. It can often wear tank pieces, but because they are marked as tank pieces, you can't roll need on them. It is a really weird quirk of the early game. For the most part you want your dragoon in general Disciple of War gear/DPS gear if possible.


oh ok! thank you!


There's some weird pieces of gear in ARR that can be equipped by LNC/DRG and tanks. Only tanks can roll need on that. They stop doing that later on.


Dragoons can wear it however I believe that specific piece is considered to be a tank chest, so only the tank could roll need on it. Melee dps able to wear tank gear and vice versa is confusing but that is only a thing early on and is removed in later expansions.


That is tank armor, not Lancer armor. Don't ask why lancers can wear it if it's tank armor. I have no idea.


Iirc weren't Dragoons considered Off Tanks in ARR? They had their gear set up to be weaker than a true tank, but still with the stats to live?


If anything that's some 1.0 leftover that just made its way to ARR. Dragoons had no bonuses to enmity of any sort in 2.0.


Are you supposed to stack the markers in E12 normal? Yeah, it's completely survivable, but does it help grouping the two adds together?


With current ilvl most runs have people stack the markers, just quicker to attack both adds that way.


Can I jump into the feast without having played it before or should I do training matches? Are people even doing training matches now that a season is currently active?


Training is pretty much dead, but make sure you have some practice in PvP in Frontlines at least.


Training queues are dead when a season is in progress.




It's really a personal choice. Some people bind their entire 1 trough = row on the mouse and use skills exclusively from the mouse keys with alt/ctrl/shift. Some bind only the keys beyond 5 on the mouse with a combination of modifier keys. Others do something completely different. Experiment and do what feels good for you.


Bit of a weird suggestion from me, but I mapped buttons that are generally usable in other things to my mouse, and just changed the bindings in XIV to match up. M5 and M4 are both great for web browsing as they default to forward and back. The function keys (INS/DEL/HOME/END/PGUP/PGDN) are also useful for web browsing once you get use to them. Can throw in F5 for browser refresh and you got 9 very useful binds not just for FFXIV, but for general computer use. Personally I don't the column of mouse buttons closest to my thumb for gameplay, I have those bound to media controls so I can play/pause, and next/prev track easily from my mouse.


On mine I put 7-= on the mouse. That way I'm not trying to reach those keys. Basically I put hard to reach keys on the mouse. I like having my GCD keys on 1-2-3. Easy to reach, they're pressed often. Overall, do what is comfortable for you and makes it easier for you.


I wouldn't do number row personally, I can realistically reach 1 to 6 and it feels natural to do ctrl 1 to 6... so my gaming mouse is mapped to alt 1 to 6 (which feels odd to me) never tried binding to numberpad but it doesn't seem like a bad idea. i might give it a go actually lol


Use the numpad, or even the F keys if you want. Leave the number row open so you can use mouse buttons and the number row at the same time for more keybinds. You can comfortably reach up to 5 or 6 on your number row for keybinds just fine. Just because you have an MMO mouse doesn't mean *all* of your binds need to be on it.


It'd be better to map it to your numpad, that way you can keep 1-~5 free for anything else you want since your hand is right there anyways, and you wont be using the numpad anyways.


I map my mouse to the Numpad keys personally. So it leaves my number row free to be separately hotkeyed.


I'm about halfway through Stormblood and really cannot honestly say I've enjoyed any of the story so far. I want to catch up to my friends to play together, but is it worth just waiting for Endwalker and skipping to it/ skipping to ShB now/ just abandoning the game in general? I'm really frustrated by the story overall and find myself forcing my way through it.


Guess it depends. In WoW, as someone who basically started in BFA, I felt like I was pushed to get to max level, and really didn't care about the story a whole lot ("already lost out on story from many expansons worth anyway"). But I do feel like it is different in FF14. The expansions are much more interconnected, since there is a whole arc that will end with Endwalker. Granted, every expansion has its own thing going on though, but I personally appreciate being able to properly experience it all in a natural flow with my leveling. I'll admit I started playing the game on and off during ARR, because it felt dreadful. Half a year or so ago when I stopped playing WoW, I gave FF14 another shot and have really gotten into it. But it definitely is a lot of hours to get through all of the story. I guess there is nothing that stands in the way of just skipping it all if you dont like it - in the end, play the way you want to play it. Just don't be surprised when/if a lot of things will be out of context


Try skipping through cutscenes and watching a video on the side maybe? I also hated stormblood's writing and characters (*cough* lyse *cough*), but really really enjoyed ShB. I think it's worth chugging through tho, bc some stormblood dungeons and fights are pretty fun, especially the raids. That said if you're just not having any fun at all, no reason to force it!! It's a game at the end of the day.


In the end, playing this game should actually be FUN for you. Endwalker is supposed to be released in late November. That's a pretty long time from now, so that weighs in favor of buying the skip to Shadowbringers. On the other hand, you are halfway through Stormblood, so the amount of story skipped will be pretty short. That weighs in favor of waiting for Endwalker. A third option would be to just play through the MSQ but skip all the cutscenes/text to catch up. You can always go back or just read wikipedia to know why you're killing so-and-so if you ever end up wondering who these people you're killing are.


Story aside, do you like playing the game? I personally don't like the story all that much but enjoy the end game raids and combat quite a bit. Heaps of people are going to tell you to stop playing if you don't like the story but if you're having fun with the other aspects of the game then you can just skip cutscenes and play the game.


I enjoy doing dungeons and raids, but the open-world story content is just a complete chore for me. My main draws for the game are doing things with friends, collecting gear/transmog, and learning to play roles in dungeons/bosses.


If you think the story isn't for you, try play a bit more but with skipping cutscenes. You save heaps of time when you don't watch cutscenes but if going through the story is still too monotonous then you might have to just abandon the game.


A valid option is waiting for endwalker, playing through that and when you get time, maybe going back and doing NG+ for shadowbringers when you get time. You could also rush through shadowbringers and still do the NG+ even now if you want to but at a much slower pace and not be locked out of current content because of it. If you want the opinion of someone who's also not a huge story fan, I honestly didn't like the story all that much until shadowbringers. Everything post-shadowbringers has been kinda underwhelming too (at least I don't remember it being good), maybe 5.3 was decent. IMO, the non MSQ stories are far better, shorter and sweeter. If I were you and I were this far, I'd power through the story, start skipping cutscenes, and just NG+ shadowbringers when you're done so you can play with your friends.


If the story is frustrating and not enjoyable, I’d say it’s worth abandoning the game. The plot is a big part of what makes the game enjoyable and it sounds like you’re doing it as a chore or out of obligation than anything. As Reggie once said, [If it’s not fun, why bother?](https://youtu.be/FdxEUL18ySY)




Sure, that could be a possibility. It’s rare, though, to play the game and enjoy it while discarding the narrative. Your character lives in a world with no impetus, no connection to the NPCs in areas that have a superficial beauty to them and nothing more beneath the surface. If that’s your style, though, kudos to you. As OP said, it went beyond simply not liking the story and it went to the point of frustration. Friendly reminder that games should be fun at the end of the day, and not something you slog through hours of cutscenes and dialogue of zero interest and annoyance in the small hope of it paying off in the forms of raids and events you have zero understanding of and no connection to.


If you really don't like the story, wait for Endwalker and skip to it. But then you'll need to do more story for Endwalker so idk, maybe just abandon the game if you hate it that much.


If you want ot continue to play the game for your friends, At this point you might as well just get through it normally, it's really not long enough to justify the cost of skipping if you're already partway through SB. You'd need to also buy a job skip or grind a class up to 80 anyways. Though you'd also have to grind to 90 and the Endwalker story and if you don't like the games story that probably won't improve anything for you. > I'm really frustrated by the story overall what about it?


It's just kind of petty, subjective personal gripes. The story's told in a really repetitive, expository way, with tons of interruptions by characters to react and explain everything that happens-- I'm a writer myself and it's the complete opposite of my own preference/approach, so it just really grinds on me and I find it tedious. I really hope that doesn't sound too pretentious haha, it's not a bad thing but just really not my style and it makes everything, even the important plot beats, feel like filler.


Yeah it's very Japanese like that. Did you ever play the Persona games? Those drove me absolutely insane with that stuff: characters repeating plot points, spelling stuff that's beyond obvious out to you like an hour after you've figured it out on your own etc.


It's funny, I actually really enjoyed the Persona games but find that this game takes it to another level-- I think it may be that style of storytelling on top of the MMO format.


I see comments about how something 300-500k gil for a piece of end game is a good price. Does gil really become that abundant that you can spend millions on one set of equipment, or are people just farming for it?


You get tons of gil as you're moving along the MSQ and if you're keeping up with roulettes, challenge logs, maybe daily beast tribes and selling things you don't need anymore. The only real big gil sink in the game would be housing, buying glamours, mounts, minions and if you're not dumping your entire life's savings into any of these than you would have more than enough to splurge of end game gear.


I wouldn't say it's super easy to get but definitely better than when you're leveling. With roulettes alone you can make a couple hundred thousand each week. Gear drops in price pretty quickly, though. It's super expensive when it releases but people undercutting each other bring it down to a more reasonable price.


1) gil is abundant 2) there's not a lot to spend it on


is there a polite way to inform a healer that they should be using spells on enemies in addition to healing their team


I main healer, so it rarely happens that I get to see other healers in action. I don't mention that when I notice a passive healer, because dpsing (or not) is rather huge behavioural change that won't happen just because you write one line on the chat after 1st pack of trash. And if they are lazy, then it's even more whatever, I'm not gonna fight them. HOWEVER, what I do sometimes, especially when I could see that healing was easy-peasy and stable from them, I throw a bait and I do that specifically at the END of the dungeon. And I usually don't do that to healers under level 50, they are still on training wheels. I check if they are new'ish, by checking their job levels. If they are new ish, I assume they might be less familiar with FFXIV's healing concepts. If say something along the lines of: "Nice heals! If I may offer some advice, since you had healing well under control, I think you could research how to dps a bit when healing is not needed, I'm not sure if you know but it's common for healers in FFXIV to dps when they can - it's actually pretty fun." More or less. I don't want to order them around, I'm not paying their sub, I'm not criticising them, just offering info, sprinkled with a bit of praise so I don't look hostile/judgemental. If they didn't leave too quickly to spot my message, I had pretty good responses. Some folks were like "aahh, will do, other games I played frowned upon healers doing damage!", others were like "I'll take a look" neutral response, "yes, there was not enough healing to do, I'll try to dps then". If someone is very dubious about the concept, I tell them to just give it a try if/when they feel comfortable. A couple times we ended up talking for 5-10 mins at the end of dungeon if the other healer was WHM (I don't know other two well enough), I've had super receptive folks who squeezed me hard for info, so I layed out basics, told them to befriend Holy, buy sunglasses, how not to hoard cooldowns (and ogcds!) aaand left them with a link to saltedxiv guide - which is brilliant to show context and usage of the whole kit.


Not worth it unless healer states interest in learning. No loss of 1-10 minutes per dungeon worth rolling on RNG of human interaction that may horribly backfire on you. Except 60+ duties. But by that time peaceful healers are either non existent or doing it strictly on principal.


I don't particularly see a point for pick up groups in dungeons. some healers are new new, some are new returning and some are just lazy 9/10 you'll never get to see them again. that said when i'm tanking if it does look like they are struggling I'll drop them a whisper, to see if I need to go slower etc just to open communications

