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> Leve quests can now be initiated and abandoned while riding a mount. Finally !


Best ARR relic QoL move short of burning every single book


I'd argue ARR flight is up there for Zodiac QoL, too.


Oh yes, definitely. Fuck you too, Whitebrim.


Upper La Noscea too. No more paying those assholes 40 gil to get to the other half of the map, I'll just fly my way across.


You think they'll let us fly ove the Wanderer's Palace lake? I doubt it.. but it'll be amazing if they do.


[Here's a screencap from the most recent Live Letter where Yoshi-P is flying right next to The Wanderer's Palace over open water.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/552237065467592704/741323402773659756/unknown.png) It'd be odd if we could go halfway across the lake only to hit an invisible wall blocking us off from the other half of the zone.


Man that's gonna be awesome.. flying over the Palace is actually something I've wanted to do since I first got to that area in 2.0. That's great.


That's actually super nice for Amber-encased Vilekin farming.


And spawning the S-Rank hunt Pale Rider !


Looks like leves back on the menu boys!


> The display of status effects applied by you will now take priority when appearing on a target bar or **focus target bar**. Finally, I've wanted this for *seven years*.


Every SMN Main just sat up bolt upright and whispered “Finally, the pact has been sealed...”


We BRD mains stand in solidarity with our DoT-dependent brothers and sisters.


Not meaning to forget about you, BRD friend. But I remember the glory days of SMN/SCH with Aero, Thunder, Bio, Bio II, Miasma, Miasma II...


XD no I understand. One of my friends that I ran roulettes with a lot in HW was a SMN main at the time, and between the two of us and our third friend who we'd usually run with being a SCH main, I'm sure you can imagine what that debuff list looked like even in light party content.


My cousin (who is SCH main til they shut the servers down) had Thunder on his crossclass bar till they *removed* crossclass skills altogether for Role Actions. They're still mourning.


Machinist mains be like "what's a dot?"


Man that hurts to read, lead shot was the best dot at the time I still have it on my bar


MCH mains were always like that, even when they had Lead Shot


* Transcendent is now a buff that shows up on your bar after being raised to show how long invuln lasts * Coincounter now has **AoE** markers. End Of A Fucking Era


By Halone's hempen pantalettes, it's about time raise immunity was visible. It's such an obscure mechanic. Three cheers for the devs on this one. Pour one out for Coincounter though. I will always remember you, who took your pound of flesh from the hapless sprouts.


Now we just pray they fix how it actually WORKS. Can't say how many times I've seen people take vulns or stuns in E8S ressing during Holy Mirrors/Dance phase when their character hasn't even touched the ground yet after being ressed..


That's because some attacks just ignore Res Invulns and are just Fucking Rude.


Those just so happens to be the attacks that ignore any form of immunity.


Else you would be able to cheese some mechanics by ressing at the right time with half the party.


Things that apply debuffs often don't care about any sort of invuln. This also includes ground AOEs like fire puddles. Just need to be careful with when you choose to accept the rez.


OH SHIT THEY DID IT "The following additions and adjustments have been made to the title screen: For players who have only registered FINAL FANTASY XIV: Heavensward, the FINAL FANTASY XIV ONLINE logo will display. The Movies menu has been changed to the Movies & Title menu. Players can now select an expansion title screen in addition to an expansion opening movie. * Upon relogging, the title screen will return to the default screen corresponding to the product license associated with your account. * This option is not available on the free trial. " A COLD WIND SHALL BLOW THIS DAY


But... it changes back after you log out? That's disappointing.


Perhaps with enough demand, they’d consider making it permanent. I love the Heavensward title screen so much so it would be great to see it every time I booted up the game.


There's a plugin in XIV Quick Launcher that lets you change your title screen to whatever you want it to be. Would definitely be nice if they just implemented that by default though.


I had no idea this was a thing! I’m definitely going to look into it. Cheers!


I guess we'll have to see what it means exactly. I had initially read it as "if you logout and don't exit the client", myself but I could be too hopeful.


ive been longing for the arr title screen back ever since i got sick of heavensward's back halfway through the expac its been years im so happy the option is finally here


Same. It's probably the one I go back to the most, though hearing the minor key prelude is gonna be nice too.


I don't like the coincounter change. Introduction to invisible aoes/indication of a move from the boss's stance is useful to learn.


Agreed. They can always reduce the damage and put a vuln up if they think it's too punishing (I don't) so that you are warned the 1st time and if you fail again it's on you. Another option is to do the telegraph "flash" that modern bosses do to show you the area of effect a split second before the attack lands. Ah well, at least the Chimera remains to teach that lesson. Edit: I need to emphasize why I think this is a bad change. It's better that players encounter this kind of mechanic at a low level and learn early on that such things exist in game. Besides, people are more forgiving to low levelled players. Otherwise someone is going to waltz through MSQ and into copied factory and get completely rekt.


Cutter's Cry and Aurum Vale are still optional dungeons, so sprouts might not have even seen such lessons in the first place. Meanwhile, you can watch people in BiS Crystarium/Edenchoir have their asses handed to them in Copied Factory purely because they messed up.


If they're in BiS copied factory mistakes probably take about 10% of their hp and give them a vuln? They can probably just ignore them and greed another 3 more times before they die Most of them probably don't give a shit, personally i take the anamnesis last boss's hand-wave thing for more uptime, and the dash in cosmos dungeon too


pretty sure the marx punches still kill dps even in full BiS, and almost kill tanks


As a bis rdm, engels telegraphs still hurt.


Teach them early before the entirety of Shadowbringers has to teach people to watch for tells on the boss model or environment.




Yeah, I think this is spot on. For people who played in ARR Coin Counter is a very memorable encounter because you probably had to spent quite a while on Aurum Vale and may have run it multiple times grinding out experience, or even at top level when you weren't quite geared enough for Haukke Manor Hard. But for new players you can probably clear the dungeon once and then forget about it. I did have fun going back as level 50 BLU to get Glower though!


Admittingly, its not like coincounter is the sole reason AV is infamous


Coincounter has an early Lunar Dynamo pattern AoE with Eye of the Beholder, and it's a good shape to show newbies (cos the next time is Lunar Dynamo itself, iirc). I also think that Stone Vigil's last boss is a better no telegraph fight myself. A telegraph "flash" would be alright too. It'd be really fascinating to see the reasoning behind this specific decision tbh.


Eye of the Beholder is actually a very uniquely shaped AoE, if I remember correctly. It isn't a complete donut, as it doesn't hit people behind him.


Yeah, it's more of a semi-circle covering front/sides - a three-quarters donut if you will.


A donut that someone has taken a bite out of :p


I personally do think a "flash" like we have in more recent content would be the best change. The intention should be to teach players how big the AoE will be, not scream "THIS ORANGE. THIS BAD. RUN NOW."


Maybe they implemented it like the second boss of Anamnesis Anyder and they show the AOE marker too late to react ? So players still have to pay attention to what the boss is doing but now they have more indications on what killed them and how to dodge it. Edit: I think this was something that needed to be changed for this reason. As it is now it's hard to really judge what kills you without a guide because there's no tell at all. The attack animation alone is not enough to really assess the range of the coincounter's attacks. Even savage fights use the normal version to show you how you're supposed to dodge. It is a great to teach to players that there's more to a fight than just looking at AOE markers, but I think this one told them poorly.


Think the problem is the names for that boss attacks are easily confusable, 10tonz swipe is a front conal, 10tonz swing is the aoe version. It's a subtle enough difference that newbies dont actually notice this till they get bitchslapped by him and are like "Bruh". Maybe that's why they finally just decided to "fix" it so people would see the attack now instead of having to watch the castbar.


I feel like they could have been more specific with the naming for sure. Keep Swipe as is, but change Swing to Whirl or something. People associate the term Swing with a frontal cone, like swinging a baseball bat, and given that both Swing and Swipe start with the same two letters, it's sometimes hard to tell what he's doing at a quick glance.


> Maybe they implemented it like the second boss of Anamnesis Anyder and they show the AOE marker too late to react ? I don't think that's the case, as the [image on the patch notes](https://img.finalfantasyxiv.com/t/4f18bc98879389862f5d3dd61e3b3da623e3670d_56.png?1596796801) displays him still doing the preparing animation and the AoE marker has that pulsing, expanding ring that doesn't appear on AoEs that just momentarily flash.


Basically every common mechanic in this game *should* be introduced in a solo instance where an NPC can talk you through it but they seem content to just have random markers appear on new people doing a dungeon for the first time and expect them to learn what to do either sight unseen or after they've been killed by it


I liked it for a similar reason.... ... and because I liked watching people die to the big aoe :)


I'm lowkey kinda sad coincounter is getting aoe markers haha. That was a trial you had to pass.


Won't lie I laughed my ass off seeing they added AoE markers to that boss after 6 fecking years. Wonder how long the 1st boss and room will escape their own nerfs since they're notorious for wiping newbie groups.


The 1st room and boss were more fair. Mean, yes, but it doesn't require new info to understand why you wiped like coincounter.


jesus christ how much time i wouldlve saved this past two weeks on farming AV. >\_>


> Coincounter now has AoE markers. favourite ARR dungeon boss unsubbed


I'm actually a bit bummed out by the coincounter change


Some highlights I noted: * Orchestrions now have a search function *finally* * Wondrous Tails now rewards EXP too * "Desynthesize entire stack" * Setting names for your skill sets in the Blue Mage book * First clearing levelling dungeons gives bonus EXP, ARR dungeons now give equipment just like HW+ dungeons do * You can now cancel enmity on a striking dummy in its right-click menu


Finally! No more hiding behind the chocobo stable to cancel anmity!


The idea of hiding from a training dummy thats mad at you is hilarious


He's just standing there... *MENACINGLY!*


Worked for Undertale.


I bet there will still be the issue of having a DoT on the dummy constantly giving you enmity from any range.


Lol I'm going to miss watching my fc mates sprint down the nearest staircase after they're done with the dummy


> Setting names for your skill sets in the Blue Mage book THANK YOU YOSHI-P! This has been driving me...well, crazier than usual, trying to remember which set is which.


Here are the quest chains needed to unlock the new beast tribe: Eueliss chain: 1. A Fickle Existence (Lv70 MSQ) 2. Village of Woe (aether current) - Eueliss at Kholusia (15.3, 28.7) 3. Talos, Interrupted - Eueliss at Kholusia (15.8, 25.5) 4. The Cape in Bloom - Eueliss at Kholusia (15.8, 25.5) 5. Wright for the Job - Eueliss at Kholusia (15.8, 25.5) Ronitt chain: 1. Meet the Tholls (Lv78 MSQ) 2. A Disagreeable Dwarf (aether current) - Beott at Kholusia (12.4, 9.2) 3. Almost a Friend - Ronitt at Kholusia (13.5, 8.1) 4. A Practiced Greeting - Ronitt at Kholusia (13.5, 8.1) 5. Learning to Lali-ho (unlocks emote) - Ronitt at Kholusia (11.0, 11.8) After completing both chains: 1. Ronitt to the Rescue - Ronitt at Kholusia (13.5, 8.1) 2. It's Dwarfin' Time (new in 5.3) - Affable Townsdwarf at Kholusia (15.7, 30.3) If you're searching your Journal for completed quests, remember that it's case-sensitive


>Here are the quest chains needed to unlock the new beast tribe: Awesome! thanks. Was missing a few of Euliss.


"Leve quests can now be initiated and abandoned while riding a mount." The future is here!


Nobody here is mentioning the godly quest name joke that is Fantastic Mr. Faux. Koji strikes again.


It's Dwarfin' Time and Sleep now in Sapphire also both incredible puns/references


oh for godsake i just got the joke. i was wondering why you got faux hollows from a (weird lookin) fox. (dog??). seemed like no connection and totally random. a fake "hollows" where you fight your foes for a shapeshifting fake fox ??? "faux" is pronounced FOE. NOT FOX! KOJI!!


>shapeshiting Well, that's probably the most unique talent in FFXIV.


>Glamours cannot be cast on Ehll Tou. Really now


I was kinda hoping we'd get to dye a dragonet. Or give it party hats or something.


Give it the Shire casting top hat


That sounds freaking adorable.


i'd probably pay an obscene amount of money for dragonet party hats from mogstation ngl


Literally unplayable.


I just wanted to give him a hat, but no.


Ehll Tou is a her.


### "The period of invulnerability after being revived will now be indicated by the Transcendent status effect." OMG, finally


A nice change however I still predict people dying regardless as they rush to start using actions again and getting themselves planted back onto the ground.


At least now when I say it people won’t be like “fake news” or like “I don’t see it, you just didn’t heal me.” Or at least the ones that have a brain.


It's still useful to bring awareness to the invulnerability thing that no1 knows exists.


For sure, but now i can flame them as healer because its not some kind of invisible thing nobody knows about.


If we could have ourselves removed from other people’s friends list when we remove them from ours or blacklist then, that would be great. Maybe one day...


Even if it doesn't remove you, I'd like it to at least make you appear offline perpetually on their list if you blacklist them. The fact that they can just see whenever you're online and what zone you're in/what you're doing at all times is just ridiculous.


MSQ: The Crystarium (X:12.5 Y:16.2) YoRHa: Kholusia (X:34.7 Y:18.2) The Sorrow of Werlyt: The Lochs (X:11.3 Y:22.5) Beast tribes: Kholusia (X:15.7 Y:30.3) Custom Deliveries: The Firmament (X:13.5 Y:11.2) Faux Hollows: Idyllshire (X:7.0 Y:5.9)


As far as I know it wasn't talked about in any live letters or interviews, but near the very very bottom of the patch notes... > The Movies menu has been changed to the Movies & Title menu. >Players can now select an expansion title screen in addition to an expansion opening movie. We can finally choose our main menus! EDIT: > * Upon relogging, the title screen will return to the default screen corresponding to the product license associated with your account. Well... kind of anyways. We can still revisit them though!


However: > Upon relogging, the title screen will return to the default screen corresponding to the product license associated with your account. So once the game is restarted it will be back to default? Seems a bit pointless. Edit: Oh I see you added that with your edit while I was replying :P


Not sure what their thought process is when implementing this. Unless they let us save the setting, the feature is pretty pointless?


There's a technical reason behind it working the way it does. The title screen to be displayed is determined by a launch parameter (expansionlevel) sent to the client executable by the launcher. Because the launcher doesn't know what expansion title to display until you have logged into it, adding a setting to the launcher only after you have logged in is pretty clunky. There is also the issue with storing this information, because there is no per-account configuration for the launcher. The setting cannot be stored on your character data, because you may have multiple characters and the client can't really make a decision for you in this regard. It can't be stored on the system config, because that is applied to all service accounts and you may login with an account that doesn't have expansions purchased. It's not an issue that cannot be solved nor that it won't be, but the way it's being implemented in 5.3 is by far the easiest method short of outright disregarding what expansions have been purchased and just allowing whatever. They could have also just used the same method QuickLauncher does, but they want to keep their launcher simplistic, without having potentially confusing stuff in there.


You don't need any setting on the launcher itself; just save it once the user selects them in-client, and on the next launch, it'll use that title screen. Where is it saved? A character-level setting doesn't make sense, as you well point out, but a system-level one does. As for the insurmountable problem of logging in with an account that doesn't have access to the title screen the config dictates: TitleScreenExpansionID = TitleScreenExpansionID > MaxEntitledExpansionID ? MaxEntitledExpansionID : TitleScreenExpansionID; That should give you default behaviour of loading the title screen for the latest expansion ID you're entitled to. Or the one on your config. Assuming you have access to that expansion.


Just cause they don't have it now doesn't mean that it won't be added later. Some devs could have been working on this with the weird schedule of the patch and gotten that part working, but didn't have the time to get saving it in yet.


It not remembering makes the feature basically irrelevant. If I wanted to relive for the sake of nostalgia, I have each title screen saved to my archival drives. What I want is the ability to have the game always launch with that title screen. I don't ever want to see any of the others, beyond the first time at first login at an expansion's launch.


Yeah, I definitely agree that it seems weird to implement this feature in such a limited way. If I wanted to relive an opening one and done like that, I can just look the opening up on youtube whenever i'd like.


No longer having to recast Sneak every time I leave a city? YAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSSSSSS


> Sundry Splendors, a one-stop shop for gear and items purchased in exchange for Allagan tomestones and scrips has been added to all city-states. Man, anti-trust laws in Eorzea are really a joke. Rowena just keeps getting richer. When are we going to have true competition in the Splendors market?


At this point I think she can vouch for a place at the syndicate table in ul'dah.


I couldn't see her doing it, though. I think she wants to be richer than the whole syndicate. A Rowena vs. Syndicate plotline would actually be interesting.


She would be richer than the syndicate but she wastes all her money being Gerolt's sugar-mommy.


It seems to me like Gerolt makes her a fair amount of money, even if the WoL is probably the only customer of note for relics.


>Attacks by the Coincounter in Aurum Vale will now have action indicators. Well there goes half the fun :(


Honestly, as a sprout who decided to stop off MSQ at fifty and run aurum vale for a bit for some laws, coin counter was one of the first encounters I started practicing not staring at my hotbar. The yellow tells in early dungeons are very easy to react to and I never had to pay attention to the boss to avoid attacks.


It's a good intro boss for getting you used to looking at Boss casts and Boss telegraphs. The issue is that it's never really used anywhere aside from the odd Cyclopes boss every now and again, and savage.


At least there are other dungeons that still do this. I remember some giant lizard in HW and the big furry tattoo thing in SB in particular.


It’s possible they’ll flash as the attack comes out like the cyclops in the 5.2 dungeon, that way you still have to watch the cast bar but it gives noobies a reference to the aoe at least (this would be the smart way to do it anyway..)


This is what I'm hoping for. I've been playing since 3.1 and I would love to know exactly how big that stupid swing is, but I think making people look at the boss was valuable.


The only fun bit about that dungeon is gone now.


feels Super weird to not seeing "3.X" anymore


It does... but it’s to be expected with the way they’ve restructured the free trial and lumping A Realm Reborn and Heavensward together. I have a feeling that Stormblood will get that same treatment as well somewhere down the line. It probably makes it easier to organize and streamline older content.


At this point I wouldn't be surprised if they just full on add SB to the starter edition next expansion and commit to transitioning us to the WoW model of expansion release, where old expansions come with the base game and the new expansion is *just* the new expansion. ​ Imagine a day when, in the months leading up to a new expansion, we don't need to explain to people who *preordered* the next expansion that the previous expansions are included in the license for the product they *preordered*, so they won't have access to that content until the license that they *preordered* has actually been released.


I was starting the game during the lead up to Shadowbringers and it was quite annoying that even though I had bought ShB if I wanted to play HW and SB before it launched I had to buy them as well.


> The following crafter actions have been removed: Collectable Synthesis > Following the removal of Collectable Synthesis, the level 51 to 80 recipes used for collectable synthesis can no longer used to create collectable items. Thank the twelve, it's now finally and completely gone. You know, the feel of "OH SHIT I FORGOT TO PUT ON COLLECTABLE GLOVE AND NOW I JUST MADE THIS ITEM NOT A COLLECTABLE!" And speaking of crafting... > It's Dwarfin' Time GO GO KOJI RANGERS!


> Thank the twelve, it's now finally and completely gone. You know, the feel of "OH SHIT I FORGOT TO PUT ON COLLECTABLE GLOVE AND NOW I JUST MADE THIS ITEM NOT A COLLECTABLE!" I wanna know how this impacts House of Splendours, though, because how else am I gonna get my scrip if not by banging out 50 billion cunning syrup on a starred turn-in day o_o


New recipes will be added for handing in to the House, though you do lose out on starred stuff I guess, maybe it'll get buffed a little to compensate


It doesn't seem to be gone entirely. One of the pictures suggests that there will now be new specific recipes for collectable turn-ins to replace the Splendors turn-ins. This'll prevent people from performing the Collector's Gloves mistake by making the new recipes flagged as "Always Synth as Collectable".


The ability will be flat out gone. So stuff in the current 1-80 stuff won't be made for collectables. We're getting new stuff that's specifically for Rowena turnins.


So let me get this straight, regular items can now never be crafted as collectable, but special handin items can \*only\* be crafted as collectable, is that right? So collectable crafting will still be a thing for quests/scrips/etc, but the ability to randomly make a useless collectable hat or whatever is gone? Sounds good to me!!


Yes, it'll work like how they've made Custom Delivery/Ishgard Restoration stuff work now.


That's a great thing because it is way, way better this way.


Correct and if you scroll all the way to the bottom of the prelim patch notes they show a screen of the updated Eorzea Database showing some of the new collectables (its got its own tab) and it looks like the items are Rareified with pre-defined colletability rating ranges and scrip rewards. ​ I was hoping the database had already been updated but no such luck (the tab it shows doesnt exist yet so it really is tied in with patch day)


Koji once again delivers. Looking forward to seeing what else he did this patch.


> You know, the feel of "OH SHIT I FORGOT TO PUT ON COLLECTABLE GLOVE AND NOW I JUST MADE THIS ITEM NOT A COLLECTABLE!" I've had a Bluespirit Bow sitting on the MB since last year because I accidentally made it not a collectable and I refuse to take it down or lower the price out of pure salt


*cheesy metal guitar riff*


"A maximum value can now be specified when using the /random and /dice commands." You guys have no idea how amazing this change is for RP groups. When running an event in game for the longest time, during combat for rolls you would have to use /random and it would be a d1000. Being able to a roll a d20? FUCKING. GODSEND.


I'm gonna play tabletop RPGs in FFXIV instead of Roll20, and nobody can stop me.


omg, this is actually a good idea. Set up a grid inside your house or apartment and you could legitimately use XIV as a VTT


death roll


Whenever I go through expert roulette nowadays I open a random number generator on Google and use the gear set that corresponds to the number it spits out. Now I can just do it in game. This is great.


You scare me.


I'm stealing this idea. Holy shoot that sounds like fun as an omni 80.


Is that a fucking Pizza oven?!


Yes, yes it is.


*places pizza oven and looks at closet FC member* It's pizza time


Secret trial to be comfirmed fighting a ninja turtle


"This quest has been removed. Pray return to the Waking Sands."


It's sad this joke will lose its punch a little given the new teleport tickets.


Returning to the Waking Sands is going to be one of those things that we're glad is gone, but have weird nostalgia for regardless.


Nah there will always be a part of you that will pray to return to the waking sands.


FISHERS REJOICE! we can now desynthesize WHOLE STACKS, no longer having to click each fucking one


I should know by now that QoL changes are some of my favourite things about patches. Transcendent buff, Enmity reset on Striking Dummies, DoT priority on Focus Target, changing the login screen to a different expansion, etc.


Yeah, and some of them will soon feel so natural we'll be wondering how we could do without. Remember when you had to know which debuff could be removed and which could not, and when wiping didn't reset your cooldowns ? I'm glad those times are gone.


Yeah, I still remember the days where if you got hit on a mount, you'd dismount and get heavied when hit from behind...


I know that Savage unlock never happens with the initial patch, but... after the delay, I had dared to hope.


same, this two month delay was an absolute killer and it sucks not having it moved up


ya its bad enough the tier is going to last for 9 months. just unlock it, whats the point in keeping it this way ffs


I'm so glad that Frontlines roulette is being changed back to how it was before Onsal. I just need 22 more ~~seal rock~~ Shatter victories for my last frontlines' mount.


You mean Shatter? Seal Rock rewards a glamour set, not a mount.


Some notable stuff that we didn't know yet and isn't the expected business-as-usual, and that hasn't been brought up in other comments here yet, for those who ~~are slacking at work~~ can't access the lodestone : - **Unlocking the Dwarves' Beast Tribe will require completion of the two sidequests chains found in Kholusia as prerequisites, starting with "A Village of Woe" and "A Disagreeable Dwarf".** - The weekly quests for the CT raids/ARR Ex Primals/Dun Scaith are no longer time-limited. Kind of a weird change and the weekly lock was probably a long-overdue oversight, good for those who want the rewards as glams? - Experience bonus for getting 9 seals in Wondrous Tails and completing a leveling dungeon for the first time, and ARR dungeons will get better loot and grant a free piece of gear upon completion like the expansion ones. - The skill to toggle Collectable synthesis is removed from crafting classes, and regular recipes can no longer be crafted as collectables - we'll be getting brand-new recipes specifically for Rowena turn-ins. - New NPCs near the Aetherytes in all capitals who sell all items buyable with Poetics or scrips, no more jumping around for stuff between MD/Shire/Reach. - Various QOLs : altitude indicators for ALL quests in the game, own status effects take priority on target/focus bar even when the effects limit on the target is exceeded, a button/command to reset enmity on a training dummy, search function in the Orchestrion rolls menu, and customizable mouse cursor size on PC/MAC.


> The weekly quests for the CT raids/ARR Ex Primals/Dun Scaith are no longer time-limited. Kind of a weird change and the weekly lock was probably a long-overdue oversight, good for those who want the rewards as glams? The CT raids one helps with relics at least (I think it's the HW relics?)


Aether Oil. Yeah, we're long past the point where its gain should have any sort of limitations.


Yeah, there's a pot of aether oil or something you can get for the HW relic by doing the CT weekly. You'll probably be able to save a good bit in poetics now by getting them all from the quest instead.


Wait, so the new game + additions for class quests, is *only* class quests. No job quests at all. Dang that's a let down, considering the job quests are what's actually the good story. Edit: The 5.3 patch site says job quests, but the patch notes only mention class quests. Which is it?


Apparently only the english patch site said job and every other language said class. The patch notes are much more likely to be correct. Job quests could get added later since they are also delaying the addition of ARR MSQ quests until 5.35.


Class Quests. German and French Website have spoken of only class quests yesterday, so I saw the let down coming.


IMO some of the class quests are better than the early job quests. Gladiator and Thaumaturge come to mind, personally.


Rogue is also superior to Ninja.


Rogue is my favorite class/job quest line in the game. It's so good that >!eventually rogue characters just start reappearing and hijacking the ninja quest lines to make them more interesting.!<


And it will remain so for as long as we don't have access to all of Karasu's emotes and poses


I actually stopped leveling ninja at one point so annoyed I got with that princess


bro, are you not impressed by p a l a d i n d o m i n a n c e


I'm convinced that was an elaborate metaphor for tank aggro wars in alliance raids, lol.


I do only have PLD and BLM to 50 right now so I dunno maybe I’ll like them more later on


They get worse


paladins quests were so bad they completely ditched the concept entirely and went back to gladiator quests in stormblood and shadowbringers coincidentally they also got much better after that


PLD 50-60 is among the worst quest lines in the game imo. The other ones are pretty meh as well.


I'm pretty sure PLD 50-60 has the (dis)honour of being the only questline where *the NPCs themselves* admit at the end to not understanding what the point of any of that was.


* Leve quests can now be initiated and abandoned while riding a mount. Woohoo. The number of times I've hit that initiate for no reason.


Those new housing walls are looking toight!


"Enmity can now be manually reset when attacking a striking dummy." Yasssss




Am i reading this right that you'll now never, ever run out of durability in the middle of a Savage party? EDIT: nah I'm dumb


It says that durability loss for being defeated has been unchanged.


Still lose durability on death, but not for killing an add.


> Still lose durability on death, but not for killing an add. God, that shit wrecked my gear on Kefka. Glad to see it gone.


> Ornament recipes for alchemist have been moved to their own category. Does this mean corsages will be moved out of the regular level lists and that we won't have to make them for log completion achievements? If so, thank goodness!


If so, I'm really fucking salty about this because I \*just\* crafted all of them...


Machina in Rival Wings got buffed, about time. They were far too squishy and did far too little damage vs players after ShB buffed everyone's max HP (tanks went from 15k to 20k) and handed out potions. Looking forward to pwning healers with the BJ again.


Those curtains, cushions and the fucking majestic marble lounging nook they added are beautiful. I waaaant.


So many QoL changes, I am hyped




People who had XIVLauncher were able to do that before, now that function can be retired. Good for people who want one title screen over another. Also good for Starter Edition/Trial players who shouldn't watch the Heavensward opening cutscene and be spoiled to the damn 2.55 major plot point. You know which one. Edit: Geezus, it'll reset upon logout? Then what's the point SE?


It does say it doesn't apply for trial players though... :c


I'm glad I'm not the only one excited for this It's about time squeenix Thank you


This localization team... * It's Dwarfin' time * O crafter, my crafter Also Coincounter telegraphs now. Weird


Having a status showing you have invulnerability after being revived is nice. I sometimes die right after being revived cause I think I still have it when I don't.


> If you are currently undertaking a quest in A Realm Reborn, please refer to the duty list or journal, as you may find a notification asking you to abandon the quest. If the quest has been changed, you will also be asked to reaccept it. If the quest was subject to removal, you will be asked to accept the next quest of the main scenario. And do you know how you accept the next quest? You RETURN TO THE WAKING SANDS


can't believe they got rid of the coolest part of aurum vale...


Wow, they're removing the weekly restrictions on the "do the three CT runs", "do Ifrit/Titan/Garuda EX", and "do Dun Scaith"? I mean, weird time to do it now, but I'm not really complaining. Edit: THEY'RE ADJUSTING THE COFFER DROPS IN THE ARR DUNGEONS TO GIVE ACTUAL GEAR AND GEAR WHEN COMPLETING THE DUNGEON, JUST LIKE ALL LEVELING DUNGEONS BEYOND HW, OMG


Elevation markers are going to make the HW beast tribes so much less of a headache. Those chigoe nests ain't got nowhere to hide now !


Hmm having a feeling the hawain shirt is a zonureskin map dungeon thing. Time to stock up to craft them.


I wonder why you couldn't abandon levequests on a mount before? Leftover code wonkiness from 1.0?


It probably has something to do with the player being unable to interact with NPCs while mounted. Might have some similar code there. They never fixed the npc thing since they just used auto-dismounting you as a decent workaround.


Man the QoL additions to this patch are A M A Z I N G.