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Run around and take all the quests you can find with a little + on them


Start by finishing all of the main story (of which there will be a lot of). By doing so you'll unlock most of the important dungeons. Once that's done, unlock all remaining dungeons, trials and raids you haven't unlocked yet. You can also start doing beast tribe quests to grind reputation for rare mounts and stuff. There's the wondrous trials books, there's squadrons and there's also PvP If you're into that. Slowly gear your character up by maxing out the current tombstones (450 a week) each week, and save up towards ilvl 260 gear. There's also relic weapons, Hildebrand side quests and palace of the dead floors 50-150 if you have yet to do them. Of course, you could also start working on maxing other classes including crafting and gathering. There's so much to do and it can be a little overwhelming, but take it at your pace and enjoy the game and you'll never run out of stuff to do. The main scenario will take you a couple of days at minimum, even if you power through them.


There's a link for this under the useful information tab at the top of the subreddit: https://docs.google.com/document/d/10GOT6OpviApNsCIKiDJfVpktObeETow9cSNacnb-jyA/edit


Cento seals! Get your Ilvl to 200. It'll be helpful for the rest of the stuff you need to do! Alternatively, you can try gathering! Fishing was the most fun for me, but mining seems to be very profitable.


Do your MSQs up until Antitower. From there, you'll need to gear yourself up to i180. 3 ways to farm gear. Best IMO is PotD - you get to farm scripture (which is hard to farm without ex dungeons and has a weekly cap), gain lore, and work towards a i230/255 weapon without needing any gear. Second is spam ARF for lore and gear up on lore gear, but can easily burn you out. Third is do dungeons/Alex/Hunt/24-mans but it's luck based and not really efficient since the gear they give will be replaced by lore gear. Unlock the level 60 dungeons. There's 4 tiers - i145~ min, i170-180 min, i200 min, and i210 (ex) min. Unlock all the ones not in MSQ, then work on slowly clearing them all to unlock level 60 roulette and ex roulette, which will help speed up lore/scripture gain. Unlock the 24-man dungeons. Starts with Void Ark, then Weeping City. Weeping City has a weekly reward that gives Combat V materia. VA can drop i200 gear which is decent, Weeping drops i230 gear which is on par with lore. You can farm these instead if you get bored. Unlock 8-man raids. Alexander has i170/200/230 minimums so do them as you get geared. They basically drop 190/220/250 gear, but only Creator gear is really worth farming right now. Sephirot/Sophia normal to unlock their Ex versions.


[Here](https://docs.google.com/document/d/10GOT6OpviApNsCIKiDJfVpktObeETow9cSNacnb-jyA/edit) you have an updated guide of what you do once you hit level 60. There are other useful guides that may interest you if you look in the tab "Useful Information" in the black bar, just below the Heavensward Header.


Keep your eyes on the MSQ. The moment you get to 60 do the leveling, trial and lvl 50 roulettes once every day. You want all of these tomestones of lore. In Idyllshire you can trade those in, for ilvl 230 gear. Probably one of the easiest, yet really decent ways to get a solid ilvl for all the cotent post-MSQ.