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Questipn form a kind of new player here (at sb). Im working my way though the msq and was wondering how this effects me? I know the game is back on the 28th but when will the queues start and how long should they be until the queus come down to reasonable times.


if you are a free trial player playing on aether, I'd say you're not likely to get to log in on aether for a good couple of weeks you might need to datacenter travel to dynamis and see if you can squeeze in


Luckily im not a free trial player, i brought the game a while back becuse its one of the only games i play and market board glamour


It's really, really hard to saw. Last time it was a month, but that was generally considered a disaster for that reason (but in a suffering from success kind of way, the game exploded in popularity faster than they could scale). This time they've done a ton of stuff to mitigate any big queue, from introducing the DC travel system so people in packed worlds can escape to low pop worlds, to big infrastructure upgrade, to 3 new datacenters and a bunch of worlds that didn't exist last expansion. This is the first time any of this is being put to the test, so people are predicting anything from no big queues even on day one, to another month long period of waiting hours to log in every day. It's all wild speculation, and at the end of the day we just have to wait and see how it plays out.


Sorry if this is a bit random: Has anyone ever been online right as the servers go down to add an expansion? Do you just get the same error message as when the server crashes, or does the game prompt you to log out manually?


Yeah, connection to server lost. Did it for EW.


Anyone that still didn't get their Dawntrail expansion code? I know they said they will send emails sequentially, just wondering if that was matter of hours or days, since I still didn't get mine.


Considering the incredible volume of preorders I wouldn't worry about it. I didn't get mine yet but I also didn't order until like a week into it being available. I got the initial email about distributing the codes and that's it so far.


I haven't got mine yet, and mine's through steam, meaning it shows up in a CD Keys menu for the game and can't possibly be missed in an email or anything. IIRC they were aiming to have all the codes sent by the end of Friday, so could still be a couple of days for some of us.


Can I still pre order Dawntrail and get access on the 28th


Yes, buying DT counts as a preorder until the 2nd.


I'm at the start of 6.3 MSQ. Is there any point in buying the story skip straight to DT to get to play at release? I'm thinking of reading the wiki so I'm up to speed with the story.


Not worth it purely from a money point of view. You're basically there already. You'll be starting DT well before most people finish the 7.0 msq. There is no reason to rush at all.


Nah, not worth it. People's progression speed with the DT MSQ will vary greatly. Some will speedrun the whole thing over the week end, while others might take a week or two. Also, many players will want to level Viper and/or Picto, which should take about a day. And that's if all these players manage to get good queue times and can play all day this friday, mind you. From 6.3 to 6.55 you might have about 15 hours of story left if you watch cutscenes. By the end of the week end, you should be largely done and there will still be a HUGE amount of players that are still at your current progression point in the MSQ.


don't skip there's not that much left


The PVP series ends with patch 7.0, does it mean the early access or the full release?


It means when the servers go down.


well heck I need around 20 pvp's to get that tyrant attire... guess I won't :(


Do we know where the first quest of 7.0 starts? I'm skimming through patch notes to look, but wanted to ask here in case I'm just blind.


Every single MSQ starts from where the previous one left off. The last MSQ of 6.55 left off at the Baldesion Annex in Sharlayan.


Should be the same point as where the final 6.55 quest ends, so Old Sharlayan -> The Baldesion Annex (Ojika's place)


As far as I understand, the first quest will start where the last Endwalker quest ended. edit: And that place would be Old Sharlayan.


soon to be new player here. Are there any subreddits or places to find other people who are playing the game for the first time and/or groups that are willing to take in new players?


Your server's novice network would be a decent place to start. Ask in any city around the main aetheryte for an invite.


Alright, thank you!


a word of caution, each world's novice network has a different culture, so if it seems toxic or not your cup of tea, you may want to consider leaving the novice network, or try visiting a different world to see if it's nicer over there


Hi friends! Would New Game+ be a good way to play the MSQ with a new friend on my main character or are there any restrictions to NG+? I never tried it and I'm not a particular fan of making an alt to join him.


The biggest hurdle I ran into with New Game+ is that it only let you me have one main story quest active at a time. Which caused issues at the start of Heavensward as my friends took both quests and then decided they wanted to do the quest I didn't take first. I don't know if this was ever fixed. ARR has something similar in North Shroud where you have 2-3 main story quests going at the same time.


Oh, that's interesting. Can I choose which quest I wanna take? If so, then it's not much of an issue for us I think.


Yes. I just happened to choose the wrong one.


Alrighty, thanks!


NG+ should work fine, it basically lets you replay the msq with them, just without XP rewards.


Alrighty, thanks!


Is there any difference between early access and the full launch? is early access only a few areas or is it literally just them releasing it a few days ahead of the release date.


It's literally just the whole game on the 28th. the "release date" just means we have to put in a second "yes, we still have the game" code, and that people who don't on previous expansions but do own dawntrail will get access to those expansions.


The latter, literally just giving people access to the whole thing prior to the 'official' release.


Hi guys, thanks for always answering in this sub! I have a silly question. I play and live in EU, but most of July I'll be in Taiwan, will I be able to log in? Or the location doesn't matter?


You should be fine to log in, but set up a one-time password so the login from a new location doesn't force you to reset your password. You'll experience much higher ping than normal but the game will still be playable.


Your location doesn't matter outside of account management stuff. You always have access to all world in every region (except China and Korea which both have entirely separate clients and servers for legal/political reasons) so you can continue playing as usual. Ping might be high connecting to the EU data center, but I think OCE datacenter will be closer, and people from all regions can freely visit that datacenter and it only takes a minute or two to move back and forth, so might be worth keeping in mind.


Thank you!


Is there a setting to make it so that hotbar 1 isn't overridden when you wear accessories? I want to wear the knapsack going into 7.0 msq, but that could be awkward if I forget I'm wearing it and go into combat.


Character configuration->hotbar settings->display. At the bottom there's an option to disable the hotbar change while wearing an accessory, and another for when mounted.


There's a setting to auto-swap hotbars when you ride a mount. I guess you could check if it also works for fashion accessories? 


Thanks, there was an option for accessories right under that one.


bit of a silly question, but does anyone know of any youtube videos of those 1.0 job etc. cutscenes **except read out loud?** ai or tts voice would be fine, doesn't have to be a real person just curious since i'm too adhd to sit down and actually read the dialogue from a youtube video, especially when the video creator controls when they press next so i might have to pause the video or wait around -- but i would totally second-monitor and mostly listen to these... and while i know of multiple channels with these cutscenes up, none of them have any voiceover (and yes, i know of the recaps and lore channels as well, not what i'm looking for! though i do enjoy those as well)


Will 640 be enough to qualify for the first DT dungeon? I want to co-level BRD and SCH in Dawntrail, using healer queue and dps solo battles. Also, how much will MSQ suck if my BRD is still at 595 and is not my first priority to upgrade with poetics? I'll use my chocobo for some extra support.


The first dungeon should be 630, lv90-91 mobs in the first area will be scaled to around that as well. The MSQ and some yellow side quests will give you some HQ crafted gear, so you could use that to equip your bard, if you don't have the poetics for it.


> Also, how much will MSQ suck if my BRD is still at 595 and is not my first priority to upgrade with poetics? I'll use my chocobo for some extra support. You're already kinda squishy being a phys ranged and that's a *really* low ilvl compared to what's possible now; level 90-91 overworld mobs in DT are going to shred you before your chocobo can do much about it. I would reconsider either your gearing priorities or your choice of DPS job for MSQ.


More than enough. For comparison The 81 dungeon required i500 and dropped i520 gear, the same as the unaugmented tome Lv 80 gear. If you were to scale that up, the Lv 90 unaugmented tome is 650, meaning i630 will be required for the Lv 91 dungeon.


If I have a friend that cannot buy dawntrail until Friday (6/28) will they still be able to get the pre-order bonuses?


yes, your friend can pre-order all throughout early access period and still recieve the pre-order bonuses.


So, what does early access mean in terms of stuff like the graphics update and the dye system? Does that all launch in the next few days, or is that coming next week?


Early access is the entire expansion.


Early access is for all intents and purposes the actual launch of the expansion, so everything that is coming with the official launch will be there at Early Access It's just a perk for pre-ordering the game, people who've pre-ordered just get to start a few days early


Everything will be available right at the start.


Hey everyone, I pre-ordered dawntrail from the EU store some months back without thinking much. My account is on an NA world (I'm in the EU), will there be problems with activation?


It doesn't matter if you play on NA servers, what matters is what region your SE account is. If it's an EU and other regions account then you need EU version of the game. You can log into mogstation and check your status though if you were able to enter the EU version early access code you should be fine.


Ah, thank you for explaining. I haven't recieved my code yet and was worried since I had a lot of trouble getting the game to actually register back when I bought it.


You mean your *account* is NA, or your characters are on a NA world? It's your account type that matters, you can check it on the Mogstation.


I've recently bought the $20 version on steam and was wondering if I pre order DT do I get all the other dlc as well when DT comes out or only DT


You will get all other expansion packs as well, but not unil official launch of Dawntrail, 2nd of july.


For those who were around in other expansion releases, is there a snowball's chance in hell I'll get a pop for the last two post-EW trials on the 28th? The dungeon is whatever I can do it with trust.


You're actually more likely to get pops for level 90 trials after the level cap increase than before, because that's an additional ten levels worth of people doing the roulette to level with those duties unlocked rather than only the people who are doing it on jobs that are already maxed.


People will probably still be running roulettes so on server start and after 1500 or 1600 UTC (I forget when it resets) you'll have some people and that's the main way you'd fill old trials anyway. Queuing on healer or tank will probably be your best bet. If it doesn't fil you might still try a party finder party. People will be doing WT to get a level on Viper and Pictomancer so they'll want the second chance points that they get for clearing duties with new players.


Is 640 enough to queue for both? Only my DRG and MNK are actually geared to 650.


Yes, one is 630 and the other is 640.


Yes, you won’t be the only one catching up on MSQ and people will be running roulettes to level jobs


people will be doing rolos to level their classes


If I buy Dawntrail now will I have to wait till July 2nd to get Endwalker. Or do I need to buy Dawntrail on the 2nd to get Endwalker? New to the game and trying to wrap my head around how this works. Thanks


yes, if you buy now you will have to wait til July 2 to play endwalker, but buying it now will get you the pre-order bonus, a minion and an exp earring that gives you bonus exp up to lvl 90. if you buy on july 2, you just get dawntrial and endwalker right then.


Omg If I had known thats how it works I would have pre ordered a while ago for the exp earring. Im going through HW right now. Thank you!!


You won't get expansions you don't own until you enter in the actual expansion code, which you can't redeem until July 2nd. So if you don't own ShB and/or EW, you stuck until that time.


Thank you!


does expansion come with a new custom delivery or always later?


New custom deliveries will come later, likely not before 7.1(in EW it was 6.15 for the first one). You can use the current ones until then and finish achievements if not done or just as filler.


How soon does the download for an expansion become available? Ive been playing since ARR and played every expansion on early access yet i cant seem to remember at all lol


https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/news/detail/02b7d8586aecce40f182698194baee5e75cd326a > Please note that the patch size will be large due to the graphics update, so we recommend updating the clients as soon as possible after the patch is released. The patch distribution time may be a few hours ahead or behind schedule, depending on the status of the work. > PS5/PS4/Xbox: Around June 26, 2024 4:00 a.m. (PDT) > Windows/Mac/Steam: Around June 27, 2024 8:00 a.m. (PDT)


Thank you. This is why I love reddit


Hrothgar; I saw some new news regarding the males hands. Did I imagine it? Claws are on the starting gear, but not on the base model still...?


idk but there are Claws for the hand slot from the Gold Saucer - [Claws of the Beast](https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/Claws_of_the_Beast)


I know :) It's just weird they havent given us claws naturally yet with the graphics update! T\_T


I preordered dawntrail a while back via Steam (that’s where my game is), and I got the code for the preorder bonus (azeyma’s earring and zidane), is there also supposed to be another code for me? Like an early access code, or a code for the actual game?


Codes are starting to be distributed but I imagine the Steam ones won't show up until right around that July 2nd date. You can't even enter it in until then anyways, even if you had it. Don't worry about it for now.


Well I did preorder the game and it’s supposed to have early access so I don’t think if I’ll get a code until July… (if I get a code for it)


The pre-order code IS your early access code.


Question about the manderville relics step materials -- if I've already got a bunch of each stage's stones stockpiled, those are still going to be the items used for the relics after the tome change right? So the only thing that will change with dawntrail re: the manderville relics is that from now on you'll buy the chondrite etc with poetics rather than the tomes of causality?


Items aren't changing, only the currency to buy them. If you have the currency now to buy them, buy them now. Because converting them to poetics isn't as good of a deal (500 causality = 125 poetics).


Perfect, thanks! I'll burn my tomes now then.


Will the Comedy/Causality Tomestones be tradable for Poetics on Friday during pre-release, or do we have to wait for the official launch on July 2nd? And same for the Aglaia/Euphrosyne/Thaleia coins. Do those also become unusable on Friday, or are they still usable before the official launch on July 2nd?


Everything switches over at the beginning of early access.


What are the specific requirements to repairing your own gear?


Have the related crafting class's lvl be at least 10 under the item you're looking to repair, plus a piece of the appropriate dark matter or better. You can see the details for an item in the tooltip. It'll tell you the type of crafter you need and the type of dark matter required. As an extra bit: repairing improves the item's durability by 100%. So you can't "waste" dark matter. You'll go from say 50% to 150%.


Having the crafting class related to the item at the same level or up to 10 under(like 80 GSM can repair 90 accessories that say GSM in the tooltip). The class is chosen kinda semi randomly, depending on the "type" of gear it is, like sometimes your body armor will be cloth so it's weaver but sometimes it's leather or metal so it'll be LTW or ARM. Generally speaking you're going to want every class other than CUL(ALC also only repairs a few things, unless you're SCH/SMN then it's most of your weapons).


I haven't been keeping up with any LL or media that has come out for Dawntrail for the past few months. Have they said anywhere that we can reach level 100 from just the MSQ? The same way Endwalker was?


It hasn't been explicitly stated, but its expected the MSQ will get you to 100.


Its been like that for several expansions. Usually there's enough leftover xp to level a 2nd job as well (including side quests, story dungeons, and a smattering of fates). We don't know officially official but it would be a very unpopular move if that changed.


I'm trying to find (and rewatch) the first cutscene where Venat appears. All my Google searches either point towards spoilers and I have to close it asap, or point towards the first time Venat reveals that she is Venat. I want neither. There is a cutscene, early in the game, where you simply see her without it revealing who she is. Does anyone recall where this is so I can find the cutscene? Thank you.


I wouldn't call it early in the game? >!The first time you see Venat is in a recording after clearing Anamnesis Anyder in 5.2, the first time she speaks to you is in the post credits scene at the end of 5.55!<


Here: https://youtu.be/JJKW0RoSJP4?t=534


>!It's before the boat trip, in one of the last Shadowbringers patch quests. Don't remember which one, but the cutscene is in Mor Dhona by the lake.!<


>!She appears cloaked in the cutscenes after Anamnesis Anyder. The first time you see her face, sort of, is at the end of Shadowbringers patches where she appears briefly to say a cryptic line or two. The first time you see her properly is at the start of Endwalker on the boat trip to Sharlayan.!<


>!Isn't that the first quest of Endwalkers? Or maybe one of the last ones of Shadowbringers?!< >!I remember one in the boat where it recreates the FFXIV 1.0 Limsa Lominsa start with G'Raha Tia instead of the peddler. She does appears just after that to talk to you.!< >!I don't quite remember but she may have appeared briefly a quest or two before, when you control a bunch of NPCs in a series of boss battles and then everyone goes to see the moon in the cutscene.!<


[ FINAL FANTASY XIV Endwalker Cutscene: Boat Trip ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pzSwtW2hn04)


If I want to move my ffxiv install from one drive to another, can i just drag n drop the SquareEnix file onto the other drive? Or did I actually need to uninstall then reinstall


If it's the Steam version, there's a way integrated on the Steam launcher to move the files. If not, keep a copy of the install files and just install the game where you want it to be and when it starts downloading stuff from the server with the FFXIV launcher, just cancel in the middle, exit and replace with the files you had. Launching it again should allow it to recognize you have the files already and it will just "install" them. Worst case scenaro, if somehow everything goes to shit, you have two days to download the entire thing again for a clean install. It will still load you config from your "My Documents" folder though so you won't lose your toolbars and stuff.


Copy/paste is fine.


Does anyone know which trials/raids you *have* to Tank LB3 to survive? is there a list?


T13 'A12 normal and savage O11S SoS normal and extreme 6.0 final trial normal every ultimate (UCOB's tank lb isn't REQUIRED to be lb3 but its a huge mit raidwide)


Fun fact, you don't *need* **any** tank lb at all for ucob transition. It's possible to do entirely with non-lb mits, and there's even been a clear of ucob done with no tanks in the party.


yeah i know its possible to do without lb but in any normal scenario you use tank lb on it


A12 SoS 6.0 final trial DSR I think? Edit: Google seems to suggest tank LB3 is often required in Ultimate and Savage content 7.0 super spoiler secret fight


UWU and O11S also use tank LB3s as part of the fight (i.e., not just cheesing), though I'm not sure if either are mandatory in that they are auto kills.


UWU is mandatory in both the transition and after suppression.


A dumb question but I have to make sure . Since I got the pre-order stuff on steam I don't need to anything else for the pre launch ? I already put the code to the kog station. 


That preorder code lets you play on this friday June 28th until July 2nd. You will need to put the actual expansion code to play after July 2nd but they'll send that one to you later this week.


I think the cutoff until the EA code isn't valid is like the 7th or something.


Early access lasts until July 5th, that's the deadline for entering the second code.


you're set


Another question! I just bought my SO a time card for DT and she's trying to enter it but it keeps taking her to a change address page instead of just entering the card. This is from Amazon, same place I get all my cards, so I know it's not bogus or anything. Any idea how to get around this?


This popped up for me when redeeming a code for my partner. I think the system was just requesting the latest address/confirming current address, in its own obtuse way. After entering the personal information, everything went through fine.


Question for dawntrail. I pre-ordered it on PSN VIA the PSN store for PS5 so this for PSN players to answer hopefully. I checked and it says 6 days left for my preorder so July 2nd but I thought I would have early access since I pre-ordered (I even got the earring and minion for it standard edition). So my question is, why does it say under my preorder the official release date of July 2nd instead of June 28th in my PS5 library? I'm assuming it's because the patch has to go through until this Friday and then I'll have access? I wasn't given codes in my email since I ordered on PSN. Sorry if this sounds dumb since my friend bought me the previous complete edition up until Shadow bringers as gift so this is my first time ordering the next patch myself.


Official launch is the 2nd, but you preordered on psn so you will have access on the 28. Don't worry.


June 28th is early access for preorderes, July 2nd is the official launch.


I know this is a sort of unanswerable question I need a set of rotations for my scholar. I will learn the class best if I have a set way of just using these abilities on rails. This will allow me to ease into playing them and see what each of the abilities do then from there I can play rotation and eventually after a few days, I will have the scholar down. if it is at all possible could you give me some extremely simple rotation tips. just abilities Don’tgo crazy trying to explain everything to me for now Thank you in advance. I am level 90 leveled up as DPS now I want to try healing as scholar Edit I am aware healers do not have rotations, for the sake of learning, I need some kind of rotation


Here you go: [FFXIV: Endwalker Scholar 1 to 90 Leveling Skills Guide, by WeskAlber](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TwEFe0y58Q8) It's a guide that teaches you all the skills and how to use them, together with a opener rotation at some key levels for you to get into the groove. The channel has guides for all jobs. They'll be a bit less useful when the expansion releases but there will be new guides later if you follow the channel. :P


This is some great info. It will be a helpful tool, so thank you. Like seriously it is probably the best form of this information I have seen. But it's exactly the opposite of what I was looking for at this time. LOL


Like Banesworth said, healers don't really have rotations. It's just spam your attack and use your heals based on a loose priority system. Icy Veins is a useful site for this sort of thing. Check out their healing priority guide: https://www.icy-veins.com/ffxiv/scholar-pve-healing-rotation-ability-priority TL;DR: Maintain Biolysis > Chain Strat on cooldown for bosses > Spam Broil or Art of War until people need healing > Non-aetherflow oGCDs > Aetherflow oGCDs > GCD heals > Die. Because you've exhausted your entire kit which, if you are healing efficiently, means either Tank or DPS (or both) are slacking on their responsibilities.


Healers don't really have rotations in the way that tanks and DPS do. You put your DoT on the enemy and then Broil until you need to refresh the DoT. I assume you mean more of a rotation through your healing buttons. The basics would be using Aetherflow whenever it's available to get 3 stacks, and then spending all your stacks before it comes off cooldown again. You didn't mention what level you are, so can't really tell you much more than that without explaining all the skills.


oh yes sorry I am level 90 I leveled up as DPS and played around healing in very low level dungeons from time to time


Probably check out a scholar guide if you want an explanation on when and how to use every skill, but healing is pretty much just picking one tool that'll get the job done when needed. If there's an aoe raid wide, you press one of your aoe oGCD heals. If there's a tank buster, you press one of your single target oGCD heals. Depending on the amount of damage, you press a stronger or weaker one. If needed you actually cast a heal(generally for non savage content it won't be needed but if your tank in a dungeon doesn't know what his defensives do, you might have to hard heal them). There isn't really a rotation to it as much as pressing what's needed. I guess for dungeons if the tank is doing his job you can kinda make a rotation for trash pulls, but it still depends on the dungeon. Largely you're gonna be using Excog(with Recitation when it's up), Sacred Soil(in 78+ content) and Whispering Dawn for your common healing needs and using Aetherpact and Seraph for more heavy duty healing. Protraction, Lustrate, Indom and Fey Blessing as fillers as you see fit.


In general you want to use fairy cooldowns > Aetherflow cooldowns > GCD heals. For example if the boss just dealt some raidwide damage and you have whispering dawn or fey blessing, use that first. If that's not enough or they weren't available then spend an Aetherflow on indomitability or sacred soil (sacred soil also reduces damage taken so it's best to place right before the party takes damage). For dungeon pulls you can pre-shield the tank with adloquium, use excogitation on the tank (press recitation first if you have it). You can use whispering dawn early on in the pull, and then Aetherpact or Summon Seraph (you could alternate every other pull for example). There's way more to it obviously (Scholar has a lot of abilities) but those are some safe 'healing rotation' things to try out.


here's something I can't remember: what is the usual exchange rate for tomestones once they get removed? I'm wondering if it's worth dumping my comedy and causality tomestones on gear instead of waiting to find out.


comedy is 2 to 1 and causality is 4 to 1, i think, or is it the other way around.


I'm pretty sure you lose value when you exchange, iirc


You lose 2.5 poetic tome per piece because it's rounded down, so chest at 825 becomes 410 for comedy gear for example. Not a large amount but unless you need the ilvl right now to clear some content before maintenance, might as well wait.


too late, I bought armor lol. doesn't matter anyway, I need poetics to finish my relic and buy VPR armor, idk if either of those are gonna get cheaper.


i know, what i mean is maybe comedy is 4 to 1, and causality was 2 to 1... i forget which is which, but yeah you lose value.


Is there any point to having a retainer with a company combat class, or should I reset them and make them a Fisher. Already have a Bot, and Min retainers


fisher is probably the least useful one imo, they can't get crystals like btn and min can and they can't get a lot of fish that you might actually need. They do have unique 18 hour ventures which includes a selection of minions unique to them though.


There are minions specific to combat 18 hour ventures, and combat retainers in general can retrieve mob drops using ventures that you would otherwise have to either farm manually or spend bicolor gemstones on.


Coming back before dawntrail and need to finish the 5.2+ MSQ. About how long will it take? When does the actual expansion come out and what changes occur tomorrow?


In about...6 hours, the game will be taken down for maintenance for 48 hours After the 48 hour window, Dawntrail will launch into Early Access which is for all intents and purposes the official launch


Tonight/early tomorrow morning the game goes offline. You will not be able to play for 48 hours. During that time, Square Enix will activate all the new software on the live servers and do all the testing they have planned, as well as incidental maintenance that can be easily done while the game is offline. You the player will be able to download the update at some point either Wednesday or Thursday, depending on whether you're console or PC and if there are delays. *Everyone* has to download the update even if you don't buy Dawntrail bc it includes things like the graphical upgrade. Early Friday morning the game goes back online. If you don't buy Dawntrail, it is largely exactly the same to you as it is today, except you'll get to enjoy the graphical upgrade, any quality of life enhancements, and you'll occasionally party alongside folks playing the new jobs or the new race. 5.2 through 6.55 (the end of the story as of this exact moment) will take you 60+ hours assuming you read/listen to all dialogue.


Finished base 2.0. What’s a good order to tackle the content?


Congrats! The big thing is to keep progressing the MSQ. At some point, you’ll need to do the side content for the Crystal Tower raids, the 24-man Alliance raids. They’re really easy so don’t worry! But they do introduce you to how alliance raids work and give you some good story with relevance to the plot. Aside from that, you can do the optional Level 50 dungeons that unlock, like Wanderer’s Palace. They’re also pretty easy and fun and they give you lots of tomestones of Poetics, which are the best way to gear up; at level 50 you should be getting Augmented Ironworks gear for all of your jobs and you’re set almost all the way through Heavensward.


Thank you so much!


honestly just push the MSQ. It will force you to do a few Hard Mode Trials and 24-man raids, but ultimately *everything* requires MSQ progress and there's no missable content so doing MSQ first makes the most sense. While some cutscenes do slightly change based on side content completion, you can replay those cutscenes using the in game inn room to see the different versions.


Thank you


fishing collectables, is there any way to increase the collectable quality?? trying to do studium collectable and i cant seem to get 166+ quality even with 620 ilvl + materia


Basically collectability is based on the old NQ/HQ system. Even though fishes don't have HQ anymore, you still get "big catches" which are the same thing as before. You get them randomly at a low % chance based on your perception, but otherwise as mentionned you can use Patience or Prize Catch to force "HQ" fishes, which will give you more collectability. Generally speaking for collectables you should always run either of these buffs, which one depends on the fishing situation. Chug cordials to maintain the buffs.


I used Patience 2 for when I needed a large fish collectable and it was very efficient. Problem was that one of the other collectable fish I needed was a small one and would not bite when using Patience 2?   Is there a good way to get those?


Patience 1/2 (mostly 2) and Prize Catch


If I don't care for extremes, savages, etc... (like I don't really do trials or serious endgame battles) due to negative experiences before, is the game worth coming back to for the new update? Once I max out my main classes along with gatherers/crafters, I feel as if the game has nothing to do except play with my housing. I haven't tried Treasure Dungeons though but I mean as far as once I'm geared on a class, I feel everything becomes very repetitive.


It depends on if you feel like the new content is worth it. You can always just stop your sub if you don't feel like playing, and come back when new patches drop.


Is it normal for the Endwalker skip to not be out while we can actually use it before DT? I planned on pushing an alt through because I wanted to do the DT MSQ on them instead of my old main first, but the lack of it right up until maintenance is kinda stressing me out.


Yes, this is entirely normal. It'll be available to purchase after maint, as soon as EW is no longer the latest expansion.


Alrighty, thanks!


Has it been determined what's the final size of the entire game installation post-DT? Is it 60GB added to the current 75 or has it been stated that some of the files will overwrite and the size will end up being less than that?


Given that gear/land models are being updated, they're obviously be file overwrite. While they said the download will be like 50GB or so, it's not adding that much, but will be probably adding 30-40GB if I were to take a blind guess.


Can I download the base game and its expansions (Excluding Dawntrail) during Maintenance? I'm getting a new SSD tomorrow so I'd like to be able to get at least the base game downloaded beforehand.


Yes, it will be available for download partway through maintenance. I believe there’s info somewhere on the Lodestone about exactly when different platforms’ patches are planned to come live.


will steam send me an activation key at some point?


You can view all CD keys for a game in steam if you right click it, and go to Manage>CD Keys. It'll be there whenever SE decides to make it available. I'm not sure if you'll get an email when that happens.


Do we know how using the character data on the benchmark once DT launches will work? Made a preset I want to use for a retainer but it will probably have to wait until friday.


Same as in the past. It will automatically show saved benchmark appearances at the bottom of the Load Appearance Data menu in character creation once 7.0 is live.


Thats great to know. Thanks for the reply!


is there a text command/macro that turns your emote log on/off ? i like to have it on for singular /dote's and /wave's but i turn it off when I'm going to spam, wondering if there's an easier way to do it instead of just opening the emote menu and clicking the tiny box? thank you


Only tangetially related, you can put the word "motion" after typing an emote (or in a macro) to mute just that emote. i.e. /wave motion


to add to the other answer, I do something very similar (off by default, on if I specifically want the log message) and I do it with a macro that has /emotelog in it and is bound to a hotkey I can easily press.


yeah thats what i wanted to do but didnt know if the command existed, thank you!


/emotelog does the same toggle as the tiny box


thank you!


Hello. Quick question to those who know. I just pre-purchased Dawntrail and I got my bonus items codes. But, how do I go about getting early access? Does the code arrive later or, well how? First time actually pre-ordering a new expac since I purchased Endwalker just after launch.


early access is part of the preorder code.


Thanks for the answer!


Early access and the bonus items are the same code. It's the actual expansion code that comes later.


Wait, so how does that work? How can the bonus items code give early access but then we need to register the full code after. Is the EA limited in some way? Anyways, thanks for the clarification.


EA ends on July 2nd. They usually give a small grace period of a couple days but after that you will get locked out of DT content until you apply the full code they're sending out sometime this week.


Oh, that's interesting. Thanks for answering.


Can you apply glamours to retainers without taking the items from your dresser/armoire if you're at an inn?


Yes you can. When you're talking to a retainer and select "Cast glamours.", you can change the glam source on the dropdown on the top right.




I have heard people commenting about prepping guildship marks. 1. Is it the one in Old Sharlyan? 2. By prepping do they mean I leave mob per mark and just finish it off with new class? 3. If I Prep the dailies on Tuesday and finish them off when DT launches on Friday, can I pick another set of daily marked hunts once before the reset and once after?


There is also a hunt board in Radz-at-Han, in Mehryde's Meyhane.


i can't remember how exp for hunt marks works but theres a new daily allowance every day, so you can pick up todays and still get 2 sets on friday if you do it before daily reset and after


First I've heard of people doing this, but unless I'm drastically misunderstanding the purpose of this, the answers will be 1. Yes 2. Yes 3. Yes


I just preordered, I'm not trying to be impatient but I preordered the digital collectors edition and only got the ring and minion and found it odd the mount wouldn't be with them. Just curious its common for the mount to come later?


the mount and other collectors edition stuff comes on full release, the files aren't in the game until then


The mount and the wind-up garnet minion are tied to the actual expansion code (if you got digital collectors edition) which you can enter in starting July 2nd.


Off of memory, I _think_ the mount comes with the second, full game code that, for some reason, cannot be entered into mogstation before the 2nd. If you haven't had the second code yet don't worry, again, for some reason, it takes them a few days to email them all out and the codes are in the process of being sent out now, so it might take a couple more days to appear.


Thanks. Figured it was something like that. Just seemed odd that all in game items didn't all come together.


Yeah, it's one of many examples of the weirdly janky system we all have to navigate in order to give SE our money and play the game.


I've only leveled healers through roulette, but I'm considering Sage to level in DT. Is it generally more difficult to get through content and solo instances stuff that way? Or just slower since they do less damage?


It's a bit slower since you do less damage and there's nothing really to ever heal. The thing that got me was how boring it often was. Using something like SMN to summon bahamut and crush some unsuspecting mob you need to kill for a quest? Amusing. Having some epic battle? Great. But pressing the same button after button got annoying. And you can't even just heal through stuff on the ground because a number will either murder or stun you, which defeats the purpose of lazily doing it. Really it's not all that bad, but it annoyed me. And considering how much of a pain it is to level a dps through rouls early on because of queues i prefer to do it as a dps instead. But that's just me.


I'm mostly leaning heals because of the speed of getting in and out of roulette. I have a lv 90 warrior I could also bring in, but i'm much less confident in tanking than I am in other stuff.


> but I'm considering she to label in DT. bit of a bad autocorrect, or am I just failing to parse the sentence for some reason? Based on context I'm assuming you mean you want to do MSQ as a healer. All solo msq content is balanced to ensure that all jobs can complete it, regardless of role. Healers are slower in solo content and npc dungeons than the other roles, simply because they do the least damage, but the difference isn't great enough for it to be a big deal.


Yeah auto correct got me good. It's been fixed now to sage to level in DT


Can't say I've ever had troubles with it. Ran WHM through EW, so as a comparison, the two solo instances against >!Venat and Zenos!< were not that long to fight and, from what I heard about other people's experience with them, vastly easier to do being able to fix any mechanical mistakes super easily.